trilobyte550m · 4 months
Tunnel Vision VR360 Test
Check out my Tunnel Vision VR360 test. Having access to Vision Pro gives me a chance to start making immersive video. As a content creator, I couldn’t be more excited. There are a variety of formats out there, but I wanted to start with a quick test of VR360. How It Works It is probably easier to explain by showing you what I did first. In the clip below, you’ll see me opening up my Tunnel…
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mistermixmania · 1 year
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Moonplayers lassen mit Debüt-EP “Sky Story” die Grenzen zwischen Klassik, Rock, Jazz und Pop verschmelzen 📣 https://mister-mixmania.com/de/news/musik-news/moonplayers-lassen-mit-debuet-ep-sky-story-die-grenzen-zwischen-klassik-rock-jazz-und-pop-verschmelzen/ Tagged as MOONPLAYERS Das Epic Pop-Rock Duo Moonplayers aus Norddeutschland veröffentlicht am 23. Juni 2023 ihre Debut-EP Sky Story. Ein atmosphärisches Album mit vielseitigen Songs, das die Grenzen zwischen Klassik, Rock, Jazz und ..... : #musiknews #musik #MOONPLAYERS Foto Credits: Ilan Hamra
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esgeeks · 3 years
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MoonPlayer: Reproductor de Vídeo Online y Local | #Reproductores #Software #Videos #Linux
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beeologist · 10 years
moonplayer replied to your video:So I just discovered the existence of the Bigger...
it’s real. It was orginally recorded for a different song but they decided to go along with Bigger Stronger, that’s why the music video doesn’t really make any sense :)
thanks beata! super helpful as always :)
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chris-the-sociopath · 10 years
Benedict or Chris Martin?
Omfg I swear to God Beata why are you doing this to me…
*14920274 hours later of thinking*
Okay… Okay, I’m okay…
I’ll go with Chris… ‘cause he’s my first celeb crush and he’s just perf and it’s AAAAAAAAAH FCKING HARD TO DECIDE
Sorry Ben, maybe next time.
(sorry for the long delay on answering, had school and was busy)
Put two celebrities in my ask and I’ll tell you who I prefer based only on physical appearance
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fwns · 10 years
moonplayer said: Reign is cool! And the music they pick for the episodes is amazing :3
yeah it is!! i'm on episode 9 right now and i think i love this show already! i looovvee their music choices :))
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spatort · 10 years
so i checked out the citadel in spandau yesterday and i'm afraid i cant miss the first band at the AM show cause it might be impossible to get a good view if you come any later… damn
Aaaaand there is a great variety of food stalls (veggie too!) and lots of really clean mobile toilets lol and the location is sooo beautiful argh
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mistermixmania · 1 year
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Mit “At Night” veröffentlicht das Duo MOONPLAYERS die neue Single samt Musikvideo aus ihrer kommenden EP “Sky Story” 📣 https://mister-mixmania.com/de/news/musik-news/mit-at-night-veroeffentlicht-das-duo-moonplayers-die-neue-single-samt-musikvideo-aus-ihrer-kommenden-ep-sky-story/ Tagged as MOONPLAYERS Mit “At Night” veröffentlicht das Duo Moonplayers aus Norddeutschland ihre zweite Single. In dem kraftvollen Pop-Rock Stück thematisieren die Sänger Johann Seuthe und Adrian Laza die Mystik der Nacht, die ..... : #musiknews #musik #MOONPLAYERS Foto Credits: Ilan Hamra
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kylesimmonsbeard · 10 years
moonplayer replied to your post: anonymous asked:an ... (t) ...
omfg what is going on i got this too but mine said “be … (i)” wtf
maybe it's a puzzle
who else got it?
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beeologist · 10 years
I'm both ashamed and proud. But it was funny xD
On behalf of the Polish side of my family, I too am proud. I'm also hella moving to Poland.
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championed · 10 years
moonplayer replied to your post: DO I BUY ARCADE FIRE TICKETS NOW FOR T...
If you’re going to buy them anyway and you’ve got money buy them now :)
UGGHHH i literally would but i think im gonna wait, solely bc if im spending $88 per ticket i want to try and grab something else besides the top tiers ;_;
ticket buying is so stressful ughrghrgrhgrh
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flockofbirbs · 10 years
Always post the rules
Answer the questions from the person who tagged you and write eleven questions for them to answer
Tag eleven people and link them to the post
Let them know they were tagged 
Favorite TV show? New Girl
Favorite character from favorite TV show? I guess it´s Jess... I love her personality and her style so much! ♥
Favorite album? Oh that´s mean, Ana! I think it´s AROBTTH... but VLV has this "flow" and I love the theme and style and chris curls in the vlv era so much! And the songs from Parachutes... I can´t decide, sorry! :D let´s say all CP albums
Is there that one song that you can’t stop listening to and if there is, which one is it? Oh that´s definitely Death And All His Friends/ The Escapist. It´s my alarm but I love it :D
How are you doing? :3 I´m becoming insane right now. 2 weeks until my final exams and... I am scared, I am scared, tired and underprepared
Is there a video that will always make you laugh and which one is it? All funny moments by PewDiePie ^_^
Are you good at drawing? WTF? Nooo... not really, no 
Do you play video games? Yes, I´m addicted to TheSims3, but there´s no time to play right now
If you could switch places with a celebrity, who would it be? Ergh... I dunno, is Chris Martins dog a celebrity? Jk :D I think it´ll be Zooey Deschanel
If you are ever going to meet me in real life, what would you say? ANAAAAA IS THIS REALLY YOU???? COME OVER HERE I WANT A HUG YOU LIL CUTIE!!!
Which tabs do you have open right now? tumblr, facebook and hotmail
Thanks Ana! :* (Sorry I saw it today I´m late and so so sorry!) My questions: 1. Favourite animal? 2. Best trip so far? (No drugs nono I mean voyage :'D ) 3. How many languages do you speak? 4. Where´s your favourite band from? 5. Favourite line from one of their songs? 6. Last song you listened to? 7. Are you in love? 8. Which series did you watch as child? 9. Favourite plushie? 10. Why? (there´s a story, I´m sure c: ) 11. Do you want to bild a snowman?  I’m tagging : i-am-cherlocked dermamiisteindobseran lovers-of-bananas butterflies-and-confetti giveitaponder thestreetsarepavedwithgold coldplayfanatics singing-this-space-symphony coldplayt and...  I have no idea you tagged like everyone else of my fav peeps here gosh Who wasn´t tagged until now but would love to take part?
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fwns · 10 years
moonplayer said: i like the first ones. They’re more fancy :D
alright!! thanks for your help :))
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swingthehammer · 10 years
moonplayer replied to your post “moonplayer replied to your post “i sent the volunteer application to...”
Yes, my reaction was pretty the same. And she said that they started laughing at it while she was scared to death. Well, this sounds like something coldplay would do ;)
well i guess death by being run over by coldplay isn't such a bad death afterall
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princessesofchina · 10 years
OH MY GOD SORRY FOR THE JOKE haha I thought everyone will realise it wasn't a real LP6 song xD
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mistermixmania · 1 year
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MOONPLAYERS releasen beeindruckendes Video zur Single “Finally Gone” 📣 https://mister-mixmania.com/de/news/musik-news/moonplayers-releasen-beeindruckendes-video-zur-single-finally-gone/ Tagged as MOONPLAYERS Mit “Finally Gone” veröffentlicht das Duo MOONPLAYERS die erste Single samt Musikvideo aus ihrer kommenden EP “Sky Story”, die am 23. Juni 2023 erscheinen wird. In ihrem Song sprechen Adrian Laza und Johann Seuthe ..... : #musiknews #musik #MOONPLAYERS Foto Credits: Ilan Hamra
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