hungryyheart · 9 months
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"didn't expect to find me here, did you?"
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scftsunshine · 8 months
@moonstoneandjoy liked for a starter!
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"Hey ... are you alright? You seem kind of like ... it seems like something is wrong ..." Riley spoke carefully. She didn't come right out and say that she knew something was wrong, that she could feel it practically radiating off of him. She wanted to offer her help, but she didn't know how he'd react to that. "If you want to talk about it, I'd be willing to listen - I've been told I'm a pretty good listener." She offered a soft smile, as she fiddled with the straps on her bag.
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lcngdays · 8 months
@moonstoneandjoy needs an umbrella
Jamboree has an umbrella. It's raining and raining hard, and the bus stop doesn't have a cover. He's only just approaching the stop, head down and frowning slightly as the cold wind whips around him. When he picks up his head and sees this poor person standing at the bus stop without an umbrella, he can't help but utter a little chuckle.
"unprepared, are we?" Jamboree asks, raising his brows. All the same, he offers up the umbrella to the stranger. "here! hold it above both of us, then!"
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beastbitten · 9 months
@moonstoneandjoy ∣ 🐺
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"Did it scare you? Findin' out what y'were? What y'could do?"
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dumbthink · 9 months
@moonstoneandjoy ... liked.
"why're you always tryin' to fuck with people?" not that they're complaining. "and how come you never invite me?" okay, now they're complaining.
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dearfr1end · 8 months
“have you uh… slept at all recently?” it was midterms, so this was really no shock. if not for lunch plans they had made in advance, forrest wouldn’t have met up with bertie at all. it feels like he shouldn’t be allowed until tests are over. “this stuff like. uh. kills me. stress wise.”
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ratkiing · 8 months
send ✨ or ( ‘SPARKLE’ ) and i’ll tell you at least one thing i like most about you, your blog, your portrayal, or your muse. / @moonstoneandjoy / accepting !!
let me tell you my friend, you have such a creative mind. every single character you write and create blows my mind. you put so much thought into them, so much detail, and just from reading their bio's and reading your headcanon type posts about them, it's clear that you care so deeply for them. not only that but wowie you are a talented creator in general !! i love seeing you post about your craft projects (: so beyond happy we met. truly couldn't imagine my dash without you !!
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denniisa · 8 months
@moonstoneandjoy / college era dennis.
they let out a groan, closing the text book in front of them quickly. "that's it ... i can't study anymore." dennis complains with a whine, slumping back in their chair. "c'mon ... don't you think this is enough for today ?? can't we go out and do something fun instead ?? i'm like ... losing it over here."
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pointetoed · 9 months
“Isn't it strange how people say that magic isn't real, and yet we wear lucky charms, make wishes on birthday candles and stars and we follow our dreams?"
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@moonstoneandjoy | s.c
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hungryyheart · 8 months
@moonstoneandjoy 🩸
"stop it!" the vampii hisses, swatting the hand away with as much energy as he can muster -- which isn't very much at all. between shallow pants, his voice quavers out: "you're hurting me. i know you don't mean to, but you're hurting me."
he swallows thickly and casts a slow, trepidatious look at the shard of metal protruding from his bicep.
"i'll... t-take it out myself."
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ignisregina · 10 months
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"It's a bit of a stretch. I wouldn't randomly turn sand into glass if I walked on it," Marianne surmised, the fire creeping in her arm seemingly disappearing under her skin. "I also think other ingredients are involved - soda ash, limestone. So no, let's not experiment further."
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briingmayflowers · 10 months
@moonstoneandjoy summoned a Mirror Entity
Deirdre looked up from her seat on the park bench where she had been reading a gothic romance novel to observe a stranger. There had been a familiar tug in her chest and a tingling sensation that shot through her core the moment he had appeared into view. They had magic; whether they were aware of it or not. Putting her book aside, she observed them carefully through narrowed blue eyes. It was on the tip of her tongue to speak to them, but she needed an excuse.
"You look lost," Was the first thing she decided upon, immediately regretting it only moments later. "Couldn't help but notice, I mean."
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dearfr1end · 8 months
@moonstoneandjoy ... liked. golden. hippo campus.
"i... i sh-should. i should've said it better." it is all that he has been thinking about all day, actually. pacing back and forth, though, not with any real intensity. even his steps are gentle. "i'm not. i'm the worst." at talking to people, but he doesn't specify, because he thinks he is also the worst at everything. "y-you should've been the one t-talking."
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ratkiing · 8 months
@moonstoneandjoy sent : ❛i look at you and my heart breaks because all i see is loneliness. ❜
charlie can't help but frown a little bit at bertie's words, head tilting to the side. "lonely ?? i'm not ... lonely ..." his words trail off at the end, hand moving to fidget with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. lonely ... he was lonely wasn't he ?? even with the gang, even with everyone else in his life, there was always this loneliness that seemed to eat away at him. it had been like this for as long as charlie could remember. he tried to just ignore it, put on a happy face. nothing could be wrong after all, he lived a decent life didn't he ?? he didn't realize it was something that others could notice. "i've got like a ton of friends, man. why would i be lonely ??"
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wastewaifs · 8 months
@moonstoneandjoy sc.
"yeah, well. you're going to have to get used to that."
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endtown · 7 months
you've been avoiding me.
"i-i'm not.." okay, maybe he is. just a little bit. he's kind of been avoiding everyone lately, because sometimes being a human being is a difficult thing to do. maybe he could have explained that to bertie, but he didn't have the words to do it. so avoidance.
"it's not uh..." he is making small motions with his hands, trying to conjure words. "i haven't really known uh, what to say. to talk to you. or anyone, really. does that make sense?"
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