#moonwood village
jonnyparable · 4 months
More Whimsical Worlds
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Because my life can always use more Old Timey Whimsy, my favourite Sims worlds are all getting new names and makeovers. A redecorated and madeover Windenburg, now Port Cobbleton, is still taking shape. I'm happiest with how the modern waterfront area looks now. I had always found the original tacky beyond all reason and am so happy to share that by layering some parts of the Medieval Windenburg mod with the Timeless mod, I've managed to make it look a little more whimsical and fictional, like something from My Time at Portia or Final Fantasy 9. The town will serve as the main hood, so to speak, with the other worlds acting as places to visit, although they are all so cute in their own way now, they're gonna get their own save file so I can play out stories in each of them. Theoretically, anyway. Its almost June, do I really believe I'll actually play the game at this point before Paralives comes out? Who knows?
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Anyway, Moonwood Mills, now creatively renamed Moonwood Village, is shaping up to be a very cute little medieval hamlet. I love looking at medieval Sims gameplay, (my god do I miss looking through plumbob keep) although I probably won't do it in earnest. So alluding to it here in one world is the best I can manage for now. And lastly, like every good millennial Simmer, I've just never moved on from Makin Magic, so Glimmerbrook gets a very Magic Town inspired makeover! Of course the sheer madness and wonder of seeing Magic Town and all its kooky residents for the first time will never happen again (Vicky Vampiress almost made me straight I swear) but with enough red and yellow wallpaper and non functional fairy lights, it just might.
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
That spring, Steve’s mom finally gets tired of getting cheated on and files for divorce. His dad is a dick about it and hires a bunch of lawyers to ensure that she basically leaves with nothing. Worse, he fights her for custody of Steve and taunts her with the fact she’ll never see him again - because why would any teenager want to give up everything, just to rough it out with their train-wreck of a mother? But jokes on him cause the judge basically leaves it up to Steve, and Steve would rather stomp on his own balls than get stuck with that asshole. Even if it means having to leave the big house and his car and starting over in a new place where nobody knows him.
Steve never met his mother’s side of the family in California. All he really knows is that the family disapproved of her marriage. There’s a story about his aunt coming to visit once on his birthday when he was like five, but she got in a fight with mom and she’s never been back. So Steve doesn’t even think about them when he tries to imagine what he and his mom are going to do on their own. He imagines her selling her car and the other gifts dad put in her name over the years to rent a decent apartment somewhere, maybe in Indianapolis or Chicago.
He’s really shocked one night when she announces that she’s been in touch with her family, and she she asks him about how he feels about moving to California to some sleepy little town called Moonwood. She tries to enthuse him about it by going on about how beautiful it is there, right at the edge of the national forest, but Steve’s more concerned with the fact that they’ll be living with people who hate them - and in the sticks too! Its two hours to the nearest mall! How’s he gonna find a job in this place? And what about school?
But Steve looks around at the hotel they’ve been staying in and the paper thin smile she fixes on her face to try and hide her broken heart from him and how fucked everything is, and he just wants her to be okay.
They move to California, and the one bright side is the relatives turn out to be not all that hateful. There’s awkward tension and a shit load of history there for sure, but from the minute they pull up to his grandparents house the door is thrown open and they’re welcomed with open arms. His grandpa seems a little stiff at first, but Steve gets the impression its because he doesn’t know what to do with himself as Steve’s mom and his grandma hug each other and cry. The weirdest part is when they start speaking in a language Steve’s never heard his mother use before.
Later his aunt tells him it’s lythan, but she just laughs when Steve asks if that means they’re from Lithuania. Apparently lythan is a very old language that started in romania and is only spoken today in two places. Here, and some village in romania that an ancestor immigrated from.
None of this is making sense to him but he’s just happy his mother seems happier and that he has help taking care of her, since she’s still pretty broken up about the divorce. She’s always been a passionate woman his mom. The kind of person who believes in soulmates and love at first sight. She’s always told him that when he meets the one for him he’ll know it in an instant and that he should hang on to that person with his whole heart. Which sounded great and all when he was a kid, but honestly just makes him sad now when he looks at how things turned out with her and his dad.
The first week after they get there, Steve cant sleep and catches his mother, his grandmother and his aunt talking in the kitchen late one night. He overhears her say that she knew it was a risk being with his dad, but that she’d have regretted it more if she didn’t follow her heart. Even if she wasn’t the one for Steve’s dad the way he was for her, she’d always be grateful because she has Steve. But she doesn’t want him to grow up feeling like he has to change who he is and like he always has to be the one giving to someone else just to be loved.
For the first time since the divorce Steve is almost mad at her - wants to shout it’s too late mom! - but the feeling passes as quickly as it comes. He’s just sad, for them both. But he hopes things will be okay here and that this can be a new start. It could be worse right? At least he gets a room to himself. Yeah it’s kinda weird that his aunt still lives at home and nobody seems to have a problem with that, or is talking about what his moms plans are like they expect that she’ll just be there forever now. But he figures they’re all just focused on making up for lost time right now.
And his grandma says that people in Moonwood stay close to home anway, and that most of them spend their whole lives there without leaving. It shocks him to learn that she’s never been further outside of town than to the edge of the national forest.
His second worry, about finding a job, gets resolved by his his grandfather - who runs a soda shop on the beach. There’s not much traffic durring the off season, but in summertime the redwoods draw a fair number of tourists. Steve’s kept very busy scooping up ice cream and making root beer floats while he flirts with the gap year girls who come through in groups, to backpack through the forest. He’s just turned eighteen and he’s never had much of a problem picking up girls so he has a few flings. He gets invited to parties on the beach and ends up doing a lot of hiking that summer in his downtime. But then fall rolls around and with fewer and fewer groups of tourists passing through Steve finds himself at loose ends.
School starts up again and he realizes that maybe it was a mistake not to put more of an effort into meeting local kids and making a few connections beforehand. Schiller High is over in the next district, and Moonwood is so far out the kids have to be bussed in. Steve’s a little nervous about starting a new school in his senior year but he tells himself it’s just one year. One year and then he has no idea what to do with himself after that, but at least he won’t be forced to attend school anymore. Still, he begs his mom to let him take their car to school the first day so that he doesn’t have to be the oldest kid on the bus. He’s pretty sure that’s a social constant even out here in the middle of nowhere.
Schiller seems pretty normal at first. It’s about the same size as his school back in Hawkins was. The school receptionist calls in some guy named Tim to show him around his first day and make sure he gets to all his classes. Tim’s alright, but Steve can see the neon nerd sign blinking above his head and plays it cool. He’s not an asshole or anything, he just doesn’t want to close any doors before getting the lay of the land. Steve just wants an easy year and he’s not gonna get that if he’s hanging out with a bully magnet - sorry Tim. Plus, Steve’s not exactly thrilled about the way Tim talks about ‘moonies’ - which is apparently what other people call people from Moonwood, instead of hicks or whatever. Steve doesn’t bother telling Tim that he’s technically a moonie now too.
His aspirations to plant himself firmly in the middle of the student social hierarchy and go unnoticed for the next ten months involve finding a group - or a pack as his grandfather weirdly put it when he assured Steve he’d find his in no time and start to feel more at home once school started. He asks Tim about the school’s athletic teams because being on a team with a bunch of other guys will basically do the work for him. There’s a swim team that Steve is definitely going to try out for. He’s not sure about basketball. He only got started back in Hawkins because his dad thought it was manlier than ‘playing’ in the pool. But he likes it okay, and Tim says the Schiller team has actually won a few regional titles.
Even though it’s his last year Steve figures it can’t hurt his college applications to be on a winning team for once. He probably won’t to start or anything but he thinks he has a good shot of seeing some playing time.
“I would stick with swimming if I were you. There’s no way you’re getting on the team.” Tim laughs. “The head coach is a moonie and he only ever picks guys from Moonwood.”
That doesn’t seem very legal, but that’s not Steve’s problem. He figures Tim is probably exaggerating anyway, just salty that the coach is giving a little extra focus to the guys from the less privileged side of the tracks.
Until Steve actually sees Billy and some of the other guys from the team.
It’s just before lunch when Steve and Tim have stopped by Steve’s locker. A blond kid in a red and white letterman jacket appears at the mouth of the hall, flanked by two other guys. It’s like something out of a movie the way the hallway clears for them and the other students gaze at them with awe filled expressions as if they’re watching a parade of olympians pass through.
“That’s Billy Hargrove. He’s captain of the basketball team.” Tim answers the unspoken question in Steve’s glance. “Don’t get on his bad side. He’s pretty much the top dog around here.”
Steve doesn’t need Tim to tell him Billy runs things around here. The guy is built like the terminator. Like someone who has ascended above mere mortals and wouldn’t be out of place among the gods. He’s built like a man, Steve finally settles on with an prickle of embarrassment hot in his chest. Steve’s a guy and he doesn’t go out of his way to look at other guys a lot, but he appreciates the things about them that are enviable.
Only envy is the furthest thing from Steve’s mind when he first sees Billy. It’s like time slows for Steve. His mouth gets dry, and he thinks to himself that Billy Hargrove is beautiful, and he wonders what that’s like. Steve knows he’s good looking. This isn’t some self depreciation bullshit, it’s just inexplicably different somehow the way he looks at Billy and thinks he finally understands what real beauty is. The way he instantly wants to get closer to him, reach out and touch. Billy has none of the unfinished awkwardness of a teenager. He’s a poster child for physical perfection that Steve is convinced walked off of a poster taped up on somebody’s wall, and has no business walking down the halls of an American high school. Seriously. How is this guy real?
He spares a quick glance for the other two guys with Billy - Dave & Chet - just long enough to confirm that he’s fucked. If these are the kinds of guys they’ve got on the team, Steve has no chance of seeing anything but a bench all year.
Billy and the other two stop at a locker not far from Steve’s on the other side of the hall, but not before Billy’s gaze does a casual sweep around the hall - very much a king surveying his kingdom. Steve fully expects that gaze to pass right over him just as unimpressed as it does everyone else, but to his surprise Billy’s gaze locks with his and sticks.
A little tingle dances up Steve’s spine and he sucks in a breath. He can’t tell what color Billy’s eyes are from this distance - at first he thinks they are something light, like a blue or grey, but then the corner of Billy’s mouth tilts up in a smirk and the light hits them a certain way and they look almost gold as he runs his tongue over some very white fangy teeth. Jesus the guy has some chompers on him.
Steve’s not afraid of a fight but it’s profoundly unsettling to have some dude literally licking his chops at him like he can’t wait to take a bite of the fresh meat. He’s pretty sure he just landed himself on Billy Hargrove’s shit list and he has no idea why. Fuck his life.
But he figures there’s nothing he can do about it but ignore it and hope that Billy decides he’s not worth the trouble. Steve turns to shut his locker, sending the message with his back that he doesn’t care about the dude giving him the crazy eyes and that Billy doesn’t intimidate him. His sweaty palms tell a different story, but that’s for Steve and only Steve to know.
As he leaves, he can feel Billy’s eyes burning into his back like lasers.
So much for going unnoticed for the year.
Now with Part 2
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moonbiscuitsims · 5 months
My Stardew Valley project: Lots Layout plan in TS4
(This is not/will not be a save or a download as I use way too much CC for that, just a personal project and plan of lots I found suitable; I don't know how long this will take me or if I'll ever complete it but having a plan helps me so much to not get stuck later)
I'm sharing this in case it is handy to anyone wanting to do a Stardew Valley save in The sims 4 from scratch (lots off gallery are limiting with their sizes and needing specific lots, so I'm starting from zero unless a lot fits) without ugly set dressings or stupid backgrounds that don't make sense, and trying to group together the lots properly like they are laid out in the game so you can see them in the distance, or at least put them on an isolated lot with a clear surroundings if they have to be separated. It isn't perfect and is subjective and pack dependant but I spent a while today just laying out in my blank save (I use the srslysims blank save for this) where I wanna build what and who lives in each lot, so I'm sharing it in case it saves someone time or is useful Some lots are for a few sims living together to do two or more builds on one lot. This could possibly work with For Rent, but I don't dare try it lol. Others are just living alone. Others are just community. The main worlds I'm using are:
- Henford on Bagley:
The finwich area for the main Pelican town area ➡ 1= 1 Willow Lane (Sam Vincent Kent Jodi) + 2 Willow Lane (Hayley and Emily) these are here because of the river and the bridge leading "down to the beach" just everything is perfect for me. 2= Mayor's Manor, 1 River Road (Alex, George, Evelyn), 2 River Road (Pam and Penny trailer) this one is a little cramped and will have to be one next to the other but it can work. That way all these people live in the village centre. 3= Stardrop Saloon, maybe a little square if it fits, but probably not. 4= Harvey's clinic, Pierre's store. 5= Blacksmith and Library (+the little ice cream stand or market stall) 6= Joja Mart and/or Cinema (I'm doing both) 7= Bookseller with cute hot air balloon (this is random I wanted to do it, but it is usually just an empty area) 8= The farm 9= 24 Mountain road (Maru Seb Robin and Demetrius) 10= Quarry (set as generic) 11= Linus's tent 12= Adventurer's Guild and Mines (marlon gil and dwarf)
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Willow Creek (Community Center)
It is on the big lot in willow creek, no surroundings or buildings, so It was perfect, and gives enough space to build the community center plus the childrens park and the natural area around it and it's by a river.
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- Moonwood Mill as Cindersap Forest
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I know it's a bit grungy and has industrial deco but I don't mind these buildings as they fit with the nature imo. It had the perfect amount of lots for what I needed, plus a river. 1= Wizards Tower 2= Travelling Merchant 3= Marnie's Ranch + Leah's Cottage 4= Krobus/Sewer (this is the main reason I chose this world and I know there isn't a beach but the sewer pipe with trash aesthetic and the large lot in the forest was enough for me) 5= Mouse Hat shop /Abandoned house
Granite Falls for Secret Forest:
I'm doing this one (using Zerbu's all worlds are residential) in Granite Falls in the National Park lot, I just liked how big it is, how tall the surrounding trees are, and that it has a little waterfall area.
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Glimmerbrook as the rest of "Mountains" area (Railroad and Spa). I choose that lot of the railroad cause i can add a tunnel for the train with tool and it looks like its coming out the cliff
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Sulani as the Docks (with Elliots shack and Willy's shop) the build i've placed is from the gallery and is a water lot with the Night market (I really liked this and didn't want it separately) so I had to place it here. I do not actually like Sulani for this though, it is far too tropical and its on an island but I am forgiving it for the sake of having the beach lot. I wish Brindleton Bay had a beach lot near the docks would have been much better. You could change this and put it anywhere if you build your own beach as a pool but I hate doing that... In Sulani I'll also build all the Ginger Island stuff, but I still haven't played through that properly so I can't say what is going where yet.
Forgotten Hollow (witch's swamp/hut)
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Forgotten Hollow as the witch's swamp /witch's hut area (again this is random but I wanna include it and make the witch for fun)
Oasis Springs as The Calico Desert
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This large lot is perfect. It has a road, not too much going on around it except rocks and desert, and I'm gonna put everything here (Sandy's shop, Mr Qi's casino, and the desert trader outside). I will not be building the bus stop anywhere cause it is unnecessary. I forgot to mention but also the skull cavern might fit here or I'll do it on some other lot maybe OTHER INFO
Mods I'm gonna use to help the lots work as intended: I'm gonna play with littlemssams live in business mod to achieve the character being able to live on what should be a community lot and for it to still be functional, as well as chingyu's welcoming lot trait to avoid sims not being able to do what they want on these lots without being "innappropriate". For each of the lots and worlds I selected I spent time entering each and deciding which areas most closely resembled the areas from the game. For example if it had a lake or river nearby, or if the lot was big enough to build each thing. This could change but I think I'm happy with it. I might have to change some of this or make tiny builds to fit the multi build lots. Every single thing is super unfinished and empty, this is just my layout plan.
Conclusion: I hope this helps someone or if not and you even read this far that you like my idea :) If I forgot something or someone or said a name wrong, sorry, though I haven't fully finished the game yet. Basically I tend to get super overwhelmed and annoyed if there are stupid buildings or things that don't match, and am unable to just randomly plop any build anywhere like many players do due to obsessing over it not looking right around the build...maybe I'm a perfectionist or wish it was a blank world, but this is my next best thing. At least this was easier than my Cyberpunk save with way more foresty/countrysidish options 😅
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lizzisimss · 10 months
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Gonzales Family Home
CC used (list below) Garden Essence in Willow Creek 40 x 30 8 bed, 3 bath $276,606
This build is part of the Lizzisimss Save File.
Aira – https://www.patreon.com/airacc
Birdie lamp
Frog incense
Froggy cushion
Ghibli clay 2
Ghibli painting
Heart night lamp
Mushroom plant
Tablet PC
Toast light
Vanilla flower candle
Vanilla recipe book
Woodenland bear holder
ATS4 – https://www.patreon.com/aroundthesims
Kitchenrack condiments
Kitchenrack utsensils
Brazenlotus - https://www.patreon.com/BrazenLotus
The trouble with plants
Whatever you want
Steezy Skis
Heavy Metal Shelf
Clean sweep
Laundry Made Essentials
charly pancakes - https://www.patreon.com/charlypancakes
The Lighthouse Collection merged
Diaper days
Dinna merged
Lavish Merged
M & S Constructions part I merged
Miscellanea Merged
Modish Merged
Munch merged
Smol merged
Soak merged
Tarot posters simblreen treat 1 2020
Felixandre – https://www.patreon.com/felixandre
Fayun part 2 and 2
Georgian set
Gothic revival interior
London exterior
Greellamas – https://www.patreon.com/greenllamas
house of harlix - https://www.houseofharlix.com
Baysic Bafroom Merged
Baysic Merged
Harluxe Merged
Livin’Rum Merged
The Kichen
Tiny Twavellers Merged
harrie - https://www.patreon.com/heyharrie
Brownstone collection complete merged
Brownstone collection part 1 & 2 merged
Brutalist bathroom
Country collection
Octave part 1, 3 and 4 merged
Shop the look
Spoons part 1
Kiwisim - https://www.patreon.com/Kiwisim4
KKB – https://www.patreon.com/user?u=15789815
Citrus Room
KARLSTAD kitchen
leaf motif - https://leaf-motif.tumblr.com
2202 Magnolia Bathroom
Aubrey office
Basil chair
Botanic boudoir
Calliope bathroom
Devon kitchen
Floret grove
Heirloom kitchen
Ivy hallway
Keller bedroom
Little ceramics
Old hat
Simblreen 2021
Starlight crystals
Sunbeam study
Sunny corner
Twee tablewar
Winter village
Patron gift 1, 2, 5 and 7
Lilis-palace – https://www.patreon.com/lilis_palace
Folklore set off the grid
Littlecakes – https://litttlecakes.tumblr.com/downloadspage
Record Player
I want to believe poster
Twinkly lights
littledica - https://www.patreon.com/littledica
Deligracy merged cottage living update
Countryside cabin merged
Eco kitchen stuff pack merged
Greasy goods merged
Lava lamp merged
Modern rocking chair
Sleek slumber stuff pack merged
Roman holiday merged
Sweet treats merged
Deligracy delicato stuff pack
MadameRia – https://www.patreon.com/MadameRia
Lucky Man Folded Shirts Override
Madlen – https://www.patreon.com/madlen
Kei first aid
Kei plushie
Brizo soap dispenser
Lorens painting
Numi backpack decor
Marvell –https://marvell-world.tumblr.com/download
KC Salt & Pepper
Upcycle books
max 20 - https://www.patreon.com/Max20
Master bedroom
Child dream kit
Classic kitchen
Garden at Home
Poolside lounge
Mechtasims - https://www.patreon.com/mechtasims
Back to School Calendar
Bathroom set
Cyber girl
Desk planner
Essential Clutter
Groovy baby
Wiccan set
Mlys – https://mlyssimblr.tumblr.com/cc-catalog
Computer emook
Computer mookbook
Deco deskop globe
Mycupofcc –
Colour talk dining stuff
Colour talk kitchen merged
Colour talk livingrm merged
Maple manor the modernist collection living rm
August 2021
Tiny dreamers merged
myshunosun - https://www.patreon.com/myshunosun
Garden stories
Nora living
The art room
Zephyr office
Arrie office
Daria bedroom
Dawn abstract
Dawn living
Gale dining
Lottie décor
Moonwood garden
Simmify instant camera
Herbalist kitchen
Simmify part 2
Vanity nook
Networksims - https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/networksims
Max brick floor
Veronique wallpaper
ONI – https://www.patreon.com/oni28
Artist’s old workroom
Kitchen peg board shelf long
peacemaker - https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/TS4O...
Atwood Living
Cozy knits bedding
Creta kitchen
Elsie bedroom
Essa kitchen
Futura merged
Hamptons retreat merged
Hinterlands bedroom
Hinterlands living
Hudson bathroom
Kitayama dining merged
Kitayama living merged
Mid-century eclectic merged
Mina kitchen merged
Moku seating
Phoebe sofa suite
Roarsome kids bedroom merged
Seasons build mode expanded
Strangeville build mod add on
Vara office
pierisim - https://www.patreon.com/pierisim
Calderone bedroom
MCM part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5 merged
Oakhouse part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 merged
The office mini kit
Tidying up
Auntie vera bathroom merged
Coldbrew coffeeshop
Domaine du clos part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 merged
Living room mini kit
Winter garden part 2
Puffersuffer – https://www.patreon.com/puffersuffer
8 pack holiday penguin
19 pack cute cookies
RVSN – https://ravasheen.com/downloads/
Art attack
Smarts content
simplisticsims - http://simplisticsims4.com
Art van gogh
Chinoiserie round rug
Cottage roman curtain
Crafter shelf
RH bottom bunk
RH wall art square DH
Round jute rugs
Rustic rug
Taisho merged all
Vintage country art llb
sixamcc - https://imfromsixam.tumblr.com/
Breeze of Greece
Oak&Concrete Kit merged
Home basics
Home Improvement
Home office
Hotel bedroom
Kids room
Retro vibes
Small Spaces
Teen Room
Soolani –https://www.patreon.com/soolani
Iconic album art
SurelySims – https://www.patreon.com/surelysims
KoT Build Floor Lino V4
Fallout baby
SYB – https://www.patreon.com/Syboubou
TaurusDesign – https://www.patreon.com/taurusdesign
Cassandra Bathroom
Dina Dining Room
Eliza Walk In Closet
Elsa Kids Room
Jade Build
Lilith Chilling Areas p1 merged
Clutter Cat - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thec...
Busy bee 2
Busy bee
Cozy cocina
TUDS -https://www.patreon.com/TudTuds
2nd wave mergedpat
Beam parte2 v01 mergd
Cross merged
Ema dining room v02 merged
Wave merged
Awingedllama – https://www.patreon.com/awingedllama
Apartment therapy inspired stuff v2 merged
Blooming rooms plants merged
Tray files are available on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lizzisimss
Please consider supporting if you wish :)
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Harry had to act immediately. Since Frances had become unresponsive and her body lethargic, he gathered her children and took them and her by car to his house, where they were hopefully safe - at least for a few hours. His sisters condition terrified the children, who came along without resistance or unnecessary questions.
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When they arrived, Nina and his two sons were shaken by Harry's rugged appearance. He held his wife in his arms for a long time, knowing full well that he had been close to not returning home to her and the children.
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"Can someone please tell us what's going on?" asked Esther, who could hold her silence any longer. "We're not children anymore, it's obvious something serious happened that we need to know about." Harry agreed with her and asked everyone to gather in the living room where he began to tell them as quickly and unemotionally as possible about the situation they were in. He was well aware that they were wasting time, but everyone involved needed to understand the seriousness of the situation. As he talked, everyone but Frances gasped as he recounted Arnie's untimely demise and Charles' cold-blooded atrocities.
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"What about my father? Where is he now?" said Charlie. He didn't seem as affected by the news of Arnie's death as the others. "Your father is a cruel man and I would advise you and your siblings to distance yourself from him. You would do well in relocating with your mother. To a place where you'll be safe from him", he said, but he immediately saw that Charlie's temper began to rise.
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"Can you blame him?" Charlie said, lunging at Harry. ''He's just declared bankrupt and suddenly it turns out his wife has been unfaithful for who knows how long! He trusted all of you and you betrayed him!" Harry patiently restrained the young man, not engaging in the brawl that was about to erupt.
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"Please, now is not the time," said Frances, getting up from the sofa. Her face was no longer covered in tears. "We can speak about this later." "She's right," Harry said. "We have to decide where you all will go. It doesn't have to be permanent - the important thing is that you leave immediately."
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"What about Moonwood Mill?" suggested Frances. "It's the remote village where Maggie lives. He will never find us there. Her house is small, but perhaps we can make it work temporarily." With that, the matter was resolved. The family was to head to Moonwood Mill that same day.
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lou-from-moonwood · 2 years
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Theo (for @wooldawn’s Daisy bc!)
Loves outdoors, family-oriented, cheerful, music lover, ambitious
The son of a witch and an herbalist, Theo spent most of his life running around the shop that his parents owned in the village of Glimmerbrook. He discovered his love for potion-making early on and even sold some of his creations (e.g. potions for better soil for farmers and the occasional prank potion for some classmates) around town. Now that he’s saved enough money for a “new” vintage truck, Theo’s ready to take his family’s shop on the road. His first stop? Moonwood Mill.
Also, shoutout to Theo’s mom for taking some of the pics
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Underwater Love
~ Organisations ~
The Council
The Council is a mighty Anti Supernatural Organisation to keep the non-magical beeings safe from all these threatening, evil, occult creatures (like vampires for example. And werewolves, spellcasters, mermaids…). And they are very sucessful. They fuel the fear of the society from everything unknown and almost no one questions their methods. It has to be done to keep everyone safe, right? To pursue their aims, they aren’t even reluctant to blackmail occults to work for them or gather information to pursue other occults… Vlad had them on his heels in his past at the castle, Leander probably worked for them. The Council is still after Vlad, we don’t know why. And they are also behind the happenings in my other story. One of the biggest fails of the Council we know of, was the execution of Dtui and Kiyoshi.
They are overly interested in Vlad, we don’t know why. (When Vlad was dead, someone tried to steal his dead body and we think the Council was behind this.)
In my multiverse the Council is also behind the happenings in Moonwood Mill (the experiments with the cowplants for example or the war between the vampires and the werewolves). A very well written article about the lore of Moonwood Mill is -> here. Everything to keep the supernatural community busy so they don’t turn against the Council. Their Goal is to decimate the supernaturals or to reverse the ‘disease’...
The Council’s headquarter is hidden in the underground of the little mountain village Capoliveri at Tartosa.
(They even managed to strap the powers from the werewolves for 8 years! They secretly work together with EA, therefore we still don’t have fairies! And we’ll never have! ;)
Known Members:
- Mr Ito (Kiyoshi’s father) - Councillor (friend of Kiyoshi’s father) - Felix (the Scientist at the Lab who tortured Jack and Saiwa) - Sebastian (Kiyoshi’s watcher) - Mr Morlind (Teacher of the Day Class at Belgraves Institute)
Maybe Members:
- Leander Belgraves (Vlad’s Mentor) - The Prescott family
Known Moles:
- Kiyoshi
I am the one, Orgasmatron, the outstretched grasping hand My image is of agony, my servants rape the land Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain Two thousand years of misery, of torture in my name Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law My name is called religion; sadistic, sacred whore
I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain And still you play the sycophant and revel in your pain And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate I am the politician and I decide your fate
I march before a martyred world, an army for the fight I speak of great heroic days, of victory and might I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be brave I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave Your bones will build my palaces, your eyes will stud my crown For I am Mars, the God of War, and I will cut you down
Orgasmatron - Motörhead
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love  ~  Latest
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sovereignsimmer · 11 months
The Best Neighborhoods in The Sims 4
Ever wondered where your Sims should call home in The Sims 4? I sure have! Those pesky loading screens can be a real pain, so I went on a quest to find the perfect neighborhoods. Whether you're all about rabbit holes, street stalls, or free-range exploration, I've got your back. Here's the list of the best neighborhoods in The Sims 4, considering the activities available outside of the lot boundaries.
1. All Neighborhoods in Henford-on-Bagley - The Ultimate Playground
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If you're after the most action without loading screens, Henford-on-Bagley is where it's at. This charming locale is packed with NPCs offering small quests, excellent swimming and fishing spots, and tons of plant and mushroom spawns. In Finchwick, you'll find bustling market stalls and vibrant village fairs. It's a shopper's paradise. In Bramblewood, you can interact with the creature keeper and embark on exciting quests for adventure-seeking Sims.
2. Plumbite Cove, Copperdale
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For those of us who want variety without the hassle of loading screens, Plumbite Cove in Copperdale is a dream come true. This neighborhood offers a stunning beach, an amusement park, prime fishing spots, and cool teen hangouts. It almost feels like an open-world experience.
3. Senbamachi, Mt. Komorebi
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Senbamachi in Mt. Komorebi is perfect for those who love the great outdoors. With hiking trails, festivals, and plenty of interactive objects, it's a nature lover's delight, especially if you have the Seasons expansion. This neighborhood offers a lovely blend of culture and natural beauty.
4. Moonwood Mill
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If you're into all things supernatural like me, you'll love Moonwood Mill. This werewolf-packed world is brimming with semi-open world adventures. From lakeside swimming and fishing to mysterious underground tunnels and the wolf packs' hangouts, it's an action-packed locale. And guess what? You can forage for all sorts of goodies right on your home lot. No more annoying loading screens interrupting your fun!
5. Gibbs Hill, Britechester
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Surprisingly, the main neighborhood of the university world in Britechester is bustling with life. There are swimming and fishing spots, occasional street stalls, and a variety of outdoor activities. Whether you're hitting the books or exploring, there's something for every Sim here.
6. Mua Pel'am, Sulani
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If you're playing as a merfolk, Mua Pel'am in Sulani is the place to be. It's a natural paradise with fantastic swimming and fishing, scuba diving, and hidden underwater caves. The environmental story progression here is a unique treat. But fair warning, it's a bit secluded, which could be just what you're looking for.
For Occults?
Vampires: Although Forgotten Hollow feels like the natural choice for vampires due to the lack of direct sunlight, the world is super small and boring. Consider Henford-on-Bagley if you have Seasons, as it's often cloudy or rainy. Windenburg is another option for the same reason, however, the neighborhoods in Windenburg do not offer as many open-world gameplay opportunities.
Merfolk: All the neighborhoods I mentioned earlier are perfect for merfolk, with their open swimming areas and enchanting waters.
Witches, Aliens, and Ghosts: Thanks to Glimmerstone and direct teleportation to the magic realm, witches can thrive in any neighborhood without limitations. Aliens and Ghosts have no specific requirements so anywhere is fair game, really.
Werewolves: For those interested in exploring the pack system, Moonwood Mill is the place to be. I wish we, the players, could create and designate our own pack hangouts in any other world though.
What are your ideas? What other neighborhoods - not worlds - do you think are the best places to live in The Sims 4? Share in the comments! Your insights and recommendations are highly valued, and I'm excited to learn from your in-game experiences and discover new, exciting places for our Sims to call home.
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enkisstories · 4 months
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Phasma: "These ruins look different from the ones in the Moonwood. I think by the time the Moonwood colony was founded, this settlement here was ancient enough to already count as native."
Hux: "Can we infer that the two groups eradicated each other?"
Phasma: "I don't think so, Sir. Neither the Moonwood- nor the jungle ruins show any damage caused by weapons of mass destruction, just neglect. It was a slow decay."
Hux: "A disease, then. We need to be careful not to catch it ourselves if it's still around."
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They searched the village and by morning found an inscription on a statue that seemed to allude to a cure for Corra's poisoning. The main ingredient read "human bonedust", so the next step was to find a burial site.
Phasma: “We better be careful, Armitage, seeing that we’re the only other possible donators for human bones around...”
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jonnyparable · 4 months
Moonwood Village
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Moonwood Mills, to be fair, was always a pretty cool place. But, with the Blowtorch Mod, I was taken aback by how much it had really become the blankest canvas I've seen in the Sims 4 thus far. Sulani is a close second. My game's era isn't medieval, it's pretty much early 20th century fantasy, but I couldn't resist turning Moonwood Mills into a cute little hamlet of quiet farmer folk on one side of the river, and all manner of forest dwellers on the other.
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fizzigigsimmer · 7 months
Moonwood: Part 5
Thank you all so much for your patience. We're baaaaack with an update.
|Part One Here|
It’s pretty stupid in Steve’s opinion that he still needs to get his mom to sign a permission slip to go to basketball camp, even though he’s eighteen.
“I don’t want to hear it Harrington.” The coach says when Steve tracks him down. “I can’t let you on the bus without a permission slip.”
Hank says it’s because the school doesn’t want to be liable if something happens to them out in the woods – and Steve can’t help but shiver a little at the way he says it. Like he expects something or knows something Steve doesn’t. But he tells himself he’s being crazy. Anything could happen in a national park but that doesn’t mean something is going to. There’s gotta be like safe areas mapped out for the public, right? It’s probably a good thing the slip reads like a contract: I understand the risk my child is taking and waive my rights to be pissed about it if they get chewed on by a grizzly bear. It shows they’ve thought things through. At least Steve hopes they’ve thought it through – if he’s honest, he’s not sure how he feels about spending a week in the woods with a bunch of keyed up guys all jonesing to impress Billy Hargrove.
Because it’s pretty obvious after the first round that the team captains have a lot of pull with the coach.
“Hey sweetheart!” Steve’s mom is in the living room, working on some crochet toy for a neighbor who is having a baby. Steve had no idea she could crochet until she started making the toy. Apparently, she was pretty crafty before she met his dad. Steve’s dad didn’t think it was a sexy enough hobby or something. Said it was for old women and spinsters.
“How was tryouts?” Aunt Julie asks when he walks in. She’s knitting what looks like a hooded onesie with ears and a fluffy tail attached. It’s pretty damn cute.
“Wasn’t much of a tryout. The coach wasn’t even there, and the captains just ran us ragged the whole time.” He grumbles, shrugging his duffle off his shoulder and throwing himself down onto the couch beside his mom. She she laughs as the cushions sag beneath his weight.
“Coach Brown is a godsend to that school. He knows how to pick the right personalities, people who really work well together and form a solid bond.” Aunt Julie sighs wistfully. “It was much different when your mom and I were in school. There was a lot of tension between us and the Schiller folks. I felt like I was always on my guard, looking over my shoulder.”
“What’s up with that, by the way?” Steve asks, eager to finally have an explanation for the weird vibes everyone seems to have about Moonwood. “Why are people like, scared of this place? It can’t just be because of the forest.”
Steve’s mom and his aunt share a strange look.
“They’re scared of us. Because we’re different.” Aunt Julie says, but before Steve can ask her what she means his mom is shaking her head and hissing something at Julie in Lythan. They go back and forth like that for a moment and Steve just knows that they’re talking about him, and he’s sick of being left in the dark.
“Whoa whoa whoa, guys!” He snaps. “In english please! I’m right here and I want to know what’s going on. Mom?”
Steve’s mom looks tortured, like Steve is holding a lighter to her feet. His aunt heaves a heavy sigh and flips her long dark hair over her shoulder.
“It’s time to tell him Jess. The bonfire is tomorrow night.”
Steve wants to know what’s going on and why everyone keeps talking about the bonfire as if it’s so important, when it’s just a bunch of people from the neighborhood getting together to tell ghost stories and get plastered. He doesn’t know what he’s expecting his mom to say but it’s not that she’s a werewolf.
He thinks she’s pulling his leg at first, cause what else can she be doing but then aunt Julie chimes in and they both just won’t stop. They tell him that the people in their village have always turned into wolves and that they came to the new world to escape persecution. He’s kind of mad at himself, how long he listens until they get to the part with the witch.
“Time out! Time out! You expect me to believe you guys, grandma and grandpa and all the rest, you’re werewolves, and everybody knows about it because you fought a witch?” Steve laughs even though it’s not really funny and waits for them – but nobody laughs with him.
“Yes. She’d put a curse on the village and the people there to force them to pay tithes and make sacrifices to her.” His mom says and his aunt nods, continuing.
“When the townspeople rose against her, her coven came to exact their vengeance. The pack protected them, and in exchange we were given this land. Although the area has grown and many new people have come, there are people dedicated to keeping the old truce alive.”
“That’s why you needed to know before the bonfire. There will be representatives from the other towns there, new and old. There will be a demonstration and the pact between our communities will be renewed.” His mom finishes.
Steve gets up and stomps off. He is mad. He is so mad that she would play such a weird stupid prank on him instead of just being honest; but mostly he’s afraid. He’s afraid because it doesn’t make sense and he can’t figure out why she would do it or why aunt Julie would help her and when his grandpa knocks on the door of his room later and asks to come in, his heart sinks into his stomach.
He knows what his grandfather wants to talk about as he sits down on the edge of his bed before he even says a word – and it just doesn’t make sense. It can’t be real. It just can’t be. There’s no such thing as werewolves, and the only witches he knows are edgy girls who like to collect crystals.
“Your mom says you had quite the talk earlier.” His grandpa starts with a small sigh. “How ya doing Pip?”
“You mean with the discovery that my family is either insane or they’re werewolves?” Steve sneers, not looking away from where his gaze is fixed on the ceiling. “I’m still wrestling with it.”
“Well, go easy on your mom while you wrestle. She’s had a rough couple of months. It ain’t easy breaking with a soulmate.”
“Soulmate? I thought you hated my dad.”
“Don’t matter what I think of him” grandpa grunts. “Wolves mate for life. We’re born for someone, and common thought was they were born for us. But well your mom… she loved that man with all she had, but there wasn’t much in him for loving.”
And that’s how Steve discovered that it’s real – the stories his mom used to tell him about soulmates, and how one day he’d grow up and he’d meet someone, and when he’d look at them, he’d just know he was made to love them.
“This is crazy. I don’t – I don’t want…” Steve bites back tears, unable to get the words out. He doesn’t think his grandpa is a liar, and the whole family can’t be crazy. But he doesn’t want this to be real. Not if it means he might be made to love someone who will never love him back. His dad didn’t get it, why Steve would choose to be broke and struggle with his mom instead of have his future pathed for him and live in comfort with his dad.
The thought that it might be his destiny to live like that, with his hand out always waiting on love that won’t come… Steve cries and his grandfather pats his shoulder awkwardly, but lovingly.
“I’m awful glad to have you Stevie and I wouldn’t change a thing, but I’ve always hoped maybe she was wrong. You don’t know a soul bond until you feel it and it’s easy for a young girl to lose her head. In any case, she’s the only one I’ve ever heard of with a one-way tie like that.”
“What does it feel like?” Steve finds himself asking, but the strange thing is how he knows the answer even before he finishes the question.
When you see them, it’s like everything slows down so you don’t miss them. Like something’s forcing you to pay attention. And once you do, it’s like everything else pales in comparison. You’re always thinking about them, always bumping into them and trying to be near them without thinking about it, because that’s where you’re happiest. Even if you don’t know it yet. Nobody can lift you up or put you down quicker than they can. They see more of you than anyone else, and you see them too. You can try and ignore the pull, but the tide will always bring you right back to them.
Steve listens to his grandpa wax on and on about what it was like when he first felt the connection with his grandmother and it should be just a sweet story to him. Something to give him hope for the future.
But what happened is his heart starts to beat and his palms start to sweat as Billy Hargrove’s face floats to the front of his mind where it absolutely doesn’t belong.
But they can’t be. Can they?
Part 6>>>
Friendly tags for those who have asked in the past:
@darleenjade @sweetwaterangel @dragonflylady77 @natchula @tip-tap-tired @sparklingsprinkles @adelacreations @bluetree76 @deadfromtheneckdown @heavensfinest @marklee-blackmore @slightlydepressedmelon @percabeth-trashcan @a-lovely-craziness
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carnilia · 8 months
Rambling as I build my new character for a co-op bg3 campaign with a friend below the cut. I have been obsessing and researching a backstory like never before.
Juniper Silverwood, Half-elf wood elf, mid-20s (estimates her age as 24 now), father was the human and mother was a wood elf
Class: Ranger, Subclass: Beastmaster
She chose her own birthday (of the fall equinox) as well as her own name after running away at 13.
Born in the small village of Winter’s Edge on the border of the Moonwood, ran away from home for the large metro city of Silverymoon at 13
Father was a silly teenage boy, who fell in love with a beautiful and flighty wood elf that he would sneak off into the forest to meet. They had a whirlwind romance over a summer, but she disappeared when fall came. The next spring she appeared at his window with a baby. She told him the child was his and that he must care for her, as her family would never tolerate a half-human child. She didn’t tell him why, but her father and other key members of her family were Eldreth Veluuthra (secret society of anti human racists in powerful eleven families.) She left the baby with him and never returned again.
The family was very poor, and the boy’s parents chastised him for creating another mouth to feed. They forced him to sign up as a soldier to make money for the family, but this was an absolutely terrible idea, and the boy died soon after. Juniper was raised by these grandparents, who made sure that she knew they blamed her for the death of their son and the poverty they lived in. She had a very lonely childhood, and only ever really made friends with the animals in the forest. She ran away when she was 13 because she knew that her grandparents were starting to see there might be a new way for her to make money for them soon.
Already skilled in traversing the woods and using a bow, she lived off the land as she travelled south. Once she arrived in the large metro city of Silverymoon, she began to make a life of her own. She supported herself by selling the furs of animals from the forest (as there is demand for these materials for the fashions of the wealthy) and medicinal ingredients from the woods (to local apothecaries).
She divides her time between the Silverwood (Everwood), where she can camp and feel safe almost anywhere, and the city, where she has a fondness for sleeping on rooftops to look at the stars.
She is not religious, but feels spiritually linked to nature, and a kinship with both animals and druids because of this. Though she has no long term close friendships with anyone who is a stable fixture in her life, she has had short term and transient friendships that were important, and a couple close relationships with people that are not present now.
Has only had 2 lovers in the past:
•1st @ 16- Seldryn, a male drow who had escaped the oppression of Menzoberranzzan (she helped him hide out in the slums of Silverymoon and later the forest, and they had a whirlwind affair over a few months until she was able to secure him safe passage away, never saw him again, and was heartbroken about losing her “1st love”)
•2nd @ 18 & a few times since- Quiralei, a female elf Druid (on again off again fwb thing) who she met and helped out of a hunter’s trap in the Silverwood before becoming friends. Quiralei is a wanderer so they catch up as friends and casual lovers when they come across each other in their travels.
Juniper is mostly based out of the Silverwood and Silverymoon, though she will sometimes go traveling farther on a whim to see more. She spent time in High Forest & has seen The Grandfather Tree, as well as interacted with the druids in the area. She was planning on taking another long trip soon, this time heading west all the way to the city of Waterdeep, but was taken by the nauitiloid not long after she got on the road.
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lizzisimss · 2 years
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Plant-Lovers Cottage
CC used (list below) Rustic Residence in Windenburg 30 x 20 1 bed, 1 bath $115,941
Aira - https://www.patreon.com/airacc
·       Plant3
·       Vanilla Flower Vase
·       Vanilla Sauce Pan
ATS4 - https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/index.shtml
·       Canisters Hens
Brazen lotus - https://www.brazenlotus.com/objects-d... :
·       EP09 The Trouble with Plants
·       EP09 Whatever you Want
·       GP07 Heavy Metal Shelf
·       SP13 Laundry Made Essentials
charly pancakes - https://www.patreon.com/charlypancakes
·       The Lighthouse Collection
·       Lavish Merged
·       Modish Merged
·       Munch Merged
·       Slouch Merged
·       Soak Merged
Evi – https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/evi/
·       Multi tiles wall A
felixandre - https://www.patreon.com/felixandre
·       London Exterior
·       London Interior
house of harlix - https://www.houseofharlix.com
·       Orjanic Merged
·       Baysic Merged
·       Harluxe Merged
·       Jardane Merged
·       Livin’Rum Merged
·       The Kichen Merged
·       Tiny Twavellers Merged
 harrie - https://www.patreon.com/heyharrie
·       Country Collection
·       Brownstone Collection
·       Stockholm
·       Spoons
 Kiwisim - https://www.patreon.com/Kiwisim4
·       Block House
 leaf motif - https://leaf-motif.tumblr.com
·       2202 Magnolia Bathroom
·       Aubrey Office
·       Calliope Bathroom
·       Devon Kitchen
·       Floret Grove
·       Heirloom Kitchen
·       Ivy Hallway
·       Little Ceramics
·       Starlight Crystals
·       Sunny Corner
·       Patron gift 5
·       Patron gift 6
·       Twee Tableware
·       Vintage Crockery
·       Winter Village
 lilis-palace - https://www.patreon.com/lilis_palace
·       Folklore Set
 littledica - https://www.patreon.com/littledica
·       Countryside Cabin
·       Rise & Grind Café
·       Sleek Slumber stuff pack
·       Deligracy cottage living update
·       Summer party
 Madlen - https://www.patreon.com/madlen
·       Gothic Single (small)
 max 20 - https://www.patreon.com/Max20
·       Classic kitchen
·       Cozy backyward pack
·       Master bedroom pack
 Mechtasims - https://www.patreon.com/mechtasims
·       Bathroom set
·       Wiccan set
mlys - https://mlyssimblr.tumblr.com/
·       Pufferhead
my cup of cc -https://www.patreon.com/mycupofcc
·       Maple Manor The Modernist Collection Living Room
·       November 2021
·       Colour Talk Kitchen
·       Tiny Dreamers
myshunosun - https://www.patreon.com/myshunosun
·       Garden stories
·       Riikka
·       Serene bathroom
·       Arrie office
·       Dawn living
·       Gale dining
·       Moonwood garden
 Networksims – https://networksims.tumblr.com/
·       Age tile floor
·       Labyrinth tile wall
·       Loft brick wall
NolanSims – https://nolan-sims.com/downloads
·       Strawberry Planters
oni - https://www.patreon.com/oni28
·       Antique Country Dining
 peacemaker - https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/TS4O...
·       Creta Kitchen
·       Elsie Bedroom Basics
·       Futura Merged
·       Hinterlands Living
·       Hudson Bathroom
·       Kingston Dining
·       Kitayama Living
·       Seasons Buildmode Expanded
·       StrangeVille Build mode Add on
·       Bowed PhormSide Table
pierisim - https://www.patreon.com/pierisim
·       Precious Promises
·       MCM All
·       Oakhouse all
·       Roldskov kitchen
·       Living room mini kit
·       Domaine Du Clos
·       Coldbrew Coffeeshop
·       Winter Garden
simplisticsims - http://simplisticsims4.com
·       Botanical framed art
·       Cottage bed
·       Round rug
·       RPC sofa pml
·       Vintage country art
 sixiamcc - https://imfromsixam.tumblr.com/
·       Breeze of Greece
·       Oak&Concrete kit
·       Charming chalet
·       Forjasline
·       Home basics
·       Home office
·       Hotel bedroom
·       Retro vibes
·       Small spaces
·       Spring Six Kitchen
SYB – https://www.patreon.com/Syboubou
·       Laundry
·       Nathalie
SurelySims - https://www.patreon.com/surelysims
·       KoT Deco Timer
Clutter Cat - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thec...
·       Busy Bee
·       Cat milk no 1 reloaded
·       Japan Juice
Torque – https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/Torque3/
·       Aged wood floor
TUDS -https://www.patreon.com/TudTuds
·       Cross merged
·       Turn living merged
·       Vime closer merged
·       Wave merged
awingedllama - https://www.patreon.com/awingedllama
·       Apartment therapy inspired stuff v2 Merged
·       Paranormal plants
Kaiso - https://www.patreon.com/kaiso
Rusti co merged
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eireemee · 6 months
The Land of Six Kingdoms
(From top right moving clockwise) The Rowe Kingdom, The Blanco Kingdom, Green Castle in Dream Forest, Queen Sollohah of the Siren Isles, High Elves at Dragon Stone
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The six kingdoms make up to the cyberpunk/fantasy world of Dystopian Scramble.
The Kingdom of Rowe is the largest kingdom and spans across Strangerville proper and valley, Techno City, the town of Evergreen Harbor and parts of the Barren.
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These modern citizens believe in embracing both the advancement of technology and the power of the occult. King Alejandro Rowe II welcomes all, no matter their background. During the decade of his reign, many refugees have settled within the borders of the kingdom. Outside of the barren, the king is well liked by his people for his tolerance. But some do question whether his motives are actually pure.
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Ava Delaney, a small town sim moves from Evergreen Harbor to Strangerville Valley in order to the join the Rowe Arm forces. She has dreams of seeing the world. But life on her own is a little bit tougher than she expected.
The Blanco Kingdom is ruled by King Davion Blanco and his heir and nephew, Duke Wyndell Blanco.
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King Davion Blanco's great grandfather was a distant cousin of the Rowe Family bloodline. After being banished from the Rowe Kingdom for attempting to overthrow the sitting king, King Daunte (then Baron Daunte) journeyed west with his followers and settled in the long abandoned frontier town of Moonwood Mills. He soon learned the town was not abandoned but actually was overrun by packs of werewolves who lived under the mountain and in the tunnels under the town.
A bloody war ensued between the human settlers and the packs. It seemed the humans had no chance against the veracity of the wolves. However, the tide did turn when King Daunte made a pact with a powerful dark witch.
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The werewolf packs were massacred to near extinction, and the few survivors escaped to take refuge in other more welcoming kingdoms. Only the most dangerous wolves still live deep in the surrounding forests.
After winning a war against the powerful werewolf packs and their long alliance with the dark witch/necromancer, Baroness Melisandre, many wonder if the Blancos are still human themselves.
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Green Castle in Dream Forest is ruled by Princess Lilliana Wood and her younger brother and heir, Prince Terran Wood. Their half brother Prince Leaveye Wood also lives nearby in his flying steam engine with his shadow guard and travel companion, Ryah Oakensteel. Dream forest is one of the three magical outlands. It is also the only place you may spot an elusive unicorn outside of sylvan glade.
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Green Castle has the strongest ties to the magical realm. Their warriors are fearsome, and their magic is very powerful.
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They have no interests outside of their forest and only seek to protect it. But the High Elves and their dragon fire are always a looming threat. So, they may be convinced to seek an alliance with another powerful kingdom.
Siren Isles is ruled by Queen Sollohah Orchano, whose siren song is the most powerful in the six kingdoms.
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Queen Sollohah rules alone from Sea Stone Castle and will not allow any mermaid to enter the magical hall, not even her sister, out of fear that someone may steal her power. Mermaids and kelpies are free spirits who love to travel the world, fall in love, and very rarely marry. She has two children with Chief Taku who is chief of a nearby island village. As a merman, he is constantly attempting to get her to settle down with him, but Queen Sollohah is too busy with millions of subjects under the sea.
The High Elven Kingdom of Taratosa is ruled by King Elvenore Guerin and his dragon riders.
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King Elvenore's younger brother is Prince Elvon the famous dragon knight and he has two daughters, Princess Nollette and Princess Avorra. He also has a younger half-brother, Prince Arrant (who no one ever mentions).
The larger adult Guerin dragons are sometimes spotted flying around Dragon Stone Castle's turrets, but the family keeps the younger and much smaller dragons close at hand.
The Guerin family has a strong alliance with the Russo Family, one of the oldest human bloodlines in the six kingdoms. Most Russo descendants are easily identifiable by their flaming red locks. They once ruled Taratosa before the dragon riders descended and burned their kingdom to cinders.
Duke Lionel Russo attempted to reach for more power by marrying King Alejandro Rowe's sister, Dutchess Annabelle, tying the Russo bloodline to the Rowe Kingdom. However, in the process he broke his long engagement to King Elvenore's awkward youngest daughter.
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The Taratosa kingdom has recently announced Princess Avorra's engagement to Duke Wyndell Blanco. The news has shook the entire six kingdoms.
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The sixth and final kingdom was overthrown by rebels and now lays in ruins. The free desert people are still fighting to stay free, as both the Rowe and the Blanco Kingdoms have interests in the barren. It is still not clear what sparked their intertest but there are visible traces of the strange visitors who may have created the infamous Cybernetix...
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let's get into it... next
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I made a tier list for what I think are the best worlds to reasonably start a horse ranch. The criteria took forever to test, so I limited myself to a central lot in each neighborhood of each world (to test if the horse will go to the farthest, out of the way lot on it's own or not) and only tested the "Go for an energetic Ride" interaction instead of clicking the ground everywhere to "Trot Here". I'm also cheating my horse's and sim's needs to full because tired horses will cancel the interaction faster. The criteria judged: Automatic pathing from going on an energetic ride, the world's theme and my capability to suspend my disbelief that someone would start a horse ranch in a suburb, and any glitches from my horse phasing through decor and lots during the "Go for a Ride" interaction. I spent three days on this for some reason. This is a cry for help.
Best in Show - Good pathing and thematically on point when it comes to horse ranching, even if it's not western themed. Henford-On-Bagley: Cottage style ranch is a yes. Finchwick's village isn't very big and the houses are blocked by stairs but I didn't expect the village center to be a good location for a horse ranch anyway. Old New Henford and the Bramblewood have a lot of dirt trails and the horse will go down many of them, even to some of the set dressing sheds. The Isle of Volpe Park is landlocked though, despite having numerous footpath bridges that lead away from the park. Moonwood Mills: (Forest, dirt paths, lots of room to run? Sounds perfect but now I have to test it.) STUNNING FLAWLESS IMMACULATE (why do i have post apocalyptic vibes, like a cross between silent hill and the last of us?) The horse will do a full circuit around Moonwood Mill and because it's designed with pathing for the werewolves to feral run, the horse has plenty of space and nature to do the same. Even with the grungy warehouse setdressing, the horse doesn't feel out of place. Post apocalyptic or workhorse ranches would fit in well here. Chestnut Ridge: literally made for the horses and thematically perfect for horse rides. I actually think (due to how the Sims 4 is structured to be so empty) that while this world also has a lot of set dressing, it's fitting for the wide stretches of fuckall to actually see or do when it's a horse trail.
Pretty Good - Good pathing and acceptable to see a horse trotting through the landscape Forgotten Hollow: Immaculate vibes for a headless horseman. And aside from Straud's graveyard and the coffin courtyard, the lots are entirely customizable without debug setdressing houses to shame you for style deviation. The world is very small but the pathing goes through the town square and a bit into the woods. Unless your starting point is Straud's mansion, your horse will mainly use the coffin road and the dirt paths through the trees before coming back. Brindleton Bay: Whiskerman's wharf has a route to let the horse wander from Catarina Lynx's house to Tail's End (which has a backdrop of old wooden fencing that feels very appropriate for a ranch) to Club Calico and back again, ignoring the Salty Paws Saloon and Ragdoll Refurb lots. Since the saloon is even farther on the pier and the Ragdoll Refurb is in a much more suburbia city like area, it felt fitting that a ranch wouldn't be in such places and the horse wouldn't go there. Sable Square has very wide brick roads in front of the vet/park and residential lots connected by a wide bridge. The pathing doesn't go through the dirt paths tho. Cavalier Cove has a decently long path through the beach areas but won't go to the Hound's Head lot unless you start there. Deadgrass Isle has good routing, not just pacing in front of the museum, the horse actually walks around on the dirt path to the lighthouse and goes into the cemetery. Sulani: Surprisingly good pathing (no attempts to go horse swimming) that goes throughout the Lani St. Taz island, and the lack of paved roads (and my increasingly beloathed sidewalks) feels more natural. Tropical horse ranch, anyone? The horse does avoid the northernmost lot because of the skinny stretch of sand linking it to the island but that would put the horse a bit too close to the water and possibly make it try to swim. Ohan'ali Town has a coastside path that is surprisingly long but the horse won't go up to the lot near the waterfalls. Mua Pel'am pathing goes from the volcanic lot to the little beach past the mystery cave and back again, which wasn't very surprising, Mua Pel'am is not a large neighborhood and one of the three lots is an empty island. (Honestly thought this entire world was going to be completely awful.) Copperdale: As an old refurbished Mining town it looks fitting for a horse to come through for decades challenges. The horse will go all the way around Copperdale High and up to the front of the auditorium, but it won't go to the track in the football field behind the high school. Around Prescott Square, the horse will go all around town, visitng all the lots including the Prescott household. Plumbite Cove is one part the Pier, one part cannery row, and most parts forested dirt roads. The pathing leads from the rental lot all the way to Totter Park, completely ignoring the LaSuli Point starter lot.
Okay - Pathing is acceptable but the theme isn't particularly welcoming in most of the world. Windenburg: Half of the map is city area and the horse does get around well but does not look thematically appropriate when trotting around the cafe and bars. All of the single lot neighborhoods don't allow great pathing, but for the Ruins and the Von Haunt Estate it's a little bit better than the horse pacing back and forth in front of one mansion. The Crumbling Isle and the Windslar neighborhoods are better placements for a horse ranch and have decent pathing through the area, though the Windslar's path has a very 'cottage roads' theme to it, it's not a sidewalk but a brick path leading from lot to lot. San Sequoia: The world feels a lot more like certain places in Monterey County than the inspiration of San Francisco, if considerably emptier, and I remember horses being rode through town the few times we went to those places as a kid. The world is HUGE and the horse trotting through Anchorpoint Wharf feels like a novel sight someone WOULD see in my experience, but not a great place to build a ranch. In Hopewell Hills, the horse will go through the park on automatic pathing.
Less than Ideal - Pathing isn't fabulous but it's got enough room to visit on horseback, the theme probably does not fit. Del Sol Valley: The theme is atrocious for a ranch. The pathing in Mirage Park is mostly the sidewalks but also surprisingly went behind the two lots across the street from Venessa Jeong's house but not behind hers. Starlight Boulevard is a city center that is not welcoming to a horse trotting around, the pathing is surprising as the horse actually walks in the street rather than the sidewalks though it does avoid walking near Studio BP and the stars walk. The Pinnacles has lots that are certainly big enough for some kind of Hollywood Ranch but the neighborhood pathing is stuck to the sidewalks despite the roads available, unless the horse is cutting through a street to reach another sidewalk or through the grass 'island' in front of Judith Ward's house. No pathing to the overlook behind her house either despite it having ramps instead of stairs. Glimmerbrook: I am not taking the horse to the magic realm. There's no sidewalks! :D But the horse only takes the paved road and ignores the dirt paths and all the lots unless it's the one you started from. A good place aesthetically for a horse ranch but not for gameplay. Evergreen Harbor: I can't suspend my disbelief that a suburb is a place for a ranch. Horse paths follow human sim paths. Won't go over the bridge in Port Promise unless you start at the Sterling household. Will walk all the way over to the Greenburg household. Grimms Quarry, the pathing is almost all sidewalks, the horse won't go near the apartments but will go to the quarry building. In Connifer Station the horse won't use the 'car' roads but will walk all around. Tartosa: Laurent Mansion is landlocked. Anything with stairs isn't pathable to a horse. I had hopes, Tartosa has long extinguished them. (Okay, Melancholy over.) I restarted at the Baia Dell'amore beach lot. There's a lot of area the horse WILL cover that isn't the Laurent mansion. Including the island linked by a stone bridge. It's a little weird looking because it's a Mediterranean city, so I don't think a ranch will fit in. In the Terra Amarosa Neighborhood, the horse would path from Via Romanza to the Markovic household and back, completely ignoring half the neighborhood, the waterfalls, and the Rifugio dei Pirati lot. No waterfall horse rides for us :(
Not Great - The pathing is stagnant or the world is too small. Willow Creek: The horse will just pace in front of the houses and look extremely out of place in almost all of the neighborhoods. The only place with decent pathing that doesn't look like a wayward cowboy is stalking your suburb is the park and it has decent pathing but little else. The sylvan glade has zero pathing for horses, my horse took two steps and the interaction cancelled. Good for screenshots, bad for gameplay. San Myshuno: Horses are not allowed inside of the apartment buildings, let alone the apartments themselves, limiting almost all residential options in the world. Makes sense, putting a horse in an elevator sounds like chaos. Limited pathing that isn't sidewalk and clip clop clipping on the paths in Uptown. The horse would go into some odd places further than expected but the world's neighborhoods are mostly too small for a decent run. The only exception is the San Myshuno park, which has a decently long trail for a horse. Changing the park's lot type to a residential would make this an okay place to build a ranch but thematically clash with all the little history signs littered through the landscape and set dressing garden. Strangerville: (God help me.) I'm not bothering to take the horse to the secret lab. The world is Western themed, but it is not Wild Western Country themed despite the cowboy hat and boots. Rusty Canyon is mostly desert cityscape and the pathing is strictly sidewalk bound, though it does go farther than I expected. The horse did not approach the crashed plane lot, so unless you start a ranch there, your horse will not automatically travel the dirt roads in that desert section. (The centralmost lot was the starter home across from the Sigworth household.) Shady Acres has TINY sidewalks and the horse will constantly swivel to avoid 'collision' with npcs and also plant decor, which at higher speeds looks like your horse is glitching out but isn't, and is primarily sidewalk bound despite the dirt paths other sims will travel along behind the houses. The only pathing off the sidewalk was the driveway up to the Roswell household.
Absolutely not - The pathing is awful. Oasis Springs: The automatic pathing is strictly stuck to the sidewalks and the horse mostly just paces in front of two or three homes going back and forth despite there being other areas that other sims will walk along. You can force the horse to go somewhere else but the world's neighborhoods also aren't big enough or detailed enough for better places to force the horse to go just to take screenshots. The park does not have a path to follow, the horse will just pace the front of the park and cross the street before turning right back around to pace in front of the park again. Newcrest: Same issues as Oasis Springs. Magnolia Promenade: The horse will only pace on the sidewalk along the sides of The Roadstead and JF&S Clothier shops, continuing down the sidewalk next to the set dressing garden, completely ignoring actually going into the park areas. Again, you can force the horse to go through the set dressing garden or over to the bistro tables for screenshots but it absolutely does not fit horses appropriately. Brightchester: No. Just. No. The town is all townhouses and university dorms. The pathing is all sidewalks. Don't build a ranch here. Mt Komorebi: Most of the hiking trails are inaccessible to horses due to being blocked by stairs as an entry. The horse is very out of place in the city areas. At the actual mountain the pathing won't go past the rental houses despite most of the hiking trails not being blocked by stairs as an entry.
Why did I willingly choose to do this
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str4ng3s1ms4 · 2 years
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October 9th-2023
Dear diary, today I have finally left my life behind and decided to start a new life. These months have been really difficult, my husband has cheated on me with his secretary, and although he supported me with his money as a housewife, I have rescued some savings I had in the bank of Gillow Creek and I have bought an old and humble house in Moonwood Mill. While I've heard theories about this place I think they're all just nonsense to scare the campers who frequent this village, stories that the grumpy, strange locals around here make up in the comfort of their homes to keep the bohemian troublemakers away. Despite all this, I have no doubt that it will be a perfect place to start a new life and be able to go it alone without depending on anyone else.
Signed-Sylvana Strange
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