#moped price in delhi
amobike · 2 years
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advaitsingh · 22 days
Top Reasons to Buy a Moped: The Affordable Ride for Budget-Friendly Buyers
For many, buying a car or motorcycle may not be an option, making a moped the perfect alternative. But before choosing one, it is recommended to learn more about the top reasons why switching to a moped is a smart choice.
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martin-cambell · 7 months
TVS XL 100 Trademarks Hint at Exciting Future in 2-Wheelers in India!
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TVS, a prominent name in the Indian two-wheeler industry, is taking a significant step towards embracing electric mobility with its iconic XL 100 moped. The company's recent trademark filings for two distinct names suggest that an electric variant of the TVS XL 100 might soon hit the market, potentially reshaping the landscape of affordable electric vehicles.
Currently, the TVS XL 100 holds a unique position as the only petrol-powered moped available for purchase in India. Its pricing, ranging from Rs 44,999 to Rs 59,695 (ex-showroom, Delhi), has contributed to its popularity and market dominance. However, with the increasing focus on sustainability and the shift towards electric vehicles, TVS is exploring new avenues to cater to evolving consumer preferences.
The significance of these trademark filings cannot be overstated. TVS, known for its reliability and established brand image, is leveraging the success of its XL 100 model to make a mark in the electric vehicle segment. By introducing an electric variant of the XL 100, TVS aims to tap into the growing market for electric mopeds in India.
It's important to note that while the project is in its early stages, TVS has a track record of successful electric vehicle launches, as seen with its iQube range. This cautious yet strategic approach reflects the company's commitment to delivering quality products that meet customer expectations.
In the Indian market, where the adoption of electric vehicles is on the rise, TVS' move to electrify the XL 100 aligns with industry trends. With competitors like Kinetic E Luna already in the electric moped segment, TVS has an opportunity to not only compete but also redefine the market by offering consumers a reliable and affordable electric alternative within the well-loved XL 100 model.
As TVS continues to navigate the dynamic landscape of electric mobility, consumers can look forward to a potential game-changer in the form of an electric XL 100 moped, combining the best of TVS' legacy with the sustainability of electric technology
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
Geliose Hope: सिर्फ 20 पैसे में एक किमी चलता है यह इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटर, लाइसेंस भी नहीं चाहिए, 75 किमी है रेंज
Geliose Hope: सिर्फ 20 पैसे में एक किमी चलता है यह इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटर, लाइसेंस भी नहीं चाहिए, 75 किमी है रेंज
ऑटो डेस्क, अमर उजाला, नई दिल्ली Published by: अमर शर्मा Updated Thu, 25 Mar 2021 09:07 PM IST लगातार बढ़ रहे वायु प्रदूषण और पेट्रोल-डीजल की कीमतों में बढ़ोतरी ने ऑटो निर्माताओं को पर्यावरण के अनुकूल और बेहतर फ्यूल-एफिशिएंट (ईंधन कुशल) वाहन बनाने के लिए प्रेरित किया है। ऐसे में दिल्ली स्थित इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी (आईआईटी) के इनक्यूबेट स्टार्ट-अप Geliose Mobility (गेलियोस मोबिलिटी) ने…
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thekwanderer · 5 years
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November 28 2019
Allison and I wake up just after six this morning. Our only plans are breakfast at 9 and our flight to Goa at 2:40 pm. It takes us a full ten minutes to realize that the power is off in the hotel room. The front desk answers before the first ring finishes and the frantic attendant informs me that the power will be back soon. Allison is hoping to work out, but the elevators are down so we decide it is best to wait until the power seems stable. Electricity comes and goes over the course of the next hour. Around 7:15, the electricity has been on for ten minutes and Allison takes her chances in the elevator. The internet must be on a different circuit because it stays up the whole time. I stay in bed and am able to find and stream the second half of the Celtics/Nets game!
I make a reservation for our group to eat breakfast at the restaurant on top of the building. At nine, we meet at the restaurant and have a relaxed breakfast. The meal is nice, but the breakfast at our first hotel outclassed it in my opinion. The options are essentially the same, but the dosas, bacon, and tea are all a disappointment after what I had come to expect. The view from our table is limited so we go to the balcony after the meal. New Delhi is a very green city. From our vantage, the city appears to be a sea of trees with only the occasional 5 story building rising from the canopy. The roof is occupied by a fleet of pigeons and two large birds of prey circle around the towers of our hotel. Between the birds, monkeys , dogs, and cows the streets of New Delhi teem with life both human and animal.
Allison and I pack our bags and meet the rest of our party in the lobby at eleven. Patrick, Stephanie, Allison, and I play a round of a game called exploding kittens while we wait for Debbie and Richard. Around noon, we call Uber's and start the trek to the airport. Allison and I split one with Debbie and Richard, while Patrick and Stephanie take their own. The drive is uneventful but the streets are as hectic a usual. Riding in New Delhi was overwhelming at first but now I am getting used to the constant noise and weaving involved in every trip.
Our driver pulls up to terminal three and we unload our bags without incident. Anna has arrived before us and tells us that there is a way to pay to expedite the bag check. We head towards the door to find that they check tickets even before entering the terminal. Our tickets are digital, so we head to the door with our phones out. The line is short but when we get to the front, the guard tells Allison that her ticket is no good. It takes a moment to realize that we have our tickets for the flight back from Goa rather than the ones there! Debbie bought the tickets, so she needs to access them on her phone but doesn't have internet. Allison lets Debbie tether her phone to get online, but the entire time we are at the front of the line and doing our best to let people by us. Finally Debbie pulls up the tickets and airdrops them to each of us. The tension drops and we queue back up. The guard checks the first ticket and calmly informs us that we are at the wrong terminal, that we need terminal 1, and that we need to get out of the line so the next person can get through. We scramble out of line and I spot a kiosk that will print our boarding passes. With paper in hand, I ask an Indigo (our airline) employee if our flight is from terminal 3 but no luck. The printing of the pass did not magically change our gate. Panic starts to build as we search for someone with English good enough to explain how we can get to terminal one.
Our panic is spotted by an enterprising taxi driver and he saddles up next to me. He asks where we are trying to go and tells me my options are to take a shuttle, which will take an hour, or pay him 150 rupee (the government price, he assures me) each and he will get us there in 15 minutes. Richard and I are ready to pay the man but our intrepid ladies firmly tell him the only way he can help is to stop talking. Allison calls up Anna and tells her our whole sad story. Anna and Raul tell us that we need to head to the taxi stand and get a prepaid taxi. Meanwhile, the ore taxi drivers watches from twenty feet like a vulture waiting for us to give up. Without a look back, we grab our bags and set off for the taxi stand.
We head downstairs to arrivals and the prepaid taxis. The whole line at the stand is like all the lines in India - messy. It appears that sheer desire and brazenness wins the day here. Fortunately it is not too busy, and I am told the fare will be 300 rupees for four of us and four bags. The man in the booth points to his left after handing me a receipt and I believe that I misinterpret his signal. I think he means for us to talk to he man just to his left outside the booth. This man tells us to follow and takes us an awaiting taxi. He is pushy and constantly trying to grab my bag and the receipt. I am not properly on guard and allow him to get a hold of both! What a rookie mistake! Never let anyone get a hold of anything of yours! We make it to the taxi thankfully and the receipt makes it to the right person, the driver. The man who helped us holds the door open when we get in and refused to close it until we tip him for "helping". Now I realize we were supposed to go approach the drivers directly with the receipt. Worn down, our group produces a 100 rupee note and hand it over with a scowl. He closes the door entirely unperturbed by our disdain.
The ride to terminal one takes a full 15 minutes! The New Delhi airport is apparently very spread out. It takes ten minutes just to see a sign for terminal 1 and in that time I am terribly anxious that something will go wrong or we are somehow headed the wrong way.
Arriving at terminal one, we are anxious to get our bags checked and pass through security. We decide to pay for expedited bag-checking. We skip the line, but it still takes a solid fifteen minutes and three attempted up-sells to get our bags tagged and out of our hands. The security line is short but poorly organized. We find our friend on the other side and also a number of over wedding attendees who are taking the same flight to Goa. The gates are separated from the dining/shopping/waiting area and we are not able to get to the gates until it is close enough to our boarding time.
Once through, we form a gaggle in front of the gate. After queuing up, our tickets are scanned and we head out to a bus which will take us to the plane. The sheer size and inefficiency of the airport is staggering. It seems to me that the concern is strictly making things function, not making them function well.
The scope of the smog becomes apparent when taking off. Within a minute, the city is covered by a blanket of white. As the haze starts to thin, clouds become visible. The tops of dense white clouds emerge like icebergs from the sea of off-white pollution. The air in Goa is supposed to be much cleaner. I am hopeful that we will soon leave the smog behind so that I can see the countryside.
An hours travel from New Delhi, the smog begins to clear and a much dryer and browner landscape comes into soft focus. Landing in Goa, we are told that it is a military airport and we cannot take pictures. When we get off the plane, we see a pretty red sunset, but the air feels many times better than Delhi and we can actually breathe again. Now we are a group of 11 trooping though the airport, and we realize that all of us forgot to book the free shuttle from the airport to the hotel. Our hotel is nice enough to help us find a couple of hired cars to get us there. We didn't realize but the hotel is an hour away from the airport. By this time it is dark and we pile into the car with Debbie and Richard with all of the luggage. I thought I had gotten desensitized to crazy driving from Delhi, but it was still frightening to drive in the dark through Goa. The roads were much windier than Delhi and there was no divide between the lanes going in different directions. Our driver darted out into the lane with oncoming traffic to pass cars and at one point almost came to a complete stop when he realized he couldn't make it between two buses. Debbie and Allison got pretty carsick in the back.
We finally make it to the hotel after an hour. The area looks more like a beachside town with restaurants with open walls and a lot more palm trees and bamboo. This hotel is a Hyatt and familiar. Luckily they do not have a canceled additional room and we are able to untangle our rooms from Debbie and Richard. We go upstairs to freshen up, and walk to dinner. It is an interesting place to walk around because there isn't really a sidewalk to walk on and cars and mopeds don't slow down. In fact some beep and make Allison jump.
We walk to an outdoor restaurant called the fishermans cove where Rahul treats us as per our agreement when we stole his shoe during the wedding. We are just happy to sit and eat whatever was ordered for us. The meal starts with platters of fish and chicken cooked a number of ways. I find the chicken to be scrumptious and even have some butter-garlic shrimp. The entree is a number of curries along with rice and naan. There is some pork vindaloo that stood out with its deep red color and intense heat. This dish is famous in Goa so it was fun to try something from the original place. We then walk back to the hotel and say our good nights as we head to bed.
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bmthrive21 · 3 years
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The French Automaker Citroën announced the Ami, a fun-sized electric vehicle the company hopes will entice the customers to ditch their trusty bikes, scooters, mopeds and buses. Part electric car and part moped, the two-seater Ami is classified as a “Quadricycle” in France, meaning unlicensed drivers as young as 14 can drive it. Priced at an affordable rate of $6,600 along with other financial perks, the car has a range of 43 miles and is a foot shorter than a Smart Car.
The European company has decided to expand its market in India and is planning a launch of their Quadricycle. The company’s main marketing point is the ease of driving the vehicle so even a 14-year-old can drive but in India the driving rules are pretty different. Despite its various perks the car has been popular only amongst the upper middle-class sector who have enough to spend on buying a vehicle for their kids. 
After deliberation, Citroen was able to identify an opportunity and has decided to launch the vehicle in a specific market segment of India, the middle class. The middle-class income groups are known to highly resist change and have previously failed in adopting similar electronic vehicles. The company has hired you as their Marketing Head to create a campaign and market the idea to the people of India.
Task in Hand: 
You are the marketing head for India (Delhi and Bangalore) assigned with the task to come up with a plan to provide ease to their entry strategy. Your role includes carrying out research, designing strategies and identifying new potential segments.
1. An Analysis of the Indian Target Market
2. Marketing Plan
3. Identification of another market segment and substantiate the reasons why
4. Conventional and Unconventional Marketing Strategies
5. Unique leverage for the middle-class sector
6. Strategies for substituting the license advantage in India
7. At least 3 Extra deliverables (i.e. Posters, Business Cards etc)
You are required a submit the deliverables in a PPT of not more than 12 slides.
Kindly stick to the 7X7 rule.  Submission Deadline: 11:00 AM, 2nd April 2021 POC: Shubhangi Agrawal
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engrosstyro · 4 years
Things to do While in India
One among the primary metropolis in India, Delhi is dwelling to high-income inhabitants of huge numbers of folks. The cultural and also the governmental middle of the nation, Delhi has emerged since the industrial heart of their Northern India. A heady combination of this new and old, Delhi keeps the older tradition and attractiveness and can be among the absolute most contemporary towns in India with both skyscrapers and neon decorated parks. A town having its antiquity dating back for over 2000 decades, Delhi may be one among the earliest regions on earth. From road bazaars to lavish departmental stores and out of historical monuments into buildings that are contemporary, Delhi is filled with surprises!
Delhi has seen that the ascent and descent of numerous powerful empires, that is the reason you may discover quite a few historic monuments from the metropolis, every representing another age. A number of the intriguing internet sites present in the vicinity of town would be the ruins of those buildings and also regions that performed a critical function within the foundation of India. This really is only a reason thousands of people choose flights into Delhi.
The center for vacationers hordes arriving into Delhi is Cannaught spot. Below you'll locate loads of retailers, high-quality restaurants, and also bars way too. Walking throughout the lanes from Cannaught spot, you should discover the most significant variety of trade and art merchants, at which you are able to opt for crafts. When you've got flexible travel strategies afterward don't spend time seeing this particular place. Hopefully, you may certainly have a fantastic time within the following. One other such spot that offers conventional Indian crafts is Dilli Haat', also a present-day craft bazaar constituting the very first village industry. During the time you're here, do not neglect to relish the variety of culinary pleasures available in the'foodstuff Brasserie'.
No matter whether its purchasing or eating outside, Delhi supplies plenty of selections for its own visitors. Have on your sneakers and put a little money on your pocket and prepare yourself to search and haggle just as far as possible at Delhi's markets. By the people's original taste, the road industry at Janpath highway towards the trendy marketplace at South Extension and by your export market place at Sarojini Nagar to costly stores in shopping malls, and there's therefore much to you personally! You can find many tour operators which provide 50% and complete day guided excursions for draws in and about Delhi. BE ing the countrywide funding, Delhi is conveniently joined with of the significant towns of the earth, together with nearly all of the main airlines running out from this here. If you're arranging a day at Delhithen take a look at the reduction Delhi India air-fare in Onetravelindia.com!
Much like most metropolitan areas in India, Delhi is packed into the gills with people. Delhi is exceptional, however, because it combines the old with all the brand new.
Should you venture right into Delhi, then you will inevitably wind up in New Delhi. This element of this metropolis is incredibly modern-day in regard to the rest of the nation. Roads are wide and coordinated with something aside from a chaos theme. You may actually be able to walk with no feeling like a bunny at a heard, which is very exceptional in India. On the other hand, New Delhi only will not possess that ancient Indian appeal found in different towns. It truly is a very good spot to get yourself a hotel room, but you should venture into the town appropriate to receive a flavor of India.
Old Delhi
Old Delhi is where this task is if you really want to experience India. The roads are a twisted bulk of markets, over-built streets, signage that will make las-vegas blush and temples into the last year. The very perfect way to watch Mature Delhi will be always to catch a car rickshaw to the Red Fort after which simply begin drifting round the bazaars and old markets. Hotels can try to let you mopeds, but this really is not wise when you're hitting Old Delhi. The chaos will probably overwhelm you and you don't desire to run to a sacred cow.
Things to See
Irrespective of exactly where you go, Delhi has lots of attractions to keep you active for a couple months. Even the truly amazing pacifist,'' Mahatma Gandhi, was assassinated in Delhi and you can visit the location at Birla House in addition to pay your admiration at his dark marble tomb. To consider this great person, you can follow the trip with a stroll throughout the Lodi Gardens, which are overgrown.
Delhi is also the house to forts, mosques, and palaces. The Qutab minimal Complex is really an excellent area to see Mughal architecture. Safdarjang's Tomb is a bad Spartan Taj Mahal with exactly the exact standard arrangement. Even the Red Fort and also India Gate are great places to shoot pictures.
When it regards sports, even India is angry about cricket. Kiddies can be seen playing it all over the location. If you're searching to see the professionals, try out the matches at Coronation Dunbar.
Delhi is undoubtedly one of the most comfortable of the large cities in India. That comfort, but includes an affordable price. One tends to find the sensation you aren't visiting actual India. Delhi can be a good destination for a see, but be sure you find other places in India.
Traveling towards the city of Varanasi and you will travel in time. No other metropolis in India will affect you more than early Varanasi.
One of the oldest cities in the Earth, Varanasi is currently located within the upper east spot of India and isn't far from the border with Nepal. Constructed around the Ganges River, the town is an overwhelming display of audiences, colors and historical Indian architecture. Streets are packaged with men and women, creatures, cows and the pavement is more or less soil and mud depending upon when you are there.
Architecturally, Varanasi is typical of India itself. You will locate shanty towns and run-down houses lying compared to temples and domiciles of all the Maharajas. If you are interested in being impressed, then simply walk to the Ganges River and appearance upward and down the river. The structures lining the river will remind one of Venice, Italy, without the glitz. The towering structures are each gorgeous as well as ancient.
After this particular view, a visit to the Darbhanga Ghat is an eye-opener. Even the massive construction is home into the Maharajas of all Dharbhanga of all Bihar. The Ghat reeks of electrical power, mysticism and some time past ages. You'll understand exactly what I mean once you see.
The Ganges is your heart of all lifestyles in Varanasi. The holiest of towns, Varanasi is known as the town of light but is still really the metropolis of departure. Thought to have been set up from the Hindu goddess Shiva, the metropolis is a mecca for those seeking spiritual enlightenment. Thousands of Indians search to cleanse themselves from the waters each morning, which makes for a burst of exercise along with colorful gowns. The rest of the day will amaze you more.
Since the holiest Hindu city, a lot of the Hindu beliefs believe dying in Varanasi brings enlightenment. Countless tens of thousands of Hindus traveling into the town in their own subsequent years because of this use. Charitable associations and Hindu temples take at a large number of older. Even though not as widespread in the past, a lot of those deceased are cremated in the available on pyres overlooking the Ganges. It's quite a sight to be seen.
In a lot of approaches, Varanasi is just a microcosm of India. In the event you see only 1 location in India, then Varanasi is the vacation spot.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/asia-pacific/ride-sharings-future-it-may-sit-on-electric-motorbikes/
Ride-Sharing’s Future? It May Sit on Electric Motorbikes
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BANGALORE, India — In Uber’s vision of the future, self-driving cars will whisk us everywhere, eliminating the need for its millions of human drivers.
But as the ride-hailing giant prepares to sell as much as $10 billion in stock to the public this week to help build those vehicles, a low-tech approach to the self-driving future is already emerging in India: motorbikes that customers rent and drive themselves.
Several start-ups — backed by big Silicon Valley venture firms and Uber’s Indian competitor, Ola — are betting that shared “two-wheelers” are better suited to wallets and transportation needs than the cars that are the heart of the ride-hailing industry.
The traditional model of Uber and Ola is reaching its limits, said Vivekananda Hallekere, a co-founder and the chief executive of Bounce, which fields more than 6,000 motorbikes that people can pick up and drop off anywhere in the southern Indian city of Bangalore. The car rides are too expensive for most Indians, the drivers complain about long hours and poor compensation, and the ride-hailing platforms are struggling to make a profit, he said.
“You can’t make it affordable with a driver,” Mr. Hallekere said. “And if users know how to use a scooter, why do you need a driver?”
By focusing on the large swath of people who cannot afford current ride-hailing services, these start-ups are opening up a new front in the global battle to provide shared transportation services. In developed countries like the United States, Uber undercut the taxi industry and created new demand for rides by persuading tens of millions of customers to hop in a car with an ordinary driver summoned by an app. But in developing countries like India, where two-wheeled vehicles outsell cars six to one, Uber and its competitors must figure out a different approach or risk disruption from below.
India, with 1.3 billion residents, is the world’s largest market for motorcycles. About 20 million new ones are sold annually, from low-powered scooters to heavy-duty Harley-Davidsons. Industry players estimate that 200 million people possess a license to drive at least a basic two-wheeler.
On a recent weekday morning, Mallikarjun D., a software engineer, pulled out his smartphone and booked an electric motorcycle on Vogo, a Bounce competitor, for his nine-mile commute to his job at the outsourcing giant Infosys.
Usually he takes the Infosys bus, he said as he put on his helmet and grabbed the bike from a garden that served as Vogo’s neighborhood parking lot. But he was running late, and at a special rate of 10 rupees, or 14 cents, for the full day, he found the bike to be the perfect solution.
“It’s a reasonable cost,” Mr. Mallikarjun said. “And it’s helpful for the environment.”
Vogo and Bounce are slugging it out for dominance in Bangalore, India’s tech hub, where Ola is also based and is watching carefully. Vogo requires people to pick up and drop off their bikes at designated locations, while Bounce bikes can be picked up or left anywhere.
Nomita D. P., who was shopping for school clothes with her 10-year-old daughter near the Jayanagar metro station, said she had been using Bounce for about five months. It is cheaper than an auto-rickshaw, the three-wheeled taxis that are common in India, and more reliable than an Uber or Ola car, she said.
“You wait for a car, and then they cancel,” said Ms. Nomita, a medical editor who works from home. “A rickshaw driver will refuse to take you because you are going in the wrong direction.”
Right now, Vogo and Bounce motorbikes are hard to find. Both companies are racing to get enough on the streets — aiming for around 50,000 apiece — to make their services truly convenient in Bangalore. Other big cities will follow.
The nascent industry is facing other challenges. At the Jayanagar station, the trunks on two of Bounce’s motorbikes would not open, trapping the helmets inside — a common problem. Ms. Nomita’s scooter was missing its rearview mirror. Many vehicles were dirty.
How viable these services will be over the long term is unclear. Like Uber and Ola in their early days, both companies are offering promotions to bring down the price of rides, which requires a lot of spending.
“You want it to be habit-forming for the customer,” said Anand Ayyadurai, Vogo’s co-founder and chief executive, who said costs would come down over time.
There is also the sobering lesson of shared bicycles in India, which were heralded as a great idea but failed to take off. The country’s chaotic traffic and the long distances between public transit and homes and workplaces made shared bicycles unappealing, forcing several operators to shut down.
“It’s a very complicated, very hard business,” said Shailesh Lakhani, a partner at the venture capital firm Sequoia Capital, which has invested in Bounce. “That said, the amount of demand is insane.”
Vogo and Bounce are hoping to cut costs by stocking their fleets with electric motorbikes, which cost less by the mile than gasoline ones. They are looking to another Bangalore start-up, Ather Energy, to supply them. Ather has engineered a premium-priced, aspirational electric scooter that is one of the few to qualify for government clean-energy subsidies, and it is building a network of fast-charging stations.
Yet Ather can make only about 500 scooters a month at its Bangalore factory. The company is lining up a manufacturing partner to vastly increase production, said Tarun Mehta, a co-founder of Ather and its chief executive.
Bounce and Vogo are preparing to ramp up their fight with new funding.
Bounce has raised $18.9 million from venture firms such as Sequoia and Accel, according to corporate filings analyzed by the data firm Paper.vc, and it is raising an additional $80 million.
Vogo has raised $17.8 million from Ola, the American venture firm Matrix Partners and several Indian firms. Ola also plans to provide up to $100 million to help Vogo deploy as many as 100,000 motorbikes and has promised to include the vehicles as an option on its popular ride-hailing app.
Ola’s decision is pragmatic. Traditional ride-hailing is a maturing business in India, much as it is in the rest of the world. Many drivers are unhappy with reduced payments from Ola and Uber, and have periodically gone on strike in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore to press for better terms. Riders complain of long waits for cars and rising fares. Public transit systems, particularly metro lines, are improving but will not get people the last mile to home or work.
“How do you create mobility options for the next 900 million?” asked Anand Shah, a senior vice president at Ola who oversees its electric mobility efforts. “You don’t have to look far — you can see what India is choosing.”
In addition to supporting Vogo, Ola offers motorbike taxis in some Indian cities and is promoting wider adoption of electric auto-rickshaws.
Uber has made no moves toward motorbike sharing. But it has recognized the potential of cheap vehicles that customers drive themselves. Last year, it bought Jump, which rents out electric bicycles and motorized stand-up scooters in two dozen major cities in the United States and Europe. In February, Uber said more customers in Sacramento, California’s capital, had rented its Jump vehicles than had summoned traditional cars.
Uber declined to comment, citing the quiet period ahead of its initial public offering.
Scooters, bicycles and mopeds have the potential to steal some market share from the Ola and Uber car services, said Chandrasekar Iyer, who is studying disruption in the auto industry as a fellow at the Clayton Christensen Institute in the San Francisco area. But Mr. Iyer, a consultant at Tata Consultancy Services, predicted that the ride-hailing giants would not stand idle.
Vivek Durai, a co-founder of Paper.vc, which closely monitors privately held companies in India, said the big money was beginning to flood in.
“There is a deep hunger to solve this,” he said. “People need flexible options for transport.”
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Sachin & Babi Launch The Good Kloth Co. – WWD
For Sachin and Babi Ahluwalia, founders of New York-based luxury fashion label Sachin & Babi, the coronavirus crisis has spawned an opportunity.
The married couple is launching The Good Kloth Company, a venture for personal protective equipment, performance workwear uniforms and casual fashion.
Good Kloth will provide gloves, masks, scrubs and uniforms for the medical, transportation, delivery, logistics, manufacturing, hospitality and retail industries, as well as a line of loungewear and basic essentials for consumers including sweatshirts, joggers and T-shirts.
The apparel and accessories in the Good Kloth lines will incorporate an antimicrobial fabric coating developed by a Swiss chemical company that typically develops surface applications for performance-based fabrics. The specially treated products are washable, reusable and sustainable.
The Good Kloth mask has soft jersey ear loops, a contoured fit for less gapping and is triple-layered in cotton/polyester. 
According to chief executive officer Sachin Ahluwalia, the technology, known as ​BioBloX​, is proprietary and has active ingredients registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other global regulatory bodies​. It creates a surface coating that when applied to fabrics annihilates harmful micro-organisms on contact.
“In two to five minutes, it kills certain virus and bacteria on contact, like an influenza, which will not stick to the fabric,” he said.
“Once we were introduced to this groundbreaking technology, we immediately applied our focus to health-care workers, realizing how much they could benefit from it. However, we then began to think of so many other people who get up, go out and continue their daily lives through this pandemic. This led us to expand upon the initial concept and broaden the scope of our vision. Good Kloth has a unique solution to enable, empower and protect people in what is now our new normal,” said Ahluwalia. “We want to be a brand that helps communities reemerge with confidence, not fear.”
He made clear that BioBloX is not in itself a shield against COVID-19. “We were not necessarily looking for a silver bullet, but it creates an added layer of protection” to the personal protection equipment and apparel. “Our primary focus will always be health and hygiene,” he said. “Historically, fabric and textile innovation have intentionally focused on enhancing an already healthy body rather than providing protection as a proactive measure.”
He said he and his wife were motivated to create the antimicrobial, socially responsible Good Kloth Company when the pandemic-induced “new normal” led to greater health awareness and concerns over contagions globally.
Shifting consumer shopping patterns and the need to cater to a larger audience and a different lifestyle at lower price points were also important factors for the business. The Sachin & Babi collection, considered “accessible luxury,” emphasizes India-inspired embroidery, long dresses, special occasion gowns, bridal and accessories. It’s a cluster of categories that would be challenged given the world’s health crisis and people sheltering in.
“The challenges are where you would expect,” said Ahluwalia, when asked how his company was faring. “Trends have acutely shifted from gala gowns to soft silhouettes for at-home entertaining. Weddings are not canceled, just postponed, and they’re smaller affairs. So accessible prices with more versatile aesthetics is what we are focusing on.” He said the company relaunched its web site with an offering that’s less dressy than in the past.
“We are not changing who we are, but the definition of eveningwear is changing,” said Ahluwalia. “People are scaling down things, though people are still getting married. Our bridal collection is doing very well.
“At no point back in March did I ever believe there would be the devastation we are seeing from this pandemic,” added Ahluwalia. “But later, after having conversations with the people in my factories, talking with my father and mother who run my factory in Mumbai, we thought, ‘how do we bring us into a safer environment.’ One of the issues in Mumbai is that all my workforce uses public transportation,” which is crowded. There are 250 workers at the family-owned Mumbai factory, which enables the company to control the entire design and production process and eliminate middlemen.
Sachin & Babi also utilizes a 4,000-worker factory in Vietnam, where the majority of Good Kloth is being produced, a country where bicycles and mopeds are the main form of transportation.
Ahluwalia expresses awe and gratitude for front-line workers at medical facilities, groceries, pharmacies and other essential businesses and services in the U.S. “It has amazed us how at no point during the pandemic did the country really stop running,” he said. “Our grocery stores here stayed opened. Delivery people continue to do their jobs.”
Sachin and Babi Ahluwalia met during their first semester at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Sachin studied fashion and Babi studied textiles. They bonded over their ambitions and upbringing in New Delhi, India. Each arrived in the U.S. about 25 years ago to study at FIT and became U.S. citizens in 2007. They built a design and embroidery business, working behind the scenes for Oscar de la Renta, Carolina Herrera, Jean Paul Gaultier and Manolo Blahnik, among others, before launching their own collection 10 years ago.
The upcoming Good Kloth casual line encompasses “things that we wear every single day,” said Sachin Ahluwalia. The object is to sell the line at stores such Bloomingdale’s and Anthropologie, and offer a “clean, tailored look in pale, neutral and earth tones at contemporary price points.”
Good Kloth will start production in the next 60 days and is in distribution talks in the medical and fashion fields. “At the moment we are not moving forward as a dot-com business. It’s strictly b-to-b,” said Ahluwalia.
He expects Good Kloth merchandise for hospitals and businesses to be shipped for fourth-quarter delivery, while the consumer line is being prepared for a spring 2021 delivery and will be shown to retailers in the next 30 days.
The antimicrobial coating creates “absolutely no change in the texture of the fabric. It does not cause any irritation to the skin,” said Ahluwalia. “There’s almost zero evidence of any change of texture and there’s no change in the weight of the fabric. It can be applied to woven or nonwoven fabrics.”
Ahluwalia said the cost of the antimicrobial coating is “minimal, although it is there. We are trying to position ourselves very competitively, especially in the b-to-b space. It is critical for us to go to market with a competitive product. We believe this product and the antimicrobial application needs to available and accessible to every single person. This is not a premium product.
“In terms of the operations, we are using our current infrastructure, which has been in place for the last 20 years, including our creative team, globally integrated supply chain and extensive manufacturing network. We also have a group of advisors on scientific and legal aspects helping us understand the environmental protection regulations and claims that we can make. We’re very careful on the claims.”
Earlier this month, Sachin Ahluwalia was hit by a car while riding his bicycle in Midtown. He’s now sporting a large cast extending all the way up his thigh, but he says he’s OK and can focus on Good Kloth. “We need to bring life back to normal as much as we can,” he said. “Science needs to come to the forefront. I intend to take advantage of these smart people of science.”
The Good Kloth protective gloves. 
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Advantages of Hiring Home Cleaning Services
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Meeting up the challenges of modern day’s hectic schedule can be tricky. Finding time to do simple activities is getting difficult day by day. Home cleaning is one such task which sometimes, takes a backseat to give a way to other commitments. Deep cleaning your home is an imperative task that should be done on a regular basis. There are numerous advantages of hiring the professional Home Cleaning Services in Hyderabad. Living in a clean environment lays a strong foundation for thriving in all aspects of life. It is healthier, safer, and time-saving. In the given text, some of the benefits of hiring Home cleaning Services Delhi have been mentioned. Most of these advantages are accredited to enjoying the first-hand experience of professional cleaning.
1) Time and Money Saving
Even after investing a lot of time and energy it is difficult to achieve the results that a professional cleaning service can provide you within a day. Deep cleaning entails using the specific chemicals and cleaning tools which can be highly effective and at the same time dangerous to deal with. The professional experience of home cleaning services Noida handles it craftily. You get the best results in a reasonable amount of time and money.
2) Deep cleaning with attention to detail
The Home Cleaning Services in Delhi are experienced and thus, aware what exactly one needs. Home cleaning is not a simple activity that can be done by dusting and moping here and there. Deep cleaning is a complex process that consists of multiple steps such as cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing. All these steps require the hands of the experts who can pay attention to the detail. By making sure that the environment is germ-free, home cleaning services in Delhi guarantee you a hygienic environment. In this environment, you are less likely to fall sick and get affected adversely. You do not have to worry about the respiratory hazards arising out of dust, or infections arising out of germs. You can fulfil your social and professional commitments without worrying about the burden of house upkeep.
3) Better Productivity
Having to break away from your daily errands for home cleaning, affects your productivity adversely. Once you are aware of the fact that your house is clean and disinfected, you can enjoy a better peace of mind. Without worries and anxiety, you can focus on other important tasks. It makes you more energetic and productive. Therefore, it is advisable to hire the home cleaning services Noida and maintain a better peace of mind.
4) Helps in building better impressions
A healthy and clean environment at home is not only beneficial for the residents but also welcoming for the visitors. If your home is clean, then you can leave a positive impression on the visitors. It helps you to build better relationships personally and professionally.
5) Customized Cleaning
Every home is different and it requires different cleaning techniques. At times, your schedule may be different, requiring the cleaning services in Delhi to come at different times. All this can be customized easily if you choose to seek the expert’s help. If you need a selective portion of the house or selective fixtures to get cleaned then you can also opt for that. Some people just opt for blinds, windows, or floor cleaning whereas some people want a complete sweep of the entire house. You can also choose among the different services such as disinfecting, dusting, stain removal and much more. Choose the service and time that suits you the best without having to worry about the price and output.
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Top 10 Tips To Grow Your WORLD
10 Warning Signs Of Your WORLD Demise.
The U.S.A. has everything; a president with, love him or hate him, worldwide interest, as well as much of the most awesome and significant sights of the world. This information assists discover various other details like the number of individuals truly bought the product after coming to the firm's internet site. Split is the second largest city in Croatia and it impresses individuals with lovely coastlines, globe known events, variety of options it offers you and also an ensured time of your life whenever you visit it. Consequently, home-based companies in the travel niche are also popular and Globe Ventures is one of the extra preferred of those firms. world of warcraft legion, click through the next website, Commode Company performed a one and a half day workshop for Lixil Sales, Marketing as well as IKam teams from India and also Indochina. Power need in Southeast Asia grows at one of the fastest prices on the planet yet around 65 million individuals across the ten Association of Southeast Asian Countries countries lack access to electricity. Permit your mind to support the experience and constantly write the information in a diary promptly later on - this is for later on reflection as well as things could make sense later on that were not apparent at the time. Globalization challenges people to end up being a lot more affordable changing the means business sell and generate and also the way people work. Innovative marketing training omitted, from exactly what I can inform they provide their distributors a lot of the devices they'll need to develop a successful online service in the travel sector. Endeavour-The Movement Firm in India, leaders in mobile application advancement modern technology like android growth, ipad application development as well as various other mobile innovations that supply strategic assessment in leveraging flexibility apps to a venture regardless of the business vertical. Individuals throughout the world, along with people I enjoy and recognize spend money (occasionally mine) on readings" thinking they are getting in information on something such as an unexpected life event or attracted response to concerns about the past. Schedule some time daily to do it if you have an idea of what you would certainly love to do but are not doing. Making time wherefore you like is much like fanning the flames of your enthusiasm - the fire could only grow stronger. Due to the fact that 92% of individuals feel their call experience is essential in shaping the image of a company, this reinforces the significance of facilities in branding the photo of their business. It offers an eclectic mix of Indians at any moment of the day, talking different languages, showcasing diverse mannerisms and also displaying different feelings. Currently there was running water regularly, except for the periodic hour when the electrical energy headed out. I myself have seen the nation modification significantly in my lifetime, and at the age of 36, I have actually located it difficult to get my head round the degeneration of the nation.
Little Understood Ways to GLOBE.
3 Tips Regarding WORLD You Can Not Afford To Miss
Trading Globally entails heavy expenses because on top of the price of the service or product, the country's federal government will typically enforce tolls, time prices and the many various other expenses associated with moving (normally) the items throughout into an additional country where language, system, society and also regulations are taken into consideration a huge obstacle.My expertize is working with a dowsing pendulum and also if you discover how to collaborate with one you will certainly learn if your 'Real Partner' is available to you and boost your life, based upon your sensible experiences and also any type of experience you may have.Sometimes it also looks like a dish cut - popularized in the days of Leave it to Beaver, the Beverly Hill Billies, Eco-friendly Acres as well as various other shows that highlighted inbreeding in society. Hence all the prophets and also Gods in their human incarnation offered a suitable that man should comply with in his life so that he become like God.The males and females who withstand life within a cycle of domestic violence support a lifetime of pain within them. 16 days on your bike mixing all the landscapes from nation to city to sea. The fact is, virtually everybody could gain from discovering the principles as well as methods of how to be far better stewards of time.Air India is a quasi-Governmental organization and also the flag service provider Airline of India, which combined with the domestic airlines business Indian few years back, was started in 1932 as Tata Airlines and also it has its hubs at Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport as well as Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, running a fleet size of 89 and catering 75 locations worldwide and domestic.Having actually taken a trip three time round the globe, my useful experiences throughout the past 56 years has enabled me to be employed in a variety of work places that have actually educated me to be aware of our social system and exactly how it could be improved.Start a remarkable trip from the Edwardian-styled separation room and invested a few of the best life moments while traveling in the luxurious Rovos Rail Experience the magnificence of Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban, Victoria Falls, Dar es Salaam and also Swakopmund with all the contemporary conveniences.After that God produced light, water, plants, day-night, birds, celebrities and pets. Family members that live nearby described that the city had water only when weekly or more for a couple of hours (Thursday early mornings, we found). Play provides kids the opportunity to discover as well as experience points themselves, which is vital for their advancement.There are currently an unbelievable 79 Member nations and regions embracing the life-changing message of occupation abilities as well as training for the youths of the globe. Honda defined products with the intention of acquiring success not just in Japan, but throughout the globe Honda was the initial Japanese company which began worldwide manufacturing facility in Belgium by manufacturing mopeds in that country.
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sadiecracknell-blog · 6 years
A Surprising Tool To Assist You WORLD.
Count on Your WORLD Abilities However Never Quit Improving
The appeal of the globe maintains transforming with turning of the seasons. Throughout 1842 when individuals started transferring to the 'spirit globe' much of them obtained as well as certified 'Improved Continuous Life' yet over the previous 70 years social criteria have decreased and also just a couple of individuals these days accomplish as well as certify 'Boosted Perpetual Life'. Recently, William strolled down the aisle with his veteran lady close friend, Kate Middleton, at Westminster Abbey, which appealed around 2 billion individuals in different countries. Because of this factor, many individuals choosing to learn Spanish abroad are selecting other nations. My expertize is working with a dowsing pendulum and also if you learn to work with one you will certainly find out if your 'Real Companion' is available to you as well as boost your life, based on your practical experiences and any proficiency you might have. After that God produced light, water, plants, day-night, birds, stars and animals. Family members that live neighboring described that the city had water just when each week or 2 for a few hrs (Thursday mornings, we found). Play provides youngsters the chance to find out and also experience things themselves, which is crucial for their development. It offers an eclectic mix of Indians at any time of the day, talking different languages, showcasing diverse mannerisms and showing various feelings. Now there was running water at all times, except for the occasional hour when the electricity went out. I myself have seen the nation change considerably in my lifetime, and at the age of 36, I have actually found it difficult to obtain my head round the wear and tear of the nation. The prices are cheap so it's worth taking a look at what each bundle offers, as they can look after technical and legal concerns that you may not know. As Phuket is just one of the preferred places for summer season getaway as well as it is additionally a great area to get wed during offseason, make certain you locate individuals that will certainly get the job done right and not overcharge. Speaking of getting the very best price, they additionally have a Suit or Beat" rate guarantee for on the internet traveling bookings versus Priceline, Travelocity, Orbitz, as well as Expedia which could be an extremely positive advertising and marketing device for a person that is functioning to build a multi level marketing with Globe Ventures. As a number of us are shateringly conscious, time is a beneficial yet restricted source that we never seem to have enough of. In the fast-paced and increasingly busy globe where we live, there is a pressing should find out how to manage time as efficiently as feasible.
GLOBE Your Means To Success.
The Untold Trick To Grasping WORLD In Just 3 Days.
Enable your mind to go along with the experience and write the details in a journal instantly later on Allow yourself to adjust when your meditation surfaces as well as consume alcohol a fresh glass of water. Today, 2.1 billion people live without safe alcohol consumption water in your home; influencing their health and wellness, education and incomes. Exactly what takes place in this minute is a critical thing for each being because at that moment when people concentrate on what they have developed in their life with excellent emotion (either love based or fear based) is supported and multiplied a zillion fold by the Doctrine of Tourist attraction and you will begin to firmly walk either the path of the Higher Spiral or the course of the Downward Spiral. There are now an unbelievable 79 Participant areas and also countries welcoming the life-changing message of occupation abilities and also training for the young people of the world of warcraft książki, gezondheidstechniek.space,. Honda specified products with the intention of gaining success not just in Japan, however across the globe Honda was the initial Japanese firm which started worldwide manufacturing center in Belgium by making mopeds because country. Amongst the creating countries that have outstanding academic systems are such "emerging markets" as Mexico, India, Brazil, Turkey, the Philippines, Egypt, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand, much of South America and also numerous of the Persian Gulf Arab States. Just what I offer the work environment" Thanks On Wednesday 21 March 2018, Down Disorder International combined people with Down disorder, their advocates as well as advocates, senior agents of significant employers, specialists in the field of handicap work, government and UN authorities at United Nations Head Office, New York. Air India is a quasi-Governmental company as well as the flag service provider Airline of India, which combined with the domestic airlines firm Indian few years back, was begun in 1932 as Tata Airlines and also it has its hubs at Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport terminal and also Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, running a fleet size of 89 and catering 75 destinations domestic and international.Power need in Southeast Asia expands at one of the fastest prices worldwide yet around 65 million individuals across the ten Organization of Southeast Eastern Nations countries lack access to power. Allow your mind to accompany the experience and constantly create the information in a journal right away after that - this is for later on representation as well as points could make good sense later that were not noticeable at the time.We have actually learned that this build-up is accountable for international warming which it is the origin of climate modification and its numerous versions. Their only reward would certainly be traveling expense repayments from and also to their house; after volunteering their free time for a few hrs every week in a profession suitable with their practical experiences.
0 notes
Boost Your GLOBE With These Tips.
The U.S.A. has it all; a head of state with, like him or dislike him, global attention, as well as many of one of the most awesome and notable sights of the globe. This data helps learn other information like the amount of people actually bought the product after getting to the company's site. Split is the second largest city in Croatia as well as it astonishes individuals with lovely coastlines, globe known festivals, wide array of options it offers you as well as an ensured time of your life whenever you visit it. For this reason, home-based companies in the traveling specific niche are likewise incredibly popular and also World Ventures is one of the a lot more preferred of those companies. Globe Toilet Company performed a one and also a half day workshop for Lixil Sales, Advertising and IKam teams from India and Indochina. Energy demand in Southeast Asia grows at one of the fastest prices worldwide yet around 65 million people throughout the 10 Association of Southeast Oriental Nations nations are without access to electrical power. Enable your mind to support the experience as well as always write the information in a journal promptly afterwards - this is for later on reflection and also things may make good sense later that were not noticeable at the time. Globalization tests people to end up being much more competitive altering the way company produce and also sell and also the means people work. Cutting edge marketing training omitted, from what I can tell they provide their distributors a number of the devices they'll need to construct a successful online service in the traveling industry. Endeavour-The Mobility Business in India, leaders in mobile application growth innovation like android growth, ipad application development and various other mobile innovations that provide tactical assessment in leveraging wheelchair applications to an enterprise regardless of business vertical. Individuals around the globe, in addition to people I love and also know invest cash (in some cases mine) on analyses" assuming they are getting in info on something such as an unpredicted life occasion or attracted answers to questions regarding the past. If you have an idea of what you would love to do however are not doing, then set up some time everyday to do it. Making time wherefore you love is similar to fanning the fires of your enthusiasm - the fire can just expand more powerful. Because 92% of individuals feel their call experience is very important fit the image of a business, this enhances the relevance of centers in branding the image of their business. It uses a diverse mix of Indians any time of the day, talking different languages, showcasing diverse mannerisms and also displaying different feelings. Now there was running water constantly, besides the periodic hour when the electrical energy went out. I myself have seen the country adjustment drastically in my life time, as well as at the age of 36, I have discovered it hard to get my head round the degeneration of the nation.
GLOBE Made Simple - Even Your Children Can Do It.
7 Ways To Keep Your WORLD Growing Without Burning The Midnight Oil.
Trading Internationally entails hefty costs due to the fact that in addition to the price of the service or product, the country's federal government will generally enforce tolls, time prices and the lots of other costs associated with moving (normally) the products throughout into an additional country where language, system, culture and also guidelines are thought about a huge limitation. My expertize is collaborating with a dowsing pendulum as well as if you discover how to collaborate with one you will certainly learn if your 'Real Companion' is offered to you as well as improve your life, based on your useful experiences and any proficiency you may have. Occasionally it also appears like a dish cut - maded popular in the days of Leave it to Beaver, the Beverly Hill Billies, Environment-friendly Acres and other programs that highlighted inbreeding in culture. Therefore all the prophets and also Gods in their human incarnation offered an ideal that man have to follow in his life to ensure that he become like God. The women as well as males who sustain life within a cycle of domestic physical violence nurture a life time of pain within them. 16 days on your motorcycle blending all the landscapes from nation to city to sea. The truth is, almost everybody could gain from discovering the concepts and methods of ways to be much better guardians of time. Air India is a quasi-Governmental company as well as the flag carrier Airline company of India, which combined with the domestic airlines firm Indian few years back, was begun in 1932 as Tata Airlines and also it has its hubs at Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport terminal and also Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport terminal, running a fleet dimension of 89 and catering 75 destinations residential and also worldwide. Having taken a trip three time round the world of tanks 1.0 (clicking here), my functional experiences during the previous 56 years has actually enabled me to be used in a selection of work places that have enlightened me to be knowledgeable about our social system as well as how it can be boosted.Begin a memorable trip from the Edwardian-styled separation room and invested several of the most effective life moments while taking a trip in the extravagant Rovos Rail Experience the grandeur of Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban, Victoria Falls, Dar es Salaam and also Swakopmund with all the contemporary conveniences.After that God developed light, water, greenery, day-night, animals, birds as well as celebrities. Relatives that live nearby described that the city had water just as soon as each week or more for a few hrs (Thursday mornings, we found). Play offers youngsters the possibility to learn as well as experience things themselves, which is crucial for their advancement.There are currently an unbelievable 79 Participant areas and also countries accepting the life-altering message of vocational abilities and training for the youths of the globe. Honda defined products with the objective of getting success not just in Japan, but throughout the globe Honda was the initial Japanese company which began international production facility in Belgium by producing mopeds because nation.
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It is a V4. I have taken Driver's Ed. I have taken Defensive Driving. Taken the State Farm test thing. The car is dark blue.
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Dental, health, medical, etc. Im graduating HS and my parents are taking me off there's. They say it's time to grow up and support myself. I fully understand. And I have no complaints. So that's why I'm asking. I just got a job, so would that help?? I'm taking a break from school (college) for a couple years.""
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I just turn 16, and i wanna take the class. I live in Houston, TX. Will my parents insurance raise if i get a permit? I need answer Quick! Please Help!""
My dentist wants me to pay up front and have my insurance company reimburse ME?
I just went to the dentist today and had a filling. I have dental insurance, but the dentist wanted payment up front for the services. The receptionist said they require payment in full for the services on the day of service, and then they will send the insurance claim in to the company and eventually I will receive a reimbursement check. Isn't that what INSURANCE IS FOR??? So you DON'T have to pay????? I don't handle the cash in my family, so after much arguing about requiring payment up front, the receptionist agreed to let me walk out withouth paying, but expects me to have my husband pay by tomorrow. It just doesn't seem right that the dentist gets cash up front for the work, and then makes ME wait to get reimbursed by the insurance company... what the heck?""
First car ... I need cheap car insurance.. what car offers cheap insurance?
Tell me how much the insurance costs if possible, bearing in mind I am a new driver.""
""I know NOTHING about insurance, I'm looking for car insurance?
My friend sent me the link to this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I'm wondering if it is good information I should use?
Question about car insurance (easy answer)?
I am a named driver on my mum's car, she has built up a no claims bonus and so my insurance was a bit cheaper. But now i want to buy my own car, can i switch the insurance onto this new one? Can i become a named driver on my car and still get cheap insurance? I'm a little confused with it all.... thanks I live in England""
Can I purchase life insurance for our family without a physical exam?
We have a new baby and we both need to be insured. Is it possible to purchase affordable life insurance without a physical exam?
Should i Register my car under my dad's name to get cheaper insurance?
How does it work? Do i buy the car under his name and register it under his name? OR Do i buy it under my name and register it under my name and just insure it under him? How does it work? EZ 10 Points here guys.
How do the payment work if a bunch of people are being sued by a auto insurance company?
1 insurance company is suing another insurance company, and 6 people. If the 1 insurance company wins how do they split of the amount sued for? If they do at all... I need answers please""
How much will my ticket be? I'm a little nervous to see since he gave me 4 months to pay it..?
I got in a wreck about 2 weeks ago. I wasn't at fault but because I had no insurance I got my car taken anyway. It's out of impound now, they didn't hold my tags, and I now have insurance and a nice size scratch/dent going from my front fender to my back door. So now all that's left is the ticket that he gave me for driving a vehicle with no insurance. How much will the ticket cost? And does it cost more because the vehicle was in an accident?""
How much would Liability insurance run me for my mobile auto detailing business?
Im looking to start a mibile detailing business within the next year and I need insurance
Do you need to report a delivery job on auto Insurance?
If I got a job where I need to use my car for work, do I need to report it to my auto insurance, and if so, will my rates go up?""
How much will my car insurance be?
R reg vw polo 999cc
""I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am quitting my job in a couple of weeks to start my own business. I am shopping around for individual health insurance plans and have found a couple that will suit my needs. The problem is that the plans are both Anthem (Blue Cross California) and that is the same insurance that my employer carries. I'm worried that contacting Anthem to start the process of getting coverage will alert my employer that I am leaving. Should I be concerned?
Which car is best for a new driver with cheap insurance im 25 and a female?
Which car is best for a new driver with cheap insurance im 25 and a female?
What is the most affordable and complete health insurance?
My husband moved to North Carolina 8 months ago from India and is a Pharmacist. However, until he passes his equivalency exams in the states, he is working as a Pharmacy Technician. I am not working at the moment (not by choice but by the terrible job situation in the country). We are shopping around for affordable health insurance. Blue Cross is too expensive and so are many others. We are on a very limited income, however, health is of utmost importance too. So even if it is really bank breaking, we are looking into getting health insurance. What is the best one in terms of affordability and coverage? We don't have children yet but hope to start a family in a couple of years when we are better settled. Neither one of us are smokers and are in pretty good shape. Please help with sound advice. Thanks so much in advance""
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
Buchanan Dam Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78609
Buchanan Dam Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78609
Car Insurance Estimate?
I'm 19 years old. I've had my license since December 2008. I've never been in an accident. The car would cost around 5000$ It's a silver 2002 Saturn Vue AWD V6 With around 100,000 miles on it. Used obviously. It would be bought with a loan from a bank, so financed. I make around 1000$ a month, working 32 hours a week. Lame work for now, but hey. I can easily pay for the insurance. I also have good credit history. Any ideas on what insurance would cost.""
What is the cheapest car insurance for me on my own plan???
i have a 2005 dodge stratus coupe 5 sp. sxt. almost 19 yrs old. i have a failure to yield ticket in feb. of 07. i live in Porter County, IN what is the best insurance for me???""
Insurance policy limit in a personal injury settlement?
I was wondering in a personal injury settlement if the other driver (who's was at fault for the accident) has a limit on his policy that is UNBELIEVABLY low. Is that all that i can realistically get? Just to give some background info, my lost wages are 1,000 dollars more than his insurence policy limit. Thats not including pain and suffering and medical bills. Im trying to find out every bit of info that i can because i am doing this with out a lawyer, due to the fact that i fired mine 3 days ago. All info that you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much Nick""
How will this affect my CAR INSURANCE?
Hi, I recently drove my dad's 2005 Infiniti G35 into a ditch. It was a rainy day and I lost control. There was no apparnt cosmetic damage but around 3500 dollars damage from hitting one of the wheels on a hard object as well as a torn gas tank underneath. There were no other vehicles involved. Im 18 and have no previous records or offences. Im going back to University residence soon so I'll be taken off the insurance. I was wondering if my parent's insurance rate would increase even though im not listed?""
""Cheap auto Insurance in miami, fl?""
I recently moved here and need to buy insurance for my car. Ive been searching on-line and i am overwhelmed on how expensive the rates are here in fl compared to California where i use to live. I have never had quotes in the 100's. so do u know a cheap auto insurance company here in miami, fl I have a 95 ford mustang cv""
Help with car insurance?
ok.. i just got a 1997 honda accord lx.. im 18 and a new driver.. but the car is in mine and my moms name every place we called it is over a hundred dollars just for state required ?? where is the cheapest place in shelbyville indiana.. i need car insurance and this is outrageous could anybody help me please
Insurance cost for an 87 Fiero?
I'm considering purchasing an 87 Fiero and I am wondering roughly what insurance costs are like with these cars? Is it high or low? Considering the body panels are made of plastic I would think it's not too expensive to replace.
Young drivers (17-18) - What is your insurance?
Hey! Im starting driving and shocked at the cost of insurance! Can't get lower than 3000 on a 1999 1.0 Vauxhall Corsa! Must be doing something wrong. So yeah , 3 questions : 1) What is your age? 2) How much is your insurance? 3) What insurance company are you with and what car? Thanks!""
Where to purchase liability insurance for a rental car?
i dont have personal insurance of my own, for am i renting with a credit card. Trying to find place cheaper than the rental car company""
How much would a $500K life insurance policy cost?
I am a healthy 32 year old female.
Free health insurance for the unemployed?
i am unemployed and have no health insurance. is there a program in pa. where i can get health insurance for free or at a very low price?
Why does CAR INSURANCE cost more when a CAR/ motor vehicle is PAINTED RED?
Why does the color red coast more to insure ?
I have an insurance question?
if im driving with my grandma and wreck and only have a permit does their insurance cover the damage? Tennessee permit
Car Insurance when selling Car?
Ok the situation is as follows: I am selling my car for a new one. I have asked my current insurer to transfer my policy to the new car which is fine. However I then questioned about temporarily insuring my old car under the policy and they wanted a ridiculous amount of money for a week - I also do not know how long it will take to sell the car. I questioned the amount and asked what customers generally do when they wish to keep an old car insured. I was told that I could drive my old car on a 3rd party basis as my policy going forward covers me fully comprehensive. I thought fantastic - but then I was shocked when I was told that if I drive the car it is insured 3rd party only but as soon as I park it up somewhere it is uninsured and could be towed away by the police. I have since read my policy document which claim that I can drive any other car 3rd party providing I do not own the car and that there is already insurance in place? Can anyone clarify the above or provide advice. I am so confused and unfortunately are unable to call my insurer back now or over the next couple days? Thanks in advance
Is there an industry that does not utilize insurance?
I need to name one industry that does not utilize insurance. Please help! Thanks!
""CAR INSURANCE FOR A 17-YEAR-OLD, 5000 quotes. Genuinely can't find any quotes less than 5000.?""
1.3 KA 2002, immobiliser, no tracker fitted yet (intend on). Not bought the car. 17-year-old as the main driver and owner, passed a month ago (roughly). I know it's obvious, but KAs are the easiest cars to buy, the car is valued at 995 (the one in mind). I can literally find 5000 quotes. The car is worth less than one fifth of this. And yes, I know that car insurance will be expensive, but reading over forums etc, some people have managed to get it down to 2000. I've tried Diamond, elephant, comparethemarket, gocompare, literally everywhere. Admiral won't give me a quote and places like Tesco will only quote 18-year-olds. I will literally LOVE anyone who knows of any quotes around 2000-3000. And I realise that insurance companies take the Michael, but please don't state the obvious with a comment like Insurance will be expensive - 5000 is about right , surely it can't be, I've found so many forums of people saying they have quotes from 2000, but not telling me where from. ):""
BMW 1991 318is Insurance/Gas/Parts?
I'm looking into getting a car. This would officially be my first. I want it to be a car that is of good quality for at least the next 2 to 3 years. Meaning not too much to spend on gas, parts and insurance. Which are where my questions lie for a 1991 bmw 318is; Does a 1991 bmw 318is take up more gas than the average car of it's time? Also, I understand maintaining a BMW is expensive but is the 1991 bmw 318is pricey to insure? I've heard after a certain year, BMW are a little less expensive to have. I'm absolutely in love with this model and year, I'd love for it to be my first actual car but I'm skeptical. Please answer my questions and thank you for your time!""
Co op young drivers insurance (Smart box)?
Do co op young drivers insurance insure Cat C cars that have been repaired with vic certificate and log book? i called them twice and one person says they do but the other person said they don't so im confused on weather to buy the car or not? Thanks
How much does Mexican auto insurance cost?
I live in the U.S. and 'm going to be renting a car in Cancun for about a week on vacation so I am wondering how much an economy car or a van costs...? There is going to be six of us so either 2 economy cars or 1 van/suv.
Should i get home insurance as a home owner or a rental ?
i own a house and i rent out part of it . i pay about 925 per year. i am moving out of state should i switch to rental property rather then owner occupied insurance ? which one is better or cheaper
How much will my insurance rise?
I recently got a speeding ticket for going 9 over in a school zone as well as one for talking on a cell phone in a school zone. I was curious as to how much my insurance will rise. I am 18 and recieved the ticket in Texas. This is my first offense(s). How many points for insurance is a cell phone ticket? Thanks so much!
Service Charges for Auto Insurance?
I'm getting quoted for auto insurance, one of the quotes has +service charge , but other cars from the same insurance provider don't have this. Why would auto insurance have a service charge? Is this a normal thing? And if so how much is it normaly? I'm assuming its a % of the quote... Thanks.""
How much does it cost to visit ER without health insurance ?
Just wondering since I visited a hospital's ER couple weeks ago . Have not received any bills yet , I'm 26 yrs old , have a health insurance from blue shield california but the plan has almost $2000 copayment that I have to pay before I can take any benefit ... I visited the ER , did a X-ray , talked to a ER physician ... and that's about it . anyone knows how much I might have to pay for the visit ?""
Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best auto insurance rates?
Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best auto insurance rates?
Buchanan Dam Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78609
Buchanan Dam Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78609
Car insurance for a rental car?
Hello, I was looking to rent a car for about 1 month, but finding the rental companies insurance costly than the car itself. I called up few insurance companies and they are ready to provide me some cheap basic insurance for like about $75.00/month which covers liability, other car damages; but not the physical damage of my car (they said my credit card company should cover it). I discussed this with one of my friend and he said that the rental car company would not allowed you to rent a car on the renter's insurance. Is it true? If yes, then what could be the best way I can get a cheap and covered car insurance for my rental car for 1 month. Please suggest.""
Where can I buy rental car insurance online?
If I don't want to buy LDW or ALI offered by the rental car company, where can I buy a cheaper rental car insurance online? I tried Travel Guard, but since I am not a U.S. resident I am not eligible.""
How much would it cost to add a Mustang GT under my parents current policy? Would it go up alot?
They currently pay I think its 125-140 dollars monthly for insurance on a 4 door 2003 buick century. So my question is, would it go up alot if I were to buy a GT myself and have them add it to their policy and add myself to it? How much do you think it would go up? BTW i'm talking about a 1987-93 mustang GT. Or chances of a 99. I dont want it to somewhat be fancy or nothing. It could have high mileage. I plan on buying one for around 1-4 grand. Yes the mileage would probably be high, but hell mustangs are cool and it would be my first car :P BTW I'm getting my license when I turn 18. I turn 17 in 2 months. I want to get a job now and start saving up.""
Where to get the best price on event insurance?
Ive been throwing events for awhile now and just recently had a close call in damages to the property so i was wondering if anyone knew of something like a Event insurance company that covers Arizona events?
Health Insurance company?
I m looking for the health insurance company in india, can anyone refer me the trust able resource for the health insurance!""
Car insurance companies?
Are there any car insurance companies which don't appear on comparison websites that are cheap and competetive? In the UK. Thanks
Affordable term life insurance quote?
What good is affordable term life insurance?
A few questions about insurance and motorcycles in general.?
-A friend has an old 600cc Harley in his garage from 1980's I believe. He says that it could be repaired with a little TLC. How much would it cost to insure it for an 18 year old with a clean driving record and a fresh motorcycle liscense? -How much
Question about cars and insurance?
I know that the cheapest NEW car to ensure is the VW Up costing around 1500 a year. But is there any USED cars that can match this insurance cost but isn't any older than 5 years? NOTE: The VW Up is in insurance group 1
Any advice on Medical Insurance?
My husband's job has an insurance plan that will take $200 out of his paycheck EVERY OTHER WEEK. He makes about $1200.. that is $400 a month which leaves us with $800 a month to survive. We think it's ridiculous.. can anyone give us advice on any other insurance policies? Blue cross blue shield maybe.. or anything... Thanks in advance!
""For health insurance plan, is it good to have a low deductible, but a higher coinsurance?""
I'm looking at a health insurance plan with a premium of $76 per month. The deductible is $500 and out-of-pocket maximum is $2,500, which doesn't include deductible. Coinsurance is 30% after deductible. I get the first 3 doctor visits for $30 co-payment and then pay 30% after deductible. Does this plan sound okay? I normally see a doctor once a year. Thanks!""
Car insurance for a 21 yr old living in ny?!?
Approx how much does car insurance, per month, cost for a 21 yr old college student from abroad in ny? My sister who lives in the country pays about 130 dollars per month in MA.""
""I am 17 years old and don't have health insurance, what do I do?""
I am 17 years old and don't live with my parents. I am living with a friends Aunt while I attend college. Because I don't live with my parents I can't be on their health insurance, I've been ill and worried but avoiding the doctor because any medications would cost a fortune. All my prescriptions used to only be $15 now they are dramatically raised. I don't have a job either. What do I do? Is there any type of thing I can qualify for? Any feedback would be much appreciated!!!""
What's the cheapest way of getting hire car insurance?
I don't really want to pay $25 a day for insurance excess reduction!!
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
Im 19 and i have got my test in october, my driving instructor has moved away and so i thought I will get a car, and i had recently bought one it is a renault clio grande 1149cc, im looking for a good insurance quote and an insurance quote that will drop in price when i pass my test because many insurance company's rise in price after the test""
I need a good affordable health insurance company in united arab emirates (Dubai)?
I need a good affordable health insurance company in united arab emirates (Dubai)?
Car insurance is very cheap or very expensive?
Car insurance is very cheap or very expensive?
Teen driver and car insurance?
I am 17 years old and am looking to buy my first car. I have found a 2002 Buick Rendezvous CX that I am very interested in. The only problem now is insurance...With my car insurance company, Liberty Mutual, it will be close to $800 every 6 months! That is A LOT of a teenager or for anyone to be paying. That is also being under my parents policy which has the best coverage. What can I possibly do to finagle a lower price? I know that the car should be registered as pleasure driving, I have good grades, took Drivers education...what else can I do to try and lower my payment every 6 months? If there are any tips, please help me!""
How much was your high risk car insurance?
i was charged with a DUI about a month ago... my first one. I was parked at a gas station. I'm a 20 year old male.. how much do you think my car insurance will be? I've also got about 5 speeding tickets in the past if that goes against me.
What insurance should i get....?
I need to find the best insurance that is gonna be the cheapest. i checked qoutes on progressive and i got a qoute for like 500-600 dollars a month which i feel is too much! what insurance would you reccommend for young drivers? Ive had my liscense for a year and a half and have two points on it
When will my motorcycle insurance lower?
i live in florida im going to start riding soon probly start out on a ninja 650r but i wana move up 2 a zx14 after a while(my dream bike) but the insurance is nuts on it like 800 a month now on the 14 the 650 is like 120 with amazing insurance and 250 deductables when will my insurance drop? does it go by age or experience?
How do I get car insurance in Massachussets?
Progressive, GEIKO, and more don't serve MA. WHY? I can't find anyone who serves MA. Which car insurance is the cheapest and how do I get it. Thanks.""
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Where can I get pit bull insurance in Ohio??? What does it cost??
Where can I get pit bull insurance in Ohio??? What does it cost??
Should i tell my parents about the car accident i got into?car insurance question?
I got into a small car accident. I bumped into the car(98 avenger) in front me on the way heading to school. It was a acquaintance that i knew in high school.well we didn't get the insurance involved,we exchanged information. there's a small dent on his bumper i thought i could pay him off out of pocket with out my parents knowing since they've been trying to find a new car for a while now we even went to a dealership the day of the accident,i dont want to look irresponsible. but the trunk of his wont open. He went to a place to get an estimate they would charge him about 1,700$ which is wayyy more than i expected. I called other places around my area to see if they can fix the trunk and they basically said they to see the condition its not bad it just can't open.being a unemployed college student its hard to find money to pay of the pocket,so i was thinking of just asking my parents what happened,only if the body shops around my area are to expensive to pay. I know im under my parents insurance name but i wasn't sure at the time would the insurance company pay for all of it or would i need to pay out of pocket?would it go up?. need advice or suggestions this situation had been bothering a lot. dont know much about car insurance any additional information would be appreciated!""
Buchanan Dam Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78609
Buchanan Dam Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 78609
0 notes
cheapest liability only insurance
"cheapest liability only insurance
cheapest liability only insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance for Spanish registered car?
I live and work in the uk, but I have a car in the canary islands spain, I only return to the ca66naries about 6 times a year for a week at a time, does anyone know of an insurance company that can cover my car insurance for only 1 week at a time when I need it. The car is locked in my underground garage when not in use. I do not see the point in paying for a yearly insurance for a car that is only used for max of 6 weeks in the year. Its a Spanish plated car reg number""
Insurance companies will have 32 million new customers because of Obamacare. How is this socialism?
The Affordable Care Act was modeled after a Republican health care plan by the Heritage Foundation and was first implemented by a Republican governor. All this bill does is makes sure that insurance companies have 32 million new customers. I could understand if you called Single Payer socialism (which I highly support), but calling Obamacare socialist is pretty stupid.""
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
I am planning to buy medical insurance. Which insurance company provides affordable service with good service.
I am 25 working as a consultant but my company doesn't provide insurance. I am looking for a good insurance company to provide me with affordable service. Also what does term Plan type, Deductible, Coinsurance and Office visit mean in simple terms. I work in seattle.""
Cheapest Car Insurance Rates - Chicago?
Not sure if my fathers age has anything to do with rates, but he is 65 years old and pays $600 for six months (for one of his two cars) a 2003 Toyota Corolla with over 100,000 miles on it. He's currently with State Farm. Are there any companies that are as good (not sure what qualifies as being good , but heard that State Farm is good ) but for half the price? And is $600 for six months a lot for the above car? I know insurance covers more than just damage to the car (like injuries caused to others), but the car probably isn't even worth more than a couple grand. So not sure if paying that much is even worth it. Any thoughts?""
What is affordable car inssurance for new drivers?
What is affordable car inssurance for new drivers?
Small and cheap to insure ideal first cars?
first car for a 17 year old, no more then 1800, MUST be small and cheap to insure and preferably a respectable looking car :')""
Do you need proof of insurance when getting license in alabama?
i know you need it but i cant get it by tomorrow. is it ok because they have the information stored in the computers? i need help!!
Motorbike insurance quote 1202 (UK)!?
Could someone please let me know as to why my motorcycle quote is so high? I'm 18 years old and have recently passed my CBT. The bike I am purchasing is a 2009 YZF-R125 with a value of 3000. My friends bike, a CBR125, only costs him somewhere around the 400 per year mark. I don't understand it... Thanks for any replies.""
1999 Camero Insurance Question.....?
Hi, my son is turning 16 and our friend has a camero that his is going to give him a good deal on and I know because its a sports type of car insurance is going to be expensive and he is young...... does anyone have a quote or in the business and has a ballpark number? Thanks""
""Would insurance be high for a 1999 VW Jetta? My first car, 16y/o girl?""
I'm looking at a 99 VW Jetta on Craigslist for $2000. Here's the exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this would be added on to my parents car insurance since I'm still a minor. I have to pay my insurance though, so how much do you think it would be?""
Can I have military health insurance and Regular Health Insurance?
1.Am I allowed to have both military and normal health insurance? 2. Can I see regular nonmilitary doctors with Military health insurance?
Can someone obtain car insurance in CA with no drivers license?
I have a friend who will be a first time driver at age 30 (she had no need for driving where she previously lived). She has the opportunity to buy a car, but cannot register it until she has car insurance. Now, normally, she could just wait to buy the car when she finally gets licensed, but she's been offered an amazing deal and would have to buy now. Is there any insurance company that will cover an unlicensed driver or even someone with a permit? Thanks!""
Will you encourage health insurance to be sold across state lines?
I can buy car insurance anywhere but not health insurance. Why? If competition brings down prices then selling health insurance across state lines should bring prices down. I have not heard any candidate mention this.
Buying a used car insurance question?
i'm buying my first car soon and i have a question. I dont have my license yet so obviously i wont be able to drive it home, my parents will. do they need insurance on it to drive it home or is there an acceptance on that?""
How much would car insurance cost an international student in Winnipeg?
I just got my license from my country. I am going to winnipeg in August I will be attending winnipeg university and I need a car. How much would insurance cost for an international student with the least rates and coverages?
""Which company offers the best health insurance policy in Delhi, India?
I want a health insurance as it saves tax. I am 21 Male
Has anyone heard of 21st.com car insurance? They gave me a quote that was 500 dollars less than Geico!?
I gave the agent everything on my Geico policy and they quoted me with a 500 dollar six month premium which is less than what I pay for with Geico (almost 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to good to be true. Is it? Has anyone had a bad experience with them? Good experience? Please share.
Penalty points and insurance?
if i take out insurance with no points on my license then a couple of months later get 3 points for a ts50 do i have to contact my insurance company to tell them or not?
Which is better car insurance?
$500 per year with an excess of $1150 or $560 per year with an excess of $900 These are the 2 best insurance quotes i can find. Both are big reliable companies.
Cheapest car and insurance for 18 year old?
Hello, i'm looking for a cheap first car which looks alright for a 18 year old? a car which also has quite cheap insurance -_-""
Does it matter if you tell the insurance company?
that you are keeping your vehicle at 'X' address instead of your real address which is 'Y' address. Reason being that X is a way cheaper premuim than my Y premium. And its only for TPO insurance. Thanks
Is health insurance portable from state to state ?
If I purchase health insurence from a company like Coventry One of Kansas and move to Florida, can I take the Coverage with me ?""
My wife backed our truck into a parked car how does the insurance deductabe work?
like i said she backed into someone (her fault) do i pay the insurance deductible up front before they will fix their car and how will my insurance rates be affected by this (state farm). this would be our first claim ever and ive had the policy for around 8 years.
Can the insurance handle it?
I was parking and accidentally bumped into someones car and made a small scratch. The bmw driver made a big deal over it and got my insurance information.he supposedly got an estimate and tried to handle things under the table without having to go thru the insurance.however I think the estimate is tooo much money for fixing a little scratch that literally can be buffed out.I think he already got it fixed and still wants me to pay cause he said the supposed estimate also incluided a three day shop fee.will the insurance still cover me?what can I do?how do I handle this situation?this accident happened last week on Tuesday and he gave me the estimate Saturday.
cheapest liability only insurance
cheapest liability only insurance
How much do you pay for health insurance per month?
Just your portion/ per month / your age I am 30 and did not choose a health plan at work because I think $170 a month for basic HMO is too much for a single healthy person. I used to pay $60 with dental and vision at my last job (which I know is really cheap). When I interviewed here they told me they had a great health plan. Well, guess what they lied! I will definatly be asking more questions about health insurance when I talk salary for my next position.""
How do I prevent myself from getting taken advantage of by the car insurance companies?
What steps do I need to take in order to always be well ahead of the tricks that car insurance companies would want to pull on me?
How do you get cheap classic mini insurance when your 17 and its your first car?
My friend (also 17) got his insurance for 998, i asked and he said about classic mini insurance and joining a mini club, can someone explain and help me?""
Moped/Scooter insurance???
Hi everyone. How much would it cost for me to be insured on this bike? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/125cc-125-cc-Scooter-Moped-Sport-Learner-Legal_W0QQitemZ200232549719QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item200232549719&_trkparms=39%3A1|65%3A7&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1308 I am 19 years old and have a provisional driving licence. (I'm just using that bike as an example but that is the size engine I want as I'm going to be traveling quite far to work and is working out a fortune for bus fair). I'm new to this so if you need more information about me or anything else please say. Thanks xx
Who has the cheapest auto insurance?
I'm about to come back from active duty overseas and I just bought a 2004 Ford F150 4x4. I'm 28 and havent had any accidents or driving infractions in the past 5 years. Which provider is generally the best to use? Thanks.
How bad would a 2006 nissan altima be on insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm on my moms policy right now as the primary driver of a 20 year old sports car and it costs 900 a month. I used to be the primary driver of a small 2002 kia rio sedan and it cost about 700 a month. How much will it be if i am now the primary driver of a 2006 nissan altima? Also how much would the insurance for the actual car be? My mom drives an 06 taurus and she pays 800 so i'm guessing around that price?
Does having a commercial drivers license affect my insurance rates?
I don't drive commercially for a living, so I'm wondering if having my CDL (which I do have) would affect my auto insurance rates positively or negatively. I have my CDL because I drive a bus every once in a while for the university where I work. Thanks for any help you can give.""
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Does my parents insurance still cover me?
I'm 19(turning 20 on Dec 1) & I live in California(southern CA) Not in school right now, still looking into trade schools will attend school in spring '11. My parents have health insurance but since I was 18 it stopped covering for me. Insurance covers almost all costs though sometimes we have to pay a small percentage. Now this new bill has passed & I was wondering if it will cover me? Or should I apply for Medicaid? Currently looking for my 3rd job. Previous jobs did not give me health insurance. Thanks""
Provisional insurance for young driver?
Looking to get insured on my mums car but my mums insurance company wont put me on her insurance,,,, could i get insured by a company such as provisional marmalade? Any other suggestions?""
How much would extra would i pay for another car on my policy?
I currently own 2 cars and am looking to buy another one. It is a 99 crown vic police int P71. I dont want collision or anything extra, i want the lowest insurance policy that i can get. Im taking that, that would be a liability only policy, am i correct? If not what kind of policy do i ask for? Also, how much more a month would this cost? No one will steal it because its a former cop car, but you couldnt tell and i doubt i will reck it.""
Does anyone know who is the cheapest for insurance for piaggio zip 50cc scooter?
Does anyone know who is the cheapest for insurance for piaggio zip 50cc scooter?
What should I get first insurance or car register?
So here is what happen. I went to pay for my sticker at dmv the insurance was done. They void my car sticker and gave a orange one that says void. Couple months I started working now I save up to get insurance to get my car sticker. But they when I went to get insurance they all asking for registration paper. So I lost those paper I looked everywhere. What should I do first get registration paper at dmv then go to insurance because then go back to dmv to get the sticker? Or get insurance first then go to the dmv??
Insurance after driving ban?
Does anybody know of any cheap car insurance company's that deal with drivers that have recantly been banned?
Whats the cheapest insurance out there?
whats the cheapest insurance out there for a 1998 Pontiac grand prix!!
50cc Scooter Insurance Help?
I'm 16 in 9 days, and I'm going to celebrate with a Peugeot V Clic Silver Sport. However, I'm going to need insurance. I live in a quiet area, and my scooter will be kept in a locked, secure garage with four other scooters. I'm also very responsible and won't be thrashing it and doing wheelies. Does anyone think this will reduce the cost of insurance?""
Temporary Car insurance for 17 year old?
I've just bought a car, it's only a 6-7 minute drive away but I've been assured I don't want to be caught without insurance when picking it up and driving it home. I've had a look and all day or month insurers only insure 21+. I'm pretty stuck, as I obviously have to do get it home and I don't have the kind of money to insure it for any decent length of time Any sites you know of that could sort me out? Cheers.""
What would be a good and cheap car insurance here in TX?
What would be a good and cheap car insurance here in TX?
I used to be with wawanesa but the reps tried to rip me off a couple of times, now I'm done with them. Anyone have a suggestion on affordable auto insurance coverage.""
Cheapest for motorcycle insurance?
Got a 2000 zx6r ninja today and need insurance what company seems to be the cheapest. I dont need full coverage bought bike cash.
Can i get new york insurance while maintaining a florida tag?
Can I get new York insurance while maintaining a Florida license plate?
I might be pregnant where do i go to get a test were i have no insurance?
I have taken a HPT and it came up negative, but i didn't get my period. I have no insurance I just moved and started a new job. So where do I go without paying a lot of money?""
""If i just got my permit, can i drive my moms car without insurance?
I just got my permit and want to drive my moms car. Do i have to be on her insurance if i only have a permit?
Cheap Car Insurance For Young Adult?
I am 19. I just bought a car that needs to be plated. Its a 2002 Daewoo. (model name Lanos). I need to know the cheapest insurance I can put on the car. Ive never had any tickets or violations or trouble with the law. Ive never even been pulled over. I live in Indiana. Any suggestions please let me know. Also, I just moved to Lake Station from Elkhart. I guess you have to go through emissions to get plates but since its an 02 I dont believe I need to do it this year. However, I may plan on going back to Elkhart & thats where my lincence is from. Could I tell the BMV that and they plate it as Elkhart? & I wont even have to go through emissions?""
Cheapest Car Insurance Companies For A 17 Year Old Boy?
i got given a quote for 1307 for a 1.1L Peugeot 206 2004. that is for when i get my full license , is that a reasonable price??""
cheapest liability only insurance
cheapest liability only insurance
""Car accident, no insurance?""
Hi, i got into an accident Friday. I was cut off on the highway and when I went on my breaks my car started to skid out of control due to ice. A car in the left lane struck mine. I am on my fathers insurance and found out when I called my insurance company to report the accident that my policy was cancelled last July. My car and registration and insurance is all in my dads name, i am just a registered driver. If the state of RI decides to fine me for not having insurance, or the other driver decides to sue me for it, will that go against my father or myself? Thanks.""
Mass insurance?
why is it that in massachustts that if you have a deductable of $500 on your car insurance policy and put in a claim for $900 dollars you are charged a surcharge of $360 for 6 years why do we have insurance and pay a high premium to start with. they should pay the claim for the $400 difference without a surcharge. i have 3 cars insured and it seems that i pay for the insurance but have no benefit from it.
Young (new) driver Car insurance?
Ok so i passed my test a few days ago and am now ready to drive. my mum owns the car, and my dad has insurance down on his name only (main driver). I called up his insurance company and they said they couldn't add me as second driver, i need at least 2 years of experience, but how would i get experience if i can't drive without insurance? derp.. Anyway, i looked at conventional comparison websites and the prices where ridiculous. So, my question is, if i was to start a new quote on my name only, would it be cheaper? and would it conflict with my dads insurance? if my mum transferred the car to my name would it come cheaper for me? and would that action conflict with my dads standing insurance?? im so confused and distraught, does my dad need to cancel hi insurance, make me the main and him the second driver?? please halp :)""
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Lower insurance premium because of replaced roof?
I filed a claim last year for roof damage. After a typical fight with the insurance company, they replaced the my roof. As a result, my rates increased (Same concept as purchasing toilet paper and then getting punished when you use it - same concept!) Anyhow, my question is: Since I have a new roof, could that make me more eligible for a lower annual premium at another ins company even though the new roof was a result of a claim? Thanks for your assistance in advance.""
Teen car insurance question?
Hello. We moved this past summer and I currently reside with my grandparents for the purpose of keeping my job and staying at school. So he got a car insurance statement today saying that he has to pay nearly double his total amount just for me, a 17 year old driver, driving two of his cars. I only have a level 1 license by the way. They drive 2 new 2012 cars and trucks, would this price be accurate? Thank you.""
Is it true people cannot afford health care insurance?
Is it true people cannot afford health care insurance? Or would many rather spend their money on weed, crack, strippers, whores, booze, cigarettes, gambling, body piercings, tattoos, cell phones, internet, cable, eating out, fast-food and other luxuries? People can afford health care; they chose to spend their money on other things.""
Whats a good affordable car insurance company in dfw?
would like to pay no more than 100 dollars a month liability but i was looking for suggestions for insurance companies for my car to check out, a company that offered raodside ...show more""
Dental insurance ? Or medical insurance payment plans ?
Hi I'm a 20 year old and I currently am looking for a dental insurance an in California but I don't know what good company is good and not as expensive since I do live on my owns and stuff. I really need to go get my teeth checked up but I can't afford to go in a visit with no dental insurance. Someone please help. What are good entail company's that get get me approved on a good payment plan or something pease ans thank you for your time?
Does residency matter in determining auto insurance for a college student?
I'm a current college student in the middle of transferring schools and getting a new insurance policy. I have two schools in mind, one is 5 minutes from home in a suburban neighborhood and the other is 200 miles away in an urban city environment. Depending on where I attend, will this affect my new insurance policy? Will living at home going to school close-by have a lower insurance rate than going to school outta town and living by myself?""
How long can I drive my car with out insurance?
I am buying a used car that isn't from a dealership. How long can I drive the car before needing to buy car insurance?
""Looking for auto and home insurance recommendation in Castle Rock, Colorado?""
We will moving from Wisconsin to Castle Rock, CO in January, 2007. We are building a new home there. We would appreciate any auto and home insurance company recommendations & comments in that area for the best coverage & service at the lowest cost.""
Insurance or not insurance?
hi i had 4 years insurance no claims bonus last april 2011 on my car , i changed it onto a van and drove ir for a year, ... in october i was in court for handling stolen goods ... which i did not disclose to the insurance company at the time because i thought the offence was dropped as it had happened in 2009, anyway in november i had to renew farm insurance with a different company in november and they declined the renewal because of the criminal conviction,.. so i asked the company that my van was insured with for a farm quote and again was declined, i asked about the van insurance being valid and was told to inform them at the renew in april,... in april they declined to renew the van insurance because of non disclosure of criminal conviction,... and told me last years insurance was void and i would be refunded premium and not be intilted to my 5 year no claims bonus,.. two days later they decided not to refund and have gave me my 5 years no claims bonus,.. ??? as the insurance was valid and that they covered me while they knew i had a conviction and non disclosure , do they have the right to refuse me renewal and , why can i not get a quote of them for renewal, the quote i got of some one else is 3 times last years price , need advice thanks""
Car insurance help!!!!!!!?
how does the car insurance work if your car was stolen but had full coverage
List of cheap auto insurance in Georgia $40-$50 a month?
cheap auto insurance in Georgia .looking for where I can pay btw $40-$50 a month
What the hell is wrong with my insurance quote?? Help please?
Hi, I've just been to confused.com and obtained a quote for the car I want - FORD MONDEO VERONA 16V 1997-2000 1796cc 5 DOOR HATCHBACK Manual Petrol - this 2nd hand car has done around 12,0000 mileage My cheapest premium was 4329?? Why on earth is it so expensive?? Is it the fact that I'm a 20 year old male? Or that I've just had my licence for a month? Or I've only lived in the UK for 3 years? Engine size?? State of car??? Please let me know than you""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i live in virginia
What kind of yearly insurance can my sister expect to pay for a 2000 Nissan Pathfinder 4WD in NY suburbs?
with 140,000 miles, given that she, 1) is a middle aged driver for 30+ years 2) drives less than 9000 miles a year 3) has not been in an accident 4) never was DUI or anything reckless (other than a speeding ticket) 5) hasn't had any ticket in 10 years 6) wants collision & theft and the minimum liability insurance. Does this include the low insurance rate for low mileage per year drivers because I think she's being ripped off.""
If the policy holder on car insurance crashes does it affect the named drivers?
I am wanting to get a car and been 19 it will cost a lot , my insurance drops below 1000, if i put my parents as named drivers. I was wondering if the policy holder (me) had a crash would it affect their insurance or is it just the other way around, if they crash as named drivers it will affect the policy holder? As they have no claims discount and i have none , so i can not apply NCD protection ? Thank you :)""
How much would the insurance for the 16 year old with a 07 impala?
I am 16 years old and have been working for awhile, i have been working for a new car. i have found this 07 impala that is in GREAT condition. I need a rough estimate of what my insurance might be if I get this car.""
California mat do away with mandatory auto insurance. How much will rates go up?
The insurance industry has already said they will raise rates. A few years ago when insurance became mandatory, they raised the rates too. As much as 100%. What's your guess as to how badly the will gouge their customers this time?""
Can my husband take life insurance out on me without me knowing in the military?
hey my husband is in the military and he has a life insurance policy on him and i only have a small portion of it and everything else goes to his mother but i just recently find out he has life insurance out on me way more than i would get from him and i didnt sign anything so im wondering can he do it without my consent? and can i cancel it?
How much does speeding ticket cost in California?
I got pulled over going 92 on a 55 mph because I went by to pass a slow car in front of me. I switched to the passing lane and sped up to pass. I was just wondering how much the ticket cost me. Does age matter? I am 18, and I'm wondering if that adds up the cost too.""
Car insurance?
i currently have a car and am insured fully comp on this. my partner is about to purchase me a new one but as i still own the other one i'm not sure what to do about insurance. i'm tempted to take out another policy with a diffenret company for fully comp and run them both until i sell my old one. any suggestions
How much will my car insurance be? Where should I go?
Hello! I got into a car accident that left my car totaled and my parents kicking me off their insurance plan. I bought myself a car and now I want to get insurance but I want to see a guess of what I'll be paying a month. The accident is listed as my fault with the insurance records. Please don't judge or be mean to me I just honestly need help with this question before I go shop around I want to get a guess of what people will tell me. I'm a 17 year old female, Caucasian. I have one major accident on my record. I live in El Paso, TX I am driving a 91 BMW E30 318i that is in good condition. How much would you guess I'd pay a month for the CHEAPEST insurance? I have a friend with no major wrecks paying on her own with good student discount $50 a month. What's the lowest I may be able to pay and what's the highest I may be able to pay? Thank you so much for your help! Have a nice day :)""
cheapest liability only insurance
cheapest liability only insurance
What is the cheapest car insurance in New York?
What is the cheapest car insurance in New York?
""I'm 15, pregnant, and have NO insurance?""
I don't qualify for medicare. My parents make to much, can anyone give me any ideas of what I can do for insurance? Please, No hateful comments. I'm really being serious here.""
Why are my auto insurance quotes so expensive?
I am an 18 year old male trying to get coverage on my 1994 toyota camry le 4 door. I just acquired my license today and I've never had an incident. I am also single and living ...show more
Insurance premiums in the U.S.?
Did Insurance Companies increase their premiums in the U.S. for all customers (regardless of location) after Hurricane Katrina? If they did, is this a common practice? Don't insurance companies ever lose?""
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
Best Home/Condo Insurance Companies?
I am looking to obtain insurance for my condo in British Columbia, and was wondering if someone could recommend the best company to with. Currently I am just familiar with BCAA who ...show more""
My car insurance company is screwing me over?
I was just recently in a car accident. my front end recieved some harsh damage. The hood was folded towards the windshield, transmitiion was busted, the front lights were busted and the front frame was pushed back to where i could not get my front doors open. My insurance company is saying that it is a complete loss. However the garage where i took it to said that it was fixable. My car is a 2001 neon. They want to take the car and probably give me 2000 dollars for it, and they wll fix it and sell it for more. My question is should i just hand it over to my insurance company and take the 2000 dollars? or does anyone have any suggestions?""
What Auto Insurance Company do you use and would recommend?
And have you ever heard of western general insurance company / Insure Express? They have a pretty good rate, but I've never heard of them before.""
Help with insurance terms?
Hi, i am having trouble working out what my insurance guy is telling me... what is a premium, and how often is it payed, and what is excess, and how often is it payed? what should i be asking and checking for? Thanks""
Health insurance for wrestling..?
hi im a soon to be freshmen joining the wrestling team, and i dont have health insurance.. coach says i do, or i cant play. can someone please tell me a cheap health insurance coverage? my family is not financialy strong.. so please help me out here""
Life insurance maturity after 7 years?
I have a case where an insurance company will owes xxx amount of dollar after 7 years because the life insurance claim made to a person is missing. Insurance company won't pay till this person is certified dead which in state of IL wait for that is 7 years. So the question is when this person do gets paid will the insurance company pay it 7 years interest on it? + the premium that is paid for the next 7 years after the claim is made.
Is insurance on jeeps more expensive?
im thinking of buying a jeep 1995 or older most likly (YJ, TJ) do they tend to be more or less expensive on insurance then the average car?""
Can I get life insurance on a family member without their consent?
I'm interested in getting a life insurance policy on my mother because unfortunately she will not be around forever and I want to make sure my sister and I are able to take care of financial obligations that would have to be resolved including funeral expenses. Obviously this is a very difficult situation, no one wants to have to plan for a loved one's passing. Anyone know if this is possible? thanks.""
What happens if I want Homeowners and Car insurance with the same company?
Say my car insurance is with Company C and expires October 31 and my homeowners insurance is with Company H and expires January 31. I saw somewhere that if I have both insurances with the same Company then I save money. How do I line up the two insurance renewal dates so that I do not waste the money I paid for homeowners insurance between October 31 and January 31?
What is average insurance rate for liability only for a 19 year old female?
in N. C. on a family type car
What would happen if we lowered the cost of health insurance?
I have to write a paper on health care insurance.
Anyone know where to get affordable international health insurance?
I am wondering where I can get some decent health coverage to cover me during my international adventures . Does anyone know where to look for this stuff? Please give websites and phone #'s if you have them. Thank you.
How much does insurance through an employer cost?
I just got a job offer and was told that health insurance will cost $210 a month. That sounds really steep to me, is that normal?""
Insurance cost for Dump Truck?
Without knowing a lot of information right now except it would be in the 1990's year range what would the APPROX. cost of monthly insurance be for a dump truck? We are in Ontario, Canada.""
Do I have to have my own insurance?
I live in Washington state and I am 16. I turn 17 in February. I have my own car but it is under my dads name because I am not old enough to have a car under my name. I can get my license in march. Once I do can I still drive it with my parents insurance on it or do I have to have my own insurance? Thanks!
Insurance on a 1998 corolla?
i am a male, 19, g2 license, no dimerits, how much will it cost to insure a well sustained 1998 corolla? live in canada ontario, no dimerits at all, no tickets! (this will be under my name, my family has 2 cars under they're name already, the insurence company said they cant put my mom and dad's name under more than 2 cars so the third car would have to be under my name) also, would it be cheaper for my name to be under a brand new 2012 acura TL?""
Best car insurance for over 60 male?
Had a DR10 drink driving in 2009. (Long story and yes should not have done it but) Require best option for fully comprehensive covering legal etc. Any idea of which car insurance company is best?
Which cheap car insurance companies send the documantetion by Email only?
NOT by post, by EMAIL only""
How much do I pay monthly to insurance to cover a Acura rsx?
I am 19 thinking of buying an Acura rsx but I've been doing research & noticing that the insurance for that car is very high? Does anyone know how much a month would I have to pay & if anyone knows the best insurance company to get for the car? I'm looking for the cheapest deal? Help please
How much would you estimate the annual cost of living to be in central New Jersey?
This would be for a simple lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, utilities, food, clothing, phone, internet, cable, basic car, car insurance, gas, car maintenance, computer, pet, gifts, and a one-week basic vacation. You can provide an estimate both with, and without, a basic health insurance plan premium. I am just trying to figure out about how much it would cost to live in this area. Thank you for your advice.""
cheapest liability only insurance
cheapest liability only insurance
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