#more like both are great in their own ways and those differences should be apreciated
Underrated Sonic & Nine moment
So i was rewatching Sonic Prime, specifically episode 7, when i took notice of a scene that i kind of didn't pay much attention to in first watch, what with everything that happened during and after that same episode.
Sonic and Nine are escaping from the CC when they find the place Nine's ship is at, Nine doesn't hesitate after seeing the guards, he sneaks his way close to them, and he takes care of them with his Tails. It was awesome.
What looked more interesting to me this time watching, however, was Sonic's reaction.
Maybe it's just me, but once Nine goes to attack the robots, Sonic looks a little confused.
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It's after Nine jumps over the ship, behind the robots, that Sonic seems to understand Nine's plan. Then...
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He smiles, and once again i could be interpreting this wrong, but he looks sort of impressed? Like, he wasn't expecting that Nine would do that but he seems happy for it either way.
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He tells Nine that he's full of surprises, and i can't describe his face as anything but fond.
But the best part about this is the context. See, i think the reason why Sonic was surprised was because that's not something he would expect out of Tails.
Now, sadly we don't really see *that* much from Tails, but we do get to see him in battle two times.
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The first one is during the fight were Sonic fell for Eggman's trap, on this one, Tails is only seen in the Tornado. Now, this is a common sight, while the plane might be technically Sonic's, it is Tails that uses it more often. Now this by itself wouldn't tell us much, Tails fighting in the Tornado is normal, and there's no reason why he wouldn't use it.
No, what is interesting, is the other example of Tails fighting.
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In this fight, we see that Tails fights using some sort of machine he created, the way it works he can shoot at badniks from afar, this way he can fight while keeping his distance from the enemy.
The way Tails fights here, it seems he prefers not getting close during a fight.
That was why Sonic was perplexed by Nine's actions, Tails's (probably) wouldn't have chosen to get close to the robots like that.
And that's what makes this moment even more sweet. Here we have Sonic witnessing one of the ways Nine and Tails are different, and feeling impressed by it! telling him he's full of surprises with a fond expression! Nine and Tails being different was presented as something nice!
This gives me hope that maybe at some point Sonic will tell Nine that he cares about him beyond Tails, that he has good qualities separate from him that Sonic admires, that under the projection and misunderstandings, Sonic and Nine did have a genuine bond.
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camrenisforever · 6 years
OUT - What happened to us (Camren Fanfiction) #5
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- This would be so much easier if Camila was here... - Dinah let out while they sit on a studio with notebooks on their hands and worked on their music. Their manager had left them with the task of checking the songs that would possibly be on their next album. They had a lot of lyrics to read and demos to listen to so they could define the tracks that would be part of a new era.
- Oh, that's true. - Ally replied with a smile on her face, remembering the ex band mate. - She's a very good composer. I mean, how does she have so many ideas? Where do they come from? - She laughed lightly and Dinah did the same.
- If it wasn't for her we wouldn't have "No Way" the way that it is. I really like that song. - Dinah shared. - Such a talented girl... - She said with admiration.
- Yeah, and she never claimed any rights for that. Remember when... - Ally started to speak with enthusiasm, but someone stopped her from finishing.
- I don't know if you guys have realized... - Lauren's strong voice made everybody stop for a moment. - But we have work to do here. - She sounded extremely rude, which caused Dinah some discomfort.
- Oh come on, Lauren, we were just talking a little, we gotta relax a bit too. Besides, the situation is very likely to make us remember...
- Camila? - She questioned before Dinah could even finish. The anger on her voice was starting to worry the girls. Those green eyes looked extremely dark.
- Well, that wasn't exactly what I was gonna say... - She answered in a defensive way.
- She left! Get over it! - She let out in a heavy way.
- It's not like we could erase the past five years and pretend she was never here. - Dinah started getting mad too and differently from Ally, she had no hesitation at confronting Lauren.
- I wrote some verses to "Dope" along with her and contributed to "No Way" as well, but who's asking for credit for that now? Perhaps I should leave too! - She shouted and got up from the floor, leaving the notebook behind and walking away in a very aggressive way.
- Lauren, chill out! - Dinah said. - We just... - Seeing how mad her band mate got, she tried to be nice to her in an attempt to get her to calm down.
- You grow up! She's not here anymore. Fucking pointless conversation about the past! - Dinah was shook by the amount of anger on the green eyed girl's voice. She saw the water on the brunette's eyes before she left the room.
- Oh my God! - Ally said in a whisper when they were the only ones in the room. - I had no idea she was so hurt and sensitive about it. - She expressed her concern.
- It's Lauren... - Dinah answered. - We never really know, Ally.
- Small advice... - Normani, who watched everything quiet, finally spoke. - Don't bring Camila up whenever Lauren is around, unless you want to see her getting mad. It's a very easy way to trigger her, so if you guys want to see her blow, do it, if not, act like that girl never existed.
- But it's ridiculous, Mani. - Dinah answered. - We have nothing to do with what happened between them, she should control herself.
- Tell me when Lauren controled herself... - She rolled her eyes like if she was saying something extremelly obvious.
- Whatever... - DJ let out, clearly upset with the situation. - And what was that about her writting some verses with Camila for those songs? Wasn't Camila who did it all and presented to us?
- Lauren did stay with Camila on the day she was doing it. - Ally mentioned. - We all went out, but she didn't.
- I thought she had stayed because she simply preferred Camila's company. - Dinah commented.
- Well, I thought she was interested on making out. - Normani let out an evil laugh at the end of her sentence. - I even thought she wouldn't let Camila do anything and on the next day she'd have nothing to present.
- Yeah, I remember what you said when we left. - DJ said while she looked directly at Kordei. - Now I'm feeling curious about it...
- Ask her. - Normani said in a simple way.
- Guys. - Ally called. - Let's change subject, she might just come back. - The oldest girl in the group wanted to avoid any kind of fight and she knew that if Lauren heard the things the girls were saying at that moment there would be a terrible fight there. The green eyed girl had showed she could get brutal easily that day.
Lauren walked out of the room, but she couldn't walk away from her own mind. The memories would follow her wherever she went and in a matter of seconds she was taken back to a time in which her heart hadn't come to know such strong pain.
- Perhaps if we changed few things about the song we could include it on the album. - Camila said during a discussion about the songs that would be part of their latest album intitled 7/27. They were in a great moment and the producers were giving them more voice over the production of the CD.
- Do you have any practical idea of what to do with this then? - One of the producers asked her. - Because I don't see this song being sang by you guys. It's just not good enough, I don't see pontential to be a success.
- The fans usually apreciate emotional songs. I mean, they love "who are you", perhaps we could give it a shot. I kind of have an idea, but I don't know how to put into words. - The brown eyed girl said.
- Fine, Camila. - The producer agreed. - I better just give you a chance right away, otherwise you'll keep on talking for a while trying to convice me and I really like you better singing. - He laughed in a slightly shady way. - We have a deadline, so give me something more concrete tomorrow and we can vote. - Camila nodded.
- What about "Good"? - Cabello asked.
- I have more sympathy for this one than I have for "No Way", but I think it's a little weak too. - He answered. - I can tell you're feeling inspired today, do you have an idea for it too? - He had a slightly mocking tone.
- Actually, I do. - She answered lowly.
- Have them, do whatever you want.
- Ok, thank you.
- Alright guys, now let's go have lunch, it's time, I'm hungry. You all can have the rest of the day off, though I think Camila is not gonna take the day off, she seems to want to work a little more. - He noted with some irony. - We'll see each other tomorrow morning to continue.
Leaving the studio they had lunch together, without many worries, since they had some time for themselves. Right after finishing their meal, Ally, Normani and Dinah decided to go out and breathe some fresh air.
- Are you sure you don't want to come? - Normani asked Lauren when they were about to leave.
- Yeah, I'm sure. I'm gonna give some moral support to Camila. - She answered.
- Of course you are... - Normani commented in a suggestive tone.
- I mean, she's possibly already locked in the studio by now. - Lauren noted.
- She ate really quickly. - Dinah noted.
- Yeah, she did. - Lauren agreed laughing lightly. - You know how she is.
- I do... - Dinah answered.
- You guys have fun. - Lauren said.
- You too! - Ally said back.
Lauren went to the studio she figured Camila would be in.
- Hey. - She said getting in the place, the brown eyed girl was sitting on the floor.
- Hi, Lauren. - She answered with a smile on her face, focusing her eyes on the girl in front of her, no longer looking at the notebook she had on her hands. - What are doing here? - She kept the smile on her features.
- I came to give you moral support. - She explained as she closed the door and walked towards the younger one.
- Moral support? - She asked laughing.
- Yeah. - Lauren said giggling. - Moral support. - She sat in front of her, still giggling.
- You know that I'm gonna put you to work if you stay here, right? - She said with a great mood, among laughters.
- It's not like a cared. - Lauren answered smiling. - I love it anyways. - Camila saw a glow on those emerald eyes.
- Are you seriously already hungry? - Camila asked looking at the packs of food and the two bottles of water Lauren had put on the floor, beside them. - We literally just had lunch! - She exclaimed laughing.
- Oh, that's for later. I know you're not gonna want to leave this place so soon, so we better have something to eat here. - She explained. - This one is mine. - She put one bottle of water closer to herself. - And this one is yours. - She placed the other next to Camila.
- Thanks. - Camila said in a very sweet way as she stared at the girl in front of her, who smiled as someone that said 'no problem'.
- So, what do we got so far? - Lauren asked interested.
- Well, I'm just trying to feel the song, you know? - She explained. - It's like there's something a little out of place, or missing... I'm just trying to feel it.
- I get you. - She said staring at the brown eyed girl. - Press play. Let me try to feel it too. - The intensity of her gaze started to increase as she looked at Camila.
- Alright. - She said simply, not staring back at Lauren.
After a few hours and some attempts to make that song worthy of being on the album, they were both getting tired and frustrated.
- Ok, now I'm hungry. - Camila expressed herself. - Give me something to eat. - She said staring at her band mate, who had some things to eat near her.
- I'm right here. - Jauregui answered while opening her arms and smiling in a playful way.
- Lauren! - The brown eyed girl spoke in reproving way.
- Oh, come on... - The brunette laughed.
- That's not what I meant. - She explained laughing. - And you know that.
- Fine. - The green eyed girl said putting her arms down and taking a pack of chips, which was thrown at Camila's direction.
- Gracias. - She thanked.
Lauren quickly finished eating some cereal bars, while Camila still ate the chips she received from the girl that kept her company that afternoon, who couldn't stand being quiet having the latin in front of her.
- Give me some. - The older girl asked, approaching.
- This is literally ending. I'm not giving you the last chips. - The brown eyed one answered and ate faster with a playful expression on her face, making it clear she was into joking. - You already ate.
- Oh, but it wasn't chips... - She said getting closer.
- This is the last one. - Camila showed the food between her fingers. Lauren made a puppy face, indicating she was asking for that, which caused Cabello to laugh in a light way. For one second she really thought about giving it to the black haired girl, but she felt like teasing at that moment and so she simply threw it on her mouth in a swift movement. The surprise on Lauren's face made the act worthy.
- I can not believe it! - She let out laughing. - I actually though you'd give it to me.
- I was going to, but then I couldn't resist denying you this. I knew you'd make a funny face. - She said after swallowing.
- I wanted to feel the taste. - Jauregui explained, with a disappointed expression.
- I still feel it... On my mouth. - She let out in a playful and suggestine way. Lauren didn't take long to get the message and found the brunette's lips in a fun kiss, followed by laughter.
- It's actually better like this. - The green eyed girl commented with a smile on her face, to then close the distance between them again in a kiss that grew in desire at every second. Lauren had always been a huge dependent of Camila's touches, who wasn't any different, but the older one expressed it differently, being extra sexual at times. - You're dope. - She commented among kisses on the younger's lips, to then find her neck in sensual touches. Camila always had an immediate reaction to that specific touch provided by her band mate, her body moved in response to Lauren's mouth while her skin showed chills. - You're pretty fucking dope... - Jauregui let out in a whisper, close to Camila's ear, her raspy voice sounded extremely pleasant, almost like a song and Camila's brain worked extremely fast.
- Wait! Say that again! - Cabello said backing off, which caused Lauren to be surprised.
- What? That you're dope? - She asked laughing.
- No, you said "pretty fucking dope..." - She noted while her brain worked on a thousand thoughts.
- Yeah, I said "you're pretty fucking dope". - Lauren repeated in a confused tone. - What's the point of it, Camila?
- I don't know what else to say, you're pretty fucking dope... - She let out and the older girl simply stared at her. Cabello started snapping her fingers in a rhythm. - I don't know what else to say, instead of you're pretty fucking dope... - She sang. - This is not right... - She pointed while thinking, to then go back to snapping her fingers. - I don't know what else to say, but you're pretty fucking dope. -  She kept singing the sentence to make sure the rhythm was right. - I don't know what else to say but you're pretty fucking dope.
- Just so you know... - Lauren continued, following Camila's finger snap, who continued the act but stopped singing, allowing the girl in front of her to use her voice. - I've been thinking about ways that I wanna hold you close, just so you know...
- This sounds great! - Camila said stopping the finger snap. - I gotta write it down! - Lauren smiled at the girl's reaction, who quickly took her notebook and wrote the lyrics. - By the way, it sounds better when you sing it...
- Thanks... - A fool smile showed up on Lauren's features.
- So, instead of "I don't know what else to say, instead of baby you are so good" we sing "I don't know what else to say but you're pretty fucking dope". - Camila pointed. - And we add "I've been thinking about ways that I wanna hold you close".
- That's great, Camz, it sounds so good. You're really good at this. - She said honestly.
- Thanks, but I'm pretty much just using your words.
- You're making them musical. - They smiled.
- Just had an idea! - Camila shouted excited after a few minutes, Lauren simply stared at her waiting for the following sentences. - "And now I'm trying to find the words to tell you how I feel and show you that it's real".
- That's much better than "baby I wanna see us both building something real, having something real".
- Right? - Camila said with shiny eyes. - And then we can remove the following verses to repeat "and now I'm trying to find the words" and then go to the pre-chorus.
- Yeah, it sounds better like this.
- More musical, right?
- Yeah.
- We gotta do something about the beat too. - Camila pointed already thinking about something. - It's too light, it would sound better with some more base.
- Agree! - Lauren commented, letting herself be taken by the music too. - I liked the finger snaps, sounds pretty fun.
- Oh, that's true! - Camila said excitedly while snapping her fingers again and shaking her body softly to the beat of the song. - I guess "No Way" needs a stonger base too, to make it more meaningful, just like it's suggested by the lyrics. - She noted after disconnecting herself from the previous song.
- I didn't know you were so into "No Way".
- I am. - She said with a smile on her face. - Because you are. - Lauren's face blushed a little and she smiled in a fool way. - Let's work on it later, as soon as we finish... - She thought for a moment. - "Dope".
- Cool, now "Good" is "Dope". I liked.
- Yeah, because "Dope" is... Dope. - Camila said with a funny voice and they both laughed out loud.
The next hours provided them to make a huge progress on the songs but they couldn't consider it done yet.
- It's getting late, we should go to the hotel. - Lauren said, realizing it had passed 9 PM.
- But this is not done yet. - She objected.
- We can continue in the hotel room. - The green eyed argued. - We just need a laptop, which is something we have. - She continued as she realized Camila had a favorable expression on her face. - Besides, we need to have a real meal.
- Yeah, I think I'm getting hungry again... - She let out with a thoughtful expression.
- Come on! - She got up and offered her hand. - Let's get someone to take us there.
- Ok. - Cabello held her hand as she helped her to stand up.
They usually shared the room at hotels, which made things easier. The girls were already used to that, Camila and Lauren only stayed in different rooms when they had some kind of disagreement.
The idea of going to the hotel room was great. They got to relax a little, which allowed them to get more creative, they needed a little break. They laughed while having dinner and ordered a bottle of coffee, which according to Camila, was a necessary thing to keep awake.
-  It's almost 4 AM... We're crazy. - Lauren pointed out looking at the time on her phone.
- Friends with insanity, my baby, because people sometimes suck... - Camila confessed in a playful way. - But insanity is quite faithful. - She laughed at the end of the sentence.
- Wait, I liked that sentence... - Lauren's brain worked fast and provided her a very good idea.
- Which sentence? - She asked with curious eyes.
- Friends with insanity...
- Oh!
- I guess we could put it on the song. - They had "Dope" worked out and at that point they only worked on "No Way".
- Let's review the lyrics... - Camila said while she scrolled through the computer screen.
Not sleeping at night got them to feel tired, but they were very satisfied with the work they had done with the songs, they were sure that after the changes they had made their team would agree on including them on the CD.
- You look a little tired. - The producer noted when they started the meeting in the morning. - Did you sleep last night? - His tone wasn't very pleasant and after working an entire night, Camila's patience level was lower than the usual.
- Is that important? - She shoot back, making him get speechless, he didn't expect for that reaction.
- Ok. Show us what you got. - He said, trying to be friendly, after realizing his comment hadn't been appropriate.
- So... - She started, making the move that was decisive to include those two tracks on the album.
Lauren's hands were shaking while she held a bottle of water and tried to control her urge to punch something while screaming and crying. She thought drinking some water would help her to calm down but it wasn't working. She got herself a cigarette and went outside, hoping that the drug would be effective. It was, but not enough to stop a few tears from falling, she was too angry to control that. The pain on her chest was real, she literally felt her body ache.
- Lauren. - Ally said behind the brunette, keeping a distance. - Everybody is there, it's just missing you to start the discussion. - She explained in a respectful tone. Brooke had always been the only girl who didn't confront Lauren and who always avoided any kind of fight.
- You can start without me. - She answered without facing the girl. - I'll go when I'm done here. - She raised her right arm enough to show the cigarette between her finger. Her voice showed no emotion.
- Ok. - The smaller girl agreed and walked back to the studio.
This is one of my favorite chapters so far... I’m a sucker for camren interaction and the flashback got me really pleased, had a great time writing it ><
The next chapter holds some backstage of the girls after Camila’s leaving, exploring it a little, so wait for it, it’s gonna be worth it ;)
“OUT - What happened to us?” is my first camren fanfic (and first fanfic ever), it’s also available on wattpad. I’m @Alex-Unicorn and I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am ♥ 
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Where can i find a good healthcare plan for myself and my kids? more inside?
"Where can i find a good healthcare plan for myself and my kids? more inside?
39 weeks prego with number 2. and neither have insurance except the smallest will have ga medicade when he is born.i am looking for insurance to cover them mostly. and everything i see has at least a $1000 deductible. what is a good way to do this? i am 21 and don't know any thing about insurance. help please :-) i
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So I bumped into an SUV the other day, and the other person's car was totally fine, so they decided not to file a claim. I drove off with a messed up hood though.. So now I don't know what to do... pay cash for the damages (roughly $2500 which i don't really have...) or file a claim and have the crash go on my record for 5 years and watch my premiums increase. I have asked my insurance company and they cannot give me an answer as to how much my insurance will go up so its a guessing game at this point... I have a good driving record and having never crashed before... Please Help!""
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Cheap, reasonable, and the best.""
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which would cost more for insurance, a 1997 nissan 240sx or a 2008 scion tc and is the 240sx considered a sports car?""
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I work for a great company that provides health & dental insurance from the very first time you start the job. My boyfriend of three years that I live with, does not have any ...show more""
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I own a small retail store in CT and just received notice that my health insurance (for my family as well as my employees) went up by 23% (!). Now I'm trying to research online what the best options are in terms of affordability and coverage. I looked into HSA but am afraid that my employees might not be able to pay the high deductible out of pocket. I also wonder if getting individual health insurance (not via the business) would work if I pay a portion for each of my employees and if those tend to be less expensive. I pay 100% for my employees now and partly for their family members and would like to continue doing that but the prices are just getting ridiculous. If anyone has any suggestions I really appreciate it. Sadly, I am not internet savvy so shopping online has proven to be hard and insurance jargon just seems like a foreign language to me... :) Thank you
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Okay there was a massive understanding. My mum and dad were getting my quotes for cars and they got me a quote for a Mitsubishi Colt 1.1 Black Hawk. Nice little car. The quote they got was 750 for my own insurance PROVISIONALLY. I tried telling that them reason it was that much was because it was provisional insurance. Not till they gave me the money for the car and told me to buy, did they realise that insurance is different now and you have to re-new it to full UK manual as soon as you pass your test. I've been looking at quotes and they're looking well to expensive for my own insurance. Is there a cheaper way? Like going on my mum and dads insurance? They've both been driving for well over 20 years and have no claims at all since they've started driving?""
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I don't understand.
Car insurance and car note?
OK, I'm nineteen. I've been saving up for my first car. But the thing is, I have to pay insurance, and a car note on my own. My mother became homeless, and my father I do not know. My godparents took me in, and they can't afford to add me on their insurance. So, being that I have a part time job at McDonald's, and go to college, It seems as if I have no way of affording a car and insurance. I haven't checked the rates of insurance, but I do understand that they are high for teenage males, and always vary on the type of car you have. I don't want anything fancy, a four door car that gets me from A to B. Is there anyway I can afford this? Please and thanks!""
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Best Car Insurance for 17 year old.?
I'm a 17 year old male. My GPA is just below 3.0 last time I checked it. I think its somewhere around 2.5. I've had my license for almost 10 months now. I've been driving for a year and a half, no accidents. Nothing like that I'm a good driver than most crazed kids my age. With my job I currently make about 150 every two weeks I hope that goes up once summer comes around. My grandmother wants to put me on her car insurance and she told me that the car I plan on buying would have to be in her name, and I'm ok with that. When I buy it do I get both our names on the title. She has metlife and my mom has gieco which is the better of the two. And how can I work it out so they dont have to worry about it if i was on there insurance i would pay my part but i want the cheapest possible and im wondering what to expect for a down payment and monthly rates. Thank you If it helps I plan on buying a 2001 Chevy Cavalier and yes its a 2 door so my rates will probably be higher.""
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I currently have a 5 year term life insurance policy with State Farm and I was wondering if it were possible for me to make a withdrawl or loan from this policy. I researched this some and on some websites it said it wasn't possible; however whenever I look on State Farms website it says the below: The State Farm 5 Year Term policy provides affordable life insurance protection for a five year period and is renewable for subsequent 5-year periods until age 85 (age 80 in NY). It is great for covering any short-term life insurance needs you may have. Short-term life insurance needs may include such things as: * Car loan * College tuition * Home equity loan * Mortgage loan * Business loan * Student loan * Key employee Term insurance may also be appropriate when your life insurance needs are great but your budget is tight. Does this mean I can make a withdrawal so that I can pay off my student loans? Also, it seems that my policy has ended in December; however, I was still charged this month. The policy started in 2005.""
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My wife has leukemia and no health insurance. is there any affordable health insurance?
The insurance she does have is very low, 2000.00 a year cap. we've been looking and it seems she has to be without any for 6 months. she got turned down for medicare already. others we have found range from 1000.00 per month and up. has anyone found any thing better?""
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How much does car insurance? Please Read!?
OK does anyone know how much does state farm cost? because I would really like to know thank you.
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I think my short term disability due to giving birth got messed up?
So I want on leave on May 20th due to best rest. I used all my vacation and leftover sick time, and the rest is paid by short term disability, a total of about 9 weeks total. I stayed home 6 weeks after my baby was born since my work doesn't cover any of my pay. I work in a very small private business, just 3 of us. My boss had never handled maternity leave before, and I think he did it wrong. A few weeks after I gave birth he said he got a check from the disability insurance agency, it was made out to his business. So he cashed it and wrote me a check for the total amount from his business account. There was no explanation of how to dole it out, so he just gave me the total amount. Then, just now, 3 weeks later, I got another check mailed to my home from the insurance company?? What happened? I should of only got paid for the 3.5 weeks I believe from short term disability because I was paid for the rest. The insurance company is not open until tomorrow so I cannot call them yet.""
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If i was to take out insurance for my car to cover it for company use how much does this usually cost??? i guess every car/individual is different but on average whats the usual cost??? thanks
Help please with health insurance?
I am new resident in usa and I am 25 y.old.I have valicocele problems and its already 7years that i still have it . It didnt heart before but now my pain increasing. I dont know where to go and what to do becouse I dont have any insurance yet and I dont know will insurance cover my sergery if need sergery. Please give some information what kind of insurance do I need . I also heard about colorado indigent care program(cicp) . And I dont know will it cover to go to doctor or to have sergery. I will really presuate if you can help me . Thanks
Car insurance cost for 17 year old?
Im 17 and ill be needing to pay for car insurence the car and th insurance compnay is in my parents name righ tnow they pay 150. my parents are putting me on the insurance policy and they are making me pay whatever is above 150, how much will i be paying. I live in virginia if that helps""
What is the best insurance in FLorida for a small child that is not hugely expensive?
I am trying to find a good plan to switch my daughter to in Florida. We are waiting to hopefully get Kidcare but if it falls thru does anyone have a plan they love that doesnt cost hundreds a month?
Where can i find a good healthcare plan for myself and my kids? more inside?
39 weeks prego with number 2. and neither have insurance except the smallest will have ga medicade when he is born.i am looking for insurance to cover them mostly. and everything i see has at least a $1000 deductible. what is a good way to do this? i am 21 and don't know any thing about insurance. help please :-) i
""If I am under my wife's health insurance plan, do i need to get my own insurance under Obamacare?""
Currently, my kids and I are under my wife's health insurance plan. I heard that if we stay under her plans, we will be penalized once this Obamacare goes into effect.""
Need Advise On Car Insurance?
On Friday Fed. 12th I bought Me a good Used car. I had to park on the side of the street cause my neighbors from downstairs had company and were in my spot. when I woke up on Saturday morning my car was wrecked in the front and the other vehicle no where in site well except for the trail of car fluids that led to his car three blocks away. the police came got his info and mine, towed his vehicle, advised me what I needed to do and left. I found out on my own that the insurance that the police had was false info. I was pissed. Well low and behold the owner of the car came to my house that same evening and was like my car was stolen and all this other bs. He gave me his correct insurance papers and said he would report it to claims. He never did I had to on Tuesday. His insurance knew nothing of the matter. I filed my claim with them and they said it would be 24 to 48 hours and they would get in contact with me. Nothing yet.. Im still waiting for them to call me. What should I do now???????????""
Motorcycle insurance for 20 year old?
Thinking about getting a bike, it would be probably a mid 90's to early 2000's enduro that I would use mostly for traveling back and forth to work here in michigan. looking for around a 300-600 cc bike that'll probably be worth about $2500. I have only one accident on my record. Any idea of a round about estimate for insurance prices of just liability? Full coverage? Also how much is it to get the licensing and take the courses in michigan?""
Does blue cross blue shield cover accutane?
So tomorrow i am going to get accutane if my insurance covers it. I have Blue cross blue shield of ga and the blue choice option through the TJX companies (my mothers work). it says on my insurance card medical coPays, $20 office visit, and $100 ER. Does this Blue cross blue shield cover accutane?""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?
Has anyone from Florida had any experience with Tower Hill homeowners insurance?
We're insurance shopping after we found out State Farm is charging us WAY too much. Tower Hill has given a great quote but I can't seem to find one their customers to talk to. Has anyone dealt with them?
High school sports insurance?
I am currently a junior in my high school. I would like to tryout for soccer next year but i am afraid if i make the team, I do not have any health insurance. If i get injured in a game, do the school cover for the medical bills?. how does this process work?. My parents own a company. they do not work for someone who covers health insurance.""
Cheap auto insurance for mid-california...?
i had a accident in december last year and a speeding ticket doing 90 in a 55 last year.. 2 different occasions. i am buying a 2002 jeep grand cherokee laredo and wheni went to geico they said my quote was like $406 a month.. thats crazy. progressive was $199 a month.. but it still seems outrageous... cant i find it cheaper than this? please help..... im 23 female who has had my license for 7 years since i was 16, never had it revoked or anything.. how do i get my rates to go down?""
Florida car insurance inquiry?
I'm 16 years old and going to be 17 in a week and a half. Tomorrow I am eligible to obtain my Florida's driver license (as I will have had my learner's permit for a year tomorrow). My mom objects to me obtaining my license because I do not have a job and therefore will be unable to help pay for insurance. However, my dad just brought to my attention that I only need to pay for car insurance if I own my car (which at the moment my mom and I would be sharing a car). Which of this true? Do I have to pay for any type of insurance once getting my driver's license? I am out of a job, (but still looking) but want to be able to drive this summer so I'm not stuck inside. How does this all work?""
How do I rent a car? without any insurance (i have no car)?
So I want to rent a Dodge Magnum, for about 9 days in May through Thrifty.I will be driving from Missouri to Orlando for a vacation. I assume that I will pay the fee for the loss damage waiver (about $11 p/d) Or maybe my credit card might just cover that. But why do they keep refering to my insurance?... I don't even own a car! Else why do they think I am renting? Anyway what advice would you nice people give a dumb person like me as to what I need to do or what other insurance I need to purchase, thanks.""
""Would you buy a health insurance policy if it was not required of you, yet affordable?
a. I'll wait until I'm required to b. No way c. Absolutely e. I want one for free because I don't have a job and I live in my mom's basement
How much will I get back in the settlement from the Car Insurance company if...?
I have a 98' honda civic, 4 door, silver, perfect paint, moon roof, all options automatic locks, windows, mirrors, new tires, 153,00 miles, automatic everything works! I was in a car accident (guy hit me) my car is totalled according to the adjuster... How much will I typically get as a settlement, dont they have to give me enough to be able to atleast replace the vehicle with a similiar or same model w/ same options? i looked up on NADA, KBB & Edmunds... and for my car which is in GOOD condition, not excellent, not fair, not poor, GOOD it runs (based on figures from all 3 web sites) anywhere from $2800-3600... what can i expect so i can start to look around for what i can afford, because im probably just going to buy a car outright like i did w/ this one...I dont want payments, yet.""
How much does liability insurance cost for a night club business?
I'm trying to get a night club business started and i need insurance how much does it normally cost? and what kind do you recommend getting?
Dairyland insurance company for motorcycle?
How can they issue me registration over the phone? I'm located in Michigan and the local office has a different price then what I was quoted over the phone. Over the phone I pay $168, the office said it would be $330. I don't feel uncomfortable getting insurance over the phone but looks like I may have to. Is this okay to do and has anyone else done this before?""
Car insurance in California?
I heard that if you have a car insured in California, each additional car that you acquire that's registered has 30 days before it needs to be insured. Is this correct? If so, where can I find the official documentation?""
Manufactured home insurance?
Has anyone dealt with any companies dealing with insurance for relocatable homes. We are looking for an insurer of these type of dwellings
How much flood insurance do I need in a low risk area?
I called my insurance carrier to get a agent to get a quote. He told me limit option starting at $100K and went higher to match the limits of my Dwelling coverage, and ended by saying ...show more""
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
Car insurance esitimate?
- Male - 20 years old - New driver - Honda Civic - Pennsylvania About how much could I expect to be paying for car insurance?
What type of bike have the cheapest insurance?
Obviously a Harleys insurance is going to be huge, but what would be cheaper a 125cc supermoto, a 125cc naked bike or a 125cc sports bike? Also what make of bike would be cheapest like yamaha or Suzuki, but none of the Chinese crap""
Private Health Insurance options for 62 plus individual?
My aunt (in California) is 63 years old and she has asked me to find a private health insurance for her. I was informed that anyone that's over 62 can't have a private insurance and MUST only use Medi-cal or Medicaid. Is that true? She asked me to check with Aetna, Blueshields, UHC, etc. Any thoughts whether she can get a private insurance from these companies?""
What is a fast car for a teenager that still has good insurance?
I am looking for a car and was wondering what the insurance was like on what. this is mostly for guys who own fast cars and pay insurance on them i was looking for mostly imports but i do also like some american cars. was thinking VW jetta/passat thanks
Does a roommate have to be on my car insurance in Fl?
I rented a room to a lady with no car she is going for a.Florida drivers license soon she moved here from another state where she had a drivers license. Am I required to put her on my car insurance?
On average how much do you pay a month for your car?
Like your monthly bill including insurance. And what year is it? Thanks
How much would car insurance be for....?
a 16 year old driver in PA monthly? with a used car?
Where can i find a good healthcare plan for myself and my kids? more inside?
39 weeks prego with number 2. and neither have insurance except the smallest will have ga medicade when he is born.i am looking for insurance to cover them mostly. and everything i see has at least a $1000 deductible. what is a good way to do this? i am 21 and don't know any thing about insurance. help please :-) i
Lower my car insurance?
My car insurance is high, $1060 for just 6 months because of 2 accidents in the last few years. I am 21 and drive a 2000 Honda Accord Ex V6. I've shopped around and no other company's are lower so don't recommend that. Do you know any tricks to getting your car insurance lowered??""
""I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?""
How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.""
Do I need a permanent address to get car insurance and register my car?
I live in california right now with my parents but I plan on traveling the country for a while living in my car. My insurance will be expired in march of 09 and I need to be smogged around then too. I wanted to leave mid december of this year and get out in the midwest/east for the next few years and just keep traveling. Can I just use a PO box address?? I dont want to use my parents address because they like to go through my mail. All of my friends are leaving to university in differnt states so I cant really rely on any of their addresses.
What is some good cheap car insurance for young adults between the ages of 18-24?
And I mean car insurance that you don't have to pay over 100 dollars for.
Who's insurance will be cheaper?
Someone with a DUI conviction(only one) OR someone who is in their 30's who hasnt had insurance for 18yrs?
When you get a car insurance quote do you pay that amount each month?
Say my quote says 600 dollars is that what I pay a month?
Car insurance for learner driver?
I am a named driver on my girlfriends fully comprehensive insurance policy. Does she have to sit next to me or can anyone who is over 25 and has held their license more than 3 years able to sit next to me if they do not have their own insurance?
Can an insurance company make money on the Ryan plan?
and how? Ryan's plan says that insurance companies have to charge all old people of the same age, the same rate, sick or not... and they can't drop anyone... who would line up to provide this service that would seem to have a neagive profit margin from the get-go? unless they charged everyone 100k a year? I mean this has to cover all the ederly with cancer and all their treatments? right?""
Whats the price for transfering insurance?
Wanted to switch my insurance from my truck thats not running to one that is
""OK so i previously asked how much is car insurance uk,17yearold/girl, bmw compact sport 318.3door?
I ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I just need to know roughly how much insurance will be next year
Which Is the best car insurance?
Hi everyone!! I am a 20 year old single mother. At the moment, I am studying and also about to get back into work. I have just passed my driving test and looking to buy a car....realistically, I think at this point a used one is ok even though I saw a site that sells cars and you can pay on installments. If I wanted a Ford KA, or a Mini Cooper, or a Renault (the one from the I see you baby shaking that asss advert few years ago), which insurance company is best and can give me a good cheaper deal. Thank you!!!! p.s manual cars are my focal point.""
Motorcycle insuance question?
I am 18 in CA and I plan to get a motorcycle as my first motorcycle because of high gas prices. I am thinking of getting the Kat 600 because of its comfort, I read so many reviews how good it is for long trips and stuff, now how much might my insurance be, also take note that I am getting one used and that I have 0 road experience even in a car, and I am starting my own insurance policy. Thanks.""
Car insurance - UK
My provisonal license will be valid in 2 months when im 17 and once i take my driving test and pass it, i plan on getting a car. The thing is that insurance will be quite high as i would have just passed my test and im only 17. My question is: If i get the car and register it under my mums (or dads) name and put the insurance under their names would it be cheaper? Bear in mind that my parents have about 16 years of no claims bonusus too, thanx xxx""
Advanced driving courses/car insurance?
Hi I am a 20 year old male, i passed 2 years ago, but since my dads insurance went up to 7000 with me as an additional driver both of us totally clean on a 1.4 astra i have been without my own transport as i had to be removed from the policy which is understandable. i've always been a sensible driver with 2 years no accidents or convictions but i have always been an additional driver to save costs on insurance but now the time has come to start building my no claims and i am struggling to find a car i can afford to insure. So long story short what i was wondering was could anybody please tell me of any advanced driving courses or any other ways to lower my insurance quotes and post links to them so i can find them easier. please help its becoming a real nightmare and i am sure if you can help me here you are helping thousands of other young drivers who are being punished because of muppets out there. Thanks for any help i would greatly appreciate it""
Enquiry about car insurance and how it works?
Okay, the question is worded wierdly, but you'll get it :P. Anyway, I have my driving test coming up in April, so I have to be thinking about a car, insurance etc. I was wondering if there was an average of how much car insurance is for the first month after you pass, and how long it stays like this till it starts too go down. Also, is there anyway I can reduce it? I plan on making parents named drivers etc, will this help reduce?""
Average motorcycle insurance?
how much is average motorcycle insurance in Louisiana, if 23 years old bike with 500cc have never crash or get ticket pretty good credit bike use only for leisure and to college help me y'all""
Car Insurance!?
I am planning to buy a used 1992 Honda Prelude for $2,700.00. How does the insurance work? Does the price of the car that I paid or the retail price, plays as a factor of how much I would have to pay monthly for insurance. What insurance company would be the best for a new driver with her G2 only? Does anybody have an idea of how much it will cost me (approximately monthly) for the insurance? What other fees or cost will I have to pay for?""
If I own property and pay insurance from 2 different insurance companies.?
If something were to happen to my property can I collect money from both insurances?
Estimated Cost per. monthly Payments on this car....?
I dont really have time to call my bank & ask.. seeing how my job hr's suck... nor can i go there cause i just sold my car. BUT does anyone know how much i would be looking at for monthly payments of a $7600 dollar Fairlady. If you dont know what this is ..its a 300zx Twinn Turbo but its a RHD ( right hand drive). I make a lousy 8.50/hr but i work 56 hrs a week. ... theres insurance. gas.. tuneups.. etc etc i know i know. just wanna rough estimate on it. thanks. Will choose Best Awnser -Kyrstie
Does anyone know where a 17 year old with a 3.8 grade average and a good driving record can get insurance?
I can't find anyone that will cover him,except Progressive, and they want 1400 dollars a year.""
Insurance agent won't write the homeowner's coverage she wants?
My fiance owns an old home in northern Ohio and was paying over $1,300 a year for homeowner's insurance until last year. She can't afford over $100 a month in premiums so I looked into trying to get a lower rate. All three agents that I contacted about the matter assumed a replacement cost for her house of around $157,000 which resulted in premiums of exactly what she had last year. The very idea of insuring her house for $157,000 is absurd for two reasons. The first is that I personally built a house in an upscale neighborhood which was almost three times as large and also had an attached garage. I sold that home for around $150,000 and made about $40,000 profit. The second reason that $157,000 is absurd is that any day of the week you can buy a much better house in the neighborhood for less than $60,000. I was able to find a lower rate of around $600 a year through the Ohio Fair Plan website by assuming a realistic replacement cost of $60,000 and not including such things as jewelry coverage (she has no valuable jewelry), and other coverages that don't make sense. Unfortunately, and after contacting several insurance agencies, not a one will write the coverage as specified. The gave me the flimsiest of excuses. It appears to me as if all the insurance companies doing business in our area may have colluded to lock in homeowner insurance rates far higher than is justified. I hope someone out there can tell me if there are laws that require some insurance company to issue a policy as specified by Ohio Fair Plan. Thanks in advance...""
What cars result in cheap insurance for young drivers?
What cars lead to new (young) drivers (aged 17/18) having lower car insurances then they would do with the Golf's or the Civics's. I would like to know male attracted cars. Thanks in anticipation
Car insurance?
i am a first time driver, can anyone advise me on who is best for car insurance?""
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Which will cost more to insure? 00-04 mustang base or 00-04 mustang gt?
I'm 17 and live in New York. Been driving with a clean record for one year and I currently pay $100/month on my mom's '10 camry. I want to get my own car and I have narrowed everything down to a mustang, but I can't decide between a base model or a gt. I have discounts on my current policy such as good student and drivers ed. I will also take a defensive driving course for an added discount and the new car will also bring about a multi-car policy discount which will be helpful. My mom will be contributing the same $100 towards the car as she is now and the rest I have to pay for by myself. I have heard that the base and gt will cost about the same to insure, but that doesn't seem right considering that the gt has 100+hp more than the base, but people have supported that by saying the base models are involved in more crashes among young drivers. So can anybody set the record straight for me? Please don't give me responses saying that only my insurance agent can tell me that or too high for you to afford. Also would it be a wise decision to drop collision coverage for a huge insurance discount? I don't plan on racing this car.""
Where can i find a good healthcare plan for myself and my kids? more inside?
39 weeks prego with number 2. and neither have insurance except the smallest will have ga medicade when he is born.i am looking for insurance to cover them mostly. and everything i see has at least a $1000 deductible. what is a good way to do this? i am 21 and don't know any thing about insurance. help please :-) i
How much does car insurance go up from a minor accident w/no injuries?
I just got into an accident hitting a car on the freeway, not paying attention, so I hit the car in front of me. He said and his family weren't hurt, but you never know how they will feel the next day. How much will my car insurance go up? I have no tickets on my record & no accidents. I did receive minor damage to my car & a small dent to the other car';s bumper. I wasn't speeding or drinking. My car is a 2004 Honda Civic four door & I'm in my 40s. Oh, I live in CA. Thanks.""
Cheapest car insurance for teenagers?
I have a 16 year old what insurance is the cheapest to put her on
Car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
How could i get a cheap car insurance and what would be the cheapest price? every site i have been on it said about 3000 and that would be more then what the actual car costs.
Is it true that in MA your first ever ticket doesn't count against your auto insurance?
Is it like the first ticket is a wash/freebie? or does it raise your insurance points and rates regardless?
Do you have health insurance?
how old are you and how old are your kids?
I was denied medcaid and chips for my 2yr son. Is there any other affordable insurance out there?
I was denied Medicaid which is understandable. I applied for Chips and was denied as well.......because I was $50 over the income guidelines. I don't receive any other kind of assistance. I can't afford the insurance at work. I pay my own tuition for school, my own groceries, and so on. I just would like to know if there is any other type of affordable insurance for my child.""
Can you report someone for driving without car insurance?
i know this person and i was just wondering if you could turn them in for not having car insurance without them knowing who turned them in. I want to prevent someone from getting hurt and not getting there part of the insurance claim or whatever.....anything will help..THANKS!!!!
""Conservatives, what is your overall opinion on insurance companies?""
Particularly: a.) Insurance companies that practice rescission in which a person who has paid into the insurance fund is subsquently denied what he has paid for because the insurance company comes up with an arbitrary reason for denying the needed coverage. b.) Rationing. How do you feel about insurance companies who decide if a procedure is in their best interest and deny to someone a life-saving procedure because it isn't profitable to them in the long run? c.) Denials. Someone who works and wants health insurance and does not qualify for state aid because he actually works for a living and pulls his own weight, but can't find a job with benefits (increasingly common, and why are employers expected to foot the bill for insurance as they don't pay for your car insurance or renter's insurance and this limits job mobility and the ability to start small businesses), and is either outright denied or charged more than his monthly salary? d.) Do you think that if rent, clothing and food cost as much as monthly premiums for people with pre-existing conditions, that we would be in serious trouble? e.) How do you feel about people who had the misfortune to be born with a genetic pre-disposition to an illness, i.e., breast cancer, ovarian cancer, Crohn's Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease, MS, Alzheimer's, haemophilia, etc. f.) Do you think that an emergency room qualifies as part of preventive, ongoing treatment or that it's not cost effective for sick people to wait until they are at the worst stage to get necessary treatment? g.) Can you explain how several nations, in fact the overwhelming majority, that have universal health care have still remained free, capitalist, prosperous nations, i.e., Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Norway, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Singapore, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland.....they didn't go communist, and the people do not live in gulag states.""
Where to find cheap insurance in ontario?
I'm turning 22 had a Kawasaki Ninja 250R as a starter bike and looking to upgrade to something bigger. I have a clean record but any online quote I get for a bike 600cc or higher results in $10,000/year or higher in insurance. I see guys my age riding around all the time on R6s and CBR600RRs and I don't understand it. Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.""
How much should I expect to pay in Homeowners Insurance?
I am looking to buy a home and am trying to calculate monthly cost. The home we're looking at is $95,000.00. Our taxes are estimated at $800.00 and the home is in great condition (the rural location makes it affordable!) Any quick tips for a quick estimate? Anything would be helpful! Thanks!""
Is an acura integra cheap on insurance?
my son is thinking of buying one
Car insurance please help me out?
Oh right lol my query is as follows .. In July 2012 my daughter took out a pay monthly insurance policy with close premium 139 per month which was paid from my bank account every month on time for 12 months. When due for renewal August 2013 the insurance company sent her a quote saying payments were 168 per month! In view of this she decided not to insure her car and didn't use it. Shortly afterwards she receives a letter from close premium saying Hastings insurance could cover her for 100 per month but she never accepted this offer. In September 2013 Hastings took payment from my account so I contacted bank and recalled the payment. She now has a recovery agency acting on behalf of Hastings claiming she owes 400 . I can't see how she owes this money ? Do we have to pay this when we never accepted the policy and close premium passed on my bank details without my knowledge ? ( hope this makes sense)
Short term or long term disability insurance?
Which company offers the best short term or long term disability insurance? (price and coverage) I recently found out that I might get blind in future and need to have some income to support my family when I loose the job. I am having trouble understanding the system but would be great if anyone could help me out. I don't even know if these insurance thing can pay me with being blind. Thanks.
How to get cheaper car insurance?
I haven't yet passed my test, or even got a car, but was just researching to see if i could afford it. and the cheapest I could find was 3,000 a year which is impossible for me seeing as I'm at college. I was just wondering does anyone know of cheap places? or ways to cut it down by a bit? I have no one else in my house who drives, or even owns a car. thank you""
How much will my insurance go up after I've gotten a speeding ticket?
I got my first ticket when i was 14 and it was a $10 ticket. i recently turned 18, and i just got pulled over again. it was an $11 ticket. i dont want to tell my parents, but i know the insurance rate will go up, but how much? i live in north dakota.""
Can u use your parents health insurance without them knowing?
i wanna go to the doctors without my parents knowing using there insurance. is it possible? and i live in california and im 19 years old. help:(
""California learners permit, do you need insurance?""
California. Do you need insurance while u have your permits or do you use your parents? If no, I get insurance after I take my driving test? And can you have a passenger with you when you have a permit? Like an adult right next to you and your sister sits in the backseat.""
What does this dental insurance code mean?
The code is 42560 and it's by the insurance company equitable life insurance company of Canada . So what does this dental insurance code mean? How much will they cover for the gum graft? It's only one tooth that I need to have done for 600$. It's medical not cosmetic.
How much would it cost for insurance on this car??
Ok so i'm about to go for my license in december and my awesome brother is generously giving up his 96 Toyota Supra. As of now I have 1 job that gets me 300 every other week. And I'm poor and I have a cheap prepaid phone and cheap clothes. My question is will I be able to pay for my insurance on this salary. And I have like 3000 saved up. could I just pay for insurance for a whole year?
Health Insurance (Prescription insurance denied) Why?
Bad title for this question I know. I have never really had to go to the doctor for anything, ANYTHING. Recently I went to go see one because my energy level has been horrible, and I am always fatigued. After seeing the doctor, and getting lab work done, I had spent almost a $1000 dollars. But still, I'm okay with that, if its like one visit every six months or so, so what. Anyways, they found my Testosterone levels to be really really low. So they put me on a medication called androgel. Let me tell you, I can only get 15 days worth of this medication at a time, but every time I go to Walgreens to get a refill, I spend hundreds. Tonight when I picked it up it cost me $268.41. I called everywhere to see about health insurance, even though I only need help with prescriptions. I dont know what to do. I dont need all out full fledge health insurance. But apparently if I tried to get it anyway, I would be denied due to a pre-existing condition ((WTF))!! Apparently the only people who can qualify for health insurance are those who dont need it to begin with. And those who need it are denied because of a pre-existing condition. They are no programs that help with prescriptions that I know of, that dont require tons and tons of paperwork, audits, background investigations, and appointment after appointment. I am really upset and am lost with regard to getting the medication my doctor says I need, reduced in price. I cant afford almost $600 a month. But if even if I try to get health care, i will be denied. Could someone please help me out : ) Thanks for checking out my question I dont have health insurance because I never needed it. Plus I have always been responsible with my money""
Can I own a car and have someone else insure it?
Ok I'm 19 and currently own my own car and the pink slip is under my name but I know if I get insurance right now it will be high so I was wondering if my dad can insure it while I drive it under my name. I live in California and my dad has State Farm. Thank you.
Auto insurance question?
I'm going to be working for a delivering company and I need proof of insurance. I have it, but the car I'm driving is my mom's so the name on the card obviously isn't mine. The company I'm going to be working for needs proof that I have insurance and I don't know what kind of paperwork would work. Any ideas?""
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
""Can anyone tell me approximately, how much car insurance is in southern ireland for...?
20 year old female using peugeot 306 car? just passed test btw!
""If I buy car under parents name and insurance, will it be cheaper?""
I'm looking to change my car, residing with parents, if I buy a new car say under my dads name, with insurance under his name, will it be cheaper if I was to be added to that policy? Compared to having the car in my name and insurance as well? Thanks""
Where can i find a good healthcare plan for myself and my kids? more inside?
39 weeks prego with number 2. and neither have insurance except the smallest will have ga medicade when he is born.i am looking for insurance to cover them mostly. and everything i see has at least a $1000 deductible. what is a good way to do this? i am 21 and don't know any thing about insurance. help please :-) i
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