#more like cardinal copium
silverbelle · 1 year
Listened to Ghost for quite a while now.
And here’s the interpretation of the Papas from a person who has yet to grasp the understanding of the lore :)
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Papi- I mean Terzo is my favorite out of all of them
Also I may be confused whether Secundo is bald or he actually has a buzzcut. Idk and I didn’t care at the time.
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ramblingoak · 1 year
Hello Oak!!
I’m writing to you because like many others I absolutely DEVOURED the existing parts of The Cardinal’s Bride last night. I loved it so so much and I’m very excited to read The Morningstar as well. Your construction of the Wild West world, diff. dynamics between Ghouls, the buildup for the reader and The Cardinal - ETHEL AND HAROLD??? Etc spark so much imagination and joy.
I wanted to really show my appreciation in some way, bc I have craved good escapism and this really helped me out amid weird moods and stuff irl… so these are my fav line(s)/moment(s) from every Chapter (spoilers) w/ my silly lil reactions …..
-// < 33 @copium-copia
Chapter One: Heading West
“You snuck a peak back at the two women and glanced briefly out to the street before pulling the poster off the window. It seemed such a silly thing to do, but you figured if you were being forced to marry a boring bank owner like Mr. Saltarian you should allow yourself a small thrill. Something to look at when lying alone in the dark in your new home.”
Omg omg omg yess I’m keeping the poster !! this surely won’t lead to consequences : )))
Chapter Two: La Principessa
“She should be scared, she’s marrying fucking Saltarian.” Ooo storm’s brewing !!! Anyone else get a lil hot under the collar at Cardi Copia’s mere mention of Saltarian this way ??
Satan’s Dick !
Hehehe Ciaooo Cardinal🥰….. “Mi scusi Principessa, are you looking to collect the bounty?”
Chapter Three: Promises “But…you have been whispering for me at night” ummmmmmm - /pos
“She’s not fucking riding with you Swiss.” ummmmmmmmm !!!! no I’m not hehe you’re so right, Cardinal
SUNSHINE MOMENT + Sunshine’s perspective on CHOICE YES PLEASE
“Clearly it meant a lot to you, so I wanted to replace it.” my face 🤭!
Okie dokie!!!
Brizio my beloved
“Faster, eh? Good idea, Principessa!” - what if I swoon -
His hands agh his hands, p leas ,e ________
Chapter Four: There’s Something about Mary
YESSSS I love to justify my hatred and apathy for Saltarian yess
“There are plenty of pretty girls in the world, Mr. Goore, I don’t plan on wasting my time mourning this one.” cold as fuck ??? /pos
“You pregnant, Sweet Cheeks?” // “Excuse me?” Your indignant question was nearly drowned out by The Cardinal’s sudden laughter. You shoved your elbow back into his gut and he groaned before muttering ‘sorry’ into your ear. hehehe
Chapter Five: Copia
Aether & Sunshine bickering hehe
“Sunshine, stop giving her knives!” 😂
Copia/Reader Reunion 🥲
“We’ll have to find some time for that, eh?” gahhhh
Chapter Six: The Newlywed Game
“Si, si fine. You’re very dangerous. Now pay attention.” 😊
“I’m helping love blossom here, Mountain. Take some notes.” SUNSHINE I LOVE YOU
“Cowboys were strange.” :))
“Oh you are trouble, Mr. Emeritus.” !!!!
He was blushing. YESSS BOYYYY
“Maybe you start dreaming about me, eh? Maybe your hands start wandering…” shhhhhhh
“Copia had snuck up right behind you so when you turned around you nearly smacked into his chest.” Ooooooooooooooooooo
Copia didn’t say a word, he just moved his hands to your waist and then lifted you onto the dresser. STAYFUCKINGCALM.jpg
“I have a reputation to uphold Principessa.” ✨
Chapter Seven: The Ministry
tumblr user @ramblingoak you are simply too damn CLEVER
I just. This is… my favorite chapter? They’re all my favorite chapter. But the whole concept is so cohesive and the characterization is so specific and I can see the scenes in my mind??
“I do and if you could bring yourself to give a shit about anything but getting your dick wet you should too.” it’s funny, it’s in-character, it crystallizes this relationship, I’m ??
Copia kissed with his whole body. Ehehehe…
“Copia! These are clean sheets keep him away.” / “Ai, Brizio is clean.” Cope is not here for the #BrizioDisrespect
More hair was hanging down and you couldn't help but hesitantly reach out to brush it back just like he did to your own hair. / “Go to sleep, Principessa.” / You jumped at the sound of his voice, jerking your arm back and shoving it under the covers.
Before he could answer the door to his office burst open, Mist quickly striding in. The look on her face was one Secondo hadn’t seen for nearly 10 years. OH SHIT OH FUCK
Chapter Eight: Playing House
Th.e.. The whole chapter. .
Dewdrop flinched when Ethel pushed the end of the barrel closer to him./ “Nothing! Unholy shit, your barn is fine!” / hehehe
“Do you remember this morning, Principessa? When you said I could touch you?”
“I’ve been thinking about touching you here all day.” OAAAAAKK
“Because it’s getting harder for me to stop.” BOY
“Did you rub your clit like this? Is this what you like?” gaaaaaaaaaa
Every time you tried to reach for him he’d gently press you back down into the bed. “Soon, Principessa. Soon, I promise you.”
“So this is what you do when I leave, eh?” oop. Maybe .😳
“Ciao, Principessa.” Copia turned towards you and gave you a lazy grin. “Cat got your tongue?” king shit
“Mr. Emeritus put a shirt on!” HEHE
The doggy hair shake so cute I SWOON
“Tsk, so many buttons. I’m not sure I like this skirt.”
“What can I…Copia what should I do?” / “Just touch me, it won’t take much.” GAH
Copia twitched and hissed when you lightly nipped the skin under his jaw. “Ok, ok fine. You’re developing some bad habits, Principessa.” PLEASE why isn’t he REAL
You squealed and kissed Copia on the cheek, blushing a bit when you realized you’d done that in front of the others. Ehehehe yayyy
I really hope this is amusing for you rather than annoying ---- thanku so much for putting so much time and effort into this fic. It's been not-so-easy being human lately, and you made my night much brighter !!
um again I'm @copium-copia if you wanna be ghesties or anything
It's not annoying at all!! Oh my gosh, you are so sweet 😭
I appreciate you taking the time to find your favorite parts. I appreciate you taking the time to READ my story to begin with. I'm so glad you are enjoying it and I hope you continue to do so! You're the best, thank you sooooo much 💙
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dracwife · 2 years
never again. | bo
ship: my delilah → bo/heidi
word count: 1270
summary: heidi gets hurt, and bo’s sent into a fit of rage. i titled this ‘copium’ in my gdocs and that’s all this is. but yall said i should just post it anyways, so. here
cw for violence & blood, implications of (past)abuse
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He feels his knuckles crack with every hit. Every connect of flesh to bone he feels himself bleed more, bruise and ache overpowers his every nerve and though it stings the adrenaline rushes through his veins and again and again he strikes his fist down, searing fire in his eyes burns as bright as the moon above, casting only a glow across the sidewalk which he's kneeled. 
Reflective is that glow, that against his skin shines the calloused hands and scarcely healed skin rounding his wrists. Blood drips, and he tastes metallic crimson and he swallows, creature of the night he might as well have been sitting like that; kneeled over the body of what could have been nothing but prey, tilting his head back to howl not at the moon but a strangled roar rips through his throat all the same as he falls back finally. Panting, beat for breath he gasps for air and with every exhale that drip that runs down his face falters for a moment. 
Violence is a part of him, inherent as the blood that runs through him and across his face and around him now, his heart beats as well as his hands may and he's learned to bury the things that bothered him not within but in the ground more often than not, and it's times like this he wonders just how that panicked voice behind him that approaches even stays. Inside himself he knows that even with the way he's battered before and again, he'd raise his voice but never a hand to that same one that falls around him now, hands tearing his own away from the body below him and begging. 
When he's ripped away and forced to stand on shaking legs, he's lit a cigarette with marred fingers that's quickly ripped from his teeth by that same shouting form and tossed to the ground, where Bo stomps it out with the same fury that he's atoned the body on the ground with. 
Gentle hands take his own, cracked skin that's stained black from oil and blue from injury, and drag him begging away, pleading to stop. 
He blinks away that rage that's still built within him, and allows himself to be pulled further, if only a few feet but his gaze trains on the figure on the ground still, waiting, hoping it moves again so that he'd get another chance to relieve them of that very breath. Were his knuckles not shone deep the color of cardinal, they'd have been white with the way his fists ball and his nails dig deep into his skin as he tries so desperately to rip himself away from the residual anger that reverberates through him. 
He's not a good man. He knows this. But he sure as hell knows he's a damn better man than the one that's there on the ground now. But it's the finer soul of them all that takes his hurt hands and cries, that buries their face into his chest and sobs, not out of anguish but of fear. 
"You don't gotta look," his fingers that sear with agony cradle their head to him, and he turns away from the scene splayed across the splattered pavement. 
"I wanna go home."
"We are. We are," he drawls, though he takes no steps as they hold tighter to his shirt and tremble in his touch. He can feel the water that will wash his hands of the blood already stinging and winces at the thought, but just as every kill before, he knows the same pain, the pain of knowing that the life that his hands take will never fade. And it's not that he minds, but fears that same reason he kills now will fade instead, would fear him, shy from his grasp when he hurts already. He's tired, and it's fucking with his brain, he tells himself this, but even then he's compelled to reassure --
"Nothing's gonna hurt you. You know that? Never again. I swear on my life. Nothing, ever again. Fuck."
"I just want to go home. Please." 
"You're hurt. You're hurt and it's all my fault --" 
The blood he's smeared into their hair now shines in the light and they don't seem to care, but he does. That blood that ties them together, spilt but binding and it's only when they take his wrist and press a gentle kiss there and plead, chanting their apologies that he brushes their cheek -- oh, but how soft their skin was next to his.
"Lester'll take care of it. C'mon," he pulls them away and down the path home. 
Their hand brushes delicate against their cheek, pale porcelain that glistens in the night, so careful do they raise their touch, "I didn't even notice."
He cuts them off with a grunt, and the flick of his lighter again he's inhaling that smoke that curls in his lungs and curdles in heat the same way his blood boils when he notices the cut that lines their jaw. He wipes their blood away, with his own taking its place and sighs. 
"He got you good there."
"I did." His words are muffled by the smoke that he mumbles out and the tobacco that ashes as he scarcely verbalizes those two simple words. 
"You'll be okay, right?"
So innocent is their questioning, so determined but concerned, their grip on his arm tightens and though he's walking next to them, they claw almost desperately at the fabric of his flannel in wonder. Afraid to lose him. Afraid to be left alone so soon. Afraid to be vulnerable again. He's angry again. Annoyed. At himself, for leaving them even just for that moment he ran into the station. He knew there was someone else there somewhere. He knew it, and he still left. Stupid, stupid man he was. His heart aches, and everything hurts and his mind is clouded with exhaustion as the adrenaline wears off, but he still trudges on down that road holding Heidi close. 
"Will you?"
They sniffle, wipe their face and though they're shaking still they lean against Bo's arm. It hurts, but the pain is worth the comfort if he's able; it's not something he can offer frequently, and he figures that if anything it's all he can do in that moment. So he lets them, and he blinks away the warm tears that threaten to rise when he feels his face heat. 
"Yeah. I…I think so," they whisper, grounding themselves with the touch of mangled scar, he wonders how that's ever easing but lets them anyway and brushes his fingertips as calmly as he can against their hands that are locked around him. His feet fall against the asphalt and distantly he can hear the dog barking. They're almost home now, four walls of safety, and he relaxes tensed muscles he hadn't even noticed were stiff before. Everything aches. But even so, he takes the cigarette from between his bruised lips, and taps at it gently as he watches the cindering flakes fall slow to the ground. A blaze that could mirror his own passionate hatred that even in that moment ghosted his mind and sank in his stomach. That soft touch brings him back, and as he glances at them he places the Red back in his mouth, tongue flicking at the paper for a moment as his eyes scan the other besides him for any other visible injury. When he finds none, he pulls his arm from their grasp against his side and wraps that same one around their shoulder to hold them closer. 
"Then I'll be alright, too."
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moriment-o · 2 years
man what i would give to drop everything and fly over to the US to watch a ritual ;-;
ghost could never perform where i live but the internet feeds me content so thats alright i guess
(cardinal copia more like cardinal copium hnfhnfhnhnfhfnnhfhf ;v;)
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