#more ppl gotta read the novel PLZ! PLZ! PLZ! PLZ!
crow-person · 2 months
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totally real moment in the ace novel ( you can trust me i would not lie haha )
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clownsnake · 3 years
ok so my tl is all hussie hate please tell me what this man has done (so i can bully him as well)
Off the top of my head, he’s had a repeated habit of getting into controversies, what with:
-team special olympics. idk much to do with that but ppl have said tht it’s shitty and with that info + just judging by the name, I Do Not want to look it up. Idk if he apologized for it, i don’t care. if anyone wants to provide more info on this issue go ahead!
-saying that the homestuck kids are ‘aracial’ (already controversial & not a creative decision I agree with outside of podcasts & non-graphic novels) but then making the trickstermode versions of them ‘caucasian’ (idk if he made a great apology for that, but I think many POC fans were still upset even after his apology. Look it up & judge for urself wether he got to the heart of the issue)
-the epilogues. He made jane into a trump allegory, instead of just making Jade trans for the whole yiffany plot point he GAVE HER A DOG DICK, hired an incest shipper for the album art(? I think? I know there was an artist involved who ships prospitcest, I just dk if it was for album art or w/e) as well as someone who wrote bro/dave fics, general character bastardization upsetting a lot of people, and hired (in my opinion) very pretentious writers. Generally a dick move, aside from the morally fucked shit.
-hs2, continuing off of the dick move of the epilogues with yiffany! Minimal rosemary post-that flower shit (which is... you know, the biggest piece of lgbt rep in hs. This is just something tht irks Me, so if u don’t want to count that against him go ahead), more pretentiousness, and other shit I’m too lazy to bring up rn. There’s some dirt on some of the writers being shit (like Kate “im gonna post nudes on twitter where kids can easily find them, and scream about how much I hate children when I get called out for it” Mitchel, and optimistic “i said that anyone who disagrees with Kate should die” duelist), and their behavior doesn’t really dictate how I view hussie ASIDE FROM 1. The fact that HE hired them and 2. The fact that he’s Friendly with them. He willingly chose to associate with them by putting them in charge of his most successful work.
-skaianet controversy.. idk what the whole bs with that is, I didn’t read it, but apparently he made hitler related to the human cast of homestuck?? And aside from that it was just generally very insensitive? Like I said I didn’t read it, it wasn’t rlly worth my time, so if anyone wants 2 correct me go ahead. He retconned it & apologized for it so that was cool. Still fucked up tht he did that tho.
-the odd gentleman controversy. The story for a while has been that TOG stole hiveswap’s Kickstarter money for some other game, but recent allegation have been that 1. Hussie got TOG to make art for one of homestuck’s animations while they were being hired to work on hiveswap, thus wasting their time 2. TOG worked on a side gig, kings quest, while hussie wanted them 2 make art for him. TOG’s time was allegedly being wasted, so I allegedly back this decision. & 3. Hussie was apparently prone to last-minute decisions, like the 3D to 2D switch in hiveswap style. According to TOG’ claims, the 3D version of hiveswap act 1 was complete in 2014 and work on act 2 had already begun, when hussie suddenly decided hey! Let’s redo all this shit & make it 2D! It fits my ~artistic vision~ more. :) Again, we don’t know if TOG’s claims are true or if the claims of TOG stealing the Kickstarter money are true, but if TOG’s claims are true,,,,,, then hussie wasted their time And a million twelve year olds’ money that was given to the Kickstarter. I’m willing to bet that their claims are true, bc the timeline matches up with what we know, and this all seems.... very in-character for hussie. (Also idk TOG’ pronouns, rip. Someone plz let me know this info I don’t want 2 misgender anyone)
Wether or not you want to hold him accountable for any of this stuff, you gotta recognize the fact that he has made a habit of being a douche. I don’t trust him to avoid getting in controversies like this in the future, and I don’t trust him to make good decisions about homestuck from now on. The tone of the epilogues very much seems like it’s author fucking hates his creation & his characters, and if his burnout-fueled spite keeps on going the way it’s going, he’s gonna make more decisions just to piss of fans.
Tl;dr: hussie has repeatedly gotten into controversies, some of which aren’t properly apologized for, and I don’t trust tht he won’t do shit like this again. He just has bad vibes.
If anyone wants to correct me on anything, or add onto this go ahead! I’m in a rush rn so I can’t look things up 2 confirm stuff atm, I gotta get 2 class,, for more info I recommend checking out abraxas-calibrator’s blog! I learned a lot from searching thru there. (Also my memory is shit, so I probably definitely mixed some things up)
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