#more than happy to delete/untag/etc
coulsons-band · 1 year
Oh my god!!! I am so glad you said this “and complaining there isn’t an explicit scene of him fucking in the strange way of life. it’s not a gay porn made for your fetish.” !!!!!!
I’ve been absolutely tripping out reading these kind of comments and wondering if I’m being absolutely ridiculous because I think these comments are so fucking gross!! There’s so many of them and other comments getting all horny about the butt shot the movie apparently has.
People have completely sexualised him and think it’s okay because he used to joke about the daddy thing sometimes. It’s so gross and now so many people are just completely fetishising this short film and the character.
And it’s just gonna get so much worse when the short film is actually out for everyone to see. Yours is the first post about this I’ve seen and I’m so so glad I’m not the only one thinking like this! Thank you!!!!
oh darling you are most certainly not alone! i'm not the only one who's said these things: @demonsandbullets @lunapascal @vadersaber are a few lovely people who have expressed similar sentiments and i know there are many more. mine is just the one post that happened to take off.
it's just insane to me the way people have been talking about the strange way of life it's almost like they thought it was going to be some arthouse soft-core porn and then got upset when it wasn't?? it's a love story, first and foremost. a wonderful one, from the sounds of it. people are quickly losing sight of that at the mere suggestion of omghotmenhavesex.
(and like the Butt Shot™ - depending on how it's framed, it could very well be a body double lol like that's a real possibility.)
and the d*ddy thing - look, i'm not trying to police anyone's tone or be 'puritanical.' i want to be very clear about that. i think some people have taken my original post to mean they shouldn't be doing it at all. that's not what i'm saying.
but there is a big huge astronomical difference between doing unhinged thirsting here anonymously, among people who get it, and doing it in the face of the person who is the focus of that. far, far too many people are forgetting that.
tumblr - and the internet at large - has and should always be a safe space for people to explore and express their sexuality, especially if they don't have that in real life. the problem is when it starts leaving that space and encroaching into a real person's life without their explicit consent. that's where we need to draw the line.
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arklayraven · 4 months
my buddy, всё будет хорошо! 💛 i think this is all the misunderstanding of intent? tell me if i am wrong but i think you were ask not to post exclusive files from discord so you take it down without a hassle, yes? we can appreciate the effort for it, so good job and thank you 😄 i see before there were others on X who do something similar and they take down their post at the devs will, so you are not alone. but the dev already ask us not to let the exclusive files leave discord and it is up to us the fans to honor it. so i think since you take down everything there should be no problem left? but maybe i am wrong. if you like i will contact the 14dwy dev on your behalf to get answers because i think this is a misunderstanding! 😧 i think you ask for communication too since i follow your posts so this will be good idea. many thanks and happy pride month if you partake with it!
Wasn't gonna say anything but need to talk about this since its bothering me again.
Yes I was asked to take down something, that was just a cropped imaged from a screenshot from the game. It wasn't even that huge of a spoiler? It was just the same status message from Ren in game from previous versions, but with his pronouns visible. Which, we know already, and the small feature was made public to all to see and know of. No matter if they play the game or not. But I still took it down out of request from a mod from that server who reached me.
I believed things to be fine now...Then was contacted again by them, but they came off so...unfriendly...And it bothered me lots.
Again. I thought the situation was resolved, but clearly I was wrong.
Also feeling I had to apologize, again, which I did just hoping this would stop.
I then realized from this all, they only reached out to me again, because they went through my blog, to find stuff to come after me for.
Then I felt honestly stalked at that point, and felt not even comfortable on my own blog and space here. I blocked the person who reached me, because again, I felt upset by this all.
It just ruined my experience for the series for me for a while, that I deleted my old writing blog for it, and felt i couldn't make edits for it as well, etc. I've been working on healing/moving on from it all however, made a new blog to start over. (tho will be keeping some stuff more privated/untagged now. since the whole situation just ruined a lot for me. especially fucked with me more since I deal with high anxiety.)
But what bothered me most over this all, is being contacted by that mod, than directly by the dev over this situation. Which I feel, could of been resolved better, if the dev just reached out to me first instead.
I understand people are busy and can't reach out to everyone on time, but would of appreciated a more nicer direct approach by them, or a attempt...Instead of being contacted by someone else with this clear power trip they had going on...and just seemed like they wanted to go after someone or start something.
Also on your offer to contact the dev, I just don't know if it'll do anything to help me feel better or others who were effected as well. So i personally don't see it as necessary I guess... (Like damage has been done from this all, you know? So yeah...)
The only best I want and ask from this all however, is this to not happen to anyone else ever again. No one deserves to be stalked or harassed, especially over a video game. It's not fun feeling like you aren't safe to post/whatever on your own blog, and not feel welcomed to just share your love a series. So I hope no one ever has to deal with this again.
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canimisia · 6 months
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cani[s] + [arte]misia. canis, a genus that includes animals such as coyotes, wolves, and dogs. artemisia, a genus of plants that includes artemisia tridentata, more commonly known as the great basin sagebrush — a plant as integral to its environment as the wolf is to its own. A STUDY OF: taking back what is yours; kicked dogs who bite back; how to navigate shared trauma and make amends. loved by adair (25, they/them). highly selective. n.sfw is present and tagged. minors & non rp blogs dni.
→ if you don’t follow me and have no intention of following me, please do not reblog / like my posts. click on the source if applicable. if it’s a personal post, move on.
→ this is an 18+ blog due to content.
→ carrd. | opens. | memes. | alima hcs. | keith hcs. | woof lore.
rules under cut.
this blog is iconless. you are more than welcome to use them! but unfortunately I don't have any for either muse here.
I am mutuals only and highly selective.
I always softblock if I unfollow someone. if I unfollow you and it's NOT a softblock please let me know so I can fix whatever error tumblr cooked up.
under no circumstances do I tolerate vague-posting and untagged drama. if it happens 2+ times, I will softblock.
basic rp etiquette applies. don't godmod, don't assume, etc. etc.
I have a huge oc bias. I'm really, really not well-versed on a lot of popular fandoms/characters. I'm happy to treat them like just another oc, but please be aware that I most likely have zero idea of their lore/world.
n.sfw content is present and tagged as n.sfw /
I periodically go through my blog and clean out posts, just to keep everything neat. if I tag something with tbd it will get deleted in the future. if you commented on it/liked it, then I think you're super neat but I also love keeping the blog clean.
and finally, this blog is basically permanent low-activity. I'm double majored right now and try my damnedest to work in the summer. I also have a lot of animals at home and they get the first claim on my free time.
I'm not interested in interacting with any muse/character from h.azbin h.otel, thank you.
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veridium · 4 years
fuck it, queer meta.
About a year ago I wrote one of my first and largest meta posts about why I consider Cassandra a prime example of queerbaiting despite her being a character who explicitly says she is heterosexual. This lead to quite the day of inbox hate mail from people throughout the fandom. Most were upset I used the “q slur” and left it untagged as such in the big DA meta tags. I can imagine for those folks, the substance of what I had to say mattered little as a result. 
I deleted most of those messages and my responses soon afterward. They upset me greatly even as I took it all in stride. However, given that it’s been about 365 days since that fiasco, and some interesting events have happened with regards to current and former DA writers, I thought it would be “fun” to write a recap and reflection on why, generally, I still feel the way I did when I wrote that post. With some changes and growth, of course. 
The gist of it is, as we have come to learn in past, recent, and ongoing discourses in fandom, that much to the chagrin of a lot of folks in this fandom: BioWare, and in this instance DA writers, are not your SJW Icons. Furthermore, they never should have been, or should be, considered as such. 
The gist (part two) for me, is: for as much as diverse characters, worlds, and societies are being uplifted by Games these days, the counterbalance of bullshit is still there. And I think it survives most sturdily in the kind of logic the BioWare writing culture throughout the years. This sense of egalitarian, “of course” logic, that appears to make socially deviant identities normalized but really just falsely positions those identities as meant to be in lock-step with the norm. Representation to gaming, and most of media writ large, all-too-easily falls into the trap of “we want what the privileged have,” which it to say, we want our existence to be a no-brainer, even if it means we lost the essence of why our stories are so profound, important, and necessary to do justice. 
I really can’t imagine accepting the way characters like Cassandra were written because I don’t accept the writer(s) who wrote her. Why?
Come with me, and we’ll be, in a world, of pure fuckery...but with citations...because I’m an Academic and that’s my roll.*
*Please see tags for pertinent content warnings before clicking.**
**if you reblog and tag this shit with “q slur,” I will take all the reserves of understanding I have as a DA fic writer for all of the enraged womxn in the series and express it accordingly. And, as a femslash-oriented author, I can promise you: that expression will be consumptive. 
Hm, I wonder, what with the predominant writer for her character inquires on Twitter for “lesbian fanfic porn” recommendations for writing “research,” but seems to be unable to hire appropriate creatives to write, consult, etc. for the project. 
Or that the writers room made, and continues to make, space for a writer who continually does Black and queer characters dirty with his mediocre-at-best work, in both game and novel form (because, plot twist, he’s a shit writer) (1) (2) (3). 
Or that the writer’s room, and specifically Ga*der, attesting that the development of the Qunari was based on Arab cultures around the time of “Medieval Europe,” which is somehow his way of getting out of the thematic botching of the Qunari language, social structure, etc. from Islamic tradition. 
Or, the writers who intentionally shaped the story so that Vivienne, one of the limited number of Black women characters in the entire series to have a role as an ally, to be a red herring of an distrustful and conceited antagonist, to the point where her treatment by fandom has been incredibly racist, heinous, and lazy for years.
These are a few of MANY reasons, with thorough exposition, why the veneer of “progressive inclusion” studios like BioWare claim to be authentic. Having “diverse” writers in the room -- and I’m using that word incredibly tenuously here -- didn’t change the result of any of these harmful scenarios. In fact, it created them. This, combined with the tale as old as time: toxic fandom culture with white, anglo-centric, cisheterosexual masculinist ideals at the fore, have gotten us here. 
So, do I hold all of the reasons why I am angry about Cassandra’s character writing the same way now, as I did then? No. Certainly not. In fact, there are parts where I would correct myself. On the other hand, the thesis for me remains largely preserved: I revile G*ider, I revile that he gets the accolades he does by fandom for his “diversity” of characters when he exploits, erases, and uses slippery morality to get out of admitting he has shortcomings in his work. I hate that the exaltation for representation still funnels itself onto the heads of white writers and predominantly white-staffed studios. 
And, underneath it all, I am mad that some of ya’ll see no problem with that. Because what does it matter, if you do not come from communities, cultures, and coalitions that get the brunt of this misrepresentation? What does it matter if it angers a lesbian fan that the writers who have a long history of misusing and conveniently copping themselves out when they write women and queer characters, seem to use that “expertise” as permission to do what they are supposedly combating?
G*ider, the hero himself, is on written record saying that it should not be second guessed as to why Cassandra is straight, just as he thinks it should not be second guessed that Dorian is gay. Yet, when he asked on Twitter if there was some moral significance to people modding character’s sexuality (in this specific instance, Dorian, actually), G*ider said that in the end, people’s mods “do not change” what he wrote, and that unless they claim their changes “supercede” canon, there’s no harm done. 
So, really, I’m just over here like -- is this ya’lls hero?
Why in the fuck would someone be modding a gay character to be bisexual or heterosexual, if they didn’t somehow believe that version “supercedes” the canon rendition? Secondly, where is the attention to the fact that, in an ensemble of multiple romanceable characters, Dorian has to be the one that has to be sexually and romantically accessible to those outside of his canonical realm of attraction?
I mean, for fuck’s sake, it’s the whole virtue grounding his companion side quest, the fact that he is estranged from his Father who tried to magically change his orientation! This is a crucial part of Dorian’s entire journey to serving the Inquisition, and serving Tevinter as a dissident.
But, you know, it doesn’t change what G*ider wrote. And he’s correct, it doesn’t change what he wrote, which he got credit, money, and esteem for. It doesn’t change that if you load up the base game, Dorian’s gay. In G*ider’s head, that is the protective force: the parts where he has ties, and not the culture of the fandom, the culture the fans who helped fill his pockets from that game have to dwell within. This isn’t revolutionary, this isn’t good-faith representation. This is getting a piece of the rotten-sweet pie and saying “let bygones be bygones, you toxic, funky heteronormative assholes!”
But, where are my manners. I’m getting heated, aren’t I?
Basically, if you condemn queer fans for calling out queer bating -- or any marginalized fan for throwing up the alarm for bullshit -- and your first reaction is to side with folks like G*ider who got theirs and said screw everything else, fuck off. Literally, fuck off. I call Cassandra’s circumstance queerbaiting because she’s one example of writers getting their cake and eating it, too. If they are so aware of just how much of their fanbase is marginalized folks, they don’t get to say they don’t have fingerprints on things like queerbaiting. You don’t get to be acclaimed and excused for the shit you say you are combating, which is the source of that acclaim. And if your claim is happy ignorance, then you definitely don’t get to blithely equivocate when fans do ask you why the story happened the way it did. 
I also just want to keep in mind here that there’s a deductive conclusion to be had about this, given how La*idlaw explicitly stated they endeavored to make Cassandra extremely hot, “really enticing.” That conclusion is: 
(1) Either they aren’t/weren’t nearly as attuned to their queer audiences as they generally claim to be, or 
(2) They were, and had no intention of developing compassion or empathy passed G*ider talking out of his ass about why Cassandra was developed as straight. Which, ultimately, does coincide with conclusion (1) more than not. 
No matter what, the contour to the conclusion is: wow, a taste of nauseating objectification, in the BioWare writer’s room. Who knew!
It’s no wild accusation to make to a writer like him and his colleagues, that they don’t know how to handle sapphic, wlw, and/or queer-related storylines, especially with women. Especially when the answer seems to be, “well, it was decided before I took the lead, and in any case, why question it! You wouldn’t question a gay character’s orientation!”
But that’s just it, you complete and utter turnip. People did question Dorian’s sexuality. People do question Dorian’s sexuality. That fantasy world of equal bearings is as insincere as it is out-of-touch. And why not, when, as you said, 
it doesn’t change what you got paid for.
The ethos seems to be crudely reflexive: people’s phobic interpretations and alterations of the canon do not matter, but then again, why would you even question why a character is straight? Why would you question my narrative vision, in all of its beautiful shittery?
It’s all a game of dodge, ya’ll. Dodge, dodge, dodge. With a strong and acidic dose of vanity. 
So. In summation, folks: I could care less for your false equivalences. I could care less about my contribution of queer content fucking up your good time in the meta tags. Obviously you aren’t there to actually engage in creative, exploratory thought, so why bother reasoning. There is more to the possibilities of queerbaiting than stringing along a could-be, would-be, should-be queer storyline directly. There’s knowing your audience enough to exploit your good graces with them. There’s benefitting from a charade of liberal progressive clout. There’s the ability to foresee that queer people will cathect to a given character, and not only denying an experience they could have, but denying it so harshly that the character says they can’t love yours because you’re female. 
And I am so, so, so sick of these people continually enriching themselves off of the “nobody’s perfect” grace. To me, that grace is the promise of good faith, and the intention to do right by people. When that isn’t there, the grace isn’t going somewhere where it’ll be appreciated, that it will be nourished by. I mean, fucking hell, people, this is rainbow capitalism: don’t you taste it?
That’s that, then. “Cassandra and Queerbaiting Rant,” one year on. An extra dose of salt, just for the haters. 
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sheikah · 6 years
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Ok, this is the last time I’m going to address this because it’s clear you just wanted to use my blog as a platform for your opinion rather than to engage in a discussion where you could potentially understand the other side. I also don’t want to spam my followers with this anymore. 
1. You don’t have tumblr, but you somehow saw and are bothered by my untagged post about fic abuse? Ok…
2. No, we are not lumping flaming and concrit together. What you seem to refuse to understand is that we are not interested in either one unless explicitly stated otherwise. While it is markedly more upsetting to be called a “cunt” or a “whore” (both of which I and others I know have received over the last year, by the way) I similarly don’t want to hear about it if someone “takes issue with [my] plot, themes, etc” I genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, do not want to know that someone is disappointed with my story or wishes I wrote it differently. I don’t care. I am doing this for fun. It is a hobby. Those sorts of comments, even well-meaning, add stress and seriousness to something I’m trying to derive joy from. And when dozens of writers are telling you that we don’t want your idea of “concrit,” whether it involves flaming or not, you should just listen to that and stop.
3. Going off of my last point, you’ve been told this by writers, several times now. We don’t want your criticism of any kind unless we specifically ask for it. By leaving it anyway or defending your right to leave it, you are ignoring our expressed wishes and being rude. By doing this you are saying that your entitlement to share your unwanted opinion is somehow more important than an author’s desire to write a story for fun without it turning into discourse, regardless of the tone of that discourse.
4. It isn’t “inevitable.” What you also don’t seem to understand is that it wasn’t always like this. I am a “fandom old” and remember a time when (aside from the rare and random flamer) all fic comments were positive. Fanfic was a place for friends to get together, execute their headcanons or dream scenarios, and fangirl over it in peace. It’s for fun. Unless someone specifically tells you so, you should stop assuming that people are overly concerned with their story being “perfect.” This is a fun side hobby, not a dissertation defense. Sometimes the point of fanfic is to do something boundary pushing or even deliberately OOC. We’re not here to be discouraged by people who have showed up to a community that was doing fine on its own and taken it upon themselves to change the rules and customs of that community.
5. Since you and more people like you are digging your heels in and refusing to be receptive about this there is a snowball effect, where some commenters see pre-existing negative comments in a thread, adopt some weird mob mentality, and gang up on writers. This has already led to multiple beloved authors in our fandom deactivating and deleting their work. Your “concrit” is having a marked effect on the fandom and leading to less content. That’s not okay. 
6. It isn’t about “safe spaces.” I know people like to mock that term now, which is a whole other fucked up issue. But this is about common courtesy, decency, and maturity. If someone is telling you point blank to stop doing a behavior that bothers them, a behavior you are CHOOSING to do, a behavior that you have no reason to do other than your own entitled feelings about someone else’s work, and a behavior you could stop doing easily and with no cost to yourself or your happiness, and you do it ANYWAY? That shows that you are immature and incapable of being courteous. 
7. The fact that you are bringing up the poor, helpless negative commenters being ganged up on by writers is just ridiculous. We’re telling you not to leave those comments because they upset us. You say that it’s the internet and an open forum and people should accept whatever consequences for what they post. Yet you also say it’s unfair for writers to fight back and you want commenters to be able to say what you want in peace without repercussions or negative replies. Are you seeing a pattern here???
This is the third time you’ve argued with me about this and I can’t make my opinion any clearer. If you are this unwilling to consider other people’s feelings then I’m forced to conclude based on our interaction thus far that you’re simply not a nice person or someone that I can relate to or empathize with, so I won’t be discussing this further. But please, just stop dude. Just stop.
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Gxrden of Rules
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Hello there! My name is Nina. As I said in my bio, I'm a 22 years old girl. I'm glad you're here reading this, and I hope we can know each other best in the future if you like my blog and decide to follow me.
Note: I am dyslexic and English isn't my first language, so please if I make a mistake or something's hard to understand, please let me know as politely as you can. Thank you.
For our future partnership to work, I would like you to read all the rules. If you have any questions or doubts before you read, without any fear you can send me an ask {here} with your issue. I don't bite.
My track tag is gxrdenofoblivion. Without empty spaces nor anything else, and that exact tag is the only one I'm gonna be checking any time I can. If I haven't left a reply after a week, but you see I'm still replying other stuff nor I'm on Hiatus, please let me know I haven't. We are all aware of the mess that Tumblr has always had where we can lose from drafts to tags, so please, without hesitation (and politely), if a week passes and you don't get a reply, send me a reminder.
Zero anon hate. Yeah, I know many of you think this rule is silly, but there's people who doesn't respect it at all. Any anon hate that I could receive is going to be answered with extreme sarcasm, or deleted on plain sight. I can't stand hate nor people who sends anon hate, and if you spend your time making call outs against anyone all the time, right or not, I'm going to unfollow you. I don't like polemics, I dislike drama, and this is a space for fun, not for hate and fights. I'm Switzerland, I've always have been, and I will keep it that way.
I reserve for myself the right for followbacks and getting magic anons. Usually I'm pretty laid back with this. I just give you a followback if I like your writing, and if you tag your stuff properly. Nothing fancy. About magic anons, you can send as many as you like, but there's a chance some of them will make me too lazy to do anything if it's for an exaggerated amount of time (like a month off rol), or if it's just something I strongly dislike (mpreg, and omegaverse).
My blog is NSFW so if you wanna request some of these stuff or send some memes (anon or not), do it. I like when people asks my muses about those stuff, both sexual or violent. Now, if the question is for me, it's possible that I may or not answer some of them. Everything depends on my mood and if I think it is a good idea or not to reply.
Emphasis: I have zero issue with replying and/or role-playing any sexual question, as well as it isn't related to mpreg, omegaverse, coprophagy (feces), zoophilia (animals), pedophilia (children), urophilia (piss), spitting (saliva), fisting (fists at... well), and nechrophilia (dead people). You can ask mine or my muses opinion about it, but I'm not going to play, ever, any of those things sexually. With gore and violence I'm way more open since where I draw the line is that I don't do threads roleplaying scenes of rape or murder without without an EXPLICIT consent from my roleplay partner.
Please, respect me. I will respect you as much as you respect me. If you come entitled in here with an attitude to make some exigencies or complaints, I will immediately unfollow or ignore you. I need you to respect my decision if I don't want to roleplay a ship with you, if I don't want to play certain character, and SPECIALLY to respect my NOTPs. You can ask for some explanations, but you can't make any exigency, nor disrespect me.
Emphasis: I really need you to respect my NOTPs. They are labeled as such specifically because I hate or dislike them, and usually this is due to a toxic fandom, because I think the ship is completely nonsense, or I strongly hate one of those characters. I don't play NOTPs as romantic ships, just as violent threads, or friends. I don't do any exceptions for anyone. But you can ask if I would like to roleplay with you anything related to the NOTP, as good as it isn't a romantic shipping.
About Gore, spooky stuff, and Smut: I do the three of them and I like to read them as much as to write them. But to avoid any issues, I ALWAYS am going to use the tags {gxrden of ultraviolence}, {gxrden of nightmares}, and {gxrden of pleasure}. That way you can block those tags and have a nice day without ugly nor sexy stuff. All the spooky stuff I usually tend to write it without images, but in the weird case I decide to put any spooky pics, I would put it under Read More. In any case you see I have a post about this things untagged or without the Read More thingy, you're free to ask me nicely to tag it or activate the Read More, because I'd probably forgot, or Tumblr broke something again.
Clarifying:  all tags and Read More is going to be applied with my criteria of what I consider violent or nsfw. Not yours. If a thread makes you uncomfortable you can let me know and I’ll put on it a special tag for you to block it, but I can’t be aware of everyone’s triggers and also keep my partners happy. The best I can do is offering you a special tag.
I don't mind my threads to be read or shared. As well as I don't mind people making comments about it, sending me messages, or even adding their characters on it. But I think the right thing to do and the best way to go if you want to reply a thread with me and someone else, is to send us a message notifying us you'd like to join, so we can go and let and open window for you to sneak in.
I receive gladly, anons, magic anons, and memes from non-mutuals. I understand of you don't want to roleplay with me, but if you wanna know some things more about me or my muse, you can feel free to ask without charges.
If I follow you, no one forces you to followback me. This is self-explanatory. But if you do want to, it's highly appreciated.
My followback is just and exclusively because I assume that if you follow me it is because you have the intention of roleplay with me, or at least of send me stuff to my ask. I'm not gonna tolerate people using me as meme blog without sending me anything ever, nor I'm going to tolerate people who follows me just to ignore me every time une of us does an open thread. I'd rather have 4 followers, play with 3, and receive only asks from one, than have 100 and play with 4. I strongly dislike ghost followers.
I reserve for myself the right of giving my followback (or not). I just give my followback to accounts that catch my attention, don’t take it personal if I don’t follow you, it’s probably that your blog it’s hard to read, your narrative is confuse, or the characters too OOC for my taste and standards, or I just don’t see anything interesting for me. That doesn’t mean under any circumstances that your blog is bad or you suck at roleplay, that just means I don’t see anything accord for my tastes.
My Followback also can be lost if I see that a month has passed since we followed eachother (being me or not the first on following), if I have sent you asks, gave my like to Starter Calls, etc, and you have been uncapable of reply anything, I will stop following you because I will assume there is no interest. I don’t block anyone, so we can talk about it and discuss if you see I don’t follow you anymore, as long as we speak with mutual respect and understanding. I’m a really pragmatic and kind person, usually, but I tend to react very badly to disrespectful people because my patience to wait for threads is very big, but to speak with brats is less than zero, if that can exist. This is just for ex mutuals. Blogs I’ve never followed can talk to me and I could give them my reasons, just if I feel like it.  As well as I feel like nobody owns me explanations, I don’t own any explanations to anyone for the decisions I make.
I reply through my phone, so I can’t use Read More feature and there’s stuff that’s really complicated for me such as moving asks to a new thread. I will put under Read More or reply asks at new threads only if your rules specify it, but that means I’m going to take a lot more of time because I don’t have a computer for myself only. That being said, if you want to move one of my asks to a new thread, you don’t need to ask me, do it without problems if it’s easier for you that way. 
My muses are Multiship and Multiverse. If you wish me to have an exclusive ship or an specific AU with you, just let me know. I’m pretty easygoing with that issue so it’s really rare if I say no to something (with the exceptions I said before).
About asks of any kind, included anons: if you don’t specify a muse without even context of a fandom, I’ll choose anyone randomly, and that always include my OCs.  I do love my OCs and I love wrinting about them, and I’m not going to hold them back just cause. If you want a specific muse or certain specific interaction, at least give me a situational context to whom you would refer to; for example if there’s a thread where muse X kisses muse Y in a hallway, you can send an ask saying “I know where you kissed Y” and I’ll know a bit more clearly who are you refering to.
My blog is openly crossover, AU, and OC friendly. So I don’t need both muses to share fandoms to roleplay, nor I care if you want to throw me one of your OC to reply something, just leave me a message at the tags giving me their principal characteristics and that’ll be enough, if you send me via IM their profile, even better. I love well made OCs and I like to receive them with love. That also means I do OC x Canon relationships, but I need first to know everything about your character, and make a few tests in some threads to see if they have enough chemistry; and if you want any of my OCs to your canon, I’ll do the same.
You can choose if you play with just one of my muses exclusively, or if you play with all of them, but you must notify first. If you don’t, I’ll send you asks to interact with other characters if I think we can make something interesting, so if you do want to interact with only one of my muses, or just with the ones at an specific fandom, you have to let me know.
I have a lot of patience, so don’t mind if you take your time. I tend to reply really fast unless I have no free time or I feel badly. So as I respect you to taking a long time, I hope to receive the same respect for me and my fast replies most of the time or taking a lot depending of my situation.
So far, this would be all. I reserve for myself the right to add and/or edit rules as the time goes by, with its rightful notification. If you wanna know if I made any change, look at the tag {gxrden rules}.
Thanks for your attention and have a nice day!
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nxsourcream · 3 years
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Hi, I’m Cas. 33, non-binary femme, she/they. Bi/pan-sexual af. Part Puerto Rican. I’m a very slow RPer.
Para, multi-para, crack, etc. is all fine. For cross-overs I’m pretty open to anything except Marvel or superheroes. It’s just not my cup of tea.
I only RP with mutuals. I reserve the right to not answer asks that make me uncomfortable.
I block for any untagged OOC mentions of self harm, eating disorders, reblog karma rants, or vague-blogging.
I personally don’t practice reblog karma and I don’t mind if you reblog from be.
No homophobobia, transphobia, TERFs, biphobia, misogyny, racism, anti-semitism, etc. I will block you. If you constantly belittle and attack female muses, either OC or canon, I’ll block you. If you hold female muses and muns to a different standard than male muses and muns then I’ll block you.
I will NOT RP with muns under the age of 18 as it makes me extremely uncomfortable. Do not try to debate this with me. This blog is 18+ ONLY. I will happily RP with muses under 18.
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Basically, treat me how you want to be treated. I don’t expect you to match length but I DO expect you to match effort. If I constantly write you starters that YOU asked for but you never reply to them, if you give me one word replies to memes YOU asked me to send, if you tell me you want to plot but then consistently ignore my plot ideas or shoot them down without offering your own alternatives, I’m going to assume you don’t actually want to interact with me, block you, and move on. If you would like to drop a thread that’s totally cool. I’m busy myself and sometimes need to drop threads. I just ask that you tell me you’re dropping the thread so I know not to expect a reply to it. If our muses just aren’t working together, if the plot got boring, if the ship isn’t working, if it’s hard for you to write a reply, tell me!!! We can always do something else or, if the muses just don’t cooperate, we can always talk OOC even if we don’t RP. The key is to just tell me. I’m not a mindreader
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Please no godmodding or meta-gaming. No constantly trying to one up my muse. It’s really annoying and makes me feel like you care more about showing off than RPing with me. It’s also super boring for me.
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Carmen will sometimes speak Spanish. I will always include a translation in hover or in the tags unless I know that you are fluent in Spanish. If I forgot the translation just let me know.
I do not expect you to speak Spanish back to her but if you do I am totally cool with it. I am not here to judge your Spanish, Google translate is just fine. Please DO NOT criticize or comment on the Spanish of my RP partners unless they have specifically asked for linguistic critique.
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I will try to match your style. I format because I enjoy it but please feel free to reply in unformatted text. It does not bother me at all. Do what is best for you. If you have vision problems and struggle with my formatting, please let me know and I will un-format my text for you.
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This blog is multiship and I ship with chemistry only. I don’t do pre-established ships even for canon ships. I prefer to let the muses interact and see if the chemistry is there or not.I am very selective about shipping. Smut ≠ Ship. I absolutely DO NOT do exclusives so please don’t ask.
Polyshipping!!!!!! I love it! Don’t be afraid to bring me your polyship/OT3/4/5 ideas.
ABSOLUTELY NO jealousy or hate towards other ship partners please. I  will not tolerate it as it has been a severe problem amongst past RP partners.
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Graphic violence, sexual themes, etc. may be present on this blog and I’m happy to discuss plots containing these themes. Since my blog is 18+ only, you must be of age to write with me. I tag as #NSFW.
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It’s boring. Don’t send it. I’ll just delete it.
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Feel free to blacklist any tags. I tag #NSFW and my ooc tag is #. ooc  Trigger warnings start with the prefix // tw:  If you need me to tag something please let me know.
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I have had very bad experiences with secret blogs in the past in the Tolkien fandom. Please DO NOT lie to me about which blogs are yours or misrepresent yourself as someone else, and if I have previously turned down RP with you or blocked you, DO NOT make a new blog or alias and misrepresent yourself to try to trick me into RPing with you.
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poedamnerontrash · 7 years
how did you deal with your breakup? the only thing i want to do right now is end my life
Hey anon, I’ve put my answer under the read more. I hope I can help somehow.
Honestly? Not very well. I cried for weeks. I did possibly the worst thing possible, and tried to keep in contact with my ex - which only resulted in me being more hurt and upset. There were certainly times when I felt like I was worthless and pathetic and like I had no one I could turn to or talk to.
And I’m not going to lie, even now sometimes I still cry. But it does hurt so much less than what it did.
First: Try and occupy yourself. I sunk into sudokus, word searches, dot-to-dots, etc. I played video games and binge watched sooo many comedy tv shows. (But you’ve got to be careful with the TV shows, because so many can remind you of romance/your ex)
Second: Find the friends who will let you rant. I lost a few friends in the aftermath of my break up because they just weren’t the right person to talk to and I kept trying. If you need a friend to be harsh to you about it and tell you to suck it up, go to them. But if you need someone to just rant to and to be sympathetic to you, find someone else you can trust - because going to the friend who will give you tough love may just end up with you losing that friend.
Third: I spoke with some online help groups. Some of them are shit. But some do help a little. It’s good to have someone to just talk about everything and cry your eyes out as you do it. The best thing is that you can go over every thing that you want to, and they won’t judge you.
Fourth: Find something you love doing that can take your mind off it. Go see a movie. Start a class. Throw yourself into painting or writing or something else.
Fifth: Time with friends. I know a part of you is going to want to not see your friends. But the distraction is good. Even if you are dreading seeing them up until the last second, try. Because they will help you.
Sixth: Remember that the way you feel between 1am-5am are probably going to be when you feel the worst. It’s when your mind is tired and it’s going to think about all the things they said to you and all the things you miss, and it’s okay to cry or freak out. If I go a long time without sleeping, I become a mess. Best thing to do is to put on a youtube video, or read something. Just distract yourself.
Seventh: Try not to over think anything your ex has said to you. Don’t re read messages or letters. Don’t think about your last happy moments together. It hurts. It’s confusing. It just doesn’t help at all.
Eight: Slowly get rid of the things that reminds you of them. It doesn’t matter how slowly, either, as long as you start. When I was first broken up with, it took me like a week to take down photos of him. Then I slowly Threw out letters. I deleted the photos on my phone and untagged him from things on facebook. (if you don’t feel comfortable deleting, make a back up in a folder within a folder on your computer - somewhere you won’t look at much).Depending on what they’ve gifted you over your relationship, possibly get rid of some things. Especially if they are very specific to your relationship. It’s okay to keep some things though. I still have a build a bear I made with my ex - but it’s not related to him now. Yes I built it with him, but that doesn’t mean it has to be forever tangled with him. Same thing goes for your stuff. If you got a dvd or a cup or a candle, etc. - you can keep it if you want. But if it’s going to be a constant reminder, possibly throw it out.
Nine: If in a few months you’re still hurting, that’s okay. Honestly, this is one of the things I forget the most: it’s okay to still be hurting. Your friends won’t all get it, and you’ll probably feel like you should be over it, but you don’t have to be over it in a specific time limit! Everyone hurts different amounts and for different amounts of times. I know this sucks to hear. The one thing I hated hearing was that it was going to take time to get over it, because it meant I’d be hurting for a long time. But it is true. Even though sometimes I still hurt now, it is much better.
Ten: You might be feeling doubt about yourself. Especially if you’ve been with this person for a long time, or if they were your first serious relationship. But trust me, this does not reflect on you. This does not mean you’re broken, or that you’re not worthy of love, or that you’ll never have this again. You may be thinking that this person is unique and perfect for you and you’ll never find that again, but that’s not true. Just because you’re hurting now, doesn’t mean that down the line you won’t find someone that you like more. And if you don’t that’s perfectly fine. You don’t have to date quickly afterwards.
Eleven: If you feel it getting really bad, go and talk to someone professional. I haven’t done this cause I’m a baby and I get scared about my feelings, but if you need it, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Twelve: Delete them on social media. Or at least mute them so you don’t see their posts. Nothing hurts more than unexpectedly seeing a post or photo where they look like they’re happy.
Thirteen: Don’t rush into things. I got tinder about a month after my break up. And it was at times nice to have the attention, but it also can remind you of things. If you think going out to a bar or going on a date in the next few months might help, you can of course do that. And don’t feel guilty, either. But if you think you’re just doing it to  replace the gap, don’t feel pressured into doing that. Especially if it may hurt you.
Fourteen: if you need to, you can talk to me about it. If you need someone who is a impartial listener, then I’ll be here for you.
This is all I can think about at the moment, and I hope that some of them help.Just know that you’re not alone. Being broken up with makes you feel like the smallest thing in the world, like you’re the only one going through it. It makes you feel like no one understands you, and to a point some people won’t understand. Because no one can feel exactly how you feel. But that’s okay. You’ll get through it, no matter how hard it hurts right now. I promise.
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