#moretsu space pirates
angievaldezart · 9 months
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Commission piece for @taoofshigeru of of Marika Kato & Gruier Serenity (Moretsu Space Pirates) shopping. They had a super cute headcanon that Gruier helps pick out Marika's outfits which I think is adorable too.
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lefemmerougewriter · 3 months
Cass rolled her eyes. "Girlfriend. She's MY girlfriend." Raps was surprised. In a year's time she had gotten a girlfriend [Marika Kato] and...her own ship to command! Cass had been busy... in her estimation.
Cass clarifies ONE important thing: Marika Kato is HER girlfriend. [this is a scene from my most recent fic, "The Corona Blues: Cass the Space Pirate, Her Blue-Eyed Pirate Girlfriend, and Raps' Momentous Choice".]
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evemoedesu · 2 years
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July shipgirl special - Panther
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harddoor · 4 years
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dragonfishdreams · 6 years
Sometimes I’m surprised I don’t hear more about Moretsu Pirates/Bodacious Space Pirates, the anime. I mean, yeah, it’s kinda fan-servicey at times, but it’s a fun premise, not to mention the awesome, awesome mini-arc where the one butch girl gets the pirates’ aid to go rescue her badass femme girlfriend from an arranged marriage meant to prevent said femme girlfriend from inheriting her parents’ spaceship company. I’m not talking some cute li’l subtexty romance between these two, either, I’m talking full-on romantic-reunion-kiss-we-are-now-pretty-much-always-shown-together-in-scenes-and-also-we-both-live romance. It’s adorable. I shipped it even before I knew it was canon, and then my heart did big, happy pitter-patters when that kiss scene showed up.
Plus it’s a fun show with good animation, a great opening song, and some really enjoyable female characters.
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hereticbones · 6 years
rewatching the space pirates anime and i kinda forgot that it’s like... fucking good. weird and weirdly paced and filled with a weird huge cast and... really good.
brought to you by episode two in which the protagonist’s mom teaches her about her inner power and it is guns.
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t-a-c · 2 years
oh right if Symphogear is a decade old that means Moretsu Pirates is a decade old too isn’t it I highly recommend the latter to many of my numerous followers, it’s probably one of the least skeeviest anime I can think of and it avoids gross pandering even though it has numerous opportunities to do so. also there’s a wlw couple where their relationship is text and plot-relevant. also cool space battles
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blogquantumreality · 7 years
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So, @ayalaatreides suggested this rather fun carefree anime, the Bodacious Space Pirates (or Moretsu Pirates)! :)
Featuring Marika Kato as the inheritor of the pirate ship Bentenmaru and who also has to attend classes at Hakuoh Academy, she has to juggle being a captain of a ship as well as being a student. Interestingly enough, piracy near the planet Sea of the Morningstar seems to be more of a performative art than anything else, but there’s still enough intrigue and mystery to keep the storyline moving through short two- and three-episode arcs that Marika has to deal with.
So yeah, if you’re looking for some mental candyfloss, so to speak, you can’t go wrong with this series. :)
Also, a canon f/f ship is in this! \o/
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
Moretsu Uchuu Kaizoku - Abyss Of Hyperspace - Akuu No Shinen.
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Alternative: モーレツ宇宙海賊 ABYSS OF HYPERSPACE -亜空の深淵‐ / Abyss of Hyperspace - Akuu no Shinen / Moretsu Uchuu Kaizoku Abyss of Hyperspace - Akuu no Shinen
Description : Marika Kato, a third year student at Hakuoh Girls' Academy, is a legitimate space pirate with a Letter of Marque. Between her studies, leading her school's space yacht club, working part time at Cafe Lamp, and being the captain of the space pirate ship Bentenmaru, Marika's days are very busy. One day, Marika gets a job to rob a high-class passenger ship, and she discovers that on the passenger list is Kanata Mugen, a boy who owns a "galaxy pass". Thus, an adventure featuring a hyperspace race between pirates and one young boy begins. #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/moretsu-uchuu-kaizoku-abyss-of-hyperspace-akuu-no-shinen_1584409244.html
Read more.
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fandomsandfeminism · 7 years
What are some of your favorite animes?
I have so many! Yu Yu Hakusho is a long standing favorite. Sailor Moon. DBZ. Plenty of more modern stuff is good too- Flip Flappers, Moretsu Space Pirates, Luluco, 
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angievaldezart · 1 year
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Commission for @taoofshigeru of Marika Kato & Gruier Serenity (Moretsu Space Pirates) dancing
Fun to draw & also reminded me that I really really need to check out Moretsu Space Pirates
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lefemmerougewriter · 3 months
As the song ["Bad Reputation"] began playing, they [Raps, Marika Kato, and Cass] all sang along. Their voices were so loud that people could hear them on the island below. One of those people was the brown-haired man whose boat had arrived on the island's docks: Eugene Fitzherbert. His light brown eyes spotted the dinghy flying through the sky. He saw a woman with blonde hair inside. He was taken aback. "Blondie?" he asked confusedly. He wondered why the woman he loved was speeding away from the planet at a high rate of speed.
What's Eugene gonna do now?... dun dun dun! [this is a scene from my most recent fic, "The Corona Blues: Cass the Space Pirate, Her Blue-Eyed Pirate Girlfriend, and Raps' Momentous Choice".]
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branewurms · 10 years
Re: Space Pirates - It's hard to explain, but yeah, BSP has a very different flow/direction than other anime. It has a lot of politics/talk/peaceful resolutions over violence, and though there is lots of action, it's all very purposeful and not just because YEAH!! EXPLOSIONS!! SPACE AMERICA!!! I enjoyed it a lot but I can't fault anyone for thinking it's boring. If you don't like it so far, it might not be for you (though I am sorry that you won't get to see the rad space ladies being rad).
Thanks for the input!
I don't necessarily dislike a slower pace and politics and such, and while I love explosions and gratuitous fun-train stuff and what, I like thoughtful and quiet shows too... Mushishi's one of my faves! Idk, it's just this one's so. Something. Meandering? I mean by ep 3 (...? i think that's what I got up to?) absolutely nothing had really ... happened? Certainly no one was pirating around and I felt like I was just watching a bunch of girls go to space school or whatever. The character development seemed good but the narrative seemed barely there and I wasn't sure what the point was.
Like. When does the actual pirating happen? Should I give it until then? I really want to like it. :(
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fandomsandfeminism · 11 years
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Bodacious Space Pirates: Coming of age and self actualization through female centered communities.  
As I said in my first look at Bodacious Space Pirates, the name of this anime is fairly misleading. Bodacious Space Pirates sounds like some horrific panty-shot filled mess. It is, however, anything but. First of all, there isn’t a panty shot in sight. That’s right, despite being about cute high school girls in zero gravity in mini-skirts, there isn’t any panty shots or fan service at all. It gets even better though. The cast is about nine tenths female, with the male characters playing relatively minor roles. The ladies are diverse, empowered, and there isn’t a contrived forced romantic sub plot in sight. The ONLY romance, as I’ve talked about before, if a queer one, between two of the girls, and is framed in a positive and non-fan servicey way. 
I would argue that beyond just being feminist friendly, this series is in fact a feminist coming of age story, centered on an idealized adolescence and female centered communities. 
If this story is anything, it is first and foremost a coming of age story for Marika Kato. How rare is it in our media landscape to see a coming of age story for a young girl that doesn’t center around romance? Yet, Marika doesn’t have a love interest in this story. Her coming of age is all about becoming empowered to make mature choices about her life and the building of life long friendships with other women. 
Thrust into the role of a pirate, Marika chooses to continue her high school education in tandem with piracy. She balances her club activities her part time job, her school, and her piracy. And apart from sleeping in late and having to bike frantically to school: she DOES. She balances them fantastically. 
She learns to become a pirate captain, a leader. She gains the respect of her crew, of other pirates, and of royalty, and with that she builds communities around her that empower her and other women further. Marika has an idealized adolescence  things always seem to go her way, and you can’t help rooting for her. 
All the while, the narrative takes time to focus on her friendships with Chiaki, with Ai, with Mami, with Princess Gruier. The narrative takes time to give THOSE women their own arcs as well. We see the Princess grow and become more self assured, we see Chiaki’s growing respect for Marika, we see Ai change from a timid wall flower to the awe inspired pilot she was born to be. 
The running theme throughout all of the arcs is about girls becoming women, finding their passions, taking on their responsibilities. Marika’s strength is her ability to make choices and stick to them. She is decisive, and her leadership skills help her build communities around her that empower her further. When she needs help to pilot the pirate ship in her crew’s absence- the yacht club steps up and offers to help her. When the pirates are in danger, it is Marika who calls them together. She builds female centered spaces through her own strength. 
Marika is a role model to aspire to and this anime kicks major ass. If you want something that is light, fun, and female centered, pick it up, and get ready for some piracy!  A+ 
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lefemmerougewriter · 3 months
Marika understood but was confused. Was this woman really a queen? She didn’t get the vibe from her at all. Perhaps it was the wet clothes. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Fitzherbert. I'm Marika Kato, the captain of the Bentenmaru…and I’m Cass’s friend."
Marika doesn't understand how Raps is a queen... she doesn't see the vibe... and is Marika more... than a friend? [this is a scene from my most recent fic, "The Corona Blues: Cass the Space Pirate, Her Blue-Eyed Pirate Girlfriend, and Raps' Momentous Choice".]
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branewurms · 10 years
man, that gay space pirates anime
but i tried starting it like 3 different times and i was so. bored. idgi.
is it just somehow on the wrong wavelength for me or something, or are the first few eps just really boring? did anyone else find it picked up after the beginning?
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