#morpheus x ofc x hob gadling
ohraicodoll · 2 years
“You love him, don’t you?”
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(gif credit to issylra) Dream of the Endless/Fem!Reader/Hob Gadling Tags: Established Relationship, Reader is unnamed in this story but is OFC: Dahlia from my Fragments series, (would take place after the last chapter of Interwoven), no name used for Reader, 1st POV, Fluff, Standalone, One-Shot
Summary: He looked at them both like he was witnessing a miracle.
“You love him, don’t you?” I asked, leaning against the living room wall and staring at Hob as he shrugged off his jacket. He paused in the action, one arm still caught and loose white linen shirt bunched up. I couldn’t read him when he wasn’t facing me, couldn’t see if he was frozen from disbelief, fear, or incredulousness. But his body was tense as if one small move would cause the floor to shatter beneath him.
“Why do you say that?” he asks and though his voice was light it was so, so careful. I wish he would turn and face me.
I leaned my head back, letting it rest against the wall, and softly smiled, “You get that look in your eye. It’s the same look I see in my own when I look in the mirror around him. Like seeing how it must have been to witness the sun set for the very first time or a star being born. Utter and absolute devastation. He could ruin me and I’d ask for it because it’s worth it to taste that kind of magic, to have his focus on me for just a second.” Hob slowly, so slowly, pulled his arm free from his coat and dropped it to the floor, turning to face me like he was in slow motion. He was trying to keep his face blank but like Morpheus, I’d come to learn the small nuances of emotion in his face. The slight furrowing of his brow and the way one side of his mouth stayed straight but the other tilted down, betraying his worry. “I see it every time you think he’s not looking,” I smiled and whispered softly, “Every time we all have sex, I can see you holding back and focusing more on me so he doesn’t know.” Morpheus and I had been together for over a year and since introducing me to Hob and me becoming good friends with him, we’d all had sex together a few times. It was never anything more than sex, fun between friends, a sign that he trusted both of us enough to do so and I trusted them. But I always felt that connection between them. It was an excuse, and not even a well veiled one, for them to indulge in each other without complication or further examination of their feelings. Except Hob loved Morpheus and I think being so close hurt him sometimes. A taste of what he wanted but nothing more. His lips pressed together and there was a slight flick of his gaze to stare at his feet, long hair falling forward into his eyes as he asked, “Does that upset you?” I wanted to go to him, press my hands to his cheek and tilt his head up because seeing him timid, unsure, didn’t suit him. But I stayed against the wall, feigning ease as I shook my head, “No, I get it. How do you say no to gravity?” He huffs out a dry laugh then, lips tilting into a deprecating smirk as he finally looked up. Those dark brown eyes met mine and that look was there, all magic and wonder and miracles, as he smiled. “And what if he’s not the only one I get that look for? Hm?” the immortal asks with narrowed eyes and a tilt of his lips. His hands were shoved into his pockets but I could see the urge to fiddle with them, to mess with something and keep his hands occupied. It was the only sign he was anxious. The nonchalance of my stance slipped a bit and I chewed my lip as my heart beat sounded through my head, “Well then you’d be an idiot then.” He laughed at that, the noise bursting from his lips unexpectedly and smiling a bit wider before I continued, “Why have an ant when you can have a star?” It was an old conversation we’d had. We were small little bugs compared to the vastness that was Dream and the Endless. Me more so because in comparison to Hob, I wasn’t immortal. I was normal. Plain. Able to walk through dreams, yes. That’s what had attracted Morpheus to me, but I couldn’t do anything beyond that. It was like being average in everything but the school spelling bee. It didn’t make you much more interesting outside of one circumstance. His love for Morpheus made sense. Six hundred plus years, how could he not love the dreamlord? He’d had years to learn and wonder and develop a relationship, no matter if the Endless had put distance between them. But me? I didn’t get it. The look in Hob’s eyes softened and he stepped forward finally, one then two then three until he was only a few feet away, “Nah, I see it a little different. I don’t see an ant, not even close. I see a girl with a big heart. She goes out of her way to make sure everyone’s happy and feels safe and is never alone, even when no one has ever done that for her. I see a girl who even when she was being hurt and was terrified, she still tried to save someone else from that same fate.” I swallowed, remembering that attack in the alley and trying to keep Calliope from being hurt. Remember paying for that. But I also remember Hob and Dream both taking care of me, cleaning my wounds and then staying by my side as I dealt with the trauma. They never left me. “I see someone who has dealt with nightmares and dreams and fae and gods and Endless and immortals and has never backed down,” he continued with a laugh, “and if that idiot ever wakes up and makes you Queen, I feel sorry for anyone who tries to stand against you.” I could feel tears in the back of my eyes stinging, a hard lump in my throat. Now I was the one ducking my head to avoid his gaze. He took another step and out of the corner of my eye I could see his smile widening, eyes crinkling, “If looking at Dream is like witnessing a sunset, seeing you is like looking at the sunrise. You’re both breathtaking.” Hob laughs a little, hesitant, and whispers, “Is that okay? To want the sunset and sunrise? To love both of you?” I took a shaky breath and looked up, unable to help the tear that slid down my cheek as I didn’t look at him, but Morpheus standing in the bedroom doorway behind him. I’d felt him appear a bit before, the slight warm tingling of his power coasting over my skin as he entered the room, and knew he’d heard. Dream wasn’t completely solid, the main clue-in that he was feeling something strong. Coat more shadows than substance and whispers of what would be flame at the bottom of his jacket like in the Dreaming. Stars swam in the blue depths of his eyes, hinting at the twin stars that usually blazed in the blackness when he was back home. Though his face was mostly blank, his eyes were fully on Hob, hands tightened at his side and brow furrowed. Hob could feel him then and looked over his shoulder at the Lord of Dreams, hands tensing. I could almost taste his apprehension, his fear that Dream heard his confession for not only him but for me as well and was displeased. He loved us both. Would Dream reject him, loathe him for the affection he had for me? Would he rage and walk out as he did years and years before at the mere utterance they may be friends? Dream walked forward, regal and very much an ethereal being not meant to walk on this earth, much less the living room of a small upper floor flat. His blue eyes could dissect us, break us apart and see all the pieces that made up who we were and put us back together with a single blink. His eyes turned and found mine and even with the tension, even with Hob’s uncertainty radiating off of him, I could see that same love that blazed from my own. I could only smile at him, my dreamlord. Then his hands were on Hob’s cheeks and he was drawing him in, kissing him like a starving man. I could see the immortal freeze for just a second because relaxing and returning it with the same fervor. Pale skin on warm brown, a black shadow wrapping around the bright light of the other. Pulling back a bit, Morpheus pressed his forehead to Hob’s, those twin stars blazing in the shadow of the other, “While I do not have as eloquent words as you both to proclaim my feelings, I would give you myself to keep, Hob Gadling, if you would have me?” The room lightened as if a thunderstorm had cleared away and gave way to bright sunlight. While still hinting at shadows and flame, Morpheus’ coat solidified around him as Hob’s fingers tightened in the fabric. Hob laughed, loud and free, and pulled him into another kiss while replying against his lips, “Of course I would have you. How could I say no?” I could see Dream’s fingers dig into the man’s back, clinging to him, as if he couldn’t believe he was there of his own free will. That he had found not one loves but two that he trusted wholly. After a bit, they pulled away, both beaming though Morpheus’ was gentle versus Hob’s wide unrestrained grin. Dream’s eyes found mine again and I chewed on my lip, only able to smile back. He deserved all the love he could get, deserved to feel safe and comforted and have support, no matter how powerful or old he was. I’d seen hints of their attraction early, when the idea of all three of us having sex was first brought up. He could have gotten jealous, said no, gotten angry, but he’d been just as eager as I had. I could see it in the way they touched each other, the way their eyes found each other constantly as if making sure the other was still there, fear that they would disappear. I would never deny them of each other. Hob turned and looked at me, untangling slightly from Dream’s arms but hands still clasped in the other’s. And I could see that look in his eyes again, the one from before. Fathomless, like staring at a miracle. But he was looking at me this time, not Morpheus. Both of them, darkness and light, with a hand stretched towards me waiting to see if I would take it. With a small hitch in my breath, I laughed softly, “So greedy, to want both the sunrise and sunset.” And I pushed off the wall, forcing my feet to carry me forward to them. The dreamlord’s hand found mine like always, like two magnets drawn to each other, and I squeezed it while looking up into Hob’s eyes. He raised a brow, playful with light dancing in the brown of his irises and grinned, “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
The human, the immortal, and the King of Dreams. What an odd group. And with that, I stood on my toes and kissed him, feeling the warmth of his skin and the texture of his stubble against me. His mouth was soft and sweet, pressing against mine with a sigh while his free hand tangled in my long hair. This kiss was different from all the others before. Not sexual or desperate or pushing for more. He kissed me like he was savoring my taste, committing the feel of it to memory. Morpheus’ hand tightened in mine, his other clasped in Hob’s still. My fingers traced the edge of the immortal’s chin, savoring the feel of the coarse hair against them, breathing him in. He tasted of coffee and cinnamon and I’d never get enough. He tasted of home. Breaking to take a breath, he stayed pressed against me and gave me a big grin, thumb tracing my cheek with the hand still in my hair. He kissed my forehead and brow and nose before giving me another sweet kiss on my lips. I laughed. I smiled up at him and caught Morpheus’ eye, his gaze soft and full of stars as he looked at us both. “The three of us are going to be such a disaster,” I laughed, pressing my head to Hob’s chin, “But you two are my disasters.” And it was true. I never thought I would love both of them, have room enough in my heart for two people, but somehow this worked. So we stood there, hands in each other’s, sharing smiles and kisses and love.
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kittttycakes · 2 years
I'm gonna go with 30. "Make me yours." because!!!! 👀👀 Reasons!
pairing: Morpheus x reader/OFC x Hob Gadling
rating: E
contents: third person POV, she/her reader/OFC, no use of Y/N, established relationship, smut (dirty talk, worshipful sex, some very light power dynamics), it’s just all irredeemable throne room smut, 1k
notes: every time I say “this is the most explicit thing I’ve written” but this time I think I really mean it
There was a note in their rooms in the palace, as if Morpheus needed a note to know where they were. There was no part of the Dreaming more inextricably linked to him than the castle itself, and the throne room was its heart. No one who he did not wish to enter could do so, now that he had returned to his full power. This hardly applied to the two of them, however, as he nearly always wished for their presence, and they came and went as they pleased throughout the palace, when they were in the Dreaming.
The writing was slapdash - Hob’s - on a piece of paper torn from what he hoped was not one of the books Lucienne watched over. In the throne room, it said, come join us when you can. He had, blessedly, no other business for the day, and was at leisure to make his way to them both.
The great arched doors were shut, the corridor surrounding it deserted, as two suits of armor stood guard outside. They parted as easily and smoothly for him as the sea might, allowing him to slip inside. The doors shuttered back into place behind him, locking out the rest of the realm, something he was immediately deeply grateful for. He would have no one else see this.
She was seated on the throne—his throne—in a robe that resembled his own, although while his was the deepest black of the night sky, hers was the softest shades of the coming dawn, and perilously open. Were he able to see more clearly, he was certain she was in a state of what could generously be described as undress, although his view was currently impeded by Hob’s kneeling form, one of her legs draped over his shoulder, his head bowed between her thighs.
Her head was tipped back against the throne, one hand tangled in Hob’s hair as she pulled him closer to her, the only sound that of her breathing—soft, hitching, occasionally shot through with a low moan—and the nearly inaudible sound of his mouth against her. Morpheus stood for a moment, taking in the sight before him and determining how to fit himself into this game, one clearly designed with him in mind.
As he stepped forward, footfalls echoing, her eyes snapped open, mouth forming a soft ‘oh’ of surprise. “Hob—oh, god—Hob,” she tried again, more insistently, the hand in his hair pulling with sharper intent than before. Hob, for his part, merely groaned against her and stayed as he was, and she arched up with a cry, his name on her lips as she came.
Hob only pulled back when Morpheus’s hand settled in his hair, tugging him back gently but insistently. He smiled up at him, charming as ever, even with his cheeks flushed and mouth slick with the evidence of her arousal.
“Is this what I was meant to join you in?” he asked mildly, moving his hand to cup Hob’s cheek, thumb brushing over his lower lip. “You appear to have already finished what you started.”
“Hardly,” she laughed, breathless, reaching out to catch his hand in hers. She brought it to her lips as she sat up, robe spilling open around her. “We’re just getting started.” She drew his hand down, down, until she could guide it between her thighs with a soft gasp, sensitive to even the lightest touch.
He brushed his fingertips over her, watching her face, as she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. Hob leaned back on his hands, content to watch the two of them.
“You would dare, in this throne room, on my throne, in the very heart of my realm?” he asked, no real anger behind his words, as he slid first one and then two fingers into her, her hand now grasping the arm of the throne, head tipped back. “Is this how you would claim it as your own, when everything in this room is mine by right?”
“Then make me yours, too,” she said with a soft moan, arching up against his hand.
“You were so commanding a moment ago, every inch the queen. Where is that now, your grace?” It was the tone of his voice that did it, surprisingly gentle, teasing, but so resonant she imagined she could feel it down to her bones.
“Please—I’ll beg if you want me to.”
“Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary.”
It wasn’t fair, the way Morpheus could shape every piece of the Dreaming to his will. She hardly had a chance to blink or to register movement at all before she found herself in his lap, thighs spread wide, her back to his chest as he sat back against the throne. His hands framed her waist, holding her still.
She could not see what gesture he may have made behind her, but then Hob was in front of her, kneeling up to kiss her slowly. He still tasted like her, and she moaned softly against his lips. She nearly cried out when she felt the first press of Morpheus against her, his hands guiding her down on him until she was flush against him, her breathing uneven, still slightly over sensitive.
“Was this what you had planned?” he asked, and she shuddered, his breath warm against her skin. “Taking me, in front of an audience of one? Letting Hob see just how well you welcome me inside of you? Showing him exactly how much and in how many ways you are my own, as I am yours?”
She found it in herself to nod, even as Hob continued to kiss her. He made his way down her neck, stubble catching against her skin, causing her to shift slightly, the sensation a perfect counterpoint to every point of contact she shared with Morpheus.
“Then by all means, beloved. Go on.”
She wanted rather badly to break that cool exterior, to hear his breath hitch, to feel him slowly loosen some of the control he held on to so tightly. Hob shifted back once more, eyes dark as he settled to watch them, content in the knowledge that he would not be left wanting.
She braced her hands against the arms of the throne, and began to move slowly, head falling back as a low moan escaped her lips. They had all the time in the world. She could pry apart that iron control of his, make him hers as much as she was his, and still have time to draw Hob back in, to fit him to her like a matched set, safe and wanted between the two of them.
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ohraicodoll · 2 years
Interwoven | Chapter 2
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Chapters:  2/6 Fandom:  The Sandman (Comics & TV 2022) Rating:  Mature/Explicit Relationships:  Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Original Female Character, Dream/Reader Characters:  Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Original Female Character, Hob Gadling, Original Characters, Matthew the Raven, Lucienne, Calliope, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Calliope, The Endless, Eve, Delirium, Death, Desire Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Explicit Sexual Content, Past Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Possessive Behavior, Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence, Jealousy, Trauma Responses Tags: Character Development, Established Relationships, General complicated feelings, meeting the family, meeting the friends, talk about fantasies, domestic life, fluff, past Relationships, ANGST, OFC: Dahlia, Named Reader, 1st POV
Summary: She had very few people in her life and while he denied it, Dream had so many. People that cared for him, people that warned her. Or in other terms, Dream and Dahlia’s casual relationship is turning not so casual. Chapter Summary: Birthdays, Bars, and Blushes
4th in the Fragments Series | Read on AO3 Writing Masterlist Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 Previous in Series: Possession Next in Series: The Complications of Family (Author’s Note: Sorry for the delay in getting this posted here. Still working through some grief and just feeling generally depressed after my grandma’s passing. I’m trying to shake it off and cope and writing usually does that) Chapter 2: Anissa
Dream was right. I hated when he was right, but I do get anxiety when dealing with uncertain situations and right now I was anxious. Birthdays weren’t big on my list. Mom and Dad had died when I was almost seventeen and were the main celebrator. They would wake me up and give me a present throughout the day, letting me choose what I wanted for dinner and then Mom would always make me a cake to celebrate. Sometimes we’d go to the library and pick out new books, sometimes we’d go somewhere extra special like the zoo or a show. But when they died and I started living with my abusive older partner, that had all gone out the window. I spent the first few years hopeful and then quickly learned to get used to the taste of disappointment. After that, there was simply no point in even hoping. Thomas, my most recent ex, forgot and I wasn’t inclined to remind him so we never celebrated in the one year we were together. I didn’t have any more relatives or even friends after escaping the first relationship and years later, Anissa was my only friend and we had gotten close in recent years. And I had Morpheus now even if we were/were not dating. Even then, this was more support than I’ve had in years and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t want to expect anything at all. When you hope, you set yourself up for disappointment. I wish none of them had found out what the day was. There would be no anxiety over Morpheus meeting Nissa or taking him into public or trying to figure out how to answer my coworker’s questions. And poor Hob was pulled into the mix. At some point, Matthew had flown by to drop off a small package, cawing a quick “Happy Birthday” before rushing off like he was in a hurry. Morpheus had definitely told them what day it was which made me extra suspicious as I looked at the small black box the raven had left behind. It was fancier than anything I had in my small apartment which was a giveaway in itself that it was one, from the Dream King, and two, from the Dreaming itself. Wrapped in a delicate, perfect ribbon, the box fit in the palm of my hand and had no card. Chewing on my lip, I carefully unwrapped it to preserve the ribbon and opened it up to find a necklace with earrings more beautiful than anything I owned. It was simple but immaculate featuring an onyx teardrop stone encased in ornate metal swirls on a rose gold chain, the earrings matching the design but smaller and dainty. I could almost feel the essence of Morpheus in the item, a steady hum I had become so familiar with and able to distinguish easily now in everything he made. The kernel of hope curled to life and I had to force myself not to get choked up at the idea that I’d received a birthday present. It was gorgeous, so stunning it felt unreal, and I smiled at the sparkling black stones, staring at them throughout most of the day and unable to keep from touching them. I was positively giddy over it and almost hated it. The evening was coming soon and I distracted myself more with getting dressed. Anissa had suggested a different place than before, a nicer more cocktail style bar than our usual place. I was glad considering the whole ordeal with Morpheus scaring my now former coworker, Cameron, had sullied that bar. But a nicer place meant I had to dress up so I took my time doing my makeup and choosing a decent dress and coat. I figured if I wore a heavy enough jacket it would keep me warm on the walk there even in a dress. I’d just fully clasped the halter straps of my dark green gown when I felt the tingling sensation of power coating over my skin like a gentle breeze along the open back of my dress. My eyes darted to the doorway in the bathroom mirror precisely as Morpheus walked in like he owned the place, long black wool peacoat in place with a black plain shirt, jeans, and laced up boots underneath. His sharp blue eyes met mine as he leaned against the doorway, a small smile tilting up his lips. “Hello, little dreamer,” he whispered as he took in my form, the way the emerald fabric followed my curves and the large expanse of skin it left exposed.
I dropped my arms, smirking at him in return through the mirror and feeling some of my anxiety ease at his presence, “Hello, dreamlord.”
Turning, my long hair skimming along my shoulders to fall to my back, I stepped closer and leaned against the doorway next to him so I could stare up at his amused face, “Do I clean up decent enough?” Morpheus’ eyes darkened and he took his time to follow the line of my body, at the draped neck of my neckline, the silk of the fabric as it hugged my waist, and the fall of the skirt as it fell to my feet. I could feel the burn of his gaze the entire way and swallowed, my mouth going dry as he drank me in. This was the most dressed up I’d been since the masquerade ball dream I’d had months ago, when he had danced and touched and teased me relentlessly. It made me want to dress up more if only to see his reaction. His hand lifted, knuckles grazing my cheek and dragging down to my chin, neck, collarbones, to the dip of my necklines. My breath was coming out in shallow pants, bottom lip pulling between my teeth. I would never get used to his touch, his attention. It was like drawing the focus of the moon, overwhelming and enthralling. Morpheus leaned forward, forehead touching mine and breath ghosting along my lips, his voice a dark whisper full of promise, “You are breathtaking. You always are.” “Flatterer,” I joked though my heart was beating in my ears and all I could focus on was the heat of his skin and his breath mixing with mine. His lips grazed mine in the barest hint of a kiss as if he was restraining himself, but the simple touch was enough to undo me entirely. I pressed forward and kissed him, moaning as he let go and met me eagerly, arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me forward. His palms flattened along my exposed back and a gasp left my lips to be swallowed by him as his tongue explored my mouth. He held me tightly while kissing me deeply, causing liquid fire to spread and pool in me. My hands grasped the fabric of his shirt and fingers dug into the thin width of his waist. I wanted to touch the cool, hard skin of his stomach, feel his muscles as he moved against me. I wanted to call the whole thing tonight off.
It would be a far better night to stay in. Just say sorry and pull birthday rights so I could stay home and let the Endless completely drown me in his touch and not leave the bedroom. But even as my body screamed at me, reason began to slowly seep in as the need to tear his clothes off rose to dangerous levels. It was getting tiring having to leave the house when staying at home was so much better. I slowed, his soft black hair already between my fingers, and let out a low groan, “I don’t think we have time before Hob gets here.” The Nightmare King growled low while giving me another searing kiss, chasing me even as I attempted to lean back, “He can wait outside.” The man had zero patience for anything else in the universe when he wanted something and was being denied it, I was beginning to realize. So far, it mostly seemed to be when people or things got in the way of us having sex. But the words did their job of snapping me from the intensity of our lust as I laughed and put a hand on his chest to keep him from lifting me on the counter and having his way right then, “We have later, I promise. I’m not going to make him wait outside like a sad college roommate.” He sighed and recomposed himself, cupping my cheek in his hand with a look as if I had kicked his puppy, “Very well then.” Shaking my head, I smiled up at him, “Thank you for the present Matthew dropped off earlier. Can you help me put them on?”
He kissed my forehead softly and nodded, “Of course. I trust they were to your liking?” I nodded in reply and held his hand, leading him back to the living room where the small box resting on the coffee table held the necklace and earrings. He took the dainty chain out and moved my hair aside, the small onyx pendant resting above the top of my cleavage. With a gentle kiss to the back of my neck, the jewelry was secured and in place. The earrings followed next until all pieces were in place. It was definitely the most beautiful thing I’d ever owned and I couldn’t help touching it, feeling the small current of his power hidden inside. It made me wonder if everyone could feel it, that slight hum of something otherworldly that surrounded him and everything he created. It was almost impossible to ignore and something I had to get used to, now signifying anytime he was near me. “You will always be connected to me through this, if you should ever have need of me while separated,” Morpheus whispered into my skin, hands settling on my waist. “This isn’t like a tracking beacon or anything, is it?” I teased, but also half serious.
He frowned and I started to consider if I wasn’t actually correct, “Anything connected to the Dreaming, I can locate but the intention is more to be a way to communicate an emergency should you have one.” So yes and no. I let the answer slide though, knowing how paranoid he was about my safety, especially since Thomas had showed up and pushed his way into my apartment. Being human didn’t help his nerves about me and sometimes he acted as if I could shatter at the smallest accident.
“Well either way, it’s beautiful,” I hummed. We stood there embraced for a while and caught up, him telling me about the latest delegation to come and visit the Dreaming. Now that the realm was getting back in order finally after the past couple years of Morpheus’ return, other gods and delegations from other worlds and realms were visiting to get reacquainted. Half the time the names he told me went over my head, having no clue who he was talking about, but it was interesting to hear either way and I liked hearing him discuss his work. He took it very seriously, put it above all else, and so sharing it showed a little bit of the pride he took with it. Lucienne was taking a more active role beyond librarian and now acting more appropriately as a right hand to the Dream King, organizing his “calendar” so to speak and being a mediary when he wasn’t present. She had held the Dreaming together while he was gone and I was happy to see her having something that challenged her beyond the library. It especially helped when he wanted to visit me as she kept the place running and freed up his time to come to the Waking world.
A sharp knock interrupted us and Morpheus laid a quick kiss on my shoulder before I could fully process the interruption, moving to the door himself. Acting as if it was totally normal to open the door to my apartment, he unlocked and answered it, greeting Hob on the other side standing in the hallway. The history professor blinked, obviously caught off guard, and grinned at both of us, stepping inside, “Wasn’t quite expecting you to answer, but you always have been full of surprises.”
Morpheus didn’t say anything, only raised a brow and shut the door behind the man. I couldn’t blame him, if Dream had answered the door anywhere I was going I would have been stunned. It was weird, seeing both well dressed immortal men in my mediocre little apartment, but life had been a whole lot weirder since meeting the dreamlord and I was trying to learn to take it all in stride. After all, I was now friends with a talking bird, pumpkin headed janitor, dream librarian, and now an immortal man.
The man in question pivoted to face me and the grin grew even wider, brightening his face, “And happy birthday to you, fair lady!” He produced a sunflower from behind his back and made an overdone flourish of bowing, presenting it to me in an outstretched fist.
I smiled and laughed, slightly blushing and not used to having the attention all on me, taking the flower from him, “Thank you, Hob. I appreciate the gesture.” The man was dressed in tan slacks and a loose white button up long sleeved shirt, a brown vest over it and shiny leather shoes. He was very handsome in a more grounded way than the dreamlord was, more of a rugged good looks type of man with his stubble and earthy tones and longer hair. His charm amplified it all, half smile constantly twisting his lips and lighting up the room. It was no surprise that if anyone was going to become friends with Dream of the Endless, it would be the one man I couldn’t see anyone hating really.
I went to put the sunflower into some water, hearing from the kitchen as Hob teased Morpheus about essentially wearing the same thing constantly and him arguing that his appearance changed depending on perception so it was pointless to change outfits. It felt…nice, having the two friends in my home, as if the place had warmed up and they were just a normal group of friends. If you ignored that they were anything but. I came back to find Morpheus slightly more annoyed but in a longer, nicer coat with dark black floral embroidery along the edges and a black button up shirt underneath, the collar held together with a golden pin. It was subtly different but was nicer. I tried not to grin, knowing it would just annoy him more if I pointed out the outfit change and the fact that Hob had gotten to him. “Alright, you both ready to go?” I asked innocently. Those blue eyes of his swirled, lips pressed into a thin line, and the dreamlord only nodded while his friend winked. The air outside wasn’t too bad even with the sun fully set and the stars blazing outside. Anissa had at least considered my hatred of driving and made sure to pick a close enough place that I could walk without needing to hail a cab or drive myself. My own coat was cinched at the waist around me to protect me from the cold and Dream had taken my hand into his while Hob had jokingly offered his elbow, the three of us walking side by side down the mostly empty sidewalk.
For a second, I wondered if the Endless would be upset at how much Hob seemed to be flirty with me, knowing that much less had set him off before. But he either didn’t notice, which I doubted, or didn’t care. Maybe since it was someone he knew and trusted, it didn’t phase him or he simply knew that was how Hob was..
I hadn’t fully warned Anissa that I was bringing Dream, merely sending her a quick text saying I had invited some friends. She’d sent an eye emoji back but I didn’t respond, figuring the less information I gave the less likely I would be fielding questions and getting more nervous before the night came. I knew her well enough to think she wouldn’t start a full argument but I also knew she was hot headed sometimes and thought she knew best….same with the Dream King. They were both stubborn. He wasn’t human, didn’t have to deal directly with them often, and so I wasn’t sure how he’d react to her making digs at him. He didn’t seem to like her all that well either. The anxiety was coming back and I let the sound of the street and the intermittent chatting of the two friends on either side take over as my thoughts drowned me. This felt too big. Introducing the guy you’ve been kinda-sorta seeing for the past handful of months to your friend felt too big. Yes, he had taken the first step in this, had planned for me to meet Hob but I could reason that he was simply introducing the only two humans in his life. Anissa didn’t know about the Dreaming or Dream Walking or anything considered supernatural. What if this was a mistake? What if he realized how mundane and dumb and boring my life was and he lost interest? What if Morpheus denied any feelings or intentions towards me and then I’d feel embarrassed and stupid and- The hand in mine gave me a small squeeze and I broke out of my unblinking stare to look up at him, the knowing look in his eyes catching me. He was looking at me with an inquisitive look, a brow twitching up as if to ask if I was okay while also reassuring me that he was here with me. My breathing had started to come in quick, panicked pants without me noticing and I worked to calm down and take deep breaths. I was spiraling. It was his idea to come and meet her, I repeated to myself. And before I knew it, the bar was in front of us, nicer than any place I was used to frequenting which didn’t help my nerves at all. I was a simple type of girl. I didn’t care about anything fancy or appearances or high end things. It made me feel like a kid, trying desperately not to ruin anything expensive after being allowed to sit with the adults. Hob opened the door and Dream led me in, holding my hand securely in an effort to sooth the apprehension he could feel coursing through me. His thumb ran over the back of my hand, the chilled skin sending tingles as I felt a little more grounded. The lights were dim inside, a jazz band in the corner playing live with a few people dancing in front while a good remainder of the place was filled with circular tables couples and groups sat at, dressed up and drinking over candlelight. The place wasn’t too crowded for the evening and in the back corner I could see Anissa’s long red hair, pulled up into a high ponytail and a figure hugging white dress on. Her eyes met mine and then swiveled to the two guys at my back, eyebrows noticeably rising even at a distance. I swallowed a groan and pulled Morpheus behind me with a tight grip, headed to her direction while silently praying for a drama free night. I hated my birthday.
Reaching the table, I shot her a quick thin smile and let the dreamlord take off my coat to avoid meeting Anissa’s eyes, my own gaze latching onto the two shots of liquor already on the table. I grabbed one and didn’t even ask, feeling all their eyes on me as I shot it back and felt the sharp burn of what was very likely tequila. “Okay, yeah, that’s for you,” Nissa commented dryly with wide eyes, brows high into her browline, “I’m sorry, do you need more?”
Clearing my throat as the warm liquid lit my insides on fire, I shook my head and took a seat on the stool next to her, “No, I’m good. Hi.” “Hi, happy birthday” she incredulously, eyes flicking to the two men taking seats next to me, “Hi?” I eyed the second shot briefly, feeling anxiety tightening my throat as I tried to introduce everyone over the sound of the music, “Uh, yeah, this is Anissa, my friend and coworker. Nissa, this is Hob…and Morpheus.” No explanation, only their names because I couldn’t explain them.
I waited for her to take in the way the latter male sat close to me, hand on my waist as he watched me carefully and seemed to not be caring that he was being introduced as he was more worried about my wellbeing. She was smart, she’d connect the dots to who he was even though I had never mentioned his name before. Because if I had ever called him Dream or Morpheus in front of her, she definitely would have commented on the oddity of it. Hob, the godsend that he was, took the reins and held out a hand, smiling wide and easily, “Hello! So you work with Dahlia at the book publishers?” Anissa continued to stare, taking in Dream’s appearance and stoic demeanor, the protective way he hovered before turning to the other man, “Yeah, we’ve been in the same department for the past few years. How do you all know each other?” “Uh, Hob here is a history professor and friends with Morpheus,” I tried to nonchalantly explain, “And Morpheus-” “Dahlia and I are involved,” the Dream King cut in, eyes cool and face almost icy. The fingers at my waist clenched almost possessively and I wanted the alcohol to kick in much faster. Her dark brown eyes met mine then went back to him, taking in his demeanor and appearance as it all clicked together, “Ooh, so you’re the fun.” I wanted to die. “Pardon?” he shot back and I could see Hob out the corner of my eye rub his temple. “I mean I’ve heard…not a whole lot about you, actually, but glad to see you have a name and are willing to come in public with her,” Anissa replied with a smile that was too sharp to be genuine. Out of context, the statement would have sounded relatively normal and not at all loaded, but I knew the underlying accusation. “Fun is good but I think you deserve someone that will make you feel comfortable, love you, accept you as you are! I know you’ve had some issues in the past-” “That’s an understatement,” I muttered. “-But! I know you deserve someone that will see it and accept it and be considerate to what you need. You’re having fun for now but maybe when the fun starts to make you sad, it’s time to call it,” Anissa finished.
She’d taken me out when Dream and I had been fighting and I’d felt small and insecure and miserable. She understood that this was something I was having a hard time putting to words, trying to put what we were into clean boxes and failing. Unfortunately, while she cared, she wanted something else for me, not believing that this would end well. And so…she’d tried to set me up with Cameron…which had ended well.
“I am more than willing to be seen in public with Dahlia,” Morpheus answered back curtly, “Especially on her birthday, lest you try to pair her with another male coworker of hers.” Dear fucking god. I grabbed the second shot from the table and threw it back, letting the burn of it drown the absolute absurdity that was happening right now. Five minutes. It had only taken five minutes for the whole thing to go to absolute shit because of course. Everyone around me had the biggest heads and egos. “Can we not?” I asked, placing both hands on the table to try and cut in between them, “Maybe everyone…chill?” Anissa pressed her lips tightly together, locked in a glaring match with the Endless at my side, “Of course, Dahl. It’s your birthday, I wouldn’t want to be inconsiderate.” “Are you implying that I would?” I wanted to shove my head into my arms and disappear. Someone tugged on my arm and I turned to find Hob now behind me, gently pulling me from the table and out of Morpheus’ grasp, “How about we go to the bar and get you a big birthday drink, darling?” I stared at him with wide eyes and a look that definitely asked if he was crazy, shaking my head fervently, but he managed to pull me away. Both parties left at the table went to protest but stopped as Hob let out a quick, “We’ll be right back!” and dragged me away. “Are you out of your mind leaving them alone together?” I hissed at him, hand swallowed by his large one as he tugged me a short way away to the bar. “Listen, sometimes you have to just let people duke it out,” the immortal argued back, saddling up to the bar top, “They’ll get it out of their system and either come to an agreement or hate each other but neither are your fault and you don’t need to bare witness to it.” “That’s my friend and my…person…” the words stopped and I let myself drift off, trying to glance back at the table and two we were discussing. I could see the stiffness in Dream’s posture and the way Anissa’s lips twisted as she spoke. My mind was already conjuring the worst case scenario. Hob stared at my profile, absentmindedly waving down the bartender, “I’ve been meaning to ask about that. You and my old friend. How did that happen?” My eyes were still on the two arguing until my companion gently turned my face to look at him with a finger under my chin. I almost jumped at the contact, not expecting it and blinking large eyes owlishly at him, “You’re asking how me and Dream met?” He smirked and tapped my nose with the finger that turned my head, “Eyes here, love. Let them hash it out, no point in watching. And yes, I’m asking how you met.” The bartender came by and he ordered a whiskey while I got a cranberry vodka sour, the leftover tequila coating my throat reminding me why I hated the liquor. “I would have thought he’d tell you,” I answered and resisted trying to look at the person in question. Hob let out a bark of a laugh, one side of his lips twisting in deep amusement, “Might I remind you, he didn’t even tell me who he was until yesterday when you did. Sharing isn’t exactly a skill of his especially when it’s about himself.” He paused and a considerate look seemed to light up his warm eyes, “I think that’s why I like you. For years he’s been this big secret, this mysterious figure I couldn’t discuss with anyone. Him and the whole not dying thing. But now there’s you and it feels…relieving to have someone to talk to and share the experience with.” I smiled at that, pondering over the words. He was right. Dream of the Endless had only been in my life for a blink of an eye compared to Hob but it felt restricting sometimes that I couldn’t really discuss him. You can’t exactly go around and tell people you were seeing the anthropomorphic personification of dreams and nightmares without ending up with a wellness check. So it was nice to have someone who knew him in a human way and felt the frustration.
“Yeah, I feel the same,” I replied absentmindedly. He tapped me on the nose again and I jerked, giving him a small glare, “Now, back to how you two met.” “It’s complicated,” I sighed, “I feel like everything about us is complicated. There’s never a straight answer.” “So I take it you didn’t meet out in a bar or out in the streets?” he joked and thanked the bartender as our drinks were placed in front of us, “I mean, technically he picked me up in a pub.” I could feel the anxiety of wondering what was happening behind us and tried desperately to stay focused on the cold drink in my hands, the way the condensation slid over my skin and dripped onto the counter, “No. You do know about him being captured, right?” The other man nodded while taking a drink of his whiskey, “Well, I am apparently something called a Dream Walker. I am completely lucid when I dream and can actually go into other people’s. I didn’t even know it was something I could really do until a couple of years ago when he was freed.” I told him about how it was apparently something that was in my family, though with Morpheus’ capture the only person that had done it before was my grandmother when she was a child. Both her and my mother were dead by the time I could Dream Walk on my own, having believed it was a crazy story my grandma told, but luckily she had warned me not to interfere with other’s dreams as if it were a children’s bedtime story. And I’d followed that rule for two years…until I’d gotten drunk and destroyed my ex’s dream after finding him in bed with my neighbor.
The King of Dreams usually tampered down on any Dream Walker’s abilities when they first manifested, had never let one grow into their full power out of worry it may damage the realm, but it was too late to do that with me. And so he let me be, after very angrily arguing with me. “I thought he was going to kill me,” the words sounded a little ridiculous now, seeing how it ended up being the opposite, and Hob’s answering grin told me he thought the same.
“You did? Nah, I think he likes to be argued with sometimes. Keeps him humble…or somewhat humble,” he laughed. I laughed and drank the sour alcoholic drink, my body feeling warmer and loose as the two shots previously started to sink in a bit more, “Well, I know that now. Back then he was terrifying. He sent a nightmare after me.” Hob choked and coughed, eyes wide and red as he blinked at me. I only chuckled and grinned, “Yeah, this big tentacle monster thing. And then the next day he met me in the Waking world at that café after I ran from him and I thought he was going to murder me in front of everyone. But instead he said it wasn’t my fault I was how I was and let me be…but then he started asking questions and we started talking and I think he was flirting with me. I don’t know, there was just a shift and slowly it built up into whatever this is.”
Seeing both our drinks were empty, he waved the bartender down while I cautioned a look back at the table. The annoyance was gone from Anissa’s face, almost sad and blank, and I could see that Morpheus was talking, but I couldn’t figure out the tone of the conversation. But his posture wasn’t as rigid and neither of them were dead so that was a plus. It was killing me that I didn’t know what was being said, what was happening but Hob nudged me with another drink and I turned back to face him. “I think sometimes that his time away changed him more than he’s willing to admit,” his fingers tapped on the countertop, eyes reminiscent, “Don’t ever mention this to him because he will deny and probably flip over a table, but I feel like he’s desperate to build connections. Over a hundred years in isolation did a number and now it’s like he doesn’t want to be alone entirely.” “Touch starved,” I blurted, staring at his fingers as they tapped and tapped their own rhythm, “He’s definitely touch starved.”
He nodded, almost a little sadly, “I’ve seen him more in the two years since he’s been back than the six hundred plus that I’ve known him. Honestly it wasn’t entirely a surprise that he popped up and was suddenly dating someone-” “Oh we’re not dating,” I cut him off with a wave of my hand, “I mean, this is…casual, I guess.” Hob furrowed his brows, mouth quirked in a way that screamed bullshit, “Oh yeah, because my old friend definitely brings every person he sees casually to meet me. Darling, I don’t mean to call you delusional, but…” He gave me a pointed look and I winced, “You mean something to him and it’s definitely not casual. I’ve never met anyone in his personal life, but he wanted me to meet you.” I sighed, chewing on my bottom lip and staring at the glass in my hands, “It’s hard to put into words. What we are…we’ve never really talked about it in certain terms. He says he’s mine and I’m his, but I always figured that was like the overly romantic way of saying we were exclusive. I don’t know what we are, really, and I’m afraid to bring it up.” Hand reaching up and rubbing my back, the warmth of his hand soothing on the expanse of my exposed skin, he chuckled a bit, “In 1889, I told him that I thought he kept meeting me because we were friends and he was lonely and he was so furious that he walked out. It doesn’t surprise me in the least that he hasn’t bothered to clear things up. I doubt he even fully knows, but he is very attached to you.” Blinking up at him under his lashes, I stared at his profile in the dim light and found he wasn’t looking at me but back at the table where Morpheus was talking with Anissa. There was a slight smile on his lips, a fondness when he talked about his friend and perhaps something more. His own kind of attraction to the dreamlord. Hob was old, charming, and a relentless flirt. I couldn’t help but think of all the relationships and lovers he had probably taken in the past, all the things he might have tried. And when faced with Morpheus, who had his own pull… I couldn’t help but take in the angle of his jaw and the strong line of his nose. He was handsome in an entirely different way from Dream, a more masculine way, stubble coating his jaw adding a ruggedness to him. With alcohol starting to seep in, the hand rubbing at my back shot tingles through me. Before I could properly think about the question or my line of thinking, I blurted out, “Have you and he ever…?” Brown eyes turned to meet mine, that affection still dancing in the dark irises. I took in the natural tilt of his lips, the humor and lightness that seemed a permanent fixture to him. He didn’t answer, only met my gaze and gave me a small flirtatious smile before dropping his hand from my back, “Come on, looks like those two have finally settled and we should probably save him.” With a wink, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers and I realized the alcohol had seeped in a lot more than I thought as he kept me from stumbling on my dress back to the table. My mind was having a hard time focusing, distracted by what was happening, and all I could picture were those same tanned hands on pale skin and his fingers in ink black messy hair. My skin felt too hot and tight. Suddenly lifting my hand and giving me a small twirl I wasn’t expecting, Hob deposited me in a less than graceful stumble into Morpheus’ arms who wrapped them firmly around my waist and settled me half on his knee at the table. I comforted instantly at the feel of him and the smooth texture of his coat against my bare back, my body feeling warm and toasty. “Are you two done fighting?” I asked and was startled at the slightest way my words felt in slow motion. I could feel Dream stiffen and turn to his friend with a glare who shrugged with a laugh. Anissa looked resigned, taking me in next to him, “We weren’t fighting, just having a disagreement and yes, we are…. Though what kind of pretentious name is Morpheus anyways?” “Nissa!” I reprimanded sharply. She raised her hand in surrender, “Okay, okay, I’m done!”
“Did you get her inebriated?” the man in question asked while his fingers gripped the soft skin of my hip through the fabric. I mumbled my dissent at being called drunk while Hob pointed a finger at me, “Technically she did that to herself when she started the night by downing two shots and she’s fine! It’s her birthday, let her loosen up if she has to deal with both of you tonight.” My coworker scoffed and looked at him, “Excuse me, I don’t even know you.” Hob grinned, “I don’t have to know you. I could tell from how she almost had a damn panic attack getting here she was worried about both of you. That tells me all I need.” I gave him points on being observant but was mostly feeling disgruntled that I was being discussed by everyone while literally sitting between them all, “I’m right here, you know.” “Yes and you look lovely,” he winked. I rolled my eyes and settled into Dream’s arms, partially pleased that he was still holding me even though we were in public and he never seemed like a publicly affectionate being. But he held me to him while the other two bantered, Hob driving the conversation to them to give us a break. Anissa had found a worthy partner to verbally duel with and the other man definitely was taking joy in trying to charm her. Turning my head into him, I asked my partner quietly, “You alright?” The Dream King hummed in acquiescence, tracing lazy circles in my dress, “We had a discussion and came to an understanding. Apologies, I did not wish to worry you about our meeting or cause you distress. Are you well?” I nodded, wondering what kind of an “understanding” they came to and what was even discussed, “Yeah, me and Hob just talked and drank a bit.” My mind flashed to the images I had unintentionally visualized earlier as well as those hands on my back as well and I flushed, diverting my attention to the rest of the bar. I could feel Dream’s eyes on me, knew he was taking in the blush on my cheeks and hoped he chalked it up to the alcohol I had drank in quick succession that was now hitting me all at once. I was slightly tipsy and apparently horny. I needed to get myself together and stop fantasizing about them. Yes, they were two ungodly attractive men. But they were friends and I’m sure Morpheus wouldn’t appreciate me imagining another man, no matter how close they were. “… I do not share.” He had told me that forever ago, had warned me about how possessive he could be. And even if he had loosened up on it, directed it to be a less toxic form of possessiveness, I doubted he had changed that drastically.
Hob proved to, in fact, be a very good mediary. He kept the conversation going with talking about books and history and of all things, the early stages of the printing industry. To Morpheus’ annoyance, he called more drinks over with the excuse that it was my birthday and if I wanted to get hammered then I could. When Anissa would ask basic questions we couldn’t answer like what did Morpheus do for a living or how we met or how long the two men had been friends, the professor easily diverted the conversation or gave an obtuse answer. I’m sure she was noticing how the conversation kept getting steered away, how little information Dream gave or even seemed to talk now that their own argument was over, but she didn’t push it and I was grateful.
Nissa apologized for how she acted, if only after a couple more drinks, saying she only wanted me to be happy after everything with my exes and I waved her off. It didn’t stop her from making small passive aggressive comments towards Morpheus but he seemed less reactionary now and more able to ignore her. I understood it all. Both of them argued out of care for me, and also ego, but I’d rather it be shoved away and not talked about anymore. I was still uncomfortable with anger and fighting in general and it being about me made it more uncomfortable. I wasn’t used to people caring enough to argue. As the band switched up to a livelier tune, Hob managed to persuade Anissa to dance, carting her off and leaving me alone with the Endless. His tolerance was high, hers was low, and it wasn’t hard to keep her distracted so we could have alone time. My head felt slightly fuzzy and I’d switched to drinking water simply because I would still have to walk home and didn’t want a hangover in the morning, but overall I felt relaxed. Dream’s lips pressed to the dip in my shoulder and the simple touch sent a wave of electricity shooting through my already heated skin, “How are you feeling, little dreamer?” “I think Hob’s trying to get everyone drunk,” I chuckled, leaning into him and the feel of his kiss, “But I’m good. We should probably head back soon though before it gets too cold.” I’d taken up residence between his thighs, his long legs still stretched out on the ground even though he was sitting on a stool, standing but fully wrapped in his hold. His fingers drifted up and down my sides, taking satisfaction in the way I shivered at the small act. I could tell he was all for leaving, probably had been from the start. Coming out tonight was less a want and more of a need to be present, to be involved in my life and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was half to stake a claim on me. He knew Anissa had tried to set me up and wasn’t pleased, probably wanting her to know I was off limits for future matchmaking.
But he didn’t like being amongst people or playing human, I knew that much, and I’m sure he found it all very droll. His fingers went to my bare back again, tracing the skin and dip along my spine. I let my head fall back to rest on his shoulder, closing my eyes and relaxing under the haze of alcohol and the delicious feeling of him touching me. His breath brushed along the shell of my ear and I shivered as he whispered, “You were blushing rather hard earlier. What was on your mind?” I froze, my mind taking a second to process the words. So he had noticed that. Of course he had, he notices everything but I didn’t think he’d ask directly. “Uh nothing,” I answered innocently. His nail gently scraped my skin and I had to hold in a moan at how it felt, pulling my lower lip between my teeth, “You are a poor liar, little dreamer. I have seen all of you bared beneath me, seen what makes you blush so. What are you afraid to tell me?” My breath hitched and I opened my eyes, blinking at the dim lights hanging from the ceiling and feeling the thrum of music all around us. Even in a crowded room and our friends nearby, I felt like we were alone in our own bubble, the sound muffled except here with his voice so close. I turned my head, catching the dark swirl of his irises with my own and seeing the stars hidden beneath. The air left my lungs in a shallow rise and fall, heat pooling in my center as the darkness of his gaze seemed to strip me down and leave me exposed, “It was just…alcohol and my brain being overactive.” His black brow rose, hands moving lower down my body. I was keenly aware that we were mostly hidden in the corner of the room behind the table, the bar dark and most of the lights focused on the band and the dance floor. It was almost like we were wrapped in shadows and I wondered if Morpheus did something to hide us even more. “That is not a proper answer,” his voice was low and half a growl of admonishment, eyes tracing the length of my neck as I stayed fully pressed back against him, following the scoop of the fabric covering my neck and the fact I definitely hadn’t worn a bra with this dress. Dream’s lips touched my temple and he muttered, “What did that overactive mind of yours show you?” I gulped and felt his fingers on my thigh, slowly pulling the long fabric of my skirt up and up my legs, “I don’t want you to be mad.” He paused and pulled back a little to more fully see my face, “And why would I be angry with you?” My eyes instinctively flickered over to where Hob and Anissa were dancing, my friend cackling as the immortal swung her around and spun her on the dance floor. His movements were easy and fluid, practiced, while she flailed around trying to keep up but obviously having fun.
Morpheus followed my gaze and I could almost see him connect the dots as I whispered, “He’s a flirt and I had wondered if you and he…then I thought of you and me as well…” His voice was rough and deep, eyes locked on watching his friend and mine dancing as he commented darkly, “The three of us…” I swallowed and broke from looking, staring down at the table and watched the water slide down the outside of my glass. “I’m drunk and it’s dumb and it was a passing thought. It’s not anything. I’m apparently a horny drunk which is interesting,” I rambled and chuckled anxiously, my words all running together as I tried to move on from what I’d admitted and force my brain to make any sort of sense. Two shots and almost four drinks were not helping, “Like I said, my mind is overactive and should be ignored.” But he was still fixated, not looking at me, “You were afraid I would be angry.” It wasn’t a question, a flat statement as his hands stayed paused on my thighs. I wanted to groan and sink down under the table as I worried I’d ruined the peace everyone had managed to reach after the rough beginning. I shouldn’t have drank, didn’t usually and my tolerance was low and apparently made me run my mouth and do stupid things. Afterall, drinking is what had led me to destroy Thomas’ dream which then caught Morpheus’ attention. I was chewing my lip raw, nerves pushing through the alcohol as I wasn’t sure what the expression on his face was exactly, “You said you don’t share. And after last time…I thought you’d be angry at him or me or both…” Last time when Cameron had only flirted with me and Dream had terrified him enough that the man didn’t go near me and quit his job. When the mere idea of someone being interested had sent him into a jealous tantrum. Morpheus finally turned and looked down at me, straightening us both enough that he could fully see my face. One hand left my hip and went to cup my cheek, raising my face to meet his and gently moving a piece of hair behind my ear, “That was a different situation and I promised I would not be so quick to anger. But is this… scenario you imagined…something you wish for? Truly?” My heart was beating so loudly it drowned out the jazz music that was playing and all I could see was the blue of his eyes and feel the fast thrumming of nerves. I considered his words. I’d never really fantasized before, hadn’t considered my sex life in general before Morpheus came around. Sex hadn’t been something I craved, simply a way to please whatever partner I was with. Mind you, none of my previous partners were all that good at sex and there was a level of trauma attached to the act after my first abusive boyfriend but sex was decent enough and I got use to it. Now possibilities had opened up, I had a healthy and very active sex life, and I wasn’t sure, was almost scared to look beyond what was considered normal or vanilla. But the dreamlord was already more than I could have ever expected, more gorgeous and skilled than I thought possible. He was always attentive to my wants and boundaries. And Hob was handsome and attractive, physically and personality wise. What would it be like to be with both of them, to have both their attention on me and even each other? What kind of life did I have that the scenario was even a possibility? Two immortals with a mere plain mortal? But god did the image interest me, leave me pulsing with want and excitement. It was something I hadn’t ever considered but now…now maybe… Dream traced a thumb over my chewed lip and my breath hitched, eyes wide and unblinking as against his dark, curious gaze before I let out the subtlest of nods. It was small and almost imperceptible but I knew he’d caught it. He leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine, hand moving from my cheek to entwine with my long hair at the base of my neck as he asked softly, “Why him?” My voice was shaky, stuttering as I gripped the wrist of the hand in my hair, wanting to keep him close to me, “Because you trust him so I trust him. Because he cares for you.” And I’d do anything as long as Dream was involved. His skin was so hot against mine and I could feel the muscles in his arms, the humming of his power surrounding me and answering back in the small necklace and earrings hanging from me, “Perhaps… when you are of clear mind and sober …that is something we can…discuss further about making happen. When you are ready, of course.” Not a no. Most certainly interested. I nodded against him slowly, his breath mingling with mine at the proximity, unable to form words and process that not only was he not mad but potentially willing for that scenario. And as much as I wanted to say yes and let’s talk about it now and make it happen, I respected that he wanted me to sit on it a bit and not rush into something I may not be prepared for. The idea was exciting but the reality was harder to swallow. Pulling me in, he laid the barest kiss against my lips and I could feel the raw need he was holding back, the hunger he was keeping carefully tucked away. I sighed, simultaneously tight with my own lust and incredibly relieved that this hadn’t turned into a complete disaster. And that maybe I wasn’t the only one turned on by the idea. But before I could deepen the kiss he pulled back, leaving me to chase him eagerly, and laid a softer kiss to my hair. His arms were back around my waist, tucking me into him as our friends returned panting and out of breath with wide smiles. Neither of them seemed to guess that anything was off or even hinted that they knew what we were discussing, but I could feel Dream’s desire in the slight hardness against my back. He was done with being in public and wanted to go home to other things and honestly I couldn’t argue with that. I just wanted to be sure I wasn’t being rude even if it was my birthday and I could feel exactly how excited he was. Unfortunately for both of us, Anissa proceeded to pull me into a dance, claiming I had gotten time with both men and it was her turn. I could feel Dream’s annoyance in his scowl and the way he watched her drag me away from him, but I could only smile as she began to swing me around. We were both pretty sauced and neither of us knew how to really dance to the music that was playing, but I laughed as we basically swayed and spun each other. Nissa smiled and hugged me as we moved back and forth in some attempt at dancing, “Happy birthday, Dahl. Sorry it started off a little rough, but I’ll say your guy isn’t so bad. Has a dumb name, but not bad.” My guy. I smiled back, feeling strangely choked up at her approval, and laughed a bit, “Thank you for looking out for me and trying.” She laughed and sent me into another spin, “I want you to be happy, that’s all. You’re a good person, Dahlia. You deserve it.” I could only nod, hearing her words and not knowing quite what to say. So I said nothing and hugged her, both of us fake dancing through the rest of the song. For what it was, even with all the anxiety and bickering, it had been a good birthday. Morpheus had made the effort to spend the evening with me in the Waking world. A weight felt like it was lifted off my shoulder now that Anissa, the only person I was close with, had met him. Plus I had gained a friend with a similar experience through Hob. Not bad at all. Hob took care of the tab while we danced and luckily, everyone seemed to be in agreement that it was a good time to head out. Anissa downed the remainder of her drink, claiming she didn’t want good alcohol to go to waste, and Morpheus helped me into my coat as we walked out. I had been right and it was much colder now, the air stinging my nose a bit as it held a slight bite. The tipsy haze had cleared up a little bit, my words coming out a little stronger, but the alcohol was still very heavily in my system and warmed me however it could. “Are you sure you can get home on your own?” Hob asked my friend, who was ever so slightly swaying while standing straight. I met his eyes and shook my head, not knowing if she had walked or driven to the bar. Either way, I wasn’t sure she should be left to go off alone and as I went to open my mouth, the immortal shrugged, “I’ll make sure she gets to her place. Last thing we need is someone trying to make a move on you.” “I’m fine, it’s not even very far,” Anissa rolled her eyes but seemed to be tilting to the side as if we were still swinging and dancing. “Mmmhmm,” he hummed skeptically, “Either way, it’ll make everyone feel better.” “Just let him, Nissa, it’ll be better than arguing,” I shot before she could let out a retort. Huffing, she relented and he grinned while offering an arm to her, “Get back safe, you two! And happy birthday again, darling!” I smiled and waved, watching them walk off down the street and trusting that he would actually get her home in one piece. Sighing, I turned and found Morpheus staring at me, the stars more pronounced in his eyes, “What?” He only smiled softly and held out a hand, long fingers so pale in the darkness of the night, “Come.” Staring at him suspiciously, I took his hand and intertwined our fingers, him tugging me not down the street but around the corner to the dark opening of an alley. My suspicion grew as I looked around, brow furrowed. “Uh, are we about to have sex in the alley cause I have to say, it’s a little too cold for that,” I commented dryly, looking at the black abyss that encompassed the small space. If I didn’t know and trust him, I would assume I was in the beginning of a true crime podcast episode. He frowned and shook his head, “That is not an idea I wish to cross off your list, unfortunately.” We stopped at the opening, not that far in but far enough that we weren’t easily noticed even if you were walking past. His eyes seemed to reflect in the darkness like a cat and it was almost as if we were back in the Dreaming, the irises so dark they seemed black and the reflection sparkling like twin stars. Morpheus continued to hold my hand and pulled me closer to him, trying to keep me warm with his body heat, “Do you wish to go to the Dreaming?” My brain, alcohol-laden and tired, stuttered and tried to comprehend what he was asking, “Um, yes though I’m confused. I thought I’d already been going to the Dreaming? Didn’t really know there was a choice since I have to sleep unless you’re implying not sleeping at all, which I may be down for?” He shook his head, half a sigh and half a chuckle leaving him, “You misunderstand. When you sleep, you are simply visiting the Dreaming but your physical body stays here. You are there but also not. I am asking if you would like to go in your entirety. Physically, go to the Dreaming with me.” “I…didn’t know I could physically go there,” I mumbled. “Of course you can. The Dreaming is as whole and solid as the world you are standing in now,” Dream reached a hand out and dragged its knuckles along the edge of my chin, “The residents have a purpose but they live there the same as you live here. Living beings simply are able to visit areas in their sleep but unlike you, they never remember upon waking.” He wanted me to come to the Dreaming. No time limit, no wondering when my body would wake up and force me to leave. I could actually go there and be there with him. I’d always had a hard time wrapping my head around the concept of the Dreaming but the way he described it made a bit more sense. It was just another world that we were allowed to briefly visit. He was asking me to be there in all ways. “Yes,” I met his gaze in the low light, the words rushed and eager and excited, “Yeah, I want to go.” His smile, the one he showed so rarely, lit up and my heart sped up at the sight, “Good. I can take us there now.” “I don’t have to bring anything?” my words were a jumble, nerves surfacing now that I had accepted. He knew I took a few extra days off from work, if only so I could laze around at home, but I didn’t know if that was something he ever even considered because why would he? He didn’t have to pay bills. “You will have everything you need there and I will bring you back when you wish,” he stepped closer, bringing my head up to look at him. Only a couple inches more and I would be able to reach his mouth, pull it against mine finally and kiss him fully and deeply. I only nodded though, entranced by his gaze and what almost seemed like his own excitement there. His hand went to his waist and to the small pouch of sand he always kept on his belt. It had to be some form of magic that hid it. When I would be held to him, I never felt it on him even though it was hard to miss. Holding me close, he whispered while taking a handful of grains out, “I should warn you, Lucienne may have discovered what day it is and was planning on having the kitchen staff make you something.” While I wanted to groan at more birthday celebrations, connecting it to Matthew’s quick visit and hasty retreat, it was heartwarming that even those in the Dreaming wanted to try and help me celebrate a bit. But at the same time, “So we should probably go straight to your quarters first then?” And as the sand swirled around our feet and all around us, his devious smile sent a shiver down my spine with a delicious promise of what was to come.
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ohraicodoll · 2 years
Snippet Prompt: Settling an argument/Taste tester Dream x Reader/OFC
Hob handed me the cooking spoon, a dash of the sauce he was currently tending to ladled onto it, that look on his face telling me he already knew what I was going to say. We had a difference in tastes but he was determined to drag me through the routine nonetheless. I sighed and took it, briefly meeting the dreamlord at my side’s eyes, before tasting the sauce. Salty. So fucking salty it may have been the ocean. “Robert Gadling, you may not die but you are determined to kill me with the amount of salt you cook with,” I huffed from my spot on the kitchen countertop, legs kicking off the edge.
 “Oh come on, this isn’t that bad! I toned it down from last time!” Hob threw his hands in the air. We had agreed that of the two of us I wasn’t the best cook and yes, he was better than me, now I was beginning to backtrack that statement. He over seasoned everything, “People from my time would worship the ground I walked on to get food that tasted like this.” “You mean during the plague days?” I retorted dryly. Maybe the over season made sense when everything back then tasted like shoe leather. He rolled his eyes and turned to Morpheus who was casually drinking wine silently beside me, watching the interaction, “You try it and tell her it’s not that bad.” Dream got that look in his eye when he knew he was being dragged in to settle an argument between us, half exasperated but half affectionate also. He regularly told us he might regret having us meet if only because sometimes we were too similar. Which meant we were both stubborn and butt heads. It didn’t help that he was a poor referee, “Mortal foods is not something I have an opinion on.” I held up the spoon still in my hands and the little bit of sauce leftover on it, “You can try it at least, your highness. It can’t be that different from the food in the Dreaming.” I waggled my brow and grinned, tongue between my teeth. I was urging him to take the bait and maybe take my side, but I’d been determined to get him to try more and more human foods. It wasn’t necessary for him and like most things not necessary, he saw it as a luxury he rarely allowed himself to afford. I’d got him to partake in fruit but that had required a lot more…tempting, of a different nature. Those ice blue eyes met mine beneath his brow, the stars hidden there swirling in amusement and something darker, and he stepped forward between my legs. Slowly, painstakingly, he leaned forward to the offered spoon and wrapped his lips around it all the while keeping eye contact. My breath hitched a bit and I knew he saw, took in the way my chest rose and fell, watched as I held my breath. He pulled away, the barest tilt of his lips in a smirk as he licked them while I waited with baited breath. If Hob hadn’t been in the goddamn room… For a few seconds, Dream said nothing but kept his eyes on me.  And then. “It tastes of tomato,” he commented dryly, offering nothing more, and we both deflated. “I don’t know what we expected,” Hob shrugged with a sigh, “Matthew would probably have given us a better opinion.” I rolled my eyes at both of them, “Then you’d kill him with the salt.” “There is not too much salt in it!” Dream stayed where he was between my knees, picking up his wine glass once more, a small smile hidden by the glass.
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kittttycakes · 2 years
“i just… adore you.” FOR THE PROMPT THING!!!!!!
Pairing: Morpheus x OFC x Hob Gadling
Contents: established relationship, unnamed she/her OFC, third person POV, implied smut, fluff, being disgustingly in love
Notes: Hey, they’re engaged in this one! This isn’t technically a Valentine’s related drabble, but they’re all very much in love, so it feels thematically appropriate.
Hob Gadling was not drunk. It was only that—well, it was the night of the stag do his friends had insisted on throwing, nothing wild, just a night at a pub he didn’t own, and everyone had insisted on buying him another round, and another, and before he knew it, his phone was in his hand, calling her, while his friends gently teased him in the background.
She answered after only a few rings, and he mentally congratulated himself on having the foresight to fumble his way to FaceTime rather than a voice call. It was late, but not quite so late that she would have fallen asleep, and she answered from their bed, propped against the pillows.
“Hob,” she said, amused. “I wasn’t expecting you.” Her other hand reached off screen—arranging the bedsheets?—and he tilted his phone closer to himself, cutting off any sight lines from prying eyes.
“Missed you,” he said, smiling at her. God, she was beautiful. And he was going to marry her, was going to wake up next to that face forever. Had he said that out loud, too?
She laughed softly. Perhaps he had. “I missed you too. Say hello to your friends for me.”
Dutifully, he relayed the message, and the chorus of hello’s that followed. In the lull, Hob took her in: the gentle fall of her hair, the soft pink of her cheeks, those eyes—
“Was that all?” she asked gently, still smiling. In the corner of the screen, Hob saw movement, and squinted, trying to puzzle it out.
“Hang on,” he said, fighting his way away from the table to an echo of good natured booing and whistles from his friends. “Need a cigarette,” he called back to them. He carried his phone with him, weaving his way out through the crowd to the sidewalk. “There. That’s better. Wanted to tell you—god. Luckiest man alive, that’s me. I just—adore you.”
She adjusted the angle of the camera, revealing Morpheus beside her. “Both of you,” he amended. It had to have been the fresh air, helping to clear his head, that made him realize that what he had taken for a slightly wrinkled t-shirt was, in fact, the bedsheet pulled up to her shoulders, and there was the sharp wing of Morpheus’s own bare shoulder—
“Having a good night?” he asked with a smile.
“I was simply keeping her company,” Morpheus replied. His hair was more disheveled than usual, Hob realized, and his mouth was—
“He told me I should answer it. You were thinking about us,” she said, letting the sheet fall slightly. She was still flushed pink, spreading down her neck and chest, below the sheet.
“Come home and join us.”
“But only if you want to—“
“I’m calling a cab.”
His friends would understand, he thought. What was the point in celebrating one last night as an unmarried man, when all he wanted was to be a married one? Hob would have married them both in front of everyone he knew if he could have, but not yet. Maybe in another hundred years. For now, in the waking world, he would stand next to her with Morpheus at his side, and if Morpheus were to mouth the vows along with him…no one had to know.
At the moment, he had a very pressing engagement to return home to.
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kittttycakes · 2 years
polite society
summary: Hob has had a few close calls in his time, but getting caught has never appealed quite so much before as it does now.
rating: E, because this is just smut
contents: established Morpheus x OFC x Hob Gadling, third person POV, smut, fantasy/dream sex, pre-negotiated off screen consent, role play, consensual faux infidelity for fantasy purposes (just trust me on this one), unspecified historical backdrop (the entire fic takes place in a dream), 1.9k
note: Happy birthday to me! This is pure and unadulterated self indulgence. It does take place in the same universe of as heart for heart, and this is the same Grace, but you don’t have to be reading that to read this! (This technically would be taking place after that fic anyway.) All you need to know is that all three of them are in an established, loving relationship, everything has been extensively pre-negotiated, and it’s all being done in the name of having a sexy, fun time.
There was always the risk of getting caught: someone watching them too closely, noticing that they both always managed to disappear together. It was especially a risk that afternoon. She could hear the sounds of the garden party, not far from them, as she slipped into the hedge maze, holding her skirts close to her to avoid being caught and leaving a trace behind.
A hand reached for her, pulling her to a dead end of the maze, pleasantly shaded to form an enclosed bower with a bench and a handful of crumbling freestanding columns that had once held up a dome. She nearly let out a shout before recognizing the familiar warmth and the smiling eyes before her: Lord Gadling, Hob, to her.
“You frightened me,” she said in a whisper, her words undercut by her answering smile. Hob pulled her closer, leaning in to kiss her once before pulling her deeper into the enclave, until her back hit the cool stone of a column.
“I missed you,” he said softly, caging her in, leaving her feeling pleasantly held.
“It wasn’t safe, you know that,” she replied, reaching up to cup his cheek. He turned towards her hand, pressing a kiss to her wrist, over her pulse point.
“Has he been taking care of you?”
“He’s been—busy,” Grace replied. There was a small thought in the back of her mind, a gentle tug, reminding herself that this was, at the end of the day, entirely a dream, a fantasy, and she didn’t actually think that he’d ever been too busy for either of them, not in a way that would imply any kind of neglect. This element had been his idea, she reminded herself, a way to work out, in dreams, a perceived flaw and—The thought disappeared as quickly as it had come, soothed, and she smiled at Hob, quick and sharp. “That’s why I have you, isn’t it?”
“Always,” Hob grinned at her. “Let me, then. You’ll just have to be quiet.”
“I can be—” she began to protest, stopping as Hob sank to his knees before her. “Oh—”
There wasn’t enough time and there were too many layers to undress, especially in such a vulnerable location, but she gathered her skirts in her hands and lifted them, just enough for Hob to make his way underneath. Leaning back against the pillar for support, she let him move one of her legs to rest over his shoulder, and she had to bite down, hard, on her lower lip to keep from crying out at the first touch of his tongue against her. The heel of her shoe must have been digging in to his back but he made no complaint, save to groan, muffled against her, the vibration rocking her to her core.
Any sounds from the party in the distance faded away as Grace let herself simply feel, her head tipped back against the smooth column, her hands fisted in her own skirts. Beneath them, muffled by the fabric, Hob licked into her with a single minded focus, nose occasionally brushing against her and causing her to tense with a soft, surprised moan each time.
Neither of them could truly be blamed for their lack of attention to their surroundings. They were the only two who would dare to leave a gathering without the express permission of the host, each for their own reasons. Had either of them been paying attention, they might have noticed that all sounds from the party had ceased, carried away with the crush of wheels against gravel as a line of carriages departed the summer house.
“Hob—please—” She was so close, and he was teasing, now, touch lighter than it had been before. She wanted to pull his hair, draw him closer to her, but he was kept from her by the very fabric of her skirts and so she was left to grip uselessly at them instead, wrinkling the silk.
Neither of them heard footsteps approaching until it was too late. He had always moved lightly, as gracefully as a cat might, and he made no noise that he did not wish to, which meant that the heavy fall of his foot, displacing the gravel of the path, was intentional. He rounded the corner as Hob scrambled out from under her dress, the move less dignified than he might otherwise have managed. He stood, attempting to look as though he had been doing anything other than what he had been, the effect ruined by his mussed hair and the slick shine of his mouth.
“My lord—” she began, her voice less steady than she would have liked, breathless still. Grace knew she was flushed, her skirts askew, and she smoothed them down self consciously. What could she possibly say, when it was obvious to anyone with eyes what they had been doing? How much had he seen? How long had he stood, hidden, and watched? Her pulse ran rampant, heart beating so loudly she thought surely they all must be able to hear it.
“Do go on, Lord Gadling,” Morpheus said, dark eyes fixed on Hob. “I do believe you were pleasuring my wife before I so rudely interrupted you. As you were. You looked quite serviceable on your knees.”
Hob raised an eyebrow; he had always been better than she was at hiding his true feelings behind a perfect mask of indifference. He belonged more at court than she did, more used to it by far, but she knew all of his tells, and the flush creeping steadily up his neck, just barely visible under the collar of his jacket, was the least of them.
“Need someone to show you how it’s done?” he asked, smiling, all teeth, a near feral thing that sent a shiver down her spine, so at odds was it with all of his other aspects as gentleman.
“I will not repeat myself,” he said smoothly, with a kind of self assurance that brooked no argument. “On your knees, Gadling.” He looked at her then, a passing glance, but his eyes were soft, impossibly fond, and she winked at him. It was all still a game, and one she was very interested in continuing.
Hob knelt gracefully, moving his jacket out of the way with a flourish, and she saw, for a moment, the gentleman he had once been: proud, nearly arrogant, and so handsome it made her ache for him. “As you say, my lord,” he said, and although his words were addressed to Morpheus, his eyes were on hers. He flashed her a brief smile before disappearing beneath her skirts again, as dignified as he could manage to be, which was a rather surprising amount, given the circumstances.
She barely noticed him moving her gently as he liked, pressing a kiss to her thigh where it rested, close to him, before resuming his earlier position. She bit down on her lip to keep from crying out, watching Morpheus as he walked towards her. She felt as though she were prey, being stalked, pushed back into a trap, and she couldn’t say that she minded. She didn’t know what to do with her hands, flexing them uselessly against her skirts, and she nearly jumped when Morpheus took her hand in his, brushing his thumb over the rings on her left hand: a smooth gold band resting underneath a ruby solitaire of uncommon color and clarity.
“Whose ring do you wear, my treasure?” he asked, voice low, as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.
“Yours,” she gasped after a moment, realizing she was expected to answer. Both of yours, she thought privately, but pushed it away; that wasn’t part of the game.
“And whose houses do you spend your hours in? Whose parties do you attend? Who provides for you, your dresses, your shoes, all your fine pretty things?”
“You—you do, my lord,” she replied, struggling to focus. Hob had a single minded determination when it served him, and he was employing it then, drawing her closer and closer to the edge with his tongue.
“You will address me by name, I think, so there is no mistaking your meaning.”
“Better, beloved. I am not unfeeling. I understand what it is to want more. All I ask is one simple thing.”
“Yes?” she asked, breathless. She was clinging to him, she realized, with both hands now, one still trapped in his and the other clutching his arm.
“All that I have is yours. You want for nothing. I simply ask that you share equally with me.” Her answering gasp was drowned out by the press of his lips against hers, and she shuddered against him, nails digging into his hand and the fine fabric of his coat as she came.
The cool stone of the column became a soft mattress beneath her, and when she opened her eyes, she was laying on a large bed, half undressed; only her corset and chemise remained, and she made a mental note to tease Hob for it later, because it was surely for his benefit. Morpheus and Hob were looking down at her, coats long gone, leaving them both in a state of undress—for her benefit, this time, she thought—looking for all the world as if they wanted to eat her alive. She would let them.
“If we’re sharing, shouldn’t it be Hob, between us?” she asked, raising an eyebrow as she sat up, looking between the two of them. Before either could answer, she reached up with both hands, pulling Hob down by either side of his undone cravat, and kissing him, the taste of her still on his tongue. When she pulled back, he was flushed, breathless, his eyes dark, and she smiled at him before looking over his shoulder at Morpheus and holding out her hand. “Come on. He’s good for much more than just pretty words and a witty riposte. Let him show you.”
Morpheus took her hand, allowing her to pull him down to the bed beside her. “He takes direction terribly well,” she continued, raising the hand she held to her lips in a mirror of Morpheus’s own actions in the garden. “Don’t you, darling?” She turned towards Hob, who, to her great satisfaction, looked as though he were mere moments from dropping to his knees before them both at the rapid change in dynamic, clearly taking him by very welcome surprise. They had outlined several possibilities for this particular fantasy, and this had been one that Hob had mentioned, almost in passing, that she hadn’t forgotten at all.
“Where are all those pretty words now, I wonder?” Morpheus asked from beside her, voice deep and dark and rich.
It was the tone of it, she decided, that led to Hob sinking to his knees with a fluid grace that she had often envied. “At your disposal, my lord,” he said, looking up at both of them. “My lady.”
She reached over, tugging the ribbon out of his hair and letting it loose, running her fingers through it gently. “Go on,” she said, smiling down at him, even as his hands moved of their own accord to undo the fastenings of Morpheus’s trousers. “Fair is fair.” She left her hand where it was, fingers tangled in his hair, as she guided him down.
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