#mort fallout
dylanblakesgal · 3 months
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The ghoul quote off who has the best qoute.
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atombombkaytee · 5 months
I know everyone loves ghouls now because of Coop but do you like Ghouls like Rotface, Harland, Gob, Charon, Edward Deegan and - obviously - my man, Hancock?
Hancock is my husband, Coop is my new serious boyfriend but the rest of these cute boys are either casual sex buddies or drinking/cuddling buds 🥹🥓❤️ ✨ Polyghoulamous ✨
Why are ghouls so freaking adorable though?
*Ps. I know Harold is technicalllllyyy not a ghoul but I still see him as my OG boy so he gets bundled with the cutie pies 🥧
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thewastelandlosers · 3 months
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Gives us the most handsome sweetest funniest Ghoul and barely 7 minute's worth of interactive dialogue 😩😭
The CRUELTY of this game!!!!!
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ballpitbee · 4 months
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crossfalconx5 · 4 months
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”Found this photo in the attic of some old building, the Wayward, 2102; twenty five years after the bombs dropped. They look like nice folk, wonder what happened to em.”
(Filterless under the cut)
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fairy-pebbles · 2 months
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And together we’re gonna run around, Mort, we’re gonna… do all kinds of wonderful things, Mort. Just you and me, Mort. The outside world is our enemy, Mort… we’re the only… friends we’ve got, Mort! It’s just SOFT and Mort. soft and Mort and their adventure, Mort. SOFT AND MORT FOREVER AND FOREVER A HUNDRED YEARS SOFT AND MORT
storyline where i drag mort through the wasteland through various antics, ranting all the while like “iM PICKLE SOFT, MORT! I TURNED MYSELF INTO A PICKLE!”
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orkneyism · 1 year
before lancelot was even born, lot and king ban & bors the elder fight on opposite sides. their opposition is framed (at least in the morte) as natural as a result of geographical distinctions even though such a north vs south divide is distinctly late medieval ("Now shall we see, said King Bors, how these northern Britons can bear the arms").
interestingly, when lot sees bors, despite their current position, he cannot help but praise him ("O Jesu, defend us from death and horrible maims! for I see well we be in great peril of death; for I see yonder a king, one of the most worshipfullest men and one of the best knights of the world, is inclined unto his fellowship.")
this admiration lot directs toward bors mirrors the regard gawain holds lancelot in for the majority of the story, even on his deathbed when lancelot is guilty of murdering his brothers, sons of lot, and is partly responsible (at least according to gawain) for gawain's own fatal injuries: "Unto Sir Launcelot, flower of all noble knights that ever I heard of or saw by my days, I, Sir Gawaine, King Lot's son of Orkney . . . send thee greeting . . . this same day that I wrote this cedle, I was hurt to the death in the same wound, the which I had of thy hand, Sir Launcelot; for of a more nobler man might I not be slain.")
so now i'm thinking about how lancelot and gawain strive so hard not to have geographical, political, familial tensions get in the way of their relationship, but by the end of the narrative, they find their positions mirror that of their parents/ancestors.
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fuck-the-triangle · 6 months
Fallout 76 is meh but mort is for life
I will die for that ghoul, in fact i will most likely die anyway
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acapelladitty · 2 months
Hello le tittie,
Adored your Charon (FO3) fic, will there be more available?
Love your work and blog
A little crab 🦀
Since he's now on my radar there is always the potential for more Charon fic! I just need the right prompt or inspiration 💋 xx
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i-am-loco · 1 year
Its a crime that mort isnt romancable
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azurdlywisterious · 9 months
Fallout 76 is West Virginia simulator except the locals are way nicer to newcomers than in real life. So its like waaaaaay better than actual wv
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jazzyinspace · 2 years
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Jeff's heart is happy ❤️
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mixterglacia · 5 months
I would 1000% romance almost every ghoul in Fallout canon if they'd let me. Lemme smooch Gob. Let me listen to Raul's stories. Let me get dinner with Charon. Lemme go on a cute lil date with Snowflake, let me take Harold out for tea, lemme buy gifts for Tulip, let me listen to podcasts with Mort.
Let me punt Ahzrukhal off the washington monument.
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bowsnbots · 3 months
Been a minute, hasn't it?
The Vigilante hasn't dealt with the fallout of all of that the same way seemingly everyone else has. When the dust settled, and he was allowed to go back to Fun Farm, he just... did. The worst of it was getting the grenade launcher back from Mort, a tug-of-war match that the barn hasn't yet recovered from.
At least it wasn't where he was keeping the Weenie Mounts. He would've found a way to blame Omino for that.
...Actually, speaking of the little twerp, he's been on the mind. Vigi doesn't have a lot of people to talk to on Fun Farm, and even less who will actually respond. Lots of time to let your mind wander, get stuck on a little incident you got way too attached to, get really pissed off about said incident again.
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"Mort, yer in charge."
He's nearly certain he actually talked to Omino recently. That Man he received an anonymous, definitely verified tip about. The bastard was playing dumb, but he knows better! They have, like. Similar hair. Basically means they're the same guy. And if anybody brings up the whole 'Vigi Without His Hat' thing Pap pulled, they'll be next on the list.
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"...Mm, maybe m'grandpappy should run the farm again."
Said idly to Mort, who is definitely paying attention, while building up his arsenal. Weapons bigger than The Vigilante himself being shoved into the hammerspace that is his face as he gets ready for the hunt.
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...Doesn't look like John's ghost wants to run the farm. Mort it is.
Finally, a revolver is pulled, and stashed in the holster slung around his waist. Which then instantly disappears into the hammerspace, which you shouldn't worry about. The Vigilante stretches his arms forward, lacing his fingers together and cracking his knuckles, somehow quite loudly, before he turns his gaze to the gates to Fun Farm.
He'll find Omino, and make that bastard pay for, uh... hang on, let him think.
...The Weenie Mount! The retired one! His march for the gate is quick and methodical. Outlaw, beware...
...Or, uh, Mii who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, beware. Whichever comes first.
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mel-et-ses-histoires · 5 months
Petit point lecture et serie.
J'ai commencé la serie Fallout d'Amazone. Pour ce qui ne connaissent pas c'est une adaptation d'une tres vieille serie de jeux vidéo (1994, au mon dieu je suis vieille) qui, pour faire simple, est un jeu de role dans un univers post apo : le monde s'est arrêté au niveau culturelle et politique aux années 50,gros conflit entre les USA et la Chine jusqu'à ce que pleins de bombes atomiques viennent faire des bisous à toutes les grandes villes.
200 ans plus tard les USA sont une terre radioactive et désolée ou des gens survivent comme ils peuvent. Certains abri antiatomiques ont permis a des groupes de survivrent sous terre pendant des générations sans trop savoir ce qui se passent a l'exterieur. Le jeu était violent, tres libre niveau choix moraux et c'était tres bien. C'est un jeux qui m'avait beaucoup beaucoup marqué pour son univers.
Du coup la serie repose sur exactement les même bases et c'est une série que je n'attendais pas du tout du tout du tout du tout du tout du tout.
Car en fait les adaptions en film ou serie de jv il y en a déjà eu pas mal et c'était pas souvent top top (pas de budget, pas d'écriture, on considère que la cible est un ado debile de 14 ans). Donc je n'en attendais rien. J'etais légitimement en droit de me dire que la serie serait tres gentille niveau moralité (des gentils tout gentils, des méchants tout mechants, on tappe pas sur les enfants toussa), sans trop de violence ou quelque chose de trop "propre".
J'ai commencé a regardé et en fait c'est une très bonne surprise. Niveau effet speciaux ils ont fait le bon choix : pas trop de budget donc on fait pas semblant d'en avoir. Un peu de FX et le reste en effet reel.
Il y a de la violence. Dont de la violence gratuite, car dans cet univers il n'y a pas de raison qu'il n'y en ai pas. Le personnage principal n'est pas une princesse, elle est ultra naive mais c'est justifié mais si il faut découper une tete a la tronçonneuse ( oui oui) elle souffle un coup, sort un "oki doki" et vroum vroum.
Parce ce que dans ma méfiance j'avais oublié quelque chose : la serie The last of Us a montré qu'on pouvais faire une adaptation de jv sans que ce soit comique ou pour enfant, qu'on pouvait essayer de fairz ca aec serieux.
Donc, je n'ai pas fini la serie donc pas d'avis définitif mais pour l'instant j'ai l'impression qu'on ne se moque ps de moi et qu'on me parle pas comme une debile quand je regarde donc ca me vas.
Niveau lecture je suis (encore) en train de (re) lire Les annales de la compagnie noire, une longue serie de romans qui racontent les perigrinations d'une troupe de mercenaires. Les perso ne sont pas des gentils, ceux qui les engagent non plus, ceux qu'ils combattent encore moins. Il y a plus de morts que dans un marriage à Westeros d'autant que l'histoire se deroule sur quelques dizaines d'annes.
Et voila ti pas qu'une nouvelle m'arrive : une adaptation en jeu de role papier est en préparation !
C'est pas beau tout ça ?
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crossfalconx5 · 4 months
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fallout 76 is really funny actually (ft. My character Navy and Mort my beloved)
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