#morty smith oc
kuj0goth · 8 days
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As promised, some comparisons between my canon family designs and my designs for dimension j-778 ^_^ see if u can spot my subtle differences
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elsenborn · 4 months
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Farley aka FAR aka Family Annihilator Rick
An unusually young Rick with an unusually old Morty…
Lore under the cut!
His origins are unclear. Maybe he somehow knew about the Diane Deletion Event, maybe it was just coincidence.
On Beth’s 10th birthday he snapped. His marriage was crumbling and with the possible looming demise of his wife anyways, FAR decides to take her out himself. He kills Diane as well as Beth, so Beth wouldn’t grow up with the trauma.
FAR disappears, investigators assuming he fled to commit suicide somewhere remote. No trace of him was ever found.
Well he murdered Diane at the exact moment the omega device went off, causing his timeline to break. This has left him essentially ageless and mentally trapped in a similar state he was on that day.
He permanently remains quite young and finds joy in murdering the families of other Ricks. He never got to see his Beth grow up and have children, so he has an obsession with Summers and Morty and murdering them for “completionism”.
He likes to steal Morteys either to lure their Ricks to his location to murder, or just to tramatize while he murders the rest of their families. He always leaves the Ricks for last (if he can) to make them suffer his fate, and he always spares Jerrys. He spares Jerrys because he feels they are too incompetent to do anything about it, and to bear the weight all Ricks feel at the loss of their wives and sometimes children.
He gets sick pleasure murdering these families over and over, and finds how each Rick reacts and fights back to be unique.
The only Morty he has ever spared was Mortimer, who is unusually older than most Mortys. They hang around each other as relative equal and Mortimer attempts to reign Farley in when they are on he Citadel, as well as attempt to curb his murderous frenzies while trying not to get caught in the crosshairs.
Basically, Farley is a twisted fucking cycle path, and Mortimer has a little bit of a Light Yagami complex because he feels if he steers Farley towards evil and dangerous Ricks, it’ll make the Citadel a safer place.
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pondhue · 7 months
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another WIP, but this time debuting Morgan J-147! She is a transfemme (She/they) in the beginning of her journey (Morty is her deadname).
Still deciding what colors I want to go for with her in terms of clothes - maybe have them be an invert of Rick J-147’s wardrobe colors - still working out his colors though so IDK! I’m so rusty at making oc’s based off pre-existing media 🥲
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arolock · 2 months
Murder.. squad?
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Okay so it was just my OC Miami baby bean and some stray Rick... now there's also Summer, and apparently some other Morty (who are you even my guy??)...
They just keep comin, pls hlp
also I kinda feel like shipping these two Morty cutipies what
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mmehrunesraz0r · 1 year
r&m morty ocs (real)
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okayplaguerat · 2 years
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Rick: Just don’t get too big for your loafers, Buster Brown. A cocky Morty could lead to some big problems. Could be a real bad thing for everybody.
I said I’d do it, and I did, finished off my Morty OC design! This is what happens when a Morty takes over as his universes Rick. With access to a smorgasbord or Rick inventions and notes, this Morty has learnt for the best, he may not have the same intelligence as a Rick but due to his different way of thinking a morty this powerful is unpredictable to a Rick making him a dangerous adversary.
Vengeful, aggressive and dangerous, like his predecessor he tends to be consistently drunk, some say he’s just mimicking his Rick’s behaviour while other’s say the death of his Rick dragged him onto this path.
Blaming C-137 for the death of his Rick, Earth Morty T-09 works from the shadows, bribing Rick and Morties alike to bring him information from the citadel in order to track down his prey.
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alexinthehouse1632 · 2 years
Fighting demons not to make a rick and morty oc ask blog, specifically my Rick oc and his family, though it would mainly be him and his two Mortys. My Rick goes by Crow or Softy, and his Mortys go by Pigeon and Dove.
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dummy-morty · 2 months
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at least use incognito, broh
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sorrelpaws · 8 months
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if i was going through the multiverse and i kept seeing these two everywhere i'd be like Whats going on here
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happyshippingnoises · 5 months
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Basically, extra sassy rick adopts traumatized morty and forces him to work alongside his universal side-gigs and patch-ups.
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whoupmasturbuilding · 6 months
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this is probably soooo anatomically incorrect LMAO
i was trying my hand at a super contorted middle finger pose in hopes of making evil morty look as goofy as possible. I guess i sorta succeeded, cuz he.. definitely looks goofy!
But hey, the coloring is nice at least....
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kuj0goth · 17 days
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Android rick and his found family
Both of these pieces were experiments and as a result their coloring is both super off. Sorry abt that
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starshapedspider · 2 months
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when you get attached to the version of ur granddaughter that u were supposed to put in a loving and alive version of her family’s home
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reztropical · 2 months
What Rick and Morty are YALL watching 😂😂
(Descriptions for some posts and more under the cut :3)
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arolock · 2 months
Name and dimension: Mortimer "Morty" Smith, Miami-1789
Age: 19
Occupation: partnership in his grandfather's business
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Miami-1789 timeline is a but odd. In this dimension Rick met Diane when they both were students, way earlier than other Ricks, which moved all time points, making Beth, Morty and Summer older than other versions of them. Diane in this dimension broke up with Rick when he dived deep into drug dealing, trying to provide for his family. Due to his growing business Rick later moved to Miami.
When Diane suddenly died (disappeared in the blue light in front of Beth, Jerry and kids during family dinner), Beth called her father, with whom she secretly kept in touch, in complete shock. Rick immediately demanded the family to move with him in Miami, which they did. Rick's paranoia, fueled with the unexplainable death of his ex-wife and his family being so close to his business area, hit off the rocket.
Growing up in a household run by a paranoid control freak of a drug lord made Morty cynical and cunning. His morals are grey at best, he operates under his own complicated code of rules. He believes that there are no good people in the business, and has no problem with shooting them down if needed, but, in contrary to many other Mortys, doesn't have suppressed anger issues and isn't prone to a juvenile violence, even if he does have fun in shootouts and fights.
Has no shame whatsoever, easily uses his good looks whenever he sees fit, but his borderline obsession with his appearance almost led him to develop an eating disorder in attempt to keep a 'teenage' body when he hit the growth spur. Luckily his changed habits were picked by Summer in time, and she convinced Morty to go to therapy.
Morty adores fashion and prefers feminine style in his looks. Bought The Pink Glock just for funzies, proceeds to kill the most annoying guys he encounters with it. Goes under 'he/him' pronoun, but mostly just to fuck with people when they misgender him, in his heart doesn't give a flying fuck about the matter. If he really likes a person, he allows them to use whatever pronoun they see fit. He's aro/pan, prefers androgynous looks in his partners. Doesn't date.
Despite working enormous amount of hours with Rick's paperwork, hates hustle culture with a passion, once shot a guy whos shenanigans made him and Rick work overtime. Often clashes with Rick on that, but steadily holds his ground.
Does have his own plans that are connected to Rick's business, but keeps it between himself, Rick and partly Summer. His parents know better than push on the future career subject, they are too scared that he will keep his 'dancing hobby' his primal occupation. Which he sure won't, but he likes to keep this sword hanging above their heads.
Morty's pronouns for family and friends:
Mom and dad use 'he/him' (just out of the habit, they did ask him first about it though when they saw him going for more and more feminine look).
Rick switches them depending on his mood, Morty's attitude and the current situation they found themselves in (some of their associates are more of asses then ciates, and it's easier to play along to a certain point).
Summer, Squanchy and Jessica go with 'she/her' (Summer combines the pronoun with calling Morty her little brother, Jessica simply likes Morty's feminine look and figured that 'she' pronoun suits the look better, and Squanchy just was confused about the whole thing and misgendered Morty at their first meet, but was so adorable that Morty didn't have a heart to break it to him, so he just let it slide).
Birdperson exclusively uses 'they/them' (he sternly believes that it suits Morty the best not because of his looks, but of his nature. Refuses to elaborate further).
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mmehrunesraz0r · 1 year
c-1560 rick is like 10 feet tall
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