#most beautiful vegetable plants ever i hope theyre still alive...
hightaled · 1 year
i got two horseradish plants, an orach mountain spinach thats grown to seed, and an amaranth for FREE
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nightlight9 · 6 years
Sterek Valentine Week Day One: Cozy
Stiles could get used to this. Laying here, watching as Derek’s eyes twitch behind closed eyelids, he can’t help but marvel at how soft Derek looks. It feels like a privilege, being able to see the werewolf like this, trapped in the quiet comfort of sleep, no nightmares haunting his mind.
Outside, a blizzard storms on. The clouds are murky and black, snow falling in gentle cascades. But inside, Stiles can’t help but find the whole situation beautiful. Tucked in bed, curled closely with Derek’s body, there is a cozy haze resting over the frozen morning, keeping Stiles warm and happy.
Things are - things are good, which is something that Stiles wasn’t sure he would have the privilege of thinking again. After everything that they had gone through, after the absolute hell that was high school, Stiles wasn’t even sure that he would make it to adulthood. And even if he tried to look on the bright side of things, even if he had pictured growing up and moving away from Beacon Hills, he wouldn’t have ever thought that he would be here.
Colorado is a pretty nice place to live, and Stiles genuinely enjoys the quiet country life. The house that Derek bought is close enough to town that they aren’t cut off from society completely, which is something that Stiles appreciates when he gets the urge to indulge in greasy diner food. But at the same time, they’re far enough away from the confines of the city that they don’t have to worry about being bothered.
Derek had picked the house as an escape; he intended it to be a place where he could let his past haunt him without interruption. But then Stiles showed up. He had spent years making sure that Derek made it out alive, and he wasn’t about to stop, not when they actually had a chance to live for a change. Together, they chased all the demons away, sharing in the happy moments, and the bad ones too.
Now, their house is a home. Stiles has spent so much time learning it’s quirks and working to make it the perfect place to live that he could probably walk through the simple ranch style house with his eyes closed and still avoid every creaky floorboard. The flower garden in the front of the house is a testament to Derek’s father, who loved tending to his flowers with careful precision. It is a hobby that Derek has inherited, and he looks over the flowers and remembers his family fondly. Stiles remembers his mother the most when he cooks using the fresh vegetables from the garden that is planted at the back of the house. He may not be able to tend to the plot of land like his mother did, but he can spend the afternoons cooking her recipes for the love of his life the same way that she did for his dad, and that means more than growing vegetables ever could.
And, at the center of everything, is Derek.
Smiling softly, Stiles watches in fascination as Derek sleeps. He can’t help but marvel at the simple fact that they get to share this life together. For years, they had faced every monster standing side by side. Even when they were barely more than unlikely allies, they still had each other’s backs. When everything was over, and Stiles graduated high school, he knew that he was going to leave Beacon Hills behind. Getting his dad out was his first priority, and when it finally came time for him to think about himself and what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, the only thing that he could think about was Derek. And so he tracked him down, forced his way through Derek’s wall of solitude, and fell in love.
Getting to have this, getting to have him, it is the only thing that matters. Stiles would face another hundred demons, would bring the nogitsune back himself, if it meant that he got to keep Derek here by his side. Luckily, they are past all of that, and even though there are no berserkers lurking around the corner, Stiles hopes that the ring he has hidden in his sock drawer will be more than enough for Derek to agree to forever.
Blinking himself awake, Derek smiles softly up at Stiles. He reaches up and traces a gentle path down the side of Stiles’ face. “How long have you been watching me, you creep?” His voice is rough with sleep and filled with fondness, and Stiles loves him. He loves him so damn much.
“I just love watching you drool, darling,” he responds, his tone sugar sweet and teasing.
Derek scowls at him. “I don’t droll,” he grumbles, running his hand over his jaw self consciously.
Stiles just rolls his eyes and leans down to give him a kiss, morning breath be damned. He thinks that, even though he had pretty epic plans for his proposal, maybe this is how he’ll do it instead. Because really, curled here, trapped in the warmth of their bed, it’s all that Stiles could hope for in a perfect moment: cozy, peaceful, theirs.
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