#most cults aren’t fucking sacrificing children to summon demons yeah
thecorvidforest · 1 year
if spooky season has a million haters, then I am one of them. If spooky season has ten haters, then I am one of them. If spooky season has only one hater then that is me. If spooky season has no haters, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is for spooky season, then I am against the world.
-visibly disabled cult survivor & DID system
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kwrittink · 7 years
Pairing: MIN YOONGI X READER (demon!Min Yoongi au) Genre: SMUT/(FLUFF?)
Words: 5,960
Warnings: Edging, cum denial, language, explicit sex, unprotected sex.
Your name: submit What is this?
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You don't know how you ended up accepting this to happen in your home. Well, it's Halloween.
- I invoke you, ye holy one! Regal and majestic! Glorious splendour! Mighty arch-daimon! Denizen of chaos and Erebus, and of the unfathomable abyss! Haunter of sky-depths! Murk enwrapped, scanning mystery, and guardian of cults! Flame-fanning terror darter! Heart-crushing despot! Satanachia of daimons! Invincible Lucifer! - a girl dressed in a black poncho or something, friend of Taehyung, was standing on the middle of your living room, on top of a black cloth that had a pentagram and other unidentified things drawn on with white paint, surrounded by little electric candles, chanting those words in a weird voice, while all the lights were out, and as rain fell heavily outside the building. You looked boredly to your friend Taehyung, which looked specially trilled with the whole thing. My easily impressed baby. You scoffed lightly, shaking your head.
As soon as the girl finished - you couldn't remember her name to save your life -, a thunder boomed outside the window, and all of you jumped surprised, Taehyung screaming really loud. You threw a pillow at him, so he would shut up. The woman laughed loudly, and you gave her points for the creepy impersonation, even if you weren't scared at all. At least Tae is having fun.
 - Did someone got murdered? - Yoongi's bored voice startled you once more, mostly because of his proximity, since you didn't heard the door opening and he only spoke after sitting beside you. He chuckled at your reaction, throwing a snack bag in your lap. 
 - No, but you casually appeared just as we were summoning a demon, so I don't think is a coincidence. - you joked, and Taehyung chuckled. 
 - I don't doubt it either. I mean have you tried to wake him up? - Tae joked too, and Yoongi chuckled - rather darkly - by your side, making you hold back a shiver. Not really the time to be turned on by him, really.
 - Maybe that's why another demon didn't appear, you guys already have him. - the girl said, and you scoffed. Yeah, right.
 - Well there are better ways to wake me up than shoving me and throwing water at my face, you know? - he cocked an eyebrow at you, and you mirrored his expression. 
 - Ah but the thing is, you live with Taehyung, so you better take care on what you wish for. - you grinned, and Yoongi sighed, leaning back on the couch you were sitting.  
 - Yeah but you practically live with us there, so maybe you could do a favor once in a while - he said, pressing his tongue on the inside of his cheek, and you knew he was joking, but that didn't stopped you from blushing and hitting his arm. Like I wouldn't like to do that in the first place.
After they left - after a lot of booze and candy, because deep down you were all children - you went to sleep, and actually had some really fucked up dreams - be it because of all the weird stuff that was told or done -, but there was one that you remembered quite clearly, even after you woke up. 
I was in a bed - I don't know if it was my bed - and was really sleepy, felt my body heavy. You thought, going to the kitchen to pick a mug of coffee. Then I heard his voice. Yoongi's I mean. You sipped on the bitter beverage and scrunched your nose, not wanting to put any sugar on it due the excess of it the previous night. “-Do you know what you got into, little Y/N? - he had said, and only then you opened your eyes, landing on his own, but that at the time sported a crimson color, so red it actually looked like blood. You had opened your mouth to speak, but wasn't able to express anything, and he smirked wickedly.  Pressing a finger to your lips, he leaned very close, so close you could even feel his breath fanning in your face. - Oh I'm going to have so much fun torturing you... But to be honest, I bet you'll like it too.” You shivered hard, remembering the moment you jolted awake, still feeling the pressure of a finger in your lower lip. This is crazy.
 - What's crazy? - you heard Yoongi's voice right beside you, and almost jumped out of your skin, tumbling on the stool you were sitting. 
 - Fuck Min Yoongi, you almost killed me! How the hell did you got in? - you asked, and he chuckled, holding on your hips to help you balance. 
 - By the emergency exit of course. By the way, you should leave that window locked. - he said, and you clutched your chest, ignoring completely how his hands felt nice, even through the shirt. Let's not think about how they'd be nice on my bare skin, in other situations.
 - I'll lock it very well. What are you doing here so early thought? -  you inquired, watching as he made himself at home, picking a mug and filling it up with coffee, opening the fridge and fishing a muffin from the inside.  
 - I couldn't sleep, actually. Taehyung and that girl... Well they probably were sacrificing a goat for our lord Lucifer, because I can't fathom how that girl made some of the noises she did. - he said, and you bursted into laughter, because oh of course Taehyung fucked that girl. I should have predicted that.
 - Oh well. If you want to, you can sleep on my bed, I just turned off the AC, should be still chilly. - you offered, and Yoongi sighed leaning on the counter right beside you, pondering. - I could even cuddle you, if you ask politely. - you joked, and he cocked an eyebrow at you.
 - Yeah, I could, but only if you wake me up nicely. - he threw you a smirk, and you rolled your eyes again. 
 - Back at it again? Not so funny the second time, Yoongs. - you scoffed, and he chuckled, nodding. 
 - I'm sorry, I thought I didn't told that one yesterday. Anyways, I didn't came here to cuddle, as tempting as it looks like. I just wanted to hang out with my baby. - he said, patting your head lightly. You swatted his hand away, laughing. 
 - Yah, fuck you, grandpa. I'm only a year younger than your old ass. - you dissed, and he laughed, walking behind you, to the sink. 
 - I'll show you the "grandpa", little Y/N. - he muttered, but you heard it, and felt your insides churn with the pet name. Did he always called me that? I never noticed before...
The two of you settled on watching some shows and eating junk food - since Taehyung decided he'd spend the day with his witchy babe - the whole afternoon, and you were a bit jittery because it was actually the first time you and Yoongi hanged out just the two of you. And he did noticed it too.
 - I think this is the first time in three years we watch something that we don't have to stop so much because of Tae's comments. - he scoffed, as you were walking back to the couch, bringing just-made popcorn in a bowl. You chuckled, sitting at the other side of the couch, munching on the salty treat. Very welcome, since the overload of candy yesterday. You unpaused the show you were watching, some scary and gory movie that Yoongi insisted on watching, since it was still Halloween time.
It started raining somewhere along the afternoon, and became a little chilly, but you were too lazy to pick a blanket, even thought you shivered a little. 
 - Ah I'm cold. - Yoongi said from the other end of the couch, and you looked at him, nodding. 
 - Me too, but I'm too lazy to pick the comforter. Can you? - you asked, and Yoongi groaned, looking over to you, pouting.  
 - I'm more lazy and older than you. Can't you just scoot over and cuddle me? - he said, and you chuckled.
 - Aren't you just saying that because you're scared of the movie? - you teased, and he rolled his eyes at you, reaching for your feet, pulling it towards you. You didn't budged, so he grimaced, turning back to the television, giving up. You chuckled, scooting closer to him, leaning on his side. 
 - Oh okay, don't pout so much, oppa. You'll get more wrinkles. - you continued teasing him, because hey, that was your defense mechanism. You didn't wanted to look so interested, since he probably didn't think of you of more than a friend. Yoongi looked with the corner of his eye at you, a corner of his lips curling up.  
 - I know you don't resist me as well. - he mocked, and you scoffed, muttering "as if" while he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, turning and pulling you so your side was leaning on his chest. One of his hand went to cradle your head, fingers twirling on your hair. You frowned, looking up to him - trying to hide a shiver that rolled down your spine with the action -, that stared back clueless. 
 - What? My hands are cold. Did you wanted me to put them somewhere else? - Yoongi provoked you, smirking. Oh yes I did. You thought, but rolled your eyes at him, turning your head back at the movie.
-Do you like this, little Y/N? - you heard Yoongi ask, but you didn't knew what he was talking about, since you couldn't see anything. You were about to ask, when felt something wet and warm on the inside of your thighs. Gasping, you tried to reach down, close our legs, only to find out out were completely restrained. Yoongi chuckled darkly, voice right beside your ear. - Writhing so much already, and I haven't done anything yet... - he said, and you breathed out hard, feeling the tip of his tongue trace the outline of your ear. His hand gripped your neck lightly, moving down quickly to your chest, fingers caressing lightly the skin between your breasts, and trailing down further. You panted, feeling his fingertips sliding down your stomach, and going closer everytime to where you needed him the most...
 - Yoongi... - you felt yourself say, opening your eyes, pushing a little away from your friend's body. Damn, one thing is to dream about Yoongi while he's away, but pretty fucked up when he's right beside me. You thought, embarrassed as you noticed a certain throbbing feeling on a region south of your body.
 - What, what happened? - your sudden movement startled him, and Yoongi was probably sleeping too, since his voice was a little hoarse. You breathed in deeply, scratching one eye sleepily.  
 - Sorry, I just had a dream and got startled. - you said, not looking at his face, and he groaned. 
 - I dozed off too, I dreamt I was hugging a teddy bear... - he said, and you giggled, looking at him. Yoongi wasn't aware, but the way he was looking at you and how his voice sounded - that purr so similar to what you heard on your dream - was doing things to you. 
 - Are you calling me fat, Min Yoongi? - you inquired, while getting up. He wasn't having none of this, pulling you back from your shirt, and you fell heavily on his chest again, snuggling close. 
 - Yah, I meant you're cute, small and warm, not because of anything else. Now sit down and sleep. - he said, and you chuckled at how whiny and cute he got when sleepy. So much different of the demon image Tae painted of him, maybe Taehyung just doesn't know how to wake him up, and I know how irritating he can be sometimes.
 - Ah, I was just teasing you, gramps. But wouldn't it be better if we take this to the bedroom? It's more comfortable there. - you said, and saw Yoongi slowly peel his eyes open to look at you, a smirk forming in his lips.
 - Are you trying to seduce me, Y/N? - he asked, and you blushed hard, regretting your words. Maybe, if it's working...
 - I'm just saying, because I don't want to have you whining because you ended up with back pain, gramps. - you said, this time succeeding in getting up. - Besides, it's already late and if Tae haven't came to say a thing yet, it maybe means he's in for another long night. - you explained, and Yoongi nodded, getting up too. 
 - If I go back and they're at it still, I might kill him. - he said, half-joking, but you knew how awful it was trying to sleep when your roommate was having really loud sex. That's why I don't have one after all.
You went to your room, and asked if he wanted to take a shower or something. He said he'd go after you, and you chuckled, calling him a pig and saying you'd wake him up if he fell asleep without taking a bath. 
 - Do it nicely, little Y/N. - he joked, and you entered your bathroom, ready for a hot shower, since it looked the night would be chilly. 
After you got out, he went in, asking you to save his spot, and you chuckled, joking you'd keep it warm while he showered. You intended to wait for him awake, but as soon as your body touched the warm spot he left in your matress, you felt yourself dozing off. No much later, you started to dream. 
-You like this? - you saw Yoongi's eyes through the mirror, the red of his irises making your shiver. His hand cradled your head - much like he did on the sofa earlier -, pulling the hair by the roots, the sting making you hiss, but the pain wasn't anything uncomfortable - on the contrary -, while you focused on his other hand, traveling across your hips to pull you close to his body, the heat of the bathroom making your skin stick to each other. - Do you want me to touch you, Y/N? - he purred against your ear, and you whined, nodding as much as his hand allowed you to. You saw Yoongi's smile on the mirror, hand sliding down your damp skin towards your heat, and out closed your eyes, gasping lowly as his teeth sank to the soft skin of your neck. - Look at me... I want to see your begging eyes. - he grunted, and your eyes snapped open, landing first on his face then on his hand, that inched closer towards your wetness. You reached back, touching his hip, wanting to urge him to go faster, but realized he had a light salience on the spot you touched. Taking your hand away, you saw on the reflection a bunch of letters ratted on his skin. "DCLXVI". Frowning, you asked yourself what it meant, and looked up at him. Yoongi was grinning at you. - Pretty, isn't it? Do you know what it means? - he asked, and you were about to ask about it, but then his fingers reached your core, and you felt electrified.
You woke up with a gasp, feeling your inner walls clench around nothing once, and breathed out harshly, trying to calm down. This is getting out of hand. You thought, running your fingers through your hair, frowning as you realized it was wet. I don't remember washing my hair. You were about to pick your towel, when you heard the bathroom door unlock, and instinctively threw yourself at the bed, covering your flushed face with the comforter, holding your breath to keep quiet. You didn't knew why you were acting like that, but you knew that after that last dream you couldn't look Yoongi in the eye at the moment. 
 - I said I save my spot, not steal it. - he muttered giggling. - Well at least I can change without worries. - he said, and you tried to stop your facial expressions, but couldn't stop from asking yourself why he didn't bring his clothes to the bathroom. 
But I guess a little peek won't hurt... You chanced opening one eye, knowing it was wrong to spy on your friend, but the curiosity got the best of you. Won't do any good to those dreams I'm having, but... Your eyes landed on his torso, and you were kind of disappointed he was able to put on the sweatpants you borrowed - well they were Taehyung's, from when he used to sleep there sometimes - him. But still was able to bask in the sight of his incredibly white skin, that glowed with the low light of the lamp on your bedstand.
Then you saw it.
 - Hey, they say it's not polite to spy on people while they're changing. - Yoongi smirked, turning to look at your face, and you couldn't pretend you were sleeping again, since he pushed your shoulder, turning you to your back. Your eyes landed again on the letters at his hip, and he followed your gaze. 
 - Oh, were you looking at this? - he asked, and you stared back at his face, heart racing.
 - Did you always had this tattoo? - you asked, and he nodded. You proceeded to inquire him if he had ever shown you that.  
 - Have you ever saw me shirtless besides today? - he asked back, and you gulped. Well yes, in my dreams where you were about to fuck me - I hope. You shook your head no. 
 - Are you sure? - he inquired, and you sat up, while he sat down right in front of you, eyes boring in your face like he knew something. You shook your head again, and he snickered. 
 - Well... Do you know what it means? - he kept with the questions, and you slowly shook your head, denying. For some reason you felt like it was familiar - not because you saw it at the dream -, like you had seen something like that before. - Really? Those letters doesn't make any sense to you, in any way? - he pushed, and you wondered why he didn't just told you the meaning already. But why do they look so...
 - They're Roman numerals, isn't it? - you managed to speak, and Yoongi smiled at you. 
 - Good girl. Now, what number does it make? - he asked, and you looked at his hip again. "D" stands for 500, if I'm not mistaken... "C" is 100, "L" is 50, "X" is 10... "V" is five and "I" is 1. Adding them..." You swallowed hard. 
 - Do... Why do you have the number of the beast on your hip? - you asked, no higher than a whisper, suddenly feeling your whole body numb. Yoongi just shrugged. 
 - You tell me. What color my eyes were in your dreams? - he shot back, and you gasped, because there was no way he could know about that. Only if he's... You scoffed, that couldn't be real. Those kind of things don't exist, right? 
 - No, no. Those dreams are because I like you, you're just messing wi- you slapped your mouth shut, eyes widening at what you just said. Yoongi chuckled, looking at you through hooded eyes - a look you had just dreamed so far.  
 - Well if that wasn't the most nonchalant confession ever... - he said, and you got up, hands covering your face, embarrassed till the last hair on your head. I just confessed to Yoongi. Oh shit.  Yoongi pulled one of your arms away from your face, and manhandled you till you were back sitting, this time on his lap - straddling him - face inches from yours. 
 - Hey, I like you too, don't worry. - he said as nonchalantly as you had earlier, grinning at your face. You felt like your head was about to explode, and you felt like the gap between the two of you closed each time more...
 - But first - he started, parting ever so slightly from your face. - I need you to say something to me. - he spoke, voice low, the usual purr giving you goosebumps.  
 - What...? - you asked, barely whispering. His fingers went to touch your chin, eyes trained on your lips. You felt like there was an electric current passing between you two.
 - What am I, Y/N? Deep down I know you know, and you believe it. So say it, and I'll give you what you need. - he proposed, and you opened your mouth. You felt a little silly, because you didn't wanted to believe those kind of things existed, at least not like the way they were always painted. But then you were reminded of something that girl said the previous day, as soon Yoongi arrived your house, right after the supposed "demon summoning".
 “- Maybe that's why another demon didn't appear, you guys already have him.”
As the understanding fell on your face, Yoongi smiled almost like he could read your thoughts. 
 - That's why? - you weren't stuttering this time, voice low. - Yesterday we couldn't summon a demon because you were already a demon here? - you asked, and thought you sounded ridiculous. But then Yoongi's eyes flashed red, and your breath hitched.
 - Took you long enough, Y/N. - he muttered, leaning all the way down to press his lips on yours.
At first you were still shocked, and to be honest, the slightest scared. But as soon the tip of his tongue licked at the seam of your lips, you found yourself closing your eyes and melting into his touch, lips opening to allow his entrance. Yoongi hummed against your mouth when your hands found the nape of his neck, his own pulling your waist closer to him. He bit at your lower lip, and you groaned at the small pain, while Yoongi took the chance to explore deeper into your mouth, hands pressing at your hips, and you took the hint to grind on his crotch, moaning lowly as your core came in contact with his growing bulge. 
 - Does that feel good? Wouldn't it feel better if we got more... Comfortable? - he spoke against your lips, and you didn't had to wait for him to say nothing more, as you reached the hem of your shirt and pulled it off in a swift motion. Yoongi grinned, leaning to bite at the soft skin of your neck, one hand trailing up your hip smoothly, going to grab your breast, pinching the nipple almost painfully, and you gasped. You grinded on his now hard girth, whimpering at the pain and how it actually bring you pleasure. 
 - I love how eager you're being... Are you always this eager, Y/N? Or is it just for me? - he asked, and you nodded, but before you could place your hands back on his neck and kiss him again, he pushed you into the mattress, knocking the air out of your lungs, as he pressed his body against you, hips rolling deliciously on your own. He licked at your lips, then bit them again. 
 - I want to hear your words, kitten - his voice was so dark, it made you shiver hard. He mouthed at your neck, nibbling ever so softly, and you were in a state of arousal that you couldn't even think properly. Humming impatiently Yoongi clawed his fingers at your sides, grabbing the waistband of your booty shorts, yanking it down harshly, together with the panties, in a quick movement. Pulling your legs to one side, he swatted at your ass and you yelped, blushing at how the shock and the pain made you even more wet. 
 - I still didn't heard your answer, babygirl. - he grunted on your ear.  
 - Yes! Yes Yoongi it's just for you... I-I'm so wet for you, only you - you almost vomited the words, a hand gripping at his dark hair desperately. Yoongi smirked, satisfied with your whimpering answer, and crashed your lips together again. He too gripped you by the hair when your free hand came in contact with his neglected hard-on, putting on a good amount of pressure, enough to make his jaw clench and distract him from kissing you. You stared at him, his eyes back to the dark-coffee color you knew all-too-well, pupils blown with lust, perhaps mimicking yours. You needed to make him break his facade, and seeing him react like that to your touches gave you more confidence. 
 - Let me touch you, Yoongs... I want to taste you so bad... - you muttered, cupping the side of his face. He bit his lip, leaning back towards the wall, eyes trained on you. 
 - Come here then, little girl. Show me how bad you want me then. - his voice, oh his fucking voice, was reduced to a whisper, eyebrow cocked and a light grin on one corner of his mouth. You put yourself on your hands and knees fast, crawling towards him till you reached his sweatpants, kissing his chest and stomach, all the while hooking your fingers at the waistband and pulling it down slowly.  - Now Y/N, don't tease me so much. - he said, and you looked up at him, a soft smile towards him.
 - You teased me a lot, Yoongi. Let me have a little fun, would you? - you sassed, and he scoffed, seeming surprised, then shrugged. 
 - Just be warned that you don't get to complain on the consequences. - he said, and you shrugged back at him, trying to sound nonchalant, but your body buzzed with the thought of making him lose his cool and fuck you so senseless you'd feel him till the next week.
Not really rushing, you peeled the clothing from his waist, marveling at how the skin there was even more white than the rest of him, and you could see the thick veins that outlined the V on his hips, to converge where you soon brought your undivided attention. When you freed his member from its restraints, Yoongi audibly breathed out. It stood proud and throbbed with need, and your mouth watered, wanting to swallow him whole - or at least the most you could. Looking up again, you felt your whole body flush at the sight of Yoongi's red eyes staring you down, tongue darting out to wet his lips. 
 - Well, you said you wanted to taste it, what's taking you so long? - he said, a menacing undertone tinting his speech. You opened your mouth and leaned down, not taking your eyes off him, kitten licking the very tip of his dick, watching his body tense. Fighting the urge to smile, you twirled your tongue around it once, to then take the head whole, sucking harshly at him. You felt the salty taste of his precum covering your tongue, and hummed, taking more of him in. 
 - Your pretty mouth feels so good, little Y/N - he hissed, and you bobbed your head, ignoring the soft gag feeling when his tip hit the back of your throat. Using your hands to grip the rest you couldn't swallow, you felt a burning feeling inside as soon you heard him release a strained sigh, hands going to the back of your head, at first just an encouragement, but then he grunted, clawing at your scalp. 
 - Fuck babe, let me - he held your head still, hips jerking up and you hummed deliciously as he slid in and out your mouth. Yoongi hissed, a string of curses following, and you held your breath as much as you could, looking at him teary-eyed. He threw his head back, making a "hah" right before pulling himself out of your mouth. 
 - Damn little girl, you look so good fucked out like that, I could cum all over that pretty mouth of yours - he sighed, grinning as he ran his fingers through your hair, and you smiled at him, sniffing. - But I need to be inside of you so bad, so why don't you turn around and get on your hands and knees? - he proposed, and you bit your lower lip, quickly moving to position yourself as he pointed out. 
  - Oh this view is so great! - Yoongi said, and you felt the bed dip, as he kneeled behind you. - I could look at it all night, so pretty and wet for me... - you whined as his hands rubbed on your buttcheeks, squeezing and spreading them. 
 - Yoongi please d-do something, I ca- you were about to plead, but his hands came down with force, slapping your ass with a sharp sound, reducing your little speech to a trembling whine.
 - I told you kitten, you don't have voice to complain about the consequences of teasing me. - he growled, the sole violence in his voice making you clench around nothing. He soothed the sting with a caress, only to have his hands trail up your spine and grab a handful of your hair, yanking it towards himself, making you yelp. 
 - Now here's what we'll do. I'll fuck the soul out of your body, but you have to tell me whenever you're close, and I'll stop, because you won't cum until I say so - he leaned down to whisper against your ear, cock sliding between your cheeks with ease, due you being dripping wet already. - And if you cum without permission, I'll continue fucking you till you cum two more times, and I don't care if you're crying because it's too much. Are we clear, Y/N? - he said, and a shiver shook your body violently as you nodded. A swat on your ass made you gasp surprised. 
 - Talk to me, Y/N. I said I wanted to hear you say it, babe. - he demanded, and out swallowed dryly.  
 - Y-yes, we're c-clear, Yoongi. - you stuttered, and he muttered a "good" before letting your hair go. You didn't had much time to brace yourself before he slammed into you, ripping a strained grunt from your throat at the sudden invasion, your insides aching and clenching in pleasure. Yoongi slapped your butt again, grabbing a handful of your cheek.
 - You're so tight around me, fuck! - he groaned, not giving you enough time to adjust to his size before pulling back, only to slam back down, taking a hard and deep pace, that made you roll your eyes back. You felt spiraling quickly to your orgasm, and knew you had to warn Yoongi, but was still pondering what option was better. Yoongi thought, wasn't going to be fooled, and giving a particularly hard slap to your already cherry-red buttocks, stopped his movements, pulling out completely. 
 - This one is just for a test, huh? Next time you're going to tell me how close you are, okay? - he said in an amused voice, relishing on how you liked when his hands landed on your ass. You nodded, basking into the burning sensation his fingers left.
You ended up telling him about how close you were everytime, but it had been almost half an hour on his little game of torture, and you were already pressing your face on the matress, trying to muffle your moans that had turned into screams practically. Yoongi was really having fun with that, scoffing as he teased you, purring about how you were so good to him and how well you were taking him. You sniffed, already on the verge of tears, gripping the sheets by your sides. He's really a demon. You sighed frustrated and sensitive, waiting for the little shock when Yoongi slammed back inside you. 
 - You've been so good, kitten. I should reward you. - he said, and without notice manhandled you so you were laying on your back, positioning himself between your legs, as he pushed them open wide. You looked shocked at his figure towering over you, gasping as he leaned to bite at your nipple, twirling his tongue around the hardening bud. You were about to ask him what he was going to do, when he entered you slowly, reaching deep - dragging a low moan from you -, before starting at a quick and hard pace, making your loud moans stutter.  
 - That's it, just let me hear your sweet moans, such music to my ears... - he spurred you on, eyes fluttering as he pounded for what you were worth, grabbing at the back of your knees so hard you knew you'd have bruises the next morning. But I don't give a flying fuck, thought.
He hit a particularly good spot inside of you, that had you seeing white, and you opened our mouth to try and warn him on how close he was letting you go, but Yoongi leaned down to kiss you, sucking at your lower lip eagerly, as he improved the speed of his hips. 
 - Now I want you to come for me, babygirl. I'm so close, all you have to do is cum and milk me... - he said, and your breathing became even more laboured, and you nodded, tongue sticking out to meet the tip of his own, in a light caress.  
 - C-close so close, please let me cum Yoongi, please - you begged, and he reached down between your bodies, touching your clit, making harsh circles, sending you into a frenzy as you convulsed beneath him. It only took the first hard clench of your walls to tip Yoongi over the edge, and he came too, pulling you flush against him as he spilled his hot seed inside of you.
You both panted extenuated, your limbs giving up on functioning, eyes threatening to flutter close. 
 - Holy hell fuck me - you breathed out hoarsely, and Yoongi scoffed as he pulled you to his chest, after moving to lay by your side. 
 - We'll have plenty of time for that later, I'm pretty tired right now, babe. - he retorted, and you snickered, snuggling closer to him. 
 - Oh so that means you're not just a incubus that will haunt my dreams and feed from my energy and then leave? - you asked, and he snorted, pecking your lips amused. 
 - What kind of low-life kind of demon you think I am? - he smiled smugly, and you shrugged. - Nah, now you'll have to put up with me for the rest of your life. Besides, your soul is mine. - Yoongi said, and for a second you almost believed him - his eyes flashed red and he used a creepy tone on his last phrase, but ended up laughing. 
 - Well then, it's going to be a hell of a ride. - you joked, and saw him roll his eyes. 
 - It will, if you keep doing those innuendos. You're spending too much time with that Jin dude. - he said, and before you could protest he shushed you, holding your head against his chest, urging you to close your eyes and sleep. You chuckled against his skin. Oh well then. You drifted to sleep quickly, as the rain fell outside your window.
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