#most effort ive put into this shitpost series
Kamen Rider Geats episode 36 poorly summarized via memes with as little context as possible:
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kiwinatorwaffles · 2 years
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cant wait to see how this alliance goes
(no text under cut)
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elenyafinwe · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Ohhh, thanks for the tag, @mira--mira! That sounds like a lot of fun.
1. How many fics on AO3?
too many 215
2. Total AO3 wordcount?
1.504.032 (that’s roughly the word count for the Stormlight series minus Rhythm of War .... Brandon, you’re insane. Yes, I always compare my word counts to those of Brandon.)
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
again too many
The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien (100)        
The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (77)        
Original Work (35)  
Naruto (13)        
The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien (8)        
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (3)        
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (3)        
Stormlight Archive - Brandon Sanderson (3)        
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (2)        
Die uralte Metropole - Christoph Marzi (2)        
Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game) (1)        
Among the Sleep (Video Game) (1)        
The Hobbit (Jackson Movies) (1)        
Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (1)        
Underworld (Movies) (1) 
A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (1)        
Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins (1)        
Cosmere - Brandon Sanderson (1)     
4. Top Five by Kudos?
Roots (195) (Naruto, HashiMada)
Wanderer in the Mist of Time (185) (Tolkien, Gen)
Krigsgaldr (124) (Naruto, HashiMada, TobiIzu)
The secret of the Hokage (78) (lol wat, that’s a silly oneshot, I didn’t put much effort in it :D)
Childhood memories (74) (Tolkien, Gen)
5. Do you respond to comments, why/why not?
I try to respond to every comment, even the short ones and even if it’s only a variant of “thank you for reading and leaving a comment”, because it’s super cool, if people not only stop by but also invest even that little more time!
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I have quite a few oneshots about all the tragedies in Middle Earth so probably one of those I guess. I mean ... the First Age is very dark. Looking at the texts I’ve already translated, that would maybe be Broken Souls (about Elwings foreboding sense of dread and her utterly broken family) and Until our last breath (about Elros’ death).
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
Yes, I sometimes do and the only serious one is the third Earenis part (how ironically, it’s a Tolkien/Witcher crossover in which Ciri hops around and drags Eredin into Middle Earth and everyone is confused about Caranthir “What? The son of Feanor?” “Nooo, Eredin’s navigator!”). Okay, and Among the Sleep, which is a retelling of the game with the same name, but with baby Feanor. The craziest one? Dunno, maybe Gotta catch ‘em all, which is just an elaborated shitpost about Hashirama catching all the Bijuu with Pokéballs, because that’s how it sounds to me anyway :D The one I had the most fun writing was definitielly With the Mind of a Dark Lord in which Tobirama and Madara land in the place of Mairon and Melkor and have to work on how to get back because they really don’t want to deal with angry Noldor banging at the gates of Angband and all that other shit going on in the beginning of the First Age (although Madara had a bit of fun imposing Melkor xP). I really enjoyed writing the different styles, because, you know, Maedhros speaks entirely different than Tobirama and I liked to contrast that. Plus language. I absolutely love to run wild with languages! While writing that text I was wondering about how much deep lore shit I should put in it, because POV character is after all Tobirama and some people reading that text aren’t into the Legendarium at all. But then I decided to just throw everything in it and that’s why we have the Shibboleth in it and Tobirama gets called Þauron by Maedhros.
8. Have you received hate on a fic?
Yes. I post my texts online since 2009. It’s bound to happen from time to time. (You can't even block the annoying kids on FFde, one of the many reasons I left the side.)
9. Do you write smut?
I try at least as painfull as it is, ahahah :D Dunno if my smut stuff is good xP You have to tell me!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know. Let’s hope it stays this way.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Well, I translate them myself, so ... :D Yes.
12. Ever co-written a fic before?
Indeed, yes. I had some fun projects back on Fanfiktion.de. For example an ex-friend and me grabbed a bunch of characters and started to write letters with that characters. Maedhros writing to Maglor and Maglor writing back with each of us picking one character. I don't know actually if I still have those texts, because, well ... I didn’t part on good terms with that person and left FFde anyway. But the idea itself was funny.
Oh! FFde has a forum and in my time there were some cool writing projects to be found there. One went this way: Person A starts a story and write the beginning of it, around 1000 words. Person B continues that with another 1000 words. Then comes person C and continues another 1000 word, but C only gets to read what B wrote. And so on. Sometimes really cool stories developed this way and sometimes it was uttlery hilarious bullshit, it was great!
13. All time favorite ship?
I CAN’T DECIDE! AHH! Okay, I just list my fave ships, that is
Elrond/Celebrían (token hets, lol)
14. What's a WIP you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
That’s a lie! I’ll finish everything! Okay, let’s be honest. Probably Tide’s change, the complete rework of my very first longfic. Somehow I completely lost interesst and I don’t know if I ever find it again.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and emotional trauma. Finally my own traumas are good for something and it’s not for naught that I go suicidal from time to time! Woohoo! Okay .... maybe my sense of humor coping with my illness is not a very appropiate way ... Ahem. Anyway, I think I’m pretty good at writing emotions.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
While I think I’m pretty good with single scenes up to OneShots (or that what’s becoming of my “OneShots” lately) I’m not sure if I manage to assemble all that into coherent long stories. It’s something entirely different to write a novel length fanfic like Roots and have such a big story arc over many, many chapters.
Also fights. I hate writing fights.
17. What are your thoughts of writing dialogue in other languages?
Hell, yes! I love to play with languages and Tolkien is a feast for that. Many characters grow up with different languages and therefore address other people differently. Usualy I have a spoken language as a main language, let’s say Sindarin. Then the whole text is written in German/English even when the characters speak Sindarin with each other. But sometimes they meat someone who speaks Quenya and they switch the language and then I have a lot of fun consulting my dictionary and trying to translate the dialogue into shitty Quenya. That’s called code switching in lingusitics and is fairly common. You speak differently with your friends than you speak with your boss. Usualy you don’t switch entire languages but sociolects, but anyway. I love to give my texts more depth with that phenomenon.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Tolkien. Who would’ve guessed?!
19. Favorite fic you've ever written?
The right hand of death, my Elder Scrolls: Oblivion fanfic about Lucien Lachance. I am SO PROUD of that monster! it’s my biggest work ever (so far) and I’ve put so much effort in it. It totally flopped but I don’t care. It's still my best work. (Although I’m very invested into my Butterfly Verse atm as well.)
If you like I tag @do-androids-dream-ao3acc @yellow-feathered-faerie and @fingons-rad-harp and everyone who wants too!
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im not deleting the blog jsyk its kinda my baby now?? even tho i resent it a bit lmaoooooo 
anyway i basically keep thinking of shitposts and memes to make and i still have to finish memeing like a bunch of the older series but i literally cannot bring myself to?? i feel like ill put a bunch of effort into making an edit or getting nice screenshots and queuing up a bunch of posts and then getting like maybe 2 reblogs. memeing just for the fun of it was easier when i was at uni and i wasnt worried so much but now if i put that time into something and get nothing back its like...well i shouldve used that time to work on my book or job seeking or research or actually looking after my own health. 
im not after fame or attention i just...feel like no one has any interest in my content and its really disheartening
also im worried about touching older content given everything thats happened with himchan just makes me feel stressed and unhappy and bitter
im gonna reblog stuff here obviously and id love one day to get back into the swing of memeing and posting original stuff but for now its an unknown haitus on the fresh content 
im really thankful for the way this blog has brought me some of the most valuable friends ive ever made but in a lot of ways this blog has isolated me from the fandom 
ill keep semi active but theres probbaly not gonna be any meme stuff until i guess another mv drops (countin on you yongguk to cure the Big Sads i got)
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