#most likely the only two tidbits I will upload tonight
meadowmood · 4 years
The Nature Spirits of Thera
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This is the second upload I will be doing for all of the work I did for my senior show centering around my own stories and characters. If you would like to view the entire exhibition now, click this link! It includes a number of short stories, illustrations, and character bios for your viewing pleasure! 
(now back to learning about nature spirits)
Nature spirits are an incredibly important species on Thera and integral to maintaining its natural balance. They are all descended from Lun and Liy, the original nature spirits and are beings made of pure magical energy.
Life cycle: 
Nature spirits do not reproduce, but are instead reincarnated once they die. Thus nature spirits do not have “family trees”, only lines of previous incarnations. Subsequent incarnations do not inherit anything from the previous spirit, but can recall a small amount of knowledge or a memory that their predecessor chose to pass on.
Once a spirit dies their physical body dissolves and their essence travels across the surface of Thera until they find a space to settle down and incubate. The essence then takes whatever matter is around them and excretes a spider silk-like substance and binds it together to form a hard shell around themselves, almost like an egg or chrysalis. If they settle in a forest it may be composed of moss, twigs, and leaves, in a desert it may be sand and stone, etc.
It is within this chrysalis that the essence grows a physical body, and will develop anywhere from 6 to 9 months within this state. Although rare, it is also possible for twins to develop at this time and create sibling spirits. Any number higher than two embryos is exceedingly rare. Upon hatching, newborn spirits appear iridescent and amorphous, like a pearl that doesn’t know what shape it wants to be. Nature spirit’s bodies only gain an appearance as they age, and their appearance is heavily influenced by their environment and developing personality, as well as what light they incubated under (Lun, Liys, or both in Middle Thera). This also affects how their magic manifests as well. There are 3 different kinds of spirits that can develop once they have reached adolescence at about 20 years of age.
Types of Nature Spirits
These spirits tie themselves to a specific place and imbue their magic within it. Spirit territories contain powerful magic and can either be places of sanctuary or terrible danger. Animals within these territories can sometimes absorb the spirit’s magic and become loyal to them, becoming what is called a familiar.
These spirits connect themselves to a specific element of nature, using their magic to exert some level of control over it. Things like Fire, Light, Storms, Earth, and Fauna are all things that could fall under a spirit’s magical will. They often will make their home wherever they can be surrounded by their element, sometimes traveling wherever they can find it.
These spirits follow a specific idea or philosophy, dedicating their power to a set of ideals. They are the smallest group of spirits and also typically the weakest magically. They are nomadic by nature and will travel across Thera speaking to whoever will listen about what they believe in. Conceptual spirits often have the most contact with people and society and are more likely to be spotted within towns and cities than their more isolated counterparts.
Nature Spirits Lifespans
Nature spirits can live for hundreds or even thousands of years. After they either perish from unnatural causes or their bodies no longer have enough magic to sustain a physical form, they fade away and the cycle begins anew. Sometimes a nature spirit can live for so long and become so powerful they ascend into godhood, as was the case with Lun and Liy. This phenomenon is incredibly rare and most spirits will pass away without ascending.
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irishtowriteabook · 5 years
🌸Jealous -David+Natalie
A longwinded starter of a multitude (or should I say multiDUDE cause I’m cool) of fanfics.
-English isn’t my first language-
Summary: After the whole Ilya confessing his feelings to Natalie thing David struggles to withhold his “pshhh” attitude. And in turn develops an attitude. David Dobrick essentially turns into a David Doprick for tidbit.
Jason was making some semi self deprecating jokes but despite their hilarity and golden vlog material David couldn’t focus. His gaze constantly flitted over towards the view finder in his worse for wear camera that was in a precarious position atop the dashboard. His viewers on Tuesday or Wednesday or whatever-day he uploaded this would probably think he was checking himself out or lost in thought. He wasn’t. Hah! He was looking at them, Natalie and Ilya, laughing up a storm in the backseat. Storm Katrina who?
Their laughter was so loud it probably broke the sound barrier. Ilya was still somewhat erratic due to the drugs in his system and either Natalie found his hijinks cute or she had entered protective friend mode, David couldn’t tell anymore, he just couldn’t read her lately. And that frustrated him more than the time where his video editing programme crashing and his early morning work had vanished. Just like that.
“And Jeff goes up to the girl at the counter playing the whole good son act: Ah yes ahem my dads getting old and it’s hard seeing him that way but someone has to take care of him you know? And I suppose he thinks I don’t hear him, that I’ve actually got deaf like he said I had and-“ David tuned Jason out and fiddled with his camera now, craning it around the car towards the backseats so as to capture the twos reactions. They however were much too caught up in some whispered joke.
A slightly audible gulp left David’s throat as he watched Natalie through the view finder. Her head tilted back, showcasing her smooth neck and chest, as she giggled wholeheartedly. Pangs formed in David’s already weighty chest. ‘Why can’t I ever make her laugh like that?’ She looked like she was glowing today! And that wasn’t because of that highlighter shit, she was just- she was just stunning.
All of a sudden Natalie’s deep brown eyes met his over the rim of the camera and she shot a small smile at David as Ilya flopped down against her shoulder, grumbling. David’s heart ached as her smile visibly faltered as he didn’t return one. A snap sounded in the car due to the forceful shutting of the camcorder, David now fully turned around.
This abruptness caused even a dazed Ilya to quieten down. Jason kept his eyes mostly on the road but glanced towards David’s general direction, shifting his hands on the drivers wheel. “Uh you okay Dave? I wasn’t finished my bit. Your subscribers will be left on the edge of their seats!” He said with his signature wheezy laugh. David tucked himself into the innermost corner of the car seat and just fumbled with the holding string piece off his camera. “I have enough footage. It’s cool.” He muttered with a half arsed grin. Jason looked through the parking mirror to Natalie.
Her brows were furrowed as she watched David, not paying attention to Ilya who was pressing his entire tongue against the back window at oncoming traffic. Jason hitched his eyebrows once before returning his focus to the road. The rest of the ride was mostly silent except from the whispers of Natalie and Ilya and Ilya’s nonsensical mumblings.
The very moment the car came to a standstill David was rushing out the door, so fast the door hinges very nearly gave way. “Gotta edit. Help yourselves to some drinks.”
Jason turned around almost immediately to face Natalie despite the constraints of the belt digging into his chest.
Even in the cover of the night he could clearly see she already seemed deep in thought. “What’s uh- what’s going on with David tonight eh? Stress?” Jason questioned and allowed Ilya to play with his hair. “I don’t know.” She drummed her fingers and pouted her lips a bit. “He seemed fine up until after Ilya’s wisdom tooth removal.” Natalie leans forward, her eyebrows still creased in genuine worry. “I’m going to go after hi-“ She was cut off by a drawn out “Natalieeee” from a drowsy Ilya. Nat paused in her movement and looked to Jason for a little help. He nodded towards her with an understanding smile. “You go, I’ve got this- Come on sleepyhead”
“Hey Dave!” Natalie paused as she swung around the ledge of the door into David’s room where he lay splayed out on the bed. He didn’t respond, instead just moving his toned arms to cover his eyes and forehead area. “..Want a drink? I’m getting Ilya some water to flush out the bloo-“ “Nah but thanks.” Natalie was taken aback by his not necessarily rude but unusually blunt response.
She leant her head tiredly against the wood and watched him carefully. Down the hall there was an uproar of laughter as Ilya entertained the other squad members arriving on the scene. Just as David thought she had left she spoke again. “Listen David I know it’s been a long day but I feel like something else is bothering you. I’m your friend too, not just your assistant.” A pained scoff left David’s throat, now he’s been downgraded the friend? “I’m fine, Natalie. Just tired is all. I just want some space..can you do that?” And for the first time in a long time Natalie was at a loss for words.
Her frown pierced his skin through his hoodie and she pursed her lips, something she always did when she was annoyed. It just didn’t make sense. He always wanted people around him, talking or not. “Sure. I’ll be in the kitchen with the others.” She quipped shortly after a few seconds of silence and took a sharp turn on her heel towards the kitchen.
Eventually the chatter and laughter faded as the gaggle of vloggers moved over into the living room. It was then, and only then, that David removed his arms from over upper face. His eyes were shiny and glistened in the dark of the room with unshed tears. He muttered a curse and stared at the spot where Natalie once stood.
David sniffled and harshly rubbed his nose with the palm of his hand before opening his laptop up, connecting the camera cords and transferring the files. His eyes stung as her pushed himself through the editing process. And then he stopped. A clip lay there, one he couldn’t look at till now. The bit about Ilya confessing his fucking feelings. David couldn’t- David couldn’t help but notice the way Natalie was looking at Ilya as he slowed it down, in awe almost. “Shit.” David whispered as a singular tear trailed down his cheek.
Natalie tried to focus on Zane’s video ideas, she really did, but her eyes kept drifting off down the hallway where David still residing. “I can’t wait for David to hear these man!” Zane chuckled and the various heads nodded. Here it comes. “Hey speaking of, where is David? Haven’t seen him all night. You didn’t leave him in Chicago did you?” Heath wondered and draped an arm around his girlfriend as all eyes turned to Natalie. “Oh uhm he’s a bit tired, you know how it is. All the..travelling.” She smiled.
“We’ll leave him rest up then. Can’t get that coin without the creator!” Heath suggested with a laugh. “Who wants more drinks?!” Zane exclaimed and danced over animatedly to the countertop. Whoops and hollers left the mouth of most people in the room, the rest too hungover, passed out or worried about David.
Did they even notice he was gone? Did they even want him around? As a friend, not a medium of income. Did Natalie even want to be here? All these thoughts buzzed through David’s head despite his attempts to just..silence them. His computer was now strewn away to the side as sat on the edge of his bed, palms digging into his eyes with his elbows on his knees.
With a hefty sigh he dragged himself out of bed and crept out the door towards the kitchen. His heart tugged in his chest as he noticed Natalie pressed up against Ilya on the couch. Everyone’s attention was on Ilya, grasping on his comedic tales. No one noticed David. Or so he thought.
Natalie got a sinking feeling as she took heed of a forlorn looking David, watching as he sneaked into the kitchen.
“Are you going to talk to me then hm?” David almost jumped out of his skin as Natalie’s voice piped up from behind him. He pretended to continue looking in the presses just so he didn’t have to face her. “What do you mean?” He faked a laugh, his nervousness seeping through. He stuffed a biscuit into his mouth, one that he doesn’t like she realised, before turning around. Natalie stood there looking far too cute in her pajama shorts and black top with her crossed arms and tapping impatiently foot.
Natalie stormed up to him and plucked the biscuit packet away from him. “You don’t even like these!” She spluttered out and slammed them onto the counter. ‘How do you even know what I like and don’t like? You’ve been so busy with Ilya lately it’s like I wasn’t there too.’
“Great. Now my biscuits are going to be all crumbly.” David pouted. Natalie in the meantime looked like she either wanted to rip her hair or his hair out in utter frustration. She stepped forward to him and stared him down. “What. Is going. On?” Natalie questioned stonily, her brunette hair sticking out from her earlier anxious ruffling.
David froze as he could almost feel her breaths and angry huffs on the skin of his chest. “I-I dont know what you want me to say Nat- is it still okay if I call you that?” Natalie was outright confused at his words. “Of course it’s okay? Stop diverting the subject!”
“You’re worrying too much. I’m fine, exhausted but fine!” He laughed flatly and bravely placed his hands on her shoulders. A burst of pain shot through his veins as she shrugged off his hands. It brought back memories as to how she’d always be so affectionate with Ilya and Zane and yet shied away from his hugs on video. Usually that wouldn’t upset him but shit. “David!” The pair were interrupted by a grinning Carly as she bounced on in. “Good to see you! Just grabbing a drink!” She said brightly. Natalie didn’t face her, instead she kept her gaze locked on David who smiled at Carly. The moment Carly went however David’s smile dropped. And Natalie seen that.
“Dave..” She sighed out as he shuffled past her, blank faced. “Go have fun Na-“ David’s words got caught in his throat as she latched onto his hand and tugged him back to look at her. “Have I done something wrong? Why won’t you look at me? Did I mess up when I was recording you and Ily?” Ily? Nickname stage. Great. David stole a look at Natalie and studied her worried face, feeling all shades of bad over being the cause of her discomfort. She should be out there with her- their friends.
He gently pulled back from her vice like grip and she let her hand fall slowly to her side. “I’m going to bed okay? I’ll see you in the morning or something like that, I’ve got a lot of editing to do so I might be in my room all day. Go out with the gang though. Enjoy yourself! Go wild!” He plastered on a smile. Natalie hitched an eyebrow at him and recrossed her arms, shifting her weight on the balls of her feet.
“You’ve done your editing though? We just watched your video inside there?” Natalie said and saw David’s arm go back to scratch at his neck. “Second channel stuff. You know? It takes ti-“ “No I don’t know David! I’m not a vlogger. I usually just help you choose which bits are the best bits. Usually! Tonight you can’t seem to get away from us fast enough, from me.” David opened his mouth to respond as he finally gained the courage to meet her eyes.
Hurt and confusion and despair swum in them and he had never felt so much guilt. Not even when Jonah felt into the pool off the motorcycle. “Nat I-“ “No, forget it. You call me when you need me, boss.” Natalie replied sarcastically and saluted him, sauntering off, doing her best to maintain her composure. She hated when David was mad at her. She missed him and his smile and his jokes and his laugh and it had only been a few hours. Felt like an eternity though.
David sniffed as he tapped through the Instagram stories of his friends; laughing, joking, dancing, food tasting reviews. A knock on the door shook him out of his- I don’t even know what.
Natalie crept in, avoiding looking at his vest (barely) covered torso or him as he sat up in his bed. She edged the door to a close with her foot before setting the tray of breakfast foods down on his seemingly constantly clouded nightstand. “You didn’t need to Natalie. I was going to make my own in a little while.” David said, subdued. “No you weren’t, I know when you’re lying to me Dobrik. We have been friends since kindergarten after all.” She shrugged and straightened back up, his eyes following her every shuffle. Natalie seemed so down this morning and although David felt his distancing wouldn’t affect her enough to cause it, it was. He thought she wouldn’t notice.
“I’ve cleared your schedule for today. Told everyone you were sick so we’ll be staying at home.” She murmured and looked everywhere but at him. “We?” David unknowingly voiced his thoughts aloud and she looked at him as if shocked he was even asking that. “Yes Dave! We! You and me!” She snapped. Her eyes grew sad as she noticed his posture once again deflate and his eyes sink downwards. Natalie tugged the covers off of him and flung open his wardrobe doors seeing an array of black clothing. “Come on. Get up and get dressed. You might feel a bit better and get out of this funk you’re in. Are you frustrated about videos? Is that it?” She pondered and riffled through the hangers as David stood beside her. “You go relax, I can take care of myself” David spoke gently, his husky morning voice sending shivers down her spine. “No.” Natalie spoke vehemently and sifted through the hangers with more force than before, eventually yanking some band shirt and baggy sports pants out and laying them on his bed.
“This isn’t a vlog David. You don’t have to condense all your feelings down in 4 minutes and 20 seconds. Not with me. I’m here to listen to whatever is bothering you-“ David opened his mouth “-Ah ah ah! And I know something’s bothering you. I’m here as long as you need me. I want to be here. So I really really don’t get why you’re acting like I’m some stranger.” Natalie said as she shut his wardrobe door closed.
“Nat-“ David tried to intercede. “No David!” “Nat!” He tried again but she shook her head as she pushed past him softly to grab his duvet, doing her best to ignore the stinging feeling of tears in her eyes.
This time round however it was her breath that caught in her throat as David’s strengthy arms slipped around her core, tugging her against him. And just like that her stoic posture just melted like butter against him. David was cautious that she’d pull away but as she quietly wrapped her arms around his neck he took that as the go ahead to tighten the hug. Natalie was so warm and soft against him, her faded perfume filling his senses.
Natalie let her nails scrape against the nape of David’s neck and a smile snuck on her face as a small hum escaped his mouth. She loved the feelings of his arms around her, so secure and safe. His five o clock shadow was scratchy against her cheeks but she didn’t care. What she did care about however was how this feeling was barely familiar to her. ‘How long has it been since I’ve hugged him?’ Thinking back she could clearly remember the awkward embraces shared with Zane and Ray and Ilya but..David? Nope.
Natalie pressed herself flush against him and ensured that there was no space between them. She wanted to get closer and closer and- “God I’ve missed you Nat.” David groaned out, his lips tickling the skin of her neck that his face was now pressed into. Her eyes fluttered to a close as his thumb gently scraped and rubbed a slip of showing skin from her short sleeved black top. “Have I not been here Dave? Hm?” Natalie murmured and leant back just slightly to meet his eyes. “I-“ He adverted his eyes but she grasped the left side of his face firmly and stroked his cheek with her thumb. The other arm stayed locked around his neck.
“You have been here yeah. But so has everyone else. I guess I’m just used to having us time. Do you get me? Do I sound selfish? I’m sorry, I’m not good at this whole sharing feelings thing.” He whispered. “Yeah I can tell!” She breathed jokingly hoping to get a real smile out of him. He managed a tiny one in her direction. Her heart fell.
“Oh David-“ Natalie pressed a kiss to his cheek before moving to his ear to whisper, smiling as she felt him freeze. “You’re my best friend. Okay? Only you! Not Casandra, not Erin, not Ilya, you.”
David leant back, a grin steadily forming on his lips, of which she struggled not to stare at. “You mean that?” He stuttered out, vastly happier. An affectionate smile took over Natalie’s face as his eyes lit up more and more. Natalie took a second to just admire the man, sliding her thumb across his jawline as her eyes flitted from one of his eyes to another. “Of course I do, David” She smiled and reluctantly pulled back as he pulled back.
“It doesn’t make it okay that instead of talking to me you just blanked me and everyone though.” David looked even more guilty at her words but nodded along as they needed to be said. “I’m sorry Nat. I really I- I am. I wasn’t thinking and even that’s not an excuse.” He fumbled with his pants pockets. Natalie softened as the sincerity shone in his eyes.
“Cmere dork. It’s okay, I forgive you! I still love you even though you can be a major dick.” Natalie giggled and pulled David against her once more.
‘I’ll show you.’
Until next time! Comments or likes are appreciated if you’re able to spare the time! -Ella x
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rwbyremnants · 6 years
WARNING: Weiss chapter.
=Chapter 25
“You really haven’t heard anything?”
The question was more a formality now than one Weiss expected to be answered any differently than the last thousand times she’d asked. Over the past month, she and Ruby had stopped talking quite so much about Yang, even though she still came up in conversation daily. Still, though it grew smaller every day, there was always that lingering connecting bit to their relationship: they were only friends because they both knew Yang, and Weiss missed her so much. No matter how much it shrank there was no getting around it. All she could do was try to make it as small as possible, for Ruby’s sake.
However, with no real news coming down the pipe, they found other things to talk about; Weiss’s invitation to sing the national anthem for a major league baseball game, the TV commercial she’d recorded. Goings on at Ruby’s college, even though the campus was quite dead now that summer had relieved it of most of the student body.
"Only that she's still safe, but nothing else. I'll let you know if there's any update." It was a little white lie on Ruby's part. Every week she had at least Skyped Yang, but every week, Yang made her promise not to tell Weiss where she was, or what she was doing. And it hurt. It hurt because not only was she seeing that her sister was slowly slipping into a stagnant mess of booze, or what she figured was booze; she had to also keep that information from Weiss. Her idol, her lingering crush, and now, one of her very good friends.
But the least she would do is tell her that Yang was in… reasonable health. Weiss had a right to know that. Leaning back lazily on her dorm room bed, she stared upward at the ceiling, heavily sighing, "I'm really sorry about all this."
Nodding, Weiss leaned back in the make-up chair that she had been lounging in for at least ten minutes. Waiting to be told what was going on. She was so bored, and even though she knew it was a bit of a first world problem, she couldn't help hating every minute she was wasting not doing something more productive.
"Not your fault," she eventually told the screen of her phone. "As we have discussed so many times… her reasons are her reasons. Maybe one day, she'll feel up to sharing them with us."
It hurt just as rough to hear Weiss talk about her in such a formal manner now. At least prior to this, there was emotion; evidence Weiss was feeling something toward her sister. Mostly pain, and longing, and bitterness that she was trying not to let fester. Now, it had descended into just another conversation topic. Like if she was to talk about an old friend from school.
So instead, Ruby changed the subject. "So… this interview tonight, huh? I can't watch it live, but I can stream it later when it's on YouTube. You excited?"
"I suppose," she sighed, ever the glib celebrity. Though she revealed a moment later that she had a deeper reason than usual for sounding less than enthusiastic about this particular interview. "I'm following Neon Katt. We'll probably end up on the couch next to each other, knowing Lisa Lavender. She loves everyone to be all chummy." The last was added with the most saccharine smile yet from Weiss.
"Hoo boy." Ruby scratched the top of her head. When they first ever spoke, they talked about Neon Katt before, how they met at an awards ceremony. And both expressed a dislike for her music and choice of style in music videos. Not to mention, there had been one or two quotes flying around by Neon herself about the viral video of Weiss that Ruby had put out. This was going to be mayhem. "This is your first time talking to her since the video, right?"
"Yeah. I mean, I don't really care; it's fine." Not that her tone made that believable. "I can be professional, right? Go out there and pretend the thing with the song never happened. Yeah… yeah, I can do this."
"Oh, shit… How did I forget?" Yang was in that video. It was one of their most loving moments together, which was unfortunately on record for all to see. As much as people loved it, Ruby was beginning to regret uploading it. "I'm sorry… Hey, maybe they'll talk about Beach Fest instead?"
Again, all Weiss could do was nod and put her head in her hands, careful not to smudge her makeup at all. "Hopefully, yes. I mean, that's why the two of us are on this episode together, after all, isn't it?" Then she smiled weakly at the younger girl. "I can't even imagine how you find any of this interesting. So much for my glamorous lifestyle, huh?"
"Well it just… It's so different!" Ruby was starting to brighten up again. Mainly for the purpose of keeping Weiss happy, but still, talking about things like this brought out her passion and fanaticism. "To you it's just a job, but it's just so different to me, so amazing. That even though you're just talking about normal stuff for you, people are interested, you know?"
"That's true," Weiss sighed with a shrug. Then she saw an uptick of activity near the stage and turned back. "I should probably let you go - but I hope you get something out of it when you catch this on YouTube later. Wish me luck?"
"Of course. Good luck! And remember you can always call me." Ruby ended the call with that phrase every time. She knew Weiss appreciated someone other than a professional to talk to. A friend. Even if it was about issues other than Yang. Waving to the screen, she cut off the call.
Leaving one of the backstage workers to enter the room, holding the device in his ear to listen, before gesturing Weiss closer. "Two minutes. You want to come through?"
Weiss took one last glance at herself in the mirror. Make-up and hair were perfect, or near enough. She had gone for something a bit more conservative; a blue dress that fell to the knee with a white cardigan, white belt, and white sandals. The only bit of flair that made it somewhat less "plain" was a diamond cut-out just below her bust; she was hoping the little flash of skin would prevent her audience from calling her an old lady. Not that it mattered much at this point.
Idly, she wondered if anyone would ask about the yellow guitar pick necklace. It didn't match the rest of the outfit very well.
"Coming," she said about thirty seconds after being asked, and popped up from her seat to allow them to clip the transmitter to the back of her belt, running the lapel mic itself up the back of her jacket and clipping it to its collar. Then she went to stand offstage, hands on hips as she shifted her weight from foot to foot anxiously.
Already on stage was the woman Weiss wasn't so eager to meet. Neon Katt. She had already been interviewed, mainly speaking about her new album that was scheduled to be released in the month, but also about other little tidbits, like how she first broke into the music industry, and her humorous tales of stage fright and other faux pas. As usual, she dressed to make that ‘raver’ statement; tank top, mini skirt, orange hair with its thin rainbow streaks tied back into her two fluffy pony tails. She had even worn her signature cat tail attached to her belt, a feature she used in her music videos and concerts.
What a little prima donna. Even in the few seconds Weiss could see of just her on her own, she was acting like she owned the place, sitting cross-legged with one arm stretched across the rest of the sofa where Weiss was about to sit, laughing away at one of Lavender's last comments. Did she have to be so… much?!
"And now, Ladies and Gentleman, back from her tour and just been confirmed for California Beach Fest; the one, the only, Weiss!"
That certainly cut through her irked thoughts. After a quick breath to steady her nerves, Weiss walked out onto the stage, smile in place, arm raised and waving to the studio audience. Her steps were steady, self-assured and in time with the music Lavender's band was playing - which was a big band rendition of one of her hits, as was their usual practice.
When she made it to the couch, she gestured at Neon's arm and said in a bemused voice, barely audible over the cheers of fanboys and fangirls, "This seat taken?"
"Hopefully by you." Though she did what Weiss intended, moving her arm and returning her hand to her lap instead. Still cross legged, still confident, she watched Weiss sit as the audience cheered, then glanced back at Linda Lavender, who was waiting for the audience to quiet down before she herself grinned toward the newer guests.
"It's nice to see you remembered you were on a TV show rather than a rave!"
"Who, me? Or Neon?" Weiss joked with a slight laugh. "If I'd known Neon was tricked out this way, I wouldn't have gone for the 'White House Press Briefing' look! Now I feel so overdressed!"
"You could always get a little undressed later." Neon spoke calmly as the audience laughed, watching her with a sly smirk and half-closed eyes. A typical flirtatious look that everyone was used to, seeing as it was another signature for her music videos. She did it with everyone: men, women, or neither. But she was the type of character that everyone shrugged off such actions.
Even Lisa played along with it. "Down, girl. Honestly, she is uncontrollable!"
Of course, all Weiss did in reaction to such gross innuendo was roll her eyes and turn back toward the other chair. "It's nice to see you again, Lisa. Been a while - I was a nobody the last time we met!"
"I wouldn't say a nobody, but you were definitely not a shooting star the way you are now! So let's get right to it. I mean, the Beach Fest is amazing news, but Neon seemed to have covered everything about it." Neon nodded in response to her, but she continued her question, getting to the subject Weiss dreaded. "So; we were wondering, about the news of the month. This viral video."
"Right," Weiss sighed. Despite all of her mental preparation for this topic to come up, she still couldn't bring herself to even feign looking thrilled about discussing the song. But she managed to look only marginally weary of the topic rather than depressed. Professionalism in the face of adversity.
"It was a little ditty one of my security staff dreamed up, and I came up with a few lyrics on the spot. Nothing major. I don't know why everyone made such a big deal about it - I mean, do you really like the song that much?"
Not even before she finished speaking, the audience began to cheer and clap enthusiastically. She'd been expecting that to some degree, so she laughed graciously and waved at them.
"If that's on the spot, then what can you come up with when you put your mind to it?" Lisa grinned just as enthusiastically as the audience. Once they quietened down, she continued with her questioning. "The audience response has been wild, maybe because obviously it was put on Tumblr first. And we all know that site likes to dissect anything it can to find a meaning. But a lot of people weren't expecting this kind of thing from you. If it's true, about it being about accepting yourself for who you are – up to and including being gay, what inspired you to write a song about that after being so… well, you know what I mean."
Deflecting slightly, she looked into the camera and said, "Actually, it was put up by my good friend, Ruby, who just happened to be there to capture the moment. Hi, Ruby!" Secretly, this was a tiny revenge for Ruby having posted the video without her consent, but mainly she wanted to give her new friend a small moment in the sun. At the very least, a little squeal when she heard her own name in the video later.
"Well, I'm sure Ruby didn't expect for it to get this big, either. She has good choice in friends." The host happily grinned, but straight back to the subject; she wasn't going to live it down that easily. "The 'Cause I can't mold you, fold you' lyric was particularly interesting – and the Bowie-esque recurring theme about changes. I mean, a lot of people have let us know on Twitter that they really like it, that some kids relate to it in regards to coming out to their parents."
“And that’s beautiful,” Weiss told her earnestly - having prepared for this, as well. “Perhaps I haven’t yet made my stance as clear as this little rainbow-” and she took that opportunity to take the hand that had found its way to her shoulder and move it back toward its owner, earning a smattering of laughter from the audience, “but I’ve always felt that people have to be who they are. Maybe in the past, I wouldn’t have included being LGBT under that umbrella, but I mean, it really only takes a few minutes of critical thought. Why would anyone choose to be gay in a society where coming out means getting kicked out of your parents’ house, or hated by religious groups? Seen as ‘other’, threatened with violence? I say, live and let live.”
The audience broke out into enthusiastic applause. "Not bad, straight girl," Neon said. It wasn't visible to the cameras due to the way she was turned, but she winked at Weiss right after. She never made any further attempt at putting her hand back on Weiss's shoulder, or anywhere else.
"It's exciting to have more straight allies on their side, though!” Lisa went on. “I mean, celebrities like Neon who have been allies since the beginning are great, but it’s also really encouraging to see a star expand her worldview, and sort of become more accepting.”
“Well, thank you,” she said modestly with a small smile.
“On top of that, this song seems to reach out to even more marginalised groups, as well, like transgenders. Did you hear that Laverne and Caitlyn have commented about that?"
This was the moment Weiss had prepared for the most: speaking on the subject of trans persons without tipping her hand, being too obvious that she had a personal stake in her own words. "Of course, Lisa, of course. Art is subjective; it's as much what people get out of it as what the artist puts in. As for trans people, they have it hard enough out there, so if my little song can help them feel a little better about themselves, more empowered or less alone, then that's great! Happy it could help in whatever way possible."
"Oh sorry, yeah, I meant trans people, not transgenders," Lisa quickly backpedaled after being corrected. It was obvious that it made her feel uncomfortable to be told by one of her own guests. Which was probably why she went on the attack: to cover. "So, you're confirming it is about coming out and being yourself while gay or trans, then? Are there any particular people who inspired this song at all?"
"That's not exactly what I said," Weiss laughed nervously. Hopefully the nervousness wouldn't bleed through to the audience; she was usually fairly good at masking her deeper emotions. "What I meant is, it's about being yourself no matter what that means - up to and including LGBT rights. But it could also mean going to university for an art degree when your parents want you to study business law. You can't try to please other people while making yourself miserable; that's no way to live. Be authentic, I guess is what I'm saying."
"Y'sure it's not about some kind of side-chick you have? Or maybe even a hot trans guy?" Neon asked, which prompted an 'Ooooo' response from the crowd, even few wolf whistles from the audience.
Smirking, she laughed and said, "You mean like Neptune? Wouldn't surprise me; he does have pretty soft features. No offense intended!" The audience joined in her laughter, and she silently prayed that was good enough for her to deftly avoid this third degree. Did Neon and Lisa plan this interrogation before the show together?
"I more meant the hot blondie on the guitar," Neon persisted. Yet again, it wasn't obvious to the camera, but she had glanced down at the guitar pick necklace. Given that it was yellow, which seemed to be the main color defining her guitar player in the video, and a pick; she seemed to have come up with her own theories already.
But Lisa was interested in this as well, for different reasons. "Actually who is that girl? She appeared out of nowhere!"
'Damn it,' Weiss cursed inwardly. They were like dogs with bones. But she managed to keep her smile in place. "As I said, one of my security staff. She's currently on leave following the ending of my tour."
"Well, I think you and her need to get back in touch and finish that song, I'm sure the California Beach Fest will be wanting to hear the completed version!"
She really was hounding at all the wrong subjects without realizing, especially since it was impossible to get a hold it Yang in this time. And Neon was no better. "Hey, could you get her my number if you're not dating her, though? She's a real cutie, I wouldn't mind her holding and molding me – know what I mean?"
Rolling her eyes exaggeratedly at the joke based on her lyrics, Weiss gestured vaguely to one side as she said, "I'll see what I can do. Not that I have your number to give, anyway." Then she glanced back at Lisa and added, "But yeah, hopefully. The track list for my new album is already locked down, but maybe it could be a straight-to-iTunes single?" The applause made her smile at the audience again.
"Hold on hold on, are we gonna ignore that you just asked for my number?" That made a lot more of the audience erupt with laughter. And when she leant in closer and closer to Weiss, as if she was about to either whisper something scandalous or kiss her on the cheek, she was interrupted by a flustered voice.
"And with that note, we'd better get to a break, but stay tuned! Up next, we're gonna talk about Beach Fest a bit more, and Neon is going to be performing her new single live!"
"Don't forget my new album, 'White Noise', is comi-" Then the lips did meet her cheek, and Weiss couldn't help but giggle as she pushed through to finish, "Coming out next month!"
"Right!" Lisa agreed, laughing but looking like she was just barely holding back panic. "And Neon's just came out last week and is already blowing up the charts! What a great time to be a pop fan! We'll be right back after this!"
Then the cameras panned back as the audience cheered, and as was the usual convention, Weiss turned to have a quieter conversation with Lisa and Neon until they faded to commercial. However, what she immediately said to the self-proclaimed "pop-raver" was, "Must you be so… familiar with me? On camera, even!"
Lisa was too busy talking to a few of her agents in that time to notice the reprimand, as were any other members of staff or audience members. To them it looked like they were having a quiet conversation, even if Neon was deliberately leaning against the sofa to get closer to her.
"Who said it's just for the camera, sweet cheeks?" she asked, giving another signature wink.
"Oh, please. Everybody knows you do that to anything with a pulse; it's all part of your image. You've never made a sincere pass at someone in your life."
That made the feline-esque woman laugh. Once again her arm had fallen to the back of the sofa, behind Weiss where she was sitting. How glad Weiss must be that the microphones were off at this moment. "And how would you know that? Unless you're just as much of a shameless flirt."
All at once, she found Neon's confidence in everything more grating than she had anything in quite some time. Probably egged on by her stubbornness in asking about Yang before. Leaning closer, wearing a smile purely for the cameras, she muttered, "You don't know a goddamn thing about me, Rainbow Vomit. That wouldn't bother me if you didn't act like you do. You want my number? Work for it. Not that I have any idea why you would. You’re just a shiny piece of plastic with nothing on the inside; nothing you’ve ever done has been genuine. So stop trying to drag me down with you."
Then she stood from the couch, walked over to give Lisa a showy embrace, and waved to the cheering crowd as she began to head offstage. And Neon only continued to watch her as she walked off stage. Any other popstar or big artist would be glad of that fact, glad to see she had gone so more of the spotlight would be on them. But as Neon looked she appeared more… disappointed than anything. And before the commercial break was over, she had quickly nabbed one of the napkins from Lisa's table, and was noticeably doodling on it in her trademark rainbow autograph pen. For reasons the audience never found out.
While the stage featured more talking about Beach Fest and Neon's upcoming live performance, backstage was completely calm. No one had disturbed Weiss since she returned, and no one was about to either, not with a registered bodyguard at the door assigned by the station management. At least she was kept safe.
But it wasn't the same without Yang.
All Weiss had done since getting in there was to remove her lavalier mic and toss it on the vanity, shuck her high heels, and flop down onto the couch, staring at the ceiling. Every day was a struggle to get through, and seeing the security personnel who weren't the one she wished they were served as a daily reminder of what she had lost. What took her a concentrated effort every single day to not sink down into depression over.
Yang didn't want her. That was the only conclusion she could reach; even though they had been close, maybe she had pushed too much for their relationship to move to the level where they could exchange those three little words more freely. She wished she had more information to work with - wished Yang would answer her phone, or tell Ruby more. So without any facts, all she could do was assume there was something about her that made Yang run for the hills.
"Your room's two down, hun."
"It's not my room I'm after."
Just in time to interrupt her moment of depression were two muffled voices outside her door. The show had clearly finished, judging by the time. But only just. So why on earth did one of those voices sound just like the other guest she had to put up with for ten minutes? Was it a relative of some kind come to visit and got the rooms muddled up? It couldn't be, her guard had quite clearly said 'your room', which meant it was a guest or staff. This required further investigation. And as she listened closer, their conversation continued.
"She specifically said she wanted to be alone."
"Calm your tits, big guy; I'm not asking to go in. I'm just asking if I can slide something under the door."
Slowly but surely, Weiss's already-sour mood began to curdle into annoyance. That was Neon; she'd bet on it with every dollar in her purse. Skulking around outside her door, hoping to goad her even more than she already had. Wasn't it enough for one day?
“And that’s it? Just that there?”
“Yeah, I promise.” There was a sigh from the guard, along with the sound of him stepping to the side, followed by a giggle. "Thank you!"
And below Weiss's feet, poking beneath the door was a napkin, folded in half. But the side face up had a very simple instruction, along with a few rainbow kisses and hearts.
Open Me!
Bolting upright, she crossed the room in a few quick strides and snatched the stupid napkin up, glaring at it. Her other hand raised to wad it up and destroy it, hoping it would give her catharsis… but she hesitated. Curiosity was getting the better of her. Even though she was sure no good would come from what she was about to read, she might as well open it before she tore it to shreds.
What she got was yet more rainbow kisses over the paper, along with a small stick figure in the bottom left, that was clearly blowing a kiss to whomever was reading it. If she wanted to annoy, why not put that to the front instead? The contents explained why.
You're right, I don't know much about you. But I want to learn. Did you ever stop to think neither of us knows each other very well? Maybe you won't give me your number, but that won't stop me giving you mine. Call me! Love from ~ Rainbow Vomit
Below that was a cellphone number. Neon's cellphone number. Suddenly, Weiss found she was even more frustrated… but also felt oddly wrong-footed and off-balance. She couldn't fully believe that a girl so flippant and ridiculous as that was earnestly courting her company, but this note made it a lot harder to completely dismiss her.
Taking her phone out of her nearby purse, she stuck the number into her contacts. Then she sent a single text:
If you remember to call me 3 days from now, I might pick up. Do not contact me before then.
That was it. The proof of Neon's intentions would be in whether or not she could actually remember to do such a minor task; if she didn't, clearly this had been a stupid diversion. If she did…
Well, she would cross that bridge when she came to it.
I know you've probably heard this so much, but thank you thank you thank you for that song. If not for that, I probably couldn't have come out to my mom. Whether you're gay, bi or anything yourself (and you don't have to tell me) I just had to let you know the strength you gave me. Thank you again. ~ Nadir Shiko
It was one of several hundred letters, all the same. Since the viral video hit, Weiss's PO box had been flooded with fan mail. She had been showered with more gifts and praise than ever before, and so many heartfelt stories about people coming out and expressing themselves, just as intended by the song. The one she had just finished came from a trans man somewhere in Florida, and had attached to it a bar of chocolate.
Three days had passed since that interview, and no further contact was made. Not from either of the open ends it seemed. Nothing from Yang, nothing from Neon. There was the odd call from Ruby, asking about silly things like how her day went and if she could help with her studies, but that was it. Weiss was back to her own thoughts.
By this point, she had become desperate enough to call up Neptune and ask him if he wanted to get lunch. Just as friends, of course; she had zero interest in him romantically anymore. But alas, he was currently playing some tour dates in Canada and wouldn't be back in the States until August – for their big shared concert extravaganza.
Sighing, Weiss tossed the last letter on the tabletop and paced into her kitchenette to pour herself some white grape juice. At this juncture, she couldn't even be sure she really wanted to drink it; she just wanted something to do. Anything that would distract her from thinking about Yang again was more than welcome. She had finally managed to go through an entire conversation with Ruby without bringing her up, but that had only come about by intentionally suppressing a few questions that drifted through her mind. She began to wonder if she would ever be able to forget about the stunning blonde.
A distraction finally came. And it came from the far end of the room, resting on the arm of the sofa. Her phone vibrating and ringing loudly. Weiss had made sure to set it that way, on the off-chance Yang would call, so she could run and get it. But when Weiss ran to see who it was this time, there were two words on the screen. "Glowstick Dipstick"
For a brief instant, Weiss was confused at what the words meant - until she finally remembered that was the charming term she had chosen for Neon when adding her to her contacts. A powerful urge to ignore the call was there, mostly because she was upset that it wasn't Yang… but her own curiosity was more powerful still, so she thumbed the answer button.
"Okay, so I couldn't wait for the whole three days," the hyper voice spoke. It was definitely Neon on the other line, from her voice, and from the obvious rave music playing faintly in the background. "But I wasn't exactly going to call at like, ten PM. I'd rather be sober and awake to talk to you, you know?
"Bravo," Weiss said, seating herself primly on her couch and crossing her legs as she balanced the cup of juice on her knee. "You actually remembered. And no, I suppose you didn't need to call exactly seventy-two hours later."
"Hey, you're the one that gave the instructions!" It seemed Neon was also settling in for a converrsation, considering the music got a lot quieter as she turned it down. There was then a soft sigh as though she had just sat down. "But yeah, about that 'no pass is genuine' thing?"
"The what? Oh - you mean me calling you out on flirting with all of North America?" She shrugged easily. "What about it?"
She genuinely giggled down the phone, sighing contently. "Okay so, maybe I do flirt a lot with everyone. But real talk here? It was a dumb compromise with my agent, I either had that or don't flirt at all, and I like to flirt."
That sent Weiss's eyebrows spiking upward. "You're contractually obligated to flirt on camera? That's… the most ridiculous lie I've ever heard. You're going to have to do way better." But against her will, she was relaxing into the flow of conversation. Regardless of her motives or how genuine her flirting was, she had taken the time to remember to call her on the third day, as requested. It leant her a tiny shred of credibility, at least.
"Ehh, kiiiinda sorta, but I gotta know a few things about you first before I get into telling you all the details." Neon was smiling. Genuinely smiling at the progress of their conversation, happily sitting cross legged and relaxed, as if she was talking to an old friend. But she really wasn't, this was someone she barely knew outside the profession. Which she wanted to change. "So how about… a game? I ask a question you have to answer honestly - then you ask, then I ask again, blahblahblahblahblah…"
"You're serious? You want to play Truth Or Dare without the Dare part, right out of the blue?" No answer; only waiting for her answer. After debating for a few more seconds, she said, "Fine. But if I refuse to answer a question, you don't shame me for it or make a big deal out of it, since the game was your idea. That acceptable?"
"Does that count as your first question?" Neon asked back teasingly. But before she could reply... "No problem, fine by me."
"Alright, that’s cool. Just don’t lie; either tell me the truth or pass." It didn't take long for her to come up with an initial query. "What percentage of your flirting IS genuine?"
"Hmm…" She tilted her head, looking up at the ceiling. "About… twenty percent? No wait, twenty-five. I am genuinely thirsty. But the rest is for funzies."
"Wow, that is… a lot higher than I expected, given how many people you flirt with!" Suddenly, the consequence of her asking the question occurred to her, and she curled her lip… but it was only fair. "Fine, now ask yours."
There was giggling before that question came. There was one in particular she wanted to ask, but expected rushing straight into it would just mean causing unnecessary annoyance. So she went for another angle instead. "Did you keep my note?"
"You know, I did," Weiss said with a slight smirk. "I wanted to make sure I had your exact wording on hand if you tried to pretend you didn't mean something you said."
"Wow, you're prepared. I half expected you to tear it apart on sight, to be honest."
"I was tempted." The first question had been the easiest, and now she was having more difficulty coming up with more. "Why did you do the thing with the napkin instead of just… asking for my number?"
That one was an instant answer. "Was the only way I could think to show you I meant it. If I did it in the flesh, you'd think I'm still just playing around, since you really don’t take me seriously. Plus, I like to be the one to take the first step; get that friendship cred or whatever."
"Fine, I guess that kind of worked, but why did-" Biting off the words, she sighed and said, "Sorry, that was my turn, wasn't it? Go on."
"Alright." She thought about that again. Still not time to ask that question yet, time to do another instead. One that she thought would be innocent enough. "What's with the guitar pick?"
That was one that brought Weiss up short. She wanted to answer it with a complete lie, but after demanding Neon answer truthfully, she somehow couldn't bring herself to do that. But maybe she could play her off. "So what? It's a guitar pick, who cares?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "It clashed with your outfit, figured it must mean something."
"Pass," she sighed. It frustrated her that she had to admit she didn't want to answer the question, but at least it was an option that was open to her. "Alright - do you actually go to raves, or is it an image thing only?"
So there was meaning to the necklace, just one that Neon wasn't going to hear. But, as she promised, she fully respected that, and went straight on to the next question. "Before I was big, hell yeah. But once I was making a name for myself, the riskier that became. I stopped after a near miss; a guy spiked my drink and I don't remember what happened for hours after."
"Oh wow," Weiss breathed, a hand going to her mouth. "God… did you have a rape kit done? I mean, no judgment if you didn't, but…"
"That was a question, buuuuut I'll let you have that one because you actually seem worried about lil ol’ me." She trailed off in a higher pitched voice there, but then went straight back to normal. "No, I was safe anyway. My rave friend, Flynt, took me back to his place, made the couch up for me to sleep it off, and kept me safe until I woke up. He's a pretty great dude, looks after me. But fuck, it was scary."
Blinking, she forced herself to take a step back from the situation. Hearing about that near-tragedy had drawn her in more than she intended to let happen. "Scary, but maybe it was necessary if it helped you figure out you needed to stop being a druggie."
"Hey, I didn’t even get high that night! Well, like I said, not on purpose," she laughed. It was a scary subject, but one she was able to talk about easily. Others probably would be unable to. "Okay, my turn anyway… Um…" Now it was seeming like they were getting genuinely closer. Perhaps now she could risk one of the questions. But she had to play it cool.
"What would you say, if I told you that you were in that twenty-five percent?"
"What?" Then she laughed, rolling her eyes. Not taking that seriously; it was clearly just meant to fluster her. "I'd be flattered, I suppose… but would also say maybe the drugs haven't worn off yet. But that's cute, very cute." Then she took a sip of her juice before saying, "If that's how you wanted to waste a question, it's my turn, now."
"Wasn't wasted." She smirked, relaxing all the more into her chair. "Fire away."
Again, she took a moment to hum to herself as she thought. Her mind went back to the question she had almost asked as an "illegal" follow-up before. "Okay… why did you want to talk to me so badly that you did the whole crazy napkin-note thing?"
"That wasn't answered with my last question?" Seemed they were both tiptoeing around this one… "Let me repeat it: you were in the twenty-five percent. Doesn’t that cover it?"
"Yeah, but that was… a…" Weiss sat up a little straighter, her eyebrows knitting. "You were kidding. You always flirt with people, make jokes, so… what's different this time? Why me?"
"Nuh-uh, you had yours," Neon stopped her. But from the sounds of her change in voice, she was getting it. Which lead to her next question… "Is that song about your experiences?"
"What song?" The question was instinctive, trying to protect herself. They both knew it was futile.
"You know exactly what one."
There was no real way out of this one. Either she passed again, and looked like a coward for doing that twice in a single game of twenty questions before they even hit ten, or she outed herself to this random glowstick she barely knew.
"It is. You don't think I've been through changes in my life? Of course it's about me. All of my songs are written by me, and about my experiences."
It seemed a satisfying enough answer. "We all have our own shit doing what we do. Everyone thinks we have these perfect lives, when really it's just a different set of problems. I feel you." And then after a brief pause, she asked, "And your question?"
But Weiss didn't know what to ask anymore. Neon had not only seen right through her pretense that she was only writing the song out of empathy, but she was also apparently on the short list of people Neon was actually interested in. What was she supposed to say to that? Either she disregarded all of it, or…
Or she explored it further. Against her will, she found herself intrigued; this was the first moment she found herself fascinated by anything in weeks, besides her own bubble of misery. So Neon claimed she was interested in her, did she? There was only one way to find out for sure.
"Alright," she said, probably a solid minute later. "Here's a question. Hypothetically, let's say I agreed to go somewhere with you. Not as a 'date', exactly, but something like one. What would that night include?"
"Not as a date? Bummer…" She said that quite clearly this time, genuinely meaning it. There wasn't any cameras to fake it for, nor any reason for her to say otherwise. This was a new side to Neon, one that cared more about the other person rather than herself. In a huge contrast to her songs. But still, she answered her question.
"Hmm… A night with me… Well, you seem more like someone who wants to relax rather than go to a club, so that one's out, sadly. I'd probably find a nice quiet bar we could both head to that nobody knows, just so we're not stressing about being seen. A bite to eat, maybe a cocktail or two… head back and watch some Netflix. Whatever."
The line about going to a club sounded a lot more like Neon than all the plans she laid out afterward. "Really? That… doesn't sound too horrible. Where do you know of a bar like that?"
She shrugged again, even if Weiss couldn't see it. "I dunno, I'll look around. Nashville's gotta have something, right?" And then there was a very tiny pause. "Wait a minute, that's two questions, ya cheat."
"Sorry, I forgot," Weiss sighed genuinely. Plotting a possible evening out with someone she had despised a few scant days ago was quite the distraction. "Go ahead, ask away; we can figure the details of that out later, I suppose."
"Okay… Now this is kind of the ‘make or break’ one…" She swallowed this time, mentally preparing for what she was about to do. She was either going to get a positive response, or put her foot in it.
"Would you like to try making it a date?"
Suddenly, there was the dull thunk of a plastic cup hitting the floor and a splashing sound. None from Weiss's actual voice, however; that remained silent. And Neon just closed her eyes tightly, biting her lip as she waited for her response. Anything.
"I… I guess?" Then she cleared her throat and hastily followed up, "W-wait, I said not a date! J-just going out! Do we have to call it that?!"
Finally, Neon was just starting to giggle. The fact she hadn't instantly yelled out in disgust said that she wasn't appalled by the idea, which meant she wasn't appalled by her, either. In fact, it had more or less confirmed her suspicions. Almost. "That counts as a question! And yes, you dork; I wanna take you on a date, okay?"
There was a loud groan of pure frustration from Weiss, then a few desperate breaths intended to calm her down. "Fine! Fine, it's… it's a 'date' if it has to be. But you better treat me well or it will be our last date, you understand?!"
Beyond what Weiss could see, Neon was throwing her spare fist into the air and flailing her legs with glee, having to stop herself from squealing out loudly. Her gut feeling was true! And it had led to more! But when she returned the phone to her cheek, she answered calmly, "Great! And don’t worry, I'll treat you like a princess, of course."
That made the silver-haired diva's cheeks glow slightly, but she ignored that for the moment. "W-well… that's good. I'm glad we settled that." Even though her head was still spinning from the mere fact that she was willingly going to spend a potentially-romantic evening with her sworn rival, she somehow managed to stammer, "Wh-whose turn is it now?"
"Um… me, to ask the question. You asked if we had to call it a date."
"Okay, okay, go on."
Now that she had stopped her blatant happy flailing, she was smiling contentedly as she leant back on the sofa again. Gradually, the confidence was starting to come back, and that was obvious by the next question: "What are you wearing?"
"UHT!" Again, a sound of pure shock and surprise. "Y-you can't ask that, it's against the rules!" she tried, knowing it would be futile.
"How the hell is that against the rules?!" she laughed loudly, secretly enjoying every moment Weiss was squirming and trying to get out of answering her rather invasive questions. That brash attitude would get her in trouble one day, but for now… it got her a date. A date with Weiss.
"Fine. I'm wearing a poncho and old sweats and haven't changed clothes in a week," she lied, just to see what Neon would do.
"Wow, not what I expected from you! And here I am, just sitting in my nice matching set of glow in the dark underwear."
The conversation continued in a similar fashion. Neon would try to fluster Weiss, while Weiss gave as little information as she possibly could, and got flustered in the process. All of this though, was progress. It was helping to distract her from the blonde who wouldn't contact home; the leftover feelings that still popped up on occasion. Maybe it was a huge step in the right direction, of accepting herself and moving on.
Or maybe it was just a rebound. A rebound with Rainbow Vomit.
NOTE: So I'm sorry if this chapter (like the Bumbleby chapters) leaves a bad taste in the mouths of more religious Freezerburn shippers, but we really liked this idea. Weiss has always been curious about dating someone in the business she's in - she just had her sights set on a different pop star before this moment. Next chapter is more of this scene!
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