#most of his promo or in game art hes wearing it even when it wouldnt make any sense 😭 dysphoria hoodie moment
makedamnsvre · 7 months
makoto naegi introducing himself like in case you havent noticed, im normal. im a normie. i fit in. and i want to fit in. have you ever seen me without this stylish hoodie on? thats normal.
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shoutscion · 8 years
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i’ve noticed i’m beginning to write shorter and shorter posts because i’m trying to convey so much of j&c’s worldbuilding in the game itself
anyway heres an early draft of some promo art and like a dozen things about Autumn Valley
• the autumn valley calender has years prefixed with something called a Capital Era, sort of like how japan has eras depending on the name of the emperor. the Capital Era is named after the current location of the capital (ie: the Moon River era, the Cliffside era). the current year is Far Forest - 08, and the previous era ended at Cliffside 45 due to the relocation of the capital for economic reasons
• casie’s like 22 and graduated her 5 years of school in the capital (not unlike a bachelor’s degree) at 20, which makes her sort of a prodigy. her major was xenoengineering (ie: reverse engineering Ancient shit, which is her current job description) but during her deployment to the Watching Wood she’s become a pretty good biologist. most people who do what she does are at least 25 and are also usually even more out of touch 
• autumn is really bad with fire. they’re actually sort of bad with heat in general because they can notice cold (which is why they wear such thick clothing- autumn’s pretty cold) (but obviously not that cold) but dont notice heat until it’s burning them, and sometimes dont notice small flames until they see or smell the smoke. as a direct result, autumn suffers several tom and jerry-like barbeque mishaps a year
• Humans have a similar lifespan and biology to actual homo sapiens but vary wildly appearance-wise (the shortest of them is probably 3 feet tall and the tallest is well over 8). casie’s pretty middle of the road at 5 foot 6 (168cm). they’re pretty consistent with their size-to-strength ratio with most of them being able to lift their body weight with some effort (casie being about 500 pounds) (like, midtier motorcycle weight). they’re also universally very hardy and can (like most things in Autumn) tank gunfire, usually taking a full magazine of rifle ammo to reliably kill someone (but they’d probably go down in half that) and can take getting hit by, for instance, cars (which is a more common occurrence then you’d think) with only a broken bone or two and a bruised ego. it is extremely possible that they have redundant organs
• seriously casie could take a direct hit from truck-kun and leave a bigger dent in it then it would in her. car accidents in autumn are more costly to the driver then the drive-ee because you have to fix the car, but the other guy will (after soaring like 50 feet backward) usually just get up, fold his now-broken arm under his shoulder and flip you off the other
• on the other hand a lot of people die in car fires when their rides are destroyed by monster attack or otherwise and as such casie doesn’t trust them. their fuel economy is also pretty bad, so cars dont tend to move around much, and most ‘towns’ in autumn are actually rings of tents or parked cars around a handful of meeting areas, marketplaces and crop fields which are grown for biodiesel and sustenance. even the capital is essentially just a really big robust fleet of cars and trucks and landships.
• besides, letting casie anywhere near a steering wheel is asking for trouble
• as a result of their weight and muscle density, Humans cannot float in water, and dont have a very strong naval tradition. Autumn Valley has a couple rivers running through it and has either a shoreline or a large lake on one side, which Humanity doesnt deal with because not only can they not swim but there’s giant mutant fish n shit and haven’t worked out aquatic weaponry. as a footnote, casie can literally hold her breath for 15 minutes, which is only worth mentioning because most people can only manage 14:59 before passing out
• they cross one of those rivers- the Moon River-  by just walking through it. it’s the only way to get to the other side of autumn and there are points where the river gets shallow enough to take a breath so the walk itself is weird but still pretty easy; the real threat is the shit living in it. and Ancient Submarines.
• meanwhile Jack is around the same weight (maybe slightly lighter) but his deployable arms are fuckin useless. he can pick up casie in a pinch but can’t throw a punch to save his life. so, when casie goes down in battle jack literally just dumps out everything in his inventory, stuffs casie in there instead and then books it to the last rest stop to regroup. on the other hand, if casie were to pick him up for any reason- say, to throw him as a weapon- he probably wouldnt go very far. his legs are stronger then his arms for sure, probably because they dont fuckin telescope
• seriously casie’s really fuckin good at throwing things. it’s a talent she picked up in the capital. if you were to spec her as a standard rpg character her firearm skill would be like 40/100 and her throwing would be like 128. on the same note, in the SPECIAL system casie would probably be like S5, P7, E5, C3, I8, A3, L-2
• Autumn Valley doesnt literally speak english. their language- let’s call it Autumnese- is adapted from the language the Ancients wrote and sounds sort of like japanese or, more specifically, engrish. it’s also sort of similar to animalese from animal crossing, but they spend a lot more time yelling
• Humanity is crashproof and bulletproof (to a certain extent) but in general they’re weak to fire (like most things with fur in autumn), asphyxiation (... eventually) and poison, which goes through their system really fuckin fast. they don’t really get sick though and are pretty good against diseases; the worst they get is bedridden for a couple weeks, and then they bounce back. fortunate, considering that the medical tradition in autumn valley’s greatest modern accomplishment is that you can rouse a person from unconsciousness by hitting them with a drug that causes every nerve ending in their body to scream in terror until they wake up and try to work out what is suddenly killing them
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