#most of the time incoherent opinions bc i barely punctuate. the way i write for irl things is not at all how i write here lol
herotheshiro · 4 years
i do mention them a lot in my reviews but tbh i hesitate to further discuss problematic behavior that’s seen in BL ... not bc i don’t want to but most times i feel like the way i talk about it on this blog, it glosses over that it’s a real issue OR i talk about it in a way that sounds like i’m defending it but i’m merely trying to say that maybe there are other factors we need to consider to evaluate it (please keep reading for better context, that latter point sounded seriously wack lmao). so basically i’m afraid of being misinterpreted so i just swerve the discussion a little (but i feel like i do make sure to mention when a behavior is definitely crappy).
re: the former reason, that’s bc i have read so many BL in my life that when i read a problematic behavior now i’m just merely like ‘ugh that’s shitty’ and then keep reading (i mean it depends. if someone is seriously getting physically/emotionally abused as part of the plot then i am yeeting out of there bc i don’t enjoy reading that or quickly scrolling/clicking past the scene in question). because yes, a lot of stories out there include problematic behavior without calling it out and i’m sure most of you are aware that the BL genre has some common tropes that are major issues irl. but i also enjoy when stories are realistic with how they handle certain things even if it’s uncomfortable to read at that point in time ... so while i have talked smack before abt some IG comments i have read, i do genuinely appreciate getting a different view from my own to help better shape my opinion bc sometimes i think something and then i read something and i’m like ‘oh ... right i hadn’t considered that’. btw i’m talking about issues like miscommunication or impulsive behaviors that may hurt someone else unknowingly (or even knowingly) ... like y’all can’t possibly tell me that you have never done that yourself or don’t know anyone who’s done it irl. as i have repeated for like the past 2-3 posts ... it’s mad uncomfy to read asshole behavior but it’s legit infuriating when you read asshole behavior and then it’s never really resolved i.e. it gets ignored or romanticized like ‘oh he was just a jerk bc he cares so much for you!’
like i wax poetic a lot abt the manhwa from points of three on here sometimes and that’s bc i really liked how the character of jisuh was handled. i know ppl had issues with jisuh’s behavior upon finding out heejae tricked him and while i acknowledge that yeah jisuh’s behavior was not great ... it made sense based on the fact that he had just come out of an abusive relationship and most likely had a twisted way of thinking. it was not glorified in any way, and i think in the end jisuh acknowledged his behavior hurt heejae and was like ‘yes i do have a crappy way of going about relationships but i’ll try to fix it in the future’ ... but also i was so happy that the finale was jisuh being like ‘i’ll give us a 2nd chance and if we can’t make this work then it’s over for real’. i thought it was very realistic based on what we had seen in the story, not necessarily a HEA. boom another wax poetic abt this manhwa, legit imo one of the best written manhwas i’ve read. also sunyool best boy, he deserved someone better than jisuh who clearly never had feelings for him in the first place
ANYWAY. i don’t think i have any problematic opinions regarding relationships and handling personal issues but i acknowledge i might not be very clear on stuff sometimes. i apologize if you read something i write and think it’s seriously wack; feel free to reply to a post or message me if you have an issue or want further clarification.
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