#idk i feel like my posts just now might be interpreted diff than how i wrote them so putting up a defense of myself i guess
m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
i think it’s the fact that he can go so many directions that makes it hard for me to write him argh i want to write him soooo bad. AND STOP free his haircut let him live only he can pull it off 😣
if you write for kaiser pls do something twisted i would be SO invested you don’t understand. and omg let me hear about that nagi plot pls pls
i def feel that HAHA i think in every fandom people will interpret characters in their own ways but some characters (ex rin, shidou, barou) tend to have pretty standard fandom characterizations from fic to fic (now whether i AGREE with these standard characterizations is a separate thing but at least they are consistent) and others can be completely diff depending on who the author is. i think kaiser (and to a lesser extent nagi and sae) is subject to the latter where everyone sees him in a slightly diff way so it’s hard to nail down which version of him YOU want to write yk.
AHHH i feel like kaiser is a really good character to write darker stuff for so i do think that if i wrote for him it would be a heavier story than what i’ve been putting out recently. and we shall ignore the haircut…tbh rooting for a kainess breakup because long hair kaiser/man bun kaiser is so MAJESTIC i think ness gives him the shitty haircut on purpose so he can gatekeep
nagi plot under the cut!! heheh it’s pretty convoluted and also atm just a bunch of rough notes on my ipad…i would have to try writing the first chapter a couple of times to see if it even flowed the way i wanted it to and to make the according adjustments if it was something w potential so even if i do ever end up writing this particular story the finished product might be very different than this!! that said i am in fact sharing the entire outline so i fear you will not be very surprised by any plot twists if i ever work on this or post it
basically it’s a mix of a couple of fics for other fandoms that i never got around to writing + some newer ideas that i have had!! the main cast of characters is ofc y/n and nagi but also rin is there!! and sae and reo but they’re secondary to the main trio
it starts off in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by monsters and which has a loose oligarchy-type government. y/n is the bastard child of duke l/n, who is the head of one of the influential government families. when she’s youngish (twelve or so??) her mother dies and officials attempt to arrest her for identity fraud when she claims that she must be sent to the l/n estate as they are her only surviving family. she manages to escape and learns how to use some weapon (either a sword or a spear idk atm) to kill monsters as she has a strong desire to protect those less fortunate than her, as well as to prove herself and one day find her father so she can have a family again.
on the other hand nagi is the eternal warrior (there would be a more researched title for him but atm this is my placeholder) whose original self was there 1000 years ago when the apocalypse began and was the only one able to fight back against the monsters when they appeared. he has been reincarnating (though WITHOUT his memories LMAOAO he’s not ancient i prommy he just looks the same/has the same name in every lifetime) and once people viewed him as a defender of the people, but a while ago the mikages (another one if the influential families) took custody of him and he’s basically been their enforcer for the past 100 years so people kinda hate him. he is kind of jaded and lonely after witnessing/causing so many deaths and he doesn’t see much of a point to life besides following whatever orders reo/the mikages give him and killing who he’s told to.
at some point nagi is told to kill y/n (it’s revealed eventually that it’s because duke l/n realized she’s out there and called in a favor w the mikages but we don’t know that at first) but instead of killing her he ends up saving her life. even he can’t explain why he took the initiative to disobey orders for the first time so he decides he’ll stick with her for the time being until he can figure it out (plus going back to the mikages isn’t really an option considering he’s gone against them)
while y/n + nagi are on the run, they meet rin, who is VERY confused about a lot of things. the itoshis are basically the family above all of the other families, and he’s supposed to be their heir, plus he has memories of having a great childhood with his parents and older brother, but for some reason he finds himself on the street with nothing but a note in his fist that says “don’t trust father and sae”. nagi and y/n decide that rin’s goals of trying to reclaim his position as heir and figure out the meaning of the note (which is in his own handwriting though he doesn’t remember it) align with theirs of finding duke l/n and. just chilling ig?? idk nagi is kinda there at that point HAHA. anyways so they all decide they’ll work together.
a bunch of stuff happens blah blah this entire part will come to me when i’m actually writing LMAOOO. anyways then it’s revealed that before getting thrown out, rin realized that if he ever got to close to asking questions/getting curious about the apocalypse, he’d suddenly forget what he was doing (in an unnatural way not just him being dumb), so he began writing down notes to himself to keep track of his suspicions. however he is found out and his notes are burned before he’s cast out and his memories selectively erased, though he managed to save the note telling him not to trust his family so that he didn’t end up falling into the same pattern again.
rin reveals that sae has the power to alter memories, and that he suspects the itoshis (plus the other influential families) also have some knowledge of how the apocalypse began and how it can be ended/the monsters gotten rid of for good. y/n reaches duke l/n but he rejects her and says he wishes he sent nagi after her sooner, and that he also regrets sending them any money at all because things would’ve been better if she would’ve died as a kid. nagi manages to round up the members of the influential families (#boyboss 😜) and sae has a change of heart from seeing rin again after so long; he says that there is a way that they can stop the apocalypse from ever happening, but that means that the influential families lose the power they obtained after the fall of the world, so they’ve been hiding it from everyone since they discovered it.
every generation, an itoshi is born with the power to wipe memories and send one person back in time. with that power, they could conceivably return to the beginning of the apocalypse and prevent it from ever happening. sae is the one with that power in the present and he decides that having wealth/whatever isn’t worth the destruction of the world, so he agrees to send back y/n, as he believes she has the best chance at managing to set things right.
y/n travels back in time and meets the first version of nagi, who ends up falling in love with her. unfortunately even before the apocalypse things were kinda unsettled as everyone realized Something was going to happened, and eventually a world war breaks out, which og nagi and y/n get involved in. y/n is fatally wounded at one point, but before she dies she manages to tell og nagi everything about the future and how he has to stop the box containing the beginning of the apocalypse from being opened. sadly og nagi invented being down bad and he is so distraught by her death that he opens the box and curses himself to the cycle of reincarnation so that he can meet her in the future.
y/n wakes up back in the future unsuccessful and also shocked that the one who started the apocalypse was nagi (even though current nagi has no clue about any of this). sae is furious that she wasted his power and didn’t actually accomplish anything, but at some point rin realizes he also has that power?? not the memory part he just can also send her back to the past…not sure why this is the case but it’ll come to me as i’m writing and hopefully not feel like an asspull DHSKSJSJ. anyways even though she’s lowkey traumatized y/n agrees to try one more time.
og nagi falls in love with her again ofc (we’re three for three here if you all are keeping track) but before the world war can break out, y/n kills nagi. he is understandably shocked but instead of being angry at her he tells her she must’ve had a reason and dies decently happy considering he was murdered for something he hadn’t even done yet 😭 because nobody else has the knowledge of where the box is besides y/n, the apocalypse is averted, and the world war is concluded in a relatively typical way instead of supernaturally, so life goes on as best as it can.
however, y/n is then stranded in that timeline of 1000 years ago, without anyone she knows (as og nagi is obviously dead and the others aren’t born yet). she can’t return to a future which doesn’t exist so she’s just stuck there for the rest of her life.
the epilogue is a series of letters she writes to nagi and rin, detailing her life and how she misses them. the last letter is addressed to nagi, wherein she explains that death is coming for her soon and she hopes that wherever she ends up next is the same place that he is. it’s kinda unclear whether she’s talking to og nagi or her nagi from the no-longer-future but you know me and my open endings 🤩 leaving it up to reader interpretation is my fav thing and i will do so at the slightest provocation
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: leyna
Age: 1X
Writing Blog URL(s): @jensungf​
What fandom(s) do you write for? nct (dream)!
Nationality: american!
Languages: english, vietnamese (spanish??? very bad)
Star Sign: capricorn sun!! 
MBTI: enfp-t hehe
Favorite color: lavender
Favorite food: beef chow fun/noodles
Favorite movie: our times!
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough
Favorite animal: cats! 
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? hmm i’m not a big fan of either tbh but vietnamese iced coffee with a LOT of condensed milk is super good 
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): honestly idk! maybe an editor or professor who knows
Go-to karaoke song: “gee” by snsd or “if it ain’t you” by alicia keys
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? vocal-induced manipulation or basically power of persuasion with my words hehe
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? maybe the 90s! i really like the vibes and aesthetic
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? no bc learning is a part of life!
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? horse sized chicken hahaha bc horses are wild
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? drama queen LOLL
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? to an extent yes! 
If a genie gave you three wishes, what would they be? world peace, equality for all, and hmm true love in every life i live
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? i have 3k followers on pinterest hahaha weird flex
When did you post your first piece? april 2020!
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? i write most fluff and angst or a combo! with some crack bc who doesn’t love some humor hahah
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? i write reader inserts
Why did you start writing on Tumblr? ive been writing on tumblr since 2015, just for diff fandoms bc i always loved reading fanfics and i wanted to become a better writer
What inspires you to write? other writings, real life experiences, dreams, basically anything!
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? i find fluff easier to write than angst but i like a good balance of all the genres! i rly like writing soulmate!aus for some reason or just some domestic fluffy established relationship stuff
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? i hope they can actually feel the emotions i’m hoping to convey from each character (referring to my more angsty works) or their sweet tooth gets satiated hehe
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? i try to read other stories or talk to my moots to help me!
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? i think my fav has to be only forever because it’s something that i feel like is really cliche but it actually represents the meaning of young innocent first loves. i reminds me of what someone’s youth should sort of feel like. my most successful has been jsmr: sugar and spice because who doesn’t love jsmr!jeno and some sweet fluff and a spicy make out scene 🤭
Who is your favorite person to write about? jeno or jaemin tbh
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? there is a slight difference because fanfiction provides you a sort of foundation with characters but to be honest, i believe that if you just switch the names and perspectives for most of the stories on here, it would become a bestselling hit because it conveys the same emotions and it’s just as enjoyable to read. the writers on here are truly exceptional. 
What do you think makes a good story? i definitely think little details and the nuances that add to the plot development and character development. most importantly, if a story evokes emotions from me and i can feel the story then i think it’s beautiful in itself. 
What is your writing process like? for me, i can come up with an idea based off of anything that might inspire me. like watching something, reading another story or just a dream i have. then i like to outline my stories by bouncing ideas with my best friend and from there once i figure out all the points i wanna hit i start writing! or for spur of the moment fics i deadass just start writing
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? yes, most likely. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? i love fwb to lovers and enemies to lovers! also soulmate!aus / tatbilb tropes cus i’m a sucker for cheesy stuff. i’m not a big fan of cheating/parent/apoc!aus or love triangles. oh and i can’t stand slow burn 😭
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? as someone who lives off of validation, it means a lot and motivates me to write my stories and post them! we put so much hard work into our stories, so feedback and engagement is honestly the least you can do 🥺
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? i think just being in a community with other talented writers has taught me a lot!! and of course, having people read my work.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? yes! all the time. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change? yes, maybe not on a macro scale but personally definitely. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? sometimes, but i always try to pull myself back into why i really started writing. but writing for others helps motivate me. 
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? not on a serious level! it’s more so how details and events are interpreted but it’s fun to see how ppl have different perspectives on own piece versus your own vision.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? yes!! not my family ofc but my close friends do and support me 100% and i’m forever grateful for this
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? thank you so much for everything you’ve ever done for me no matter how little or small it may seem, it means the world to me. 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? i think you need to realize why you’re writing and it’s because it brings you happiness, and you’re sharing your beautiful work out there and it has the possibility to change someone’s life whether it’s bringing them a little bit of joy or helping them feel emotions. you might discover things you never knew about yourself as well. 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? not really! as of recently i’ve seen a lot of changes with the platform and although it’s a big struggle, i can’t regret it because it’s brought me so much.  
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? i’d hate to pick and choose because all my mutuals have really helped me in some way whether or not they know it because they inspire me, motivate me, and are just genuinely amazing people to talk to. but honestly talking to mary / @neostains​, nana / @nanasarea​, anie / @mjlkau​ have helped me open up from being shy and i appreciate them a whole lot. 
Pick a quote to end your interview with:  “to burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.” - spanish poet federico garcia lorca
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yn6k · 5 years
moonriase replied to your post “just throwing this out there because im curious about how others have...”
The way that I interpret the whole trilogy is that it all happens in high school seeing as how I believe that the timeline goes from WCID to WYLS (besides a couple of scenes) to I Loved You. Basic storyline is that Sungjin falls in love with Jae's friend, but she has feelings for someone else (that being Young K). Wonpil wants to be supportive but he can't help but let his feelings get in the way of things. Seeing that the girl wants to be with Young K and seeing them hang out with each other, Sungjin decides to confess to her. (Surprisingly enough, Sungjin doesn't tell her that she should be with him, instead telling her that it's okay that she likes another person and that he just wanted to get it out.) Wonpil gets upset and sees the bunny keychain that he dropped, indicating that he thinks that Sungjin has dropped their whole friendship for one girl. On Young K's side, he's basically the loner of the school, and not in the good way. While the girl does like and wants to help him (which she does during the whole convenience store scene), he doesn't really want to get involved with her for unknown reasons. (relationship problems/bad past?) This leads to the girl getting bad feelings for Young K, leading to an ambiguous situation between the two of them. However! There is an upside in the form of Dowoon, the lonely (probably) rich popular dude. With Young K deciding to help him out by punching out a bully of sorts, this leads to a friendship of sorts seeing as how Dowoon gives Young K an egg for his wounds. (Very adorable if I say so myself.) Meanwhile in Jae's world, he gets himself all caught up with this waitress from a local cafe, crushing on her hard and fast, leading to his disinvolvment with the whole love triangle (gah this has gotten long) To wrap it all up, I think the ending scene of the WYLS M/V takes place a few days after the whole confession things with Sungjin and the girl. Deciding that his friendship with Sungjin is more important than anything (even with his own feelings of regret and crush), he gives back the bunny keychain that Sungjin dropped. I think that you can look at the bunny keychain as a symbol of the friendship of Sungjin and Wonpil. For whatever reason Wonpil may have decided to give Sungjin the keychain as a joke gift of sorts long ago. Despite the whole joke gift thing, he views as something sentimental as the years go by as he slowly realizes that he's gaining more romantic feelings for Sungjin. Thus his longing and confused expressions towards the keychain during the ILY and WYLS MVs. There's no way that someone would get so wrapped up in a keychain unless it was just that important to them. This was really confusing and pretty much spit out from my head, but this was the best thing that I could think of for the whole trilogy. Part of me wants it to become a whole movie now since we have so many interpretations and questions towards the whole thing that need to be answered lol
oh thank you for your really thought out answer! i’ll put my response under the cut :)
i do agree about the chronology of the mvs being WCID WYLS and then I Loved You, especially since its basically confirmed in the mv itself in the beginning of WYLS. but idk, i  can see how could all be high school but part of me feels like the non high school scenes are like after high school scenes? maybe its just the fact that the boys dont really resemble high schoolers imo? like whenever theyre not in the school uniform its just weird to see them as smol high schoolers hahah but also certain things like how in i loved you, that closeup of youngks hand?? when i first saw that i thought it was a marriage or promise or engagement ring or smth of the sorts on his hand and thats why we got a closeup of it? which is one of the reasons i thought that it took place way after but alksdj maybe that detail meant absolutely nothing lmaoo haha esp since the other girl doesnt have a ring (but does youngk even like the girl hmmm). it also doesnt help that they have diff hair alksdjf but im probably overthinking that  i honestly dont think sungjin confessing the way he did is too much of a strange thought! it kinda also goes along with the whole vibe of the lyrics for ‘when you love someone’. like this whole feeling of wanting the one you love to be happy and sungjin assumes that her happiness lies with her feelings for youngk or something like that. and hmm i dont think i ever saw necessarily the girl getting bad feelings for youngk unless its that one mopping scene? to me that felt more like frustration or smth along those lines instead of like bad feelings also when youngk bumped into her it felt more like intrigue than anger haha but they do have an ambiguous relationship. nvr felt that same pull from youngk towards the girl as we get from sungjin to the girl. if anything youngk seems to be fascinated at her helping her out? someone he barely knows and someone who hes maybe not treated as fairly in the past (ie that mopping scene)? he seems to take her chivalry as inspiration and its probably the reason he stands up for dowoon in the arcade? how a selfless action can affect a relationship i think is also a common theme throughout ALL of them (aklsdjf maybe sans jae lkajlsk i feel like his story was almost an afterthought hes rather disconnected its almost weird). wonpil hiding his love, sungjin confessing but with no expectations, the girl helping youngk and youngk helping dowoon, all acts of selflessness.  the keychain tho! i think its all very interesting that basically everyone has interpreted it to be wonpils gift to sungjin or maybe something that belongs to the girl that was dropped on their way out but not something that wonpil could have dropped on the way in! but i also think that its more of a correct conclusion given where that shot of the keychain was placed in the mv and that coupled with the fact of how sungjin reacts to wonpil giving the key chain to him its like hes giving something to him that he is familiar with there is comfort and familiarity in the way he holds it. honestly i initially thought the keychain belonged to the girl, wonpil found it, contemplated what he should do with it on the monkey bars, and then finally gave it sungjin (but maybe im watching too many dramas haha) in terms of symbolism tho, sungjin folding his hand onto the keychain always to me represented him getting over the girl almost as if he doesnt need the keychain anymore? it was such a strange action to me for him to do that if it was a gift from wonpil that wonpils returning back to him. on the bus, wonpil looks absolutely torn when sungjin leaves but he looks really surprised at the fact that the keychain is on the ground like i dont think hes necessarily sad the keychain was dropped just a little ?? about it. also the whole theme of the song ‘when you love someone’ like hed rather be hurting himself so long as sungjin is happy with the girl (bc wonpil at that point might not have known how the confession had ended!! so it could have gone well or maybe he didnt confess wonpil might not have known anything! so) although i can definitely get behind the theory that the keychain belongs to wonpil and is precious to him as a symbol of a) his love for sungjin and b) sungjins friendship for him. im not sure if it would be a ‘joke present’ haha but. if you consider that meeting at the end of wyls to be the very first time that wonpil gave sungjin the keychain, i think that interaction takes on a diff meaning too.
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herotheshiro · 4 years
i do mention them a lot in my reviews but tbh i hesitate to further discuss problematic behavior that’s seen in BL ... not bc i don’t want to but most times i feel like the way i talk about it on this blog, it glosses over that it’s a real issue OR i talk about it in a way that sounds like i’m defending it but i’m merely trying to say that maybe there are other factors we need to consider to evaluate it (please keep reading for better context, that latter point sounded seriously wack lmao). so basically i’m afraid of being misinterpreted so i just swerve the discussion a little (but i feel like i do make sure to mention when a behavior is definitely crappy).
re: the former reason, that’s bc i have read so many BL in my life that when i read a problematic behavior now i’m just merely like ‘ugh that’s shitty’ and then keep reading (i mean it depends. if someone is seriously getting physically/emotionally abused as part of the plot then i am yeeting out of there bc i don’t enjoy reading that or quickly scrolling/clicking past the scene in question). because yes, a lot of stories out there include problematic behavior without calling it out and i’m sure most of you are aware that the BL genre has some common tropes that are major issues irl. but i also enjoy when stories are realistic with how they handle certain things even if it’s uncomfortable to read at that point in time ... so while i have talked smack before abt some IG comments i have read, i do genuinely appreciate getting a different view from my own to help better shape my opinion bc sometimes i think something and then i read something and i’m like ‘oh ... right i hadn’t considered that’. btw i’m talking about issues like miscommunication or impulsive behaviors that may hurt someone else unknowingly (or even knowingly) ... like y’all can’t possibly tell me that you have never done that yourself or don’t know anyone who’s done it irl. as i have repeated for like the past 2-3 posts ... it’s mad uncomfy to read asshole behavior but it’s legit infuriating when you read asshole behavior and then it’s never really resolved i.e. it gets ignored or romanticized like ‘oh he was just a jerk bc he cares so much for you!’
like i wax poetic a lot abt the manhwa from points of three on here sometimes and that’s bc i really liked how the character of jisuh was handled. i know ppl had issues with jisuh’s behavior upon finding out heejae tricked him and while i acknowledge that yeah jisuh’s behavior was not great ... it made sense based on the fact that he had just come out of an abusive relationship and most likely had a twisted way of thinking. it was not glorified in any way, and i think in the end jisuh acknowledged his behavior hurt heejae and was like ‘yes i do have a crappy way of going about relationships but i’ll try to fix it in the future’ ... but also i was so happy that the finale was jisuh being like ‘i’ll give us a 2nd chance and if we can’t make this work then it’s over for real’. i thought it was very realistic based on what we had seen in the story, not necessarily a HEA. boom another wax poetic abt this manhwa, legit imo one of the best written manhwas i’ve read. also sunyool best boy, he deserved someone better than jisuh who clearly never had feelings for him in the first place
ANYWAY. i don’t think i have any problematic opinions regarding relationships and handling personal issues but i acknowledge i might not be very clear on stuff sometimes. i apologize if you read something i write and think it’s seriously wack; feel free to reply to a post or message me if you have an issue or want further clarification.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
November 8th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on November 8th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Anacrine Complex by Sae.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Anacrine Complex by Sae~! (http://pigeoncomic.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i liked the whole sequence in Lee's head. illustrative wise it was really creative and had so much subtle detail that helped breathe that sense that they were not in the real world. not to mention the color balance really leaves you feel kind of ominous
What criticism? Man, I agree! I loved the sequence in his head, it was cooler to me than Inside Out in many ways cause it reminded me more of my own head
I think Lee was my favourite but Ben was so funny he reminded me of Hinayana from Haikyuu
Hello there~
Is what I meant to say
Pleasure to be here ^^
My favourite scene was probably the scene in Lee’s mind too-but I also loved the Jujitsu scene, and the scene at the beginning with Ben and Lee and the explosion
The pleasure is all ours
And I just found out that I have nowhere to be this evening so I’ll probably be chatting more than I thought
Looking through, I found this one charming
It was a ton of fun
i think ben is my favorite. cause while hes not as serious or practical as lee (which lee is a precious angel), i like how he has to basically interpret everything as a game. and i think they just make him really unique and entertaining
i like ben and lee as a package though. i think they have an interesting personality mesh that isnt quite perfect for drama but isnt quite completely opposite so they can work together and achieve common goals. like its that perfect blend of subtle awesome that not a lot of comics can achieve
http://pigeoncomic.com/post/170447488832/spider-ben-spider-ben-does-whatever-a-spider-ben This one was also good, the effects especially.
Yeah I think characters were this comic’s greatest strength, which is the most important part of a story to me
AAAH that was great
Oh yes
Characters mean lots to me
Of you write them well and provide enough side-material to back them up
yes that was definitely a fun scene. in general i like how the powers are visually depicted. i think it was a great choice to give them all diff colors schemes and aesthetics. it makes them stand out and you can always tell who is doing what.
i also love the random pigeon cameos.
these are the most photobombing pigeons in the land
Giving powers different colors is part of the fun, IMO
Made it. You can probably guess at my favourite scene.
Glad I don't live in New York City then
Let me guess
It's loaded with puns
It's where the trigonometry was used to knock the guy out. ^.-
Also, Ben was using degrees, rather than radians, implying that it is coming from his own experiences rather than some meta-math in the environment.
'Course he uses the imperial system too, for whatever reason.
that scene made me sad with jealousy because even when i was good at math, i always sucked at mental math. XD
The sequence in Lee's head was pretty cool and creative. I suppose I felt I couldn't get as into it, I think because it just represented such an invasion of his privacy. (I liked how Lee addressed the whole "manipulation" thing later.)
Heh. I think that sort of mental math is beyond most people.
The visual depiction of the math-type powers as more cubic/angular was a nice choice too, I found.
>Rebel mentions math while Mathtans is in the chat(edited)
Math's good stuff.
It was my best school subject
till they stopped teaching it after tenth grade
Actually, I kind of hate it when "doing mental math" is presented as some kind of superpower. I don't feel like that's the case here, because being able to judge distances, monetize portions of food, and hit precise estimations isn't the same thing as "I can multiply real fast". So that was good.
Incidentally, how does magnetization powers give one the ability to X-Ray? Maybe I missed something in my science classes.
QUESTION 2. Of all the characters, Lee seems to have the past that is most covered in mystery. What do you think happened in Lee’s past that caused him to have such a core of guilt? Was it related to Ana or was there something else going on? What even was Lee’s relationship with Ana? Why do you think Lee turned to illegal car theft activities, and what do you think caused him to go clean? Why do you think Lee is so desperate to patch things up with Sterling? How do you think Lee even knows Sterling in the first place? What do you think any of this has to do with the comic’s opening scene? Lastly, do you think Lee will manage to meet Sterling? If so, what do you think will happen?
I think Lee and Sterling worked together in the past, maybe in a post-doc or something. There was that flashback sequence with the motorbike (I think that's what it was?) and stuff.
arent mri machines basically just giant magnets?
i assume they took creative license based on that
Ahh, maybe they are, right. Can't bring metal in and such.
which actually explains why ben has that headache meltdown everytime hes near lee using his powers
cause like an mri machine, lee is pulling those metal shards
causing more damage
good job lee
Creator here, hey guys!! I'm so happy to see this discussion! To address the x-ray thing, there is a bit of creative license applied for sure. Lee can't literally see people's bones like in an x-ray, but he can sense metal objects and magnetic fields. I just had to find a way to visually represent that, and x-ray visuals felt like something that would be a really quick read for most of my audience.
And yeah Rebel, you're right on the money! Lee can easily move the little bits of metal around in Ben's brain if he isn't careful
Right, the metal shard pulling thing I figured. (Also, I tend to agree with Lee that the guy should get that checked out! It cannot be good for the health.)
Oh, hihi creator! Must be early morning for you I guess.
Hello Lightlybow!
Will Ben not have superpowers if the metal is removed?
tbf going to the hospital might not do ben any good. cause if theyre in his brain thats already a very dangerous surgery
But will he get killed if he doesn’t remove the metal?!
I feel like he might be able to calculate a way to deal with it mathematically. I mean, it was the substance on the metal that gave him the abilities, right? And it's supposed to be healing or something, so that's probably why he's still functional.
Yikes wow but still
Removing metal from head before wounds close seems prudent. shrugs
Ding ding ding! Ben's powers do come from the metal! Idk how many details you guys want...
Now that's why he can't do the surgery then, cause, well.
He loses the powers
I think Lee worked with Sterling and they both love the same woman and that caused a rift between them. Maybe Lee tried to win Ana away from sterling or left him when he needed him because of Ana. This may be the biggest cause of his guilt since the thought of talking to Sterling is the only hope he has
But what if it’s unhealthy for Ben to have that metal??
Ahh, interesting. (I mean, what do I know, right? ^.- ) Maybe Ben will learn that he doesn't need superpowers to be a cool guy. Particularly if he retains the fighting techniques.
it is definitely unhealthy for ben to have metal in his head, especially around lee who can make it worse. XD i dont forsee ben wanting to give up powers tho
Sha: I'm kind of with you, but I'm not sure Ana necessarily caused a rift directly... I feel more like maybe Lee decided he just couldn't work that close to them any more, and went looking for other work.
Illegal work, possibly.
Maybe he's got a bit of self loathing or something.
In terms of metal in the head/ injuries! There are reported cases of people living normal lives with shards of metal stuck in their brain matter. I was going off those when writing Ben, especially a case of someone who shot themselves with a nail gun and turned out to be just fine
That's an interesting piece of trivia
I have heard of people living with bullets lodged into their brain for years
as an example
I've heard of that stuff, possibly even seen an XRay one time. Gives me the willies.
yeah its definitely possible. but basically no mris ever which limits diagnostic tools ppl can use
which is not good cause mris are super powerful
im gonna go out on a limb and assume ana is dead or potentially in a coma. and that lee is (or assumes he was) the cause because whatever he used to contain the medicine that sterling had him built
and thats where his guilt is
Lee's kind of my fave character, actually. Ben is too eager to treat everything as some kind of game, and Veda has no respect for boundaries.
and that what happened between lee and sterling is they both feel responsible for what happened
and while lee wanted to move on, sterling wanted to obsess
Rebel: If that's the case (interesting theory), maybe Lee just feels like if he'd stuck around (assuming it happened after he left), he'd have been able to do something.
maybe ana is just sick in the hospital
and sterling is obsessing trying to save her
Maybe he even has a theory for how to fix things but Sterling put a hit out on him and refuses to hear anything.
and while lee should be supporting her he doesnt have the strength too
Either way, if they end up talking, I feel like it would be near the climax.
Seconding Math
I don’t think Ana is dead, otherwise this would be a lot like Miraculous Ladybug is recently
i forsee that, but i also hope they dont wait till the climax. and that they hug and talk it out. and while they patch some things up theres stuff about the disease that fall to deaf ears on sterling's part(edited)
I don't follow the reference, but okay.
Sorry Miraculous is a silly romantic superhero cartoon that I love for some reason
yeah i go back and forth on ana being dead. although i think we can at least assume something bad happened to her
Just want to say, I thought putting in that scene of Sterling was a great move. I'd kind of pictured him having gone all "mad scientist", so the idea that he's kind of tortured and trying to fix things was an interesting window.
Yeah I felt sorry for him he’s like an even more realistic Hawkmoth sorry I keep referencing Ml
I love the realism in the drama for this comic
Plot twist: Ana is actually one of the pigeons. Things went terribly wrong.
yeah i really liked what that scene of sterling did
cause it knocked him down from enigmatic evil overlord to tortured human soul who is trying to fix something he doesnt know how to fix
I'm crying
ana is trying to tell lee shes a pigeon this whole time but lee just doesnt get it
all the pieces are falling together
Ana tried to use the bird woman to get her message across. That also went badly.
QUESTION 3. Much of the current events of the comic are now being driven by Veda who wants to save her sister. Do you believe all Veda really wants to do is save Dani, or is something else going on? Do you think Dani is being held against her will, or might there be a reason she doesn’t want to see Veda? How exactly do you think Veda became exposed enough to the medicine to gain her powers? Is Veda so aggressive with her powers because of desperation to save her sister, or do you think it’s telling about what Veda does for a living in some way? At the hotel, we also see Veda get sick for a moment. Do you think her sudden illness is revealing? What about her words as she looked in the mirror? What consequences do you think this “sickness” will have for the group as a whole?
Math does it again
But I do wonder if there is some kind of dark secret to the pigeons, and why they're everywhare
"That also went badly"
I think Veda is trying to save her sister, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another motive as well. I think she gets fatigued severely from using her powers too much
I mean, magic exists in this world so that wouldn't be far out of the ordinary
but back onto the subject
on a tangent i liked lee's convo with the old lady because it was so utterly ridiculous on so many levels. like who approaches some old lady on the bench and assumes she knows a lot about pigeons just cause shes showing them mild affection.
Wait magic?! I missed that
Yeah but he was desperate lol
More like superpowers
As in, the en mase of pidgeons being a result somehow of everyone having powers
Yeah I don’t think this was magic I didn’t get that at all just superhero sci-fi
Magic and sci-fi together can annoy me sometimes I just love my scifi
i do think veda is trying to save her sister. but part of me wonders if its not just that her powers exhaust her. what if veda has the disease too and thats actually why she was exposed to the medicine? that is my out there theory
Oh yeah....
That could be it
I wonder if people get the disease if they get the powers or if the powers don’t actually cure you
oh man thatd be ironically sad. that the cure comes with the disease
Sorry, in and out as the little one makes a fuss. I wonder if Veda's trying to save her sister more for herself than for her sister's sake. Like, she feels guilty over letting her go in the first place. (And what other doctor is she going to take her sister to if they get out? I mean really.)
yeah i thought that too
about where would veda even take her
Yeah there aren't really any other doctors who can solve her problems but she's desperate
Yeah Math could be right. (I’m doing Laundry right now lol) good luck with your little one!
any other doctor is probably gonna tell her theres nothing they can do but make her comfortable and manage the symtoms
and give a death time estimate
Guess doctors aren't common in this universe or soemthing
Well doctors who can cure the disease aren’t
well doctors who can cure this specific disease, yes XD
Junebug! Hello!
to answer another question on the list, i think dani's imprisonment is a bit of both. that sterling 100% is holding her but that even if veda came dani would tell her to go away for some reason. maybe to protect veda...or maybe veda and her had a fight just like lee and sterling had a fight. and later on that fight is something lee and veda can bond over
Certainly the fact that her ailment can’t easily be cured by someone else is a motivation for Dani to stay with Sterling
Or maybe Dani also has mind powers and can tell that Veda's not being real sincere or something.
Hello Junebug~
Something the future script will touch on is whether the Cure is more important than the Person. If their physical health should be prized over their emotional well-being
that sounds deep
Hmm. I don’t know I wonder if Lee and Veda will start to like each other. Probably not but they do have some things in common
I really want them to(edited)
What good is emotional well-being if you’re sick as a dog? You need a combination of both I guess
I desperately need them to be begrudging friends / partners in crime
He is a chick magnet. (That was a good line.)
Good one Math
i feel like before lee and veda can get along they need to have a huge fight. like get all their reservations an stuff out in the open air. cause at the moment the entire relationship is kind of soured by veda's emotional blackmail
Yeah as it stands there's not much room for "getting along"
Yeah, that there's pretty twisted
I’m just a big sucker for characters like Veda esp if she goes through some good ol character development
wink wonk
i think of the characters veda is the most likely who's gonna grow too. cause right now shes toeing that bad guy line a bit too hard
QUESTION 4. All these super powers are caused by one thing: Sterling and his magical Anacride medicine. Why do you think Sterling developed this medicine in the first place? Does it have something to do with Ana given the number of times she’s shown when talking about the disease it cures? What is going on with Sterling currently given he refuses to let families see those in his treatment program? Are there some sort of detrimental side effects he can’t control, or is something else afoot? Do you believe he can fix everything, or are the powers and other side effects now permanent? Also, what do you think happened to him that landed him in the hospital during one flashback? Finally, what does all this mean for Ben given that he has metal dangerously embedded in his head? Are Ben’s powers really caused by a brief exposure to the medicine, and will this journey change him in some way?
Character development makes the world go round
Ana could have the disease
Also is the uh medicine named after her
I feel like he could be desperate to find her a permanent and less detrimental cure so he goes through others not caring what happens to them so he can save Ana ?
i never connected ana's name was in the word anacride
I just now saw it capitalized and was like ???? Maybe ????
Do I win a prize
Yes you get a pigeon. Here
I will take good care of him
thatd be a sad approach is sterling was using everyone else to test the medicine before testing it on ana, assuming shes a victim. but now im wondering if maybe she isnt a victim. maybe she helped make the medicine but she had a falling out with sterling and now sterling hopes that if he makes the medicine succeed ana will love him again
I feel like Ana has some dark side to her
Okay, back, mostly. Oh, good call on the naming! Didn't register that.
Like she at least a little bit fudges the lines when it comes to pharmaceutical experimentation but wouldn’t go as far as sterling would idk
Remember there was that flashback scene where Ana was actually helping Sterling due to his heart problem or whatever. I think maybe SHE developed the medicine, and Sterling's trying to perfect it for her.
So I guess similar to the "love me again" idea.
Except maybe it's just in her memory.
'You will be the last victim of this disease'...
well tbf, the only viewpoints weve had of ana are those from ppl who love her in some capacity. so to them ana is probably an angel. so her having a dark side would not surprise me at all cause nobody is perfect an all that jazz
and yeah i considered that too, math. that this could just be a "last victim of the disease" sort of thing
Ana is actually an NPC in the story.
She hands out the quests.
As a pigeon.
its a good thing they have ben. he will figure out you have to accept the pigeon quests in order to progress the story
I shall do that o_ o\
Give me all them challenges
The clues were there all along. There she is, pigeon # 62
Yeah, some of the "deluded Ben" stuff when Lee first found him was amusing. I'm glad it didn't become an overlong gag though.
For a sec I thought those were bats
Speaking of amusing things - I liked some of the little background naming things. Like the diner that had been crossed out and it's like "Al's now" or whatever. Or the donut box saying to drink juice.
I'm so happy you noticed
My favourite was the self defence book. "This convenient book is going to show you how not to get punched in the face".
The best kind of book
And in Ben's apartment there's a statue of Han Solo with the words "_ shot first" and the name is covered
I think it also had a picture of the Matrix in it or something.
the Han statue
Ahh, I interpreted that as "Han" (the statue) "shot first".
Oh I see!
Probably why Ben's roommate moved out. A Star Wars disagreement.
Anyway I'm glad you guys enjoy the stupid jokes in the flavor text
I almost walked out of watching a new hope bc my friends all said exactly the opposite of who I think shot first
Always fun when the author sneaks in background gags/jokes
I wonder what's in the van. Like, is it more of the drug? Could they actually analyze it before they do the run? (Though, they probably don't have time for that.)
i assumed it was more of the drug
that begs the question of how its made
cause youd think sterling would make the drug in his lab
Maybe he outsources.
Maybe ingredience
Right, just gotta mix it with fructose.
The drug needs to go through a special process of pressurization and maturation before it's viable... so Sterling designs the drug but no one knows if it will work for a few weeks until they test it
It's important to be mature about such things.
pun game on point
Oh, nice detail about Lee's card being demagnetized btw. Hadn't occurred to me.
Poor guy.
In that pigeon comic it's implied that he keeps breaking watches too. It's really inconvenient!
Well, I guess it's almsot the end
having magnetic powers sounds like all kinds of trouble. cant take him camping cause hell throw off the compasses. although you could use him to hold metal screws for you without them getting lost
Right! I remember noticing that. Guess it does make it easier to fall off the grid.
In that case cya, and thanks for the great reads, @lightlybow
It was great metting ya.
I wonder if Ben will compare him to Magneto.
He should
I wonder what Dina!s gonna be like she looks like she could be a sweet but tortured soul
Great meeting you too @Superjustinbros !!
He already did compare Lee to Magneto!
I remember he said “You totally Magnetoed him”
I am clearly not paying enough attention. Must have read it as magnetized. It makes sense given his Marvel references.
Omg rebel I just imagined Veda sticking screws to Lee's face like "Here, hold this"
I could see that.
Anyway, definitely pulling for Lee. Guy can't seem to catch a break. Hope his mental demons are appeased.
Me too, buddy. Me too
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Sae, as well, for making Anacrine Complex. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Sae’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://pigeoncomic.com/
Sae’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cottonart
Sae’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/lightlybow
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Skeletons in the Closet by Niah. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, November 15th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://tapas.io/series/Skeletons-in-the-Closet
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