#most of these fics definitely deserve more kudos/comments than they've got
elcorhamletlive · 6 years
i am such a huge sucker for soft stony smut. are you a huge sucker for soft stony smut? it even alliterates great what more could we ask for
I know, right? I like reading non-soft stony smut too, but the schmoopy stuff always gets me in the end. I’m still not very secure with writing porn, and every time I’ve done it, they just end up getting super soft and cheesy towards each other by the end. 
But, yes, anon, I’m totally into soft stony smut! I’ve got a few recs for you, actually. Not sure if that was what you were looking for, but I’ve been wanting an excuse to do a rec list for a while, so why not now, right? Anyway:
Sugar Sweet by viklikesfic (v_angelique) 
Summary:  Part figuring out how to assimilate Steve's sexuality into modern ideas of orientation and gender, part burgeoning D/s relationship, part mild-to-moderate sugar daddy exploration. Basically, Tony's creative and Steve is a very, very good boy.
Comment: I’ve reread this fic multiple times. I didn’t even know I was into sugar baby Steve before this - it’s such a sweet, wonderful exploration of the sugar daddy trope that manages to make it SUPER hot and also incredibly believable. It’s amazing.
Got You Under My Skin by @blossomsinthemist
Summary: “I’d be happy to show you a good time,” Tony said, smiling a little obscurely, Steve thought, as if to himself, but still with that warm, knowing look, affectionate and oddly fond, “any time you want.”
Steve Rogers goes to Tony Stark's birthday party. Things progress from there, with a lot of flirtiness leading to propositions, and propositions leading to, well, what comes next, and Steve isn't even sure what he wants after that.
Comment: One of my favorite fics of all time. The fic that got me into Ults in the first place. You don’t need to know anything about canon to read it, it’s just an amazing, wonderfully soft and hot story.
Met the Dodgers by Amuly 
Summary: Tony decides that, with his reputation, there's only one best way to show Steve he's serious about their budding relationship. Buy the Dodgers and move them back to Brooklyn for him.
Comment: This fic is from 2011, and it feels like it should be one of those fandom classics everyone has read at least once (maybe it is and I just don’t know it), but the number of comments is surprisingly (and unfairly) small? It’s a getting together fic, and the characterization is definitely not something you’re probably going to find much in more recent fics, but I think it works perfectly in the context of TFA!Steve and IM1!Tony. Tony’s pov is super fun and slightly sleazy and everything turns super soft by the time the smut rolls around. I love it.
Day 24: Shy by radicallyred 
Summary: Part 24 of 30 Days of NSFW Challenge- Stony.
Comment: I’m a simple woman. Blushing Steve gets me going, and this fic is just so cute, a short and sweet piece that’s super soft as well. Lovely.
I Watch Your Fingers Working Overtime by @royal-chandler
Summary: “Who knew that a heatwave could make Steve Rogers so petulant?” There’s a brightness to Tony’s eyes, like his brain is whirring behind them and hurriedly filing away this brand new piece of information.
Stuck in Chicago during a heatwave, Steve and Tony find a way to cool off.
Comment: !!!!! I love this fic SO MUCH, and it’s so underrated. The characterizations are wonderful, it’s SUPER hot, and there’s soooo much feeling packed here from both sides. You can really feel how much they love and cherish each other here. I like everything I’ve ever read from this author, but this one is a personal fave. It’s amazing.
Unfurl Your Gown by theladyingrey42 
Summary: "I feel ridiculous." Steve scowls at his drink and pretends he's not shifting just to feel the skirt against his thighs.
Comment: THIS is a fic that I’m pretty sure everyone who likes cross-dressing Steve has already read, but I don’t care, I’m gonna rec it anyway because even if you don’t like this trope, this is a stunning piece and absolutely worth reading. Seriously, give yourself the opportunity to enjoy this. It’s so emotional and sweet and Tony is just the softest boyfriend alive during it. It’s beautiful and touching in a way that’s hard to believe it’s mostly porn, but it manages to do both so wonderfully. I love it so much.
(Not for) Public Consumption by Poose 
Summary: “Can’t you like, I don’t know, do a little pirouette for me, sweetheart?” He shuffles backwards cautiously, glancing over his shoulder to avoid hitting the wall. There’s a chair back there, he should sit in it before his legs give out.
Steve cocks his head, hand on his hip. He puts his front foot at angle to the one in back and executes a tired swing around.
You’d think he’d like the attention a bit more. Tony may have to goad it out of him. “Steve, seriously, you’re like a bored stripper.” And then, suitably affronted, Steve takes another turn, more slowly, so that Tony can pan down and zoom in on his ass from a slightly lower angle. 
Or, Steve and Tony make a sex tape. Exactly as sophisticated as it sounds. A non-powered AU of another AU that I haven't written yet. Contains zero plot.”
Comment: I must have read this fic fifteen times one the past two weeks alone. It’s established relationship and a lot funnier than the rest of this list, plus mindbogglingly hot. It’s a DELIGHT to read from beggining to end, and Tony’s pov here might be one of my faves of all time. It’s so good.
Downtime by @sheronwrites
Summary: After a mission gone wrong, Steve and Tony take a vacation in a secluded cabin, where they have time to heal and time for each other.
Comment: SO. SOFT. Established relationship with great characterization and a little touch of hurt/comfort. I love this fic, I think it captures Steve and Tony’s characters so well, and the smut is top notch.  
do i wanna know by JenTheSweetie 
Summary: When Steve Rogers woke up, they told him a lot of things.
They told him they’d fixed things been wrong back before, and that the world was better now. They told him that SHIELD was where he belonged, that they took only the best and the brightest and the bravest. They told him that with his help, they were going to save the world.
They also told him Tony Stark was dangerous.
But Steve Rogers once jumped on top of a grenade, so really, it’s all relative.
Comment: I’ve still yet to review this, which is an outrage because I’ve read this fic at least five times and loved it every single one. I like everything JenTheSweetie writes, but this is one of my favorites. It’s post-AoU, more of a getting together story with smut, but the characterization is so good. The narrative is wonderful and engaging and there are so many feelings, everywhere. I love it.
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