#most of you are lovely!  there're just a couple of people that don't respect this
cabezadeperro · 1 year
7, 10, 16, aaaaaaaaaand 64 from the “get to know your fic writer” ask meme!
hi!!!!! thanks for sending these ♥️✨
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
it depends! there are a few characters whose POV i really enjoy, and those are the characters i always end up writing stuff for. but then sometimes i like changing it up, just to make it harder/more challenging for myself, and then there's also an element of. spite. (for example: i think there're enough fics written from obi-wan's POV in this fandom.) and i usually also take into account what will be the best and most effective option depending on what i want to do with the story/what i want to make people feel.
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
The kid blinks, and her smile wavers. She glances at Rex, quicksilver quick, and then she sets her shoulders and lifts her chin, and she’s cute, in an undercooked, spiky way—Rex stood no chance.
you've found the Baby Ahsoka of Luck!!!! congrats!!!!!!!
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
i am writing the codex persuasion au (very slowly--i've had a very busy summer). i also have a bunch of shorter projects in my wips folder: a very cursed/problematic codywan idea i don't know if i'll actually get to writing, a post order 66 codyfox/codyquinlan/foxquinlan fic, a bunch of not-sequels/spin-offs for other projects, the not-actually-kenfetti soulmates au. and the prompts, of course.
i want to write more cal/boba short stories, but the big project i think i'm going to focus on After the persuasion au is the last kenfetti fic--i miss them and it's a lot of fun. it's an soulmates au with a twist, kind of. canon divergence (jaster doesn't die, jango is rescued from the slaver a couple years after getting captured), it takes place during the satine mission and it respects jango and obi-wan's canon age difference. it's not actually kenfetti, and i think it's more lighthearted than my usual fare. i'm very excited.
64. Something you love to see in smut.
i do love it when they're in character (with all that implies) 😶 also: make it! visceral!!! tell me how and what they feel!!! not just what they see! there are five senses! use them!
get to know your fic writer ask meme
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sirsharp-a · 4 years
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                ❝ Believe you me, there is  NO  greater pleasure than taking control of a conversation that previously belonged to somebody who made it all about them.  They waltz on in expecting you to bend and squeal, only for you to flip the discussion a complete one-eighty, leaving them not wanting to talk to you anymore.  It feels good. ❞
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sylenth-l · 3 years
share the candal fics🔫🔫🔫 NOW
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Jk jk I'm happy to share 😂
I think it's pretty straightforward on AO3, you just go in the tag and read everything you're interested in. There are 4 pages total, so I don't think it requires some heavy filtering or recs to not get lost in.
BUT since we're talking about fanfiction and I LOVE it 👀✨ I'm gonna use this as an excuse to list some fics anyway, in no particular order.
UPD: added one more work (Like the Pull of the Tide to the Moon) I was so sure I already linked this one, but apparently I didn't, because I'm a dumb idiot?? Sigh
💠 Candy from Strangers - oh, it was the first candal I read, so this one has a special place in my heart. This writer is just generally so good at portraying them, I wholeheartedly recommend to read every single candal on their page, they all are perfect. There're SO MANY things I like about them, but I think the highlight is how good Exos are written and how recognizable Destiny's world in general is. Also the best nsfw content out there
(And for this fic in particular - this thing about the candy gesture is 1000% canon, and if it's not then Bungie just didn't figure it out yet, duh)
💠 Candal Collection - same author and I know I already said they're perfect, but there's no way I'm not including this Holy Bible of candal in that list. Reread every Sunday, 12/10 🔥
💠 Solar flare and Remembrance - ah yes, these two. They're quite different in the mood, but have something similar in them - both are one of those fics where at first you cry from how good, and hot, and soft, and filled with love it is and then you get to the 2nd chapter and. Just cry. 10 times harder.
💠 Lucky Pants - aww, it's the most adorable and funny thing, love it. I can imagine that scene so well. Has a continuation, don't miss it! I felt almost as disappointed as Cayde in it tho lol (I mean it in a good way ofc)
💠 Freckles and Constellations - that's some heartwarming and soulhealing fluff right there, so nice and romantic. Oh and did I mention I absolutely love it when Andal speaks Spanish?
💠 Where Do You See Yourself In The Future - now it's time for some quality angst. The utmost respect for writers who can set the mood so well you feel like sitting in a dark corner and crying even though nothing really bad happened... Yet. And you know what? IT'S THE SAME AUTHOR. They're so good at describing emotions. So you know what to do, read everything they have! (As a bonus there's also a very nice gen about Cayde, Andal and Tevis)
💠 Fool's Gold - ah, I'm a sucker for such dramatic scenes, they just. Make me feel things 🥺 Especially when done so nicely.
💠 Andal/Cayde Word Prompts - another blessed golden mine of candal content, different in mood, genre and length, but all equally amazing 🥺💙 (With occasional mentions of Shiro and Tevis as well!)
💠 live through this - I'm a sucker for such dramatic scenes [2] 🥺 I really like the idea about the gun though, it's actually quite clever and angsty in the just right amount
💠 Little Laramie - oh this, this is such a nice view on how they tried to fix whatever it was between them after the Dare, I love it. Cayde, you're such a dumb idiot (affectionate) Also it features their Ghosts as a couple! My sweet girls!! 😭💙 Once again I recommend to check out other works of this author, not all of them are shippy, but interesting nonetheless
💠 Best Laid Plans - this actually feels like a prequel to the previous fic, they seem to match well to me imo, despite being written by different people. Cayde is a dumb idiot in the exact same amount for sure, sigh This one is like the calm before the storm, the last nice days before everything changes. I just wish this fic was a liiiittle bit longer considering where it ends iykwim… 👀✨
💠 Till We Fall Apart and 最亲爱的人 are both in Chinese. Can I read Chinese? No. Does that stop me? Hell no! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ If you're not scared of Google Translate (or can read Chinese, which is obviously better and I envy you to no end) then go for it and see some other their works (read tags and warnings carefully though, just in case).
💠 Like the Pull of the Tide to the Moon - oh, this is a wonderful ust, very beautiful with both of them being idiots just in the right amount. AND with a good ending after all.
💠 Honorable mention: the rushing sea - it's actually O14 fic that I love, but it has my favorite candal cameo of all time. Thanks to it I discovered I have a kink for my otps beating each other's asses in the best Crucible activity aka Crimson Doubles 😂
And also some works I didn't see on AO3 (maybe I'm just bad at searching…), but still love them:
💠 gamble - I really like how Cayde's thoughts are portrayed here, it's exactly what he'd feel in such situation imo. Bonus points for Felwinter's mountain ✨ They have a couple of other candals as well, so! CLICK THE TAG!!
💠 You’re supposed to talk me out of this - it's filled with so many details and Cayde's feelings are so visible and bittersweet from just this it makes me go aaaahh 😭 Also CLICK THE TAG [2], there are so many quality posts about them here!.. (it's the same author as «Little Laramie» btw)
💠 #6 slow kisses - extra soft and wholesome kissing AND dis was for meee 🥺😭💙
💠 Kinktober Candal - unfairly hot 🔥hair pulling🔥, god bless this author for keeping me fed on this kink in particular. And you know what to do with the tag!
I tried to include no more than 2 fics from the same author to keep this list at a reasonable length, but I once again HIGHLY encourage you to check their profiles, since many of them have more amazing works available and of course to look through the whole tag on AO3, since I obviously didn't link everything!
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