#most shameless Lee most evil ler
K_K the type of Ler to hear their lee go “NOOOO-!” go “yessss!” In the same exact tone
They don’t even do it to be teasing that’s just how they are. They’re silly like that, all their teases are the most goofy cheesy sweet little things. It’s a nightmare
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chaoticklesblog · 9 months
Helluva Boss Tickle Headcannons:
Super ticklish despite not being tickled very much in his younger days, (Blitzo is definitely the first one to discover this weakness when they were kids and never really forgot how ticklish Stolas was, or is, for that matter.)
Is a switch, but is definitely is more lee leaning! He enjoys the bondage aspect of it and definitely experiences the most anticipatory giggles.
Has one of the most adorable laughs ever. It doesn't take much to get him laughing. He has such a high-pitched laugh that gets squeaky if you get the right spots.
Worst spots are wings and beneath his feathers.
As a ler, my goodness is this guy fucking RUTHLESS.
Is a demon, so expect to receive whatever tickling is dished out tenfold in return.
His feathers and claws are horrendously evil tickle tools and the mothefucker KNOWS it.
Uses tickling as a torture method for those who most deserve it (cough cough, Blitzo).
Regularly involved in childhood tickle fights with Fizz. Used to win most of the tickle fights until the accident happened.
So playful and silly, he was the first to initiate a tickle fight with Stolas and the first to realize what a ruthless tickler Stolas is.
Also a switch, very needy as a lee and super teasy as a ler.
Surprisingly a very gentle ler unless otherwise provoked.
Definitely tickles Stolas the most of anyone because Stolas absolutely loves it. Also frequently tickles Millie and Moxxie but mostly Moxxie because he deserves it. Doesn't DARE tickle Luna (he doesn't have
Most ticklish spots include ribs, tummy and underarms.
Super silly laugh, loves provoking others to tickle him, and is so shameless about it, the little shit.
Is ticklish but is much more of a ruthless ler. Mostly tickles Moxxie to get him to relax or not be so uptight.
Absolutely ruthless. RUTHLESS.
Not only does she know Moxxie enjoys being tickled, but she encourages the other IMP's to tickle him.
Doesn't mind being tickled by Moxxie but will destroy anyone else who tries.
The worst spots are her hips, thighs, and knees.
Has a bright, carefree laugh.
Will 10/10 dish out absolutely unholy revenge to those who dare to tickle her.
Is such a lee! 100% lee. Is baby.
It doesn't take much to get him all flustered, just a few well placed pokes, a wink, or teasy voice.
Prefers to be tickled by Millie but is the frequent victim of gang tickles. Not that he minds.
Is wayyyy more susceptible to gentle and teasy tickles.
His back is an absolute death zone. Absolutely cannot handle back massages AT ALL.
Screechy and screamy laughter. AHAHAH.
Hides his face a lot, or at least he tries when tickled. Lol. He can't even help it.
Will literally beg to not be tickled.
Deserves to get his shit WRECKED!
WE AREN'T gonna pretend this man isn't ticklish.
I mean, he is. Has a super boisterous laugh.
I mean, if this anyone has a tickle kink, it's him lol.
I feel like he's got tons of ler energy. He tickles Fizz so much, lmao. Surprise tickles, tickle games, tickle hugs, teases, etc. ASDFGHJKL. Fizz eats it up, of course.
Is kinda ticklish in a couple secret places only Fizz knows about. I mean, I don't even know, and Fizz didn't tell me lmaooo. It's a secret, do with that info what you wish.
Is actually the tickle monster. Hehehe.
Is such an adorably ticklish imp.
Arguably, the most ticklish character.
Literally used to be nearly tickled to death by Blitzo as kids. And ganged up on by the other imps. Was pretty much defenseless lol.
Blitzo used to knock him down a few pegs for getting all the attention by tickling the everloving snot out of him.
Literally never won tickle fights until after the accident. The robot arms improved his tickle fight game tenfold.
His robot arms are indeed also ticklish but offer an advantage in tickle fights by being able to stretch or tickling people far away.
Bottom ribs, hips and sides are his worst spots.
Cannot handle his ribs being counted. (Ozzie found this out, and the poor guy can't rest ahah).
Wheezy laughter that eventually goes silent, and he also thrashes a lot.
Uses his robot arms for tickling and bondage purposes with Ozzie and to also get well deserved revenge on Blitzo, haha.
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bratbutcute · 5 months
Some misc headcanons for your enjoymen
Alastor will pull out his meniachal Evil Laughter™ when tickling the snot out of someone, just to freak them out a bit (I imagine it would be both flustering and terrifying)
Angel's six arms are both his secret weapon and his own demise - six arms to pin and tickle with, but that ALSO means six underarms..
Charlie is shameless in her love of tickles. Both in giving and receiving, that girl is anything but subtle lol
Vox absolutely uses his electric abilities to to amplify the tickles inflicted upon his lee
Vaggie isn't much of a lee or ler, but when she does get into a playful mode it is DEVASTATING. She would have even the toughest lee begging in minutes.
Rosie (along with most of the other residents of cannibal town) is a biter/nibbler. Tickle bites and "I could just eat you up!" are her signatures moves lol
Sorry these are primarily ler hcs, but that's what I've got for now :) - 🔥 Flame
Fiejajhridahsi ler hcs are perfect bc we need more of them.
Alastor would absolutely be a ruthless ler. I love reading fics where he hunts down his next victim because I think they’re so in character.
Like horror movie stuff where you’re walking next to an empty corridor and he’s there at the end in the darkness with only his eyes glowing, but the moment you turn to check what’s there he’s gone.
And he would have his voice echo in the Hotel, following your moves and creepily chuckling when you are alone.
I can see him tickling as revenge. But I also can see him tickling someone out of boredom.
Just for the thrill of the hunt.
In the show we haven’t seen Angel and Alastor have that many good interactions but I can definitely see this happening if they ever got closer. (Even though I know Alastor canonically wouldn’t care whether you’re comfortable or not)
Ofc I can see Angel messing around with Husk or Cherri. I can see him trying to tickle Husk and Husk letting him do it just because he was sad.
Like I can imagine Angel had a bad day at Valentino’s set and he needs some physical affection, but he feels a bit uncomfortable by the touch. So Husk offers to stay next to him and comfort him but just sits next to him and doesn’t know what to do.
So Angel just leans over him after a while.
And Husk just wants to help, but is unsure on what to do, so he lightly traces shapes on Angel’s arms.
And he starts to giggle and melts into the touch.
But after a while that makes Angel shivers because it reminds him of the day on set, so Husk suggests to be the one receiving (although he’ll kill him if he ever tried to tell anyone).
And so Angel is super happy and enthusiastic and starts tracing shapes on his paws and on his arms and Husky is there trying not to laugh.
And it’s just a sweet moment because it makes Angel relax and Husk starts laughing because he relaxes too
And it just ends in cuddles 😭😭😭
Okay I got carried away by the sweeties, let’s go back to my fav psychopath.
My dear Vox is a scary ler.
Just imagine having all that power. He creates stuff, he spies on everyone. He definitely knows all your ticklish spots. And he has the perfect tool to tickle you senseless.
And omg the electric abilities. Yess.
But also. I’m gonna offer you… Vox hunting you down.
Similar to Alastor he will SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. But he’d be much more impatient.
Alastor could hunt you and stalk you for DAYS, even WEEKS making you paranoid, making you flinch at every move anyone makes.
Vox would mess around with you for a day.
He’s gonna hack your devices and flash you with pictures of you getting tickled or randomly show you people getting tickled with ‘You’re next’ on it.
And then he’s gonna use his ability to teleport next to you and then disappear. Then appear again and so on. Driving you crazy trying to protect yourself.
«You are fucking hilarious to watch!»
I’m gonna talk about Charlie, Vaggie and Rosie on another post or it’s gonna become too long 🫶🏻 thank you so much for reading this far
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eunchancorner · 2 years
If you don’t me requesting for some headcanons, do you have any for the hatzgang by chance? Generic or tickle, or both, which ever you want:3
I AM LITERALLY WRITING A FIC FOR THEM RN HOLY SHIT This is actually so perfectly timed-
Regular HCs:
-Ross was pretty emo for about a year or two but grew out of it pretty quickly
-Robert has tried many times to convince his parents to get a dog, but it doesn't go very well
-In fact, him and Roy once tried to sneak a dog into Robert's room but Radford caught them. He promised to keep quiet if they returned the dog
-Remember how Ross likes bike rides? (If you didn't know this, go read the wiki.) Sometimes Rob skates along with him.
-Ross has no fucking idea how to hold a cat
-The other two would hold a cat like they held the doll in Deadly Smiles
-They have sleepovers REALLY often, but never at Roy's house
-They all have different favorite games (Ross: Mario Kart, Robert: Lego Star Wars, Roy: GTA5)
Tickle HCs:
-Getting the depressing HC out of the way first: Roy's parents never tickle him. Like, never ever. He's just their little legacy, so he never gets affection.
-Ross and Robert, however, have received many tickles in their lives
-Ross is about 40% ler, 60% lee
-Jaune thinks tickling her son is the most fun thing in the world, so Ross gets tickled almost daily.
-His worst spot is his belly, his ears coming in a close second (BEANIE OF PROTECTIONNNNNNNNN)
-He does enjoy it but is SUPER secretive about it, it's SO embarrassing to him
-Bro curls tf up like a little hedgehog when tkled and it's the cutest thing 🥺
-However, he is the most EVIL of lers. Teasing, anticipation, this boy WILL study your reactions and WILL figure out how to fluster you
-His friends love hate it
-Since he gets a little awkward about affection, sometimes he'll cuddle, sometimes it's just a pat on the back and some water
-Robert, however, is constantly getting into tickle fights with his siblings
-Usually this ends up with three of them teaming against the fourth (the fourth most commonly being Radford, surprisingly enough!)
-Half ler, half lee, all shameless tickle-enjoyer!
-Tho it does get a bit embarrassing when he's tickled in front of his friends
-He does get over it tho, and does love including them in his tickly shenanigans
-His worst spot is his sides, such an easy spot to get too, poor boi.
-He's the tallest but also the easiest to lift up bc he's a fucken STICK and it makes him SO easy to get.
-He's also SUCH a squirmer, like, you gotta pin this boi down or lift him up to have a CHANCE
-But him as a ler, oh SHIT you are in trouble
-Bro is FAST, you can't run, you can't hide, can't do shit before he catches you
-He LOVES cooing at his lee's reactions, he can't help it, he loves making his friends smile!
-He is the cuddle KING afterwards tho, he'll make sure you're nice and comfy and cozy
-If that's not your thing tho, he'll respect that too!
-Now ROY... oh god this is gonna get complicated.
-Poor boi has never been tickled until one fateful sleepover
-Twas there he learned the full extent of his ticklishness... and how much he loved it
-Ofc, he's WAY too prideful to admit it
-70% ler, 30% lee, but a glass cannon oml
-Before he knew he was ticklish, he was SUCH a huge ler oml
-He loves teasing his friends about how ticklish they are while he just fucking WRECKS them
-Cockiest little shit too like put him in his place lol
-But he CANNOT take what he dishes out.
-Worst spots are his belly and armpits, but bro is practically a walking tickle spot
-Teasing makes him turn into a freaking tomato oml
-And he just CRUMPLES too
-In short, when it comes to Hatzgang tickle fights, he's probably gonna end up losing if he gets got fast enough
WOW this ended up long, anygay if I think up more I'll probably rb this post and add them, or if you wanna add your own, feel free to rb with them, I love reading other people's hcs!
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amazingmsme · 3 years
Hi here bestie I hope your tests went well okay so MOLLY
I am I'm love with molly entirely (especially as a ler)
As a ler molly loves to tickle literally anything what has a pule and he gets so much joy out of it.
He teases NON STOP literally even jester get flustered by his teasing because someone how he knows just the perfect way to tease them all
He found nott going through his stuff and fully held a grade, poor nott was begging for mercy withing a minute
Since he's so skilled at slight of hand he is MEGA talented at tickling people in all the right spots
He love tickling the self loathing caleb because he can tell how much caleb truly adores it and will fully endorse him in all the tickles he needs
(When molly is getting tickled I would bet money to say hes the type to just lay there and laugh openly about it)
I’m on episode 27 so I really fuckin’ needed this😭 I already miss him so much & I gotta live in lala land where everything’s fine & dandy & everyone is Most Definitely Alive lol
Molly is TOTALLY a ler. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a huge switch but he’s more ler than lee just because he likes making people laugh & watching their reactions. Plus he’s a fucking menace who takes evil joy in embarrassing his friends.
His teasing is fucking lethal ok, no one is safe. Like you said, even Jester, shameless lee as she is, blushes like mad & squeals when he teases her. Beauregard gets angry when she’s flustered & it’s honestly really funny to see her all flushed & huffy, but still wearing a genuine smile. Nott is also more on the pissy side when teased, but she’s more whiny & shy about it. Lots of “shut the fuck up”s & tattle telling to Caleb (as if he can do anything) Fjord is SUCH a nervous giggler, he can’t help it. Molly will be teasing the hell out of him & he curls in on himself, blushing & smiling like an idiot as a few embarrassed giggles slip out. He runs a hand through his hair or down his face as he tries & fails to hide just how effective the teasing is. & I saved the best for last. Poor Caleb is the easiest to fluster, which is surprising at first because he’s always stone faced & wears this neutral expression at all times that makes him look constantly bored & annoyed. But once Molly found out he’s ticklish it was over for our favorite wizard. Even just ASKING if he’s ticklish sends a blush across his cheeks & he purses his lips to try & school his features but he really gives himself away. The more Molly teases him the more he smiles & the redder he gets. He can curl up in the tightest ball to try & hide & given the choice of pushing him away or covering his face he’ll hide his red face every time. Teases about how much he blushes really get him & also pointing out how cute his laugh is. Pleads in Zemnian so expect to hear a lot of “nein nein nein”s in the mix.
He fucking told Nott not to go through his shit, but she just couldn’t resist! Poor Nott was like a terrified cat trying to scramble out of the room but Molly is faster than her & of course catches her. The entire time he’s just leisurely walking towards her saying he’s not gonna hurt her but she’s screaming saying that he’s too calm, of course he’s gonna hurt her! But when he finally catches her he just goes to town tickling her wherever he can reach & it takes Nott by surprise. She’s a squealing & thrashing mess in his arms but refuses to apologize.
Also when both Molly & Fjord set up that trap for Nott it REALLY made me 👀. Like maybe they’re both bored & decide they wanna fuck with her & set up another trap because they know she can’t resist. They just really wanted an excuse to bully her without Caleb gettin onto them for it.
Molly’s slight of hand tricks really come in handy when tickling his friends cause he moves so fast & the things he does tickle way more than they should have any right to. & when they’re all sitting together say in the cart or at a bar/table in some tavern he reaches around the back of whoever he’s sitting next to & tickles their other side to throw the blame on the other person. This has led to Jester pouncing on Fjord & a v flustered Beau challenging a rather confused & amused Yasha to a tickle fight. Yasha is well aware of his tricks but doesn’t rat him out because she likes to watch the chaos unfold, even when she gets wrapped up in it.
They only realize it’s Molly when he tries to frame Caleb for tickling Fjord & they all know he’s too reserved & shy to start shit like that. Caleb digs both of their graves by saying “I didn’t do that, it was Molly. He’s been pulling this little trick of his for weeks” & Fjord is like “you’ve known this whole time & you never told us?” He grabs them both & tickles them while whoever’s sitting on the other side of Caleb & Molly join in. It’s all very cute & aaaahhhh I need this
Caleb is definitely one of Molly’s favorite victims because the dude REALLY doesn’t smile enough & he always has something bad to say about himself. So of course Molly has to wreck him & cheer him up! He can just tell that Caleb likes it despite all the squeals & protests.
The most Mollymauk will do to get away is squirm around & curl in on himself. But he tries sooo hard to keep his arms up & just enjoy it & literally everyone knows he likes it because… well he’s rather vocal about it. He doesn’t deny he’s ticklish & always talks about how fun it is & that he enjoys it. He’s the king of provoking the mighty nein into attacking him, but when they don’t fall for it he makes a show of stretching out in vulnerable positions & sighing very dramatically. When that STILL doesn’t work, he will straight up ask demand that they tickle him. He’s such a bratty ass lee I adore him
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giggly-squiggily · 5 years
How about Lee and ler headcanons for the hazbin hotel crew?
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Heyo! I gotcha! XD If it’s okay, I’m just gonna do our four main characters for now! I plan on writing headcanons for Niffty and Husk later along with Cherry Bomb, so stay tuned for that! XD
Charlie: Sweet, lovely precious baby! Charlie is a switch that leans more towards the lee side. Her worst spots are her belly and hips, and when you tickle her, she’s a complete mess of angelic giggles and demonic screeches. When tickled, she’ll curl up on herself, rarely ever fighting back. She loves tickle fights and will bust out her own tickly skills when she thinks you need a laugh. Vaggie tickles her the most, but occasionally Angel Dust and Alastor will get in on the shenanigans if Charlie’s looking too sad.
Vaggie: The most evil ler you’ll ever meet. Just kidding! Despite being one of the youngest in the Hazbin crew, she’s got such big sister vibes as a ler, especially towards Angel and Niffy. Her own bad spots are her neck and shoulders. She’s also ticklish behind her ears, but only Charlie knows that. Her laugh is warm and inviting, and it’s always a treat to see her smile. Just be careful though, her tickly prowess is unbelievable! She’ll have you down and destroyed within seconds if she’s feeling it.
Angel Dust: My boy! He’s insanely ticklish and no one can tell me otherwise. He’s got such major switch energy, but on the opposite of Charlie, he leans more towards the ler side of things. He’s got six arms, so destroying his victims isn’t difficult. He’ll taunt and tease you while making dirty innuendos. He’s really ticklish everywhere, but I think his own bad spots are his sides, hips, and under all six of his arms. His laugh is loud, shameless, and full of swears and pleads for mercy. Of the entire Hazbin crew, he’s the most entertaining to tickle.
Alastor: The radio demon! He’s got this great laugh that gets all static-like if you tickle him long enough! His doesn’t have a specific “worst spot” due to everywhere being pretty bad, so you could target anywhere to get the desired affect! His laugh, like I stated before, gets super static like, and he tends to snort alot when tickled. It’s super enduring and really fun to listen to! He’s a true switch, being able to dish out the most evilest of tickles when he desires to. He’ll tease and taunt you, and if he’s feeling super evil, might even sing a little ditty as he tickles you. Be prepared for the demonic deer if he’s feeling evil!
Hope these were good! XD
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