#they’re so silly cuz they can so easily be both
K_K the type of Ler to hear their lee go “NOOOO-!” go “yessss!” In the same exact tone
They don’t even do it to be teasing that’s just how they are. They’re silly like that, all their teases are the most goofy cheesy sweet little things. It’s a nightmare
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nicodrawings · 1 year
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Dump time featuring Billie Morales aka Silly Billie
Update 2: oh! Also the first two illustrations are based on Yotsuba art!
Update: ok HC time, if you wanna know more keep reading as usual.
-I made Billie 5 years old.
-I’ve mentioned this before but Billie has Asperger’s.
-She didn’t talk until she was like 3 going on 4.
-Her nickname is "silly billy"
-Miles always says "how's my favorite girl in the whole wide world?" when he comes home from school on the weekends.
-Miles is a doting big brother and helps take care of her as well as connecting with her interests.
-As much as she loves her parents, she thinks the world of Miles. She's up under him the most, especially when she's over stimulated, stressed or sleepy. His heartbeat calms her.
-She has a limit to physical contact and taps when she’s ready to let go. She usually only hugs her family. Her and Ganke do hand touches instead of hugs.
-The family helps her navigate her environment and her emotions as well as socializing but never push anything that makes her uncomfortable. They always ask questions and have special routines to help her.
-A part of her routine is on Saturdays they go to the park so she can see the pigeons.
-Miles does not like pigeons, but tolerates them for Billies sake.
-They also have special songs for her like "🎶when you walk across the street take ur eyes off your feet🎶" to remind her to look both ways and pay attention when walking across the street since she can get distracted easily.
-The songs they use also attach her to music. So whenever they go to ganke he plays the piano for her and they make songs up and when she hears a song she likes she starts stimming and wiggling.
-She also takes interest in drawing because she sees Miles drawing and they draw animals and watch Steve Irwin on Saturdays too.
-She doesn't understand figure of speeches so if you say "don't sweat it" she would be like "...sweat what?"
-she doesn’t show a lot of emotions unless she’s feeling something intense.
-She rarely sees Miles in superhero mode in public but when she does she just goes “SPIDER!” and smiles and he waves at her.
-Moral of this story, she is loved.
-He lives with his grandparents in the Bronx area (I’m not sure which side yet tho).
-He loves his grandparents very much.
-One time at a punk rock concert a wise man told him “the most punk thing to do is to take care of yourself, don’t be reliant on the system to do so, cuz they ain’t”
-He told his grandpa the following day and they had a heart to heart about it considering that Hobie was very depressed at the time.
-So with that being said, health is incredibly important to him.
-Some ppl tease him and call him “straight-edge” but it don’t bother him much.
-Hobie officially meets the other spiders when he’s 16.
-Clicks with Gwen and Miles almost immediately.
-Especially Miles, Peter always jokes and says that they were definitely brothers in their past lives.
-Gwen and Hobie bond over music.
-Gwen gets the crush first.
-But unlike Miles she’s more forward and doesn’t wait a billion years so she’s asks him out.
-Hobie says yes.
-Only one that knows how to drive by the time he’s 18.
-Gwen’s relationship with her father just…never gets better in my AU. He’s just an ass and as far as Gwen is concerned they’re not family, they’re just related. With that being said, although it’s never acknowledged, Gwen definitely sees Peter as a father figure in her life. She even has him as her top emergency contact. Peter started to understand this when she was 16, he never questioned it and sees her as his oldest daughter. When she’s had really bad arguments with her father she goes to Peters and spends the night.
-Peter and MJ’s home is open to all the spiderkids. No questions asked.
-Peter and MJ always say “On our taxes we have one kid” when people ask them how many kids they have.
-When Peter gets home he sees how many pairs of shoes are at the door then yells “how many kids are in the house?" They usually yell in response which gives him an idea as to how many kids are there.
-On average there’s no less than 2.
-One time he asked and a really deep voice responded along with the kids.
-It was Venom.
-All the spiders have their own therapist’s but every other weekend there’s a group therapy session for kids with powers funded by S.H.E.I.L.D. It’s not required that they go but it’s open for them regardless, just sign up and come in.
-Ganke donates some of his legos to the program and helps assist sometimes with running it since it’s not ran in the best shape.
-This connects to a bigger problem of helping hero’s with their mental health and stability, especially when they decide to retire.
-If you read the other AU list I had, this is the reason why Ganke switches his major to Social Work when he goes to college.
Peter’s nicknames for the kids:
Miles-“Junior/Little Man”
Gwen-"Gwennie Pie”
Hobie-“Hobie” (obviously)
Ganke’s nicknames:
Friends-“Gee” judge calls him “G-money”
Miles’s mom-“Honey”
Ganke’s mom-“Gee-Chan”
The boy that bullies him AKA Sean “Gay-ke”
Peter-“Goober” (as I’ve said before)
Venom and Eddie-“Boy”
Miles’s for when he’s feeling affectionate-“Cariño”
Anyway that’s all I got for now! If you have any questions about my AU please feel free to ask away. I love talking about it as you can see.
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no1nuzifan · 6 months
Posting my headcanons bc I’m a silly billy ‼️‼️‼️
Lute Headcanons
Christian (duh)
Bisexual with a preference for Adam (but she hasn’t admitted she’s bisexual yet)
Badass 🗣️🗣️
Hates most people except for Adam, Emily and Sera. Emily’s like a younger sister for her, Sera like a mother and Adam a role model, best friend & partner (in crime and in romance)
Trained herself in self defence as well as fighting (though it wasn’t necessary til the events of episode 8)
Loves horror movies
Doesn’t like musicals too much but actually got pretty into school of rock cuz of Adam
Loves fighting, would willingly kill anyone who fucks with her or the people she cares about
Easily jealous, especially when Adam’s literally flirting with others or calling other people hot (which is often)
Reserved in public, clingy in private (especially post episode 8 following the theory of Adam being down in hell now ‼️)
Scared of being abandoned
Has never cried around anyone nor will she ever cry around anyone (she’d only ever cry around Adam if she absolutely had to, for example episode 8, but that’s RARE.)
Adam Headcanons
Christian (DUH???)
Pansexual (took forever to admit it, a combo of “$20 is $20” and “if there is a hole there is a goal” mentality)
Alex Brightman enthusiast
Loves rock (like he’ll only listen to rock or rock-like music)
School Of Rock fan (his favourite song is stick it to the man)
Egotistical, self-centred prick (but he still loves Lute)
Pro guitar player
Will only ever cry around Lute and it’s also very rare cuz it makes him feel weak
“All women belong in the kitchen (not Lute tho she belongs in my arms 🗣️🔥💕)” Adam, probably
Clingy both out in public and in private
Not easily jealous but if anyone tries ANYTHING he WILL get defensive asf like “mf that’s my woman” type shit
Terrified to love (bc of Lilith and Eve, though it was his fault he doesn’t think it’s his fault)
Gets terrified watching horror movies and spends majority of it not actually watching it
Scared of storms 😭
Joint (Guitarspear) Headcanons
Lute and Adam defo play instruments together (Adam plays guitar and Lute plays piano or sings)
They hang out and gossip about the other Exorcists or the fuckers in hell every night while sitting on a rooftop and drinking alcohol (they probably stargaze too if they can)
They have matching bracelets that say danger tits and dickmaster for sure (Adam rarely wears it when out with Lute since he doesn’t think men should wear jewellery but he still wears it whenever he can when he’s not out in public)
They’re that one duo that judges anyone and everyone, if you’re judgable you’re being judged by them
They hype each other up constantly (examples: Lute in Hell Is Forever, Adam in You Didn’t Know)
Adam probably tries to impress Lute with his amazing guitar solos
Adam fell first Lute fell harder
They count down to the extermination like it’s New Years 😭😭
Lute could NOT handle Adam’s death (very sad 😔)
(Post Episode 8)Lute defo goes down to hell just to make sure Adam’s okay even though that’s extremely risky for her (BC WE ALL KNOW ADAMS GONNA BE DOWN THERE)
They both love drama so they just cause chaos together
They refer to themselves as partners (but use the excuse of it being partners in crime)
Adam is extremely bad at giving or handling physical affection and Lute is extremely good at both most of the time (it depends when)
Adam randomly picks up Lute to piss her off (the height difference is laughable)
Lute has selfies they both took prior to each extermination stuck up on her wall
Adam can’t handle horror movies at all so during watching horror movies Adam would be terrified (though too egotistical to actually admit it) while Lute is just being critical about killers and enjoying the movie
Adam is usually the one to incite flirting, whenever Lute flirts she’s just taking advantage of the situation
Lute only calls Adam by his name if she’s pissed and usually calls him sir
They tell inappropriate jokes 24/7 for fun (half the time the jokes lead to flirting 😭)
Lute has a horrible sleep schedule and so just falls asleep randomly during the day if she’s not gotten enough sleep (averages like 2 or so hours max if she’s lucky) and usually either falls asleep on Adam or Adam has to catch her if she collapses
Pillow fights.
Adam has to take care of Lute’s wings bc she’s reckless and usually doesn’t give a shit about her wings but Adam cares and so usually is the one to preen them and make them look better
@gothlute i wanna tag you in this cuz you’re the reason i decided to post these so enjoy!!
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
hiii!!! Also, about my moth oc, he’s a tall brown moth lit (half human/half moth) they are kinda intimidating, but when they talk they sound like Elmo. SHSHHSHSHHHHH HAHA!!! it’s so funny to do around friends. What’s Arya’s personality like? I’ve been trying to imagine what my moth lit and your oc would interact LMAOOO
Also, if I could, could I request Alerudy with a s/o who excuses their self mid cuddling session and they later find them crying in the bathroom? Not cuz their sad, cuz they are so happy to have those two dorks and the cuddling made their s/o overwhelmed? Thank you!!
Hey there! That does sound pretty amazing, they sound so cool! :D It certainly sounds like a surprise to hear him talk for the first time! Arya is a very confident person, almost kinda cocky, and she loves to tease! She's very outgoing and makes friends fairly easily! She's also not that short either, so she can seem pretty intimidating, but usually she's just a little goof! Unless you mess with her siblings or talk badly about them, because in that case she'll be very mean and make sure you never talk badly about them again! However, other than that, she's a pretty helpful person as well, willing to help out the people in need when they need it! She has the resources to do so as a noble!
AleRudy with an S/O Overwhelmed with Love for Them
Eventually, Rodolfo would knock on the bathroom door and ask you what’s wrong if you’ve been gone for a while now, not expecting to hear the quiet sobs. As you open the door, you don’t seem to be in pain or distressed however, which confuses him to no end, but he still grows concerned upon seeing the tears roll down your cheeks. Rodolfo would act immediately, pulling you into his arms and asking you what’s wrong so he can do his darndest to help. Was someone being mean to you? Do you have other problems? He’ll listen to you, he’s there for you and will do what he can to make you feel better. When you confess that you’re crying because you were just that overwhelmed with love, he’d go quiet for a second before blushing. However, you wouldn’t stop hugging him. Eventually, Alejandro, having grown worried for the both of you, would stop by as well. Rodolfo explains the situation to him as you reach out for the colonel to hug him as well.
They’d likely get you on the couch and both feel a bit honored you thought this highly of them. They adore you more than anyone else, aside from each other, so you crying because you love them this much, while unexpected, is definitely nice. However, as they both have a hand on you, they’ll reassure you that you don’t have to cry because of something like that and scare them this much. Rodolfo would wrap his arms around you and place his head on your shoulder while telling you that this is somewhat silly, but he’s not mad at you. Alejandro would definitely put your face in between his hands and give your forehead a long kiss. You’re just too cute. If anything, the two of them should be crying with how lucky they’ve gotten to be with you. While they do hope you won’t be crying if they keep holding and cherishing you like this, they certainly don’t mind, growing ever so soft around you at that moment. They won’t tease you, they won’t slip in some Spanish in the conversation either, no, they need you to understand just how much they love you back. Each of them will tell you the things they appreciate about you, from your smile to your kindness, from the way you greet them with such love to you keeping your home clean while they’re away, from you providing them however you can to you preparing such delicious meals for them. They love and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Even if it makes you cry again, it’ll be worth it because you deserve to know just how cherished you are. The night will likely continue like that, going into detail about how much the three of you love each other, that you’ll never be alone since you always have each other’s backs. The world could be turning against you tomorrow and you’ll find a way to fight it off regardless.
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strawbubbysugar · 10 months
Coming off anon for this one cuz oh boy it’s theory time and I’m feeling very silly
(I just woke up at the time of writing so sorry for any typos, rambling, or confusion lol)
Alright! So, I’ve been thinking a lot about the existence of Eclipse and the theories popping up about them lately mainly: that Clipsey is a recycle of Moon’s broken body. Which I’ll touch up on first.
The issue that was presented with Moon by this definitely-not-at-all-suspicious engineer was that his processing unit was smashed and ‘unsalvageable’ (which we know to not be true), and aside from the obvious injuries cause by Trap, no major problems with Moon’s case are brought up. His *internals* were destroyed, aside from his battery which was reused.
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Continuing forward, the SOMA comparisons. Reading through a plot synopsis of the game, I can’t help but link the destruction of Moon-man’s processing unit and Simon’s brain injury together a bit. Considering that that is the partial cause for Sun and Moon combining and the reason for Simon getting his brain scan copy. Both undergoing heavy ‘brain’ damaging and being brought to very odd circumstances because of it.
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With the assumption that this is *actually* Moon’s body, “Uploaded into a modified corpse” is a *very* apt description for what Eclipse is. They’re a copy of someone (two people technically) inhabiting the dead body of the original, almost like Pry/ncess in a weird way.
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That’s where the comparisons for the game and Bethroned end to my knowledge however, so time to move onto the more ‘looking too far into things’ section of my theory,
The design and color scheme!
Starting off, I noticed that the coloring of the Sun side on their face was reused from *post incident* which makes sense, that’s how Sun would’ve been seen last before running away with Pry/ncess, the eyes obviously match up as well.
Though the tops of the rays have noticeably sharper points to them if that’s anything at all, it’s impossible to draw the something the same way every single time after all so that can be easily written off.
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The same can be said for Moon as well, the coloring of his face matches up with theirs, however his other features are… very much not intact. Very close but not quite.
The coloring and patterning of the hat is entirely different, the cape maintains the same coloring but the stars on Eclipse’s are much smaller and more faded than Moon’s as well.
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What’s throwing me off though is the eyes, for both post incident and for Eclipse the right eye gained a black sclera, Moon’s pupil turned white, but Eclipse’s stayed red.
If Eclipses body was Moon’s then this could’ve happened naturally, the eye could’ve simply underwent the same damage/change as it did with Moon’s form in Sun’s body. Though do to this being his actual form the pupil could’ve kept its regular eye color.
Their lack of a mouth could also mean that they can’t speak, another drastic contrast in characterization to our boys. From the artwork we’ve been shone of them they see, cunning, clever, but very, VERY distressed. (Be a bit weird to consciously design eye-bags on your new king after all, right? That’s their own fault.)
And for my last point, their crown and the Opal.
This is the most obvious ‘combination’ in their design, it gets the rounded bottom of Sun’s and the gem formation and top shape of Moon’s. When overlayed on top of each other you also get similar colors to Eclipse’s crown, though more cleaned up and appealing on the eyes.
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The gem in this crown has been confirmed to be an opal (if my memory serves me right I can’t find the post anywhere to confirm, tumblr search engine is bleh)
There were a few pieces of folklore and symbolism relating to the opal that I found particularly interesting with what little we know about Eclipse.
Mainly, it representing loyalty and goodluck as well as royalty. A lot of other interpretations I found pointed to it granting foresight and being responsible for prophecy, something you’d certainly want your king to have after the huge string of ‘bad luck’ that befell both of them.
Loyalty to prevent another incident like Sun choosing Pry/ncess over his kingdom and trusting them first, foresight and prophecy so that they can avoid incident like King Freddy dying and, well, Sun and Moon’s incident. and royalty is obvious.
Though the loyalty interpretation and foresight/intelligence can vary widely in intention depending on if Chica or PeePaw (maybe both, stares at Trap) is responsible for their existence. Cant speak that much on it before they’ve even appeared in the story.
Alright so what am I getting at with all this? Well, put simply, Eclipse’s design and name are very very intentional and combining the Princes was clearly in mind when they were (re)built by whoever their creator is. I believe that they attempted to program, be it from scratch with parts of Moon’s processor or with some kind of backup of Sun *somehow*, Sun into Moon’s body and combine their ai together in order to make a new heir.
Again, can’t find the message, but Eclipse’s existence was described as ‘decidedly uncomfortable’ which is very understandable if this were true, having you and your brother’s brain and memories COMPLETELY sewn together, not even with semi separate minds or personalities like with the actual Sun and Moon, would be very, VERY lacking in the ‘good for your mental health’ department, especially if you knew you aren’t the original ‘you’, just a clone, a do-over, a combination of two other failures that you need to clean the mess from up.
Put simply, I believe Eclipse is a combination of Sun and Moon, but not THE combination of Sun and Moon. If that makes any sense. They’re a replication of both placed inside Moon’s old body and used to fill the empty spot on the throne and potentially-maybe-hopefully-not help Afton.
Hands down my favourite ask ever. Like oh my god you did it. You got everything. You caught all the little secrets I put in and I’m flabbergasted. WOW. I AM. SO HAPPY HSFSG
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peak-dumbass · 8 months
I’m bored and procrastinating so let me spout my rid2015!smokebee propaganda at y’all please just hear me out
Now y’all maybe wondering “why are you specifying rid2015?? Smokescreen was only in TFP, bro doesn’t exist in rid2015–” EXACTLY! Smokescreen wasn’t in rid2015 so most of the stuff made for the ship is for them in TFP but that’s not what I’m trying to sell y’all on
I’m trying to sell y’all on the idea that — if Smokescreen was in rid2015, he would be in a relationship with Bee — hence the specification
Now what y’all are probably asking is “why????”
Well that’s what this post is for!! First off:
The Shenanigans
Idk if y’all remember but Smokey was the silliest bot on Team Prime, easily the most immature mf in the main cast (other than Miko) — now try to tell me without lying to my face that he wouldn’t fit in perfectly with the goofy goobers the make up Team Bee??
He would definitely see himself in Sideswipe and try to bond with him thru pranks and goofing off while also trying to guide him into avoiding the same mistakes he made (ex. Hard Knocks)
He probably makes Strongarm feel conflicted cuz his reckless personality clashes with her image of what an “Elite Guardsman” would act like, but I think Smokescreen would just try to get her to loosen up a bit while not bickering with her unlike what Sideswipe and her usually do
Upon seeing Grimlock he’d immediately go “HOLY SCRAP ARE YOU A DINOBOT!?!?!”, he thinks Grim is so cool and really wants to spar with him
He probably sees Arcee in the way Drift acts and respects him a lot just based on that alone, though he knows it’s gonna take time for him to earn that respect back from Drift (I LOVE HIS CHARACTER GROWTH IN PRIME AND I WILL KEEP THAT IN THIS SILLY LITTLE IDEA OF MINE, HE DID GET BETTER AND I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE IGNORE THAT JUST CUZ THEY FIND HIM ANNOYING)
He’s probably not met much minicons so he’s not used to them, but I can see him having a good friendship with Fixit and being very nice to Jetstorm and Slipstream
He takes one look at Russell, turns to Bee and says “do you have a thing for human kids with brown hair and names starting with R??” Other than that I think he vibes with Russell and Denny well
As for his dynamics with the Decepticons — he’d be making constant quips, he’d make fun of all of them immediately like a robot alien version of Spider-Man — after previously fighting against Megatron himself he cannot take any of the furries of rid2015 seriously
The Fluff
Look at me. Like seriously look at me. Look into my eyes and imagine with me for a sec.
Bee and Smokey learning how to work with each other in the field again, reminiscing about the rare good memories during the war
Bee infodumping about Earth culture to him while Smokey just listens while looking at him with borderline heart eyes
I think Bee really likes physical affection and words of affirmation so randomly Smokey will just hug Bee when they’re in the scrapyard and will compliment him when he does well at leading and mentoring the others cuz he knows that shit ain’t easy (again, he sees himself and Sideswipe and realizes “damn I really was annoying holy scrap I’m so sorry”)
I HC that Smokey can still move his doorwings like he and Bee did in TFP, so whenever he sees Bee and gets excited his flap up and down (I know this is purely self indulgent BUT IN MY DEFENSE THIS ENTIRE POST IS ME BEING SELF INDULGENT, THIS FANDOM IS ALREADY DEAD AS HELL I’D BE SURPRISED IF ANYONE EVEN READS THIS FAR INTO THIS POST, LET ME BE SELF INDULGENT IN PEACE)
When either of them get bad days where they just keep thinking about the war, they do their best to comfort each other thru it cuz, unlike the rest of the team, they were both there for most of the late-war-shit together on Earth — and for the stuff that Smokey wasn’t there for, he just listens and makes sure Bee knows that he’ll always be there for him
The shock of the team finding out that Bee has a partner is amazing and it could happen in so many ways (if y’all wanna see one of my interpretations on how this could go you could check out my fanfic: Old Recruit on AO3)
The team seeing their usually serious team leader be partners with this unserious constant-joker of a bot stores a lot of cute potential stories in it that no one is writing about — like come on guys I want Bee trying to be serious in the scrapyard but then Smokey just hugs him from behind out of nowhere and Bee just has to process it for a sec cuz touch starvation go brrrr while the rest of them is like :O
The Angst
While this section is mainly Smokey focused more than smokebee focused, I’m still adding it cuz this still falls under the “what if smokescreen was in rid2015” idea
Smokey definitely has claustrophobia and a hatred for being restrained in anyway from the TFP (waking up captive on a Decepticon ship after being knocked out, Knockout restraining him on his operating table while he tears the Omega Key from inside his body, being stuck with a dying Optimus in a cramped cave for a while panicking cuz holy shit Optimus, his #1 hero, is fucking dying) so any mission that requires going into a cave or dark & cramped area is gonna cause him to freak out — but of course he wouldn’t actually admit that until it’s too late and he’s having a breakdown in a cave cuz he didn’t want to let his “stupid irrational fear to ruin a mission”
Same goes with Bee and his fears — I touched on this a bit earlier, but Bee & Smokey definitely have some days where they’re gonna feel off and they can’t get the war out of their heads — and those days are gonna be the worst cuz most of the team outside of maybe Drift won’t really understand it
Smokey is gonna have some feelings about Optimus coming back and Bee not telling him immediately — while this isn’t the first time Optimus died and came back to him, last time it was for a few seconds, this was for THREE WHOLE YEARS — he’s still gonna be happy that he’s back, it’s just gonna take awhile longer for him to be ok with it than the others (the way that Ratchet is immediately ok with Optimus coming back out of nowhere in rid!2015 was weird to me so I’m fixing that with Smokey)
While he loves giving Bee physical affection, he hates unwarranted touching from anyone else, specifically stuff like pats or punches on the back (Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha—)
For a potential angsty introduction to Smokey in rid2015: He doesn’t meet up with Team Bee until the finale episode on Cybertron, where he’s being mind controlled by The High Council to capture them (I’m a sucker for brainwashing/mind control/hypnotism plots so I need to understand how BADLY I WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN IN THE SHOW IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO COOL)
That’s all I can think of for now, I just love these funky big robos a lot and I’m currently smashing their faces together like a kid with 2 Barbie dolls in my mind, hope y’all enjoyed reading <3
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h-didanart · 4 months
Question: How many AU Bloodmoons do you have?
*slams three notebooks, an iPad, and the phone on the table*
Bloodmoons that I have written or drawn about in public platforms where their existences can be confirmed:
Five pairs and a single, these are:
Everyone is alive, for some reason- My takes on Bloodmoon I and Bloodmoon II that appear on a one shot I wrote and a concept I shared here; Dagger and Rifle (placeholder name, I don’t know what else to call him :(), Rabies and Bleed
The Moon and Sun show- The ones from my swap au, which I am still counting because Fang has exactly one line which was meant as foreshadowing tho I don’t know if it worked cuz no one mentioned it; Scythe and Fang
The Bloodmoon One- The ones from… that au (which for some reason I made an alternate timeline for where they’re humans); Bloody and Harvest
Get in losers- The ones from my more silly au where everyone joins the family; Hunter and Harvest
The bffs- The one that got separated and became Jack’s friend, or has Jack as his emotional support bot, and the root world of the Virus!Jack event; Original
Those are the guys you guys can figure out I made rather easily.
Now, having looked through my notebooks and writing spaces, and counting the six Bloodmoons we already have:
Sixteen pairs, two singles, one trio, and one quartet
That’s eleven pairs, one single, one trio, and one quartet more than what you guys know.
Let’s get into their lore, shall we?:
The tree at face value- I was experimenting with family set ups for the Celestials and decided to take things literally, Bloodmoon here would be the child of Eclipse. They were never named.
Creator sucks, deluxe edition- okay, okay, this one is weird, and I’ll admit I wasn’t really thinking it through when I made the concept, ergo it will probably come off as insensitive and weird, which is understandable because I was not thinking through what I was thinking. So, human au, Sun and Moon and Lunar have DID, both Bloodmoons are Lunar’s alters. That’s it. This is one of the two aus in which the twins are younger than 20. Lunar, Hunter, and Harvest.
The RaTc (pronounced ‘rats’)- short for ‘Redhead and traumatized club’, basically a place where I drop all my favorites//ocs that have so many things in common that I can refer to them as being ‘the same guy’. Bloodmoon II was the latest addition. Original and Adaptation
Uno-less afterlife- my take on the ghost versions of the dead SAMS characters, I’m planning to write a one shot for this one when Sun dies (or if, I guess). There’s the first Bloodmoon who’s half melted and kinda disintegrating, and the newer addition of a mutilated Adaptation II. Original and Adaptation, Copy Adaptation
This is what you wanted- that concept I shared sometime last month (?), Bloodmoon wanting to get reprogrammed and getting Eclipse to help them, and then getting amnesia. Ruby and Scarlet
DND mini phase- a simple doodle of Bloodmoon as a vampiric rogue, thing which I don’t even know if it’s possible. They weren’t named
Death game- … I may have watched a Danganronpa let’s play. Look, the concept is neat, and the character designs are cool as hell! That said, I did plan a whole au revolving around the SAMS characters being put in a death game, I’m pretty sure I planned to have the twins kill someone and get away with it because of a loop hole. Bloody and Harvest
Fantasy au- not restricted but definitely inspired by DnD, a magical world where there’s all sorts of creatures and places. The Bloodmoons were vampires that Eclipse got to work for him, and then got out of control. Ruin revived them as a demon on account of being a necromancer. Neither the first or second versions were named
Pure and utter regret- I… I might’ve… I might’ve shipped the twins and Jack at some point— It was a crackship and I don’t even ship them anymore, I‘ve adopted the ‘Bloodmoon is aroace’ headcanon, and y’know, canon is being canon for Jack. They’re really just friends now. Yet, I still have about three digital pages worth of them being all kissy and shit. I feel like shit. Fuck, I even had a name for them. I hate myself. They go by every single name ever given to a Bloodmoon (because this was purely a fun crack ship)
April fools actor au- exactly as it says, Sun and Moon started thinking of ways to bring engagement up for the channel, and then Eclipse popped up, and so they all ran the channel together, bouncing ideas off of one another, and so began the lore episodes. Bloodmoon is a bot that was made by Eclipse from some scraps of code he did originally intend to use to mess with the Celestial twins, now repurposed into a theatre kid. They probably have names but they’re only referred to as Original and Adaptation
I got infected by Magic Girlitis- I was watching a bunch of videos about Madoka Magica, and then I watched the ‘Will you press the button’ video, so now I have magical girl designs for Moon, Sun, and Lunar. I never got to them, but the blood twins would’ve had a really cool introduction and would’ve been a genuinely scary antagonist to our heroes. They weren’t named
Fragment of the ocean- I asked a friend of mine what I should draw for Mermay, they said mermaids and oceanic creatures, I accidentally created an au. Bloodmoon is an apparent human (has never been seen as a mermaid), who after being controlled and used by several people was adopted into the Foxy family. They also have DID, because human. This is the second au where the twins are younger than 20. Bloody, Scythe, Hunter, and Rabies
AAaaaand that’s a wrap! Those are all the Bloodmoons I have come up with!
I think
I hope
🎶I pray that he— uh wrong character
I may have issues
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neuvistar · 1 year
jingren fucking their pretty pregnant wife 🥺🥺 ofc in a gentle and caring way!! (blade is fighting his demons)
youre getting hornier and more sensitive since your pregnancy, so they have to be gentle with you!!! blade would softly finger you while jing yuan squeeze and kiss ur full breasts to calm your pain, praising you for being such a good wife!!
they don’t want to hurt you or their baby so they have to be careful with theirs thrusts, deep and painfully slow bdksbdksn i love my pathetic husbands
REAL REAL (sorry for the late reply nonnie)
YUUUP YUUP and how can they resist you when you’re there tugging at their arms w your pretty tits pressing against them?? rubbing against their clothes and asking them to fuck you so so good </3 how can they resist?? (they can’t)
you would be there laid out so nicely with your legs spread, your sweet little belly out in the open for them to see, blade would have to slap himself and try not 2 be so rough with his fingers, it only makes sense since i’m sure ur sensitive 2 even the slightest touch!! jing yuan gripping and caressing your breasts so gently, kissing and maybe even sucking on them sometimes cuz he’s a lil silly like that but who cares! he would whisper sweet things to u, mumbling how much of a pretty and obedient girl you are, taking both of them sooo well </3 it’s so so hard for them 2 keep their demons in and not absolutely fuck their pretty lil wife into oblivion when you’re asking them for more, bucking against blade’s fingers while you push jing yuan further onto your breast, ITS SOOO HARD FOR THEM TO RESIST BUT PROPS 2 THEM FOR RESISTING ANYWAYS!
i agree i agree, once they do fuck you their thrusts r so slow and steady w sm care, choked moans leaving their mouth at how easily they slipped inside you and how quick your insides pulsed around their aching cocks </3 they’re so pathetic and sweet mwah mwah
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jellyshark-jester · 2 months
Reverse 1999 oc: slight change to Dengra’s design
And their insight II splash art (low effort) gonna reexplain them dhdhihdih with slightly more info
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Dengrea, one of the fastest swimmer, weirdest marine biologist and resourceful ocean/underwater caves expeditioner in the foundation. They’re just a silly little guy that may or may not have interest in cannibalising their teammates, friends and most humanoids around them… very normal and silly. On the outer exterior they seem cold and maybe a little bit of a rude stuck up prick but they’re just autistic with a little bit of sass (hehe snag sass) tho they’re actually a massive cry baby, that loves affection but is bad at it and have the worst case of self control when it comes to cuteness aggression, basically just a silly guy. They’re childhood friends with quite a few of the people in the foundation that’s their age like in their 20s *cough cough* Lilya<3 but they opted to worked alone for a few years now~ only recently they’ve been put in teams with others.
Origins: unknown, found in a lab as a little snag.
They stand at 5feet tall, usually find them in their diving suit, helmet, a leather jacket and leather flared pants that’s easily removed. They’d either be somewhere “working” in an underwater cave or find them napping in the lab.
Their rarity is a 5*, Beast type that doses reality damage and is categorised from the beyond section in the files.
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I’d like to keep their naga form the same cuz I still like the “fluffy” feathery giant fat hognose snake. Their scales are long, sharp and shaped like feathers, it’s not the best for slithering on land and is a bit too heavy for flying but it makes up for being very fast underwater and any wet surfaces. Also I like to add that in their insight II they have snakes slithering around them on their body.
They can fly but it requires a lot of energy and is a bit slow… as they’re made for diving and all that jazz
I’m adding old illustration for context nsjidnijdhd and more info down here:
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(Old drawing of naga and a very old lidrea art probably the first one ndjdhjhd)
Then their relationship with Lilya<33 it’s kinda weird cuz I didn’t make them a thing I just made them friends cuz.. well I was a Tennant simp and yeah.. but I realised I kinda like Lilya more sbhshiuhdkj but how I’ve decided to do this is they used to be pretty good friends but grew distant later on in life so it’s a bit awkward for both of them.
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Silly little facts: lesbian, gay gay gay homosexual gay. If they don’t have their helmet on they will just chomp anyone… they have a sweet tooth like cake, sweet snacks and the flesh of mortals. They sleep for 2 hours(when they’re in bed) a day and 8 hours for naps (I know weird but this is at work) they’re pretty efficient in their field of work, it’s just their work ethics comes into play when you find them napping on the labs floor… which isn’t a good look…. For them, basically a silly guy… or a weirdo both works.
I think that’s it hehe
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
Some Serennedy headcannons for the one and only @mooseonahunt !!!! Sorry I couldn’t add to it ask Tumblr wouldn’t let me BXNSHDNSJSN
HC’s under cut cuz I don’t wanna bombard anyone’s dashboard!!!
• They’re T4T. This much is obvious. And I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, I think Luis is very old-fashioned and as such still uses terms like Transvestite/Transsexual/Fag for himself. I think Leon is just happy calling himself gay and trans chendhendhsn
• I don’t think Leon’s actually all into women- controversial I know BCNSHDNSUSJ but I think him trying (and failing) to flirt with women was him trying to overcompensate for his queerness, and I think it solidified for him that Hey liking men is Ok actually when he met Luis
• Luis however is very unabashedly queer. He will flirt with anyone and everyone and he’s encouraged Leon to open up more when it comes to his identity me thinks
• Leon gets jealous easily. Not in an alpha-male-nobody-can-touch-my-man way, but I think he’s deep down a little bit insecure that a guy like LUIS would ever be into HIM. He just likes coming home and being reassured with lots of kisses that Luis does love him and only him acktually (But I’m saying that I don’t think either of them would be like. OPPOSED to polyamory. They just don’t have the time BXBSHNESH)
• Luis is obviously the more physically affectionate one and Leon is VERY touch starved so he laps it up like crazy
• Luis is a morning person. Leon is NOT. So often Luis will get up WAY before Leon and go out shopping for breakfast stuffs before him
• I know I’m one of millions to say this but Leon CANNOT cook. And Luis secretly indulges in being a little bit of a househusband for them both BXNSHENSJS
• Very random but I think Luis flirts with Chris on behalf of Leon. He’s like “if this idiot won’t make a move on this Boulder-lookin ass guy I WILL”
• Me And @hamartia-grander had a very hilarious conversation about this but I think Leon is immune to all flirting EXCEPT for Luis’. Luis could say literally THE DUMBEST shit and Leon will fall head over heels for him
• And Vice Versa. Luis is SUCH a sucker for all of Leon’s dumb jokes he strokes his ego like crazy
• Luis is like one of those dogs that are massive but don’t realise it and think they can sit on their owners just fine. Luis will curl up on Leon’s lap or be the little spoon and it’s an insanely awkward tangle of limbs but Leon couldn’t care in the slightest
• Also, Luis is like,,, actually SHOCKINGLY taller than Leon???? Like if you put their game models side by side and make Luis stand up straight he’s actually quite a fair bit taller than Leon????? But he’s always resting his weight on one hip or leaning on something so it’s hard to tell in-game
• Leon doesn’t like to go out in public so when he has to, he’s always got a grip on Luis’ arm xhdndhenhdnejx
• Luis LOVES to buy Leon new jackets. Except he has no money so he’s actually just using Leon’s money BCNDHDNDHNDDJ
“Awwwwe thanks for the jacket babe :)) why is there 50$ less in my bank account”
“Don’t worry about it cariño :)))))”
• Luis can sing!!! And play guitar!!!!! His Grandfather taught him :)
• Leon REALLY likes to learn and engage in stuff from Luis’ culture. Luis gets homesick very easily so he’s always teaching him dances and cooking him food n stuff like that to make them both feel better
• That being said Leon will TRY to speak Spanish and he just. Sounds awful. And I think Luis gets very delighted by very random silly American things xhsnxhsnxj he just like me fr (Eg: omg Leon!!!!!!! An Ikea!!!!!!!!!!! Ive Never been to an Ikea before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
• Leon has made it a habit of reading Luis Don Quixote before bed. Even though Luis could probably read the book backwards with his eyes closed, he just likes hearing Leon talk :)) also Leon is a S L O W Reader so Like. It works out for the both of them BCNDHXNDJD
• I’ve mentioned this numerous times but I fully think if Luis were to survive, he’d be disabled somehow. Some days he’s fine and some days he can’t even walk. But Leon is always always always there to help him no matter what
• Going off of that, I recon Luis loves to dance, but can’t really do it well after his injury. So Leon just kinda half-carry’s him and it usually ends up with the both of them on the floor laughing
• I don’t think Luis would still be religious after,,, e v e r y t h i n g but I think he probably still prays out of habit, and Leon likes to sit and watch him with a lil smile on his face
• Luis still loves to use knight/prince-themed nicknames for Leon :))
• Leon loves to kiss the rings on Luis’ fingers as a form of intimacy
• Again stolen from @snailvee , but I WHOLLY agree with their headcannon that Luis takes a LOT of pride in his appearance (he feels like it’s the one thing he can control etc etc) so letting Leon see him all scruffy in the mornings is a little way of saying “I love you”
• Also again stolen from Snail, they share clothes. Except Luis is really tall and lanky and it accentuates Leon’s muscles so sometimes he hides his clothes in Leon’s drawers on purpose NCNEHDNDJDNDJ
• After a while I wholly think Luis grows out his hair/ grows a little beard and Leon is obsessed w it
• I think even before he met Luis, he was exactly Leon’s type. Tall dark and handsome NXNDHDND he always pictured being with a man like that and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t kinda into Spanish accents
• Leon makes a extra effort to hide old photos of him as a Rookie from Luis because whenever he finds them he starts crying and is like “OOOOUGGHHH LEEEOOOONNN YOU WERE SUCH A BABYYYY……. THE WORLD WAS SO CRUEL TO YOOOOOUUUU…… OUAHAGAHSGHA”
• Oh also they’re both autistic. There is NO WAY Leon is neurotypical with that eye contact and lack of social awareness and Luis’ special interest is horses and Don Quixote you can’t convince me otherwise (He also likes infodumping to Leon abt sciency stuff :))) )
• I think Luis cries very easily. Not even over anything reasonable he’s just an emotional guy HDBDHDNDHDN
• Leon has had to sit Luis down multiple times and say to him “It’s ok. You don have to keep trying to repent for your mistakes. Being here and alive is more than enough of an apology for me. You can forgive yourself”
• Luis likes to gush about Leon to Rebecca and Leon likes to gush about Luis to Chris and Claire. They’re idiots sooooo in love
• @hamartia-grander again stolen from you but Leon always keeps a photo of Luis with him when on missions and they’re always calling whenever they can <<<333
• Luis has gotten every single little mole and freckle of Leon’s memorised perfectly so he can kiss them whenever he wants :))
• Leon’s favourite part of Luis is his pretty eyelashes with those tiny lil grey lashes and nose. He’s a sucker for big noses. He also likes braiding his hair me thinks
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hearts401 · 5 months
My god I thought I was a diehard rarepair shipper but clearly nothing can triumph your love for HanaNeneKou/lh going through your blog was like falling into a rabbit hole and honestly I don't regret it
Any headcanons for the silly trio? C:
Unmmm first I think Hanako and Nene confessed firsttt and then Kou just pined for them for like ever until they both noticed something was wrong and wouldn’t leave him alone til he told them
Kou was straight before he met them they were his bisexual awakening
They’d take turns making snacks for each other every Friday. Hanako usually gets thre mokke to help him tho. Yashiro makes donuts everytime while Kou rlly likes to spice it up. Hanakos stuck at the school so yashiro and kou will bring him cookbooks so he can pick something to make.
Hanakos love language is physical touch, Kous is gift giving, and Yashiros is quality time. Hence why she doesn’t DESPISE cleaning the bathroom even if it’s annoying sometimes
Hanako probably kisses the most. He likes giving little kisses. Yashiro gets all worked up about it she’s flustered easily
All of them are at least a little prone to jealousy (not of each other, of other people) but Hanako is the most jealous and kou is the least.
Yashiro likes to stay the night at thhe school sometimes to stay with Hanako and eventually kou does too. Teru doesn’t like that but I don’t like teru so whatever!
Thhe mokke are Like their weird kids. They teach them things
Hmmmm sometimes the three of them hang out in boundaries to avoid other people
Hanako likes bothering yashiro in class more than kou (he thinks her reactions are funnier) but he does sometimes go to see kou as well. He likes swiping Kous things and hiding them because he thinks it’s funny
Kou gets yashiro and Hanako tons of gifts he loves it more than anything. You tell him you like something and boom you have it. He probably also has a spending problem so he tries to go for gifts he can make (esp food)
Yashiro will do anything in her power to drag kou or Hanako along with her to go places. It’s hard with Hanako since he can’t leave the school, but he tends to find things they can do together. Kou is down for anything but when it comes to asking yashiro to go somewhere with him he gets nervous. Idk he seems like he’s also a brushy loser
Hanako is chill af until someone reciprocates his feelings. Like sure he’s sooo cool and he gave yashiro that little kiss and he grins and thinks he’s the shit but god forbid one of them kiss HIM then he’s losing his mind
Kou and Yashiro love prying into his likes and dislikes also.
Yashiro likes compatibility tests. Even if they say they’re not compatible she won’t care but she thinks they’re fun anyways. And it just adds onto the running joke of Hanako and kou not being “her type”
They’re all bisexual. All three of them.
If you asked Hanako or kou to rate Yashiro they’d give her a ten but she’d probably give them both a 6 😭😭😭 cuz they’re totally not her type ofc ofc
Uhmmm that’s all I can think of rn hehehe I love them a lot
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
PINNIE my beloved. listen to this angsty scenario: reader breaking down in tears telling breg he should just break up w/ them and move on cuz they’re so heartbroken and sad their body can never provide them babies, smthing they know breg wants both in heat and not. CUE distressful emotions from the both of them!!! </3
I'm not sure if you're saying this as a way to imply that reader is upset about being infertile, or if reader is fertile but learned that breeders and humans are incompatible...
Like Hell that's going to be the end of your relationship. Yes, Breg will always need a period of time to come to terms with the cold reality that, ironically, breeders can procreate with most monsters, but not humans. And during that time, he may express snappiness or anger to those around him, because a part of his fantasy-life bubble is being popped, but ultimately- He can sacrifice.
See, the wonderful thing he found about life outside the facility, is that people adopt! They take children to raise them as their own! And while Breg's perception of this lengthy process is dangerously simplistic (to the point where waking up to him holding a random baby should be a concern for you), he's very willing to learn and adapt his current lifestyle in order to rear a youngling with you.
Given that finding baby breeders in the wild is basically a null chance, Breg will suggest a human infant/child/teen. More if you let him. He's not upset that they're not yours or his, he just wants a family, preferably.
You're being so silly! This is easily fixable!
Hey... You scared him a little. Never say you're going to break up with him again, okay?
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thothunter-420 · 1 year
Pls, I need to know the details of your The Who Pinterest board (if that’s alright with you)
IT IS SO ALRIGHT WITH ME, LET’S GO!! this might get long cuz this board is like my special little mental illness baby, but also i just like the who a totally normal amount ❤️ i’ve been on the hustle for over a year cuz i developed a special interest after having the whole “wow this band looks like ASS 😭😭” to the “needing pete townshend carnally” phase. anyways this board puts all my other band ones to shame, it’s twice as much as my next highest (which is the beatles, respectfully) like woo mama here we go!! i don’t have my computer on me cuz i’ve been traveling so fuck it we ball on mobile
so we have to start off with the men themselves cuz i really do adore all of them so much. i haven’t changed the names in like a year, but since i’m very multi band fandom with my bestie i do last names for a lot of men cuz all these brits threw a dart at a board with only 5 names on it and rolled with it. only pete gets full name privileges cuz the only other one we’ve got is peter tork. BUT ANYWAYS i have fought tooth and nail to get em all in close proximity of each other but the blond men liking illness has let daltrey take a strong lead as of late 🙄🙄
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then there’s the duos section and i could try to squeeze em all in one photo but the favoritism is EMBARRASSING. not just cuz i favor these duos sm but cuz pint is a hard beast to wrangle fr!! so here’s the idea of what they look like, guys hanging out :) i always get so excited when i see a pic of a duo that i’ve never seen before, it feels so special!!
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the group ones are a ton of fun too. i group them by eras that i personally can easily distinguish but often i have to make a lot of educated guesses and just roll with it. the names on these are especially silly but everything is phrased lovingly cuz i’m like “EW 😍😍”. also i live the life of being a 70s who truther when it comes to sexiest era cuz they all look disgusting but pint is so fond of those hilarious early 60s rats. it was so bad i actually had to split “baby who” into 2 sections as we can see. it was getting out of hand but uhmm i’d kiss them all still idc
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there’s also a ‘78+ section and ones for them as weeee lil kidlet babies cuz i’m well rounded. then i get silly and i top it off with the goofy and informative stuff, which is either images i find funny for whatever reason in one section and then stuff like newspaper articles and interviews!! it’s the more misc section but i love having em, they’re essentials to all of my boards but the who have a pretty strong section for both considering i really have to sniff stuff out in this place
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so that’s the tour!! i’ve only been into this band for a little over a year but it’s been a good year, always chadding to treat my fave bands right 😤😤 ty for asking teehee and hopefully this is what ya wanted to see!! i will gladly share more details if you want or i could even post some pics i enjoy from my massive stash if desired, just say the word!!
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zumpietoo · 2 years
The Promised Silly...
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A) you live to "make fun of her", because she's with Cole
B) when PP or sometimes even Crotchi does this (or Madelyn Cline), you think it's fucking amazing
Literally, you’re bagging on her for taking a picture....
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If anybody’s letting ANYBODY get to them, it’s yourself, Silly....over Ari daring to breathe and be happy with Cole....
However, fear not!!! These rules/twisted logic does NOT apply to others....
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Ummmm.......on just sooo many levels, the wrong here
A) all three can EASILY afford to buy cars (in fact, is this even true?), I do love how bourgeois she is, tho
B) So an ugly dude, who is and does everything they claim to hate Cole for, bought a pretty girl something $$$ and that's kewl? Cuz "dating up"
C) only value anybody has is $$$ or decorative
D) In “keeping Crotchi”, pretty confident she’s the one who does the dumping. Or I do notice they split each time when he gets fed up with her using him to try and bag Cole (yet again)
E) Isn’t this, again, overt prostitution???? Also, if/since it is----wouldn’t Melted be able to find a nu prostitute, then? 
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I fucking swear she's PedoT and this likely IS true, but that it's kewl to do this, but not to simply be a nice couple, THAT'S the real "prostitution" is beyond me....
So just to recap:
Cari is a trap/prostitution because they’re a nice couple, one of whom is moar famous/wealthier than the other. Even tho it appears that isn’t remotely dick to them, both are also supportive of once another’s careers and Ari has plenty of her own $$$, anyway. 
They live together and have purchased a second home together, and this is all evolll and means she doesn’t live in either residence, but instead actually lives with her parents. And has never really lived in LA, even prior to meeting Cole/while being roomies with other peeps, etc. 
Oh and (because, apparently, auto ownership iz important), she does not even own a car. Even tho she does and routinely drives Cole’s most fab vehicle, anyway. 
That said.....it’s NOT remotely wrong (or even really “transactional”) to be in a relationship with somebody you seemingly DGAF about (and probably has herpes)/is most assuredly a total lowlife, so long as he buys you a car....cuz that’s somehow NOT prostitution, but an awesome celeb relationship!
Ditto applies to (always) “dating up” in general, being a booty call to those moar famous than yourself or seeking to promote a project...
Yeaahhhh.....this isn’t weird or twisted AT ALL
OH and, again, the only value anybody can possess is decorative or financial.....who you are as a person is irrelevant!
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pros and cons cuz i’m evil (of many of the ppl i’ve liked:
edith wharton
hes v cute. also very funny. i like talking to him. insomniac. nerdy. likes gum (breath smells ok). he’s ..older… by like 6 months. not a misogynist! good manners. pretty. so very pretty. nice smile. not a dry texter. not illiterate! quite passionate. banter. good hair. wasian. caring. comforting. sarcastic. athletic. cool mum. loves mum. can talk deep. biker guy. wears glasses (he’s so pretty). makes me giggle. tall. watched horrid henry. likes spider-man. nice hands (im going fucking insane).
we’re in the same friend group. ahhhhh. white. kinda mean :(. oblivious. not the best grades. we’re both in bad situationships. brave but idiotic. wears glasses (is blind) who is gonna be the seer is this relationship then? chronically online. makes awful jokes. maniac. sunburns easily. athletic (might drag me to hikes). wears an ugly ski mask. likes the ugly ski mask. makes awful sexual jokes (that i giggle at because i’m just a girl). just a lil weirdo.
agatha christie
super athletic. boxes. passionate abt history and archeology. lives in turkey. sweetheart. charming. good fashion sense. silly guy. cool sister. love his sister. ate ramen for four days becuz he couldn’t cook. compliments me. can talk for days. lives in turkey. smart. so nerdy despite being jockish. not a male manipulator. may listen to lana w me.
dry texter. balding. also wears glasses. followed jordon peterson and self help gym accs. never replies. not good texter. texts in a baby voice (which is very weird) ~ exhibit a: “me no likey 🥺” or smth like that. the ick is so strong on this one. want kids. vector ass haircut. plays fortnite & valorant. cannot cook for the life of him. sweats crazy. what music taste except guitar covers. may listen to lana because he has ass music taste. cannot make me giggle. hot ugly guy.
mieko kawakami
i love her. insane artist. pianist. lovely long fingers. common interests. understands me. lifelong appreciation of art. pretty. so passionate. conversation for days. nerdy. but lovely. insanely talented artist. so smart. great at math. great at chess. tim button lover. compliments me. likes red. so nice. lovely texter. sweetheart. good grades. asian. very witty. observer. generous.
wears jorts. questionable fashion sense. …that’s it. i think i put her on a pedestal and also someone else has like her for 4 years and it happens to be her boy best friend. and he wants to marry her. i don’t think she feels the same— it’s been rocky apparently but they’re still good friends. that doesn’t make my feelings invalid i hope as i’ve been feeling them so intensely since october of last last year. he doesn’t own her in any way. oh! she’s in the uk. so long distance so doesn’t work. time zones! all external factors i fear. gonna post this privately just in case
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supermarine-silvally · 9 months
Stepping out of my usual fandom bubble for a moment, could I have all of the Be My Mirror asks for Kova and Bakugou? Have a lovely day!
Aaaaahh bakulenko my beloveds <3 I need to get back into working on Ground Zero so hopefully this should help with the inspiration!
Ask game here!
1. Who is more protective? Who needs to be protected?
They’re both hero students at one of the best hero schools in the entire world, so protecting/being protected is all part of the game for them every single day, lol. They can both more than hold their own in a fight but Kacchan tends to have more protective tendencies cuz Kova is younger and less experienced than he is (and he’s supposed to be her mentor, so he’s supposed to look after her, which is a job he comes to take very seriously despite his initial reluctance).
2. Who is the one who gets hurt and who takes care of the other when they're injured?
Both do! Out of the two of them, though, Kova has more skills as an impromptu medic so more often than not, she’s the one taking care of Bakugou’s injuries (see: Chapters 24 and 25 of Ground Zero lol). But he will absolutely take care of her were something to ever happen to her as well.
3. Who wears the other's clothes? What does the other think about that?
Kova looooooves wearing Kacchan’s clothes lol especially his silly little edgy skull shirts, which she enjoys teasing him about. He might roll his eyes but he absolutely lets her (part of him really enjoys seeing her wear his clothes because it lets everyone know how close they are, even if they’re not officially together at that point in the story).
4. Who is constantly teasing the other? How does that person react?
Kova does 90% of the teasing because she loves riling him up and getting a reaction out of him. Kacchan pretends to be annoyed about it but if she ever stopped doing it he’d be very sad.
5. Who's more physically affectionate?
Neither of them are super touchy-feely, but in the earlier stages of their friendship-turning-romance, Kova probably initiates the affection most of the time. Kacchan pretends he’s too cool for it but secretly he loves being physically affectionate with her and lets her get away with touching him and teasing him in ways that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE would ever dare attempt. (Kaminari once tried imitating the way Kova is around him and Bakugou nearly blasted him through the ceiling).
6. Who's the better cook?
Bakugou, hands down. He cooks for Kova a lot (this happens so often in Ground Zero I can’t even remember all the chapters it does) and she LOVES his cooking. Sometimes, she’ll help him in the kitchen, but he mostly shoos her away, claiming he doesn’t want her to wreck it, but we all know it’s because he’s trying to impress her.
7. Who's the bigger flirt? How do they handle being flirted at? Do they blush easily or get nervous?
They don’t flirt much when they’re younger, but the more established they get as a hero couple, the more comfortable they get with being openly flirty. I’d say Kova probably initiates it more, but then Kacchan will retort with a line that leaves her red-faced and speechless, while he smirks and walks away. The bastard. She will definitely have to pay him back for that later.
8. Who's the better driver?
Bakugou, probably. As the older one, he’d get his license first (and his parents have money so they’d probably buy him a car). Also, Kova’s immigrant status probably means it takes longer for her to get a license in Japan so she doesn’t have as much practice. She’s happy to let him drive, though.
9. Who removes the spiders/bugs?
Kova loves bugs (she acquires a pet tarantula for her dorm room in her second year at U.A.), so she’s definitely picking the spiders and bugs up with her bare hands and giving them new homes whenever one is found somewhere it shouldn’t be.
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