#mostly because the state is doing a nice kickback
rubenesque-as-fuck · 7 months
Woo did at least one productive thing today and finished submitting my taxes
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whateverthebeeswant · 3 years
How The FUCK Do You Mistake Your Glock For A Taser: A Crash Course In Gun Anatomy
Ok listen up ladies and motherfuckers ‘cause I’m about to learn you on why anyone who says that they mistook a Glock for a taser is a fucking idiot. I’d like to dedicate this to the stupid fucking Republicans who, although they love talking about guns apparently don’t know a damn thing about how they work.
Warning: This post contains screenshots from the bodycam footage of the murder of Daunte Wright. The only objects shown in these screenshots are a gun and a taser; I have cropped Mr. Wright out of the image and there is no graphic content.
How the FUCK do you mistake a Glock for a Taser, Lesson 1: Basic Fucking Eyesight
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 [IMAGE 1: Left photo from this NYT article shows the Glock 17 model and the Taser X26P beside each other. The Glock 17 has a longer grip, is darker colored, and is more rectangular. The X26P is bright yellow and has a curved grip and trigger space. Right photo from the bodycam footage video linked beneath the cut, timestamp 1:24, shows a fellow cop with a yellow taser similar to the X26P.]
Look at the pretty colors. Now listen to me very carefully, Blue Lives Matter: yellow is the color of the sun and also this taser. The Glock is the fucking black one.
Lesson 2: Basic fucking touch
Now, let’s say you can’t see. Well, even if it’s not color coded and you’re either blind or stuck in a cave and can’t see your hand from your face, that shouldn’t matter.
Humans are incredible in the animal kingdom because we have an extraordinarily developed sense of touch. Some researchers have proven that humans can feel the difference between a level of molecules.
Which is why it is so incredibly fucking stupid that Potter allegedly didn’t realize that she was holding a gun.
Look at the basic differences in the shapes, the grips, the trigger. I’m pretty sure the outside is made out of plastic or some other lightweight, matte substance. Grabbing a Glock instead of a pistol should be like reaching in your backpack for a pencil and grabbing a banana. And that’s ot even factoring in the weight.
Lesson 3: Guns are fucking heavy
If you’ve never shot a gun, then you might not realize how heavy they are. Hell, I can shoot a lightweight pistol and my arms will still be sore. This is partially because I’m a twink, but mostly because when you hold a chunk of metal for an extended period of time your arms get tired.
Although the NYT article I stole that picture from states that although the exact model Potter is holding is unknown, standard issue for the department are the Glock 17, 22, and 26 Models.
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([MAGE 2: The Glock 17, 19, and 26 Models side by side (source) with a screenshot of Potter’s weapon from the body came footage (timestamps 1:30 and 1:31 in the video linked below). The Glock 17 is larger than the 19, which is larger than the 26. The body cam footage shows a gun that resembles either the 17 or the 19. Potter is holding her gun in a loose grip. A caption says Do not hold your fucking gun like this. You are not tomb raider”.]
Now, unless Potter has a rare condition where her hands did not grow past the age of 6, there’s no way that the grip of that gun belongs to a Glock 26 (yes, there could be another grip on it, but I digress). To me, it looks like a Glock 17 because of the length of the grip, but I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not an expert on Glock models.
So let’s say it is the lighter of the two, the 19. The Glock 19 weighs 670g unloaded and 855g loaded. The  X26P Taser used by law enforcement weighs 213g unloaded and 338g loaded.
Don’t know the difference between those two weights? Okay, well first pick up this cute little copy of “If You Give A Mouse a Cookie”  (weight ~345 g.)
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[IMAGE 3: Picture of “If You Give A Mouse a Cookie”, a popular and very short children’s book]
Now, pick up the 752-page monstrosity that is the entirety of The Divine Comedy (weight ~794)
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[IMAGE 4: Picture of a large copy of “The Divine Comedy”)
The weight difference between those is still smaller than the difference between a Glock and a Taser.
Or go pick up 3.4 apples and 8.5 apples. The list goes on. The point is that it takes an extraordinary lack of care and critical thinking to not realize the difference.
And Potter is holding the gun with one fucking hand.
Lesson 4: The Safety
This is maybe the most important part of the whole situation.
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[IMAGE 5: A picture from the X26P User Manual, which displays a safety trigger than must be flipped up for the gun to work].
All tasers have a safety. You have to flip it up so you don’t accidentally shoot yourself in the ass. Now, I’ve only ever owned stun guns and never actually used ones, but I do shoot. When I’m shooting say, a shotgun, it’s an automatic instinct to undo the safety before I shoot. Close, shoulder, aim, safety. Fire. Fire. Close, shoulder, aim, safety. Fire. It’s automatic, but at the same time if I went to flip the safety and my finger ran over where the lever should be, I’d be pretty fucking confused.
And I don’t even going shotgun shooting that often!
Now let’s look at a close-up of the triggers of the Glock 17 and the X26P.
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[IMAGE 6: A close up image of the Glock 17 trigger, the X26P trigger, and a diagram of the inside of a Glock 17.]
Glock’s don’t have the standard manual thumb safeties that come with other guns. Instead, they have a trigger safety. It’s hard to see in the first image, but there’s actually a second trigger/piece of metal protruding from the center of the trigger. This way you don’t have to deal with a manual trigger, but the gun won’t go off unless you pull directly back on the trigger.
Again, tactile sense. If you’ve trained with a weapon, a musical instrument, a piece of sports equipment, you know that object inside and out. You might be amazing with a tennis racquet, but if your shorter friend hands you her’s it’ll take awhile to get used to.
Now, it could just be that Potter is incredibly fucking stupid. Let me rephrase that: Potter is definitely incredibly fucking stupid. It’s not just the things she didn’t notice; besides her lack of protocol, she holds her gun with one hand. Maybe you can do that easier with a taser, which doesn’t have this nice little thing called “kickback”, but it’s still bad practice. She fires when one of her coworkers is close to Mr. Wright—generally, it’s a bad idea to fire a taser in an enclosed area.
I can’t speak on the sheer malice or racism in Potter’s own views, but I can say this: Potter was no rookie. She had spent 26 years as a police officer. She was training others. She was head of a fucking police union. So even if she is incredibly apologetic and pro-BLM, even if—this is who the policing system puts their trust in. This is the standard you get, after over 2 decades of experience. A mildly confrontational situation, an officer who doesn’t know her fucking weapons, and a man dead, and a child without a father.
Fuck the police. There’s nothing to reform here.              
Body Cam Footage for Screenshots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdv03O23vRQ
Edit 15/4/2021: mistakenly referred to a taser as a stun gun. In case anyone was wondering, a taser shoots and a stun gun looks more like a cattle prod.
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gashinabts · 4 years
The Deal
Word: 8.8k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary:  Entering your room you immediately lay on your bed sighing with exhaustion, you lift the money and start counting the money. “ 20,40,60,80...what the fuck…” you continue counting the money until it’s to five hundred dollars. “ Here I come, Jungkook.”
Warnings: Mature language
A/N: AHHH I’m soooo sorry I haven’t been posting lately due to this crazy pandemic a lot of unfortunate things have happened to me. I hope you guys like this fic, it took me awhile to plan it and write it, and I’m still disappointed in it :( I wish you all good health and please be careful!! Make sure to always wash your pretty hands!!!
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“ Her parents have been married for twenty years but she thinks her mother is having an affair. She still wants to find love like them well...at the moment when they were happy. Her favorite movie is Fight Club because she thinks it makes her have good taste in movies. She doesn’t kiss on the first date because she doesn’t want to seem too easy,” you finish your statement and hold your hand out. “ That would be a hundred dollars.”
Jimin hurriedly reaches from his back pocket and looks for cash in his wallet. He’s about to give you the money but stops himself. “ Is that all? Did Heejin say anything about me?”
“ Well I can’t just randomly say your name in our conversations. You know how long it took me to be her friend and I had to listen to her complain about everything.” Jimin gives you a sad pout and gives you an extra twenty dollars. “ Fine okay. We were playing truth or dare and she said she wouldn’t mind getting on
her knees for someone on the football team…”
“ And…”
“ It was you. Happy now?” You smile once he hands you the money. You smirk while counting the money. “ There’s also one more thing but I don’t think I should tell you.” You sigh and put the rest of the textbooks in your bag
He slides you another twenty dollars, “ Tell me.”
“ She lost her virginity in a small car and she regretted it. It was to some random guy. Well she wants her first boyfriend to think she’s a virgin so it can be special to her. She only told me since we are ‘close friends’. Now it’s your time to woo her or whatever.” You grab the cash and put it in your wallet. You quickly say bye to Jimin and walk out of the library.
You enter the classroom and take your notebook out. “ Hey. Wanna hangout afterschool? My parents aren’t home, we were thinking of throwing a kickback?,” Heejin asks you as she takes her notebook out.
“ Uhh... can’t I’m really busy with homework.” This was the hardest part of doing this ‘job’, trying to get rid of your relationship with them.
Heejin shakes you lightly, “ C’mon you can worry about your homework another time. And guess who’s going to be there?”
You look at the time on your phone wondering when the teacher is going to come. “ Who’s coming?” You fake a smile and twirl your pencil.
“Jimin’s coming. He asked me out on a date so I asked him if he wanted to chill.”
Wow he works fast. Heejin always has alcohol at her place; one drink wouldn’t hurt. “ Okay I’ll go but I can only go for an hour.” The teacher comes and class starts.
You show up to the kickback forty five minutes late. “ Y/N. Nice for you to show up,” Taehyung says while giving you a drink.
Taehyung is someone you rarely talk to, he’s the guy who just casually nods his head at you when you see each other around the hall. He’s also the guy you gave a handjob to.
“ Hey. I had to walk here. Thanks.” He looks out of place wearing oversized sweats and a hoodie. “ Where’s Heejin?” You should at least say hello to her ,stay for a while, and leave. He holds your hand and leads you upstairs to a door that is slightly ajared.
He whispers to you in your ear, “ She’s in there with Jimin.” You look in the small opening and you see her on his lap making out. So much for not kissing on the first date you think to yourself.
“ Is she drunk?” You whisper back to Taehyung.
“Most likely she had like five shots and a beer.” He opens the door slightly more, “ Aren’t you going to help your friend?”
Oh yeah she’s your friend. You opened the door more and walked into her bedroom. “ Heejin! I’m here!,” you smile at her as she turns her head at an angle to see you. Heejin smiles brightly and gets off of Jimin, and hugs you tightly.
“ You're here! I thought you weren’t going to come.” She pouts while holding your hands. Jimin coughs lightly and stands up from the bed. “ Oh this is Jimin. I don’t know if you guys like properly know each other.”  
You know Jimin quite alright, you probably know him more than she does. He’s the guy who paid over hundred dollars to get to know her more. Know her more than any instagram post. “ Hey, you're the guy that throws the football across the field and hopes that someone catches it. I’m Y/N,” you smile at him      
Jimin laughs and smiles brightly at you. You got to admit he’s an attractive guy and he’s stacked with money. Jimin and Heejin will make a good couple, they are both the same. “ Yeah that’s me. Nice meeting you.” He grabs his cup from the desk and looks into it, “I should get a refill. Anyone want more?”
Heejin is about to say something but someone interrupts her. “ No, I think they are good.” You turn to see Taehyung still waiting by the door. Jimin lets out a small okay and walks out kissing Heejin on the cheek. “ Alright, I should get home. It was nice seeing you Y/N. Thanks for the party Heejin.” With that said Taehyung leaves.
“ Are you and Taehyung something?” Heejin giggles at her own question.
“ No way. He was just talking to me.”
You ended up staying the whole time and helping Heejin clean up. Heejin knocks out the moment she lays on her bed. It’s really late, you should get home. You're about to lock Heejin’s front door until a girl yells to stop. You’ve seen her around campus. She's really pretty but you don’t know her name.
“ Hey I left my wallet in the house, I’ll be quick.” She goes into the living room and grabs her wallet. “ Hey, your Y/N, right?” You are surprised she knows your name, she’s way too popular, more popular than Heejin.
“ Yeah. That’s me...,” you say to her while walking away from Heejin’s house. “ And you are?”
She gives you a flash of surprise, “ Chaeyoung. Do you need a ride?” Chaeyoung points at her shiny black jeep.
“ Yeah, that would be great,” you smile at her. She is pretty and nice, huh.
When you enter her car it has the lingering smell of a new car. The dashboard was nice and shiny. You told her where you lived, looking outside the window you hum a familiar tune on the radio.
Chaeyoung asked softly while looking at the road,“ So Y/N how’s business these days?”
You froze at her question only a selective amount of people know about your so called business. If everyone knew of you what you do, then there would be no point in this business. You only had a few clients at school and mostly were rich boys wanting information on girls so they can date or hook up. Yeah, it sounds sleazy but it’s going to help pay for college.
“ Don’t freak out on me Y/N. It’s just a simple question,” she laughs while she looks at you at a frozen state. “ It was Hoseok who told me. I couldn’t believe that Hoseok managed to have sex with Miyeon. I know Miyeon, she’s sweet, pure, saving herself for marriage. And I asked myself how’d did Hoseok, a guy who likes to have sex with a new girl every month, have sex with her. I forced an answer out of him.”
That asshole can’t keep his mouth shut. What are you gonna do now, maybe you could try to lie and find a way to get out of this situation. You need this job.
“ I-,” you start to say.
“ I gotta admit it was pretty incredible that you managed to do that,” she lets out a whistle. “ Don’t worry Y/N, I won’t tell anyone.”
You felt a rush of a relief, “ Okay thanks.” You wipe your sweat from your hands and take out a piece of gum from your purse. You gave her a piece, she laughs while putting it in her mouth.
“ Since you're so good at your job, can I be your client,” she asked, tapping her light pink polish nails against the steering wheel.
This was the first time a girl asked you she wanted information on someone. “ It cost money,” you advise her.
“ I know a good amount of money, and I have a good amount of money,” she smiles and turns left. “ I need information about Jungkook.”
There’s no way you can do this job. First he’s a male and the chances of me trying to become him his friend would be impossible. Second he’s way too popular, he has his own group of friends that wouldn’t allow me to talk to him. Third, he's rich and powerful if he finds out that you did this to him, you don’t even know what will happen to you. Let’s try to veer her away from this person. You laugh cooly, “ Trust me you don’t need my help. You have a pretty smile, nice legs, and a new car. Plus, I see you are already close to Jungkook. You guys sit together at lunch with his other friends.”
Chaeyoung doesn’t say anything for the next few minutes and you think that she forgot about this subject but unfortunately she doesn’t. “ You know I have been Jungkook’s friend...or whatever he claims I am for like three years?,” she asked you. You hum for her to continue on. “...I want to be his girlfriend, something official. He’s very hot and rich, and his father has his own law firm and his mother is head surgeon of that new hospital. I think we will look good together...no I know we will look good together.” Chaeyoung parks her car in front of your house. “ I know I’m all those things you described me as but the problem is...I can’t seem to get to really know him. You know after we have sex he takes a shower and he just leaves. No pillow talks and even when I try to talk to him he puts up a wall, a fucking wall I can’t get over. So that’s when you come in Y/N, you do the impossible, and I need you to do this for me.”
“ I understand but—”
Chaeyoung interrupts before you can finish,“ I’ll pay you whatever you want. Does five thousand sound okay?” This girl is really desperate and really rich.
“ Okay, it sounds like a deal,” you stick your hand out and shake her hand. You can’t believe you are taking this deal, wow money does change a person's mind.
You are about to leave until her hand gently grabs your elbow. “ Here, consider it a deposit.” Chaeyoung gives you some cash. You bid your goodbyes and enter your house.
Entering your room you immediately lay on your bed sighing with exhaustion, you lift the money and start counting the money. “ 20,40,60,80...what the fuck…” you continue counting the money until it’s to five hundred dollars.
“ Here I come, Jungkook.”
“ Wait we really did make out! I’m so stupid you think I would have known the first time I did this,” Heejin says while placing her head in disappointment.
“ Wait, you were drunk when you lost your virginity?,” you asked. Stop pretending you care Y/N, she’s not your friend, you were paid to be her friend.
Heejin gives a sad glance and nods her head. You place your hands on her back rubbing it soothingly. “ Hey, it’s okay. If you ever want to talk about it, I’m all ears,” you smile at her and she smiles back.
“ Thank you, Y/N. I never had a good friend like you.” You roll your eyes jokingly, trying not to take the compliment to heart. “ Y/N, I really mean it. I gotta go to Calculus, see you later!”  
You enter your Chemistry classroom sitting down on your assigned seat.
 “ Okay settle down class. You know what today is? It’s lab day.”
You look to your left to see that your partner isn’t here. What was his name? Jinwoo no it wasn’t that...Jinhwan—“Y/N, Sangchul transferred to another school, go find another partner,” the teacher said loudly.
Looking around you see another student with an empty seat next to him. You stood in front of him and was shocked to see him. Jungkook. How convenient for you. You never knew he was in your class. “ Can I be your partner?,” you ask him. There was no one beside him so you naturally assumed he'd say yes.
“ I have a partner already,” Jungkook says it curtly. His eyes briefly make eye contact with yours and then he looks back at the textbook.
“ My bad I didn’t see him sitting right next to you, oh wait he’s not,” you sarcastically speak. You didn’t mean for it to come out like that he was being rude first. Jungkook looks at you and rolls his eyes. Fuck, he can’t hate you, you have to get close to him. “ Sorry I didn’t mean to sound like that. But can I please be your partner. It's only for this lab day. I may be shit at chemistry but I’m good at helping…,” you timidly smile. Jungkook ignores you and you are about to leave until he sighs loudly.
“ Fine. You can be my partner,” he pushes the chair out beside him. You silently cheer in your head. Jungkook is different from all the other people you work with. He’s harder to approach almost not welcoming than the others. Placing your things beside you, you stay at a safe distance from him. The teacher hands Jungkook the lab assignment instructions and he reads it for about three minutes, then hands it to you.
You briefly scan it and look at him, only to see his side profile, and he’s writing things in his lab notebook. You don’t want to bother him since you don’t want to get on his bad side. Occasionally Jungkook would make comments related to the lab and you would quickly jot them down on your own notebook. “ Sorry, I wasn’t much help,” you tell Jungkook.
“ It’s fine,” he says and reaches for the lab assignment paper by your hands. You give it to him and he quickly says thanks, handing it to the teacher.
He takes your lab notebook along with his and turns it to the front desk. You quickly slip your history notebook in his backpack before he comes back. “ See you later,” you leave with your belongings.
Chaeyoung is smoking in the school parking, leaning against her car. “ How’d it go?,” she asked once you got closer to her.
She offers you a cigarette and you shake your head no, “ Great, Jungkook said five sentences to me,” you kick a rock that was by you.
You look at her blow out the smoke in a different direction and she laughs, “ Sounds like him. At least he said something, when we first met he was silent the whole time.” She throws the cigarette on the floor and steps on it, “ We had sex this morning.”
“ Okay…” you say awkwardly. You didn’t need to know that but okay.
“ He’s being more distant than usual. I don’t mean to rush you but I’m running out of time here.” Chaeyoung grabs the mirror from her purse and reapplies her lipstick.
How the hell are you going to make him get closer to you? Jungkook is a difficult person to talk to and now Chaeyoung is rushing you. “ Okay, I’ll work faster.”
She smiles, “ Good.”
You walk back to the cafeteria and look around for Jungkook, he’s sitting down with the rest of his friends and he’s laughing. You walk closer to the table and Jimin is the first person to greet you. “ Y/N! How’s it going?,” he swings his arm over your shoulder. Jungkook looks towards you and is surprised to see you.
“ I’m doing good, Heejin told me you looked cute today,” you come up with an excuse. Jimin blushes and scratches his head. “ By the way is it cool for us to join you guys for lunch?,” you ask curiously.
“ Yeah join us!,” he exclaimed excitedly.
Heejin is talking to one of her other friends and you interrupt them “ Hey Heejin, Jimin invited us to eat with them.” She looks at you in shock and flushes when you drag her to the table.
Jimin invites her to sit with him, you stand along the table searching where you should sit. “ You can sit here,” one of Jungkook’s friends said. You sit between Jungkook and his friend. “ What’s your name?”
“ Y/N. And yours?,” you ask politely. You feel your thighs brushing up against Jungkooks and you scoot closer to his friend.
“ Namjoon. I think you are in my AP Physics class, you beat me with the highest mark on the test,” he jokingly states.
“ Oh, that’s you! You were always a point ahead of me so I finally decided to study a little bit. Wow, it feels good to see the person I beat,” you smile. Jungkook looks invested in the conversation but doesn’t say anything.
Namjoon barks a laugh, his dimples fully on display, “ A little bit? I’m impressed, you gotta show me your ways,” he nudges his elbow against you.
“ How do you suck at chemistry but not in AP physics?,” Jungkook asked you and you turned to look at him. “—Sorry it doesn’t make sense to me, physics is way harder than chemistry.”
Finally he decides to talk to you, baby steps Y/N. “ My dad is a Physics professor,” you tell both of them. Both of their eyes widen and you laugh, “ I’m kidding. I’m not sure why I’m really good at physics. What are you good at Jungkook? You look like you're good at Literature.”
Namjoon intervens, “ He’s good at everything.” Jungkook subtly rolls his eyes but Namjoon doesn’t see it, only you.
“ Oh is that so. Must be sad to be good at everything,” you say indirectly to Jungkook.
“ How so?,” Namjoon asked, pushing his glasses up. “ Being good at everything means you can accomplish anything.”
You think thoughtfully, “ People will always have this high standard of you though. If you don’t meet their expectation won’t you be useless since you are supposedly good at everything? Even if you could accomplish anything would you be accomplishing things that you want? I wouldn’t want to be perceived as someone who is good at everything, they must be really lonely.”
You look back at Jungkook and he stares at you for a long time. “ Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.” He leaves quickly and says goodbye to the rest of his friends.
“ Wow, he’s in a rush. So Y/N about that upcoming physics test…” Namjoon scoots closer to you.
You lay your head against the table in the library listening to your music and softly hum. A blue notebook comes into your view when it’s placed on the table. You sit up and see Jungkook standing by the table, you take your earphones off, “ I found your history notebook in my backpack, I don’t know how it got there,” he gives a skeptical look.
“ I’m not sure either, thanks anyways,” you lay your head back down. Jungkook looks at you closely and you laugh, “ Need company?”
He shakes his head and is about to leave but then turns back and sits right next to you, “ What’s wrong with you?”
“ Nothing just tired. I feel like I’m always tired, I don't know of what,” you continue to lay your head.
He taps his finger against the table lightly, “ It sounds like you're depressed.”
“ Probably.” Your fingers go beside his and lightly tap with his. “ Are you good at everything Jungkook?,” his fingers stop tapping.
“ Why do you care?,” Jungkook said defensively.
“ I don’t care,” you bring your hand closer to you. Any minute he’s going to give you a tragic story but then again he’s not like the others. Jungkook is cautious of you and he should have every right to be. “ What’s your favorite color?” You switch the conversation to ease the tension between you two.
“ Black,” he says quietly. You ask him why as you close your eyes. “ Black is simple, it’s not complicated. There’s no light or dark black. It’s just black.” You hum an okay and smile when he asks you what’s your favorite color.
“ Today it’s blue. I don’t have a favorite color because it always changes when different people ask me,” you sit up and look at him. “ I have to go, it takes forever for me to walk home. It was nice talking to you Jungkook.”
You start sitting next to Jungkook more often and Chaeyoung watches from the side. It goes on for weeks and your surprise that he hasn’t pushed you away. He talks to you in short sentences, never anything deep. You both are in the library individually listening to your own music. Your head is once again against the table, you feel Jungkook tap you on the back, you take your earphones out as a sign that you are listening. “ Y/N, what’s the thing that you are most afraid of?”
Why should you tell him? Jungkook is like every other person, someone you pretend to be friends with. He shouldn’t know anything about you but you tell him anyways. “ Getting old. Seeing yourself get old and people dying around you, wondering when your time is up. What about you Jungkook?”
“ You know the first time you hangout with us at lunch, that scared me the most. I like how closed off my friend group is, it scares me when new people come into my life. I don’t know what they want...I don’t know what I’m saying,” he sighs and lays his head next to you. Both of you stare at each other and his eyes are shining, you hate how hopeful it looks so you close your eyes.
“ You fear me?,” you ask softly.
“ No,” he clarifies.
It is silent for a while and he finally speaks “ I was in middle school when my dad introduced me to one of his interns at his work. Areum, that was her name, she just got out of law school. She was nice and pretty...I saw them having sex in my dad’s office. I hated her so much I slashed her tires and broke her mirrors.” You open your eyes and his eyes are closed. “ My mom knows that my dad has affairs, she just lets it happen.”
He must be lonely at his house. “ What’s your favorite food?,” you ask Jungkook.
“ Pork belly. Yours?,” he smiles for the first time at you.
“ Today it is kimchi fried rice.”
He sighs, “ Why do you always do that Y/N?”
“ Do what?”
“ Tell me things that other people want to hear. You did it with the ‘what’s your favorite color question too’. I really want to know what you like and hate,” Jungkook says softly.
You flush a little, never ever having to tell what you want or what you like. “ I like Sundubu-jjigae. My Dad used to make it for me when I was younger,” you smile to yourself.
Jungkook chuckles, “ When you were younger, you make it sound like you're in your mid thirties. Why doesn’t he make it for you anymore?” He is disappointed to see your smile disappear when he asks this question.
“ He’s busy,” you want to tell Jungkook all your troubles but you swallow them. “ Wake me up in 15 minutes,” you close your eyes and rest on the hard table.
Chaeyoung invites you to her party and you really don’t want to go but you have to. Once you enter the party you go straight to the alcohol, taking two shots before looking for Chaeyoung. She’s smoking outside and standing beside her, she offers you a hit and you take it.
“ How’s it going with him?” she immediately asked.
You blow the smoke away from her, “Good I guess, he’s gotten closer to me.” You hand the blunt back to her.
“ I can tell. Anything important he said?”
There’s always a small part of you that feels guilty when you have to tell the clients shared secrets. “ His dad is having an affair with his interns. He hates that his mom doesn’t say anything. He’s sad that he can never love or be loved.”
“ Hm, good work. Do you think he’ll ever love me?” Chaeyoung gives a new blunt and you take it.
No Jungkook will never love Chaeyoung. “ Yes. Just give him time.”
“ Okay.” She smiles bashfully to herself. “ Keep up with the good work.” And with that she leaves you. You look at the blunt in your hands and put it in your pocket.
You walk around her house looking at her pictures that are against the wall. She looks like the only child, the house looks big and pristine despite all the people here, she must be spoiled. You go upstairs to use the bathroom and then you stay there for thirty minutes watching videos on your phone. You get a text from Namjoon to see if you were at the party, you tell him yes and go downstairs. “ Hey Y/N! Studied hard for the test tomorrow?”
“ Of course not, I’m here partying,” you smile at him giving him a drink. Namjoon laughs and goes to the dance floor.
“Hey Y/N.” Jungkook says.
“ What’s up. Wanna get high?” You take the blunt and wave it in front of his face.
He laughs and smiles at you, nodding his head yes. Jungkook leads you to a bedroom and you assume it’s Chaeyoung because there's pictures of her and her friends. You go towards her window and open, you feel a cold breeze and you shiver. “ Here,” he pulls his hoodie off and hands it to you.
“ Uh, Thanks,” you put over you and immediately feel warmth. It smells like him. You don’t know how to describe it but it’s nice. You light up the joint and inhale the smoke letting it consume your lungs. Jungkook takes the joint and does the same. He blows it out and sighs in content.
“ This is some good shit. Who did you get this from?,” Jungkook sits down on the bed.
“ Your girlfriend. The tall pretty girl who always wears red lipsticks,” you laugh and lay on the bed with your joint close by. He doesn’t say anything and you pass the joint to him. It goes on like this for a while just passing it back and forward until there wasn’t nothing left. You throw the butt in the trashcan by the bed. Jungkook lays beside you looking at the ceiling and chuckles.
“ She’s not my girlfriend. Just someone who’s using me,” he turns sideways to look at you. “ But it’s okay I’m using her too,” he says softly.
The weed makes you feel light and you are not functioning straight. And for that reason the words that came out his mouth made you laugh. They are all using each other including you. Jungkook gives you weird stares but smiles anyways asking you what’s funny. “ Nothing I’m just really fucking high and I haven’t been high in a long time,” you try to wipe the tears in your eyes but you feel his hands wiping them away. His fingers brush against your cheek and he is staring into your eyes. If this was a romantic novel both you guys would've kissed but it’s not. The warmth of his hand is gone and it feels cold, you don’t deserve to feel his warmth. “ If you don’t mind me asking how are you guys using each other?”
 Jungkook sighs, “ Chaeyoung only wants me because I come from a rich family. I would be like a prize or something to her. I only use her for sex. Just meaningless sex,” he looks at you to see if your expression has changed but it didn’t. If Jungkook can see it so easily then why doesn’t Chaeyoung see it.  “ Have you ever used anyone Y/N?”
“ You,” you say mindlessly. What if you told him the truth would Jungkook still want to be your friend? He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “ Yeah, when I asked to be your partner in chemistry.” Jungkook laughs at your statement and scoots closer to you.
“You’re so pretty,” he lets out under his breath.
Your heart skips a beat but you shouldn’t feel this way. “ And you are high.” You laugh while pushing his chest a little. Your hands feel his toned chest blushing you pull your hands away.
“ I am but you are still pretty. I thought you were pretty the first time I saw you. Also a little bit mean,” he smiles thoughtfully. His hand reaches to the fallen strands of your hair pushing it back from your face.
“ Of course you would remember being mean,” you roll your eyes.
“ Yeah you made a bad impression. It’s okay I like you.” He continues to make eye contact to see your reaction.
Fuck Jungkook likes you. Why does he have to make it so much harder than it already is? And why do you feel happiness when he confesses to you? “Why do you like me?”
“ You understand me. I could talk to you about anything and you just know how I feel.”
“Jungkook I—”
“It’s okay you don’t need to say anything,” he pinches your cheek and laughs. “God I’m so hungry we—”
“Jungkook can you kiss me?” You bite your bottom lip nervously and play with the string of his hoodie.
He doesn't say anything but leans closer, “ Are you sure?” Nodding your head and closing your eyes, you hope that this kiss doesn’t affect you in any way. His lips kiss you carefully while his hand holds your cheek. It feels nice, it’s not like that kind of kiss that makes you feel like you're in heaven or that you find the answer to every unsolvable question. But it feels like you can kiss him and you won’t have to worry about anything.
He pulls back with hazy eyes and a smile, you pull him back for a second kiss. His tongue traces your bottom lip asking for permission to enter, and you grant him. The position is uncomfortable since you are both laying on the side so he hovers over while you keep kissing him. His lips leave yours and you whine a little, and he laughs but continues his kisses to your neck. The feeling of lips on your neck makes you feel warm all over your body. He bites your skin on a sensitive part of your neck and you gasp.
“ Jungkook…” You sighed. He groans and you place your hands on his hair, tugging it lightly so he can return to your lips. One of his hands goes to rest between his hoodie you’re wearing and your shirt, caressing your stomach. The kisses become more desperate and you start to feel his hard member against your core.
He pulls back from the kiss and looks at you with a fond smile,“ Y/N, I like you a lot. I haven’t felt this way with anyone before.” He rests his head against your neck, laying completely on you.
Laughing you play with his hair, “ You’re heavy!”
“ Just let me stay here for a while,” he muffles against your neck. You turn your head to the side and see the picture of Chaeyoung and her friends. Fuck what are you doing Y/N.  
You are walking to your Literature class and feel someone pull you into a classroom. It’s the art classroom where students normally work on pieces and leave them there to be secured. Taehyung locks the door and stares at you with a deadly glare, crossing your arms. “ What the hell are you doing Y/N?”
“ What the hell am I doing? What the hell are you doing?” You try to leave but he steps in front of the door. “ Move, Taehyung.”
“ What are you planning to do with Jungkook?”
You scoff and look around the room, “ Nothing.” You weren’t surprised that Taehyung knew what was going on, he was always suspicious of you even with Jimin.
“ Y/N, don’t fucking play dumb. You especially don’t want to fuck with me,” he says sternly.
“ Why does this concern you?”
“ Because Jungkook is my friend! I don’t want him to get hurt because of this stupid game you like to play.”
You laugh bitterly, “ A game? You think this is a game?”
“ Well I’ve seen the shit you do Y/N, you’ve done with Hoseok and Jimin. And now Jungkook. Just to have fun playing with people’s feelings.  Stay the hell away from him,” he turns his back from you.
“ Wait up asshole,” you grab his wrist so he can look at you. “ You don’t have the right to talk to me like that. You think I do this for fun? Huh, you think I like fucking do this. Not everyone is as privileged as you,” you rant and there’s angry tears starting to fall out.
Taehyung’s face shows nothing but confusion, “ Y/N...why are you crying?”
You wipe the tears away, “ I don’t like it Taehyung. I really don’t. I just need the money for college.” You push him to the side so you can exit the classroom but he stops you.
“ Y/N, I can help you. My dad knows people that can give you high paying job-”
“ Stop, I don’t want your pity.”
“ Shut up and listen to me,” he says and you give him a glare. “ Sorry, but I just don’t want you to do this anymore Y/N. I can tell it’s hurting you. Please stop this and tell Jungkook the truth.”
The library is empty and it’s just the two of you silently working on school work. “ Want to play Xbox at my house?” You stop typing your essay when Jungkook asks you this.
Sighing you close the laptop, “Yeah, I’m beat with this essay.” He helps you pack up your stuff and leads you to his car. It’s your first time in his car and it suits him. As he continues driving to his home you pass through multiple affluent neighborhoods. Finally when you arrive at his place your eyes widen. It's bigger than Chaeyoung and it’s front lawn looks so green and spacious.
After silently gawking at the inside of his house he leads you to his room. You immediately are fond of the scent and the pictures of the room. A picture frame is placed on his desk, grabbing it you smile. “ That’s me and Taehyung. When we were younger.”
“Kim Taehyung?”
“ Yeah we are great friends, he doesn’t hangout with us during lunch since he is busy finishing touches on his art portfolio for college,” he says while setting the Xbox on. “ You two know each other?,” he looks back at you with a curious gaze.
“ Not really. We had art history together ,” you casually say while you sit on his bed.
Few hours passed and your multiple losses with his video games had made you upset but it was fun. You never had this much fun in a long time. He laughs when he kills in the video game and you throw a pillow at his head. “C’mon don’t be a sore loser,” he grabs your remote and places it on his console.
“ I have every right to be, you don't even give me a chance,” you pout and lay down on his bed. Your skirt rises showing more skin and Jungkook stares at it. His fingers brush your thighs carefully, you flush at the nice sensation. He looks away from your legs and throws a small blanket on them, and sits on his bed with his back against the headboard. You copy his actions and lay your head against his shoulder just looking at his black screen tv. “ Have you ever cared for someone, Jungkook?”
“ I would say no but I would be lying to myself,” he touches your hair carefully. You lean into his touch like a needy kitten. “What about you?”
“ I’m starting to care for someone but I’m scared I might hurt him—“
“Then don’t,” Jungkook said sternly. “...Don’t hurt him. Don’t hurt me,” this time he says softly. You turn to look at him and he looks beautiful with his soft features but determined eyes. He closes the gap between you two and kisses you gently. It’s warm, you feel warm like everything is perfect but it’s not.
“ Jungkook we shouldn’t,” you lightly push his chest. He looks at you with hurt and confusion but backs off.“I just...I don’t want to complicate things.”
He looks lost and searches for your eyes, “ I don’t understand… I thought you like me… I like–“
“ Please Jungkook, you don’t like me. You say you like me but your having sex with other people. You're just fascinated with me because you're lonely…you don’t like me. No one will,” you say quickly and rush to get your things.
“ What the hell are you talking about?,” he voice rises. “ Chaeyoung is nothing to me. I haven’t had sex with her since we like met. Don’t you dare call me fucking lonely when your fucking lonely yourself. You analyze people thinking you're better than everyone, guess what you're not. You're just good at lying to yourself,” he finishes and pushes his head hair back in frustration.
You don’t say anything because all of those were true and it hurts to hear him say it. “Goodbye Jungkook,” you quickly walk out of his house despite him calling your name.
It’s been a few days since the fight with Jungkook and you’ve been dreading to get up each morning. The rainy weather fits your mood and you're done with all this shit. You send Chaeyoung a text if you can talk to her and she invites you to her house.
You're in front of her house door and you open it since she said she left it open for you. Walking upstairs you hear moaning and you halt. It’s coming from her bedroom and your heart stops. “Fuck–Jungkook! Please don’t stop!” The sound of the bed frame hitting the wall is making your head hurt so you back down stairs to the living and wait there. Listening to Jungkook and Chaeyong have sex put a pang on your heart. You really thought Jungkook liked you and now you feel like a fool.
You hear them stop wiping your tears and fixing yourself up, you hear footsteps coming down stairs. Pretending to type vigorously on the keyboard on your phone you make yourself look busy. “Y/N?,” you look up to see Jungkook and it hurts even more to see him. He’s lightly shining because of the sweat and there’s red marks on his neck.
You try to smile at him but it's just filled with sadness, “ Hey. I just needed to give her something.”
“ Y/N, it’s not what you–fuck I’m stupid. Can we talk later or something? Please I want to talk to you,” Jungkook pleads as he tries to grasp your hands. “I’m sorry about everything and this meant nothing I was sad and she–
“ It’s okay. I’ll see you later,” you squeeze his hand. Jungkook gives you a hopeful look.
You walk upstairs and Chaeyoung is lying down naked on her bed with her phone in her hands. You see her clothes on the floor and you hand it to her. It hurts to see her lying in bed breathless because of Jungkook. She dresses while you talk, “ I don’t want to do this anymore. The contract is cancelled.”
Chaeyoung's eyes widened, “Why?” You don’t answer her and look away as she throws away the used condom on the floor. “You caught feelings for Jungkook, huh? I can tell the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. I didn’t pay you to fucking make him fall in love with you Y/N.”
“ It’s not that...he doesn’t like you, okay. He already knows that you want him because he’s wealthy and hot. It’s pointless to continue this”
“ And what about you Y/N? He likes you because you are not using him? Last time I checked you were getting paid to use him.”
“Whatever I’m done.”
“I’ll tell him what you do,” Chaeyoung threatens you.
“ I was going to tell him anyways. Don’t forget you are the one who paid me to do this, we are both not innocent,” you leave her house.
You lay in bed for a couple days not bothering to go to school. You tell your mom that you have bad period cramps and she doesn’t attempt to force you to go to school. Jungkook texted you multiple times but you're too scared to read his messages. After three days you decided to go to school and you dread it, you purposely walk slower as you walk there.
“ It’s lab day guys! Nice for you to come to class Y/N,” the teacher welcomes as you enter the class late. You are walking to your desk until she interrupts, “ Y/N sit by Jungkook, his partner isn’t here today.”
You walk towards the empty desk beside him and look at the lab assignment that was on the desk. “ Where were you these past days? I kept texting you but you didn’t answer. I’m sorry that you saw me at Chaeyoung’s house. I still mean what I said at the party... ” Jungkook bites his lip trying to see your face but you're staring down at the assignment. “Y/N…”
You hear every word that he says but it still hurts that he had sex with her but then it wasn’t like if you guys were together. “ The first answer has a frequency of 1.9 GHz,” you say. You did the calculations in your head. The first time you met you lied to him saying that you were bad at chemistry. “ I lied to you Jungkook, I’m good at chemistry. I’m sorry.”
He looks at you with confusion, “ It’s okay... but are you okay? You don’t look well,” he checks if you have fever by letting his hand rest on your forehead.
“ Are you really okay with me lying to you?,” you say quietly. His hands leave your forehead and look at you carefully. “ I need to tell you something.”
“ Jungkook, Y/N! Are you guys done flirting, the assignment is due after class,” the teacher yells out from the front of the class. You hear a couple students chuckling and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“ We will talk about this later, okay? He pats your thigh and continues to solve the problems.
You are both outside for lunch sitting in his car. “ You can tell me anything Y/N. I’m here for you,” Jungkook stares at you and grabs your hand.
“ I was paid to get close to you Jungkook,” you say without taking breath.
“ What?,” he laughs incredulously. You don’t laugh with him, “ Is this a joke?,” he says seriously.
“ No it’s not. I get paid by certain people you want to be with a person. I get their secrets and what’s so important to them and tell the person who’s paying.” You look at him and there’s a million questions that’s going on inside of him. “ Chaeyoung paid me, Jungkook.” He stops holding your hand and gives you a hard stare. “ I’m sorry, I am really sorry. I wish I could take it back but I can’t.”
He lets out a humourless laugh, “ Wow, and I was stupid enough to tell you everything. I told fucking things that I haven’t told anyone and you tell her. And to believe that I actually thought you liked me, cared for me--”
“ I do care! I like you so much Jungkook that for once in my life I was happy and I wasn’t tired,” you plead with tears in your eyes.
“ Get out. You used me, I don’t think I can ever so your face again. Leave.” Jungkook looks out his window not wanting to see your face as you leave his car.
“ Hey Y/N, where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere--,” Heejin says but you hug her crying into her shoulder. “ It’s okay let it all out,” she pats your back soothing your whimpers.
“ I’m so sorry Heejin. I’m sorry, thank you for being my friend but I ruined it all,” you cry out. You feel Heejin looking around the halls and she leads you to the bathroom.
“ How...what have you ruined?” Heejin softly asks while pushing your hair out of your face.
“ I do awful things. You won’t like me after I tell you.” You look at her and she looks like an angel with her white dress.
She shakes her head, “ Tell me and I will find a way to understand.”
You tell her what you do and she looks confused half the time as you explain it going through each client you had but never stating their name. You expect her to yell at you, to look at you in shame, or just to simply leave but she doesn't do either of those things. Instead she hugs you tight, “ You must have been going through a rough time being all by yourself.”
“ Heejin… Jimin paid me to do this to you. I’m sorry, I don’t deserve your--”
“ But you told me the truth right now, you understand what you did was wrong and you are apologizing for it.” You shake your head and the tears are slowing down but your heart still hurts. “ It takes two people to make a transaction, you shouldn’t be the only one hurting, Y/N.”
“ Thank you Heejin. I..I uh I want to thank you for being a good friend. If we can still be friends…”
“ Y/N stop. We are still friends. Let’s get out of the restroom, it smells like weed,” she smiles and grabs your hand. You walk together towards her car and she tells you what’s been going on with her cat. It goes silent when she mentions Jimin. “ I have to talk about this to him,” she sighs and you squeeze her hand lightly.
The weeks pass by and you’re in your AP Physics class when Namjoon decides to sit next to you. “Why haven’t you’ve been sitting with us anymore?” He whispers while the teacher is lecturing.
“I’ve been busy with college admissions,” you tune out the teacher’s voice. He does a bad job at teaching anyways.
“Something happened between you and Jungkook, right ?”
“Why would you even need to ask me if you knew it already.” You roll your eyes and solve the problems for today’s homework.
“ You know I wanted to ask you out after you started hanging out with us.” He gives you a cheeky smile and you laugh. “ I told Jungkook that I was into you this was before the Chaeyong’s party...and he told me that you’re not into people with glasses.”
“Why would I not be into people with glasses when I sometimes wear them?” You stifle laughter with your hand.
He barks out a laugh and the teacher looks at you two but continues on. “ Jungkook doesn’t think through things. But I caught on that little Jungkookie had a crush on you.”
“ Not anymore,” you sigh.
“ Talk to him please. He looks like shit, he always looks at your table at lunchtime. Contemplating how to talk to you,” he looks at your homework and checks his answer.
“ What if he doesn’t want to listen to me?” You look at his answer to see a significant difference.
“He’ll listen. If he doesn’t tell him that you are going to date me,” he says jokingly. “ Y/N please help me with this,” pointing at his obvious wrong answer.
Heejin is waiting for you in the school parking lot wanting to eat at a new ramen place. Walking to her car you hear your name being called and it’s from Chaeyoung. What does she want, walking to her you, you see her smoking. “ Make it quick.”
“What a way to greet me,” she chuckles. “ How are you?” She flicks the cigarette on the floor and steps on it.
“ Good. See you later.” You say and turn around to leave.
“ We are still having sex.”
You stop and feel anger and sadness rising within you but you put it aside, “What do you want?”
“ I heard him cry when he was in the shower after we were done. I also heard him moan your name once when we were doing it.” She rolls her eyes and sighs, “ It’s meaningless sex anyways. I’m always facing away from him so he won’t see my face.”
“ Funny how he’s still talking to you,” you scoff. Jungkook doesn’t even look your way but he’s able to have sex with Chaeyoung.
“ He’s not talking to me, he fucks and just leaves. I guess that’s my punishment,” she arches her brow and shrugs her shoulder.
“You shouldn’t be punished like that Chaeyoung. It's not healthy for you,” you tell her softly.
“ I know,” she smiles tiredly. “ I’m putting an end to it, I can’t do this to myself, to him...to you.” You nod your head and part ways until she stops you, “Here like I promised.”
“No I don’t want it,” you stop her from giving you money. “ Chaeyoung it will make me feel bad.”
“Okay. See you later,” she goes into her car and walks the opposite way.
“Finally you're here! I’m starving!” Heejin yells with excitement as you enter her car.
“ This place better be good.” You tell her and she rants on how she always picks good restaurants. Your phone lights up and you see a notification from your bank. Did you forget to pay a bill. $10,000 has been transferred to your checking account.
The next day you decide to approach Jungkook during lunch and you get very nervous, shaking your leg throughout class. You walk with Heejin to his table and Jimin greets you. “ Hey Y/N,” he nods at you and  whisk Heejin from you, greeting her with kisses all over her face. Heejin confronted Jimin that day you broke down, they were able to talk it out and now they are dating.
“ Y/N! Sit here,” Namjoon pats next to the empty space between him and Namjoon. Jungkook doesn’t look at you just staring at his phone and browsing his social media.
“ Hey guys,” you sit down trying not to bump into Jungkook. Namjoon tells you how he fell down his bike while showing you his scrape. Jungkook doesn’t join the conversation just silently watching you both talk. You catch him a few times looking at you and your heart races a little.
The bell rings indicating lunchtime is over and everyone disperses while you take your time throwing your trash. “ Hey.” Jungkook is standing beside you and throws his trash away.
“ Hey,” you say back quietly. “ How’s your day?”
“ Good.” He scratches his neck and looks around the cafeteria. “ Are you going to the library?”
“ Yeah… you want to join me?” Please say yes.
“ Yeah I’ll come.” Jungkook walks beside you whistling lightly. The library is empty and you chose a table near the back.
“ I miss you,” Jungkook speaks out and looks at you.
Your eyes widen, “ I miss you too.”  
“ Why do you do it?”
“ What?”
“ I just want to know why you do it, is it for fun or money?” Jungkook scoots closer to you wanting to hear you clearly.
“ I don’t have enough money to go to college. I don’t want my parents to worry about paying for it. They work too hard. Adding my college tuition to their bills will take a toll on them. I don’t like what I do but I do it anyway.” You cut off the eye contact, looking away in shame.
Jungkook sighs and grabs your hand, “ I’m sorry. I got hot headed and ignored you. It would’ve been easier to not get mad at you if I heard your reasoning.” You look at him and he wipes your tears. “ Y/N...I uh I had sex with Chaeyoung during our time apart. I’m sorry I was mad and I wanted to hurt the both of you. I realized how much of a dick I was…”
“It’s okay Jungkook. I’m sorry too,” you sheepishly smile.
“Can we start all over?” He gives you his signature bunny smile and the butterflies flutter in your belly.
“Yes please,” you lean forward and hug tightly. He rubs your back and your entrance with the feeling of comfort.
Do not repost, translate, or alternate my work in any way, onto any platform. I do not take plagiarism lightly.
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Drop Dead Goregous || Morgan & Jasmine
TIMING: Current
LOCATION: Downtown
PARTIES: @halequeenjas & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: Morgan’s shopping trip gets interrupted by a ghostly visitor, but not the one she expects.
Morgan was shaken by what she’d seen lately. After almost five months dead, she would’ve thought she’d earned some kind of credit against death bullshit, especially ghost bullshit, considering how she’d died. But it never stopped. No matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, her hundred year old bullshit came up to rip the floor out from under her and she was left to catch her own fall. Letting out another breath she didn’t need, Morgan shuffled around the boutique she was visiting. Fall was coming, and she wanted to give herself a wardrobe upgrade to match her new reputation and her new self. Bye-bye cutesly floral kimonos, at least for now. She picked through the selections, holding up one muted dress after another before she went back to a rack of black dresses and loose sweaters. As she did, she spotted a familiar face nearby, and a sad, scruffy looking ghost-man hovering behind her, way, way too close for politeness. He had a face that insisted it knew more than you and would be happy to explain how in a twelve slide power point or over beers at a local micro-brewery.
Morgan tried to catch the guy’s attention subtly with her eyes, a good ‘I see you, jerkface’ staredown. But aiming for a little eye contact wasn’t doing much. She took one of the dresses she liked and headed for another rack, ready to swing her hanger through him as a warning shot. “Leave her alone, asshat,” she hissed. “Find somewhere else to haunt.” The hanger bopped against his side, the clips on the dress rattled. He was...solid?
After performing an exorcism for a client earlier, Jasmine was worn down and decided a little retail therapy would perk her right back up. At least the person who was possessed was rich so the paycheck was hefty. No reason to not treat herself to a new dress or five. She’d been idly thumbing through a rack of maroon and burnt orange sweater dresses that’d be perfect for the fall, when she heard someone behind her very quietly whisper the word haunt. How had she missed there was a ghost here? She whipped around, instinctively going for the iron rod in her oversized purse. She recognized the other woman, who could clearly also see ghosts, was whacking Larry Bob with a hanger that didn’t go through him. Her breath hitched in her throat as she hoarsely grumbled, “Damn it, Larry.” His eyes were on her iron rod and he was backing away from her slowly. She swung and he just dodged her leaving a slight whooshing sound in the air. Another whack and this time it stung. He was more quick to move now though he seemed disoriented by not being able to phase through walls. This still meant nothing good. “Here,” she said as she tossed a bag of salt at Morgan,“If he comes toward you throw some of that on him.”
The last thing Morgan had expected was for the woman to know she was being haunted in the first place, much less to have something on hand for keeping him back. Was this survival coping in action or were they somehow...friendly? From the way she swore, probably not. But still--what? Morgan was so befuddled she almost dropped the travel size salt bag. She stammered unintelligibly before throwing a small sprinkle of salt Larry’s way. Yep, just as effective as the iron. But it also happened to bounce off him, not through him. “I’m sorry, but you-- you know he’s there? And what he is?” This much was obvious, but she was still trying to process. “Are you...okay? I mean, you seem okay. Very okay, more than, even, it’s just uh, most people wouldn’t with that guy hanging over their shoulder all stalker-like.” From the looks of the woman, she was one of the more okay looking people Morgan had ever met, and familiar too, though she couldn’t match her face in her head yet. And in her uncertainty, she blabbered on until she ran out of breath. “I just thought, well, maybe you didn’t know! So I’d try...something. To help you, I mean. But you do know! So… sorry, I’m Morgan and definitely not this weird all the time. Have we met before maybe? I would love to have made a better first impression on you some other time.”
It was good that the other woman was quick to throw the dash of salt she’d been given as it caused some recoil from Larry Bob. Jasmine gave the woman an approving nod before she lunged forward with her iron rod and whacked Larry on the head with the iron rod. The kickback of it not going through him made her stumble backward slightly, but he seemed about done with trying to attack him. A nice dose of salt and iron usually made him fuck off for a little while. Her hair was now disheveled as she turned back to Morgan. Normally, she would have not advertised she could see ghosts, but it was clear this was an ability they shared. She let out a dramatic sigh as she responded, “Yeah, he’s a ghost… a poltergeist more specifically. Which I know because I can see ghosts and obviously so can you.” This woman was definitely a little spazzy and caught off guard by the fact Jasmine knew what she was doing. Admittedly, she knew she didn’t look like she could hold her own in a fight, but to be fair, neither did the pint-sized woman who was originally wielding a hanger. “That’s a logical thing to think. Most people don’t know. I just happen to be an exorcist with a poltergeist because a certain someone doesn’t realize trying to make my life hell doesn’t make his sad excuse of a life any more impressive.” The last part she said pointedly even though Larry had faded away. At the mention of hoping she made a better first impression, Jasmine piped in, “We have met. At Bea’s party. Your first impression was good, not that this one was like bad or anything either. I mean, you tried to fight a ghost for me.”
“A POLTER--” Morgan covered her mouth before she drew the attention of the whole store. The young woman, Jasmine, she remembered now, was being remarkably chill about this, and if she wasn’t freaking out about her poltergeist stalker then why was Morgan having a fit about it in public? Sure, she’d been killed by a ghost before, but Larry over there didn’t look murderous so much as just...douchey. But as Jasmine went on, more pieces started to fall together. Morgan had to admit, she didn’t realize exorcists could look like Jasmine: indulgently polished, young, flippantly bold. But then she’d only really met Rebecca before, so who was she to be surprised? “That’s pretty impressive,” she said, gathering herself. “I wish I’d known when we first met, but I guess I should know by now that any friend of Bea’s is bound to be spooky or magical somehow. You’re Jasmine, right? You must’ve been at this awhile to be so chill about a tag-along like...Larry. And I...guess I did try to fight thim, huh? I’m kind of um…” She struggled to find a polite euphemism for what she was, ultimately settling on, “Dead. Almost five months now as it happens. So there’s not much they can really do to get to me.”
Thankfully, Morgan covered her own mouth before Jasmine had to. The last thing she needed was someone hearing them and thinking she was crazy. Especially not the shop owner. This was the best place in town to find high end business professional clothing. “Yes,” she said in a hushed tone, “A poltergeist. Which I know is bad. Like really bad and I’m working on it.” While she couldn’t say Morgan was wrong, she knew she was impressive for a multitude of reasons, she was still more curious about how Morgan could see the ghost and how he somehow became solid. The solid part was arguably more concerning, but hey, it was a little more satisfying to hit him and have it land for real. “That’s me. It’s Morgan, right? I guess I have been. My aunt taught me how to do exorcisms when I was around 19. Plus, pretty used to this particular ghost. Trying to get rid of him, but turns out he may be a two woman job,” she explained. As Morgan explained why she could see ghosts, Jasmine’s jaw quite literally dropped. Dead? Sure, she was pasty, but she just chalked that up to needing a good dose of Vitamin D. The only dead person she’d known was dead prior to this had just been Bea. “Huh,” she mused out loud, “I didn’t realize that was a thing, but hey, for being dead you sure are pretty. Good nothing to get to you though.” In a more hushed tone she asked, “So like are you a vampire or something? I don’t really know much outside of ghosts.”
Morgan was relieved more than anything to see Jasmine at least a little concerned about the polter. Although the idea that they took a long time to ‘work on’ was kind of distressing, given the state of her own personal demon girl. “Are those..um…?” Morgan squeaked. “Do they usually take...a lot of working on? Is that a thing?” She looked over her shoulder uncertainly at where Larry had just been. Maybe this wasn’t really the time. They were in public, after all. She smirked at Jasmine’s compliment and tossed her hair back, smirking, only a little shrill as her unease rolled off and away from her. “What can I say, it’s hard to keep a good girl down.” She smiled warmly at the question, appreciating the tact and concern. “You’re close, but I like brains better than blood,” she said. “It’s not as bad as the movies make it out to be. I mean, the Dawn of the Dead never looked this cute, right? Oh, and before you ask, it’s only been five months. I’m not like, a hundred or anything. But I will look just this good when I am, apparently.”
Jasmine frowned slightly at the question mostly because she hated the answer. Normally, poltergeists were easy enough to remove with an exorcism. Sure, performing an exorcism was physically exhausting and sometimes she ended up with some cuts along the way, but prior to Larry Bob they had always ended with there no longer being a ghost. “No, she answered with a hint of an edge in her voice, “He’s the only poltergeist I’ve had a particularly difficult time getting rid of.” Thankfully, Tiffany seemed to be too preoccupied with her phone to bother paying attention to what was going on around the shop. No one paying attention to them or what happened with Larry Bob was a good thing and meant her reputation was still intact. She hated online shopping and didn’t want to have to drive too far out of town to get nice clothes. Her face brightened as Morgan joked and she laughed in response. “Does that mean you have brains and beauty?” It was easier to joke than to acknowledge that she was a bit alarmed. Bea being back from the dead had thrown her for enough of a loop. Ghosts were one thing, but weren’t zombies and vampires supposed to be all grr? That was a bit out of her wheelhouse though she trusted any friend of Bea’s wasn’t going to hurt her. “Dawn of the Dead’s got nothing on you, that’s for damn sure. That’s a pretty big change, but hey, you’ve got eternal hotness going for you, so congratulations to you on that one.” She wasn’t sure if being new to the whole zombie thing was more or less comforting. She blurted out, “So… brains, huh?”
“Oh!” Morgan’s voice came out as a bright pop and she wasn’t sure whether to feel guilty about it or not. She didn’t care about whether Constance was a poltergeist or not, she just wanted her to leave and suffer. But she also wanted her friends to get out of this unscathed. No more hospitals, no more tears, no more hurt, no more staring at death through the eyes of an angry, pimpled face. It was good to know that if Constance snapped, she would still be easy to crush. “I was just curious,” she added, a little awkwardly. “I have a uh, not quite polter problem too, and I was just, you know, wondering. For obvious reasons. Not really into the ‘collateral damage’ scene. Been there, done that!” She laughed, but it came out a little hollow and shrill. Nell and Taki had been hurt because of Constance. Deirdre had been hurt because of Constance. Blanche had been hurt tracking her down. If Constance decided that she needed to go after anyone besides Deirdre-- Morgan didn’t want to think about it. She had enough reasons to take the ghost apart piece by piece. It was much, much nicer talking about how attractive they both were, and so much easier for making friends. At least Jasmine knew how to take care of herself around a spirit. Morgan wouldn’t be endangering her too much if they hit it off.
“Thank you! It is really nice looking this great without embalming, even with the brains and all. That part’s super real, but a little snack of preserved eyeballs and organs? Also good. I’m just kinda sad I’m never gonna know if I looked hot with gray hairs, you know? But you are kind of extraordinary to look at, if that’s not too weird to say. I’m, you know, I have a girlfriend. But like, that manicure! It’s gorgeous. I’m always so worried my hands are gonna freak people out if they have to touch them.” As she said this, she realized her hand was already held out to shake and--yikes. Too much. Morgan pulled her hand away, smiling apologetically. “I’m sorry, for crashing your shopping trip. If you’re anything like the other exorcists I’ve known, you definitely deserve some TLC. Um, that dress really does look pretty, by the way. I hope you get it.”
At the mention of having some degree of a ghost problem, Jasmine straightened up a little bit. To a degree, she hated all of this. Exorcisms were draining. Seeing dead people got exhausting. None of it was quite how she used to envision her life, but she couldn’t just sit here with these powers and ignore her calling. What she knew for sure was that she definitely deserved the new pair of shoes she was getting to go with her new dress. “A not quite polter problem,” she said slowly just to make sure she heard right, “Is this something you’d let me check out? This ghost may not want to show their face to an exorcist, but I do know a few spellcasters who could probably summon them.” To lighten the mood a bit, she added, “Since you’re a friend of Bea’s, I’ll even give you a friends and family discount.” At least not quite a poltergeist could mean slightly less complex. It still left an uneasy feeling within her that she opted to ignore for the time being until Morgan opted to give her more information.
This part of the conversation was easier and involved a lot less potential danger. Morgan didn’t seem like she was jonesing for her brains though the thought did cross her mind. Jasmine lit up a bit and added, “Well, you’re definitely the prettiest dead girl I’ve ever seen… and trust me, I’ve seen a lot. Also, eh, I’ll let you keep those snacks to yourself. Not really up my alley personally, but like, different nutritional needs I’m sure.” Eyeballs and brains still had a major ick factor though. God, when she died, she just wanted to stay dead and hopefully that would be a very long time from now. That thought quickly faded as Morgan began complimenting her. With a flip of her hair, she responded, “You know, hair dye does exist, but thank you. I can’t help but agree with you.” She looked down to the dress. “You think so,” she asked, “Red is usually more my color but this shade of burnt orange is perfect for fall.” She laughed a bit, “Don’t worry, didn’t think you were trying to hit on me. I could totally do your nails though. My dad grounded me for like six months my junior year of high school, so I got pretty good at doing them myself. Trust me, it takes a lot more than cold hands to freak me out.” An uncertainty she felt about the whole zombie thing was quickly fading. Morgan was fun and seemingly sweet. Once they got rid of her ghost, it’d be all good times.
Morgan waved away Jasmine’s concern, covering her uneasy laugh with a smile. “I’m getting it figured out, no worries. It’s not like she follows me around all the time.” Just some spontaneous attempted murder. Just girl stuff. “But, you know, anything goes south and you’ll be my first call.” So far, exorcisms ‘to the pain’ were a little hard to come by, and there wasn’t much of a roadmap for finding the worst of the worst either. As plausible as it seemed that Jasmine would have some idea, she couldn’t risk her going out and getting rid of Constance the easy way behind her back. They’d only just met, Jasmine had no reason to trust her sob story. Maybe later, when Morgan wasn’t just some rando to her, she’d explain it better. “‘Sides, maybe by then we’ll be friends too, no middle gal, however truly exceptional she might be.” Morgan smiled with relief as Jasmine took everything in stride. “I am no stranger to red,” she said, gesturing down to her own tunic cardigan, slumping artfully off one shoulder. “But orange is just so… I mean it just screams October and pumpkin spice, right?” Her smile widened as she went on. “That would be amazing! You know, I’ve never gotten the knack of doing my own nails, I don’t know if it’s a left handed thing or what, but it never comes out right. And come to think of it, I’m sure you have lots of stories, especially if you’ve been in town your whole life. Um, whenever you’re free, we should--I don’t know, do nails. Or hair. Something nice in all this White Crest--” she waved her fingers vaguely, “Nonsense. And we can bring salt! It might be nice to get to know one another without ghostly plus ones, right?”
Jasmine tilted her head not quite believing that statement, but she had to trust Morgan would come to her if things got too heated. It wasn’t as if she could go out looking for this ghost with so little information. “Good, please do keep me posted if anything escalates. The longer she sticks around, the worse she’ll get,” she explained and hoped the situation was given the proper attention. Since really learning about her powers and what she was capable of, she felt a sense of duty to keep people safe from bad ghosts. Jasmine doubted she was the only exorcist in town. As long as it was being handled, that was what mattered, so she laughed and agreed, “You know, I think we can work on that. Being friends without the stunning middle woman.” As Morgan gestured at her tunic, Jas added, “Which I do love on you, really brings out your eyes, but you’re right. It’s pumpkin spice season, why not dress like what everyone is craving… well, you know besides me.” The last part came off almost joking, but she definitely believed it to be true. She was funny, gorgeous, wealthy, and happened to save people from ghosts on the side. What was there not to love? “I’m getting it,” she exclaimed before excitedly adding, “Oh, you’re definitely coming over to my place for a proper manicure and most likely some wine. My hot tub is, like, super nice, too. Also, my home is ghost free due to some handy wards and tons of salt so no unwanted plus ones. If you couldn’t tell by my resounding agreement, I’d love to get to know you better and become actual friends. Especially if I get to paint your nails. Makeovers are kind of my thing.” Somehow, Morgan’s energy was a bit contagious. She never thought she’d be making friends with a zombie, but hey, she was solid and didn’t haunt people so who was she to judge? She had a feeling they’d be fast friends.
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buckthegrump · 5 years
Falling Slowly - 5
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Summary: A story of love
Pairing: Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count: 1227
Warnings: Angst, people being assholes, and fluff
A/n: if you want to be tagged please send me an ask, Previous parts on my masterlist. 
“So how was the kiss?” Wanda asked as soon as you walked into your apartment.
“I don’t know.” 
“What do you mean you don’t know?” She gave you a look, one that said she thought you were an idiot.
“Well I’ve only ever kissed one other person before so I’m not sure what a good kiss feels like, but it wasn’t earth-shattering or anything.”
“You’ve only been kissed once before?” Now her face was full of pity.
“That was only the second date of my life and I’ll spare you the sob story that was my first date.” She opened her mouth like she was going to ask anyway but you stopped her by going back to the date you had tonight. “Other than that it was fun, but that just means that I’m going to have to see him again.”
“I think you’ll be fine.” She told you. “Now I’m going to bed unless you want to stay up all night and talk about it.”
“I mean we can but you were there for most of it.”
“Goodnight Y/n!” She rushed off to her room and slammed the door.
In the morning when you wake up you checked your phone only to see you hadn’t plugged it in last night so it was dead. You plugged it in and went to get some breakfast.
“Do you want to go out for breakfast? I don’t want to cook.” Wanda was half asleep leaning up against the wall.
���Yeah, that sounds good to me. My phone is dead so I’ll have to leave it here will you text my mom and tell her that if she needs me to text you.” You always had to remember to let your mom know things like this or she would worry so much that every law enforcement and search and rescue team would be out looking for you. Even though you were probably in bed but something like that has never happened before because your mother doesn’t overreact ever.
“Yeah, I can.” She chuckled and you both grabbed your purses and head out. You walked down to a cheap diner near your place. It was one of your favorite places to go on Saturday mornings because of all the hungover college kids. “Ahh, the sweet smell of old booze, greasy food, and trying not to make any loud noises.”
“It’s a magical place.” You said and sitting in one of the booths were Sam and Bucky. “Wanda you see those guys over there.” You pointed to them. “That’s Sam and Bucky.”
“Let’s go say hi.” She suggested but before you could say no she started walking over. “Hi.” They winced and looked at her confused.
“Wanda maybe next time I should start off so I can introduce you to people.” She nodded and gave you a thumbs up. “Hey, guys this is my roommate and best friend Wanda.”
“Hi, Wanda it’s very nice to meet you why don’t you two sit with us?” Sam got up and moved to the same side as Bucky so you could sit. “Y/n you never responded to our texts last night.”
“My phone died and I was out.”
“Oh that’s right you had a hot date.” Bucky took a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, a hot date who was late.” Wanda was feeling sassy this morning.
“See we told you this guy is a jerk,” Bucky grumbled in between sips.
“Yeah and he basically talked the entire time. He asked you maybe one question and who eats cochinita pibil and doesn’t at least chew gum before they try and kiss you goodnight.”
“How does she know what he had for dinner?” Sam turned to you.
“She was there. She fucking followed us to the restaurant and sat two tables away.” You stated and Wanda shrugged.
“I made sure there was no one in between us so I could hear them and I just thought I would save you the trouble of telling me everything after the date.” She patted your hand.
“So the kiss how was it?” Sam leaned his head on his hand.
“She didn’t like it.” Wanda really needed to stop gossiping with them.
“She didn’t like it?” Bucky put his cup down. “Why didn’t she like it? Was it because he didn’t chew gum? Or is he just a bad kisser because I have a list of reason why Y/n shouldn’t date him and that would be a good addition.”
“I like these two.” Wanda ‘whispered’ to you.
“So how was your party?” You asked them.
“Oh, it was more of a kickback than anything we mostly played games and drank maybe too much,” Bucky said and glanced at you. “Steve is really hungover and he suggested the place you work for coffee this morning.” 
“He did?” Wanda was a little too enthusiastic about this.
“Has anyone seen the waiter I’m starving.” Your new tactic of changing the subject wasn’t working.
“Hush sweetie we’re talking.” Wanda patted your face.
“God this is insufferable, I’m going home.” You start to get up but Wanda stopped you.
“Oh, but Y/n,” Sam said. “Steve is coming here too. And I’m sure Wanda would love to meet him.”
“Oh, I would very much like to meet him.” You were really starting to regret telling Wanda about your crush on Steve.
Finally, the waiter came over and took your order. A lot of bacon and hamburgers were ordered and you ordered maybe too many pancakes. After a while, Steve walked in and waved to his friends and Wanda gave you a look and loosely translated to ‘why the hell did you go on a date with Rumlow when this guy exists’. 
“Steve this is Y/n’s friend and roommate Wanda,” Bucky informed Steve as he and Sam made room for him. 
“We were just talking about Y/n’s date with Rumlow.” Wanda's knees bumped yours.
“Oh, how was it?” Steve asked with a shrug.
“It was fine, thank you.”
“That’s good.” He said politely and looked at the menu.
You missed it but Bucky, Sam, and Wanda exchange a look. That’s when the food finally comes and you all dig in and enjoy the rest of the meal with your new friends.
“Y/n your mom just texted she wants to know how your date went,” Wanda said while you were in the middle of a bite. “I’ll tell her it didn’t go too well.” 
“Wanda, what the hell?” You tried to stop her but she had already sent it. 
“What?” She asked innocently. “Ooo she texted back she said ‘oh that’s already sweetie I’ve seen a picture of the neighbor's boy and he’s cute you would like him. I’ve invited the neighbors over for our family dinner next week and they expect him to be there if not you two can meet him at thanksgiving call me when you get the chance I love you.’ I told her that you love her too and that she should come visit soon.”
“I like your mom.” Sam nodded. 
“You’ve never met her,” you told him.
“She sounds like a fun time,” he said.
“Please don’t say that about my mom.”
Just from this breakfast alone, you could tell that Wanda was going to force you all to become friends.
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forkanna · 7 years
See also: @pankite
'That was too close.'
Anna inwardly cursed herself for being so dumb. She shouldn't have even attempted a quickie in the bathroom but she couldn't resist. After almost two weeks of enduring the onslaught of sexual frustration and confusion, having Elsa so close this morning, she could no longer hold out. Then she was in such a rush that she forgot to even wash her hands and then…
'I almost held her hand with the one I touched myself with! And why didn't I wash my hand again? Just because I had already been in there so long… or was the reason that I wanted Elsa to feel it? That's messed up, even for you, Anna.'
"Don't forget," Elsa was saying some several meters away, hands in the small of her back as she walked behind the row of little archers. "Aim slightly above your target!"
Still Anna couldn't deny that the rush of heat she had felt when she first realized her mistake was intoxicating. When Elsa's hand brushed over her own damp one and those gorgeous eyes looked over at her curiously… Anna bit back a sigh, scrubbed the last remnants from her hand on her shorts, and instead walked over to help one of the kids fix her posture. That look had been sinful, and now that Anna knew that she might just have a chance, well… that just made the whole situation even more arousing.
"Like this?" the girl asked, taking aim again with her tongue between her teeth, as if it would help her concentrate.
"That's it, Wendy," Anna smiled brightly at the girl, "Now let it loose!" Wendy did as she was told, her ringlets bouncing from the kickback of the bow. She jumped up and down excitedly when she saw the results of her effort.
"I hit it, I hit it!"
"Good job, Wendy!" Anna praised the girl and gave her a swift hug in congratulations. "That was a wicked shot! Look how close it is to the center!"
As Wendy turned and clapped her hands, cheeks bunching with glee, Elsa walked past and said, "Agreed; very good, very good. Anna, you're a quick study. I didn't think you knew archery before."
"Maybe I'm just a natural like Wendy is?" Anna grinned at her sister and gave Wendy's head a pat, encouraging the young girl to start aiming again. "You seem to know what you're doing, too."
"Thank you," Wendy whispered quietly, giving a polite little bow. After she returned to attempt another shot, Elsa did not move off to the other campers again.
Anna tried to ignore the shiver that crept up her spine at the way Elsa said her name. "What's up?" she asked with a slightly forced chirp added to her tone. "Need something?"
"This… might seem silly," she began in a shy mutter, trying to maintain a passive facade despite her cheeks beginning to glow. "But I realised that we haven't been eating together during lunch. How… how would you feel about… trying that?"
Her heart quickened its pace at the suggestion. "Uh, yeah! I would love to eat with you, Elsa!" She smiled brightly and gave her older sister a pat on the arm. "How about we eat under that nice tree outside the cafeteria?"
"Sure! I didn't even think about eating outside," she added with a chuckle. "That sounds wonderful. So…" Without following up on that word, she smiled giddily and tromped off to help another camper with their archery.
Anna smiled after her, long after Elsa's back was turned, physically unable to stop even after she went back to her own set of kids. Olaf said nothing as she helped him but his dark eyes had a knowing gleam and his grin was just the taddest bit smug. It made Anna's cheeks burn.
"Olaf, stop staring at me like that and shoot!" Even the bite of her words were lessened by the ever persistent smile.
"Okay, Miss Anna," he chuckled, raising his bow. But the smile lingered.
                                                            ~ o ~
Anna leaned against the door leading outdoors, balancing a tray in her hands as she patiently waited for Elsa to meet her. She didn't really know why she felt nervous, considering she and Elsa had done so much together alone already, but still her stomach fluttered with butterflies and she tapped her foot in a restless beat.
"Hey," the blonde said in a soft voice as she appeared with her own food, poised and elegant despite the very slight pinkness in her cheeks. "Sorry about the wait, Aurora had a question."
"No problem," Anna perked up, "Probably wondering why you aren't sitting with them today, huh?"
"Mostly that, yeah. Shall we?"
Once outside, they made their way quickly to the aforementioned tree. Its high branches provided ample shade from the noonday sun, and they quickly sat themselves down between two of the large roots, careful to balance their trays and avoid spilling anything.
"So, how well do you know the other girls, Elsa?" Anna asked as she took a bite of the meal for the day. She hummed in appreciation of the surprisingly good burger, downing it with a quick sip of chocolate milk. "I mean, you sit with them sometimes and you get along with them, so you must all be pretty good friends after all these years coming here together, right?"
"Not as much as you would think," she sighed with a french fry halfway to her mouth. "We get along well enough, but… it's more like classmates who are forced to do a group project with you, I guess. I don't talk to them much during downtime."
"Oh…" Anna frowned at that and tilted her head, "Well at least they aren't mean to you… or making you do all the work." She forced a soft chuckle. "How about back home? I mean, I told you all about Kristoff but you haven't told me anything about your friends."
Still chewing, Elsa shrugged a shoulder. "I had a couple of friends in high school, but we lost touch. Haven't… made any lasting friendships in college. I don't know why. Maybe there isn't a reason."
"That's a little sad." The redhead gave Elsa a long look. "Don't you get lonely?"
"Of course. But I have books, and… and Mother." But saying this last made her sigh, so she straightened and smiled over at Anna. "And you, now. I think that's important."
With a soft smile, Anna reached over and hugged Elsa tightly. "Yeah, you have me," she said, nuzzling Elsa's shoulder. "If you ever get lonely, no matter what time or anything, just give me a call, okay? Even if you just want to talk about your day or something, I'll be there for you."
"The same offer goes for you, little sister." As her hand rubbed up and down Anna's back, she slowly began to lean in more, to nuzzle Anna's neck. Finally, she ended up whispering, "I really missed this more than I thought I did. It's… almost criminal how much."
"I missed this, too." Anna ran her fingers through the beautiful platinum hair as it tickled her neck, fighting back the urge to shiver. She breathed in the soothing scent and relished the feeling of being completely relaxed in her sister's arms. If Anna had her way, she would never let her sister go again. "I love you so much, Elsa.""
Elsa's breath was becoming more shallow as she whispered, "I love you, too." Then she cleared her throat and began, "Can… I ask… no, nevermind. I shouldn't."
"It's okay," Anna reassured with a pleasant scratch at Elsa's scalp. It felt nice, and she relaxed the barest amount. "Ask me anything, I won't judge you. Promise."
"Alright. I wanted to ask…" Her shoulders rose and fell, seeming to apologise in advance for what she was about to say. "Not that I know much about it, but did you… abuse yourself?"
Anna paused in her ministrations, furrowing her brow at the question. "What do you mean? Like… cutting?" she asked.
"Cutting?" Then Elsa gasped softly. "O-oh! I didn't mean- sorry, that wasn't what I meant. Though I hope you don't do that, and if you do, we should talk about it." Clearing her throat to try again, and perhaps to excuse the way her face was growing redder, she whispered, "I meant, um… sexually. With your hand?"
Anna fixed her sister with a blank stare. After a second, she caught on, but almost had to laugh at the phrasing. "Elsa, how is masturbating 'abusing myself'?" the redhead asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's a natural thing, not abusive in the slightest."
"Well, it… I don't know, that's what Mama calls it." Clearly, she was twice as embarrassed as she had been moments before, and she looked away, unable to meet her sister's gaze anymore.
"She would call it that," Anna sighed. "Um… yeah, I do. N-Not often, mind you, but sometimes if… the 'itch' gets to be too much. Have- um, do you?"
That seemed to catch the taller girl by surprise. "Of course not! I'm not a… oh, sorry," she ended up whispering. "I didn't mean to imply there's… of course if you do it, I- well, I'm sorry for being so, um…" She never did finish her sentence, merely let it falter and die.
"I get it," Anna let out a soft chuckle and patted her sister's head. "You're still an innocent lamb and I'm the bad wolf who's done all the naughty things; no need to apologise to me for stating it." She laughed fully this time. "Geez, and they call me Tomato Head; your face can rival my hair right now."
"Shut up!" Her smile was awkward and uncertain, but she still smiled in spite of herself and her evident discomfort with the subject matter. The smile faded as she asked, "So… you really did? This morning?"
It was Anna's turn to blush intensely. That's why they were discussing this. While Anna really hadn't done as much as she could to hide it, she didn't know she was obvious enough for Elsa to have caught onto her little stunt in the washroom. She swallowed thickly, her mouth feeling dry. "W-What makes you think that?" She knew the sentence would make her sound guiltier than even the no-doubt guilty look on her face did, but it slipped out regardless.
However, it seemed Elsa was in a mood to be kind. She simply answered straightforward, "Your nervousness, and your… hand. I mean, I didn't want to walk around assuming that was it, I… that didn't seem fair. So I asked. I'm sorry if that's private and, um, you didn't want to tell me."
"It's okay," Anna said, averting her gaze in embarrassment. "It was dumb of me either way. I just… my needs built up a little too much." The last part came out in a rushed, single breath as she started to ramble, "A-and I mean, usually I can control myself but it was really hard to do that this morning and-" The words kept coming, getting faster the more Anna went on.
"Anna, y-you don't have to explain!" Elsa cut her off hastily, cheeks on fire. "I'm sorry, this is my fault, isn't it? For not… being able to resist kissing you. Maybe. I don't know."
"It's not your fault! I shouldn't act like a horny teenager whenever I'm around you in the first place! I-I'm so sorry, I'm usually so much better about this, I promise!"
After being quiet for a moment, Elsa let a small, uncertain chuckle out before saying, "You are a horny teenager, Anna. The actual definition of one." Then she sighed. "What are we doing, exactly?"
"What do you mean?" Anna tilted her head in confusion at the question, "We're talking and sharing a meal together, aren't we?"
"Yes," she giggled, though still looking flushed and uncertain. "I meant… everything. I like it. Maybe too much. Is it alright that I enjoy kissing you? That… I don't feel disgusted about what you did this morning, even though I know God probably would be? Or would he? I'm just very confused, and I… I want to sort through things with you, because it's too important for me to isolate myself from you again."
"Oh, Elsa." Anna reached out and took her sister's hand. She couldn't stand seeing the conflicting emotions in Elsa's bright eyes. "We'll get through this together, I promise. We'll sort everything out and… figure out exactly where we stand with each other." She brushed some platinum strands away from Elsa's face and smiled as reassuringly as she could. "Everything will be okay."
"Good," she sighed, letting her eyes close for a brief moment. When she opened them again, she was smiling, nervous as the smile was. "Now that we have that settled… I have another question. When you did that this morning, was… it for any particular reason?"
Anna blushed when she realized that Elsa wasn't quite ready to drop the topic of her episode just yet. She really couldn't blame her; after being raised by their mother and told that masturbating was "abusive" to the body, Anna guessed that the poor repressed girl just wanted to be properly educated on the topic. "Besides the fact that I was horny? N-not really."
"Well… I didn't even know for sure that girls did that," she confessed in a pitiful voice, obviously trying not to make too big of a deal about how ignorant she felt. "Do… you…" She laughed nervously before forcing herself to continue. "Do you get horny very often?"
"About as much as a lot of other girls, I think." Anna gave Elsa a sympathetic grin and patted her hands. "It's not… a daily thing, I mean, but about… somewhere between once and a few times a week, I decide to treat myself. Or just do it to relieve stress. Whatever."
Her blush deepened at the thought of sharing her self-pleasuring habits with her sister. It seemed to catch her off guard, because the blonde cleared her throat and looked away. "Wow. I just… that's a hundred per cent more often than I do it. But then again, I'm probably not normal." She looked toward her food and took up her chocolate milk to distract herself from the topic. "Things like that have always made me… not scared, exactly. Uncomfortable, maybe?"
"It's - uh - understandable why, Elsa," Anna reassured the elder awkwardly, gesturing with her hands. "After being raised with our mom. Besides, I mean, not all girls… do it, y'know? It's perfectly normal to refrain from it. I just… like the feeling, and it helps me relax so… yeah…"
By that point, Anna vaguely wished that the grass would open up and swallow her whole. But Elsa only set her tray aside and put a hand on Anna's leg. It was a lot more intimate than any other gesture she had made before, even though the hand didn't move or otherwise tease her further.
"Then you can do it whenever you need to. And… and if you want to use the bed, just let me know, and I'll make myself scarce. Does… that sound fair?"
"I don't want to kick you out of the room just because I have urges!" Anna told her with a shake of her head. "No, I've held off on that particular activity before and I can do it again, Elsa; I'm sorry I gave in this time."
"You couldn't hold off this morning," she teased back. Then she grew thoughtful, staring off into space. "I wonder why… I didn't notice you acting like that before. But then again, maybe I just wasn't paying close enough attention. Either way, I don't want you to have to stop. Isn't this a good thing? You having a bunkmate who won't tell you to stop, o-or report you or anything?"
Elsa's tone was pleading and optimistic; clearly, she thought she was doing something really important for Anna. She shed her embarrassment in the wake of the realization of why Elsa was insisting on this. With a stern frown, she gently took Elsa's hand in here and looked deep into her sister's eyes.
"Elsa. I am not going to do something if it makes you uncomfortable, alright? Your comfort and ease matters much more to me than a few minutes of pleasure."
The clear blue eyes looked right back into hers, and she reached up to cup Anna's cheek as she smiled, clearly more at ease. "Alright. But I want you to give it more thought than that. Honestly, it won't make me uncomfortable at all if I'm not in the same room when it happens! And… I think having discussed it is… better than not knowing, since finding out by walking in on you wouldn't be as easy to accept."
Anna tilted her head into Elsa's palm, letting the stern face melt into a smile that matched her sister's. "It's fine, really," she reassured her, and laughed at just how absurd the entire argument had become. "Man, we're such dorks!"
"We are," she chuckled, going for her tray to resume eating now that they had talked through the pressing matter. "But at least we're dorks who are together again."
"Yeah." Anna's smile turned dreamy as the statement sank in. They were together again… after five years apart, and Anna hoped more than anything that they would never be separated again no matter the circumstances that faced them in the future.
"I wouldn't want to be a dork forever with anyone else!" She threw her arms around the blonde, snuggling into her affectionately and heedless to the fact that she had tipped her own tray as a result of the action.
"Anna, your milk!" But it was too late to save the carton.
                                                        To Be Continued...
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lesserplaces · 8 years
Arizona’s Unit 24b is a brutal, nasty place.
Consisting almost entirely of the Superstition Wilderness, 24b is big enough and roadless enough that it’s core is seldom visited. Trails that look clear on maps are actually “trails,” canyons appear from nowhere, and springs run when they feel like it. Life is hard here.
In other words, 24b is perfect. A perfect, joyous unit where you can go days in the middle of deer season without seeing a single other person. A place where there are no tree stands, no warm nights at the hunting lodge, and no water you didn’t drag in yourself. A place where you have to earn your hunt.
Coues deer are the primary target here. They are small and gray with unnaturally good eyesight and an unbelievable ability to avoid ridgelines. They are ghosts. You are going to need good binoculars to find them. Enter the Vortex Talon HD.
WHAT IS IT? Vortex Talon HD 10×42 Binoculars
PROS? Razor sharp center, closed bridge design, wide field of view, excellent color fidelity
CONS? Heavy, noticeable sharpness drop off near the edges
WHO SHOULD BUY IT? People who want excellent glass without breaking the bank, people who love closed bridge designs
WHO SHOULDN’T BUYT IT? People who have more money than common sense, people who really want a 15x binocular
DID SOMEONE GIVE IT TO YOU FOR FREE? No, I bought these binoculars with my own money. This post does contain affiliate links, however, which do provide a small kickback to us if you purchase through them at no additional cost to you.
The Vortex Talon HDs are the last of a dying breed. To make an absurd oversimplification, there are essentially two ways to design a set of binoculars: open or closed bridge. Open bridge binoculars are what you are used to seeing every day, with a single central hinge connected to the focus knob. Closed bridge binoculars have two sets of hinges, one on the back and one on the front. This makes closed bridge systems stronger at the cost of being longer and slightly heavier.
Make that longer, slightly heavier, and less sexy. Unfortunately closed bridge systems just look a little clunky relative to their open bridge brethren. I’m sure somewhere there is a grumpy old man screaming about how looks shouldn’t matter when you are in the field, but the fact of the matter is that no one wants to look like a goob. Paired with the fact that some people find open bridge designs more comfortable to hold, this has led closed bridge systems to go the way of the dodo (Editor’s note- to that point, technically this model has been discontinued by Vortex, though they are still available from many sources such as Amazon).
And that is a shame because closed bridge systems also have an incredible advantage to those who glass from a tripod. When a tripod adapter is attached to a pair of binoculars, it (generally speaking) screws in at the bridge. In open bridge systems, this single bridge is centrally located, which means that the stalk of the tripod will be directly in line with the center of the binoculars, with the eye pieces fairly close behind. On the other hand, in closed bridge systems the attachment point is on the front bridge, which has the effect of moving the eyepieces back toward you, the user. This means less leaning forward and more breathing room between your face and the tripod stalk, both huge positives when you are going to be glassing all day.
Onto the glass itself, the Talon HDs are better than anything in this price range has any business being. They are very sharp in the center with a reasonably large sweet spot and spotless color rendition. I have not not noticed any chromatic aberrations to speak of. As you would expect, the tubes are argon purged, the glass is high dispersion, and the lenses are fully coated.
If you made me pick nits, I’d say that the focus throw is far too slow (a full 540 degrees from close to infinity) and that the sharpness drop off near the edges is noticeable. The focus throw problem is a cheap, easy fix that Vortex should be sure to resolve if these binoculars are every redesigned. The sharpness drop off is probably something you will have to live with unless you want to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on binoculars.
It is also worth noting that the Talon HDs do not come in higher magnifications, such as the increasingly popular 15x. While 15x binoculars certainly have their place, I’ve always found their field of view too small and their mass too great for the type of light and fast backpack hunting I prefer. When I’m going to spend a week in the backcountry hunting in diverse conditions, from dense canyon bottoms to long open ridge lines, a single versatile solution is the only real option. 10x42s are hard to beat in this regard.
Vortex’s main alternative in this price range is their classic open bridge Viper HD. I have a few years of experience behind these, as they were my go to pair of binoculars before an unfortunate house robbery removed them from service. On paper, the Viper’s have a lot going for them. First of all, they are lighter, nearly two ounces lighter. Now, two ounces might not seem like much, but when they are slung around your neck all day, ounces add up. Second, the Viper’s are a little sharper, especially around the edges. Lastly, eye relief is just a touch longer and the close focus distance is just a little bit shorter.
So why not just buy the Viper HDs then? Most important to us normal folks, though prices vary a little day to day, the Viper HDs have historically been about 25% more expensive than the Talon HDs. 25% is a lot! Second, though the Viper HDs are a little sharper around the edges, they also have a slightly narrower field of view. To me, any reasonable tradeoff between field of view and edge sharpness is a good one– better to have the subject in frame than miss the subject entirely.
Some reviewers have made a big deal out of the fact that the Viper HD frames are made of polycarbonate while the Talon HD frames are made of magnesium. Ignore these people. Modern plastics are excellent, and you almost certainly would do irrevocable damage to the optics long before you break the frames of either.
Last, but certainly not least, is the fact that the Talon HDs are a closed bridge design while the Viper HDs are a open bridge design. I spend most of my glassing time behind a tripod, and as discussed above, I am in favor of literally anything that moves the eyepieces of my binoculars away from the tripod stalk. Closed bridges are not as sexy as open bridges, but they just work better for the type of glassing I do.
When you forget your adapter you have to adapt
On our most recent coues deer hunt, I got the chance to spend a ton of time behind Curry’s pair of Diamondback 10×42. For the price, around $200 (half of the Talon HDs), I was impressed. The Diamondbakcs are a reasonably sharp, well built pair of binoculars that any beginning hunter would be happy with for a long time. The fact that, through the magic of globalization, you can buy glass this good this cheap is a wonder in and of itself. We are a spoiled bunch, modern hunters.
That being said, going to the Diamondbacks is a significant step down in quality from the Talon HDs. The Diamondbacks are not HD glass, and it shows. While sharpness isn’t bad color fidelity is a problem, with everything taking on a slightly warm hew. Colors matter, especially when trying to differentiate between a grayish coues deer and a slightly less grayish bush from hundreds of yards away. If you can afford to jump to the next price level, do. If you can’t, buy the Diamondbacks and give them to your kid when you have the money and need an excuse to upgrade.
What does it take to hunt a place like this?
Patience mostly.
Well, patience and reliable gear that does everything well. Yes, in a perfect world, you would have a few different pairs of binoculars with you, covering all the magnifications from 8x to 15x. But this isn’t that world. When you are going to be carrying everything you need on your back for days on end, you will need to pick one set of binoculars that are durable, optically excellent, and comfortable to use.
The Talon HDs are just that. Light enough to carry, sharp enough to use, and with a comfortable closed bridge design to boot, the Talon HDs have already become one of my most beloved pieces of gear. They get used. They get used all the time. I can think of no better endorsement than that.
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Max Wilson is a graduate student studying ecology at Arizona State University. He writes here at Lesser Places, occasionally for Backpacker.com, and even more occasionally for scientific journals. You can follow him on twitter @maxomillions.
  Vortex Talon HD 10×42 Review Arizona's Unit 24b is a brutal, nasty place. Consisting almost entirely of the Superstition Wilderness, 24b is big enough and roadless enough that it's core is seldom visited.
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