#mostly cursed but yknow Uncomfortably Comfortable
clockworkcheetah · 10 months
Dirk: who ate my leftovers? Amanda: who ate my brother's ass? Dirk: okay
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maximumjinx · 5 years
Ladybug’s Finale
Chapter 2
- didn’t expect this to get any attention, but appreciate it nonetheless!-
“Ladybug, remember to breathe.” Adrien spoke, slightly panicked. The heroine’s air of mystery and professionalism in her new suit was lost with her wheezing, bent over with hands on her knees.
“Oh my god I’m an idiot. Of course you’re Chat, same blonde hair, same eyes, nobody showers that much! How could I have never seen it?” Ladybug spoke rapidly, freaking out not because Chat was Adrien, someone she didn’t really know how to feel about, but how blind she was to it all.
“Are you upset?” Adrien looked downwards, not meeting her eyes.
“Yes! No? I’m feeling a lot.” She hadn’t felt this much in a while if she were honest with herself. Ever since Lila returned everything had been mildly numb. The panic in her heart and head felt familiar, and a tad comforting.
“Are you disappointed?”
Ladybug didn’t know how to answer. A few weeks ago, she would have been jumping for joy. But Chat was so pushy about his feelings he disregarded her own. Adrien didn’t want to disrupt the flow of the class, so he also wasn’t concerned with how she felt either. Regardless, she was cast aside.
She wasn’t disappointed that Chat was Adrien or vice versa, but maybe she was disappointed in them as a person.
She wanted so badly to reveal herself, if only to see what his reaction would be. To turn the question back on him. Instead, she squashed her curiosity. Revealing her identity now could be even more dangerous.
“If I’m honest, I don’t know how to feel about you,” she held back, watching her partner deflate, “I think I have to get to know you again. From scratch.”
Hope filled the boy’s eyes.
“I’m okay with that. Whatever makes you feel comfortable.”
Ladybug frowned. She had thought it was mostly due to her avoidance of Chat Noir, but he hadn’t called her a pet name all night. It seemed like he was holding back.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything Bug.”
“You don’t call me your Lady anymore.” Her face remained passive. “What’s up?”
She didn’t want to ask if he found someone. She didn’t want to ask if he had stopped loving her
Adrien blushed, cheeks finally uncovered to show how bashful he can be.
“I- you said-“ he stumbled, “I thought you didn’t like it.”
Ladybug hummed. She felt some relief flood into her body. She took a few steps to the edge of the roof and took a seat. Adrien followed suit.
“I didn’t like it in the middle of a fight.”
“I know, I act stupid sometimes-“
“No,” She turned to him, a flicker of feeling in her chest as she met his eyes. “Don’t apologize for acting like yourself. Just for the poor timing.”
Adrien smiled at that. He dug his hands into his pockets, squeezing his fingers.
“Honestly, it was Marinette that changed my mind.”
Ladybug choked on air.
“The bakery girl?”
“Multimouse, baker, class president, designer.” Adrien smiled, “She is a girl of many hats. Makes them too!”
She felt the lilt of smile struggle to surface. Adrien had always been Chat, silliness and all. Why hadn’t he shared that part of him? Or had she not seen it in a cloud of model perfection?
“What made her change your mind?”
“She wanted to stand up to this girl at our school, Lila. She isn’t mean like Chloe, but lies a lot.” Adrien’s brows furrowed. “To make friends, gain popularity, I don’t know really. But it drove Mari up a wall.”
Ladybug lifted her eyebrows. “Mari, huh? Guess I’m not the only one graced with nicknames.”
Adrien must have been getting cold, his cheeks were dusted with color.
“Marinette kept trying to call her out on it, Lila even lied to me too. You knew that though.” He recalled her outburst in the park. “She gets akumatized so often and it’s such a headache. I told Mari to let it go, since it wasn’t hurting anyone.”
Ladybug’s fingers felt cold. It started to climb up her arms and shoulders.
“Doesn’t it hurt her?” She spoke so softly, almost afraid to say it.
Adrien looked at the street below. Suddenly being so up high without his suit made him feel uneasy. He felt vulnerable.
“Lila has taken over the class. She almost got Marinette expelled, and would have too if I hadn’t threatened her.” Ladybug’s head snapped up. “She’s been using anything and everything to hang off me and use my father. She uses everyone.”
Adrien lifted his fist out of his pocket and slammed it onto the cold gutter. Ladybug didn’t jump.
“She makes me uncomfortable, she talks badly about my friend. She makes promises to the class with her lies and never follows through.” His father’s image flickered in his head, “People like that really are the worst aren’t they?”
He shook his hair out, enjoying the ends to curl up randomly instead of styled to perfection. It was weird to see him like that, like he had finally put down the front he’d been wearing.
“Anyways, Lila never took no for an answer. The only love I’ve know is from Chloe who was the same. They don’t care about my space, my feelings, my voice.” He looked up at his lady in red. “Mari probably felt the same about Lila. You probably felt the same about me.”
Ladybug felt confused. She didn’t want to let Adrien off the hook like that, but she could see he was learning about something he had no experience with.
“You care about this girl enough to threaten Rossi?” She chewed on her lip, trying to focus on one point of Adrien’s face as to not get overwhelmed.
“She’s the only one who has cared so much about other people’s feelings in our class. She talks through their problems, helps them with their projects, keeps them company when they don’t want to talk at all.” His eyes shone. It was so dark, but he may as well have been wearing his mask.
“And I let her down.” He sighed, “The least I could do is have her back.”
“Maybe, let her know you have it? So she doesn’t feel so..” Ladybug didn’t want to finish. Adrien nudged her shoulder with his own.
“So, did you learn anything new about me?”
Ladybug thought to herself.
“You’re more timid than you let on.” Adrien frowned at that response. “You’re more thoughtful too. You aren’t this boistroseous personality that you like to show off, and you feel more guilt than you probably should.”
“I can’t really tell if any of this is good or bad LB.”
“It doesn’t really have to be one or the other,” she decided, “it’s you. For me, that’s enough.”
“It’s getting late. And we haven’t talked about a plan.”
“Yeah,” Adrien looked toward the direction he came, “not feeling up to going home, yknow?”
“Your dad would be worried.”
“He doesn’t notice. I’d like to say his behavior is explained by being Hawkmoth, but he’s been like this since before superheroes and akumas. My mom’s disappearance really messed him up.” Adrien looked down at his hands.
“It messed you up too,” Ladybug defended, “and you didn’t become a supervillain.”
Adrien winced. She wanted to slap herself, it was too soon.
“Ladybug.” Adrien turned, “you have to take the Black Cat miraculous.”
Her jaw dropped.
“What? No.” She stood up. “Why would you even say that?”
“It’s not safe under that roof.”
“It is with you!”
“We can’t risk that.” Adrien dusted himself off, rising to meet her.
“I just can’t be without my partner Adrien. I won’t.” Her heart was beating so fast. Was he giving up?
“We’ll figure it out. You can leave it somewhere I can get it and transform.” Adrien paused. “That might be riskier actually.”
“So then keep it!” She wrapped her arms around herself, “you need to be there with me.”
Adrien smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“We both know you’ve been able to handle akumas yourself for a while now.”
“What happens if I get hurt? You need to be there to help me, you’re supposed to have my back!” Ladybug was furious. How could he do this.
Adrien nodded, seeing the argument.
“Why not train with the old man then?”
Both heroes snapped towards the new voice. Plagg poked his head from Adrien’s hood.
“He could get better at his job, and Fu can hold the miraculous until he’s ready.” The small kwami looked unamused, as he always did, but Adrien hadn’t seen him this serious in...well ever.
“He already has a full schedule, when would he have the time?”
Adrien felt a little annoyed they spoke without him.
“You managed to get more free time, what did you do?” Plagg already knew the answer. He knew Ladybug was Marinette and he knew that humans were still to blind to see true value in one another.
Ladybug looked away, and pulled her hood down.
“I prioritized my responsibilities.”
“There you go!” Plagg turned to Adrien, “drop your friends.”
“No!” Ladybug protested. Adrien looked taken aback.
“Plagg that won’t fix things.”
“They don’t care about your friend, hanging out with them means hanging out with sausage hair, and its a few hours every week that you can dedicate to training.”
“Those are his friends!”
Plagg snapped to the heroine, green eyes ablaze. For a moment she was reminded that she’s talking to a god. One of destruction.
“Adrien, I know I haven’t been around in a few hundred years. But training was always put first. This isn’t a hobby you accepted. It’s a duty.” Plagg stared his chosen down. He let the kid have fun, but he can always whip him into shape.
“Ladybug, he’s right.”
She felt something twist inside her. Was it fair to have Adrien lose his friends too? They were everything to him.
Adrien read her mind.
“I needed them and school for a lot of reasons. I wanted to get away from my father and the constant supervision. Chat Noir isn’t a curse, it’s a freedom, and if I want to keep it and my friends and you, I have to work for it.” Adrien looked determined, like he wasn’t going to take no for answer. He slipped his ring off and handed it to his kwami.
“Send me an address in the morning. I don’t have a shoot so I’ll start my first lesson then.”
Plagg smiled, “I’m proud of you, kit.”
“What if you get into trouble?” Ladybug watched the exchanged helplessly.
“I’ll be as susceptible as anyone else.” He shrugged, “and you have my back.”
“What about your friends?”
Adrien grinned, wide and delighted.
“Guess I’ll move to the back.”
@shannaro-sakura @uninspired-writer @magic-miraculous @mividaexo  @juhavs @salsyy301 @liamnl @reblog-trasher @autumnhunter1 
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fruit-cupz · 5 years
Hi! I made a tumblr just to follow your writings cause they’re exactly what I want!! (There isn’t a whole lot of quality MLQC fanfic if ya know what I mean) anyway, I would like to request either headcanons for all 4 boys with a MC on her period and it’s like really bad w/severe cramps, headaches, nausea, yknow, the works. Either that orrrrrr, a possible a one shot with Gavin reacting to MC on her period cause I know he would freak and protect and akjakjakjskajs I love him so much 🙈🙈
You’re so sweet! I’m honestly honored that you made a tumblr just to follow me :’) thank you for the love and I hope you enjoy reading!
GavinxMC (The Time of the Month)
Word count: 1,110
Rating: brief mention of steam 👀 but mostly fluff
Yuna groaned curling up into a ball while squeezing her eyes shut. Her face contorted in pain feeling another wave of cramps assaulting her mercilessly, and she mentally cursed feeling no relief from her discomfort.
She woke up feeling perfectly fine that morning, but the cramps had suddenly made their arrival that afternoon leaving her feeling cranky and irritated. Normally her time of the month was bearable, the only difference for her being that she had a bigger appetite and felt slightly more impatient.
Her thoughts of agony were interrupted by the sound of jingling keys at the front door. Eyes widening in horror, her gaze quickly darted to the clock in the living room to see that it was about the time Gavin usually came home from work.
Feeling panicked, she quickly sat up grunting harshly at the sharp pain in her lower abdomen. The thought of telling Gavin the cause of her misery made her feel oddly embarrassed, mostly because she usually didn’t have this kind of pain and knew he would make a big deal about it.
She stilled as he made his way into the apartment, locking the door behind him before dropping his duffel and shrugging his jacket off.
“Welcome home.” Yuna weakly forced a smile hoping it didn’t look like a grimace.
“Hey.” Turning to face her, he appeared thoughtful for a moment before looking at her expectantly.
Yuna felt slightly exposed under his stare feeling that maybe he somehow had figured her out.
“Is something the matter?” She tried to focus on having her voice come out even although her breathing was shallow and strained.
He looked awkward and slightly confused bringing a hand up to rub against the nape of his neck.
“It’s just usually when I come home, you greet me with a kiss.” He cleared his throat with a small frown.
Yuna’s heart skipped a beat seeing how he was practically pouting, a sight that was so rare, she wanted to take a picture and frame it.
“Oh! I just woke up from a nap so I’m kind of out of it. How could I forget my favorite time of the day?” She bit her lip attempting to mask the pain she felt as she stood up.
She slowly walked around the couch and made her way to him, trying her best to move as little as possible in hopes of avoiding her camps’ wrath. Reaching him, she breathed out a sigh of relief and leaned up to give him a quick peck on the lips.
Seeing how she seemed slightly uncomfortable walking, Gavin’s eyes widened in understanding. Heat crept up to his cheeks, his eyes darkening in color as he gazed down at her.
“Last night...is that why you’re walking funny?” Behind his concern she could see a bit of smug amusement dancing across his features.
Yuna blinked comprehending his question before she gasped realizing what he was referring to. Her cheeks burned a furious shade of red recalling their night of passion as she narrowed her eyes at him.
“That is definitely not the reason why, you pervert! Stop looking so smug.” Gavin let out a boyish laugh at her exclamation even as she jabbed her pointer finger harshly into chest. He grabbed her hand and placed a gentle kiss on top.
“In that case, I’m not holding back. We have unfinished business from this morning.” He tugged her roughly by the waist latching his lips onto the creamy flesh of her neck.
Yuna whimpered in pain at the sudden movement and fisted her hands into the front of Gavin’s uniform. He immediately pulled back looking both startled and suddenly alert, grabbing hold of her shoulders to see her face.
“Shit, sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was hurting that bad, I won’t be so rough again.”
Apologies continued to tumble out of his lips as he pulled her into a warm embrace pressing a kiss to the crown of her head.
“Gavin,” Yuna murmured slightly muffled under the fabric of his clothing. She pulled back slightly looking bashful.
He raised an eyebrow in confusion watching her fidget slightly, one of her arms coming around to wrap around her abdomen.
“Don’t apologize, I just… I have cramps.” She smiled rather meekly at him although she couldn’t help but feel slightly amused by his dumbfounded expression.
He said nothing more suddenly lifting her up bridal style as gently as he possibly could. Yuna gasped in surprise but held onto him tightly as he made his way to their room where he lightly set her down on the bed.
“Wait here.”
Gavin re-entered a few minutes later carefully balancing a tray with water, pain reliever, and hot tea. Setting it down on the bedside table, he prompted Yuna to sit up.
Popping open the bottle of pills, he handed her a single tablet and held the glass of water up to her lips.
Yuna obeyed, gulping down the water eagerly. Gavin smiled slightly before placing the now empty glass back on the tray, cautiously lifting the mug of tea.
“Careful it’s hot, but it should help soothe the pain.”
With a quiet thank you, Yuna gratefully took the mug and took small sips. She sighed in bliss relishing in the taste of her favorite tea and the warmth that pooled in her belly. Gavin rubbed small circles on her back while she drank, a comfortable silence settling between them.
When she finished, she felt extremely relaxed her eyes fluttering shut drowsily.
“Gavin, I really don’t know what I did to deserve you.” She breathed out completely content.
Gavin shifted positions on the bed setting his legs on either side of her to pull her into a hug from behind. He lazily rested his chin on her shoulder.
“Next time, just tell me if anything is troubling you.” He said soft yet firm.
Leaning back into him she sighed a small apology. They remained like that for a while before Yuna spoke up again.
“When did you learn how to take care of period cramps?” She asked curiously turning her head to see him better.
His ears turned red as he cleared his throat awkwardly. “When you moved in, I searched it up on the internet so that I could be prepared for something like this.”
He looked away sheepishly while Yuna let out a bemused laugh finding his sincerity both endearing and heartwarming.
She snuggled closer to him and shut her eyes feeling sleep take over, her last thought about how Gavin was more than she deserved.
Gavin nodded off shortly after having similar thoughts about her.
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