#mostly from teh last year n a half i believe
my fav fics i've written so far(that are completed)
Part of your world(Rewrite ver)
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Regained passion
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once upon a December
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once upon a dream
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poyw 2.0/revise
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Shattered Pieces: Glue
Description: Kittens and Cubs grow quickly, and life goes on faster than you would like, but you still get to enjoy the ride.
Warnings: If this doesn’t destroy you a little, I give up as a writer.
Posted: 03/16/2020
Tags: hybrid bts, yoongi x reader
Mostly fluff with a surprise: 4,288 words
A/N: Last Part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been really stuck on this for a while, and I just wanted to finish this series so I could move on. So, I hope you guys like it and please let me know what you think of it!!!!!
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You checked the clock again, then shrugged at Hoseok. “If they’re not back in half an hour we might have to send a search party.”
He nodded. “I know they thought to do this because Jimin used to catch the turkey every year, but Jimin spent days getting the turkey, and he mostly rounded up turkeys and then picked the one he wanted and released the others before humanely killing the turkey. A couple days before he planned to cook it.”
You rolled your eyes. “They were determined.”
“Predators,” Jungkook sighed, dramatic. He jumped back as you slapped at him for sneaking bites of the stuffing that you were preparing for tomorrow.
Jin hummed softly. “The babes are awake.”
You smiled and followed him to the nursery, checking on your coloring babes (all but Jihun—who had been dragged along despite his reservations) before getting your bitty babes who were still roly-polying in their separate cribs.
Yerin was babbling a little.
Cheolmin was sucking on his hand, but his eyes fell onto you and smiled.
Soyoung was barely awake.
You picked up Cheolmin, cuddling him close with a purr. “Look at my sleepy boy.”
Jin had Yerin, changing her diaper while she made various babble noises. “I still can’t believe they went hunting on Christmas Eve Day. There’s so much to do! I know Namjoon hasn’t finished Christmas shopping yet.”
“He’ll realize his mistake sooner or later.” You shrugged a little, and rubbing Soyoung’s belly as the kitten slowly blinked awake. She had mostly black fur like Yoongi, and you honestly thought she was the spitting image of her appa if it weren’t for the white stripe on the back of her left ear.
Yerin had your coloring.
Cheolmin was mixed between the two of you, but he had his dad’s eyes.
Yerin had your mother’s eyes, and sometimes when she blinked up at you….
You smiled softly as you stepped to the side for Hoseok to pick up Soyoung.
“So soft,” Jin whispered, nuzzling one of Yerin’s ears. “Baby fur is the best. Misuk’s baby fur is growing out.”
“I know, she’s getting big.” You sighed in resignation. “Soon we won’t have baby-soft fur to play with on her.”
“Terrifying,” Hoseok said, shuddering. “They’re growing too quickly.”
“Jihun reminds me of Jimin when we first met him,” Jin said, smiling.
Jungkook grinned and nodded. “I know. I found a picture of us from back then.”
“You’ll have to show me,” You said, pushing away the dissatisfaction of not being able to meet your cubs real parents. It was driving you crazy, because you couldn’t even watch their home videos because no one knew where they were. They’d been searching for the past three weeks because Jihun asked about it at Thanksgiving and all of them were certain there were home videos but none of them were certain where they were. You figured you’d probably find them the moment you started looking, because that’s a mom’s superpower and you’ve had that power for a long time. You just hadn’t had the chance since the kids were especially clingy ever since you’d had the kittens. You didn’t mind, it wasn’t an unhealthy clingyiness, but the addition of the milky scent on you made you a little more motherly and comforting to them. And Jihun needed a lot of help with his homework lately.
“Moooommm! We’re back,” Jihun sounded desperate and distressed.
You handed Cheolmin to Jungkook and darted out, freezing and covering your mouth.
All of them were filthy. Muddy, covered in leaves, dirt smeared on their faces and they definitely didn’t catch a turkey.
Jihun looked like he’d been dropped in a lake before the mud and leaves, his hair dripping.
Yoongi winced. “We, uh, we fought a muddy hill?”
“And thought coming in the back door was a good idea? Go around to the front. I’ll get some towels, Jihun.” You ushered them back out, darting to the linen closet and grabbing the beach towels for them. Your baby was probably chilled to the bone, and you didn’t want to send him back out, but you really didn’t want to deal with mud on the carpet.
Jihun was shivering but you quickly wrapped him in a towel. “Cold.”
“We’ll get you in a bath, baby,” You said comfortingly, helping him out of his shoes.
He nodded.
You managed to scoop him up (getting objecting sounds from all six men) and carried him to the nearest bathroom, setting him down and running a bath. “I’ll go get you some clean clothes and a towel, okay? Hoseok will be here to help you wash behind your ears. And your tail.”
He made a strangled sound, but nodded.
You kissed a clean spot on his forehead, then tested the water. “Alright, test the water before you get in, but I think it’s okay right now.”
He nodded again, shivering out of his clothes as you got out a big fluffy towel and let Hoseok slip past you.
The other boys were carefully traipsing to the other bathrooms, but you quickly passed them to get to Jihun’s room and grab him clean clothes, opting for his favorite pajamas since it was toward the evening anyway.
Hoseok took the clothes, gesturing that Jihun was half-asleep.
You nodded and went to check on the rest of your babies, seeing they were still coloring contentedly and talking to the kittens like they would understand.
Then you hurried upstairs to check on your mate.
Taehyung was pouting at the bathroom door. “Oh, come on, Namjoonie!”
You snorted and headed further, guessing Yoongi went right to the bathroom the others didn’t use—the one in Jimin’s old room.
He was already out of the shower and in boxers when you slipped in, but winced as he saw your face. “Yeah, I know, that was dangerous. I didn’t mean for that to happen, and we got him back here in record time.”
“No more pretending you know how to hunt. Stick to fishing, you’re better at it. Anyway, we figured this would happen and bought a turkey. It’s already brining.” You shook your head at the pile of muddy clothes. “You guys are so doing the laundry.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I’ll gather up the muddy clothes and take care of them. How were the other kids?”
“Angels,” You replied, hearing the relief in it and laughing a bit. “Heirannie is teaching Jowoon to color in between the lines, not very successfully, but he’s actually improved throughout the day. Misuk is using the magic markers so she can’t make a mess.”
“They’re growing up so fast,” He whispered.
“Soyoung looks so much like you,” You whispered back, wrapping your arms around his neck. His skin was still warm from his shower, and it felt nice.
He purred a little, seeming embarrassed at how pleased he was by that. “Yerin looks more like you.”
“Has your hair, my mom’s eyes, and my fur,” You whispered. “But your adorable nose and mouth.”
He melted a little more under your touch, a mess of purring and fur. “I just want this time to last forever.”
You laughed softly. “I do too. We’ll keep them young forever, you and me.”
He laughed with you, hugging you more tightly. “You and me.”
You didn’t keep them young.
Jihun had been so excited to go to school. He’d woken up an hour before everyone else, he’d eaten breakfast and gotten ready for school, and then waited on teh couch for everyone else to get up, asking the first person—you, getting up to take care of the triplets who were two years old at the time—if it was time to leave yet.
You’d gotten him to help you with the triplets to distract him.
The only moment he seemed to be reluctant was when his siblings started crying at his leaving them. Heiran was especially inconsolable.
But Hoseok, Yoongi, and Yourself ushered Jihun out the door, and took him to school.
You and Hoseok cried on the way back to the house because Jihun was growing up so quickly and he was so independent.
Yoongi was quiet, but he spent an extra long time with all of the younger cubs that day.
Jihun had come home, quiet, eating his snack and cuddling up next to you without a word. Apparently not having said a word to Namjoon and Taehyung except to say hello and get into the car.
When he finally did say something, he murmured that he’d missed everyone here and that everyone else already had friends.
Seokjin had chuckled softly, then pulled Jihun into his arms. “Your father felt the same way. But he met Taehyung. And Taehyung introduced him to us. Just do your best, be nice to the other kids—”
“But if they bite you, bite back,” Yoongi muttered, earning glares and scoffs from Hoseok and Taehyung.
Seokjin just leveled him with an unamused look before turning back to Jihun. “And eventually you’ll meet some good friends. And if you don’t…well, we love you and we’ll find you sports or something you can play to make friends that way.” He stroked Jihun’s hair.
Jihun looked up at him, then shifted so he could hug the bunny-hybrid, face in the crook of his neck like he did as a cub. “If I don’t like it….”
“Then you can go back to homeschooling,” You agreed softly. “But I want you to give it a chance, Jihunnie.” You stroked his tail.
It flicked and he peeked at you to smile. “Okay, Mom. I’ll try. But…” His nose wrinkled. “Are we sure I’m in the right classes?”
He slipped out of Jin’s arms, and grabbed his backpack, pulling out his school books and passing them to you.
You looked over it and sighed internally. The cubs ate up their lessons faster than you could come up with them, and Jihun was especially attentive in his schoolwork. Which meant he’d surpassed his classmates. But the schools insisted that he stay with his age group. “Well, we’ll figure something out, okay?”
He nodded, curling up into Hoseok’s lap with a soft chuff before falling asleep.
And he did make friends, quickly growing popular among his classmates, and yet he still spent most of his time at home with his siblings. He would go to their houses now and then, and he would have them for outdoor playdates, easily explaining that his siblings got sick really easily.
And he joined the soccer team, quickly becoming one of the star players.
Heiran was growing quickly too. She was active and playful and fast. So fast. She picked up languages like they were the triplets blocks, and while she still clung to you, and her family, she also was confident and strangely self-assured. She laughed easily and was excited for the day she could finally go to school—but didn’t do nearly as well there, reverting to her muteness and asking to be pulled out after the first three months. She blossomed again once she was home, though she still bounced back and forth between mute and loquacious.
Jowoon didn’t even want to try public school, but he joined an outdoor adventure club and quickly made his own friends. He was a bit of a home-body, having been cuddly all throughout his childhood and he definitely was still your baby. He was thoughtful, often sitting and asking Namjoon questions for hours after you would run out of answers, until Yoongi would step in and get him to help with some chore or other. Jowoon loved helping fix things, and there was a bet between Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok about what his future profession would be.
Misuk was probably the sassiest of all of the cubs, extremely independent as an elementary-aged cub, and oddly protective of the triplets. She had strong opinions, and was so expressive that sometimes you all had to stop yourselves from laughing when she needed to be scolded for talking back because she was so…confident in her decisions. She hated messes, and was picky about her clothes in the cutest way. She would only get messy if she was in her messy clothes. She was the hardest to keep away from her siblings friends, because she wanted to be with them but it was still dangerous given her immune system.
And then there were your triplets.
All of them were doted on by the cubs, and they didn’t mind staying away from outsiders for their siblings sake—not really even noticing because they were too busy listening to Jihun read a story to them. Or the girls would be playing with dolls while the boys were outside playing soccer.
Heiran bounced between both groups on those days (not that they were always separated, they especially all loved swimming together—though your kittens were definitely not fans at first and Soyoung definitely wouldn’t swim unless her oldest brother and Uncle Taehyung were also swimming), and she was usually on one team while the boys were on the other because she was fast and fierce. Everytime you saw her win with an astonishing amount of ferocity, you were reminded of your first Thanksgiving with the cubs, when she batted every kill-spot on Taehyung.
The scariest moment was when she found one of Jihun’s friends inside the house—with a cold. Granted, he’d only run in to use the bathroom, and with your permission.
But she’d literally dragged him out of the house with a growl (he was taller than her and weighed more and she wasn’t struggling), and the way she snarled at Jowoon had your fur rising and your kittens hiding in Yoongi’s arms while you had to calm her down.
She hadn’t even been thirteen.
Time flies too fast.
Jin and Jungkook lived in the carraige-house, never too far, but sometimes retreating to themselves. They were a mess, but a pretty happy mess that were actively involved in the cubs lives.
The other boys had their own lives, still coming around as often as they could—especially Hoseok, who eventually become some part of the strange relationship that Jungkook and Jin had.
You didn’t care to ask as long as your cubs and kits were okay.
Taehyung ended up mating with a sweet dog-hybrid, and they had pups some five years after your kits were born.
Namjoon ended up going overseas to open another division of his and Taehyung’s company, leaving for a few months at a time, before coming back for another few months to catch up with his favorite tigers, kittens, and pups. Eventually, he brought home a mate from his trip, who melded right into the family.
And Yoongi somehow started a revolution that established so much protection for humans that their numbers started rising again while still being the most active father/father-figure anyone could ask for. He was often exhausted, but you liked to think that you rewarded him well for his hard work.
“I can’t see,” Yerin whined, going up on her tiptoes again.
Namjoon scooped her up, putting her on his shoulders. “See him now?”
“Yes! Jihun!” She called.
Jihun turned and grinned, waving before signaling her to be quiet.
It wasn’t long before the Cheolmin and Soyoung were perched on Seokjin’s and Taehyung’s shoulders—respectively—to watch, though Soyoung did so with her hands over her ears from the noise of the crowd. She didn’t like noisy places, usually clinging and hiding with Yoongi or whoever was closest.
Jowoon and Misuk could see a little better, having both better positions, and standing on the chairs.
Heiran could see without standing on a chair, though she did have to go up on her tip-toes.
Both girls were carefully surrounded by yourself and the guys, having gotten more than their fair share of their mother’s looks, and getting quite a few lingering looks. They were already increasingly careful around their own brother’s friends and Misuk was only eleven.
Yoongi sighed. “This has to be a dream. He can’t be graduating high-school next week.”
You just smiled, looking at your family, then back at your oldest. “What are you going to do when it’s Heiran? Or Jowoon? Or Misuk—”
“Stop,” he grumbled. “You’re making me sad.”
You purred, taking his hand. “Just enjoy it, you softy. He’s valedictorian. And he wants to be a doctor.”
“He’s been taking college classes for the past two years, does it really count?” Heiran asked casually, but her gaze was proudly fixed on her brother as he stepped up to the podium to make a speech that had been a long time coming. It wasn’t his speech as valedictorian, but it was a speech his teachers had asked to give after he turned it in for a class.
You shushed her, grateful you didn’t have to worry about filming since Jungkook definitely had that covered.
Jihun—looking every bit like his father, with a certain something of his mother in his smile—gazed over the crowd after his initial greeting. “Next Friday marks the day that all of us have been waiting for. It’s a day of transition. It marks the end of one part of our lives, and the beginning of another as we leave the safety of this institution and enter the world of our parents and teachers. This can be terrifying, the unknown can be terrifying. My life…” He stopped, looking down and then quickly looking up, seeking you all out again and nodding. “My life has been filled with days of transition. Some that I don’t remember, such as the day I first became an older brother, and others that I do. I remember the day that I stopped thinking my life was normal, a day I know my family wishes I could forget, when myself and my mother were kidnapped and rescued by my father. I had never given thought to the fact that my mother was human, or what my species even meant for myself—and I didn’t understand until much later. I remember when I transitioned from having two parents that loved me and my siblings so completely, to being an orphan.”
Yoongi’s grip tightened on your hand, and you could see Heiran glance at you in the corner of your eye, but your gaze was fixed on Jihun.
“I remember my Uncles—friends of my parents, the only thing close to family that they had—desperately trying to fill the void my parents had left. The day my mom, my adoptive mom, came into our lives and made us into a family again. I remember wondering if my sister would ever talk again after losing our parents, and the pure joy that came when she did. I remember deciding that my mom could be just that, my mom. Finding out that those responsible for the death of my parents finally paid the price. Becoming an adopted brother. Watching my family change, and grow. Being able to finally go to school with other kids my age and make friends outside of my siblings. There have been so many days where my life has changed so completely, even if it was just from a change in my own perspective. In the way I viewed things. Our lives will always be filled with unknowns, but…because of my life before now, I’m not afraid of what the future holds. I know that my family will always catch me if I fall. I want to be a doctor, and I know that the road ahead of me will be hard. I know there will be times when I get scolded because I haven’t been taking care of myself—because I was raised by the most selfless people I will ever know. I know they’ll catch me when I do fall, because I watched them catch each other.”
He met your gaze across the crowd. “We are entering a world that has been changed by those that came before us. A world where humans are more than just…a means to an end. A world my parents died trying to make, and that my family continued to fight for—all while protecting us from those who opposed it. We are the next generation, and we have the ability to further that change, and make the world even better for those that come after. To learn from those that came before us. We will fall, and we will rise again. And we might fall a lot. But to change the world, and to help others…sometimes we’ll have to step back and take care of ourselves first.” He smiled a little to himself. “We help when we’re healthy, we rest if we’re sick, but if there’s a fire—we jump in and help as much as we can. And that doesn’t mean we get ourselves killed, Jeremy.”
His class started laughing and heckling Jeremy.
Not that your family wasn’t laughing, you all were familiar with Jeremy and the kid sometimes lacked common sense in a comical, life-threatening sort of way.
“I’ve had everything and nothing in my life,” Jihun continued after they calmed down. “I don’t know what’s next, but we’re going into this world with everything this school and our parents could provide us. Not everyone is that lucky. I want us all to leave here, and do at least one good thing. Just one. I know I can never surpass the things my adoptive family have done, I can never hope to be half as good as they are, but they make me want to try. To try and honor my deceased family. To set a good example for my younger siblings. To take care of myself and others. To gather up the shattered pieces and put them together again, just like my Mom did for me and my siblings, and my Uncles. That, which is far easier said than done, is my impossible dream that I hope to work toward everyday with my family to guide and support me. That is the one thing that I learned here, that I will never forget.”
You stood there, breathless as the audience clapped for him. Your little cub, all grown up.
Cheolmin was on the ground again, and he tugged on your sleeve. “Mommy, he’s adopted?”
Heiran started laughing, but she was crying as well. She tugged the 9-year-old into a hug. “We’ll explain later, Cheol.”
You ran a hand over her hair, pressing a kiss to her temple.
Jihun slipped in, taller than you now, taller than Yoongi. A young man, only shadows of that seven-year-old cub you first met evident in the way he looked at you.
You squeezed his hand, knowing he was out of words. Knowing exactly what he was saying.
Yerin practically ran into his leg, hugging it with her ginger tail lashing playfully, looking up at him with a grin. “You talk pretty.”
Jihun started laughing, scooping her up easily since she was tiny (even smaller than Soyoung) and he definitely had the musculature befitting a white tiger. “Thanks, Yerin. You’re always pretty. So is Soyoung, and Misuk, and Heirannie,” He added quickly when her mouth opened, then he rubbed his nose against hers. “And Mom.”
She giggled and kept hugging his neck.
Soyoung was falling asleep on Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Let’s get home,” Yoongi said.
Sitting at home later with your cubs and kittens, and the six men who had unknowingly changed the course of every life in that house, watching home videos that ranged from when Jihun was just a newborn cub, to a couple of years ago, you figured that even though it might not be the same as before, the shattered pieces of all of your lives had come together to create something new and even more beautiful.
And (unless you could bring their parents back, without losing your life with Yoongi, and your cubs and kits) you wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.
Jimin woke with a start, checking on his precious mate before rushing down the hall to check on all of his cubs, then Yoongi and Seokjin—who had just moved in that day. The other guys would be moving in later that week.
He shook himself and got a glass of water, taking it back upstairs.
She was awake, and she looked at him sleepily. “You okay?”
“Bad dream. Weird dream. We died.”
She hummed shifting and sitting up. “Just us? Or the cubs—”
“Cubs were fine, the guys took care of them. They had help, but…everything worked out.” He set the glass down and crawled back into the bed with her.
She was humming a song now, stroking his cheek. “Oh?”
He nodded. “That meeting. I think it’s a good thing we didn’t go to it.”
She smiled. “Who helped them?”
“She was a teacher. Cat hybrid. Her and Yoongi ended up becoming mates.”
She nodded. “Well, maybe we should finally do as we’ve been discussing and get Jihun a tutor?”
Jimin nodded. “I’m starting to struggle.”
“Then we’ll look into it in the morning, and increase security otherwise?” She asked, sounding only a little uncertain.
He chuffed lovingly at her. “You’re so perfect.”
She just grinned at him, perfectly irresistable.
“Eomma?” Jihun whispered softly from the doorway.
She sat up again. “Jihun? Everything okay?”
He ran in and climbed onto the bed, snuggling between Jimin and her. He sighed in relief. “I had nightmares again.”
Jimin pressed a kiss to his forehead. “You’re safe, kiddo. I’m not letting any of you go.”
Previous Part.   Masterpost.  Masterlist.  
Tagging: @kimmie113080 , @jungshaking, @ephemeral-mindset, @young-yellkie​, @alex–awesome–22​, @pearylove​, @bryvada​, @missmoxxiesworld​, @knjhe​, 
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
Hyunki entered the bar completely done with the day eveyone felt his entrance as he walked to the bar. “Can I have a scotch. Clean and make it the best youo have.” He leaned on his arm as the bartender poured his drink. As he waited his thoughts ran past the events of the day and reminded him why he was in the bar to begin with. He could hear the clicking of pool balls and walked over to the tables. “You fellas mind if I join in?” He raised his glass and took a sip from his drink easily swallowing. 
Jae had just needed a calm night. So he’d gone to teh pool hall down the street from his apartment, sipping a bourbon as he played pool by himself. HEaring a voice, the male turned, running a hand through his hair. The table next to him was refusing to let someone join, and he nodded at the male. “You’re free to join me.” he offered, moving to chalk the end of his stick again. 
Hyunki tilted his glass in thanks and approached the table, setting his drink on the side of it. “The name’s Hyunki. You?” He chalked his own stick and looked at the man in front of him. He was far beyond the word handsome and he held himself like he knew it. Hyunki could tell this would be fun and settled in for a good time.
Jae found the other greatly attractive, and he could see the confidence. With a grin, he took another drink of his bourbon. “Jae.” He answered. “You play much?” He asked. Pool was something he’d started a year ago at his company. He wasn’t the best, but he was good.
Hyunki knew better than to fall for attractive men without knowing which way they swung. ‘Been ther, done that.’ He thought as he watched Jae sip his drink. “Not really, I spend most of my time in the office. I’m a biochemist so not much time to hang out at bars. I just had a bad day today is all. I don’t even know how to play really, those guys missed a chance for free money.” He spoke the last part loud enough that the other table could hear. He shrugged and took another drink of his drink. “How does this work again?”
The halfling smiled at the other male, giving an obvious once over. “I play a little. Mostly during long days.” he mused. “I don’t play for money, mostly for fun.”  he answered, going to set up the balls in the triangle. Taking the white ball, he set it at the opposite end and lined the stick up to make a shot. “Just make the white ball hit another to make it in a pocket.” he said, eyes lining up and taking the shot. The balls broke with a loud crack, scattering among the table, though none made it into the slots. “The first one to make a certain style of the balls shoots to get those in. As long as you make shots, you can go until you miss.” he explained, twirling the stick around his hand before going to take another drink. “You make a shot with the other player’s ball and it’s their turn. 
“Yeah, I’m just gonna hit whatever. I don’t care. I just want to let off some steam.” Hyunki sipped his drink again and sat on the side of the table. “Sorry if that bothers you, I could leave you alone if it does.” He let out a sigh and thought back to why he was here in the first place. He had been working on a new project with his boss when he had seen the one person that made him want to drink until he was numb. The one person who knew he wasn’t straight. The one and only person Hyunki had embarrassed himself n front of. Hyunki swallowed the rest of his drink and turned his attention back to the person at the table with him. Jae was better looking than Hangyeom but it wasn’t just that. Something about Jae was different and Hyunki liked it, though he refused to believe that was the case. 
A fight broke out at the bar and Hyunki winced as glasses and bottles were being broken everywhere. “Oops, my bad. Should’ve been a bit more careful.” With a deep breath he centered his emotions and brought any residuele bad energy back to himself. “My fault.” He mumbled under his breath, smoothing out the few wrinkles in his shirt. He looked back at Jae and smiled. “Sorry.”
Jae watched the other, shrugging. “No big deal. I could use some company.” He felt the surge of energy, eyes briefly flickering around the pupil. He tilted his head as there was suddenly a fight, then hummed thoughtfully as it suddenly stopped. He subconsciously fiddled with the protection bracelet his father had made and given him the entire time, eyes watching Hyunki. “Are you okay?” he wondered aloud. He moved to stand closer to the table. “It looks like you might need more than one game of pool.” he mused, eyes glancing towards the bar where the mess was being cleaned up. 
Hyunki chuckled a bit. “Yeah, maybe. Real bad day.” Hyunki raised an eyebrow at Jae when he spotted the bracelet. “A protection band? I wear mine as a anklet.” He lifted his slacks just enough to see the item decorating his ankle. “Easier to trick people when needed and I don’t get yelled at when I’m at work.” He smiled a bit and dropped his pants leg so that it brushed his dress shoes lightly. Hyunki mindlessly pulled out a jade hairpin and spun it between his fingers. It had been passed down through his family for generations and given that he was an only child he inherited it instead of a female. It served as a second nature to spin the hair piece when he thought he might lose control, he’d been doing it since college. “Pool might not help at all.”
Jae gave a glance at his wrist. “My father made it for me when I was young.” he replied. “I never take it off.” he shrugged. The bracelet was the only consistent jewelry in his career, though he did have a love for earrings. He watched the other man for a moment. “Crowds don’t usually help after a bad day. The park is quiet and just about empty this time of night. We could go there?” he asked. “Sometimes fresh air and quiet helps me out.”
Hyun-Ki shrugged. “Might as well.” After paying for their drinks, he followed Jae out of the bar and to the park walking along the paths until they came to a bench. They sat down and Hyun-Ki let out a loud sigh. He pulled his legs up in front of him. “It’s always the people you least expect to see that show up out of nowhere.” He wished he still had a drink and that he could just drown everything in alcohol so he could forget, at least for a little while.
Jae walked alongside Hyunki, letting himself relax at the familiar surroundings of nature. The witch half of his blood liked nature the most, it relaxed and gave him the energy he needed in his day to day. Moving to sit next to the other, he leaned back, hands tucked into his jacket until Hyunki spoke. Looking at the other, he tilted his head, red hair falling into his face. “Ex, or something more complicated?” He asked.
“More like the only guy I have ever fallen in love with but found out he was straight after completely embarrassing myself in front of him.” He spun the jade hairpin again. “Oh, and he had a girlfriend too.” He laughed at himself. “I spent the next two years drinking my problems away before refocusing on my degree. I never expected him to show up at my job and start asking questions about me and my life right now. Plus I have to work on my current project with him because his company is helping with the costs and such.” Hyun-Ki really wished he had chosen a different line of work but he loved what he did even if that meant that he had to work with the one person who had seen him at his weakest. He stopped spinning the hairpin and pointed it at Jae. “So I would say more complicated than an ex.” 
Jae whistled low. “Yeah, I would definitely call that more complicated.” he mused, looking away from Hyunki as he nodded. “I would say ignore him, but honestly, work puts us all in a situation we don’t like at one point or another.” He licked his lips as he thought. He had been put in several awkward positions given his own sexuality, being one of few bisexual idols out caused a few awkward situations. Somehow, sitting with Hyunki didn’t feel awkward. “A game of pool may not be a whole lot, but maybe some fun that’s a little more exerting would help?” he offered, slowly looking back at the other. 
Hyun-Ki bit his lip, picking up on what his companion was implying. He turned his head and took in every detail he could that made up the man next to him. “Depends on what you have in mind.” Hyun-Ki placed the hairpin he still held back into his pocket and turned to face Jae fully, a smirk decorating his face as his eyebrow shot up. “What exactly is it you want, mister?” 
Jae gave a an arched brow, cocking his head to one side. “I mean, you’re absolutely beautiful. And I’m sure we could both use some stress relief from time to time. I don’t see why we can’t help each other.” he offered. “My place isn’t far. We can switch numbers after and hook up whenever one or both of us needs a release.” He shrugged, moving to brush some of Hyunki’s hair from his face. “What do you say?”
Hyun-Ki stood up and brushed his shirt to get the non-existent wrinkles out of it. He turned to Jae and waved his arm in a lead the way manner. “After you my good sir.” Hyun-Ki smiled as Jae walked in front of him, gladly watching as he walked away a bit before following. “Where exactly do you live? Exactly how far is not far?” Hyun-Ki asked bumping lightly into Jae as he walked side by side with him. 
Jae paused when he noticed Hyunki was slightly behind him, turning to look back. “I live a few blocks away. Had a long day at work and didn’t want to go home yet, so I went to the bar.” he answered, glancing at the other as they walked the path back to where his loft was. “Happy I did, too.” he mused, laughing quietly as Hyunki nudged him. “We’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Hyun-Ki nodded and silently walked next to Jae as they progressed to their destination. He was beginning to second guess his decision but pushed any doubts to the back of his mind, just wanting to forget about Hangyeom for the night. He fell slightly behind Jae as his thoughts wondered, merely following Jae back to his home as an instinct. When Jae stopped Hyun-Ki almost bumped into him “Sorry.”
Jae noticed the way Hyunki went quiet, but didn’t comment on it, moving to unlock the door and turn the living room light on. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, hmm?” he asked, reachign up to run his fingers through Hyunki’s hair. 
Hyunki leaned forward and whispered against Jae’s ear. “Do you really want to know?” He din’t really plan on telling Jae what he was thinking, he was buying himself some time to think of a convincing lie. He was not going to screw up this chance to get his thoughts of Hangyeom to vanish. He ran a hand down Jae’s chest, letting come to rest on the other’s hip as he thought frantically for a good lie.
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