#poyw revise
my fav fics i've written so far(that are completed)
Part of your world(Rewrite ver)
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Regained passion
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once upon a December
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once upon a dream
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poyw 2.0/revise
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Gilly boy is done~ and with that-the D1 sea three (2023 ver)are finished~
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Uma has me in a chokehold g'damn. these are intended to use for my rewrite revise-but Uma's only appearance is her main outfit-othewise-until i get to that Sea three go to Auradon instead of the C4 rewrite-Uma's outfits will go unused.
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the things i do instead of commissions XD
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i've always wanted to draw (y/n)/rose out in their coronation outfit but it's the 'ripped' version when she takes off most of her skirt to fist fight Maleficent (she also steals Fergus' sword)
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POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P13
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outfits; (y/n) and Harry
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The cathedral where Ben would be crowned king was as grand and royal as the rest of Auradon-decked out in gold and blue with a royal blue carpet to lead into the cathedral itself. The crowd outside-ready to welcome their new king-was huge, all cheering and waving banners for their prince.
 “At last, here we are! Broadcasting live from the coronation; where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I’m snow white, bringing you up to the second coverage of who’s the fairest of them all~”
On the isle, the main four villains sat around Maleficent's old TV, EQ chucking a handful of popcorn at the screen. “That’s my line,” she squawked, mocking the princess that was once her stepdaughter. “I’m snow white~ who are you kidding, she’s definitely had work done.” She chuckled another handful of popcorn and Maleficent side-eyed her botched Botox.
Hook and Gaston were at Gaston’s brawler bar-everyone watching the screen in impatient silence while their kids were at home-also watching the coronation on their cruddy TVs.
“Where’s Harry?” CJ asked, the smee twins sitting at her feet as she had claimed the couch in the captain's quarters(Harriet's ship). Harriet shushed her, pacing back and forth as she waited for her baby brother to appear. CJ groaned, letting her head fall back. “But this is so boring! Can’t we speed it up to the part where Harry steals the wand?” Harriet rolled her eyes, smacking her forehead.
“This is a live broadcast CJ, we can’t speed it up, we just have ta wait and see.” Harriet muttered, continuing to pace as CJ blew a raspberry, leaning on her palm as Snow White continued to drawl about the coronation and its guests(and their outfits and hair).
Uma leaned towards the tv sitting above the kitchen window as Fairy godmother appeared on the screen and revealed her wand, her mouth going dry at the sight. But where was Harry?
Harry swallowed as the limo slowly drove up to the cathedral-the two of you being one of the last to arrive before Ben and Mal made their appearances. The windows were down-letting everyone see their faces as the crowd cheered and waved. You turned to look at him-seeing the nervous look on his face and grabbed his hand, smiling. “Everything’s going to be okay,” you said, squeezing his hand.
He had trouble smiling back, fiddling with a blue box in his other hand-where the antidote was kept. You tilted your head at it, only now just seeing the box. “What’s that?” you asked, pointing at the box with your free hand. Harry shrugged, handing you the box and you untangled your hand from Harry’s and opened it, seeing a single chocolate mini cupcake.
"Fer ye, I know ye like ta have snacks,” Harry muttered, sniffing as you examined the cupcake. “fer after the coronation, ye know-wait!” without waiting, you popped the whole cupcake in your mouth, licking your lips as Harry stared in horror.
Oh fuck.
“It’s not bad, but could’ve done without the anti-love potion ingredients,” you muttered and Harry blinked, fear clutching his chest. “you-you knew?” Harry breathed, his ears starting to ring and his lungs just wouldn’t expand. You turned, nodding, giving him that smile that made him pause.
“Yeah, from the very beginning. I’ll explain more later-but-magic doesn’t work on me. The potion never worked in the first place.” You closed the box, seeing you were arriving at the cathedral. Harry just stared-now just utterly confused. You took his hand again, showing off your ruby necklace. “Just know, I didn’t fake a damn thing.” Yu leaned in, kissing his cheek and then nodding at the door-one of the servants opened it and Harry stepped out, turning to help you out of the limo-his mind still going miles a minute.
You knew. You knew.
You knew about the love potion-did that mean-you knew everything else? You looked up at him, and smiled, still holding his hand. “let’s get inside,” you whispered, walking up the stairs together and bowing to Adam and Belle before heading inside, spotting Gil and the others up on the balcony. You took your place up in the front, leaving space for Mal as everyone began to gather along the blue carpet; waiting for their King.
Uma’s breath was stolen as she saw Harry step out of a sleek black limo-looking so handsome and almost like royalty in a fine red tail coat decorated with gold, his hair brushed back and his bangs curling over the left side of his face. Then he turned-helping the girl out of the limo, holding hands with her the entire time as they walked up the steps and disappeared into the cathedral.
“And here is (y/n) with her boyfriend, Harry Hook! Both looking fabulous in their red outfits! Let’s see who they’re wearing~” Snow White prattled off about designers-one of which being Evie-but Uma didn’t care.
“So (y/n) is her name,” Uma muttered to herself, not a single soul in the chip shop speaking, everyone-including her mother-was watching the coronation today, crowding around any TV they could to see the vks finally nab that wand and free the isle.
James curled his lip at the sight of you, hoping his son would do the ‘right’ thing and nab that wand, leave you behind, and come free him-he could taste the blood of Pan and the lost boys.
Revenge was near.
Harry took a deep shuddering breath as Adam and Belle took their places at the two thrones on the platform-FG standing a few steps down with her hands delicately placed in front of her. Mal joined him at the front and they shared a look-their eyes drifting back to the wand.
It was so close, one of them could easily just take it now.
The choir began to sing and nerves settled in Harry’s stomach, he reached out-taking your hand and squeezing it. you squeezed back, watching the grand doors as two servants opened them-and there was Ben, in his princely(soon to be king) attire, his head held high and walking straight down the middle of the carpet, just as he had rehearsed so many times.
The guests all bowed as he walked past, Mal and Ben sharing a smile as he made it to the platform. Harry took another breath as he stood straight, swallowing as Ben kneeled before Fairy Godmother, watching as she bowed to Adam before taking his crown-turning and placing it upon Ben’s head.
Ben took a deep breath, looking back up at FG with a proud smile on his face. Adam removed the case around the wand and Mal gasped, her grip tight on her skirt-staring at the wand. They could do it right now, they could just take it. Belle took the wand from its stand and handed it to FG, who bowed her head and turned to Ben, holding it delicately-speaking in a loud and clear voice, filled with pride.
“Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon; with justice and mercy, as long as you shall reign?”
Ben nodded, his eyes filled with beaming pride and excitement. “I do solemnly swear.” He said in a clear voice, ready to take on the difficult commitment that would last until his heir was ready to take the throne.
‘grab the thing already!’ Mal could hear her mother's voice in her head-like a cruel conscience. Harry gripped your hand, licking his lips nervously. 'Don’t mess this up Harry,’ he heard Uma say, he felt the weight of the shell bracelet on his wrist-his hook hanging from the loop on his pants.
Mal looked back at the balcony, seeing her friends. All just as nervous as she was; all just as unsure as she was.
Was she really going to do this? Could she do it?
She didn’t have a choice.
None of them did.
“Then it is my honor, and my joy; to bless our new king,” FG tapped Ben’s shoulders with the wand, holding it up and about to bless him when it was stolen from her-everyone gasping as the thief fumbled to control the wand, wielding it dangerously as it sparked and shot a beam of magic out of the cathedral-blasting a hole in the barrier.
Maleficent cackled as she saw the wand get snatched-assuming it was her daughter or Hook’s son. “Yes!”
James roared with victory, Gaston laughed with devious intention-finally, Belle would finally be his! Uma’s jaw dropped, throwing her hands over her mouth. They did it!
“They did it,” Harriet muttered, her eyes on the tv as the cameramen panicked and failed to show who exactly had taken the wand.
But everyone could feel the shift as the barrier broke-it was only a hole-but it had been broken. And magic now reigned free. Maleficent cackled, summoning her scepter and disappearing in a swirl of green smoke-beelining it to Auradon.
But it wasn’t Harry or Mal who had taken the wand; it was Jane, her face red with frustration as she attempted to gain control of the wand. “Child what are you doing?!” FG screamed, reaching out to her daughter as Jane whirled around-the wand overpowering her untrained body.
“I want everything to go back to how it was!” Jane screamed, in just a month-she had gained new friends, long flowing hair, a boyfriend, and popularity-only to lose it in a day; all because of her stupid mistakes-she wanted to reverse those mistakes-she wanted to be with Gil, she wanted to be friends with the vks, she wanted her long hair back.
She attempted to cast a spell, one that would rewind time to last week-before she had started to drift over to being a stupid mean girl. “Bibbidi-bopiddi-boo!” the wand sparked dangerously-Jane’s mind was too frazzled to control it and it only got more out of control the longer she held it.
Harry pushed you behind him and grabbed his hook-his eyes on Jane, watching as the wand sparked and pushed Jane around like she was a ragdoll-Ben rushing to get in front of Mal and protect her as Jane yelped, her eyes filling with panicked tears as she realized she was losing more control as time went on-and the wand began to burn her hands.
Mal jumped forward-the crowd gasping as she wrestled Jane for the wand-wincing as the sparks danced across her skin. “Careful Mal!” Belle yelled, worried for the girl. Mal finally took the wand from Jane-holding it with one hand and the wand immediately calmed down-Mal breathing heavily as she stared at Jane, the younger fae staring back until she scrambled into the crowd-Lonnie pushing Jane behind her and then looking back at Mal.
Mal looked to the wand-she had it-she had the wand. She held it with two hands then, holding it away from her and straight up-backing away as Ben stepped in front of her. “Mal, give me the wand,” he breathed-holding out his hands, trying to calm Mal down as she stared at him with wide eyes, panic clear in her expression.
“Stay back-“ Mal whispered-her friends and Gil already running down the carpet towards Mal. Harry glanced at you and you looked back up at him-he took your hand and pulled you with him behind Mal, and you remembered his words from Wednesday ‘if something happened at the coronation-would you leave with me?’
You looked behind your shoulder-seeing some of the crowd-like Audrey, Lonnie, Fergus, and Doug-all staring at you with wide eyes. You licked your lips and stepped closer to Harry, the others finally joining the group as Mal ordered Ben to stay back-she didn’t want to hurt him.
Gil glanced down at you and gave you an apologetic smile-one that was barely visible as he went to stand next to Harry-his eyes back on Mal as Audrey suddenly spoke; “I told you so!” she yelled-Mal turning to her with the wand-fear filling Audrey’s face as she leaned back and her family stood in front of her-not knowing what the daughter of Maleficent would to.
Considering what happened on family day.
“Let’s go,” Carlos said, Dude at his feet and whining-it was time. They had the wand. “Revenge time,” Jay muttered, bouncing on his heels-nerves filling his body. they were going to see their parents again, Auradon would be destroyed.
“If we don’t leave now they’ll catch us,” Harry muttered, already seeing guards making their way towards the vks-but they were stopped with a wave of Ben’s hand.
“You really want to do this?” Ben asked, looking right into Mal’s eyes. She shook her head, sobbing a bit-“We have no choice, Ben,” she cried, tears already starting to streak down her face. Ben’s face fell. “our parents-“
“Your parents made their choice!” Ben said, interrupting Mal-he wouldn’t let her mother-or any of the vks parents control them anymore. They weren’t here. They couldn’t hurt them.
No one knew the barrier had been broken yet.
“Now you make yours. It is not your job to continue their work, it is not your duty to carry out their revenge. You are their kids, you deserve to be kids, you are not responsible for their choices.” Ben said, speaking like a true king.
Mal stared at him, looking into his forest green eyes and feeling her heart speed up. Not because of fear or anxiety, but because of realization and hope.
She didn’t want to leave Auradon. She didn’t want to free her mother, she didn’t want to hurt Ben, or leave him. She didn’t want to see Evie get hurt ever again, she didn’t want to see Jay sleep on the streets again, and she didn’t want to see Carlos covered in bruises and burns again. She didn’t want to see Harry limping through the wharf again, she didn’t want to see Gil hiding his pain or smarts with a dumb grin.
She wanted to be happy, and she wanted her friends with her. She wanted to stay with Ben.
“I think I want to be good,” Mal said softly-looking into Ben’s eyes-lowering the wand as she did. Ben smiled; his eyes brighter than ever. “You are good,” he said and Mal shook her head-scrunching her face up.
“How do you know that?!” Mal cried, all her life she had been taught evil, her mother had forced it down her throat. Steal, lie, cheat, deceive, plot, scheme, destroy, hurt.
How did Ben know she had the capability to be good? All she knew was to be evil.
“Because, I’m listening to my heart.” Ben said softly, smiling at Mal. She stopped, her breath catching. “I want to listen to my heart too,” she whispered, shaking her head and lowering the wand-turning to the vks. “and my heart says-we are not our parents!”
The coronation crowd seemed to relax at these words, watching the vks in awe as Mal spoke to her friends. They stared back-as if they couldn’t believe the words that were coming from Mal.
“i-I mean,” Mal shook her head, trying to figure out what to say-she turned to Jay, smiling. “stealing things doesn’t make you happy, Tourney and victory pizza makes you happy.” Jay suppressed his smile, coach smiling at him from the crowd. Mal turned to Carlos, who narrowed his eyes slightly, Dude pawing at his leg. “and you, scratching Dude’s belly makes you happy-I mean-who would’ve thought.”
Carlos snorted, rolling his eyes and looking down and Dude-who gave him a big puppy smile.
Mal turned to Evie, giving a watery smile to the girl who had become her best friend in the last few months; she couldn’t believe she ever hated her. “And Evie, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy-you are so smart!” Evie gave a laugh that was half a sob-nodding to Mal.
Mal turned to Harry and Gil, still smiling. They stared back, still untrusting of the fae that had bullied their best friend for years. “and I know we aren’t friends; we probably never will be but-I’ve seen the way you have both shined in ways I never could’ve imagined. Tourney, roar, cinnamon rolls, grapes-“ Mal laughed again, shaking her head. “(y/n).”
Harry squeezed your hand and you smiled at him from over his shoulder. He smiled back.
“And I don’t want to take over the world with evil,” Mal finally said, tossing up her hands, the wand still in her grip. “I want to go to school with all of you-and be with Ben.” she whirled around-giving Ben her biggest smile, holding up her hand which was decorated with his class ring.
He beamed back, blushing “Because Ben makes me really happy,” Mal sobbed, Adam and Belle smiled down at her-FG too-all so proud of her. She turned back to her friends, still smiling. “us being friends makes me really happy, not destroying things!” They all nodded, agreeing with her-they didn’t want to be villains, they didn’t want to do their parent's bidding anymore.
They wanted to be good, and stay in Auradon.
“I choose good you guys,” Mal finally said, holding out her fist-breathing heavily as she finished her speech. There was a pause, Jay, Evie, Carlos, Harry, and Gil all glancing at one another before Jay smiled, joining Mal. “I choose good too,” he said, throwing his fist up next to Mal’s.
Evie threw her fist up next-beaming with teary eyes. “I choose good too,” she whispered-Gil being the next with a radiant smile, and Mal now knew why Uma kept him around. He was more than just muscle. “Me too! I choose good!”
Belle let out a small laugh from where she was.
Carlos and Harry hesitated-but for different reasons. Carlos held his hands up, furrowing his brows. “So, just to be clear; we don’t have to be worried about how mad our parents will be?” Mal laughed, and so did Evie, Jay, and Ben. “Because they’re gonna be really, really mad.”
Ben stepped forward, like the king he now was. “They can't get you here.” you nodded, stepping out from behind Harry-still holding his hand as you spoke up. “And if they try, I’ll kick their asses.” Ben laughed, and Mal snorted at the thought of you kicking her mom's butt. She honestly bet you could-you were a one-woman army if she ever saw one.
Carlos nodded with a smile-joining his first with the others. “Good,” he said and the crowd cheered. All that was left, was Harry. “Harry?” Ben said as he stared the circle down-Gil looking back at him nervously. “On one condition,” Harry said, looking Ben in the eyes. Ben nodded, anything. Harry licked his lips, glancing back down at you, and then at the golden bracelet on his wrist.
“Me sisters, and me best mate Uma; you get them over ‘ere as soon as possible.” Ben nodded eagerly-that was a very agreeable condition. “Done,” Ben said, beaming. You grinned, shaking Harry’s hand a little and Harry sighed, nodding. “I won't be a goodie-two-shoes, but…aye-I choose good.” With that, Harry joined the vks, placing his hook delicately amongst their fists.
The crowd cheered-celebrating the villain kids turn to good. Mal nodded Ben over and Harry pulled you into the group. “c’mon,” Mal whispered, grinning as Ben placed his fists between hers and Evie’s smiling as the crowd roared even louder-Mal resting her head on his shoulder and sighing, finally relaxing after the last week of chaos and anxiety.
You looked up at Harry, smiling, and he smiled back-leaning in and pressing his lips to your forehead.
Uma couldn’t believe her ears, staring at the tv. They had chosen good. They had indeed abandoned the isle(their parents) but….Harry was keeping his promise, he was going to get her off his rock-away from her mother. Along with his sisters.
And while Uma was still plenty angry with being trapped on this rock for 16 years by the past king for her mother’s crimes, a little voice in the back of her mind said it wouldn’t be so bad. Not if Harry and Gil liked it.
Maybe she could learn to like it too. And if this (y/n) girl made Harry happy, then Uma would just have to accept it and move on.
She was going to be free.
James and Gaston stared in pure rage, the two staring to destroy the tables around them and throwing mugs as they went-they would destroy their sons if they ever showed their faces again. They had betrayed their fathers, they had raised them, protected them, and taught them everything they knew! And they do this?!
Harry and Gil would be dead if their fathers ever saw them again.
The camera suddenly malfunctioned-only the audio remaining-the sound of Maleficent cackling resounding through the speakers-and the cathedral.
The vks, you, and Ben all jumped back, eyes wide as a cloud of green smoke smashed through a window and hit the floor, filling the room as the crowd went silent with horror.
Harry pulled you behind him-holding his hook protectively. He looked to your friends, Lonnie, Jane, Fergus, and Doug; and swiped his arm across, yelling out in panic. “run!” but before anyone could move, Maleficent cackled again-freezing them in their place with fear.
Maleficent formed from the smoke in all her glory and the dragon's eye glowing in her hand. She beamed, throwing her hands out dramatically.
“I’m baaack!”
-end of part 13-
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
R!POYW v2 taglist!
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue @evilunicorns4minions
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POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P4
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“Someone turn the sun off,” Harry groaned as the alarm in the dorm went off-snatching Harry right out of his sleep. It had been hard to fall asleep on the cloud known as a bed-so Harry had taken all the blankets and moved to the floor-Gil joining him soon after.
“Good morning,” Gil said from above-having already woken up thanks to his body's alarm clock demanding he be up when the sun was. Harry glared up at Gil, who just smiled down at him. “it’s too damn early for yer sunshine ass.” Harry grumbled, taking a pillow and smacking Gil in the legs-burying his face in another pillow and hiking his leg up to go back to sleep.
“C’mon Harry, breakfast is about to be called and I wanna see what kinda eggs they have!” Gil whined, tugging at Harry’s limp arm. Harry just lay there-not caring for breakfast, fake snoring as Gil pulled his upper body up and shook him. “Harrryyyy,” Gil gave up after a few moments, sighing as he looked around the room.
10 minutes to breakfast, and Gil really really wanted to go eat, he was starving- running and sneaking around always made him hungry. Harry was nearly asleep when he felt himself get picked up and was suddenly blasted with cold water-that quickly turned heavenly warm.
“Gil tha’ fuck?!” Harry yelped, his boxers and tank top soaked as he sat under the showerhead-glaring up at Gil who just smiled, happy he had woken Harry up. “Shower-get dressed! The body wash smells like Uma!” Gil said, the last thing mentioned as an afterthought but it very much caught Harry’s attention. He groaned, standing and stripping his soaked sleep clothes, tossing them to the bathroom floor, and quickly showering.
The body wash didn’t smell exactly like Uma-but it was very much the same stuff she used. (though by the time it got to the isle-it was nearly empty) It made Harry feel just a bit less homesick.
A knock at the door made Gil get up to answer it after pausing the same cartoon he had been watching the day before. Gil greeted you with a cheer and you told him it was about to be breakfast, nodding when Gil said Harry was just getting a shower and they would be there in a few.
“Cool-see you there!” With that, the door closed and Harry shut off the shower, sighing as the hot water left him. Hot water-another thing these Auradon prats kept to themselves-for the isle to even get a warm shower-it took several barrels of boiling water.
Harry towel dried his hair, walking through the dorm naked as Gil stared at the cartoon, not caring for Harry’s nudity-having seen it more than once. Harry had long lost his shame-for more than one reason but he was also just comfortable with Gil. Harry shoved on a new pair of boxers and a ripped pair of black jeans.
He settled for something comfortable and casual, putting on a long-sleeved black shirt and a red flannel over it, attaching a silver chain to his belt loops, and putting on his multitude of rings. “Ye ready?” Harry asked Gil, fluffing up his hair and putting his eyeliner on as Gil nodded, already out the door by the time Harry tied his boots off.
“C’mon man wait up” Harry groaned, locking the door after him and jogging after gil, yawning as they made their way to the cafeteria. He could feel eyes on him, all ogling him, he peered at one girl with auburn hair-and she flushed as she locked eyes, and Harry couldn’t help but notice the wings that stuck out her back. He rose his brow at her and she squeaked, rushing off with a girl with long violet-black hair that was tied into a braid-she also had wings.
He never would’ve guessed fairies went to Auradon prep-he assumed they all stayed in neverland. Harry paused as he and Gil stepped into the cafeteria, mouths watering at the smell wafting through the air. “oh what is that?” Harry muttered, grabbing Gil’s sleeve as he went on his toes to get a better look-because being six foot one didn’t help seeing over the crowd of students who were rushing to get in line before the bell rang.
“I dunno, but it smells amazing-“ Gil muttered back, getting in line with Harry-smiling as you stepped in behind them. “Hey-what’s that smell?” Gil asked, and you peered around the line-beaming when you realized what it was. “French toast~” you hummed, rubbing your hands together as Harry admired your jet-black hoodie with designs on it that would make Frollo choke. “it’s one of my favorite breakfasts, it seems they pulled out all the stops too-I can see the cinnamon rolls from here~!”
Whatever cinnamon rolls were-they smelled fucking awesome.
Harry was practically drooling by the time they got to the front of the line-Gil’s jaw dropping as he took in the eggs lined up behind the staff in the kitchen-ready to be cooked to any students liking. “How you want your eggs darling?” a woman with a thick southern accent asked, her bright green eyes amused as Gil just gaped like a fish, looking over the menu full of egg possibilities. Harry snicked, planting his hand on Gil’s shoulder to peer at the menu.
How in the hell did this staff have time to make this many different types of eggs for-hundreds of students? “Just get the over-easy Gil, it’s what ye usually ‘ave at the chip shop in the mornin’” Harry muttered, and Gil let out an odd sound that Harry guessed meant thanks, Harry got the same thing-like Gil-the options were overwhelming and he needed something familiar.
Even if the eggs were fresher than hell and nothing looked more than five minutes old.
Gil got something called pancakes, and Harry got French toast; admiring the powder-covered slices of bread that smelled like heaven. They kept going down the line-picking out whatever they liked from the buffet. Hashbrowns, apple slices, grapes(Gil found a new favorite fruit, raisins be damned(they learned raisins were grapes just dehydrated)), bacon(one of the best things in the world Harry later decided), and one more thing that Harry would soon realize was heaven on earth.
Cinnamon rolls.
“Simanim rolls-“ Harry muttered, watching as Mrs. Potts slid a still steaming pan full of freshly iced rolls into the line and dishing one out each for him and Gil. Harry couldn’t help but notice the extra icing on his roll, but didn’t mention it, smirking as Mrs. Potts winked at him.
“Cin-na-mon-“ you corrected from behind, not in a condescending way-simply correcting his pronunciation. “Simanim-“ Harry tried again, unable to get his mouth around the words, and you laughed gently- sending a flush to Harry’s cheeks. “Don’t worry about it-I said nightbares until I was like-twelve, and I still say renember to this day,” You patted his back as you reached around him to grab a brown carton-the words on it catching Harry’s eye.
Chocolate milk.
He liked chocolate so far-and milk….milk had to be good here right? It wouldn’t be curdled or rotten like on the isle, because like hell bore-adon brats would drink that shit. Harry grabbed one of the cartons along with a bottle of apple juice and followed you to a table, once again sitting with Lonnie and another girl with a short bob and a big-ass ugly bow in her hair.
Bow girl squeaked-going pale as he and Gil sat down. “Jane,” you sighed, reaching out to stop her from leaving. “they’re fine-they won't hurt you-I promise.” Jane just stared, looking as if just a blink from Harry would kill her. Harry drew his gaze away-she reminded him of the pup(Carlos)-terrified of the smallest thing and looking as if a strong gust of wind would send her for the hills.
“You’re really pretty!” Harry heard instead of your encouraging words, and Harry snapped his head to look at Gil, pinching his exposed arm as Jane stared at Gil in shock. “Gil-“ Harry hissed, turning to Jane with a forced smile. “Sorry-he has no filter, no idea when ta’ shut up.” Gil just frowned, tilting his head.
“What’s wrong with what I said? She’s really pretty, ain't she?” Harry sighed, covering his eyes with this hand. He guessed all the smarts Gil had yesterday had left-and now only one brain cell remained. One brain cell Gil refused to filter his thoughts and always just blurted out the first thing that flew through his brain.
This time-it was saying Jane was pretty-so it wasn’t world-ending but still. Harry peered through his fingers at Jane-who was staring at Gil with her cheeks bright red, one of her hands reaching up to touch her face. “You-you really think so?” Jane asked, her voice quiet and-almost in awe. As if a boy had never thought or told her she was pretty.
“Trust me lassie,” Harry spoke up instead of Gil, who had his mouth full of eggs but was nodding anyway. “he’s got no filter between this” Harry pointed at Gil’s brain and then his mouth. “and this, ye heard Gil’s hundred percent truth.” Jane just stared at Gil, finally looking away after a few moments as he smiled at her-squeaking out something that sounded like ‘thank you’.
Harry huffed in amusement, cutting up his toast after spreading some butter and syrup on it(per your suggestion) and taking a bite. He paused, reaching out with his free hand to grab Gil’s shoulder. Gil turned to look at him, laughing at the star-struck look on Harry’s face. “Damn dude-that good? Want us to give you a moment with your breakfast?” Gil teased, laughing as Harry let out a quiet groan and then continued to devour his French toast.
You giggled, shaking your carton of milk and gesturing for Harry to do the same-which he did-following your lead in opening the carton and taking a sip.
This breakfast just had one miracle after the other-chocolate milk was almost as amazing as root beer. Harry licked his lips as he practically chugged the carton, not a chunk or sourness to be seen in his milk-only silky-smooth amazingness. You watched him amused as he tried the other bits of his breakfast-his eyes locking onto his still warm cinnamon roll.
“Go on~” you sang, using your fork to pull open your roll and show him the inside-wonderful gooey cinnamon paste mixing with the thick icing. “The middle’s the best part.”
Harry stabbed his cinnamon roll, making Gil snort through his egg, watching as Harry pulled apart the roll and speared the middle bit, shoving the very warm cinnamon bread into his mouth.
And Harry now knew what heaven was like-it was cinnamon, whatever the hell it was mixed with, icing, and warm sugar bread. A shiver actually went up his spine and he grabbed your hand; staring at the heaven-made dessert with wide eyes. You laughed, tears in your eyes as Harry stared at you with stars for eyes. “Gil, I think we’ve lost him,” you teased as Harry quickly went back to the blessing known as a cinnamon roll, tearing it apart with a ferocity only a boy deprived of sugar his whole life could have.
“We’ll see him in two to three business days when he comes down from-whatever this is,” Gil joked, waving his hand over Harry, who was completely enveloped in his breakfast, his arms crowding the tray-daring anyone to take his food.
“A sugar rush, that’s what this is.” you supplied, covering your smile with your hand as you watched Harry devour his breakfast, and soon there was nothing left and Harry was looking back at the line-swallowing as he found the section where the cinnamon rolls were. He knew he was allowed seconds, but he wasn’t sure if that counted for the cinnamon rolls-they might’ve only made enough for one per student.
Before he could think further, you were standing and skipping over to the line-holding up two fingers to Mrs. Potts who beamed and handed you a plate with fresh cinnamon rolls. Harry balked as you walked back over and slid one on his pate-spitting the other with Jane who had finally relaxed after seeing Harry experience a cinnamon roll for the first time.
All too soon-the bell rang-alerting students that breakfast had ended and it was time to get ready for class-which was in 10 minutes for Harry. Harry sighed, downing the rest of his chocolate milk and licking the icing from his fingers
You stepped in line with Harry and Gil to grab your book bags from your rooms, leading them across the courtyard to Auradon prep itself and showing them their lockers, handing them two slips of paper with their locker codes. Harry glared down at his code; he was horrid at remembering numbers-he would have to tattoo this shit on his wrist to make sure he remembered the damn thing.
But he opened his locker anyway-stashing the slip away in his pocket as he got out his 1st-period class books. First up-English. Fun. Harry sighed again, pausing in the middle of the hall as he watched you walk the other way. “Where are ye going?” Harry called, dodging a few students who were rushing to get to their class. You turned to face him, smiling a bit. “Attached already?” Harry sputtered and couldn’t help the flush on his cheeks as you laughed, shaking your head. “I’m pullin’ your leg-I have math, I’ll see you in chemistry!” with that-you were gone, off to your first class of the day.
Harry huffed, turning on his heel to catch up to Gil, pausing at the door of their classroom, most of the class had already arrived, leaving few seats for the two new kids. All those students turned to stare at them-whispering amongst each other as they did.
Harry forced himself to look down seeing a red-haired kid wearing forest green. No-no way-there was no damn way, of course, his first fucking class was with Pan’s kid.
“Ah-Mr. Hook and Mr. Legume-happy to have you with us.” Harry glanced up at his new teacher-who was a tall lanky man with soft brown eyes and a pointed nose, wearing deep greens and browns. “How about you take a seat right there.” He pointed at the set of seats on the opposite side of the room-far away from the Pan kid.
Harry breathed a sigh of relief, daring to glance back at Pan-who was staring hard at him. Harry smacked the back of his head as he turned away-feeling a dangerously familiar itch there. ‘gods please, not here,’ Harry thought to himself, begging whatever gods were listening to let himself keep a hold of his mind.
“Is it flaring up?” Gil asked quietly-it being the curse Harry’s father had passed down to him upon birth, a curse born of Neverland and madness; whenever Harry got particularly angry or stressed-his eyes would go red and he would lose touch with reality and himself, losing himself into violence and blood.
Only once did he fully lose control, and it didn’t end well for the person who had tried to take his little sister.
Harry nodded, biting his cheek to bring himself back down to earth-doing his best to ignore the Pan kid-if he looked at them, he was sure he would lose control and Gil would have to knock him out to keep him from hurting anyone.
And then he would surely be sent back to the isle, he wasn’t ready to face his father again-not after feeling freedom for the first time-it had only been a day. So Harry took several deep breaths, messing with the point of his hook(honestly how had he been allowed to keep it so far?) until that pressure at the back of his head went away.
Deep breaths until the whispers went away.
Harry jolted back to attention as the teacher, professor. Thatch the blackboard said, clapped his hands-pushing up his glasses as he welcomed his 1st-period class. “Good morning guys, welcome back, and welcome to” he nodded to Harry and Gil then-turning back to address the whole class afterward. “History of Auradon, now as I mentioned-we will be learning beyond Auradon-as I do believe learning the history of other nations and kingdoms give benefit to a growing mind-so! Today, we’ll start with the history before Auradon, before Fairy godmother and the other grand fairies of the land cast the spell to converge our many lands together to create the USA.”
Now, this was news to Harry, Auradon didn’t use to all be one kingdom? They were separate at one point? Harry could tell many other students in the room were coming to the same realization-gasping slightly at Professor Thatch; which he beamed at, happy to teach something new. “yes-you heard me correctly, Auradon used to be hundreds of separate kingdoms, all separated by sea, land, mountains, forests-everything was hundreds of miles apart until twenty years ago when our king Adam and the grand fairies made a deal to unite the kingdoms and create a strong singular kingdom to protect its people from Evil. At the same time-the isle was created, built from the ground up from an island that had long sunk to the bottom of the sea-the isle of the lost was actually originally known as; the Isla de muerta, or when roughly translated into English; the Island of Death.”
Harry perked up again-Isla de muerta, or more correctly known as Isla de la Muerte, was a legendary island from pirate lore-said to be cursed by Aztec treasure that had been cursed by the gods after Hernán Cortés angered them- the isle only to be found by those who already knew where it was.
Many of those cursed by the treasure-were now on the isle again without even knowing it-one being Hector Barbossa himself.
Harry-for the first time-was entranced in a history lesson, his eyes glued to the professor as he spoke energetically of how and when FG and King beast had created the deal and spelled the separate kingdoms into one. By the time the bell rang-Harry was actually disappointed-wanting to hear more from Professor Thatch.
The professor seemed to feel the same way, sighing as he clapped his hands. “Well-that’s it for today, by the end of this week we will have a quiz on this topic! Study hard and have a good rest of your day! And remember your homework!” Harry and Gil waited until the rest of the class had left to make their way out-wanting to avoid the chaos of the halls as they went their separate ways, Harry to math class(joy) and Gil to safety rules for the internet.
Harry felt a deep pit of dread collect in his gut as he traveled to his next class, swallowing hard as he stared up at the class number that hung above the doors. He hated math-he had always been horrid with numbers-but thankfully he never really needed it on the isle and skipping class was something ‘smiled’ upon at serpent prep.
He was sure if he skipped here, he would get in a lot of trouble. So Harry sighed, straightened his back, and stepped into the class-pressing his lips together as he looked around the room.
This class was set up differently than the last-history was almost theater like-with rows and rows of seats sitting higher up on each lever-this class had separate desks spread across the room. Harry was somehow the first there, and he stepped further in-swallowing as he made eye contact with the teacher. She was tall and thin, with long curly black hair and deep brown skin-her eyes golden brown-wearing soft yellows and pinks.
She almost reminded him of Uma.
She smiled, and Harry frowned back, feeling uneasy. “Harry right?” she asked, and Harry nodded, crossing his arms as she gestured into the room. “Welcome to math class sweetheart-take a seat-I don’t do assigned seating. I’m Jennifer Honey.”  Harry nodded again, muttering his full name-realizing she already knew it-and quickly took a seat at the back as more students moved into the room behind him.
Lonnie sat next to him with a beaming smile and Harry relaxed a bit-even if she was an Auradon brat-at least he had someone familiar in this class. “Hi Harry,” she whispered and he hummed back, his leg bouncing as Ms. Honey welcomed each student into the room, that warm smile still on her lips.
The teacher was nice-but as class started-Harry realized he was in for an infuriating time. Time and time again, his father, sister, Uma, and his uncle Smee had tried to teach him any sort of math-and time and time again, he just-couldn’t grasp the concept, he understood the absolute basics, but anything bigger than that? And he would fizzle out like a wet candle, burned down to frustrated tears and a pit in his chest.
Every once in a while-he would finally grasp a concept-like when Uma was attempting to teach him basic algebra when they were 13-and Harry practically jumped for joy for finally understanding-and yet the next day-it was gone, slipping through his fingers as he desperately tried to understand the question in front of him.
He gave up around 14, done with it all and done with how he just couldn’t get anything to stay in his brain. And as Ms. Honey started to write on her blackboard, Harry knew it would only end the same way it did years before, with Harry cursing himself out and tearing the math book to pieces.
Even now-the numbers and equations Ms. Honey wrote down were blurring in front of Harry’s eyes, turning to a mess of switched numbers and a headache at the back of Harry’s head. Harry sighed, looking down at his notebook and staring to doodle-knowing there was no point if he couldn’t even read the questions.
Harry noticed the small screen that sat under his math book on the desk, showing the blackboard Ms. Honey was writing on. Harry shoved his notebook over it, doodling until Uma showed up on the pages, her braids flowing over her shoulders and back as she rolled her eyes at his math class.
He missed her.
Soon a paper was shoved in his face by the student in front of him-and Harry’s blood went cold as he took it. A fucking test.
Great-just great-maybe he should’ve paid attention.
He felt that itch and pressure at the back of his head again as he stared down at the test-years of stress and frustration over math coming back in a single moment and Harry considered ripping the test up and telling Auradon math to fuck off. But he had to be on his best behavior if he didn’t want to make anyone suspicious and picked up a pencil, his hand buried in his hair as he glared down at his paper.
He couldn’t even understand the first fucking question-all the odd symbols and letters refusing to make sense. He tried to do something-get some numbers on the paper but he didn’t even know where to start-didn’t know what anything meant. He could barely recognize the words on the paper asking him the questions.
Eventually, he just gave up, he dropped his pencil and sighed; covering his face with his hands and just sat there-feeling Lonnie and Ms. Honey’s eyes on him as his leg continued to bounce, his hook that was attached to his hip bouncing with it. When Ms. Honey’s timer went off-everyone handed their tests back up to the front, Harry glaring off into a corner, shame burning in his chest.
“Remember, this test has nothing to do with your grade-I just wanted to see where you all stood so I can teach you all in the best way possible for you, now move along! I’ll see you all tomorrow!” and just like that-the bell rang and Harry was the first up, grabbing his bag and running out of the room-ignoring the burning eyes on his back as he rushed to his next class; life without magic.
He nearly slammed into Mal on his way down the hall, glaring down at her as she stumbled to regain her balance. She turned to glare at him but paused when she saw his eyes, her brows furrowing into heavily concealed concern. “Your eyes are red.” She whispered, his curse was something well known on the isle-some didn’t believe it-like Mal’s mother-but Mal had seen it time and time again when they were all younger, and Uma had been Mal’s friend and Harry hung around them to be with Uma.
Mal knew how dangerous it was-and how dangerous it could be not partially blocked by the barrier. “And?” Harry snarled, just wanting to get away from the school already-but again, first day. Wouldn’t do well to disappear only 2 hours into the day. Mal just stared, then shook her head, passing him up to go into the classroom.
Harry took a moment to force himself to calm down-which didn’t really work-and slid into the room, huffing as he noticed the only open seat without a name was the one next to Mal. And it was at the front of the class-great.
Harry stomped over next to Mal and plopped down-grumpily resting his chin in his palm as he glared off into a corner, ignoring Mal’s sigh as she got out her books. Harry realized the class looked like a kitchen, with a sink between him and Mal and the desks were practically cutting board counters.
“huh,” Harry muttered-snorting as he saw the teacher fly in-it was a short woman dressed in blue with small wings, jet black hair, and a round face. Mal groaned and slammed her face into the desk.
The teacher was fucking Merryweather-one of the three good fairies Mal’s mom detested. Oh how fucking hilarious-okay-all thoughts of horrid math were gone-now he got to enjoy Mal’s suffering.
10/10 day.
And they were cooking! Not only that-baking!!! Fuck yes best day. It was a well-guarded secret that Harry liked to cook, only Uma, Gil, and his sisters got the privilege to eat what he made-and even on the isle-he was a damn good cook. More than once he took over for Cook back at the chip shop when she was unable to make it, he never minded it-able to hang out with Uma and help her out at the same time.
Harry snickered as Mal hid behind her book-not wanting to be seen by the blue fairy, glaring at him as he laughed quietly. Her glare softened as she watched the red disappear from his eyes and she rolled her eyes-ignoring the fact that the tightness in her chest went away at the sight of it. She would never admit she was worried for him; they were enemies after all, and she would applaud for the day he got his ass kicked.
Never-no way would she ever admit to being relieved to see Harry relaxing, especially if it meant her suffering.
“Good morning students!” Merryweather said with a clap of hands and then smoothing down the apron she wore. “And welcome to Life without magic, today-bread! A staple in any home life, plus it’s delicious. Today we make the dough and tomorrow-we bake! Let’s get started.”
Harry decided he liked this class so far, getting his hands messy, flour in his hair, and watching Mal struggle to get her dough to pull together, everything was actually pretty fun. And by the end of the class-he and everyone else were putting their rounds of dough into the riser at the back of the class and they would bake their bread the next day as Merryweather said.
Harry cleaned up, snickering at Mal’s mess, she was covered in flour and was glaring at the mess of dough on her fingers-sticking to the rings she hadn’t taken off like Harry had. Harry grabbed his notes and slid them into his bag, looking up as Merryweather clapped her hands and gestured around the room to her students. “great job guys, for this week-your homework, is finding recipes you want to make and by the end of the week-you’ll make them for me during class-see you tomorrow!”
And once again, the bell rang and everyone filed out, Mal still picking flour and dough from her hair, grumbling as she followed Harry-using the wide berth everyone gave him and Mal to keep from getting pushed into the crowd. “And yer followin’ me why?” Harry asked, just wanting to get to lunch already and not be around her till remedial goodness.
Mal just rolled her eyes, skipping around and ahead-colliding with Evie who gasped at Mal’s appearance-tugging her off to a bathroom to fix her up. Harry felt a now familiar presence step next to him and he looked to his side to see you, giving him a small smirk. “How was your morning?” you asked and Harry blew his bangs out of his eyes-glaring at nothing as you pouted at his response. “oh, that bad?”
Harry shrugged, tilting his hook back and forth. “Not really, just math class sucked, I hate it-can’t understand it.” You nodded in agreement, waving to Gil as he ran up to walk on Harry’s other side. “History and life skills was pretty fun though, I got to make bread.”
You clapped; happy he had found something fun to do today. “Awesome! Bread is so fucking good, especially homemade bread, speaking of bread-lunch!” with that-you were off to the cafeteria-Gil and Harry close behind-Gil looking very excited for Lunch, he had been starving since Chemistry.
Today's lunch was every sandwich under the sun, from the bread to vegetables, everything was customizable, and several lunch ladies made every sandwich from the base up for the students. Harry blanked out for a moment at all the options then settled on a turkey sandwich with bacon~.
He grabbed a bag of chips, apple slices, and a root beer before sitting down with you and Gil at a nearly empty table; Jane and Lonnie once again joining them. “hi Gil,” Jane whispered, smiling shyly as he beamed back. “hi Jane!” he said with his mouth full, mayo and crumbs on the corners of his mouth. But Jane didn’t seem deterred at the sight, only giggling a bit.
Harry smirked behind his fist-knowing exactly what that giggle meant-he had heard it time and time again from the many girls of the isle who had crushes on him and Gil-the little bluebird had a crush on Gil-and he was oblivious as ever.
He shared a look with you and Lonnie, who both held the smirk as him, all laughing quietly as Jane continued to stare at Gil with pink cheeks and a shy smile.
Harry perked up as you suddenly gasped, taking out a box from your bag and setting it in front of Harry. “For you-leftovers from this morning~” you sang, laughing as Harry popped open the box and stabbed the cinnamon roll with a fork-grinning manically as he tore out the middle and stuck it in his mouth-his eyes closing as he savored the amazingness of the cinnamon roll.
“Thank you,” Harry said and absolutely meant it. Gil look surprised to hear that coming from Harry-but just laughed it off and went back to his food, asking Jane about what she liked about the school and her favorite way to eat eggs.
Jane seemed surprised to hear him actually talk to her but answered anyway-the pink in her cheeks getting darker as she twirled a short strand of hair around her finger-a small frown forming as she noticed her ‘ugly’ bob.
As Gil and Jane talked-Harry listened to you and Lonnie, well-not really listen-mostly zone out while he ate his sandwich and cinnamon roll. He took an apple slice, dipped it in the caramel provided(another thing he proclaimed was from heaven), and took a bite-hearing the crisp crunch of the apple as he bit it in half. Damn-who knew apples could be crisp? All they got on the isle were squishy ones they used to make cider.
Gross cider-but cider nonetheless.
All too soon lunch was over-it was only an hour long-and Harry realized they had remedial goodness right after it. Harry groaned, rubbing his face as he and Gil made their way to the class-the other vks behind them. All six of them were not excited about this-a solid hour with FG? With her-bubbliness and sickly smile? And baby talk!? Gods Harry would rather be in the isle stocks for three days again than do this-anything would be better than this.
The six vks filed into the room-way too many desks in there for just the six of them-Mal and her gang sat in the direct middle-spread out between the two inside desks. Harry and Gil sat at the back-nearest to the exit.
FG beamed at the sight of them-holding a wooden dowel and pointing it at the backboard behind her, where the words ‘welcome to remedial goodness’ were written. “welcome to remedial goodness 101~ as you know, im fairy godmother-and I hope through these classes; you will be able to make the correct choices and be your best while in Auradon.”
Mal and Harry let out quiet groans, Harry sliding down his chair and closing his eyes as Mal got out several pieces of scratch paper to draw on as FG began to write on the board. Things like ‘mouths are for smiling not biting’ and ‘sharing is caring’ were the first things to go on, and Gil made a small noise-wondering who had bitten someone already.
Probably Mal. She had the fangs for it.
“Let’s begin, shall we?” FG asked, now standing before two sets of questions, using her wooden dowel to point at the first one. “you see something you like at the market; do you A? steal it? B? buy it? C? break it? Or D; set the stand on fire?”
Harry audibly snorted at the last ‘answer-coughing as he laughed. Because oh my gods, that escalated so quickly! FG raised her brows at him, as if waiting for something and Harry shook his head, waving her eyes off. “I’m good-I’m good.” Harry giggled, patting his chest since he had inhaled spit thanks to his snort. Gil laughed quietly with him-getting the joke a bit late but laughing all the same.
Ja raised his hand, smirking as he did and FG happily pointed at him. “A, steal it.” Jay said-so sure that was the correct answer, and FG shook her head. “Incorrect.” Jay frowned-but-that’s-what? huh? Mal let her head drop-sighing a bit as she looked up from her drawing. She raised her hand and FG pointed at her. “B, buy it.” Mal grumbled and went back to her art as FG beamed and nodded.
“Correct~! Next question, you find a wallet with two hundred dollars in it, do you A? turn it over to the proper authorities? B? look for its owner? C? steal it? Or D; buy some new shoes with it?”
Evie’s hand popped up and FG nodded. “D, buy new shoes~” Evie sighed dreamily, imagining the shoes she could buy with 200 bucks. FG clicked her tongue and shook her head-and Evie frowned, but-new shoes? Mal once again sighed and raised her hand-answering with the ‘correct’ answer, which really was both A and B-which Mal did say. “A and B, look for its owner and turn it in to the proper authorities.” Mal muttered, ignoring the beaming pride on FG’s face.
Carlos let out an impressed huff, wondering how Mal was getting all these questions correct so easily?
“Wonderful, next one! You’re sailing the ocean and find treasure on an unmarked island, do you A? take it for yourself? B? leave it there? C? report your findings? Or D; mark it on your map and come back later for it with a permit?”
Gil and Carlos’ hands popped up, and FG pointed back at Gil. “B, leave it there?” Gil said-phrasing it like a question since he wasn’t sure that’s what he should do. Harry groaned, reminding himself never to let Gil go treasure hunting. FG smiled a bit and nodded. “Yes-that’s one of the things you could do, but the best thing to do is C or D, that way you could legally keep the treasure for yourself~!”
Gil let out a small gasp of awe, clapping his hands a bit as Harry sighed and let his head tip back-closing his eyes and wishing for the hour to be up already.
“If someone hands you a crying baby-do you A? curse it? B? lock it in a tower? C? give it a bottle? Or D; carve out its heart?”
Harry snapped up to stare at FG with wide eyes-both in ‘dear god that is the stupidest question in the world’ and ‘oh my god that got so dark so quickly
Evie raised her hand-and FG beamed, gesturing for her to speak. “Evie~” FG sang, her smile dropping as Evie just asked what was the 2nd answer again. “oh-okay, anyone else?” the vks were silent-unsure of the answer as Mal continued to doodle, her eyes drawn up as FG called her name gently.
“C, give it a bottle.” Mal muttered, dropping her eyes again as FG cooed at her. “correct, again~” Carlos let out an impressed whistle, turning to Mal as she rolled her eyes. “you are on fire girl?” he said as Mal scrunched her face up-wondering how they were failing to understand the questions. “just pick the one that doesn’t sound like any fun?” Mal said as if it was obvious, and it was-since everyone let out a small gasp and Evie muttered that it made so much sense.
Mal mocked them with a gasp of her own and went back to her art.
Gil perked up as he saw Jane walk past him and Harry-she smiled at him and squeaked in fear as she squirreled past the main four, Mal quickly noticed the resemblance between her and FG as Jane quickly shoved a clipboard into her hands-knocking Evie with her elbow to get her attention.
Harry opened his eyes as he heard a now familiar snort, smirking as he saw you walk by, looking down at him amused with several files in your hand. “That boring?” you mouthed to him and he mimicked shooting himself in the mouth, smiling as you slapped your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from laughing.
Gil smirked, glancing between the two of you as Harry kept staring at you, watching as you handed FG the files while FG introduced her daughter to the vks. “Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?” Jane nearly panicked at her mother's words, turning to her with a begging plea. “Mom, no!” Jane gasped, clenching her jaw as FG turned her to face the vks-the only one she didn’t feel a stabbing fear for was Harry and Gil-who just stared back. “It's okay. Jane, this is everyone~”
Gil looked a bit concerned, which sent her heart racing for reasons other than fear. “hi-“ she whispered to the main four, who were just staring at her, Mal practically staring into her soul. “that’s okay-don’t mind me, as you were!”
Jane quickly sped past them with a squeal, her cheeks turning pink as Gil said bye to her with that big grin of his.
FG went to put the files you had given her on the lectern when you grabbed her attention-signaling for her to lean down so you could talk. “Yes?” she asked quietly, nodding as you spoke. “They’re teenagers, not toddlers-don’t treat them like kindergarteners who can’t stop themselves from eating paste.” FG hummed; nodding-she hadn’t tried that! Maybe she would get more of a response from Harry and Mal if she did. “Good idea,” FG whispered back, sending you off with a wave.
You winked at the vks, mouthing ‘you’re welcome’ to them as you walked past, Harry’s eyes zoning onto the cookies you pulled from your jacket pocket as you walked out.
Harry caught the pack of cookies you tossed back at them-sharing a devilish grin with Gil who laughed quietly, you always seemed to have some sort of snack on you-most of which you shared with Harry.
“let's continue,” FG said, turning back to the blackboard. “you find a vial of poison;” Thank god she stopped with the baby talk. “Do you A? put it in the king's wine.” Oh, Harry would very much love to do that. His damn fault he was on the isle in the first place. “B? paint it on an apple?” Evie and Mal shared a giggle at that. “or c? turn it over to the proper authorities?”
With Mal’s advice-everyone was now sure of the answer and eagerly raised their hands, including Gil. Harry just let out a slow sigh from his nose, hiking his feet up on the chair in front of him and letting his eyes close, hearing Jay and Carlos rough around as Jay answered the question. “C, you turn it over to the proper authorities? Jay said all smugly, grinning as Carlos shoved him a bit. “I was gonna say that!” Carlos wined, yelping as Jay tugged him onto the desk and stuck his wet finger in Carlos’ ear. “oh but who said it first-who said it first?!”
Harry didn’t even open his eyes as the two tumbled about on their desk-FG hitting her dowel on the lectern to gain their attention. “boys, boys!” They stopped, staring at FG with wide eyes. “im going to encourage you to use that energy, on the tourney field.” FG said, gesturing out towards the field that was sitting just next to the school.
“oh no, that’s okay.“ Carlos said with a dismissive laugh, ushing Jay off him. “whatever that is-we’ll pass.” Jay just looked confused, wondering what the hell tourney was-Gil asked Harry the same question and Harry shrugged; not caring about it.
He had heard you mention it once or twice with Lonnie, but he was more interested in whatever Roar was, because he heard the word ‘swords’ once and his attention was officially drawn.
“I’ll be letting coach Jenkins know of your arrival at tryouts-which are right after school lets out. Okay?” Jay and Carlos sighed, nodding. “okay, let’s continue.”
Finally, the hour was up and the vks were getting ready to head to their next class, Evie and Harry had chemistry while Jay, Gil, and Mal went to math, and Carlos had history.
“Harry, Gil? if I could speak to you for a moment?” Harry let out a long sigh as he paused in leaving, turning to walk back over to FG as she waited for him and Gil to stand in front of her. “aye?” Harry asked, already tired of today. “I wanted you both to be involved in our sports as well, and I think Gil; you would like tourney, and Harry; you would like Roar-which is a fencing team.” Harry kept his reaction to a minimum-but he knew his eyes lit up at those words.
Fencing? Aka swords?! Sign him the fuck up. FG seemed to sense his enthusiasm and beamed. “wonderful, tryouts for Roar are tomorrow after school, in the amphitheater connected to the gym. Coach Jenkins is also in charge of it but the captain decides their team-so good luck to you, Harry. You may go.”
With that-the boys ran off-leaving FG alone with the files she had been given. She took the top one and opened it, the name at the top reading ‘Harry James Hook’
Harry James Hook; son of Captain James Hook. Age; 16, male, born April 21st, 1999. Siblings; Harriet and Calista Jane Hook. Classes; History of woodsmen and pirates, history of Auradon, internet safety, remedial goodness 101, math, English, chemistry, life skills without magic, and chivalry. Electives; N/A notes; Attached to Gil, does not seem to like the other vks much(especially Mal and Jay-seems to have less of a problem with Carlos and Evie), seems to have trouble with math’s/numbers, possible dyscalculia; please inform staff of this and have it dealt with accordingly. Permit given for hook, do not take-possibly emotionally attached. Reactive, fight before flight.
Warning; possible curse, Ms. Honey reported his eyes going red during math’s-due to the stress involved, Merryweather reported feeling intense magical pressure coming from his head, and Professor Thatch noticed a reaction to Tara Pan, red eyes, twitching in his left arm, heavy breathing, and tightness in the body(potential panic attack); suggested temporary solution-switch Harry out of that shared period for history of Auradon to prevent any potential fights.(keep eye on Pan and the lost kids, they might pick a fight and set him off) Research suggests this may be the madness curse, or the curse of the blood god, given to Captain Hook back when he lived on neverland from the fairies of Neverland, irreversible, violent, and dangerous. Stress and anger are possible triggers for episodes.
Harry is otherwise fine-but will need special care to keep him safe.
FG sighed, setting down the paper, oh that poor boy. “this is going to be harder than I thought,” she whispered, hoping she could keep a handle on these kids, hoping she wouldn’t have to do anything drastic.
She was just glad Harry seemed to like you already-you had a good head on your shoulders. FG looked up as her next class arrived, she had forgotten she had magical history after remedial goodness, she smiled and wiped the board clean-welcoming her new students.
-end of p4-
Whoooo boi-long one, hoped yall liked seeing Harry go to class~ and see more of my lil blood god curse(yes inspired by technoblade/ that one fic from 2017) up next-chemistry and tourney try outs~
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
POYW R!V2 taglist~!
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue
69 notes · View notes
POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P8
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The rest of the day went on like normal, Jane and Gil went on their date; which was just a little outing to the city(Gil learned what cotton candy was and bounced everywhere for the rest of the day-something Jane giggled at) and they were back by dinner; both wearing giddy grins and holding hands.
Harry started getting notes that very night, from various girls asking him out-clearly seeing Jane with Gil as a sign to take that step and ask ‘the bad boy’ out. Harry just threw those notes out-he was flattered of course-but he had eyes for someone else.
He shoved away the thought of you when he thought of that someone else. But then again-thanks to Mal’s plan, you technically should be that…someone else. Harry yawned as he finished getting dressed. It was Monday morning now, and it was a busy day-evaluation tests for practically every class, an essay for Remedial Goodness had to be turned in, and Roar practice was after school; preparing for the big tournament the Wednesday after the coronation.
Harry fixed his hair, smirking at himself, admiring the tightness of the deep red t-shirt he had picked out; accenting his arms and chest. He debated on one of his jackets but decided against it, grabbing his bag and making his way to the cafeteria-Gil most likely already there.
And he was-already sitting with Lonnie and Jane, Jane sharing some sort of sliced fruit with Gil, giggling as he ate it off her fork and grinned at the taste. Gil loved fresh fruit, and Jane liked to cut hers up into little animals. They were cute; Harry had to admit.
Harry waved to them as he went to get in line-smiling as he saw you, arms behind your head as you yawned. “yawnin’ like ye were the one ta’ run tha’ field yesterday,” Harry teased, chuckling as you glared up at him, an expression that once again reminded him of Uma, and dropped to lean against him-grumbling about staying up late by accident.
“What did ye stay up late for?” Harry asked, pushing you so you both could move forward. You muttered something Harry couldn’t hear and he gave a crooked grin, raising his brow. “I’m sorry? Wha?”
“I was…reading,” you said louder, glancing off to the side in a way that made Harry think you hadn’t been reading, or at least not reading schoolbooks. Harry just shrugged, pushing you forward again. “uh-huh, now-stand up-yer on me foot.” You just melted into his arms, and Harry sighed dramatically, pushing you back up and shoving you into the buffet trays. You caught yourself just in time and stuck your tongue out at him. He just did it back, giggling as you rolled your eyes and grabbed a tray and plate-going down the line and grabbed what you liked-Harry right behind you.
Harry grinned as he got to the end of the line-taking the two cinnamon rolls Mrs. Potts handed him, winking back at her as she grinned at him. “Unfair, I always gotta ask for seconds,” you teased, nodding at his two rolls, which Mrs. Potts did regularly for Harry now. It was easy to say she had a soft spot for the pirate.
Harry just grinned, sitting next to Gil and scooting so you could sit next to him. “Two?” Lonnie gasped, looking at Harry’s extra cinnamon roll. “Unfair! Mrs. Potts must love you.” Harry giggled, taking a bite of the delicious baked good and licking his lips free of icing.
He looked over his shoulder, seeing Ben sitting with Mal and the others-Mal leaning slightly away from Ben with wide eyes and a strained smile as he gazed at her with love-struck eyes, his face in his palm as he sighed dreamily. He said something that made Mal choke on her toast and Carlos patted her back to clear her airways, the other three snickering as Mal internally panicked at Ben’s affection.
Harry was damn glad the potion didn’t affect you in that way, he’d rather have to deal with the fact that you already liked him over you being…weird. He flushed as that thought remerged, oh gods right-you liked him. Enough to where the love spell hadn’t really done anything.
He shoved that away for now-he didn’t have to deal with it just yet. That could wait-for now-he just had to get all those tests done today, including…math. He sighed at the thought. Ms. Honey’s focused class and your help had indeed made math easier for him to learn and remember-but damn he still didn’t like it. Thank the gods Ms. Honey preferred open-book exams instead of memory tests.
The day went by quickly, and soon he was in chemistry, tapping his pencil against the paper he was looking down at. While Honey Lemon definitely made the class way more fun(FG also hired her to be the full-time teacher-to the joy of many students) and made him actually want to learn it-he still had some struggles with it.
He glanced up at the sound of someone rummaging through their bag-seeing Evie panic looking for something. Harry furrowed his brow, wondering what she was doing before he spotted something in your sleeve-the rim gold and elegant. “why do ye have Evie’s mirror?” Harry asked quietly and you carefully leaned towards him-pointing at Chad.
“He stole it from her, I stole it back. He was planning on being an ass and trying to get Evie expelled for not doing his homework.” Harry slowly nodded, licking his teeth as Evie scrambled-her eyes going wide as she realized her mirror wasn’t there. “Looking for something Ms. Evie?” Honey Lemon asked, her brows furrowed in concern. Evie bit her lip and Chad patted his pockets-his face forming into a confused frown-apparently he had failed to check for the mirror after he lifted it-nor had he ever tried to hand it off to Honey Lemon to attempt to get Evie in trouble.
“i-um-“ Evie stuttered, clearly flustered and not knowing what to say. She glanced at Doug who fiddled with his pencil. “I forgot my pencils! Yeah-pencils-I don’t have anything to write with,” Evie chuckled, smiling as Honey Lemon nodded, perking up when you raised your hand, holding an extra pencil.
“I have an extra if she needs it? It’s blue and sparkly?” you said, holding out the pencil as Evie skipped over to you and grabbed it. “Don’t worry about it, you’re gonna ace this test, no mirror needed.” you whispered when she got close enough, her cheeks turned pink and she smiled-nodding shyly before going back to her seat-taking a deep breath as she opened her test.
Harry watched you for a moment, forcing himself to look away when you turned back to your test; his leg starting to bounce as his mind ran 1000 miles a minute with so many thoughts.
You were outside with Doug, sharing some study notes and chatting about whatever when a paper was presented to you-a nice B+ in the upper corner. You grinned, looking back at Evie as she leaned into you, staring at her passing grade-without the use of her mirror. “for the first time, it’s like im more than just a pretty face,” she whispered.
You hummed, taking the paper and showing it off to Doug who beamed. “A shocker huh?” he chuckled, and Evie laughed, sitting next to you and staring at her test. “you did great Evie,” you said, tapping her book and handing her mirror back to her-she looked confused-not knowing how you had gotten it; but took it, putting it back in her bag. “and I bet next time-you can get an A, no mirror needed.” Doug nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly as Evie giggled, her cheeks pink. You glanced at Doug, smirking a bit as he stared at Evie. “I’m sure Doug would be a great study buddy, chemistry is one of his best subjects after all,”
Evie glanced up at Doug, smiling. He grinned back, his entire face slowly turning red. “I’d like that,” Evie said, Doug nodding with a big stupid grin. “yeah-yeah me too-we, we can hang out- and study” His voice cracked and Evie giggled, finding it very endearing. You smirked and winked as Doug spared a glance at you, and he smiled back, jumping as Mal suddenly appeared and slammed her hands down on the table.
“There you are!” Mal huffed, looking down at Evie “I have been looking for you-literally everywhere!” Evie’s brows furrowed and she turned to Mal, seeing the panicked expression on Mal’s face. “What’s wrong?” Evie asked, and Mal puffed her cheeks-which were bright pink with blush. “Ben just asked me out on-“ Mal paused, looking around and then whispering. “a date.”
Evie just smiled, and you snorted, waving Mal’s slightly peeved expression off as she glared down at you-clearly flustered over the situation. Doug nodded, mentally patting Ben on the back. “nice,” he muttered, rolling his eyes as you snorted again, smiling up at Mal as Evie happily got to her feet and dragged Mal away-her test held in her other hand.
You watched them walk away with a laugh on your lips, turning back to see Doug grinning at you. Smugly. “What?” you asked, picking up your English book and closing it-sliding it back into your bag. “you wish that was you huh?” Doug teased and you frowned-wondering what he meant. “you mean me in Mal’s place? Ew no, Ben’s like a brother to me,” you grumbled, Doug laughing and shaking his head.
“no! I mean getting asked out on a date, by you know who?” Doug teased, making a hook with his left hand. You just stared, your face slowly heating up. “you’re pouting,” Doug laughed, turning to a cackle as you threw your pencil at him. You continued throwing stuff at him until he stood-running away as he laughed.
“…Dork,” you grumbled, standing to pick up your stuff when you saw a familiar red-clad pirate already doing it for you, glancing up at you with that stupid pretty lopsided smirk. “Thanks,” you said, holding out your hands for the items, Harry carefully pouring them into your palms.
“What’s got ye chuckin’ shit at Doug? Thought ye got along pretty well,” Harry asked, taking Doug’s spot and leaning on his palm as you sat back down-putting your stuff back in your bag. You just shrugged, tilting your head as Harry set a box on the table, a shy grin on his lips. “What's this?” you asked, watching as Harry opened it, grinning as you saw what was inside. “Cinnamon rolls?”
“Aye,” Harry chuckled, taking one out and handing it to you. You happily took a bite, dancing in your seat as Harry rubbed the back of his head-his cheeks a light pink. “ye bring ‘em ta me a lot, thought I would return tha’ favor. Mrs. Potts was all too happy ta’ oblige,”
You hummed, smiling through your mouthful of food as Harry fiddled with his golden shell bracelet. You had been curious about it the entire time he had been here-since you had never seen it before in the movies. So you pointed it out, “what’s that? It’s very pretty,” you asked, licking your fingers free of icing as Harry lifted his hand, smiling softly at the item in question.
“Me friend, Uma, made it-tha’ day we all left fer Auradon-well-I think she made it earlier than that but-yeah, gave one ta’ me n Gil fer the three of us ta’ match.” You grinned, that was so sweet! You said as such and Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t let ‘er hear ye call her or ‘er actions tha’. She would hit ya,” you just laughed, nodding.
“Well, she sounds great, I can’t wait to meet her.” Harry perked up, blinking wildly. “wha?” Harry asked, his voice cracking. You just nodded, picking up your pencil and working on some homework. “yeah-we have more vks scheduled to come to Auradon-don’t know the time frame yet but-Uma’s one of the next to come.” You looked up at Harry with a smile. “So, hopefully, I get to meet her soon, she sounds cool.”
“Aye, she is.” Harry whispered, messing with his bracelet again-staring off into the distance, once again wondering if the whole plan was worth it. They could just stay in Auradon, they were safe-away from their parents-and there were plans for more vks to come, one of them being Uma.
You saw the look on his face, confusion, frustration, and almost a yearning. You glanced to the side, looking down at his shell bracelet. “so-what’s Uma like? I bet you’ve known each other since like-babies, right?” you asked, and Harry chuckled, sniffing a bit as he looked up, a smile growing on his face as he remembered his friend.
“Aye, I can't really remember a time before ‘er, we’ve always been together, jus’ tha’ two of us. Gil came way later-but Uma ‘n I, we’ve always been a team. She’s been by me side for as long as I can remember, and I’ve tried to do tha’ same fer her-through everything. No matter what was thrown at us, me dad didn’t really approve-since-well, I was followin’ around a sea witch and ‘er orders instead of bein’ captain, but I didn’t care.”
Harry rambled on and on about Uma, and you just listened, resting your chin in your palms and leaning into Harry, smiling as he talked. He caught your eyes and smile at one point, that fluttering feeling returning full force-but he didn’t push it away this time, letting a grin grow on his face as he talked about his best friend.
Gil eventually found the two of you and plopped down next to you, grinning as he did. “Hey! What’cha talking about?”
“Uma,” you answered, closing your math homework and packing up your bag-having finished all your work while Harry talked about Uma and his sisters. CJ sounded like a chaos demon-and you loved her already. Gil grinned, his eyes lighting up. “oh! Really?! Can I talk about her too!?”
You shrugged, gesturing for him to talk as Harry snorted, leaning on his palm as Gil clapped. “sweet! So-one time-Harry and I were waiting for Uma after a late shift at her mom’s chip shop-and we heard her scream and when we went in-she-“
Harry quickly covered Gil’s mouth, hissing as he spoke. “gil, not that story. That shits embarrassing!” Gil furrowed his brows, but that was the first one to come to his mind. You just nodded in agreement. “yeah, don’t go telling embarrassing stories about someone when they’re not here to defend themselves.” Gil slowly nodded, understanding now, then he grinned, narrowing his eyes at Harry who glared back.
“I got a better story then-“ Gil said, almost evilly and Harry picked up his hook-pointing it at Gil playfully, but Gil just chuckled. “so! Wanna year about the time Uma and I walked in on Harry getting himself caught in his dad’s ships sails?” you slammed your hands on the table, laughing as Harry sputtered, his cheeks turning red.
“yes! Please do! Also that’s a tongue twister say that five times fast- dad’s ships sails-“ Harry just groaned as Gil did as asked, laughing as he quickly got tongue-tied. “Anyways-“ Gil continued, that smile never leaving his face “so Uma and I hadn’t seen Harry all day-so we went to see if he was working on the ship-and we found him messing about with some ropes-and guess what?”
You couldn’t help your grin, giggling as Harry tried to stop you from listening-his hands going in front of your face to block your vision “What?” you asked, pushing Harry’s hands out of the way and looking over them at Gil, who was grinning. “he got one caught on his ankle and it pulled him into one of the sails when he tied it off-Uma couldn’t breathe she was laughing so hard.” Gil cackled, slapping the table as you laughed, Harry groaning and slamming his head on the table, hiding his face. “How old were you guys?” you asked, still laughing. Gil counted off on his fingers and hummed, shrugging. “Like-thirteen? I think? At least I was, I’m the oldest-“
“-only by a month” Harry grumbled, pouting now. You giggled, shaking your head. oh, you loved these two dorks. You continued to listen to them talk about Uma, the boys almost taking turns telling embarrassing stories about each other-Uma always involved in them one way or another.
You turned, seeing the sun starting to lower, and an idea came to mind. You grinned, turning back to the boys-who were staring at you. “have you been to the ocean yet?” they glanced at each other-then shook their heads. You just grinned, getting to your feet. “then allow me to show you its wonders~ maybe we’ll find a cool shell for Uma!”
At that-they sprang to their feet-following you back to the dorms and changing into ‘ocean’ appropriate clothes-following you out to the garage-watching as you snatched a pair of keys and directed them to the car they connected to.
It wasn’t a limo-but still stylish and sleek. Perfect for a little trip out to the seaside of Auradon City. The boys watched everything go by as you drove off, Harry’s eyes drawing to the horizon as you got closer to the shores. He saw the isle, the barrier gleaming gold under the sun. he licked his lips, fiddling with his bracelet.
Soon you arrived, hopping out of the car and throwing off your shoes-laughing as you ran into the sands. Harry and Gil stayed back for a moment, looking down at the clean golden sands of the Auradon beach.
Their shores back on the isle were very different, greyish and sometimes black-polluted with all sorts of things. They looked back up at you, and you smiled, waving them forward. “it’s a bit hot so-watch your feet!” you yelled, grinning as Harry took off his shoes and stepped into the sand, jumping a bit at the feeling-it was soft, with a few pinching feelings-the broken shells within the sand he guessed.
Gil followed his lead-and soon the three of you were walking down to the shoreline-Harry and Gil stopping as they looked out into the open sea. It was endless, shimmering and breathtaking. Harry couldn't believe his eyes.
His whole life-he had been surrounded by the ocean-only able to peer through the smog caged in by the barrier, looking down at the polluted water they were trapped by. To see this? Oh to see this…he thought he was dreaming-he would wake up any moment now, be back in his room on the isle, be trapped again.
But he didn’t. He didn’t wake up. He felt the heat of the sun on his face, the warmth of the sand under his feet-the shocking coolness of the water as the waves crashed into his legs. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned-seeing Gil, looking down at the water with a childlike grin on his face. “dude-“ Gil said breathlessly and Harry laughed through his nose, looking back out into the horizon.
“Uma would love this,” Harry said back, just as breathless. Gil nodded, leaning down and plucking a conch shell from the sands. You smiled at them, looking back at the firepits and humming. “what do you guys say to dinner on the beach? On me?” you asked, grinning as Gil nodded eagerly, Harry still staring at the ocean. “Sweetness, I’ll get smore stuff too!”
Harry turned to you; his brow raised. “s’more what?”
You just grinned, and Harry looked worried.
Smores were fucking amazing, so were hot dogs. The three of you sat around a firepit, all wearing blankets with your feet buried in the sand-the sun just about to set. Harry watched it with a smile, his eyes half-lidded as the horizon flashed a brilliant green for only an instant.
“so we’re bringing Uma when she gets here, right?” Gil asked, his mouth full of melted marshmallows. Harry chuckled and nodded, turning to Gil with a soft smile. “we’d be betrayin’ her if we didn’t.” Harry muttered, closing his eyes and leaning his head into his palm. Gil hummed happily, pointing at you. “you’re making these-things-when we do, got it?”
You paused, blinking at Gil. “what?” Gil asked and Harry looked at you, raising his brow at your lack of answer and your confusion. You shrugged, tapping your thighs. “I dunno, I just-assumed I wouldn’t be part of your outing with Uma? I dunno,” Gil frowned, tilting his head. “Why wouldn’t you be? You’re our friend…right? Isn’t she?” Gil asked you, and then asked Harry, hoping he hadn’t said anything wrong.
Harry just smiled, reaching out and taking your hand, nodding as you looked at him. “Aye, she is. Uma’s gonna love ye lass, besides, I think it’s time we expanded our lil’ trio anyway.” You smiled shyly, giggling as you covered your face, your hand still held by Harry as he laughed gently.
You stayed out till nearly curfew-sneaking into the dorm building while trying not to laugh-one of those situations where the littlest thing would make you break. Eventually, you made it to your rooms, Harry squeezing your hand before you slipped into your room.
You realized he had never let go of your hand.
“Thank ye for that,” Harry whispered, staring into your eyes-his cheeks a light pink. “really,” you smiled, squeezing his hand before separating-wishing him goodnight before you shut the door and locked it-Harry doing the same.
Harry paused as he turned his back, biting his lip as he held his hand to his chest-Gil in the bathroom taking a late-night shower as Harry swallowed down the warmth in his face.
Maybe liking you wouldn’t be such a bad thing. not if you already seemed to love Uma like they did, and helped him discover such sights as the ocean.
Maybe…he’d think about it later, there was still a lot of work to do.
Harry closed his eyes as a hand slammed into the locker next to his-sighing as Mal leaned into his view. “What?” Harry muttered, switching out his history books for math, glaring down at Mal as she huffed at him. “You do realize-for this little plan to work, you do have to be (y/n)’s boyfriend, right?” Mal hissed, crossing her arms and following Harry as he shut his locker and went back into the school, walking down the halls toward math.
“And? Im bidin’ me time, no need ta’ rush pixie-its only Wednesday. Besides, tha’ coronations not fer like-” Harry did some quick mental math and nodded “-a week n a half.” Mal just stared at him-glaring. “what?”
“You don’t know how to ask her out, do you?” Mal muttered, smirking as Harry scrunched his nose at her. “Uh-huh, just go ask Ben or something, turns out he’s pretty good at dates,” Mal muttered, her cheeks turning pink at the memory of her date with Ben on Monday. Harry sighed, rolling his eyes. Mal.
“Ffffukin-fine. I’ll ask beasty boy about this’ stupid date shit. Now don’t ye got class?” Mal froze in place and squeaked-because yes-she very much had class right now-and bolted off in the other direction, leaving Harry alone. Harry sighed, fixing the strap over his shoulder and continuing to math class-forcing down the warmth in his face at the thought of asking you out.
Harry stared at Ben, the prince at his locker putting his books away for the day, humming that stupid song he sang for Mal under his breath. Harry sighed, closing his locker and making his way to Ben, leaning on the locker next to Ben. It took a moment but Ben eventually noticed him, smiling at Harry when he did. “Hey, Harry-what’s up?” Ben said with his usual cheer and Harry suppressed a sneer at it. He still hadn’t gotten used to all the….goodness here.
Harry let out a long sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Look, I need yer help,” Ben looked eager, leaning closer to Harry. Harry pushed his face back. “Back up beasty-okay um, fuck why is this so hard-“ Harry grumbled, rubbing his face. Ben just smiled, waiting for Harry to ask what he wanted. “Okay, okay-how would ye ask a girl out-hypothetically?” Harry swallowed and Ben hummed, titling his head in thought.
“Well, I would find out what she likes, and just-plan accordingly?” Ben said, laughing gently as Harry huffed and crossed his arms. “Well that ain't helpful,” Harry groaned, pouting as Ben tilted his head again. “who are you asking out? I could help better if I knew?” Ben asked, his smile turning to a splitting grin as Harry flushed and muttered out your name.
“Oh-I know exactly what you can do, can you sail?” Harry just stared at Ben. “Right, dumb question, can you swim?” Harry just kept staring at him, and then lifted his hook into the air-his brows raised. “Well, I’m sorry! Mal didn’t know and I just-I dunno.”
Harry snorted, rolling his eyes. “Mal’s ‘scared of water, course she can't swim. Anyways-what’s yer idea?” Ben beamed, pulling out his phone and showing Harry a photo of the royal sailboat; Harry grinned. “Oh that is a good idea beasty, maybe yer brain isn’t all mush after all.”
Ben just laughed, texting someone on his phone. “If it was, I wouldn’t be crowned king in two weeks.” Harry just snorted again, his phone buzzing in his pocket. He grabbed it and saw a text from Ben, along with a sailing permit in his email. “There, take it out whenever you want! Just don’t break it please.” Ben sang, patting Harry’s shoulder as he walked off to get to his after-school activities.
Harry nodded, then realized; Ben had never told him how to ask you out. “Hey-beasty! What do I do?! Hey!” Harry ran after Ben, who was laughing as Harry caught up to him-the two then planning for how Harry would ask you out.
You spun your tablet pen between your fingers, staring out your window as you got lost in your thoughts. The coronation was in less than two weeks, Ben’s love spell had been broken on Monday, and family day was this Sunday.
You had to guess Mal’s plan with you was the same plan she had with Ben-Harry love spelling you and being your date to the coronation, to stand next to the wand so one of them could grab it. Unfortunately for them-magic didn’t work on you. You were an odd technicality, since you were from a world with no magic-your body just-didn’t react to the magic being attempted on it. FG had said something about you not having any magic particles for the magic to cling to, and that’s why magic didn’t work on you.
It was mostly just a lot of words that you were too tired to understand and didn’t attempt to. But FG had discovered-with all her tests-that the magic would attempt to latch onto you, but since you had no magic particles, it didn’t have anything and would just disappear.
To be shortly explained-magic would look like it worked-but it wouldn’t.
You were mostly just having fun dicking around and acting like nothing happened-watching Mal and the others scramble to understand why the love spell seemingly had no effect. Watching Harry fluster and blush when you grinned at him was even better.
You were jolted out of your thoughts by a knock at your door, you turned and got up from your desk, glancing at the clock as you did. 3:28pm. You opened your door, smiling as you saw Harry. “Hi,” you said softly, grinning as he smiled back-shyly and his ears pink. “Hi,” Harry said back, clearing his voice into his fist. “What's up?” you asked, leaning against your door, tilting your head slightly.
“Well, um-I was jus’ wonderin’ if ye wanted to,” Harry paused, licking his lips as his cheeks turned pink. You rose your brow-unable to keep the smile off your face. “Yes?” you asked, leaning towards him. He held out a small bouquet of flowers-picked from the school's flower garden. You smiled and took them, admiring the flowers he had picked out.
Red tulips, daisies, lilies, and yellow and pink roses. ��Thank you,” you whispered, looking back at Harry-who was slowly turning red. “Yer-yer welcome, um-do-do ye want ta go, on-on a date with me?” Harry asked, stuttering through his question-he hadn’t expected this to be so hard-his heart beating out of his chest and those butterflies going insane in his chest and gut.
You just smiled, nodding. “Yes?” Harry’s voice cracked and he slapped his hand over his mouth, blushing as you giggled and nodded again. “Yeah, sounds great. uh-when?” Harry puffed his cheeks, narrowing his eyes at your question while you continued to laugh. “Uh-five? Today?” Harry asked, checking his phone.
You nodded, that sounded great. “Cool-cool, uh, I’ll see you then?” Harry nodded, grinning as you backed into your room and waved, biting your lip as you closed the door. Holy fuck Harry Hook just asked you out-for the wand yes but hey! He was hot as fuck and you’ve had a crush on him since you first saw his dumb pretty face! You would let yourself enjoy it.
You danced a bit to yourself, unable to contain your excitement as you held the flowers close to your chest.
A date with Harry Hook, now that was something you thought would never happen.
-end of p16-
hehehe-shorter part this time! next time-the first date~
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue @evilunicorns4minions
54 notes · View notes
POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P6
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Warning; referenced to/mention of/implied physical and sexual abuse, nothing graphic but its easy to know what it's alluding to.
Jane found herself in Evie and Mal’s dorm room, her arms straight out to the side as Evie measured every square inch of her. She couldn’t believe you had actually commissioned Evie to make a new outfit for her, Jane had nearly fainted at seeing the sketch Evie had created.
A crop top and top-down overalls? Oh, gods-she would not be able to pull that off-no matter how cute her hair was now. You and Evie were adamant she would look amazing in it though-and Jane let Evie measure her, moving to sit on the bed next to you as Evie went to work cutting and sewing the new fabrics she had gotten for Jane’s outfit.
Jane liked the pattern of the shirt, along with the color. “so-when do you think it’ll be done?” Jane asked, and Evie pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes as she calculated how long the outfit would take to make. “Maybe tomorrow, I pre-ordered the overalls, just have to make edits to it to make it more…” Evie gestured to Jane with a small grin. “Jane.”
Jane giggled slightly, messing with her hair as you admired Mal’s art skills. “Do you think this’ll get me a boyfriend?” Jane asked, thinking of Gil. Mal just scoffed as you grinned knowingly. “Boyfriends are overrated,” Mal said, erasing a bit of her sketch and blowing the pieces away.
“And how would you know Mal, you’ve never had one~” Evie teased, pausing in her work for the moment to grin at Mal, who glared back playfully. “Cause I don’t need one, E.” Mal and Evie had a staring contest for a moment then she directed her attention to Jane, muttering the words over her shoulder “They’re a waste of time.”
Evie gasped, suddenly remembering something “I forgot to do Chad’s homework!” she bolted up, forgetting about Jane’s outfit and grabbing the backpack from beside Mal’s bed, muttering to herself in panic as she did. “And that is exactly what I mean~” Mal sang while you sighed, wishing Evie would just realize Chad was a jackass already-you had nearly gotten through to her earlier-but she was adamant in her attempts to be his girlfriend.
You turned as a knock sounded at the door, seeing Lonnie jumping into the room with a coin purse in hand, wearing a cute pink raglan-style tee and a sea green skirt. “Hey guys, I’m Lonnie~” Mal just stared at her as Evie continued to get Chad’s homework out. “My mom's Mulan?”
Evie dropped Chad’s bag to the floor with a loud thunk.
“No?” Lonnie brushed their reactions off and turned back to Mal-who went back to her art. “Anyways, I love what you’ve done with Jane’s hair. And I know you hate us, and well-your evil~” Mal grinned. “but, do you think you could do mine?”
Mal stopped, looking back at Lonnie-confused. “And why would I do that for you?” Mal asked, watching as Lonnie held up the coin purse, the money inside making a noise. “I’ll pay you fifty dollars?” Lonnie said, hoping to entice Mal into spelling her hair. “Good answer,” Evie sang, snatching the purse away from Lonnie and giving a sly grin to Mal who pouted at her. “I need to buy more material.”
Mal just huffed and rolled her eyes as Evie talked hair with Lonnie, suggesting to lose the bangs and add layers and highlights. Lonnie shook her head; she already knew what she wanted. “No no, I want it cool, like Mal’s~”
Mal glanced at Lonnie, not expecting the compliment. “Really? the split ends too?” Evie teased, shaking the bag as Mal glared at her. Mal huffed, accepting her fate and turning over to grab her spell book. Evie and Lonnie shared a grin and Lonnie stood pin-straight as Mal positioned herself at the edge of her bed and flipped to the page she needed.
“Okay, beware, foreswear, replace the old; with cool hair.” Mal snapped the book shut-waving her hand around and Lonnie’s head followed the motions, until Mal slowly brought her hand up and Lonnie’s hair became long and a lighter shade-curling down her back and framing her face.
Lonnie gasped, feeling the long locks between her fingers as she went to admire herself in the mirror-you and Jane following as Evie ‘comforted' Lonnie over the ‘bad’ hair-do. It was better than her weirdly cut bob-but it could do with some styling. “I know, I know, I know! it looks like a mop on your head.” Evie glanced at you as you snorted, hiding your smile behind your fist. “you know what, let’s cut it off-layer it" Lonnie stopped her before she could go on.
“No no no! I love it~!” Lonnie gasped, grinning at herself in the mirror, ignoring the sneer on Evie’s face. “It’s just-“ Lonnie leaned down, ripping a seam of her skirt-making it reveal a bit of her thigh. You slapped your hand over your eyes as you held back a laugh, remembering the hardcore rock music that had played when she did that in the movie. Evie and Mal just stared, eyes widening in shock as Jane looked on in awe. “now I’m cool,” Lonnie breathed, grinning as Mal nodded.
“Like ice,” Mal said, watching as Jane went to stand next to Lonnie and did the same thing to her skirt-though she panicked as soon as she realized what she did. “What did I do!?” Jane gasped, staring at the tear in her dress. “Mom’s gonna kill me!” “No she won't” you sighed, patting Evie’s shoulder and nodding over to her sewing kit, “Evie can sew it right back together; like it never happened-now calm down bluebird.” Jane took several deep breaths as Evie sewed the tear back together, and like you said-it was like it never happened.
“Now come on, im sure these girls have shit ta do” Jane gasped at your curse word but did as told-skittering out of the room as Lonnie thanked Mal and waved them goodbye. You nodded at Carlos as he stepped into the room, Dude in one arm and a laptop in the other. “hi dude,” you cooed, scratching his chin-grinning as he leaned into it. “good pick puppy, Carlos is a keeper.” Carlos grinned, holding Dude close as he walked into the girls room and introduced them to Dude. They looked shocked to see Carlos so willingly holding a dog but got over it quickly, Evie happily gave Dude her attention as Carlos sat down at the end of Mal’s bed and opened his laptop.
You closed the door behind you, heading back to your room to get some work done and maybe hang out with the boys more. You passed Jay on your way over and told him everyone was in Mal and Evie’s room. he nodded and jogged off in that direction, a grin on his face as he wore his new jersey; clearly excited to show it off.
Jay threw open the door, showing off his jersey as Carlos whistled the girls not exactly reacting as Jay posed and strut around the room. Evie gave him a once over, nodded, and went back to Chad’s homework.
Jay, seeing Mal hovering over her spell book-flipping through it frantically-wandered over. “Did your plan with Jane work? you going over to see the wand?” Jay asked, blinking as Mal glared up at him with puffed cheeks. “do you think I would be going through every single spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?! Harry’s little girlfriend ruined it, swooped in and saved the day,” Mal muttered, looking back down at the book and continuing to flip through it, hoping for some sort of spell that would just-magically give her the answers.
“Someone’s cranky,” Carlos muttered to Evie, who gave him a tight-lipped smile as Mal flicked Carlos on the head. “My mom’s counting on me! I can't let her down!” Carlos pouted back at Mal, rubbing the back of his head as Jay sighed. “we can do this!” they paused, all staring at Jay, he had never said that before “…if we stick together.”
There was another pause, before Mal broke it. “And we won't go back, until we do….because we’re rotten-” The others nodded, finishing the sentence quietly. “To the core.” Mal nodded once, going back to her spells as Evie sighed, remembering her earlier conversation with Doug.
“oh yeah, I found out Fairy godmother blesses Ben with the wand at the coronation and we all get to go.” Mal stared at Evie, her jaw dropping open slightly. How had Evie failed to mention that before?! “I have nothing to wear of course,” Evie groaned, thinking of the dresses she could wear to such an event.
She realized everyone was staring at her, and frowned-a knock at the door interrupted Mal from asking for more details. “What?” Evie asked, watching as Mal snapped the book shut and held up her finger as she stood. “hold that thought,” Mal muttered, walking over to the door and pulling it open to reveal Ben.
“Hey, Mal” Mal smiled slightly, tilting her head as Ben continued. “I didn’t see you guys today; I was just wondering if you had any questions or anything you needed?” Mal shrugged, looking back at her friends to see if they needed anything, they all shook their heads. “not that I, know of?” Mal looked back at Ben, shaking her head. Ben nodded, a little disappointed he couldn’t help them but started to head out.
“Okay, well, if you do need anything- you” Mal quickly remembered the coronation and called out for Ben to wait-he happily took a step back and waited for Mal to continue. “is it true? That we all get to go to your coronation?” Ben nodded with a smile. “Yeah, the whole school goes,” Mal gasped, a new plan forming in her mind. “Wow~ that is beyond exciting~" Ben grinned, happy to see Mal so excited about his coronation. “Do you think that it’s a possibility, that the four of us could stand in the front row next to the fairy godmother, just-“ Mal took a deep breath, the others behind her holding back their laughter at Mal’s act. “Soak up all that goodness?”
Ben looked as if he wanted to agree, but sighed, shaking his head. “I wish you could, but up front, it’s just me, my folks, (y/n), and my girlfriend.” Mal paused, there was an idea. “And your girlfriend?...wait, (y/n)?” why would you be upfront? As far as Mal knew-you were just kinda-a person; with no status.
Ben laughed a bit, nodding. “yeah, she’s kinda my unofficial bodyguard, so-she stands near me, next to my girlfriend.” Mal slowly nodded, glancing off to the side as a new plan formed. “Huh, question-if she had a date for the coronation, would they be standing with her too? Or would they be separated?” Ben shrugged, nodding. “I don’t see why not? She’s not dating anyone though, so at the moment she’s alone at the coronation.”
Bingo, two tickets to the front row. Mal stopped the evil grin from growing on her face, waving Ben goodbye as she went to tell her friends the new plan. “Okay thanks bye~!” Ben went to say there were plenty of spaces near the front-but Mal had already closed the door. He sighed and walked off.
“I think it’s time Benny boo, got himself a new girlfriend~” Mal purred, sharing a grin with her friends. “and I need a love spell,” she held her hands out, Carlos tossing her the spell book and Mal caught it with a grin. Finally, a plan was about to be in motion-and Mal would make sure it went off without a hitch. “Carlos, go find Harry and Gil, while I despise Harry, I’m going to need him for this plan to work.” Mal muttered, quickly finding the best love spell in the book, love spell cookies.
Carlos furrowed his brows, setting Dude down and standing-setting his laptop aside. “Sure? But why?” Mal sighed, honestly how had none of them seen it?! “(y/n) likes Harry, that’s clear to see, and she stands up front with Ben, and if she brings a date-they stand up there with her. Harry’s going to be her date. Harry’s going to give (y/n) one of those cookies, just to make sure (y/n) brings him.”
Evie blinked, something in her gut telling her that wouldn’t work-but she didn’t bring it up, not wanting to bring Mal’s high down. “All right then, but don’t blame me if they don’t listen,” Carlos said, Dude following him out the door as he went to Harry and Gil’s room.
“If she likes Harry already,” Jay said, rubbing the back of his head-now remembering all the little looks you had given Harry over the last day. “Why do we need to spell her? Cant Harry just ask her out?” Mal shrugged, tilting her hand back and forth. “He could, or we could just love spell her and guarantee a spot for Harry next to the wand.”
Jay shrugged, couldn’t argue with that.
Mal cursed; dammit-the cookie dough would need to rest for at least five days before they could be baked-something about full potency. Meaning they wouldn’t be able to spell Ben till Sunday at the least. Well, they had the time, the coronation wasn’t until the 16th. That wasn’t for another two and a half weeks. They had time.
Carlos knocked on the boy's dorm, frowning as no one answered even after the seventh knock. He turned, hearing the sound of music from your room and walked over, knocking once and hearing your voice from inside-telling him to come in. He stepped inside, seeing Harry and Gil on the floor in front of the tv, playing some sort of fighting game against you-which you were kicking their asses.
Harry turned to look at him-raising his brow at the sight of Dude at Carlos’ feet. “Hey pup, and….dog?” Harry said, narrowing his eyes in confusion at Dude, who just tilted his head back. You turned, beaming at the sight of Dude and crouching with your arms out, giggling as Dude ran into your arms and happily accepted your cuddles. “Hi Dude~ I see you’ve made a new buddy,” you cooed, winking at Carlos who smiled, his eyes on dude.
“Hi puppy!” Gil said, reaching over to pet dude behind the ears. “oh you’re cute-Carlos, I thought you were scared of dogs?” Carlos shrugged, picking Dude up as he slipped out of your arms and ran back to Carlos. “I was, but…he’s different,” Carlos said softly as he rubbed Dude’s head, the mutt panting happily.
Then he remembered why he had come here in the first place, “Harry, Gil?” they turned to Carlos, Harry raising his brow. “Mal wants to talk,” Harry just rolled his eyes, turning back to the tv and pushing Gil to do the same. Carlos sighed, he knew Harry wouldn’t want to talk, he hated Mal, and had since he was 10. Since the shrimpy incident. “either you come to talk right now or she comes to find you, and we both know what she's like when she doesn’t get her way.” Harry groaned loudly, slowly and painfully standing up, clearly not wanting to talk to Mal.
“Ffffine,” Harry muttered, pulling Gil to his feet and saluting you. “see ya later lass,” you waved them off, setting down your controller and going back over to your computer-resuming what you had been doing before Harry asked for your help.
Carlos led the way back over to Mal and Evie’s room, knocking on the doorframe as he entered. “Got em,” Carlos muttered, sitting back down at the end of Mal’s bed as she nodded, crossing her arms as Harry and Gil stepped into the room, Gil looking around at the constant pink as Harry glared at Mal-who glared back.
“What?” Harry hissed, smirking as he realized what was going on. “Ye ran outta ideas, didn’t ye? Why Mal~ its only tha’ first day! And yer already comin’ crawlin’ ta me~ How fuckin’ pathetic.” Harry sneered, cackling as Mal’s eyes turned a toxic green.
“Mal-“ Jay hissed, pushing her shoulder to shock her out of her emotions before she blew something up. Mal took a deep breath, opened her spell book, and showed Harry the love spell. He rose his brow, wondering what she wanted to do with that. “Evie learned that we all get to go to Ben’s coronation, and the wand is used to bless Ben. I found a way for two of us to stand up next to the wand, and…” Mal struggled to get out the words, biting her finger before she forced them out. “And I need your help.” Mal heavily sighed, looking sick to say those words.
Harry giggled, pressing the tip of his hook to his cheek, grinning cheekily at Mal. “Those words must’a hurt Malsy~” Then his grin dropped, suddenly taking the situation seriously. “In all seriousness, why do ye need me fer this bullshit? I get the idea, use the coronation ta nab tha’ wand-but?” Mal sighed, rolling her eyes. Even Harry was obvious.
“Okay-so, (y/n) and Ben, their dates stand upfront with them. Getting the picture?” Harry slowly nodded, then a heat crawled up his cheeks, glaring at the fae. “Ye cant mean-the lass…that’s a bit…I dunno if I can force something like tha’ on the lass” Harry muttered, shuffling uncomfortably on his feet.
Mal sighed, rubbing the back of her head. Harry had always been a major one for consent, she should’ve foreseen his hesitancy to spell you to love him. “Yeah yeah, but-we need to get the wand, and this might be our only shot.” Gil shrugged at that, tilting his head slightly.
“Maybe not? We were kinda planning on gaining (y/n)’s trust and getting her to take us with her to the museum next time she stole the wand?” Mal huffed, that was a good idea she had to admit. “You can keep trying to do that, but I’m making those cookies tonight, they need at least five days of rest to gain full potency, and if you haven't gotten her to agree to take you to steal the wand with her by Sunday? We’re going with my plan, deal?”
Mal held out her hand, staring Harry dead in the eyes. He narrowed his eyes, it was a stupid plan, one that could get them sent back to the isle if they were caught. I mean-spelling the prince? Spelling you? It was dangerous, and who knew if it would even work?
Harry eventually sighed, reaching out and shaking Mal’s hand “We have an accord.” Harry grumbled, wiping his hand on his pants as he released Mal’s hand-she did the same. Mal nodded. “Good, meet at the student kitchens at ten thirty, that should be late in the night enough to where I can make the batch without anyone walking in but early enough to where we won’t miss curfew.”
Harry just nodded, turning on his heel and walking out of the room-Gil close behind. Harry pressed his fingers to the gold shell bracelet on his arm, reminding himself that this was for their freedom, he could do this. Gil was doing the same, his eyes on the floor as they both passed your room and went into theirs, not baring to look you in the eye right now, knowing what they were about to do.
-much later that night; in the student kitchens-
Harry kicked his legs from his spot on the counter, sitting across from Carlos and Jay with Gil beside him, watching as Mal made the all-important cookie recipe. Harry had brought the magic map which lay open beside him, once in a while, a name or two would pass by the room, but never close enough to warn Mal about it.
Mal was mixing many ingredients together, mostly making a normal cookie with a few odd ingredients plus an incantation. “Crush their hearts with an iron glove/ by making them a slave to love,” Mal said, her eyes flashing as her voice echoed slightly. The bowl sparkled a pale purple and Mal moved onto a smaller bowl, mixing together brown sugar, white sugar, and melted butter; Evie hefting up a bag of walnuts.
“All right, it says we still need one tear,” Mal said, huffing with her brows furrowed, realizing she couldn’t provide the last ingredient. “and I never cry,” Carlos grabbed an onion, holding it out to Mal. “let’s just chop up some onions, those always make me cry?”
Mal scoffed, smacking her hands on the edge of the metal bowl “No! It says we need one tear of human sadness, and Mom noted this potion as the best in the book-so we have to follow it exactly.” Jay sighed, rolling his eyes.
“A tears a tear,” he grumbled, pouting as Evie interrupted him, her work on Chad’s chemistry homework filling her mind with things she never would’ve known before. Even simply using her mirror had helped her study and remember complicated facts. “That’s not true Jay, they both have antibodies and enzymes, but! A hormone tear has more proteins than a reflex tear.” Mal grinned, bumping Evie’s hip with hers as Evie stared at Jay with a smug smirk.
“Listen to you~” Mal sang, giggling as Evie shimmered her shoulders, giggling as Jay shook his head, saying he knew that. He was just pulling their legs. “No you didn’t,” Carlos chuckled, smacking his shoulder and turning back to Dude, handing the mutt another treat he took from the cupboards. “All right then, why don’t we just mention Uma or the twins, that’s bound to make Harry cry?” Jay suggested, a slight mean smirk on his lips. Harry just glared; his eyes flashing red. Jay’s smirk dropped, realizing he hit a nerve that just made Harry mad. “Never mind,” Jay grumbled, crossing his arms and glancing away.
Harry huffed, glancing back down at the map and then to the kitchen door. “Lonnie an’ (y/n), incoming,” Harry announced, swallowing at the mention of you. He had skipped dinner that night, the pit in his gut at the thought of spelling you to love him had made him queasy-and he couldn’t even stomach the idea of dinner.
Mal quickly tossed a towel over her book, mixing the last of the wet ingredients as Lonnie pushed open the door, wearing her pink PJs. You stepped in right after her, wearing that same skull hoodie from yesterday and a pair of sweatpants, sneaking past Lonnie to go into the fridge.
“There you are Mal! I was been looking for you,” Lonnie cheered, Mal smiled politely, wondering why Lonnie had been looking for her. “you know, all the girls want you to do their hair.” Mal just nodded with a strained smile, continuing to mix the batter. Lonnie peered into the bowl, pursing her lips at the mixture. “Midnight snack huh? What’cha guys making?”
Lonnie went to dip her fingers into the mixture-the vks screamed to stop her-but Lonnie was stopped by your hand on her wrist, giving her a look. “Lonnie, I love you. But do not go sticking your finger in random mixes; you could be allergic to something in there. Also it’s rude.” Lonnie gasped, as if just realizing that and pulled her hand away, holding it to her chest with a sheepish grin. Mal fell into Evie in relief, not knowing if the potion had activated at all yet, even missing the last ingredient.
“I’m so sorry! But-if you’re making cookies, you’re missing the most important ingredient!” Lonnie said, skipping over to the fridge and taking out a bowl of chocolate chips. Mal sighed, going back to mixing the potion. “And that would be?” Mal asked, because she was pretty sure she had gotten everything she needed in the two bowls, other than the tear.
“Chocolate chips~” Lonnie cooed, pouring them into the bowl, and stealing one for herself. You walked over to Harry, smiling softly and holding out a box that you had saved from dinner, he glanced between you and the box-raising his brow. “It’s from Ms. Potts, she made them fresh but you weren’t at dinner, so.” You pushed the box into his hands, giggling as he pulled it open and gasped-inside-were six cinnamon rolls, made mere hours ago.
“i-uh-fuck.” Harry cursed, feeling bad he missed dinner now, his stomach grumbling suddenly. After only a day, he was already used to the three meals a day provided by the school. You just smiled, making Harry feel worse, patted his knee-then Gil’s; and then made your way out of the kitchen, having gotten what you wanted. (grabbing a snack and giving Harry the cinnamon rolls Ms. Potts made specifically for him)
Harry stared down at the cinnamon rolls, looking up when Lonnie’s words caught his ears. “I mean-I just thought-even villains love their kids~” Harry’s blood ran cold, remembering every nasty word, every seething glare, every cut on his back-all from his father. Love? Yeah right, on the isle-you were lucky if you were ignored, very few kids on the isle got the privilege of being loved by their parent.
He could count on one hand the loving parents of the isle, and his dad was very much not on that list. Lonnie looked at each of the vks, each looking lost at the thought of their parent…loving them, they had all wanted it-once upon a time-but after 14-16 years of getting nothing but hate and abuse…it caught up to you, and made you accept it was never going to happen.
“Oh, how awful,” Lonnie said quietly, tears welling up in her eyes and trailing down her cheek, reaching out to grab Mal’s hand to comfort her. Mal just glanced at her hand, then saw the tear trailing down Lonnie’s cheek. She quickly snatched it with her finger and threw it into the mix, Lonnie being shocked out of her sadness by the action.
Mal let out a laugh, slightly uncomfortable with confronting the feeling of wanting to be loved by her mom. “Yeah well, big bummer-but we gotta finish these up-“ Mal pushed the bowl over to Evie and she mixed up the completed wet mixture with the dry-finishing the recipe. “And get them into the oven before curfew-so thank you so much for coming by-really really have a good night-“ Mal pushed Lonnie towards the kitchen door, who waved the vks goodnight and slipped out. “evil dreams!”
They were all silent for a moment, then Mal turned-clapping her hands. “Okay! So-let’s get this into the fridge to set for five days, and we’ll be back to bake them Saturday night, okay?” the vks nodded, Harry now staring down at his cinnamon rolls, that pit in his chest growing bigger. “okay-Jay- grab that clear wrap stuff-Carlos, make a note that it’s ours, you have nice handwriting; Harry, Gil…you guys can leave.”
Harry hopped off the counter, locking his map and closing his box of cinnamon rolls, slowly making his way back to the dorms with the box held tight to his chest. “Are you sure about this Harry?” Gil asked quietly as they stepped into their room, closing the door and locking it. “I mean-(y/n)’s nice, and I really don’t think she would object to us going with her to steal the wand. We just have to ask.”
“Aye, I think so too. So let’s try ta get her ta agree before Sunday, okay? I don’t want ta’ spell her,” Harry muttered, playing with his golden shell bracelet. He really didn’t want to spell you, to make you love him. Since he was young-his choice had been ripped away from him by his father and his ‘clients’, his innocence gone before he hit the double digits. He didn’t want to take away your choice, even if it was for the wand.
He really hoped he could gain your trust to where you would practically steal the wand for them, because if he didn’t? he didn’t want to know what would happenen; after all, He made a deal with a fae-and fae deals were impossible to break.
Uma huffed as she tossed down another tray to an unruly customer, who growled about his order being wrong. Uma just glared back, nodding towards the ‘you take it how we make it’ sign near the kitchen. The pirate huffed and grumpily ate his food.
Uma tossed down her last tray, storming back into the kitchen to grab another set. It had only been two days since her boys left-and she already felt the strain of their absence. The pirates around the wharf were braver now, leering at her and the other members of the wharf rats-Uma did her best to scare them off, but it was getting harder to do so, most of the girls didn’t walk around alone anymore-even in the daylight.
Uma never truly realized how much Harry had done for them, for her, even just a glance from him would send those creeps running-and having Gil around didn’t hurt. She missed her boys, deeply, she missed the sound of Harry’s stupid laughter, she missed Gil’s questions and ill-timed sentences.
She missed them. So much, she hoped they would get the wand soon, she needed off this rock.
“UMA!” her mother screeched from the back and Uma groaned, getting back to work.
You looked at your clock as you heard the sound of someone rapidly knocking on your door. 1130pm, who in the hell was out this late just before curfew? The vks maybe, but…you stood, walking over to your door and opening it, stumbling back as a sobbing Audrey collapsed into you, her arms going around your waist and squeezing tightly.
“Aud-rey” you choked, unable to breathe as she sobbed into your shoulder, squeezing your ribs as you carefully backed into your room and closed the door with your foot. “uh-Aud?” you wheezed, patting her back awkwardly as she continued to cry, and not the pretty princess cry-full on snot and heaving sobs kinda cry.
She was really torn up about something. “Audrey?” you asked one last time, squeezing your arms between hers and prying her off you, moving her arms around your shoulders and hugging her tightly. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
“Ben-“ Audrey cried, her voice croaky and weak, as if she had already spent hours crying. “Ben broke up with me-e-e” Audrey collapsed into your arms again and you tugged her over to your bed, setting her down and getting her some chocolate milk from your mini-fridge, sitting next to her as she clung to it and your arm.
“What did Ben say?” you asked gently, hoping he had taken your advice and gotten Audrey a shit ton of flowers and candy to make up for him breaking up with his girlfriend of 3 years. Audrey just sobbed, curling into your arms as you held her tightly. “he-he, he came over to-to my dorm. And-and, gave me a big bouquet of flowers-and they smelled so nice and-I thought we were going on-“ she took a deep breath, wiping her nose with her sleeve “-on a date but-he-he said he wanted to break up!” Audrey broke down into sobs again, clinging to your waist as you rubbed her back, letting her get it all out.
After a few minutes of Audrey blubbering and ranting about how she thought they were going to get married, and live happily ever after with three kids and seven dogs-you sighed, biting your lip as you looked at the clock. It was 20 to midnight.
“Audrey?” you asked quietly, hearing her hum against your lap. “do you want me to listen? Or do you want advice?” she sniffed, sitting up slightly and rubbing her face. “B-both?” Audrey croaked, letting you dry her face and hand her a water bottle.
“Okay, so-Ben broke up with you, and I’m sorry about that. But-maybe you two weren’t meant to be forever?” Audrey started to cry again at the thought and you hugged her again. “I know I know, not what you need to hear, but your happily ever after isn’t always with the first boy you date, sometimes your greatest love is just a passing face; you and Ben were just, a chapter in each other’s lives. And that’s okay!” you shook Audrey gently, grinning at the slight giggle that came from her.
“I know we don’t see eye to eye Audrey, but you deserve to be happy, both of you do. And-I’m sorry say this-but Ben wasn’t happy in your relationship anymore.” Audrey gasped, looking up at you with wide eyes. You sighed, nodding to confirm your words. “I’m sure you two had a true love for a good while, but- at some point, Ben started to drift away and he wasn’t happy anymore. He didn’t want to drag you down with him, so-you broke up. You might not be happy now, but that happiness will return, all on your own.” You smiled, and Audrey smiled weakly back, that heaviness in her chest that had been there since Ben broke up with her easing off a bit.
It wasn’t gone, and probably wouldn’t be for a while, but it was easier to breathe now. “Thank you,” Audrey croaked, hugging you tight. “Really, I don’t know why we don’t get along, you give great advice.” You snorted, patting her back.
“Probably because our views clash more often than not and I don’t mind the vks?” you teased, laughing as Audrey huffed and pulled away, nodding. “yeah, that would do it…thank you (y/n).” you smiled and took her hand, nodding.
“you’re welcome Audrey, get some sleep.” She nodded and slipped out of your room, with only 15 minutes to spare till midnight. Your eyes widened, remembering what was to come this Sunday's tourney game, and quickly grabbed your phone, texting Audrey.
‘hey-you remember where im from right?’
She took a moment to respond.
‘Ben does something really stupid on Sunday, after the game. Don’t take it to heart-okay?’
you nodded; you couldn’t reveal too much but at least you had warned Audrey about the whole love song fiasco so maybe she would protect herself from getting her heart broken further by then. You would make sure she was off the field before Ben even took the microphone though.
You set your phone onto its charger, slid into bed, and curled up; taking a deep breath as the curfew bell chimed gently across the halls.
Harry took several deep breaths as he prepared himself to go to breakfast-he had time, he didn’t have to spell you. All he had to do, was act normal, gain your trust, and use that trust to get the wand.
Manipulating you with you being conscious was a better option than love spelling you, because at least then you wouldn’t still be in love with him while he let the villains destroy Auradon. He felt sick at the idea.
He towel-dried his hair as Gil finished up his homework, putting them in his bag as Harry finished getting dressed “We ready?” Gil asked, nodding as Harry grabbed his bag and walked out the door. “I’ll take that as a yes,” they went to breakfast, sitting with you, Jane, and Lonnie again-this time joined by Fergus. Harry launched into another conversation with Fergus, eventually talking about the ROAR tryouts at the end of the school day.
“Ye gonna try out?” Fergus asked and Harry nodded, licking his lips free of egg yolk. “Aye, sounds intrestin’, besides-what’s better than hitting other kids with swords and being allowed ta’ do it?” Harry chuckled, grinning as Fergus cackled, slapping his hand on the table.
“Yoo're reit! Cannae bide tae see whit ye can dae Hook.” Harry returned Fergus' feral grin and nodded, collecting his tray and setting it on the collection rack, making his way to his first class of the day.
He frowned when he realized the pan kid from yesterday was no-where to be seen. He didn’t question it though, one less trigger. Gil followed him up to the spots they had taken yesterday and took their books out, once again listening intently as Professor Thatch continued about the history before Auradon.
Math was, easier-than it was the day before. Harry had borrowed your notes the day before, using the cheat codes you had given him and luckily, Ms. Honey always had open-book exams, seeing no point in challenging their memories, since in the future they would always have access to calculators or direct answers with a touch of their phone.
Ms. Honey looked so happy to see him working on his paper, your notes in one hand with a pencil in the other, there were still things he didn’t understand and refused to make sense to his brain-but it was less frustrating now knowing there was a reason behind it. He wasn’t stupid, he just had a learning disability. He repeated that to himself every time he got stumped, the red barely flickering into his eyes as he worked.
By the end of class-he felt satisfied, for the first time, he had completed a worksheet and didn’t feel the need to curl up into a ball and die. Ms. Honey smiled brightly at him as he left class, and he couldn't help but smile back, a small gold star on his math book.
He decided he liked Ms. Honey.
In life Skills, they finished baking their bread-Mal’s not looking all too edible, reminded him of the bread they made back on the isle-not enough yeast and too much flour. His turned out perfect and he got an A for it. And now he had warm bread to snack on-putting the fresh bread into a plastic bag to carry around.
Lunch that day was just as good as the day before, and Harry found a pack of cookies on his tray under his plate. But he was sure cookies weren't being served during that lunch, and when he checked-no one else had cookies. But when he made eye contact with Mrs. Potts, she winked and Harry laughed.
He decided he liked Mrs. Potts.
Remedial goodness was just as mind-numbing the day before, this time the six of them were given worksheets, things like ‘why should you help a struggling person instead of stealing their wallet?’ and ‘if you weren't invited to a party that everyone else was invited to, do you a; crash the party? B; send a mean letter to the host for not inviting you? C; curse the host? Or D; make your own fun?’ were some of the many questions for them to answer.
Harry couldn’t help but smirk at the ‘not invited to a party’ question, knowing exactly who it was aimed at. He remembered Evie’s 6th birthday party that every kid on the isle was invited to, and Mal hadn't. Maleficent was pissed at that and banished Evie and her mom from the main isle-the two ending up at the castle across the way for 10 years. actually, Evie had barely returned to the main isle before they were all shipped off to Auradon.
The ball rang and they handed their worksheets in, FG calling Harry as he was packing up. “Aye?” he said, shrugging his bag onto his shoulder and getting ready to head to chemistry class with Evie, wondering what class would be like with the substitute teacher FG had hired for the week.
“I just wanted to remind you, Roar tryouts are after school, please do make sure you attend them.” FG said with a smile, and Harry nodded, turning on his heel and out to the lockers, switching out his goodness books for chemistry. He made sure he had your notes since without them he was sure he would combust and slid into the room, surprised to see a tall slim woman wearing clunky heels, with big pink glasses and a yellow band in her air, complimenting the yellow dress she wore under her lab coat.
“Ah-you must be Harry~” she cheered, grinning at the pirate who stared back-she was-a big difference from Mr. Deley, bubbly and sweet. “im Jennifer Torrez, but you can call me honey lemon if you wish~” Harry nodded, looking around the class, and then at the clock-it was almost five minutes to start and no one was here? “Everyone’s outside if you’re wondering~ I have something special planned for you all~ I heard about your previous teacher and-wow! Awful so~ please make your way outside, I have everyone out front so they’ll be easy to spot-near the big blue tarp with the folding table on it~” Harry nodded again, backing out of the room and making his way outside, easily finding everyone around a tarp like Honey lemon said.
He found a spot between you and Evie, Evie holding her magic mirror as you stood on your toes to get a good look at what was on the white folding table in the middle of the tarp. “what do ye think she’s plannin’?” Harry asked you, watching as their substitute teacher beamed as she made her way through the students and introduced herself again. You shrugged, pursing your lips “No clue, but I think it’s gonna be good.”
“so-today, I wanted to do something special or you all, since I heard about your last teacher being very rude. So! I wanted to make this-fun~ with the right attitude and teacher, chemistry can be one of the funniest classes you can take! So today-elephant toothpaste! Let me show you how fun chemistry can be, shall I?” with that, Honey Lemon turned to her table-which held several large Erlenmeyer flasks, dish soap, food coloring, hydrogen peroxide, and one more chemical Harry couldn’t read from here he was.
Honey Lemon excitedly described what she was doing as she mixed the chemicals together in a large flask, dying the mixture blue and then setting it on the tarp “Now I want all of you to stay where you are-and back up if you need to! This gets dangerously hot when it reacts to-until I give you the go ahead-stay back!”
All the students took a far step back as Honey Lemon poured the potassium iodide into the dyed mix-jumping back as the mix shot up out of the flask and turned to foam-expanding quickly and steaming as it did. The class gasped in awe, some laughing as Honey Lemon grinned, clapping her hands. “Yess~~ elephant toothpaste everyone-the chemical reaction between KI and H202~! With some dish soap and food coloring in the mix~ okay-it should be cooled down now-everyone come touch!! Just don’t get it on your clothes-it stains yellow!”
Harry broke away from you and Evie, reaching out and scooping the foam up, laughing as he played with the foam. Honey lemon explained exactly what happened between the two chemicals, and with the added mix of dish soap-it created the foam tower that constantly expanded thanks to the oxygen multiplying and escaping.
“Now that we’ve seen what this looks like on this scale,” Honey Lemon gestured to the flask-which was an average large flask. “now what would it look like-with” She turned, grabbing a giant flask from under the table and setting it on the desk. “this!”
The class cheered-very eager to see what a giant foam explosion would look like! “Wonderful! Now-I want some of you guys to help me make this mix-Harry, Evie, Jordan?” the three students perked up, Harry very much still having a shit ton of foam on his hands that was slowly shrinking as it cooled. “Grab some gloves and safety glasses!”
Harry threw the foam off his hands and left his bag with you, grinning as he slid on a pair of thick rubber gloves and a pair of safety glasses, Evie next to him with her hair up as he, Jordan, and Evie made the new soap mix-dying it green this time.
They ended up making three extra flasks of the mix-each dyed a different color. Honey Lemon each handed them a cup of potassium iodide dissolved in water, and instructed them to pour it all into the flask as quickly as possible-then run. “okay, three, two, one-pour!” Harry poured the mix into the flask, laughing loudly as the mix turned to foam and the four flasks were spouting colored foam into the sky, everyone screamed with delight, watching as the foam continued and expanded, collecting around the flasks.
“Now that’s a chemical reaction!” Honey Lemon cheered, throwing her hands into the sky as the foam descended and collected along the flasks-still expanding and steaming. Harry flicked his hand, some hot foam on the glove-it was so hot he could feel it through the rubber.
As soon as Honey Lemon gave the green light, the class surrounded the huge pile of foam, shrieking and laughing as they played with it. FG looked out her window-seeing the class playing with the foam and smiled, nodding to herself. She found her new chemistry teacher.
Honey Lemon then revealed a box filled with enough flasks for every student, and soon everyone was standing in front of a flask in a circle, holding a cup of KI and water, waiting for the green light. “Three, two one, pour!” Everyone poured the water mix into the soap mix and bolted back, screaming with delight as the flasks exploded with foam-the tarp now covered with fresh and old foam.
Harry giggled as he held a pile of green and yellow foam, smacking his hands together and spreading the foam about-Evie screeching and reminding him that the foam stained. “sorry-“ Harry kept giggling, Honey Lemon grabbing the hose connected to the school and turning it on-cleaning off everyone's hands and gloves before they all returned to the classroom-still high on giggles from their outside experiment.
“I hope you all had a blast and I hope I was able to prove how much fun chemistry can be!” the class whooped, and Honey Lemon grinned, clapping her hands “Wonderful ~  now I’ve given you guy some worksheets and we can work on those until class is done, you may begin!”
Harry pulled out a pencil from his bag, noticing some foam in your hair. “Ye got some,” Harry pointed at your hair and you reached up to take it out, missing it entirely. “Here-lemme just-“ Harry gently took the foam out of your hair, wiping it off on the paper towels provided in the desk cupboard. “there ye go.”
You smiled and thanked him, and he smiled back. “Yer welcome,” he ignored the flutter in his gut at your smile and went back to work-packing up and handing the worksheet over to Honey Lemon as the bell rang. “Great job guys, I’ll see you all tomorrow!”
“Are we going to do another outside experiment tomorrow?” Evie asked as she went to go to her next class, grinning as Honey Lemon winked at her. “Wicked~ bye!” Evie ran off to go find Mal and tell her about the experiment while Harry went off to English, realizing it was the last class of the day before Roar try outs.
And he still had no idea who the captain was. Harry let out a slow sigh, rubbing the back of his head as he walked into English and took his spot, getting out his books and leaning on his palm-his hook hanging from his belt loop.
Roar was the least of his worries, he still had to figure out the wand situation.
-end of p6-
permtaglist! @queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
POYW R!V2 taglist!
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue
57 notes · View notes
POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P2
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Harry leaned back as Gil, Carlos, and Jay all jumped and wrestled for the candy that was decorated before them-shaking his head as Gil offered him a brown-covered ball of…something. Gil shrugged and popped the ball into his mouth, humming happily at the taste. Harry instead grabbed a sugar-covered rainbow tape from behind him, taking a bite he shivered-it was sour-and then very sweet. Like that bag of sour candy he ate too quickly which caused him to lose all feeling in his tongue for a week.
Harry looked back out the window-watching as the isle flew by, his eyes drifting over to the alleyway that led to the wharf tunnel. He was happy to leave-he supposed, leaving all the pain and strife of the isle, leaving his father behind and all his…clients(gods he hoped his dad wouldn’t turn to his sisters)- but, the isle had been his home for the last 16 years, it was so strange to be leaving.
He turned as Carlos hummed happily at something he ate, his eyes almost sparkling. “-It's salty like nuts but sweet like I dunno what?” Carlos tried to explain, chowing down on the fat brown-covered disc. Harry laughed as Jay wanted to try the new candy but Carlos just showed off the already chewed candy instead of giving Jay the half-eaten disc.
“Ew-“ Jay gagged, stealing the disc and popping it in his mouth, his brows raising as he realized it was damn good candy. Evie turned in her seat while Mal messed around with a remote-Evie alerting the others as the limo drove closer to the edge of the bridge. “look!” Evie screeched, grabbing onto Mal as Carlos screamed that it was a trap.
So this was their plan? Lure them into a false sense of security and then just drown them? Harry had to hand it to Auradon-that was an evil plan.
Jay quickly wrapped his arms around everyone, fingers barely reaching out to Harry’s jacket as everyone screamed and curled in on each other-Gil latching onto Carlos and Harry like there was no tomorrow.
They waited for the feeling of falling-only for it to never come. Instead, the ride smoothed out, no longer hitting potholes and garbage. Harry was the first to open his eyes-sitting up slowly as the driver looked back at them from his rearview mirror. “Oi-“ Harry snapped softly, smacking Gil’s shoulder to make him let go. “We didn’ fall-we’re….we’re outside the barrier.”
With that-everyone sat up, all peering out the window to watch as the limo drove away from the isle and towards Auradon-eyes wide as a magic golden brick road built beneath the car. “What just happened?” Carlos asked, almost climbing over Gil and Harry to get a better look while Evie grinned, her eyes alight with something new. “It must be magic~!” she gasped, holding Mal’s hand as the fae held her head for a moment, her eyes sparking between neon green and emerald.
Harry looked back at the isle, watching as it grew smaller as the limo drove away-Mal turned to the driver, tapping the remote on the seat to get his attention. “Hey!” He turned back, his expression blank behind his sunglasses “Did this little button thing just open the magic barrier?” Mal asked, and the driver shook his head, holding up a golden remote with one button on it.
Harry eyed it, a smirk coming to his lips as he realized just how trusting Auradon dupes were. This dude really just showed off the barrier button with such ease? This was going to be easy.
“No-this one opens the barrier, that one opens my garage. And this button.” He pressed a button on the ceiling of his end of the limo-the divider coming up and blocking the vks from him. Mal grinned, turning to her friends. “Okay~” Mal laughed, tapping the remote on her palm as she got comfortable in her seat. “Nasty~ I like that guy.”
“They’re almost here~” Ben sang as he paced the front yard of the Auradon dorm building, you and Audrey watching him as he practically danced in excitement. Audrey schooled her expression into one of calm excitement-though she hadn’t hidden her…distaste-for Ben’s whole idea in the weeks that past after Ben’s told her about it.
She was adamant that once a villain-always a villain. And she wasn’t happy about Maleficent’s daughter being in Auradon either(neither was the rest of her family.); which you didn’t blame her-but it was sorta rude to carry blame from the mother to the daughter-who hadn’t even done anything to Audrey…yet.
“Beasty boy, calm down,” You laughed, reaching out to grab his suit collar. “People will think you’re going nuts-and that ain’t a good thing.” Ben just stuck his tongue out at you, bouncing on his heels as he took his place beside Audrey, FG and the welcoming band walking out from the dorm building to get in their places as the limo got closer.
“Jim said he’s almost here, about two miles out.” FG said with a happy chirp to her voice, clapping her hands as she stepped between Ben and Audrey. You snorted at Audrey’s pout; no doubt upset about being separated from her ‘Benny boo’.
Fellow students of Auradon prep began to crowd the court yard-all eggar to meet the new students, the vks. You were particularly excited to see a particular vk, you wondered what he looked like during the D1 era? Your question would soon be answered as the band began to play loudly and proudly- FG putting on her best smile as Ben’s back straightened, beaming as the limo drove into the courtyard and came to a stop in front of the garden pathway-the school building clear on the other side of the limo.
You could barely hear some roughhousing over the loud music, watching as the driver opened the door and two boys spilled out-the music stopping dramatically as Harry Hook himself and Gil followed Jay and Carlos out of the limo, Harry brushing off his jacket as he and Gil stepped to the side-away from the two wrestling boys-who seemed to be fighting over a blue blanket.
“You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?!” Carlos cried-chocolate all over his mouth-desperate to keep the blanket.
“Because you want it! Give it to me!” Jay huffed, a grin on his face as he tried to take the blanket away from Carlos-simply because Carlos had grabbed it first and now Jay wanted it.
“No!” Carlos screeched, making Doug flinch a little, and step back as Harry caught his eye and grinned sharply-hook shining in his left hand.
Mal and Evie stepped out last-Evie doing a little spin with a look of awe on her face as Mal straightened herself up, rolling her eyes at the two boys as they continued to fight over the blanket. FG parted the band as she walked forward, her smile now a bit forced as you held back your laughter.
“Guys, guys!” Mal hissed, stepping in front of Jay and Carlos to hide them from FG’s sight. “We have an audience~” Mal sang quietly, getting them to stop fighting and Jay gave his best charming smile. “Just-cleaning up~” he laughed, pulling Carlos off and glaring as Carlos pried the blanket free from Jay’s grip.
Your eyes were on Harry, watching him as he rolled his eyes at the two boys, looking around and squinting as the sun blinded him-pushing Gil’s head down as Gil tried to follow Harry’s line of sight. They both looked very different from their D2 selves. Harry’s hair was a bit longer and shaggier, he had his D2 jacket on but along with that-was a faded red vest, a worn-down button-up shirt, black jeans, and some worn boots with his usual belts and red scarf hanging from his waist.
He looked good, younger, but good.
He still had a shit ton of eyeliner on as well, but you didn’t expect that to be a change.
Gil looked mostly the same, he still had that leather cap on his head-tying his hair back-a tan/brownish shirt, a thigh bag, faded dark jeans, and boots. Like Harry-he looked good, just younger.
FG’s voice brought you back to reality and you tore your eyes away from Harry, just as his eyes found you. He tilted his head, smirking a bit as he got a good look at you. “She’s cute,” Harry whispered to Gil, nodding at you. Gil looked over and nodded, shrugging a bit, admiring the dark hoodie you wore that was decorated with skulls and fire.
Harry liked your expression, amusement, at them or something else, he didn’t know-but he liked your grin. Your eyes were very pretty too, he blinked as Jay and Carlos tossed their stolen items back into the car, the driver slamming the door shut afterward and driving off.
Harry watched as the car drove off, and he realized their bags were still in the trunk-but it was Auradon so he guessed they were going to be put in their rooms or something. Harry sighed, turning back as Jay flirted with the brown-haired girl dressed in pink and blues(two guesses who this was), the girl looked uncomfortable as the pretty girl next to her, you, narrowed her eyes at Jay.
FG interrupted Jay with a bright smile, one that made Harry feel queasy. How in the hell was he going to survive with all this smiling? “welcome to Auradon prep~” she chirped, clapping her hands together as Jay stepped back next to Mal. “im fairy godmother, headmistress~” FG bowed and Mal’s eyes sparkled, and Harry had to hold his laughter back as Mal started to ramble about FG and her wand.
“The Fairy godmother? As in, Bibbidy-Bobbity-Boo?” Mal made a swishing motion with her hand, FG beaming and nodding. “Bibbidy-Bobbity-you know it.” She sang, her cheerfulness made Harry want to squint-something you noticed and laughed at, smirking as Harry caught your eye. He smirked back.
Mal continued on in her wand ramble, and Harry caught the roll of your eyes as you crossed your arms, watching Mal with a barely suppressed wince as she talked about ‘that sparkly wand’. “-and that sparkly wand~” Mal sang, as if her continuing to talk about the wand would magically make FG summon the wand for Mal to take.
“Careful girly,” you said, chuckling as Mal’s eyes snapped towards you. You leaned back on your heel, tipping your chin at the purple-haired fae. “Keep talkin’ about the wand like that, and people might think you’re…” you paused, a knowing smirk on your lips “up to something.”
Harry couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him, yours and Mal’s eyes snapping to him-one in anger, and the other with amusement. “well,” the boy in the suit that stood on the other side of FG started, a joking smile on his lips-leaning over to look at you. “if they really wanted the wand-they’d just have to ask you~!” The vks blinked-wondering what the boy meant when he continued on, chuckling as he spoke. “you’ve probably stolen the wand like-thirty times!”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head at Ben’s exaggeration of your thievery. “Three times beasty, three! And I wouldn’t have stolen it if you just improved your security!” Harry stared you down, a plan growing in his mind.
You had stolen the wand before eh? Three times? If you had done it three times-and clearly could do it more-that meant the wand was easier to get than he thought.
This would be a walk in the park.
“You’ve-you’ve stolen the wand?” Mal asked, almost stuttering as you snorted and shrugged, rolling your eyes as you spoke. “What? like it’s hard? There’s one guard and a flimsy force field-its stupid easy to get it-“ you gestured to FG and Ben, the former of which was staring off with a strained smile. “-they trust too much.”
“You-“ Harry said, pointing at you with his hook, his usual grin on his lips as you smirked back. “I like you.” You gave him a once over, winked, and nodded back at him “Not too bad yourself pirate~”
The girl next to you gasped and pinched your arm, pouting as you yelped and pulled away from her. “(y/n)!” so your name was (y/n) eh? it was…nice. The girl seethed as she hissed out your name, glaring as you huffed and nodded at Harry. “What? All the dudes here are boring, or are Chad-let me have this!” you muttered and Harry snorted. He didn’t know who Chad was, but he must’ve set the bar so low this girl was already chasing his tail.
Then again, he was Harry Hook-the finest pirate on the isle.
FG clapped her hands, regaining the attention she had lost. “Well, let's get back on track, shall we? This is Ben-“ she gestured to the boy dressed in navy, and Harry recognized him from those stupid bore-adon newscasts he saw on the chip shop's fuzzy tv. “Prince! Benjamin,” the girl in pink and blue interrupted, grinning at Ben as he sheepishly smiled, shrugging a bit. Clearly, he wanted to just stay Ben for a bit longer, but pinkie wanted his status to be clear. “Soon to be king~” Pinkie sighed dramatically, and that got Evie’s attention, going into flirt mode as she curtsied to Ben.
“You had me at prince~” Evie sighed and Harry shared a look of ‘oh my fucking gods let this end already’ with you, and you mimed hanging yourself, something that made Harry laugh, his nose scrunching slightly as Gil glanced between the two of you and Evie-watching the event unfold as Audrey ‘politely’ reminded Evie that she nor her mother held any royal status here.
You quickly interrupted, a shit-eating grin on your lips as the girl pouted at your intrusion. “Actually Audrey,” So that was pinkies name then. “Queen Grimhilde never gave up or was exempt from the throne, and Snow White never claimed it-so Evie here is a full-fledged princess who is in direct line for that kingdom's throne~!”
Evie and Audrey, along with the rest of the vks, stared at you in shock, not expecting you to stand up for Evie that way. “What?” you cooed, crossing your arms again and laughing “Just stating facts? Not my fault you didn’t know.” You stuck your tongue out at Audrey as she continued to pout at you.
“And that’s Audrey,” Ben chuckled, introducing her formally. Audrey quickly jumped back into her preppy/nice girl attitude, reaching out to grab Ben’s hand. “Princess! Audrey, his girlfriend~” Audrey sighed, as if the mere mention of being his girlfriend was a dream come true. “Right benny boo~?”
Harry fake gagged, sharing a smile with you as you fake snapped your neck-laughing as you then mimed something coming out your throat-most likely puke. He liked you; you were funny.
“Ben, Audrey, and (y/n)-” FG nodded over to you, and you waved, Gil waving back. “Are going to show you all around, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” The vks nodded, but they all knew they wouldn’t-as they were going to nab that wand by tonight and the isle would be free by tomorrow morning.
FG took Audrey and Ben’s intertwined hands and pushed them apart like they were a pair of doors, the two looking surprised at the action before settling back into their smiles. “The doors of wisdom are never shut! But the library hours are from eight to eleven and as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews~” Mal and the others nodded with strained smiles, FG smiling back before she walked off-the band in tow as Ben.
“Thank god that’s over-“ (y/n) muttered, reaching over and pushing Ben forward “Go on-do your lil speech, I need lunch.” Ben snorted, rolling his eyes fondly as he clapped his hands, facing the vks as they stared back at him-Harry and Gil separated from the other four vks.
Ben beamed, walking up to Jay with his hand out. “it is so, so, so good-to finally meet-“ Jay greeted Ben with a fist to Ben’s chest-not hard-just taking Ben by surprise. “-you all…” Ben quickly brushed it off, continuing down the line- shaking the rest of the vks hands, lingering on Mal for a moment. “This day is a momentous occasion! And one I hope will go down in history, as the day our two peoples began to heal.” Ben said dramatically, it sounded like he had rehearsed this speech multiple times just that day.
Ben shared a strong handshake with Gil, who didn’t seem to realize who Ben was yet, simply smiling as he took Ben’s hand. Ben beamed back.
“or the day you showed six peoples where the bathrooms are~” Mal sang, just as dramatically, swinging her leg in a small bathroom dance. She really did have to go-it was a long trip-nearly two hours long. Ben laughed going back over to Mal-Audrey’s hand sliding into his arm and keeping a tight grip. “a little over the top?” Ben asked, a warm smile on his face as Mal nodded, her nose scrunching as she agreed.
“A little more than a little bit” Mal chuckled, locking eyes with Ben and smiling. Harry shared a look with Gil-and for someone who couldn’t always catch sarcasm or read body language very well-even he could easily see what was going on between Mal and the prince.
Audrey jumped into a whole spiel about Mal and her mom, something Harry ignored-not caring about the new rivalry taking place-he had already been between Mal and Uma for the last seven years, he didn’t want to be involved in this one-even if it could be entertaining.
He watched amused as you mimicked shooting yourself as Audrey and Mal went on being petty as shit and fake laughing. You took out a small rectangular device, harry admiring the wooden case with a pirate ship on the back, whistling to gain Ben’s attention. “lunch is in like-ten minutes- can we hurry this up? I didn’t eat breakfast!” you yelled, and Gil pointed at you, looking very eager for lunch.
Ben just laughed, nodding. “Of course of course, you six must be hungry as well-let’s start with the tour then, shall we?” he gestured to the building behind them-the large stone castle decorated in blue and gold. “Auradon prep, originally built over three hundred years ago-and converted by my father-when he became king!”
Mal took the lead following Ben and Audrey, giving Evie a wide-eyed look as the vks followed Ben into the front yard gardens. “behind us there,” Ben quickly pointed behind the vks, and they looked to the large white concrete buildings with many windows. “is Auradon prep itself, this before us-is the dorm building, where you will all be staying during the school year.” Ben explained, walking up to a statue of his father and clapping his hands twice.
Gil and Carlos screamed as the statute turned into a giant metal beast, Carlos leaping into Jay’s arms as Gil clung to Harry, shaking as he hid his face in Harry’s shoulder. “it’s fake Gil, just metal-it can’t hurt ye” Harry whispered, patting Gil’s arm that ran across his stomach-feeling the air escape him as Gil squeezed him tightly. “Gilly-I can’t breathe-it’s not real, I swear.”
Ben looked heartbroken at the sight of Gil, being so afraid of the beast his father once was. He would have to make sure that fear no longer existed, in both Carlos and Gil. Ben spoke to Carlos, not wanting to bring attention to Gil who was slowly realizing the beast before him was fake-and not the monster that would kill him like his father said it would. “Carlos, it’s okay.” Ben said with a comforting smile, watching as Jay put Carlos back on his feet-looking annoyed yet concerned for the younger vk. “my father wanted his statue to convert from beast to man, to remind us that anything is possible.”
Mal hummed, wanting the ease the tension that had erupted thanks to Gil and Carlos. “Does he shed much?” she joked, not expecting Ben’s response. “Yeah, mom won’t let him on the couch,” Ben said with a sly grin, chuckling as she stared at him in thinly veiled amusement.
Ben caught your eyes, where you were just staring at him with the clear thought of ‘food’ in your eyes, Ben rolled his eyes fondly and continued on with the tour. “so this is the dorm building, as I said-where you will be staying, there's a cafeteria in the west wing that’s open from seven to midnight-though lunch during the school day is held at the school-otherwise all your meals will be here. there's also a library, a pool, a lounge, a study hall, a student kitchen, and a medical room for any emergencies.” Ben explained, entering the entrance hall of the building.
Jay attempted to steal a vase-admiring the pastel colors and gold painting on it-Carlos slapped his arm and shook his head. Jay just grinned, looking around as Ben and Audrey came to a stop at the end of the room-while you found your way up the staircase on the right.
Harry looked up at you, tilting his head slightly as you picked at your nails, no longer listening as Mal once again asked about magic and wands. “Yeah it exists of course,” Ben answered, Audrey still clinging to his arm as Harry stared up at you, smirking as you rose your brow at him after catching his stare. “but it’s pretty much retired. Most of us here are just, ordinary mortals.” Ben laughed, his smile growing as Mal joked around a little bit-something Audrey was not happy with.
Well, if Harry was dating someone-and saw them basically flirting with someone else right in front of them-he wouldn’t be happy either. So he couldn’t exactly blame Audrey for being possessive-Mal was as much of a thief as he and Jay were.
“who-happen to be kings and queens,” Mal said with a roll of her eyes, her smile dropping as Audrey interrupted her, looking all too happy to wrap Ben’s arm around her to claim him. “That’s true! Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years~” Harry shared a look with you, and you once again mimicked dying, making Harry laugh again.
Gil glanced between the two of you, hiding his smile as Harry went back to enjoying the stupidity of the new rivalry between Audrey and Mal. Ben looked all too happy to see one of those band kids making his way down the stairs, holding a clipboard and muttering to himself. Ben called out his name and quickly made his way to meet the band kid. “Doug! Come down!” Doug, a string bean of a kid with glasses-quickly jogged down the stairs to meet Ben, who tossed his arm over Doug’s shoulder and introduced him to the vks.
“This is Doug. He’s going to help you with your class schedules, and show you the rest of the dorms!” Ben gave a smile to Doug, who smiled back-happy to help his friend. Ben walked back over the vks, mostly looking at Mal-something Evie smiled at. “I’ll see you later, okay?” it was almost as if he was speaking directly to Mal, but his words were directed to all the vks. Mal nodded, and Ben stepped back, Audrey automatically clinging to his arm again. “and If there is anything you need, feel free to-“
Audrey quickly interrupted him, not wanting to lose her boyfriend to the vks. “Ask Doug or (y/n)~” Audrey sang, sharing another fake laugh with Mal that drew out into a sigh-Mal halfway glaring at the pastel-covered princess as she made Ben move along. He paused, looking back at Harry and Gil. “Harry, Gil?” they perked up, wondering what the prince wanted. “(y/n) will be your guide around the school, so if you need anything-just go to her!” With that, Ben was pulled away by Audrey-who didn’t want to be around the vks for a second longer.
The vks turned to Doug as he waved to get their attention, looking only the slightest bit nervous as the villain kids stared him down. “Hi, guys, I’m Dopey’s son? As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy-“ Doug went off to name almost all his uncles, the vks simply ignoring him and looking around the room-Jay finding what was worth stealing as Mal looked for ways they could sneak out later to get the wand. Doug caught Evie’s eye and he flushed, stuttering as she smirked at him-putting on her charm while Jay and Carlos rolled their eyes knowingly.
“heigh-ho,” Doug muttered, cheeks pink as Evie sauntered up to him, curling a lock of hair around her finger. “Evie,” she purred, giving the lanky boy a once over "Evil queen’s daughter~" Doug continued to stare, only snapping out of it when he realized he was staring.
“okay-so, about your classes. I put in the requirements already,” Mal perked up and went to look over Doug’s shoulder, looking at the classes she and the others would be attending. There were six sheets of paper-their names at the top of each sheet-Mal’s was in the front giving her full view of her schedule.
She had the classes Doug was mentioning currently, along with math, English, life without magic, and science. No matter, it’s not like she would need the schedule anyway-they were getting the wand tonight.
“and-remedial goodness 101!” Doug finished with a smile and Mal smirked, taking candy from her pocket and popping it into her mouth. “Lemme guess, new class?” Mal guessed, and Doug nodded-looking sympathetic, and Mal saw that the class was taught by FG-so that was just-so much fun~
“Come on guys, let’s go find our dorms,” Mal said, gaining the attention of her crew, while Harry and Gil turned to look at you as you started to make your way up the stairs-Mal and the others going up the other stairwell. You let out a sharp whistle, gaining their attention while Doug stared at Evie. “Your dorms are this way guys,” you said with a smirk, pointing behind you. Mal pressed her lips together, quickly descending the stairs and following you to the dorms; the rest of the vks close behind.
Harry pushed open the door to his and Gil’s room, his brows raising as he stepped inside. It was huge-almost as big as the captain's quarters on his dads ship. “wow,” Gil muttered, speeding into the room and touching everything he could see “holy shit Harry! This place is huge!” Gil looked out the window as Harry trailed his fingers against the Auradon kingdom map on the wall, nodding as Gil continued to explore.
“Aye, and very…green,” Harry muttered, everything was either blue, green, gold, or brown. With books, athletic gear, and other nick-nacks decorating the room. their bags sat on the two beds in the room-both sitting by the windows. Harry jumped as Gil turned on a large flat screen tv-clicking through every channel available. He found one with cartoons-something about a red-haired spy and her dorky partner who had a naked rat-and sat down on his bed, staring at the TV with wide eyes.
"Harry-“ Gil said, jumping off the bed almost as soon as he sat down, turning to press his hands into the mattress. “Harry, this bed is so fucking soft-Harry come here-“ Harry grumbled, letting Gil tug him around and push him into the bed, pausing as he sunk into the mattress.
“Why the fuck is it so soft?” Harry cursed, standing up and peeling back the sheets-clenching his jaw as he and Gil pressed their hands into the mattress and it sprang back up in no time-their mattresses back on the isle were practically sheets of lumpy stone.
Harry almost wished he had time to get used to the cloud-like mattress-but they were going to get the wand tonight, they had no time to waste. “So you like it? I trust it meets your, high standards” you asked, almost teasing them, leaning against the doorframe of their room. Gil nodded excitedly as he found the mini-fridge as Harry crossed his arms and shrugged.
“I mean, I can live with this,” Harry said, gesturing around the room that was 2x bigger than his own on his dads ship. You laughed, biting your lips as you nodded, “yeah?” Harry nodded, pursing his lips. “yeah,” you laughed again, pushing off the doorframe with one hand and leaning forward, one of your hands hanging as you glanced around the room. “Are you sure?”
Harry laughed this time, nodding again. “yeah, I’m sure.” You smiled at him, and Harry couldn't help but smile back. “okay, well thank you for tolerating it,” you hummed, pushing off the doorframe and nodding toward the room on the opposite side of the hall. “Whenever you guys are ready for lunch, just come get me and I can walk you guys to the cafeteria. Or if you want you could order room service-that is a thing here.” you laughed at the way Harry’s brows rose and turned on your heel, stepping into your room and closing the door with your foot.
 Before Harry could take a step-you quickly opened the door back up with a sheepish grin. “Forgot to mention it, but curfew is at midnight! Dinner is at six, and ends at eight-but the kitchens are open until curfew along with the student kitchen-okay that’s it bye!”  And you closed your door again, leaving the hallway in silence.
Harry quickly closed the door to the dorm and locked it, taking a deep breath as he looked around the grand room. “fuck.” He cursed quietly, looking back at Gil who was hypnotized by the cartoon-the red-haired spy now fighting against a pale woman wearing black and green.
Harry sighed, sitting down next to Gil and taking the bag of popcorn he had made, leaning into his palm as the two watched the cartoon. “how are we gonna pull this off gil?” Harry asked quietly, for the last-however many years-Uma had been the planner-the captain, and while Harry was still a leader-he had gotten used to following.
How were they going to do this without Uma?
“I don’t know Harry,” Gil said, snapping out of his cartoon daze, looking down at the apple juice that had been in the mini-fridge. “I really don’t know.”
Harry sighed, messing with the golden seashell bracelet on his wrist. “We’re doomed without Uma, ain't we?”
“Yep. Totally doomed.”
Harry smacked Gil on the shoulder, Gil yelped at the action “Hey! What gives?!”
“It was a rhetorical question, Gil.”
“How was I supposed to know that?!”
-end of p2-
P2~!!!! again-very happy with how this version is turning out! much easier to read with hella more content~!
@sephiralorange @queer-cosette @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
POYW R!v2 taglist!
56 notes · View notes
rewrite revise - (y/n) extra outfits
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im taking creative liberties and making the roar captain uniform black(she totally just dyes it and now its her forever since she changed school property lol)
54 notes · View notes
POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P3
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warning! panic attacks and implied abuse!
They ended up spending the rest of their day going through their clothes and ordering room service, Harry admiring the fizzy drink that had been delivered by the school staff. It was called root beer, and Harry had yet to try it just yet-Gil already halfway through his eggs, fried chicken, roasted Brussel sprouts, and French fries.
Harry opened the bottle with his hook(with some difficulty, but Harry was extra af) and took a careful sip of the drink, his jaw-dropping and eyes widening as the taste hit his tongue. “Holy shit-“ Harry cursed, sipping the soda again and gasping “Holy shit!” It was fucking amazing-absolutely amazing-from the first taste to the after taste-it was amazing.
“Gil-Gil-try try try” Harry babbled, his hands twitching and moving about wildly as they always did when he got antsy-bouncing in his seat as Gil tried the root beer. Gil licked his lips as he pulled the bottle away-sharing a wide-eyed look with Harry. “Holy crap that’s good!” Gil cheered, taking one more sip and then handing it back to Harry, offering the orange soda he had ordered. “Try mine!”
Harry took the bottle and tried it, nodding-good-but not as good as root beer. Harry took a bite of his turkey sandwich-which was so weird to eat without the slimy meat or super stale/half molded bread-it was good though, but it only made him angrier over the fact that he and so many others had been forced to eat garbage while this good shit was available to the Auradon people 24/7.
“Okay-“ Harry started, wiping his mouth as and Gil leaned over a map of Auradon city, they needed to plan for the wand-and if they were lucky-by the next morning the isle would be freed, and they would be on the seas with Uma in no time. “So, first-we need to find out where the wand is, what the security is like-which according to the lass” Harry nodded towards your room and Gil nodded, shoving several fries into his mouth. “is only guarded by one guard and a force field-but we don’t know if that has been upgraded since then. Then we make an escape plan, I say we steal a limo and one of those remotes, then boom-isle’s free.”
“Seems pretty straightforward.” Gil muttered; it was easy to follow-other than all the in-betweens Gil would no doubt lose track of-but that was Harry’s job. “Now-just where is tha’ wand?” Harry asked himself, scratching his head as he looked down at the Auradon city map-he would use the magic map his dad gave him-but it only showed him the building he was currently in- it wouldn’t show a path to the wand.
“Oh, I know!” Gil cheered, standing and grabbing a book from his bed-one of which he had been reading before lunch arrived, he had taken it from the bookshelf between the beds. Harry looked at the title, having not cared to when Gil first grabbed the book. “history of Auradon and its magical items.” Harry muttered, leaning on his palm and letting Gil babble on about the book.
“And then I got to this section-wands and scepters-and it says Fairy Godmothers' wand has been kept in the museum of cultural history since Auradon was created! It’s brought out during special celebrations, coronations, or blessings for new royals, such as prince Ben’s birth.” Gil finished with a grin; happy he could help as Harry’s blank eyes turned to a wide grin.
“Gil-ye-ye, wonderful boy!” Harry stood, taking Gil’s cheeks and kissing his forehead, Gil laughing as he did so. “Now we know where tha’ wand is! Is there a map of the museum at all?” Gil stood again and grabbed some sort of pamphlet from the bookshelf, handing it to Harry.
“Map of Auradon’s museum of cultural history,” Harry muttered, pumping his fist as he opened it and laid it out on the table in front of him, grabbing a notepad so he could write down all his plans. “Atta boy Gil, now eat yer eggs and I’ll plan.” Gil nodded, leaning over the table to watch Harry mutter to himself, scribbling on the notepad and the maps and crossing certain things out.
A knock on the door jolted Harry out of his focus, he was surrounded by maps of Auradon, the oceans around Auradon, the isle, and the museum, several scratched-out notepads sitting buried by those maps. “Who is it!?” Harry yelled out, Gil looking over his shoulder at the door from his cartoons(this time of three bug-eyed girls who had superpowers), watching as Harry scrambled to hide the plans he had made and scratched out.
“It's me!” you yelled back, stepping away from the door as it flew open, Harry looking a bit frazzled. “It’s uh-dinner time, and if you guys want, I can walk you over to the cafeteria?” you nodded down the hall towards the aforementioned place, and Harry was about to decline when his and Gil’s stomachs rumbled. Harry gave a glare to his stomach and held it, turning to look out the windows of the dorm-it was darker than it was a few hours before-but they had at least two hours of sunlight left.
Harry had really lost track of time, hadn’t he?
“I could eat!” Gil proclaimed, jumping up from the couch and meeting Harry at the door, smiling at him. “We could use the fuel.” Gil subtly, as subtle as he could be, glanced back at the piles of maps and notes. Harry sighed, nodding slightly in agreement. He would need to eat-and he wouldn’t deny Gil having dinner-Gil got grumpy when he was hungry.
“Fine-let’s go,” Harry muttered, following Gil out of the room and locking the door behind him, trailing behind you and Gil as you led the way-Gil chatting away about what he had found in the dorm room-and what he had for lunch, and what he found in the mini fridge. “Root beer eh?” you laughed as Gil told you about the magnificent drink Harry had discovered. “That’s my favorite too, there's a brand that’s just the best-has a black licorice aftertaste as well, best thing in Auradon-other than Mrs. Pott’s chocolate chip cookies.”
Harry hummed, barely listening, his eyes scanning each hallway they passed through-for each exit and entrance, for any cameras or security he and Gil might face on their way out later that night. “So do ye got guards at all? For after curfew?” Harry asked, walking forward to step beside you, tilting his head as you shrugged. “What’s tha’ supposed to mean?”
“Kinda? I mean-some armors around the halls are enchanted to survey the students, but only after curfew starts, before that it’s kinda a free for all-if you know where to go-you can practically leave campus without anyone seeing you-just gotta know where those particular suits are.” You explained, giving Harry so much information without even knowing it.(or so he thought ;3)
“Which armors are they?” Gil asked instead of Harry, which Harry mentally patted Gil on the back for doing-if Harry asked-it would be suspicious, Gil’s questions were always so… light-hearted, truly curious instead of plotting. You gave them a quick rundown of the enchanted armor. There was one in the hall of their dorm wing, facing the stairs, one by the window at the end of the hall of their dorm wing, and it was the same for each floor and hall-and then two at the back entrance.
“They didn’t put any at the front?” Harry asked, wondering how these Auradon dupes could be so trusting. You just shrugged, having wondered the same thing for the last two months. “Yep, dunno why-but hey, I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth, though I usually just sneak out my window, they got no other campus security other than the armors-and they’re all inside. I think they’re more concerned over someone having sex than anyone sneaking in or out.”
Harry snorted, a grin splitting on his face, really? Underage sex was the most Auradon was worried about? They really were stupid-they wouldn’t know what hit em. You glanced at him, raising your brows at his expression, he just smirked back-sharing a look with Gil when you looked away first.
“And here we are-food heaven-its buffet style so get in line, grab a tray and grab what you think you would like, no limits.“ With that, after briefly showing off the cafeteria, you skipped off to join the line, sharing a smile with the girl in front of you, sporting a bob haircut and dressed in a shimmering red and florescent pink jacket, a Chinese dragon curling on the back of it.
Harry and Gil took a moment to look around, it was a bit bigger than the cafeteria back at serpent prep-much much cleaner, bright as fuck-and…smelled amazing. “What the fuck is that?” Harry asked, sniffing the air for that pungent smell of….garlic? his eyes drifted to a spot near the end of the line of students, seeing loaves and loaves of bread that looked and smelled fucking amazing. “c’mon-before all the goods stuff gone!“ Gil said in a hurry, grabbing Harry’s wrist and dragging him into the line, bouncing on his heels as the food got ever closer.
Harry spotted Mal and her cronies filing into the room, prince Ben with them looking positively beaming as he showed off the hall. Mal looked bored as ever, clearly wanting the day to be over with already while Jay and Carlos were drooling. Evie looked as if she wanted to do the same, but kept her composure-just as she was taught.
Harry felt his wrist be grabbed again and he realized he left his hook in his dorm room. He cursed under his breath at that-he had never left his hook behind-ever, not unless it was with Uma. Now he was twitchy, his leg bouncing and picking at the threads on his jeans as he and Gil waited in line. Finally, they got to the front, each grabbing a tray and plate and going down the line. It seemed it was pasta night, with several options of pasta and sauce being offered. One of the staff offered a smile that reminded Harry of his uncle Smee, dressed in soft purple and gold, “What would you like dearies?” she asked, her grey hair pulled back behind a hair net-her name tag reading ‘Mrs. Potts.’
Harry just shrugged, looking at all the options, they were so many he didn’t know what to choose. Gil however seemed to know what to pick-selecting two different kinds of pasta and sauces, spaghetti and ravioli with alfredo and tomato sauce. Harry went with the basic spaghetti and tomato sauce, nodding as Mrs. Potts told him he could come back for a different dish if he didn’t like the one he chose.
Everyone was so damn nice-it was so fucking weird-freaked him out.
They both got garlic bread, and roasted carrots. They both narrowed their eyes at the dessert section. “The fuck is chocolate?” Harry asked Gil quietly, who shrugged, picking out something called a brownie. Harry grabbed the pack of chocolate chip cookies, remembering your words from earlier and how they were better than root beer.
Speaking of root beer, Harry quickly grabbed a bottle of it from the drinks at the end and looked around for a table, pursing his lips as he looked for an empty one. He saw one with you and that girl with short hair, just the two of you. You felt his eyes on you and waved him over with an inviting smile. Harry sighed, seeing only one more table and Jay was already claiming it.
Harry nodded for Gil to follow and walked over to you, sitting down next to you and Gil sat on his other side. “Ah~ the famous spaghetti sauce,” you sang, pointing at Harry’s plate. “Good choice, we get the recipe directly from Tony’s restaurant, which is famous for its spaghetti and meatballs.” Harry slowly nodded, poking at his food, noticing there were small balls of meat in his sauce.
“hi-I’m Gil,” Harry looked up to see Gil shaking hands with the girl across from you, who beamed and shook his hand, introducing herself. “im Li-Liane, but everyone just calls me Lonnie.” Gil nodded, sitting back down as Lonnie looked at Harry as if expecting something. Harry sighed, holding out his hand. “I’m Harry, Harry Hook.”
She shook his hand eagerly, beaming. When she let it go Harry sneakily rubbed his hand on his pants, clenching his hand as he did-she had a good grip and he noted she had the callouses of a swordswoman. “Nice to meet you! Are you guys enjoying your stay so far? I'm sure a lot of it’s overwhelming-I mean, just from across the sea-everything looks so dark and damp over there-I heard you guys get no sunlight and-I mean-oh sorry! Im rambling!” Lonnie laughed, shaking her head to rid herself of her thoughts.
Harry just shrugged, poking his food again. “it’s fine, I guess, it’s very…” Harry looked up, squinting at the bright florescent lights of the hall. “bright ‘ere.” Lonnie laughed with a small snort-nodding as she did. “Yeah, it would do you guys good to invest in some sunglasses and sunscreen.”
Harry just hummed, shrugging as he did, it wouldn’t matter. The sun would be covered by storm clouds soon enough. He finally took a bite of his food-his eyes going wide as the sauce hit his tongue. “Holy fuck.” He cursed quietly, starting to shovel the food into his mouth. Lonnie looked a bit awed as you ignored how he and Gil ate like there was no tomorrow.
He didn’t care, just continued to eat, pausing to drink his soda, breath, eat some garlic bread and carrots-then dove back into his pasta. By the time he was done, he let out a satisfied huff, he felt full-for the first time-he felt full, his stomach pudging a little against his belt.
He was going to need a nap-he could tell-food coma. He glanced over his shoulders-seeing the other vks all doing the same thing he was moments before-poking at their food. Mal looked almost disgusted by what was in front of her, Evie looked nearly afraid to eat what little serving she had gotten, Carlos was eying up his, and Jay was glaring at it.
Jay looked up, glaring at Harry then realized his plate was empty-Harry supposed that was reason enough to trust the food because Jay started to eat. Even if they were enemies now-vks did have small bits of trust for each other-one was in food. If Harry could eat-so could they.
The others followed Jay’s lead soon enough-though Evie kept picking at her food, the only thing that she actually ate was the vegetables. She had always been skinny-too skinny even for the isle-Harry frowned from his spot across the hall, turning at the sound of plastic. He watched as Gil opened the packaged brownie he had picked out and took a bite.
Gil grabbed his arm, and that was all Harry needed to know, chuckling as Gil’s eyes turned to stars. With that-Harry opened his pack of cookies, flipping it over in his hands to study it before taking a bite, and instead of grabbing Gil-he grabbed you, freezing as the taste of chocolate chip cookies hit his tongue. You laughed, Lonnie doing her best to look as if she wasn’t watching their reactions as you patted Harry's hand that lay on your shoulder. “Good?”
Harry nodded, staring down at the disc-shaped piece of heaven he had in his hand “Good, Mrs. Pott’s makes those by hand almost every day-and hands down, she makes the best in Auradon city.” Harry just hummed-almost moaned as he took another bite of the cookie, sharing his other one with Gil as Gil handed him the last (big)bite of his brownie.
Harry did moan as the taste of deep chocolate hit him, the treat thick and chewy. A fudge brownie the packaging said. Harry would definitely have to save one of these for Uma-she would love it. The thought of Uma made his shoulders fall for a moment, but he forced that feeling of homesickness away-he would see her soon enough.
He and Gil were quiet for the rest of dinner, Gil going back to get seconds and more dessert as Harry listened to you and Lonnie talk-Lonnie asking you something about roar, whatever that was, and the upcoming competition season.
“We have one more position open-try outs are on Tuesday as well, but I know you have that thing with your mom that day-so, I’ll let you know if the spot remains open.” Lonnie nodded at your words, humming a bit as you opened your pack of cookies and looked up at the clock. “wow, that time already?” Harry looked up, seeing it was 19 minutes to eight. “Already seven thirty-damn.”
Harry pressed his lips together, damn his time comprehension skills, he was better at reading the skies than he was a clock. You started to clean up your nearly empty tray, giving Lonnie the last of your sides, which she happily ate. “I have some stuff to return to the library before it closes for the day-so, see ya!” you waved the boys and Lonnie goodbye, heading back into the halls of the dorm building, leaving Harry and Gil alone with Lonnie.
The three just stared at each other, before Lonnie smiled and stood with her empty tray. “I won’t bug you guys with my presence, have a good rest of your night!” and with that-Harry and Gil were alone, some of their ‘fellow’ students staring at them. Harry grumbled under his breath, wanting this day to be done with so they could just go get the wand already.
“Hey guys!” Harry closed his eyes-taking a deep breath before facing Ben-who smiled down at them so brightly Harry considered getting those sunglasses Lonnie talked about. “How’s your day so far? Good, I hope?”
“Goodie goodie as it can be~” Harry said with false cheer-which-yeah it had been a pretty good day, they had been mostly left to their own devices in their dorm and had been able to plan most of their wand theft. But he couldn’t let beasty boy know that, why would he?
“Amazing, I trust your rooms are to your liking as well?” Ben asked; that bright smile that made Harry want to choke himself out on his face. Harry just shrugged again-but Gil nodded enthusiastically, babbling away about what he had discovered in the room-from the mini fridge to the tv. Ben happily listened, hanging onto each word Gil said.
Harry let Gil have it, Harry….heavily tolerated the fuck but it was easy to get overwhelmed by his chatter-might as well let Gil chatter away to someone who didn’t mind. Harry got up at one point to get more root beer and something called Oreos(which god damn another thing straight from the gods), stole a pen from Ben at another point and started drawing on Gil’s arm until the bell rang to single the end of dinner.
Harry was the first up and tossed his clean tray and plate onto a rolling table already filled with used trays and plates-throwing his trash into the can and then grabbing Gil. “Well, it’s been a blast talkin’ ta ye beasty-but it’s been such a long day-and I need me beauty sleep, ciao~” Harry sang, dragging Gil away from the bewildered prince who started laughing as soon as Gil and Harry were out the cafeteria doors.
“This is going to be fun,” Ben said to himself, catching up with Audrey and Chad as they waited for him at their table-refusing to interact with ‘the dirty pirates’.
“Ye remember what I told ye, right?” Gil nodded, reciting the plan as he and Harry got ready to sneak out(it was just before curfew) and get the wand. Harry had a feeling Mal and her cronies would be making their go for it tonight as well, but no doubt Harry and Gil would get there first-Mal had a habit of leaving planning for the last minute, and no doubt she was only barely getting the location of the wand.
Gilly boy had found that out hours ago, so they had a head start by miles. “There’s no campus security-other than those armors, so we should be good to head on foot-“ Harry spotted the clock-minutes away from midnight-at least he thought so. It was close enough. “C’mon, before the armors turn on.”
Harry and Gil made sure their bags were sitting near the window-still unpacked-just in case they were able to come back and get their stuff after nabbing the wand. Harry carefully opened the door, spotting Mal and Evie going into Jay and Carlos’ room a few doors down.
Harry pulled out his magic map, whispering the words to unlock it. “I solemnly swear I am up ta’ no good,” Harry choked on his breath and Gil watched in awe as the map bloomed to life. ‘the marauders map’ it read, and it had every single detail of the building Harry stood in down to the smallest crack. “Amazing, bloody amazing,” Harry muttered, opening the map enough to where he could see him and Gil-you were across the hall in the corner-asleep most likely-and Mal and the others were in the dorm-all surrounding a table.
“Let’s go,” Harry whispered as Gil alerted him it was two minutes to midnight. With that-Harry and Gil left their room, speeding down the halls and stairs, the dorm building doors closing behind them just as the minutes ticked down to midnight.
Harry could just barely hear the click of metal as the suits of armor activated, but that didn’t matter anymore-they had a wand to steal. Harry was glad he had a strong memory, using the map of Auradon city in his head to guide him and Gil to the museum-the map in his hands changing ever so slightly as they traveled further away from the dorm building.
It took about half an hour to reach the museum-and they were both breathing heavily as they arrived, having not stopped their entire run. “How we looking?” Gil asked breathlessly, holding his hand to his chest as Harry opened the map-seeing him and Gil at the main entrance of the museum-he looked inside, seeing only one guard-just as you had said earlier-near the employee/security entrance.
“Wicked,” Harry said in response, leading Gil to the employee/security entrance and climbing up the side till he found an open window on the upper balcony. “How stupid are they?” Harry asked himself quietly, pushing open the window-which nearly hit him in the face due to it being one of those ones that rotated instead of sliding to open. “Careful!” Gil yelped quietly, a few feet below Harry. Harry just glared down at him and slipped inside, walking along the thankfully wide ledge-and Harry thanked the gods all the cameras were sitting below that ledge-unless he or Gil slipped-they were undetected.
He waved Gil inside, holding Gil’s arm as he shoved his body through the window-he was much bigger than Harry, and he nearly fell trying to find his feet.
Harry looked down-seeing the single security guard looking at several sets of cameras, and behind him-was Maleficent’s cursed spindle. “That’s-the spindle?” Harry chuckled silently, sharing a wide grin with Gil, who laughed quietly with him. “not so scary in real life,” Gil remarked, following Harry through the upper ledges.
Harry spotted a blur of purple, orange, red, and blue at the doors and he grinned-he had beaten them to the punch-he and Gil were already inside and making their way towards the wand. They just had to shut off the cameras first. No use in getting caught early.
Harry found the main office with the magic map and dropped down quietly, opening the unlocked door(again, how stupid was Auradon?) and pushing inside, Gil standing watch in the hall-out of sight from any cameras. “iiii don’t know what any of this means-“ Harry hissed, glaring at the multitude of screens and buttons before him-showing items and halls of things he didn’t care for.
He saw the one with the wand and licked his lips-raising his brow as he notices the cameras were using tape to record their footage. “too easy,” Harry grumbled, taking the tape out and reminding himself to put it back in when he got back-so it looked like a simple glitch instead of a heist.
Harry did the same to all the tapes that led the way to and from the wand, nodding to himself when half the screens were black. “Got it-lets go-“ and they were off, skipping steps and running up towards the fifth floor that held the wand, using the map and signs to find their way.
Harry let out a cough as he stopped to find his way and Gil slammed into his back “Gil-“ Harry hissed, having nearly dropped his hook and Map to the floor-the former of which-if he had dropped it-would’ve made a loud noise, alerting the guard. “Watch where yer….goin-“ Harry paused, following Gil’s gaze; locking with his father's eyes. Harry leaped back, his chest constricted and throat closing-no, no it was impossible-he couldn’t be here-his father-no-  he was stuck on the isle.
But he was right here-Harry was going to feel that familiar sting of a hook on his back any moment now, the cruel voice of his father-the panic that came with his footsteps would surely rear its ugly head soon-
“Harry-Harry!” Gil took his shoulders and stood in front of him, blocking the devilish red eyes of captain hook. “it’s fake-it’s a statue, like the one at the school? It can’t hurt you, it’s fake.” Harry closed his eyes, counting to ten like Uma had taught him as he took deep breaths. “there you go-deep breaths man, deep breaths.”
Harry shook his head to get rid of the rest of those constricting feelings, turning away from the gallery of villains and continuing towards the wand. Behind him-he could hear the others making their way through the museum. Harry hoped luck was on his side and he would nab the wand before they could even glance at it.
Harry slid to a halt as he was about to take the direct path to the wand-cursing as he saw the camera still blinking red-the others he had turned off hadn’t. he had missed a camera. “that way” Harry whispered, pointing down another hall-an indirect way to the wand. Thank god for magic maps. Gil followed him into the dark hallway, taking several turns and a set of stairs to find the main wand room.
“Shit-“ Harry muttered, hitting the rails of the wand centerpiece at the same time as Carlos, Mal, Evie, and Jay did. They all glared at each other-Harry hiding away his map and pointing his hook at Mal, who was giving her best ‘back off’ glare. “I was ‘ere first ye toad. I get dibs.” Harry hissed, eyes widening as Jay ducked beneath the rails and started to reach for the wand.
“Jay-don’t-“ Harry yelped, clenching his jaw as Jay just grinned and continued reaching for the precious item that would free them all and prove them to their parents. “Jay-“ Mal yelped this time-realizing why Harry had been trying to stop Jay-the spotlight surrounding the wand was magical and if Jay touched it! “Jay-stop-no!”
Jay hit the barrier and was blown back, everyone clapping their hands over their ears as a head-piercing siren blared to life. “A force field and a siren!?” Carlos yelled out in agony, already beginning to turn back to run-the wand was too risky to get now. “That just a little excessive!” Jay croaked, yelping as Gil yanked him up and started to pull him out of the wand room-letting him go as Harry went the other way than Mal did-seeing the guard making his way directly to them on the map.
Mal noticed them and hissed-quickly following Harry and Gil-narrowly missing the guard who had been shocked awake thanks to the alarm. The six vks quickly ran through the halls and down the stairs, all leaving the same way Mal and the others had come in. Gil slid to a stop as he noticed Carlos at the security desk, bouncing on his heels as Carlos said something about a chip malfunction and turned off the alarm.
“Carlos!” Mal yelled from outside, the younger Vk rolling his eyes and jogging after her with Gil-Harry practically a half mile ahead as he bolted back to the dorms-only stopping so Gil could catch up. “Way to go Jay, now we have to go to school tomorrow!” Mal hissed, hitting Jay upside the head as he passed her.
He rolled his eyes-catching up to Harry and Gil and suddenly making it a race to get back to the dorms.
Harry and Gil tumbled into their room from the window they had left open-being seen by no one. They breathed heavily as Jay and Carlos rushed back into their rooms through the hall-and Harry had a feeling at least one of the armors saw them.
Oh well-wasn’t his problem.
“let’s go to bed,” Gil said-already yawning. “we have a big day tomorrow, and it’s already been a long day.” Harry had to agree, groaning at the thought of going to school. Yuck.
Harry stripped out of the clothes he had been wearing all day, and now looking at his ratty vest that was once his older sisters-his jacket once his fathers-he felt much dirtier than he had before. Everyone in Auradon was spick and span-not a speck of dirt to be seen on anyone.
The only person he had seen not be perfect in posture and cleanliness, was you, Harry supposed he should be thankful for that-to have someone not be as much of a shell shock as every other kid was.
Harry sighed as he lay in bed, his eyes on the ceiling of his new room. he wondered what the wand heist would’ve been like if Uma had been there with them, it would’ve gone off swimmingly harry mentally bet himself, Uma would’ve gotten them in and out within a minute-wand secured and Auradon in ashes.
Harry never realized how much he relied on Uma until he was hundreds of miles away from her-across the ocean and unable to see her. He tossed his arm over his eyes, his golden bracelet pressing against his cheek as he felt a heavy pit in his throat.
He never realized you could get homesick for someone.
-end of p3-
Its sad/yearning huma hours everybody~~~ hope you liked the boy's wand heist! last time i just had them stay in their room and i always felt like that was so-boring-so now they did go try to steal the wand~
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
POYw R!V2 taglist!
58 notes · View notes
POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P14
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Everyone stared in terror at the sight of Maleficent-the mistress of all evil. Cackling and holding her glowing dragon's eye scepter. Mal shook her head-they had chosen good; she had turned her back on her mother-she wouldn’t do her bidding anymore. “Go away, mother.” Mal said, exasperated.
Harry pushed you behind him, ready to run at a moment's notice, his hook held tight in his free hand.
Maleficent just laughed, snorting; looking around the room as if what Mal said was a joke. “she’s funny,” she turned back to her daughter, still grinning. “you’re very funny, here.” Mal just shook her head; her mother never took her seriously. “wand me. Chop chop.”
Mal glanced at the wand and stepped forward, making it seem like she was handing it to her mother-to the objection of many guests-but Mal quickly threw it to FG who caught it and began to banish Maleficent from the cathedral and back to the isle of the lost. “Bibbidi-bopiddi-“
Maleficent interrupted her, mocking the good fairy. “Boo,” with a wave of her scepter-and everyone but the vks were frozen in place, guests staring blanky in terror with FG frozen mid-spell. “Sike~” Maleficent cooked, cackling as she looked around the room, her eyes flashing as she spotted Aurora and her little prince amongst the crowd-but she could deal with them later.
She cooed as she spotted Adam, strutting over and flirting with the frozen now ex-king and taking his glasses. The vks watched helplessly, unsure of what they could do as Maleficent wandered about-flinching as she snatched the wand from FG.
Harry shuffled a bit as he felt your hand squeeze his and heard the sound of something ripping, a flutter of red fabric drifting into his vision as it hit the floor away from the group. He didn’t dare turn back-he didn’t want Maleficent knowing her spell hadn’t affected you.
 Maleficent taunted FG and sighed, turning in a half circle as she surveyed the room. “Where shall we being-oh, I know! Why don’t we start by getting rid of this!” With a wave of the wand, Ben’s ring slipped from Mal’s finger and onto the wand, Maleficent cackling as Mal gasped-staring at her now bare finger. “Perfect fit!!”
Mal pressed her lips together, tears in her eyes as Maleficent chuckled, taking Ben’s face and turning it towards her, a cruel smirk on her lips. “Falling in love is weak,” She pushed Ben’s crown back and then pushed his face back towards Mal-his expression still in shock. “and ridiculous.” Mal looked into his eyes and squared her shoulders. She would not let her mother take away her new-found happy ending.
“It’s not what you want,” Maleficent sighed, rolling her eyes as Mal shook her head-speaking loudly. “You don’t know what I want!” Mal cried, clenching her fists. “Mom, have you ever once asked me what I want? I’m not you!” Maleficent simply sighed, of course she wasn’t-no one would ever be Maleficent but that was the point of Mal herself, to become her predecessor and rule with a cruel iron fist. “Obviously! I’ve had years and years and years and years of practice being evil-you’ll get there~!” if Maleficent was trying to be comforting-she wasn't. Mal shook her head. no-she would never become her mother-she would make sure of that.
“No, I will not!” Maleficent paused, staring at her daughter, wondering where this defiant attitude had come from. “And I really wish you had never gotten there yourself,” Mal sobbed, truly feeling sorry for her mother-wondering what had happened in her life to make her so bitter and cruel, enough to where she couldn’t even show a lick of love to her only daughter.
“Love is not weak, or ridiculous.” Mal looked to Ben, smiling. Remembering each kiss on her hand, each look into his eyes, each hug, or smile, and stupid love note he left her. “it's actually really amazing!”
Maleficent curled her lip-she had heard enough. Her daughter had been corrupted by Auradon and she would make sure Mal fell back in line. “I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your life.” Mal just glared, puffing her chest and throwing out her hand-her eyes glowing bright green as she spoke in a loud and clear voice.
“And now I command, wand to my hand!”
In a flash of light and vivid purple sparks-the wand flew out of Maleficent's hand and into Mal’s, the wand sensing Mal’s honest intentions and obeying her commands. “it worked-“ Mal gasped, it actually worked-she got the wand back.
Maleficent screeched with rage, pacing back and forth in frustration. “I hardly think so-frankly, this is tedious and very immature-give me the wand-give me the wand!” Maleficent demanding-quickly losing her cool and holding her hand out-staring at Mal with wide and crazy eyes.
Mal gulped-turning as Carlos held her arm gently. “Hold on, maybe good really is more powerful than evil,” he muttered, frowning as Maleficent laughed and rolled her eyes, as if what he said was a joke. “Oh please, you’re killing me!” she barked like a dog to scare him but he just glared-Dude rushing up at the same time and jumping on Maleficent, growling and snarling at her.
She threw the dog off-commenting on his breath and huffing, her throat now covered in slobber. Carlos scooped Dude up, eyes wide-he had never seen Dude act like that. Jay rushed forward-using the moment of distraction to attempt to get the scepter from Maleficent but it didn’t budge and she just stared at him-her eyes glowing as she got in his face and smirked-feeling his bicep. “Gaston should be jealous~” she purred, flicking his forward and blasting him back.
Before he even hit the floor-a blur of red bolted towards Maleficent, a fist connecting with her jaw and sending a loud crack through the silent cathedral. Maleficent yelped in pain, stumbling back and tripping on the steps of the platform behind her. “(y/n)!” Mal gasped your name, Harry staring in awe.
You had ripped most of your skirt off, revealing a pair of leggings that had been below your dress just in case and a pair of sturdy low-heeled boots. You smirked back at her-turning with a glare as Maleficent stood up, her eyes a poisonous green. “little witch,” Maleficent hissed-the scepter glowing a vile green. “you’ll pay for that!”
Harry and the others screamed out your name as Maleficent pointed her scepter at you and released a bolt of lightning right at your chest. It collided and quickly dispersed-nothing had happened. Maleficent’s jaw dropped in horror and the vks stared in awe. “How-“ she whispered and you cracked your neck, grinning at her. That should’ve killed you-or at least harmed you greatly-why did it just-do nothing?”
“Immune to magic, long story.” You quipped, loosening up your arms and drawing them up in fists. Maleficent roared with rage, sending more bolts of lightning at you along with waves of glowing green magic-each hitting you and dispersing like mist as you ran towards her. She dodged your first punch, doubling over as your knee collided with her gut, and then hitting the ground as you slammed your fist between the bottom of her neck and shoulder blades.
You went to grab her scepter only for it to slam into your cheek-you spun back, quickly regaining your balance as Mal caught your arm and you hissed in pain-your cheek already turning red. “Enough!” Maleficent screamed with a bloody nose, getting back to her feet-smoke pouring from her mouth as her eyes glowed bright green, her pupils thin and slanted. “You all will regret this!!”
In a tower of smoke and fire-Maleficent’s dragon form overtook them, cackling as her famed transformation completed, staring down at her traitorous daughter and her friends. “RUN!” Mal screamed-the seven teens leaping out of the way as Maleficent blasted them with green fire, some of it catching Mal’s cape as she rolled away from the blast.
Harry grabbed your arm and Gil’s, pulling the two of you towards the exit only for fire to consume it. “Shit!” Harry yelped, gasping as Gil tossed him back and they quickly took cover behind a pillar, fire billowing where they once were. “Wait-where’s-” Harry looked around for you, panic overtaking his chest when he couldn’t find you. “(y/n)!”
He heard Maleficent screech in pain and he glanced from behind the pillar-eyes wide at the sight of you ripping through the dragon's jaw with a sword-dark purple blood decorating your face and arms as you jumped back just in time to not be crushed by her claw.
Jay scrambled up from the floor-you had saved him-and the two of you ran as Maleficent roared, following you down the aisle. Evie stepped out and used her mirror to blind the dragon-smirking as Maleficent screeched again and pawed at her eyes.
Harry and Gil leaped out from behind the pillar, running back into the group and Harry collided with Evie as he pushed her to the floor, just barely missing a swipe from the dragon's tail. You pushed Gil off you and grabbed the sword again, glaring up at Maleficent as she growled-snarling down at the seven teens that were defying the mistress of all evil.
You were very tempted to chuck this thing at her heart-the scar from the sword of truth still on her chest from so many years ago. “Everyone behind me!” Mal yelled, holding the wand like a sword, aimed at her mother. The vks quickly did as asked, Harry pulling you into his arms. “This is between you and me Mother,”
Maleficent let out a hiss, steam coming from her throat and blood pooling on the floor from her jaw. Mal’s eyes began to glow, along with the wand as she began to cast a spell that would hopefully get rid of her mother once and for all-or at least banish her back to the isle. “The strength of evil is good as none-when stands before seven hearts as one!”
Evie’s hands joined Mal’s on the wand-echoing her words, Jay and Carlos quickly following her lead. “The strength of evil is good as none-when stands before seven hearts as one!” you glanced behind you at Harry and Gil, they nodded back and the three of you all reached over to grab onto Mal’s shoulders and arms-joining in on the spell as the wand began to glow-going from purple to iridescent.
“The strength of evil is good as none-when stands before seven hearts as one!”
Mal gasped as she felt a surge of magic overtake her-making her feel more powerful than she ever had. She pointed the wand at her mother who was beginning to rear up to fire at them-and a beam of light blasted the dragon-overtaking Maleficent with its power and she screamed-turning into a ball of light that shrunk down until all that was left was a little purple lizard.
The wand stopped glowing and Mal did too-her eyes flickering back to their normal green. She collapsed in her friend's arms, all of them breathing heavily as the powerful magic of the wand disappeared. “holy shit,” Harry muttered, Jay nodding in agreement as he helped Mal get back on her feet-FG being freed from Maleficent’s freezing spell at the same time-gasping at the destruction she saw.
Luckily, somehow, none of the guests or royals were harmed.
The darkness that seemed to overtake the cathedral upon Maleficent’s arrival dispersed-the sun once again beaming through the stained glass. “what happened-“ Mal muttered, picking up her skirt and running towards her now lizard mother-wondering what had happened. “did you do it?” Evie asked, running after Mal, Mal shrugged as she came to a stop in front of the little purple lizard that was once a dragon. “I don’t know!” Mal gasped, looking up to see FG running towards them-looking so very relieved and proud of them.
“You all did it,” FG breathed, smiling. “in a moment of crisis, your hearts came together and the wand used your combined love to defeat her-the spell shrunk your mother down to the size of the love in her heart-that’s why she’s so itty bitty.” Mal frowned, looking down at her mother. She was such a small lizard, Mal wondered what Maleficent did love to make her that size.
She definitely didn’t love Mal. For all Mal knew, she loved power, Diablo, and her scepter. “Is she going to be like that forever?” Mal asked, crouching down to get a better look-her mother not even bigger than her hand. FG shrugged, smiling at all the vks. “Well, forever is a long time, you learned to love, so can she.” Mal smiled sadly, knowing her mother would hate her forever now.
Mal sighed, handing the wand back to FG. “I believe this belongs to you.” FG smiled, taking the wand and picking up Ben’s ring from the floor. “And I believe this, belongs to you.” Mal beamed, happily putting the ring on as FG stood- nodding at the vks. “You all have earned yourselves an A in goodness class.”
Harry snorted, rolling his eyes as he pulled you into his side, smiling as you reattached your skirt and tossed the sword you had somehow gotten between your hands. FG reversed the damage done to the cathedra, removed Maleficent’s blood from your face and arms-and reversed the spell Maleficent had cast on the crowd. “Bibbidi-bopiddi-boo!”
Ben, as soon as he was freed from the spell-leaped out of his mother’s arms and roared-clearly aiming for Maleficent who was no longer there. Mal caught him and laughed, shaking her head as Ben looked around-confused. “Ben! okay-we uh, kinda got this all wrapped up here.” he laughed, blushing a bit as you groaned; shaking your head.
“And never do that again, that was so cringe.” He laughed, looking back down at Mal as she smiled up at him. he picked her up-spinning her around as she laughed, Evie and the boys smiling at each other as Ben held Mal close.
Harry looked at you and you grinned back, kissing his cheek. “good job,” you whispered and he chuckled, using his hook to scratch his jaw as a blush overtook his cheeks and ears.
Ben set Mal down-holding her gently. “Next time, I save you; okay?” Mal laughed, shaking her head and cupping Ben’s face with her hands. “Yeah, let’s not let there be a next time, okay?” Ben laughed and nodded, giving Mal a look as she grabbed his crown and placed it sideways on his head-giggling as he shook his head fondly.
You caught a glance of FG scolding Jane and turned to Harry, telling him you would be right back. He furrowed his brows but nodded, holding your hand till it slipped out of his naturally and you walked over to FG and Jane, taking Jane’s shoulder as you stepped up to them. “Don’t be too hard on her FG, things have been really topsy turvy for everyone.” FG huffed, but said Jane was still grounded for a month-and walked off, leaving you and Jane alone. you turned to her and she sighed, looking so very apologetic.
“I'm sorry (y/n), I didn’t mean to let everything get so out of hand but-for once I was-being talked to, I was being invited to hang out, and…it got to my head.” you shrugged, it was understandable, Jane was easily manipulated-one of the reasons you interfered before Mal could get into Jane's head. it was just unfortunate that Audrey got to Jane next.
“it’s not me you have to apologize to,” you muttered, looking over your shoulder at Gil. Jane’s shoulders fell as she caught his eye and he looked away, now frowning. “yeah…gods he’ll never forgive me,” Jane whispered and you shook your head.
“Nah, he will, you just need to mean it when you apologize and make it up to him. it’ll take time, but from what I know, Gil’s not one to hold a grudge.” Jane let a smile grow on her face and nodded, continuing to watch Gil as you squeezed her shoulder and went back to Harry, watching as Audrey and Mal bowed to each other-Mal then apologized to Audrey about the whole ordeal, including Ben.
Audrey seemed surprised to hear such an apology, but she smiled, and they bowed to each other again. They might never be friends-but they wouldn’t be enemies.
You turned to Harry then, grinning as he smiled down at you. “Hi,” he whispered, taking your hand again and kissing your knuckles. “tha’ was fucking badass,” you laughed, looking down at the sword still in your hands, shrugging a bit.
“Ah, sae that's whaur mah sword went!” you turned, laughing as Fergus strolled up and took his sword back, making a face at the purple blood on the blade. “whit did ye dae? stab th' huir?” Harry nodded, looking at you with the biggest grin.
“Tha’s exactly what she did” Harry hummed, bringing you into his side and tossing his arm over your shoulder, laughing as you rolled your eyes and pushed him fondly. “shush, I was just protecting you guys,” you muttered, blushing as Harry pecked the top of your head and hugged you.
“By stabbin' a feckin' dragon, yer crazy (y/n); But that's whit makes ye sae loveable.” Fergus said with a laugh, patting your shoulder and going back to his family as one of the guards put the spell jar over lizard Maleficent, Mal making sure she wasn’t squished before joining the group hug Jay was initiating-making sure you, Harry, and Gil were involved as the vks smiled at each other.
They had done it. they had freed themselves from their parents and were finally free to live their lives as they wished.
“let’s get this party started!” Jay cheered-everyone laughing and joining on that Auradon hype chant they had learned during that fateful tourney game.
"ohay, ohay-hey!”
Uma watched as the camera finally turned back on-she had heard the entire thing-the entire battle. The vks had fought against Maleficent and won, they had actually won. Harry and Gil had chosen Auradon over freeing the isle-but they weren’t leaving her behind. Harry had made Ben promise to bring her, and Harry’s sisters to Auradon as soon as possible.
Ignoring her mother's screeches of rage, Uma threw off her apron and bolted upstairs to her room-letting herself jump around and dance with laughter spilling from her lips as she celebrated.
They may have abandoned their parents, but they hadn’t abandoned her.
She couldn’t wait to go to Auradon.
CJ was determined that Harry had duped the heroes, that he was playing the long game, soon-maybe after Ben got the two of them to Auradon-they would take over the kingdom as siblings. “Yeah-that’s what he’s waiting for, us! You’ll see boys, soon Auradon will be ours!” the Smee twins cheered and followed CJ around as she mimicked taking Ben’s crown for herself, making tall tales about what she would do when she finally left this dreaded isle.
Harriet knew better though; she knew her baby brother.
He was falling in love; he didn’t know it yet-but he was. She saw the way he looked at (y/n), and how he screamed her name when she was fighting Maleficent. he cared for her, a lot. He had truly chosen Auradon, and (y/n), over their father.
And honestly? Good for him. He was finally free from their father's abuse, and she couldn’t wait till the day she would never have to see that man's face ever again.
King Ben had better keep his promise.
The reception for the coronation celebration ran into the evening-dinner finally being served after so many hours. It had been a very long day-the coronation had started at 10 am and now it was nearly 730pm. There had been many games, formal dances, talking with royals, chatting up nobles, speeches, some ass kissing, and Ben hamming it up with the vks, making sure they were all okay and bringing Mal many plates of strawberries.
In just half an hour-the formal celebration would end and the party for the teen king and his classmates would begin-all to be held at the dorm building. There would be fireworks, so much candy even the most tolerant kid would have a sugar crash, soda, water balloons, streamers, silly string, anything a teenager could imagine. The planning committee had gone all out for their king, and many of the teens were vibrating with excitement-just wanting to party already.
But before that-Harry wanted some questions answered.
“So, what do we do now?” Gil asked, the two boys finally getting a moment of quiet after hours of being pulled around by the celebration. Harry shrugged, laying back on the table he was sitting on-resting his head on the bench.
“Dunno,” Harry grumbled, throwing his arm over his eyes. “play it by ear I guess. Make sure Ben gets Uma an’ me sisters over ‘ere.” Gil nodded, sitting up as he saw you walking over to them-holding a tray with three plates-balancing a few drinks with it. he stood, taking the drinks and helping you set the plates out, licking his lips as he saw the food.
You knew them well.
“Harry,” you said, tapping his exposed nose and he huffed, making you giggle. “food, I got you cinnamon rolls and root beer.” Harry sat up, kissing your hand when he did and turning to sit properly, rubbing his hands together and digging in.
After a few moments, Gil perked up-remembering something. “hey (y/n)?” you looked up and nodded, gesturing for him to go on. “back when we were fighting Maleficent, you said you were immune to magic…how?” Harry turned to you-having wondered the same thing since you mentioned the love spell never working in the first place.
You sighed, setting down your fork and licking your lips-wondering where to start. “well, the immunity thing-its…hard to describe? FG said I don’t have magic particles, so magic itself has nothing to bind to in me, so-magic just…doesn’t work? I dunno.” You muttered, playing with your straw.
Gil frowned, tilting his head. “but…why don’t you have magic particles? Wait do we have magic particles? But we can’t use magic?” you nodded, and then shook your head. “well, as far as I know-everyone has magic particles, some more than others-but everyone does. So-you both don’t have enough to cast magic without a spell book or a wand, or something that channels magic-but you do have them. But I don’t have any, so I can’t use or be affected by magic.”
Gil and Harry slowly nodded, Harry narrowing his eyes. “but…why don’t ye have any?” you sighed, well here comes the tough part.
“okay, so-this is going to sound-so wild but…I’m not from Auradon,” they already guessed that since you were so different from anyone else. “but I’m also not from anywhere else on this earth,” okay now they were confused. “I’m from another universe, I somehow got transported into this world for one reason or another-and because FG couldn’t cast a spell to send me back-I’ve been stuck for the last-four months now? But-magic doesn’t exist where I’m from-so I wasn’t born with magic particles like you guys were so…I just-don’t have any for the magic here to affect.”
Harry nodded, that-actually made a lot of sense. “Is tha’ how ye knew about the love potion?” Harry asked and Gil sat up. “She knew?!” Gil yelped and you nodded, picking at your fingers.
“yeah, knew from the very start…actually-where I’m from, you guys are nothing but some characters on a screen for me, where I’m from-this” you gestured around, Harry’s gaze following your hand. “is all just a movie.” Harry slowly nodded-sighing as he looked back at you. “so, you knew-everything? Every moment?” he asked, and you slowly nodded, then shook your head.
“I didn’t know what would happen with you two-you see, you actually weren’t a part of the script, you were both in the second movie, with Uma.” They perked up at the mention of their best friend and you continued. “in my world-the only vks to go to Auradon were Mal and the others, but I convinced Ben to bring two more; you and Gil.”
You laughed a bit, shaking your head. “I don’t really know why I did, but-I did, and now you’re both here…so.” You shrugged again, smiling at the boys-who smiled back. “yeah, that’s the gist of it, I'm from another world.”
“That’s fuckin’ baller,” Gil said and you laughed loudly, shaking your head at him as Harry sighed, shaking his head fondly. “I have never heard you say that before-why did you say that?” you asked, still laughing as Gil shrugged.
“Dunno, just felt like the right thing to say,” Gil said with a laugh, and Harry snorted, turning back to you. “So did anything happen that ye didn’t expect?” Harry asked, a blush overcoming his face as you smiled at him and said; “You, I didn’t expect you.”
Gil covered his laugh with a cough, smiling at the two of you as you shrugged, taking Harry’s hand and squeezing it. “Honestly, while I had the biggest crush on you, before you even knew I existed-I really didn’t expect you, and I’m really happy you chose Auradon.”
Harry grinned, giggling as he turned his face away-his face burning as you laughed, biting your lip as he tucked his chin into his chest. “Cheeky,” he whispered, bringing your hand up and kissing your knuckles.
“I know you are but what am I?” you shot back, laughing as Harry rolled his eyes and pulled you into a hug, squeezing you tightly. “Thank ye (y/n),” he whispered, kissing your head and you hummed, snuggling into your boyfriend(you still couldn't believe that).
“Thank you, Harry.”
You turned at the sound of cheering and blasting music-Ben being hoisted up by the boys and paraded around-most of the adults leaving as the party picked up. “I think it’s time,” you chuckled, standing and holding out your hands to Harry and Gil. “ready to dance the night away?”
They grinned and stood, taking your hands and walking out with you to the main event of the night.
It was time to set it off!
-end of part 14-
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
R!Poyw v2 taglist!
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue @evilunicorns4minions
48 notes · View notes
POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P12
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The days leading up to the coronation felt slow and yet they sped by all the same-the vks were getting anxious as the time drew close and while you already knew the ending of this story-you hoped the six of them would make the right choice.
Harry was losing focus in all his classes, his leg always bouncing with flashes of red dancing in his eyes. Gil sometimes skipped his meals, looking sick to the stomach as Friday came closer. Jay fumbled a few scores during tourney practice, and Carlos seemed to hold Dude even closer than usual-red rimmed eyes hidden behind golden fur.
You wanted to tell them everything would be okay, that they would be safe from their parents; but you couldn’t, they had no clue you knew their fates and you didn’t want to risk anything. So you simply offered your smiles and comfort, mostly to Harry; who would always smile weakly and take your hand, squeezing it gently.
Late Tuesday night, the vks were in the boy’s dorm room surrounding the desk as Mal set out several maps and blueprints of the cathedral, and then a map leading from the limo garage to the isle-where they would make their escape back to the isle with the wand in tow-where Maleficent would unleash hell on Auradon.
“Okay, so we all know what this looks like,” Mal muttered, pointing down at a drawing of the wand-the vks nodded, Harry looking down at his map-looking out for anyone that might try to enter the room unannounced-only half listening. “So it will be up on the dais, under the beasts spell jar, Ben will be coming in from here-“ Mal pointed down at the map, creating a path from the entrance of the cathedral to the middle platform where Ben would be crowned king. “-Harry and I will be in the very front, you will all be up in the balcony.”
The vks nodded again, Gil nearly falling asleep-he had hardly gotten any since his break up with Jane. She was fully ignoring him now.
“Carlos?” Mal said, and he nodded, explaining his part of the plan. “I’ll find our limo, so we can break the barrier-and get back on the isle with the wand.” Mal nodded again, now looking to Evie.
“And I’ll spray the guard with this,” she held up the perfume bottle holding the sleeping potion “Two sprays and he’ll be out like a light for an hour,” Evie mumbled, the one she had used on Chad only lasting for 10 seconds. Mal nodded again, ignoring the hesitancy in everyone's voice-once again-they were having doubts. But they had to push through, they didn’t have a choice anymore.
 Mal looked around and everyone nodded-they had a plan, all that was left to do was execute it. Mal sighed, sitting down and looking down at her spell book, flipping to the anti-love potion page. Evie caught a glance and frowned, tilting her head as Mal recited the indication to break the spell on Ben.
“M?” Evie said, confusion clear in her voice. Mal looked up, wondering what Evie wanted. “You want to break Ben’s love spell?” Evie asked, frowning down at Mal. Mal slowly nodded, shrugging as she did. “yeah,” Evie shook her head-she didn’t understand. “you know for, after.” Evie sat down and Harry’s eyes drew to Mal’s spell book-swallowing harshly when he thought of you.
“I’ve just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon and being to loot, and kick everyone out of their castles…” Mal paused and Jay glanced up at her, holding his tourney stick loosely between his hands. Carlos stared down at Dude, feeling an ache in his heart for what his mother might do to his now beloved mutt. “-and impression their leaders, and destroy all that is good and beautiful.” Mal continued, glancing back down at her spell book-her eyes catching onto a small note Ben had left her that had been slipped between the pages. “Ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra…cruel,” Mal whispered, shrugging as she turned to Evie, who just stared.
Harry stood, Mal looking at him as he did. He closed his map and then tapped the spell book. “Make two,” he muttered, his eyes distant and glassy. Mal nodded, watching him walk out with Gil-not bothering to ask him what was wrong.
She knew very well what Harry was feeling, after all-she was going through the same thing with Ben. “M,” Evie whispered and Mal quickly stood as Evie tried to take her hand, taking her spell book with her as she headed off to the kitchens, she had to make the anti-love potion as soon as possible.
Evie stared after her, her gaze turning down to the piles of paper on the desk, Carlos and Jay behind her, both quiet and doubting their choices.
Later that night-after the lights had gone out and everyone was back in their dorms-not one of the vks could sleep. Jay tossed aside the tourney ball he was messing with and stood, pacing the room-his eye catching the tourney game trophy that was displayed on the shelf between his and Carlos’ bed-the gold shimmering in the moon-light.
Jay stared hard, glancing away and continuing to pace. He didn’t know if he could go back to being a simple thief who slaved away, day and night, for his father.
Carlos turned over at the sound of Jay’s footsteps-his eyes catching onto Dude and reaching out-tugging the mutt close and cuddling him. he didn’t know if he could go back to being a glorified servant for his insane mother. Evie sat up in her bed-seeing Mal was still in the kitchens and pulled out her chemistry test-the first test she had ever passed with just her brain. The B+ stared back at her and Evie sighed, biting her lip. She didn’t know if she could go back to being that ditsy princess her mother wanted her to be.
Gil stared up at the ceiling of his room-his father's words from the day he left echoing in his mind; ‘come back with that wand, and you might finally be worthy of my name’ Gaston had said. Gil clicked his jaw, turning over and seeing a picture of him and Jay-freshly soaked with Gatorade and holding the trophy together-both of them smiling. Harry was at his side, his hair damp after Gil had tackled him and squeezed the Gatorade out of his jersey onto Harry.
He didn’t know if he could go back to being Gaston the 4th-the youngest son, the failure of the three sons. He wanted to be Gil, to stay in Auradon, to hang out with you and Harry-to be safe. He wanted to Uma here with them-he just wanted to be safe.
Harry turned over in his bed-his eyes catching onto a Polaroid picture of you and him at the beach-one Gil had taken-pinned to the cork board on the wall across from his bed. You were both smiling, and in your hands was a pile of sand that contained sand crabs, holding them up to Harry for him to see-he was in the middle of a wild laugh, his hands hovering above your arms-not knowing if he wanted to touch the crabs or not.
He looked at his hook, and then his golden shell bracelet-closing his eyes and turning over in his bed-throwing his blanket over his face and stifling a sob. He didn’t know if he could go back to being nothing but his father’s payment, someone to be passed around with no 2nd thought. He didn’t want to leave you, but he also couldn’t leave his sisters or Uma on that damned rock.
What the fuck was he going to do?
Mal stared down at the cupcake mix, letting her emotions flow through her now that she was alone. She was scared-so scared, and confused; she didn’t know what she wanted. Did she want her mother's approval-the thing she had desired all her life? Or did she want to stay in Auradon, with Ben and her friends-safe and far away from the isle's polluted air.
With Ben, she felt like she was flying above the clouds-free as a bird and able to be just-Mal. She knew if she did go back to her mother-she would be shoved in that little silver cage again until her mother deemed her worthy. Mal knew she would never be worthy in her mother's eyes. None of the vks would be, to them they would always be 2nd best, trash, something to discard when they were done with.
Mal didn’t know if she could go back to that. Mal didn’t know if she could condemn her friends to that again. She didn’t know if she could watch Harry be scared of his father again. She didn’t know if she could watch Gil look small while his brothers and Gaston ridiculed him for being stupid again.
A million thoughts in my head, should I let my heart keep listening? I know, it’s time, to say, goodbye, so hard to let go.
Mal sobbed, a single tear dropping into the mix-the potion now fully enchanted and ready to bake. Mal sniffed, closing the book and turning away, letting herself cry for the first time since she was a baby.
Why was this so hard?
You pulled off your helmet, staring at Harry as he tossed his sword and helmet to the floor, along with his gloves as he plopped down on one of the blocks-the rest of the team shuffling out after a mostly successful practice. Harry had really lost focus these last few days, and now he was fumbling through Roar-something that he was always laser-focused on. Now he would stumble, a loose grip on his sword-get caught by the mats and blocks-land wrong and tumble to the floor.
He was frustrated, that was clear to see-and very confused. You knew why-so many thoughts and worries going through his mind-all about the coronation and what would possibly happen. “Harry?” you asked quietly, he had been-distant the last few days, as if he was scared to approach you-to be with you. He had even ditched your date the night before-saying something about not feeling good.
He just hummed, wiping his nose and the sweat from his forehead. “Are you okay? You seem…out of touch,” you muttered, walking over to him and pressing your glove-free hand to his neck-he flinched away and you pulled back, not wanting to overstep a boundary.
“m’fine, jus’ got a lot on me mind,” Harry grumbled, standing and collecting his things-pulling away from your hand as you tried to grab his. You felt your heart break a little, swallowing hard as Harry went to leave.
(y/n); you know I want you.
You whispered out and Harry paused, hand on the door frame with his head turned towards you slightly. He swallowed, a pit in his throat.
(y/n); it’s not a secret I try to hide, I know you want me.
You let your gloves drop to the floor, making your way towards Harry-resting your hand on his back as he tensed up, keeping his head down-hiding his eyes from you.
(y/n); so don’t keep saying our hands are tied.
Harry pulled away from you, coronation day didn’t need to hurt more than it already ways-he didn’t need this-he didn’t need to admit he felt so much more for you than he realized.
(y/n); you claim it's not in the cards, and fate is pulling you miles away-and out of reach from me; but you’re here in my heart so who can stop me if I decide that you’re my destiny?
You caught his wrist, pulling him back towards you softly, trying to look into his eyes.
(y/n); why don’t we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing could keep us apart-you’d be the one I was meant to find.”
Harry shook his head, pulling away again and going to another exit-but you jumped in front of him-your hands in the air, pleading to him with glassy eyes.
(y/n); It’s up to you, and It's up to me-no one can say who we get to be. Why don’t we rewrite the stars, maybe the word could be ours…tonight.
You held out your hand and Harry stared down at you, his eyes shining with unshed tears. He shook his head again and pushed past you-leaving the amphitheater. After a few moments of feeling the ache in your chest-you ran after him, leaving your gear behind.
The halls were empty-making Harry easy to find. You caught up to him, about to speak when he beat you to it.
Harry; You think it’s easy, you think I don’t want to run to you? But there are mountains, and there are doors that we can’t walk through.
Harry palmed the pocket watch in his pocket-one from his father-as his golden shell bracelet pressed against his wrist. Harry bit his lip-shaking his head again, he did want to love you-he had long accepted that-but with everything that was about to happen-loving you would only bring you both pain.
Harry pushed open the doors leading out of the school, pushing through residual groups of students and heading out to the forest-hoping to get some fresh air. You followed.
Harry; I know you’re wondering why, because we’re able to be just you and me-within these walls
Harry gestured to the grounds around them, biting his inner bottom lip as he breathed in that fresh Auradon air-filled with the scent of a living forest, feeling the healthy roots beneath his feet.
Harry; But when we go outside, you’re going to wake up and see it was hopeless after all.
Harry disappeared within the trees and you looked around for him-listening for any sign of his footsteps, a flash of blue and yellow within the browns and greens. Finally, you saw him, still looking away from you-but standing still-holding a tree and hanging off of it slightly.
Harry; How can we rewrite the stars; how can you say you’ll be mine? Everything keeps us apart, and I’m not the one you’re meant to find.
Harry began to trek through the forest again, and once again you followed-nearly losing him within the foliage.
Harry; It’s not up to you, it’s not up to me, when everyone tells us what we can be-how can we rewrite the stars, say that the world could be ours-tonight.
You finally caught up to him, jumping down from a rock and landing in front of him-his arms catching you as you stumbled into them-looking into his eyes-that held the same ache as yours-an ache for love, a yearning for you.
Both; All I want is to fly with you, all I want is to fall with you-so just give me all of you!
Harry’s hands drew up to your neck-bringing you so close you thought you might kiss, his breath ghosting across your face as you held his arms, staring into his eyes.
Harry; It feels impossible (y/n); It’s not impossible! Harry; Is it impossible? both: Say that it’s possible!
You began to dance through the forest-pulling each other into your arms and twiring, falling deeper into that chasm Harry feared so much-but not right now-with you-anything felt possible, he could take on the world with you.
Both; How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing can keep us apart! Cause you are the one I was meant to find! It’s up to you, and it’s up to me-no one can say what we're meant to be! And why don’t we rewrite the stars? Changing the world to be ours!
You came to a sudden stop, your faces so close you could kiss simply by breathing, your bodies pressed against each other like they were meant to be like this-like two puzzle pieces finally fitting together.
Harry stared down at you, feeling lighter than air, and then he caught the glint of his golden bracelet-and he stepped back, his jaw clicking as those tears came back to his eyes.
Harry; you know I want you,
Harry whispered-unable to speak above it, the ache in his heart too much to bear.
Harry; it’s not a secret I try to hide, but I can’t have you…we’re bound to break and my hands, are tied.
You didn’t let him leave-closing your eyes and pressing your forehead against his. Harry let out a sigh that almost sounded like a sob, holding your hands that were caressing his cheeks.
“I won’t assume what you’re going through or thinking,” you whispered-though you very much knew what was causing Harry’s turmoil. “but please, don’t shut me out.” Harry stared down at you, then glanced away; whispering under his breath.
“if somethin’ happened at tha’ coronation, and we had ta leave immediately…would ye leave with me?” you nodded, with zero hesitancy and Harry huffed, shaking his head sadly-he thought you only agreed due to the love potion still in affect-but he didn’t know it never took effect in the first place.
You were willing to follow him to the ends of the earth. He just needed to learn that.
“Okay,” Harry muttered, raising his hands to curl them around your cheeks, still not looking you in the eyes. “okay.”
You smiled sadly, leaning up to kiss his chin and then hugging him tightly; you knew how this story ended-you just hoped Harry and Gil picked the same ending.
Harry sighed deeply, wrapping his arms around you and letting himself fall into your embrace.
The coronation was just two days away.
“Listen Uma, I know ye think Harry fucked off with some other girl, and yer jealous.” Uma huffed at Harriet's words, crossing her arms and pouting.(she wasn’t pouting, she was glaring meanly while puffing her cheeks)
“I’m not jealous, I mean-it’s not like, I like him or anything, and we were never…together, or anything like that.” Uma made a vague gesture as she spoke-her cheeks warming up at the thought. Harriet just hummed, a knowing look; Harry looked at Uma like she put the stars in the sky and made the waves with a breath.
“uh-huh, either way, Harry wouldn’t just leave ye fer some new girl. Clearly-he’s usin her ta’ get tha’ wand. Like the imp is fer prince beasty,” Harriet raised her brow, tilting her head at Uma who slowly nodded. That…made a lot of sense.
The way he looked at that girl still made her uneasy though-she would never admit why it did, but it did.
“But what if he does like her?” Uma said quietly, and Harriet sighed. “if he does, he does. But I can guarantee he would never abandon ye fer anyone or anythin’, ye have been friends-” Harriet made a sour face at the word but Uma didn’t react. “-since ye were in diapers, nobody could make him abandon ye. Promise.” With this, Harriet stood, staring down at Uma who continued to fiddle with her matching golden bracelet. (that she usually hid below her sleeves or other leather bracelets)
Eventually, Harriet sighed, patting Uma’s head and walking off, leaving Uma in her thoughts.
She knew she was being stupid; Harry would never never leave her behind, he had promised. And he never broke his promises-even on an island filled with liars, thieves, and cheaters-Harry was not one of them. (though he was as much of a thief as she was; pirate n all)
She just had to trust him, and Gil. They knew what they were doing, and as much as Uma hated to admit it-she had to push through her jealousy and let Harry walk his path-even if it diverged from her and led him to another girl. If what she saw on the tv was real-and Harry found someone new to follow-that girl better hope she never hurt Harry or there would be hell to pay.
The same went for her boys if they did leave her behind.
Harry lifted his chin uncomfortably as Evie measured the length of his neck and then his shoulders and chest. “Ain't the coronation like-a day n a half away? Thought ye would’ve started on these a week ago at the least,” Harry muttered, letting his chin drop again as Evie stepped back, nodding to herself.
“Oh I did,” Evie said with a chirp in her voice, grabbing a scarlet red tail coat embellished with gold buttons and ropes; along with it a pair of dark pants, a dark burgundy vest, and a white high collar button-up, handing them to Harry to try on. “I just need to make sure I had your measurements right; now try it on, I need to see if I have to do any adjustments.” Harry sighed, but obeyed, going into the bathroom and changing.
When he stepped out Evie beamed, clapping her hands. “Aah~ you look so handsome, Harry!” Harry flushed, scratching his cheek as Evie made him turn with a wave of her finger. “Good, good, shorten the tail a little bit-and pull in the waist of the coat and vest-there's a slip on your pants for your hook just so you know,“ Harry nodded, freezing as Evie’s hands landed on his back, pulling and tugging at the vest and coat. “pants are perfect, I have a pair of boots for you to wear as well, undershirt fits well? Any tightness? Pinching?” Harry moved his arms and shook his head; he could breathe easily enough and move just fine. “Good good, just the tailcoat, and vest then, okay you can change back.”
Once again Harry did as asked and changed back into his day clothes, folding the suit over his arm and handing it back to Evie, slipping on his shoes as she muttered to herself. Harry stood awkwardly with his hands in his pockets as he waited, unsure of what he was waiting for-but he waited.
Finally Evie turned back around, a smile on her face. “thank you!” she chirped, nodding back towards her door. “that’s all I needed,” Harry nodded, turning and about to walk out-stopping when he was about to open the door.
“Evie?” Harry asked quietly, turning back to the blue haired vk. She hummed, scribbling something on her sketch pad-a lavender marker cap in her mouth. “tha lass, the potion didn’t fully affect her, right?” Evie nodded. “so-If she were ta’ agree to run away with me in case something goes wrong at the coronation, would that be from the potion or would tha’ be her truth?”
Evie slowly looked up at him, blinking. She opened her mouth-letting the cap drop into her hand and she tilted her head. “did you ask her to run away with you Harry?” Harry shrugged, nodding his head back and forth as he did. “i-I was jus’ wonderin’” Harry muttered and Evie frowned, licking her lips.
“Well, I’m not really sure, but since she only had her feelings amplified instead of fully created by the potion; it’s a solid theory that her words and actions are based on her desires for you. So, I would assume that yes-she would be willing to run away with you when we take the wand.” Harry nodded again; his ears now pink. So you did mean it, you did mean you would follow him to the ends of the earth.
But he still was going to give you the antidote-and he hoped you would trust him long enough so he could get you far away from the villains destroying Auradon.
He hoped Uma would like you-Uma was his first love and best friend, he didn’t know what he would do if she hated you.
“Thanks,” Harry muttered, giving Evie a small smile and Evie smiled back, watching Harry walk out and then going back to work.
It was less than two days to the coronation.
-end of p12-
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
R!POYW v2 taglist!
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue @evilunicorns4minions
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POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P9
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About an hour to five-there was a knock at your door. You stood, putting your hair kit down, and walking over, opening your door to see Evie; who was grinning. “Hi?” you said, slightly confused, stepping back as Evie stepped inside and tossed a few items on your bed-one of which being an entire outfit. “Uhhh what are you doing?” you asked, crossing your arms over your tank top, you had just taken a shower, and were getting ready for your date with Harry.
“Getting you ready for your date with Harry of course~ now c’mere-“ Evie held up an eyeshadow pallet-holding it next to your face. You pushed it away, chuckling. “thanks but no thanks Evie, I got it covered.” Evie just rose her brow at you, clearly not willing to budge.
“Mmhm, what were you going to wear?” Evie asked, grabbing a few lipsticks and glosses and holding them next to your face-comparing them to your eyes and complexion. You nodded over to the outfit you had chosen about a half hour earlier and Evie glanced at it, humming and then grabbing the top she had picked out for you and switching it out with the one you had chosen.
You had to admit-it worked better. “All right all right, got me there, but-make up? Really?” you sighed, pushing Evie’s hand away from your chin as she attempted to match your skin tone. Evie nodded, pulling your hair out of your face and sitting you down on your bed.
“I won't be intense, just something to compliment what you already have, promise.” You stared at Evie, your hand on her wrist that held a bottle of concealer. Evie beamed, batting her eyes at you. “Pretty please? With sugar on top~?”
“The physical appearance of please, nor does putting sugar on top, make a difference.” You said with a snort, but let Evie do as she wanted-closing your eyes as she instructed, letting out a slow sigh as she worked.
Only a few moments before Evie burst into your room-she threw open Harry’s door and chucked an outfit at him-along with makeup wipes and hair gel. “It’s a first date! look nice! No eyeliner!” Evie said with a teasing grin, slamming the door shut and then going over to your room.
Harry blinked three times before looking down at the outfit in his arms. A red velvet jacket, a white t-shirt with black stripes, black pants, and a few complimentary bracelets and rings. He sighed, grabbing a quick shower and making sure there wasn’t a lick of eyeliner on his face. He suppressed the urge to put some on, staring hard at his liner pen but he sighed and got changed, drying his hair and then styling it loosely-his curls tamed by the gel.
He looked…Auradon. He still felt like himself but-he was all cleaned up and…it was weird. He made a face at himself and chuckled, pushing down the urge to mess up his hair and grabbing his phone, making sure Ben’s sailboat offer was still up.
‘For sure! I’ll let the guards know you’re coming :3’
Ben and his weird emotes.
Harry went down to the student kitchens, grabbing a picnic basket and packing it with whatever he could think of, making sure to grab some cinnamon rolls(which were still warm) and root beer. He put the basket into the same car you had driven him and Gil to the beach and went back to the dorms-by the time he did that-it was two to five.
He bit the inside of his lip-not wanting to just knock on your door too early, but before he could think about it more-your door opened and there you were.
And-holy shit-you were-so fucking pretty. You smiled at him; the choker Evie had picked out to compliment your outfit made him swallow hard. “Wow,” Harry muttered and you giggled, tilting your head at him-squinting. “wha?”
“Where’s the eyeliner?” you asked, only half teasing. “Not saying you don’t look good, cuz damn,” Harry flushed, giving you a shy smile. “but the eyeliner is a look, makes your eyes pop.” Harry just chuckled, holding up his finger and going into his room-applying a thin line of liner before going back out-offering his arm. “shall we?”
You laughed, taking his arm, Harry admiring the gold tentacle ring on your pinkie. “We shall, where are we goin’ by the way?”
“You’ll see,” Harry hummed, handing you the keys as you arrived at the garage, “I can't drive so,” You laughed and nodded, spinning the key ring around your finger.
“I got you; I got you.” Harry grinned, getting in on the passenger's side before he paused, furrowing his brows. “ye have one of those licenses, right?” you shook your head, starting the car. Harry laughed, slapping his hand over his mouth as you grinned at him. “ye don’t?”
“Nope, I know how to drive well though, and even Ben doesn’t care if I drive, besides-cops don’t pull anyone over unless they’re drunk driving or somethin’, so we’re good.” Harry hummed, looking out the window as you pulled out of the garage and headed for the location Harry put into the car’s GPS.
You pulled into the royal port parking lot and laughed as you spotted Ben’s sailboat. “for real?” you asked, turning off the car and getting out-standing on the door seal to get a better look. “holy shit!”
“have ye ever been sailin’?” Harry asked, feeling so excited for this, and it wasn’t just because he finally got to sail a ship that wasn’t run down to pieces. You shook your head, hopping down from the car and closing the door, bouncing in place as Harry grabbed the basket from the back seat and followed you down the dock-the guard having Harry sign in before he let the two of you onto the boat.
“not really, I’ve been on a motor boat but never sailing!” you yelled back at Harry as you climbed onto the boat, giggling as you explored it-Harry quickly and expertly setting up the boat and getting it ready to sail, un-tying it from the dock and hopping on-pulling the main sail up as you coasted out to sea.
“oh this is wicked-“ you said to yourself as you went to the front of the boat and sat down, resting your head on your arms as Harry walked about-soon finding himself at the wheel. He smiled at you, those butterflies returning.
He dropped anchor when he got the boat out far enough, joining you at the front and leaning back on his hands, enjoying the ocean breeze and the sun on his face. You both sat in comfortable silence for a  few minutes, before Harry leaned towards you, that lopsided smirk on his face.
“I dunno how ta start this,” he whispered and you laughed, Harry’s cheeks turning pink at the sound. He smiled at you, watching you as you pulled your legs into your chest and turned to him. “Neither do I, never been asked out, nor been on a date.”
Harry hummed, furrowing his brows. “Really, never?” he asked and you shook your head, playing with your fingers. “Never,” you said quietly “I was never that girl boys, or anyone, was interested in. You’re actually the first person to show any interest, like…ever.”
Well, that just made Harry feel horrid, here he was-the first person to ever ask you out-and it was a ruse for the wand.
He decided he was going to make the dates you had with him amazing, just hoping he didn’t break your heart at the end of it. And hoping he didn’t break his own. “Those other fucks were all suckers then,” Harry said instead, giving you a soft smile. you flushed, hiding behind your knees. “Such a flirt,” you chuckled, giving him a shy grin.
He laughed, biting his lip “Ye should’ve seen me on the isle, I mostly used it as a distraction tactic but Uma called me a pansexual mess, I flirted with anythin’ in sight; especially if it meant I could steal a wallet or two,” Harry laughed and you snorted, setting your chin on your knees as Harry’s eyes drifted at the mention of the isle-finding it on the horizon.
“Anyways,” Harry muttered, turning back to you. “uh…tell me somethin’ ye have never told anyone.” You hummed at that, tapping your chin.
“I’ve never had a crush on anyone till this year,” you landed on, giving a cheeky grin to Harry, who smirked, leaning towards you. “oh, and who would tha’ be?” Harry purred, his bangs falling into his eyes.
“Chad,” you said, fully joking and Harry acted like he took a hit to the heart-falling on his back with a dramatic groan. “oh-ye wound me lass,” you laughed, shaking your head as Harry sat up and you gestured to him. “Your turn, what's something you’ve never told anyone?”
Harry licked his lips, gazing at the sea-his eyes finding the Neverland star. “Me mom was a mermaid from Neverland,” Harry whispered and you perked up, your eyes on his profile-his eyes staring off to Neverland.
“Oh,” you whispered, letting your legs stretch out and fully turning to face Harry, whose smile turned sad. “is she?” He nodded, yes, his mother was dead. “Died when I was four months old, ran out of magic, couldn’t survive under tha’ barrier,” Harry muttered, his fingers now messing with a black banded ruby ring. “Uncle Smee says I look like ‘er,”
You nodded, slowly reaching out and taking his hand-smiling softly as he squeezed your hand gently. “I hope that’s a good thing?” you asked, and Harry nodded, his sad smile turning fond. “Aye, Smee says she loved Hettie, me sister, and I till her last breaths. Nothing me father could’ve done ta make her hate us, even if we were forced on her,” Harry’s voice turned bitter, aimed at his father.
You squeezed his hand, he squeezed back.
It was silent for a moment, then you leaned towards him, whispering. “Do you have a hoard of shiny things?” Harry burst out into laughter, holding his stomach as you grinned. He appreciated your redirection; he hadn’t meant to bring down the mood. Eventually, he nodded. “Aye, I do, I had a big pile on tha’ isle, and I’m startin’ one in me room, found a few pretty stones at the beach on Monday.”
You hummed, bringing your knees back up to your chest. “So, you have mermaid brain?” Harry laughed again, nodding. “Aye, I see a shiny thing, I gotta ‘ave it. me sister, Harriet, would use it against me too-would hold somethin’ shiny’ ta keep me attention,” You cackled at the thought of Harriet holding a pretty rock and Harry unable to look away-his eyes following it like a cat staring at a bird.
Harry soon enough got out the food, the two of you sitting across from each other as the boat rocked gently on the quiet ocean. You found yourselves going back and forth-asking and answering each other’s questions; “yer favorite color?” Harry asked, and you told him it was (fav color), and Harry answered in turn when you asked him the same question “Red, if it ain’t obvious already” He laughed, gesturing to his jacket.
“favorite food?” you asked “Simanim buns” Harry answered, a dreamy look on his face. He was in love with the dessert. “cin-na-mon” you gently corrected, not caring he wasn’t able to say the word, it was part of his charm.
“Ever have a pet?” Harry asked “A dog! And a few guinea pigs, always wanted a bird or a snake though, you?” you answered, and returned the question. Harry shook his head. “nah, had the opportunity at Evie’s sixth birthday party, but it got crashed by the imps ma’ before I could get one, wanted one of those baby parrots Iago offered.”
You laughed at the thought of Harry with a big ol’ scarlet bird on his shoulder, oh how it would complete his pirate look.
“Favorite drink?” you asked, and Harry grinned, holding up the bottle of root beer he had packed. You laughed, agreeing. “Weirdest dream? Or nightmare?” Harry asked, licking his fingers clean of mayo as you hummed, tapping your chin.
“Spiders taking over the world,” Harry shuddered, oh how he hated spiders-terrified of them in fact. You giggled at his reaction, setting down your soda and picking up a cinnamon roll. “ummm,” you hummed, tapping your fingers on your roll. “worst prank you’ve pulled off?”
Harry snorted, rolling his eyes a bit-oh there were too many to count, many from his childhood-many of them against Jay or Mal. “not me worst-but definitely not me best or brightest-but ye know those lil’ furry worm things on strings?” you nodded “I hung em all up on the ceilin’ of Uma’s room for ‘er ta wake up to, funny as all hell but she threw me over the docks fer doin’ it,” Harry laughed, and you burst out into giggles, picturing little Harry carefully hanging the worms while Uma slept.
Soon the sun had disappeared behind the horizon, and you were laying on your backs looking up at the stars, pointing out constellations to each other and talking about whatever came to mind. “so-did ye mean it?” Harry asked quietly after a long moment of comfortable silence, his arm acting as a pillow for you. You turned, pushing your cheek into his arm as he continued to look up at the stars. “When ye said ye never had a crush before this year?”
You slowly nodded, licking your lips as you turned to look up at the sky again. “yeah, ever since I was kid, I never had a crush, I never understood what everyone was talking about when they would gush about boys and how cute they were-like yeah, they were…cute I guess, aesthetically pleasing but I never understood why anyone would go crazy for em, especially boy bands n all that junk. Always felt…left out I guess, or even sometimes…better? Than the rest because I didn’t have a crush on a stupid-looking boy who used auto-tune too much,” you ranted, Harry turning to look at your profile as you sighed, laying your hands on your stomach.
“Eventually I just accepted the fact that it would never happen, I wouldn’t ever have a crush or like anyone, I would just be the odd one out. And then…then I saw you,” you turned to look at him-locking eyes. His were practically sparkling under the starlight. He gasped lightly, staring at you. “I saw you and I just thought; wow, this is what everyone was talking about? This is what liking someone feels like?” you chuckled, tearing your eyes away from Harry-though he continued to stare at you, his cheeks flushed red.
“so…I’m really the first person ye have ever liked?” Harry asked quietly, a slight pit in his gut as you nodded, laughing slightly. “yep, so-congrats-you made it past whatever the fuck kept me from liking anyone else~” you cheered and Harry snorted, shaking his head.
“mmm,” he hummed, looking back at the stars, his arm curling up to graze his fingers against your arm. “so-(y/n)-“ his voice cracked horrifically and he let out a small squeak noise that made you giggle, turning to look at him as his face turned completely red. “fuck-um-“ why was he so nervous?!
You just smiled, and that somehow eased Harry’s nerves and he sighed, licking his lips. “I was wonderin’ if-if…after this” he gestured to the boat-meaning your date. “ye don’t hate me…would-would ye liked ta’ go on another date and…maybe, be me girl?” Harry asked, averting his eyes as his face burned. You laughed gently, taking his hand that was curling around your shoulders and squeezing.
He looked back at you and you kissed his cheek-giggling as he gasped at the feeling. “yes,” you said softly and Harry grinned, ignoring the way his body felt lighter than air at your answer. “Cool-cool,” Harry whispered, a giddy smile on his face. You giggled again, threading your fingers through his as he bit his lip and looked back up at the stars, that smile never leaving his face.
You lay in comfortable silence for who knows how long, listening to the waves, the sound of ocean life echoing above the calm. Eventually, you packed up, since it was getting close to curfew and Harry sailed back into the port, tying down the boat and guiding the way back to the car. The drive was quiet and comfortable as you drove back to the dorm building.
You parted ways when you got to your rooms, whispering goodnight before you stepped into your rooms and closed the door. You sighed, a bittersweet smile on your face. Oh you were so fucking doomed, and yet you knew it was all a trick, but maybe you would get your happy ending? Maybe Harry would choose you like Mal chose Ben.
You could only hope.
Harry swallowed down the bittersweet taste in his mouth, he had so much fun with you-those feelings not leaving him once the entire date. He knew he liked you, he had to accept that, not when he felt so…happy-when you said yes to being his girl.
And all that was left was to break your heart when they took the wand and destroyed Auradon. His eyes drifted to Gil-who was solidly asleep-a little bow bracelet set on his nightstand. He looked at the desk, his recently graded math desk staring back at him.
…did he really want this? Did he really want to take the wand and destroy Auradon? No, he could easily say that, he wanted to destroy the system that left him and so many other innocent kids on the isle for no other reason than who their parents. He wanted to see Ben rise as King, and do as he wanted-he wanted to be free from his father.
But he also wanted to free his sisters, free Uma, free his uncle Smee, free his Smee twins, free the isle and every kid on it-every kid that was hit, or screamed at, or starved, or tortured simply for existing.
He wanted to free everyone like him, and he wanted to leave his father and his friend's parents to rot. As they deserved.
Harry sighed, taking off his shoes and collapsing in his bed, rubbing his face.
If only he knew what his heart was telling him. Maybe he’d find who he was supposed to be, maybe he’d find his path, maybe…maybe he’d find you at the end of it, smiling like you always did.
He huffed at the thought, curling up in his too-soft bed and falling asleep to thoughts of the future.
He brushed his hair back, fixing the crop top sweatshirt he was wearing and making sure his pants fit right. “isn’t that against the dress code?” Gil asked, in the middle of brushing his teeth. Harry just grinned, shrugging. “fer girls yeah, code says’ nothin’ bout boys wearing crop tops~” Gil just fondly rolled his eyes, spitting out his toothpaste and rinsing his mouth. When they walked the halls to breakfast-there were many many eyes on Harry, mostly on his exposed stomach and abs.
You might’ve blue-screened seeing him, staring at his stomach as he chuckled, leaning down to smirk at you. “Like what ye see?” he purred, cackling as you just looked up at him with the expression that clearly said ‘sir you’re wearing a crop top-im loving it’
“I am resisting the immense urge to bite you right now,” you muttered, clenching your hand as Harry laughed, his nose scrunching. He felt everyone’s eyes on them, mostly on him-many being the girls who had sent him notes and flirted with him in the halls. He smirked, his smile turning sharp as you narrowed your eyes at him; gasping when he pecked your forehead-grabbing your hand and joining you in the breakfast line.
“Oh lucky bitch!” he heard someone whisper and he chuckled, making a show and wrapping his arm around you, leaning down to get in your face. You just grinned back, scrunching your nose as you playfully pushed his face back. “Show off,” you muttered, going down the breakfast line and sitting down with Lonnie, Jane, Gil, and Fergus.
Jane, Lonnie, and Fergus were grinning like mad-all giving you and Harry knowing looks. “So?” Lonnie sang, resting her chin in her hands “Are you two?”
You just nodded, rolling your eyes fondly as Jane and Lonnie squealed, Harry and Fergus making a face at the noise, Harry rolling his jaw and rubbing his ear as the girls battered you with questions, asking you how the date was and how Harry asked you out.
When you glanced at Harry as you told them all the deets, he was staring at you already, his chin resting in his palm with a soft smile you knew he didn’t know he was wearing. Honestly, if you didn’t know any better-you’d say he was the one under a love spell.
You flushed a bit, returning your attention back to Jane and Lonnie, Fergus grinning at Harry who finally noticed his stupid face and kicked him under the table-Fergus cackling as Harry pouted.
The day went by quickly, and you seemed to run into Harry more often than you usually did on a school day. Almost as if he was doing it on purpose-but you didn’t mind, you never minded seeing his pretty face more.
Fairy Godmother seemed to approve of the two of you, giving you a proud smile when she saw the two of you holding hands as you walked. And here you thought you raised her blood pressure all too often for her to see you as a good influence.
Later you were in English, Ben sitting a few feet away from you. You were focusing on your worksheet when he slid closer, whispering in your ear. “You knew, didn’t you?” you glanced at him, seeing his face set in soft seriousness. He meant the love spell. You nodded, glancing back down at your worksheet. “And you ate the cookie anyway? I know it wouldn’t affect you, but you really just ate it?” you snorted, and nodded again. “why?”
“Chaos,” you answered simply, giving him a grin, and Ben laughed; shaking his head. “C’mon~ now that you’re all cleansed, don’t tell me watching Mal scramble around wasn’t funny?” Ben just rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face. “Cute, is the word I would use,” Ben mumbled, sliding back into his seat when the teacher saw him all too close for you. You just snorted-but you felt the same way about Harry, watching him fumble about knowing you were ‘spelled’ to love him was very cute.
Watching Mal continue to scramble as the week went on was very funny, love notes from Ben, presents from Ben, sweets from Ben-all for her and she hardly knew how to handle it, Evie giggling from behind her shoulder as Ben delivered another gift for Mal with that grin on his face, playing up the love spell but now he was acting all of his own accord.
Harry was really sweet too, now he was the one bringing cinnamon rolls to you-you had picked up that habit about half a week into his stay, seeing how much he liked them-you would always grin and kiss his cheek-laughing at the red that spread across his face.
The days went on, and the vks were getting…comfortable, they were all smiling more often, becoming less guarded, making friends; enjoying themselves.
Harry was blossoming on the Roar team, grinning wildly every time a sparring session ended, even making friends with Tara Pan and her lost kids, which came as a shock to everyone including Harry.
All too soon, you knew what would happen, Friday would be that video call, and then Sunday would be family day-the thing that tipped the scale-what pushed the vks too far.
Honestly, you hoped your inclusion would prevent some…things from being said. For now, you hoped things ended the same way they did in the movie.
-end of p9-
Short one~ as we get closer to the grand finale-these will probably be shorter, idk, maybe lol, im running out of ideas for extra scenes XD
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
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@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
poyw taglist!
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POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P5
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a/n; switching around some scenes(and extending the timeline) to make everything feel coherent-I always thought it was odd that Tourney tryouts were in the middle of the school day instead of after school XD along with how the vks spelled Ben their 2nd day of school-so yeah-extending the timeline lololol.
Audrey and Chad Charming were laughing as they headed out to their lockers to get their books for their next class-pausing as they saw Mal and Evie at their lockers-Mal’s locker was decorated with her graffiti art of her mother's silhouette with the words ‘long live evil’.
“Those kids are trouble.” Chad sneered as he directed Ben’s attention to the trouble-making kids, the two girls simply getting their books out and saying goodbye as Evie went off to chemistry class. Ben just shook his head, smiling a bit. “C’mon Chad, give them a chance.” Ben said, adamant that these vks were worth the effort and would prove him and themselves right.
Audrey scoffed, sliding her sunglasses to the top of her head and taking Ben’s hands, Ben licked his lips and stared at their intertwined hands as Audrey tried to sway Ben into thinking the vks were villains and didn’t deserve to be at Auradon prep. “No offense, Bennybear, you’re just too trusting!” Ben stared at her, already looking done with this conversation as he glanced to the side at Mal. “I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast, who turned out to be a prince! But with my mom, the evil fairy-was just the evil fairy….that girl’s mother.” Audrey spat out, glaring at Mal-who was really just minding her own business.
Ben took his hands out of Audrey’s, smiling politely as he shook his head. “I think you’re wrong about them. I’ll see you later.” Audrey sighed, seeing she was getting nowhere with her boyfriend, and slid her sunglasses down, turning on her heel dramatically and storming off, Chad gaping at Ben’s refusal to see the truth.
Ben leaned against the locker next to Mal’s waiting for her to notice he was there. She shut her locker-about to head to math when she noticed the crowned prince grinning at her. “Hey,” Ben said with that smile of his-and Mal smiled back, narrowing her eyes a bit. “Hey.” She muttered, correcting her grip on her mother's spell book and leaning away from the sunshine prince.
“How’s your first day been so far?” Ben asked, still smiling and Mal nodded slowly- she had been surrounded by goodie goodies, way too much sunshine, everyone was smiling, and the constant baby talk from FG all day. She hated it. “Super,” Mal said, and Ben didn’t seem to catch onto her sarcasm. 
He looked to the graffiti on her locker-admiring her skills. “You should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class,” Mal just raised her brow-really, art class? “I could uh, sign you up?” Mal’s eyes drew to the squirrelish daughter of FG, who squealed as she passed Mal and went into the halls of Auradon prep.
Bingo-What better way to get to the wand-than the daughter of FG herself? “Way to take the fun outta it” Mal teased with a scrunch of her nose-turning on her heel which made her hair smack Ben in the nose. He got a good whiff of her shampoo and sighed dreamily as she walked away, sliding down his locker.
Oh how doomed was he?
“You are down bad beasty boy,” Ben jolted at the sudden voice, rolling his eyes fondly at you as you appeared next to him-giggling as he shoved you gently. “Only her second day and you’re already planning your wedding? For shame~ you gotta girlfriend mind you.”
Ben hummed, shrugging. “Not really sure if I want to be Audrey’s boyfriend anymore," he mumbled, chuckling as you gasped, pressing your hand to your chest in fake shock. “omg? Beasty! But you two look so in love~ I mean-all those nicknames ~ the way she swoons over your soon-to-be kingness~ and-sorry I can’t-“ you snorted into laughter, Ben laughing with you as he shook his head.
“Yah, I don’t think we’re gonna work out,” Ben muttered, talking about Audrey. He did love her once upon a time-but as the years went by(they had started dating in freshmen year), he realized he never saw her that way. Yes she was beautiful and one of his closest friends-but he couldn’t see a future with her, not as a girlfriend or a possible queen. “And I could say the same thing about you and Harry.” Ben suddenly teased back, laughing as you sputtered, eyes wide behind your sunglasses.
“Hey-what happens between me and that fine mother fucker is between me and the gods, besides-I’m pretty sure he’s got a girl back home, and I’m not one to try and steal.” You huffed, crossing your arms as you leaned against the railing across from Ben. He shrugged, still smirking.
“If you can tease me for Mal, I can tease you for Harry-every time he speaks I can tell you got the shakes,” you rolled your eyes and shook your head, kicking at his ankle. “He’s got a pretty face and voice beasty; not like you didn’t do the same for Mal when you first saw and heard her. Mines just Scottish.” Ben shook his head, pushing off his locker and ruffling your hair. “hey!”
“If I make a move-so do you, deal?” Ben asked, holding out his hand, and you took it-tugging him closer to glare at him. “wha-“
“Look, me and Audrey don’t see eye to eye-but if you don’t break up with her properly, with roses and candy and shit, I will kick your ass personally if I see her crying over your ass because you were stupid. Clear?” you hissed quietly, and Ben was once again reminded; you were fucking scary.
“Crystal.” Ben said, and you let him go, beelining to the bathroom to save Jane’s self-esteem from Mal.
You hoped you hadn’t wasted time with beasty boy.
But it seemed you hadn’t, because as you stepped in-there was Mal, in the middle of doing Jane’s hair-a wave of green magic overcoming Jane’s head as Mal gave a bright(fake) smile, giggling as Jane popped up with flowing brown locks-the bow in her hair much less offensive now.
Jane grinned at herself, no doubt thinking she was prettier now. The bob def hadn’t suited her-but you would be dammed if you let her self-esteem plummet further. You let out a wolf whistle, scaring both Mal and Jane as you stepped into the bathroom-coming up behind Jane and tossing your arm around her shoulders-pushing your cheek into her head.
“Absolutely b-e-a-utiful! Janey~ really, all you needed was a new do, and you’re good as new~” you cheered, booping Jane’s nose as she giggled, her cheeks bright pink. Mal stared at you, glaring a bit-angered you were ruining her new wand plan. “I think Gil would like your hair too,” you whispered, grinning as Jane bit her lip-her eyes almost sparkling at the thought. Oh~ she was gone gone, in only a morning and lunch-she was so down bad for the golden retriever turned human named Gil.
Jane and Gil, not something you had thought of before-but now that you did-it was so damn cute.
“Hey, Mal-“ you turned, smirking as her glowing glare turned curious, “your friend, Evie, does fashion right?” you tugged Jane into your side-gesturing to her pale blue dress that was clearly picked out by FG. “Think she could give Janey a makeover?”
Mal shrugged, snapping her spell book shut-knowing she was beaten and there was no point in attempting to make Jane manipulate FG into getting the wand out and inviting Mal along for the ride. “Dunno, you’d have to ask her. I gotta get to class-bye Jane.”
“Thank you Mal!” Jane quickly called out, Mal simply waving her off as she went off to class; the five-minute bell warning ringing across the school. You smirked behind Jane’s hair at your victory, grabbed Jane’s bag, and led her out of the bathroom-waving her goodbye as she happily went to her next class-playing with her new do the whole way.
“Off to chemistry,” you muttered, bee-lining for it since it was less than 5 minutes to start. You just barely made it, skidding inside the classroom and grinning at Mr. Deley-who glared back. He didn’t like you, you cussed him out more than once and stood up for the students he liked to pick out when he noticed them struggling or unable to focus on his lesson.
He was a dickbag-plain and simple. And like hell were you going to let him bully Evie or Harry today. You quickly took the last open spot in the classroom next to Harry, grinning at him as he gave an amused huff. “Grand entrance lass,” he said, that stupid pretty side smirk on his lips that made you wanna swoon. “fer a second there I thought ye wouldn’t make it.” You waved the notion off, giving a victorious smirk as you did.
“Eh-all the teachers like me so I have some leniency with tardiness…cept him-“ you pointed at Mr. Deley-who was starting class. “he hates me-which is mutual, he’s a dick.” Harry snorted, covering his mouth as Mr. Deley glared back at the two of you. “is there something more interesting than my lesson Mr. Hook? Ms. (l/n)?” he asked and you shook your head, getting out your notebook and chemistry book.
“No sir, we just noticed some broccoli in Chad’s teeth.” Chad panicked and snatched a beaker to look at his teeth-the rest of the class snickering at the action while Harry hiccupped in the middle of his near-quiet laughter.
Oh fuck, he hiccups while he laughs?! Why is that so cute!? You were so fucking doomed aioshduaioshda.
You kept your composure on the outside as Mr. Deley sighed and went back to teaching, Evie admired Chad the whole time as Doug attempted to help her with the class-but she didn’t care much; preferring to stare at the blonde idiot.
Harry was squinting at the board, making frustrated noises as he struggled with what he was supposed to do, which was learning and studying the reaction of the chemicals within the chemistry stand in front of him. You glanced at him-frowning as you spark of red in his eyes. You saw in the notes that he had struggled immensely within Math-not even getting past the first question of the test.
You always had an inkling that he had Dyscalculia, but to see him struggle like this was near heartbreaking. You went to help him but were distracted by Mr. Deley starting his bullshit with Evie-asking her for the atomic weight of silver. “Atomic weight?” Evie asked, a slightly nervous chuckle coming from her. “well, not very much, I mean, it’s an atom right?”
Mr. Deley didn't look impressed as Chad smirked, and Mr. Deley made Evie go up to the blackboard and answer his question. Evie sneakily grabbed the mirror and hid it-asking the question out loud to herself and the mirror answered perfectly in turn. While she did that, you turned back to Harry, tapping the table next to his clenched hand. He glanced at you; his face buried in his hand as sparks of red clouded his ocean-blue eyes.
“Not making any sense?” you asked, pointing down at his paper, he shook his head. “We didn’t have this shit on the isle,” Harry whispered back, he wished Uma was here-she would know how to make this shit make sense.
You nodded, you had already guessed that, taking his paper while Mr. Deley was still distracted and helping Harry as best you could. “Okay, so-ignore the number shit-that’s useless, it’s all about plugging in the correct chemicals and their reactions-just taking notes basically, so-the chemicals were working with today are-“
The red slowly disappeared from Harry’s eyes as you helped him figure out the assignment-speaking softly as you gestured to and from the beakers holding the chemicals and writing down his notes. His eyes drifted to you-tilting his head a bit as you glanced up at the board-seeing Evie toss the chalk to Mr. Deley-telling him not to underestimate a villain again.
You quickly slid Harry’s paper back to him as Mr. Deley sighed and looked around the class-everyone quickly looked back at their assignments as Harry pouted down at his paper-now making just a bit more sense but still frustrating. “Harry,” Harry jumped at the call of his name-not expecting it-banging his elbow on the table as he looked at the teacher. You snapped up to glare at Mr. Deley-first Evie now Harry? Oh, you were going to have some fucking words with FG about this.
“Is your paper more interesting than my class?” Your jaw dropped open as Harry shook his head, pressing his lips together. Mf told everyone to take notes on the reactions and keep to their assignment, and yet there he was-picking out Harry for following his damn instructions. Oh, yes-you were going to have so many words with FG about this mf, he wouldn’t last for another quarter. He wouldn’t last the rest of the day.
 “Then perhaps you could tell me how much salt is in the average human body,” Mr. Deley turned, writing down four number answers and you seethed-knowing all the teachers had received an email about Harry’s possible learning disability-and here this mf was, exploiting it for his own amusement. He turned back to Harry with a smug look-enjoying the panic in Harry’s eyes. “Well?”
“I-“ Harry stuttered, pausing as you grabbed his hand-comforting but not tight-tapping his palm in a rhythm. He realized you were pointing out the answer without letting Mr. Deley know and Harry smirked, leaning up to get a better look at the board, squinting slightly to sell the bit. “Two-hundred n fifty sir, hard ta read yer writing from ‘ere.” Harry said with a bit of snark-squeezing your hand gently as thanks.
You squeezed back and let go, sharing a smirk with him as you pressed send with your other hand-and only a few moments later-the speaker in the corner of the room came to life. “Will Mr. Deley please come to my office immediately? We have an important matter to discuss, his classes are dismissed for the rest of the day” FG said over the intercom, some of the students gasping and whispering among each other as Mr. Deley frowned-wondering what was happening and excused his class a mutter; everyone finished up their notes and packed up.
“I wonder what happened?” Evie asked as she walked out of the class with you, Doug, and Harry, palming the note from Chad in her hand. You grinned, and Doug shivered; knowing that grin. “What did you do?” Doug asked, and Harry furrowed his brows-wondering what you could’ve done to make Deley get called to the headmistress’s office. You held up your phone, showing a message chat with FG, telling her about how Mr. Deley was targeting the villain kids.
“She’s not happy about his treatment of them,” You gestured to Evie and Harry-who looked surprised to see you standing up for them, or FG being mad for them. “That’s not the first time he’s done that either-and not just to the vks, remember Vivian? She had that learning disability and he kept picking on her, and Cali? She had those hearing aids and he accused her of cheating.” Doug cringed-remembering those moments-and they were only two of many.
“I don’t know how he hasn’t been fired,” Doug muttered, crossing his arms as the four of you walked down the halls, Harry and Evie listening intently to the conversation-surprised to hear Mr. Deley was such a dick head. well-not super surprising-but they expected the two of them-plus the other vks-were the only victims.
“Oh-since this isn't his first offense-and he’s been hiding the other offenses-he’s probably being fired-getting his teaching license revoked-and black listed from every school ever~” you cheered-your phone going off at that moment-the jingle of FG’s text tone ringing in your ears. “Speak of the devil,” you stopped in the middle of the hall to cackle, Doug and Evie crowding around your shoulders to look at your phone, Harry peering over your head.
‘Mr. Deley has been fired-thank you for informing me of his cruelty (y/n), please tell Harry and Evie I’m sorry for his actions and they, along with the other villain kids in his class and anyone else he’s been targeting, will have an automatic A for this quarter.’
“Holy shit,” Harry muttered, looking back at you as you laughed, a small smile growing on his face before his attention was stolen by Doug who shook his head and pulled you down the hall. “Okay okay, you’ve successfully got a teacher fired-a bad teacher- but a teacher nonetheless-“ you interrupted Doug by slapping your hand over his mouth and throwing your other hand into the air as you spoke in your most dramatic voice.
“So I say we get a treat in celebration! We have the rest of the period to ourselves, to the kitchen!” you proclaimed, grabbing Doug and dragging him off to the student kitchens, a giggling Evie and Harry close behind; Harry hoped there were cinnamon rolls in the kitchen.
An hour and a half later-Harry was sitting on the highest spot of the bleachers, his hands between his knees as he watched Gil, Carlos, and Jay walk out into the field-looking very out of place in bright blues and yellows.
Gil and Jay were easily the biggest dudes on the field-something the coach had been eying them up for, looking very interested in them. Carlos was easily the smallest, wandering about aimlessly as Ben handed him a helmet that looked too big.
“How are they looking so far?” you asked as you sat down next to Harry, handing him a root beer(which he took eagerly) as Harry shrugged. “They’re just startin, but they look so outta place,” Harry chuckled, waving to Gil as he spotted Harry and waved eagerly.
The coach blew his whistle, grabbing the attention of the boys and yelling out to them. “Jay, Ben; offense! Chad, Gil; you’re defense!” the three boys went off to their allocated spots-Jay looking all ready to knock some kids over as he put his helmet on. Carlos just looked lost-something the coach called out. “Hey-hey you, lost boy!” Carlos perked up, tilting his head. “Put your helmet on, get out of the kill zone!”
“Kill zone?” Harry muttered, seeing the long red strip of grass that had two cannons at each end. Carlos shoved his helmet on, following a taller boy with fiery red hair and freckles all over his face. “c’mon laddie, thi’s ‘ay” he said, showing Carlos where he should be standing and putting his helmet on.
Coach blew the whistle again, and the tryout game was on-Ben started with the ball, and you wondered how something so bouncy like that stayed on such a flat piece of wood. But Ben hit the ball to his teammate and shoved one of the defense players over-the two teams separated by blue and yellow.
The cheerleaders at the edge of the bleachers cheered for the boys, Audrey at the front(she was the captain) with her hands on her hips and glaring at the vks. One of the yellow players tried to keep Jay from advancing-but Jay was too stubborn and used to playing rough-easily knocking over the defense and laughing down at him-it had been Chad; whose helmet had been knocked off and now was very disoriented, not expecting to be bowled over like that with such ease.
Jay let out a roar, moving forward and shoving over another defensive player, taking the ball and moving through the kill zone with flips and tricks-years of isle dodging and weaving giving him an edge no one else had.
Gil waited for him on the other side, and Jay slammed into him-Gil didn’t move-taking the ball and bolting back across the kill zone. Harry was on the edge of his seat, watching with wide eyes as Gil ducked and dived over the cannon balls. Jay let out a frustrated groan-chasing after Gil.
“Gil didn’t even flinch at Jay,” you noted and Harry grinned, a feral look in his eyes. “Aye, Gil’s a hard one ta move, stubborn as a mule an’ twice as strong.” Gil bulldozed through several offensive players, bouncing up the ball and passing it to the tall red-head who quickly spun around Jay’s attempt to get the ball back and hit it back to Gil-who smacked it into the net.
Coach and his assistant grinned at each other-they found their star players.
“One more time!” Coach yelled, blowing his whistle again.
Jay huffed, glaring at Gil who stared back-unfazed by the thief. The whistle blew and Jay snatched the ball up-slamming through several offense players and bolting through the skill zone-the players manning the cannons having no time to even get a hit on him.
Carlos yelped as Jay came closer-a feral look to him as he barreled closer to the net. “Jay-it’s me-it’s Carlos!” Carlos screamed, throwing his tourney stick at Jay to hopefully deter him in his panic. When that didn’t work-Carlos dropped to the ground and curled under his shield like a turtle-Jay using it to jump across and get the ball-batting Ben out of the way and scoring.
The only players left standing were Gil and the tall red-head; who took off their helmets and stared at Jay. Gil sighed, shaking his head, turning and helping Ben up. Jay really didn’t know when to slow down sometimes-that was something instilled in Gil by Uma. Wait and listen before striking-that was his motto.
The cheerleaders whooped and jumped, Audrey still huffing at the vks-her face set in disbelief at Jay for being so…selfish during tryouts. Didn’t he know this game was about teamwork?!
Jay scared the goalie out of the net-whooping and doing a victory dance as the other players recovered from their Jay-induced headaches. Gil helped Carlos up, wiping Carlos free of grass stains and dirt, making sure the smaller vk was okay before walking over to the coach after he called Gil and Jay forward.
Harry watched as Jay and Gil stared at the coach-both looking a little confused and concerned for a moment as Coach pointed back at the field-before the Coach beamed. “I call that raw talent! After you get showered come back to me, I’ll show you both something you haven't seen before-called a rule book!”
Gil very much had seen a rule book before, Uma made him one. But he just nodded, smiling as the coach patted his shoulder then Jay’s “Welcome to the team boys,” you stood, gesturing for Harry to follow as the two of you walked down the bleachers to meet up with Gil and congratulate him. Coach looked at Carlos, pursing his lips before asking if Carlos had ever thought about band.
Carlos snorted, rolling his eyes as Ben perked up-patting Carlos’ shoulder. “I’ll work with him, coach.” Ben said, beaming as Coach gave him a once over then shrugged. “All right, let’s run that again!” he blew his whistle and Gil spotted the two of you, waving as you came closer-the tall redhead behind him.
“Did you guys see? I made the team!” Gil cheered, happily taking the water bottle you handed him. “We saw, awesome job Gil,” you said with a hum, making eye contact with Fergus behind Gil. “That was a nice fluke on Jay, by the way, Fergus-think you could use that during Roar or am I gonna hav’ta deal with another loss at regionals.” Fergus stuck his tongue out at you, grinning as you flipped him off.
“Nae mah faut we tint th' lest toornament, blam’ Chad; he was th' a body fa got distracted by Audrey.” Fergus said-Harry noticing his strong accent that was similar to his. “Yer Scottish?” Harry asked, pointing at the red-head, who grinned and nodded, patting his fist to his chest.
“Aye, Fergus ay DunBroch, named efter mah grandpa, son ay Merida. an' ye?” Harry lifted his hook, giving his usual side smirk. “Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook.” Fergus’ eyes lit up and he stepped closer to Harry, who didn’t step back, grinning all the while. You and Gil shared a smile. “He made a friend~” Gil sang, glancing between Fergus and Harry-who were talking quickly and soon their voices were lost to their accents-Gil had never heard it this thick unless he and Harriet were having a shouting match.
“Question,” you asked while Harry and Fergus talked, Fergus saying something about Hook being a ‘doolally’ or something. Harry agreed, laughing. “Isn't his dad, Harry’s, British? how did Harry get to be Scottish?” Gil just shrugged; he really didn’t know. He had just learned to accept it.
“some of the crew are Scottish? I think?” Gil said, rubbing the back of his head, the crew meaning Hook’s crew. “Harriet’s Scottish too, or at least has the accent like Harry does, but…I really don’t know, the isle has a wide range of people-accents and languages from everywhere-so-it’s the toss of a coin for where you get your voice from.” You hummed with a nod, waving Fergus off as he went to go back into tryouts.
“See ya’ ‘arry!” Fergus said as he ran onto the field-Gil waiting a moment to join him as Harry waved back. “See ya Fergus!” Harry turned, seeing Gil’s grin and you chuckling. “you made a friend~” Gil sang, laughing as Harry smacked him with flushed cheeks.
“Nay-I don’ do friends.” Harry hissed, puffing his cheeks as Gil just laughed and went back onto the field, meeting up with Fergus and happily engaging in conversation as the teams converged.
About 30 minutes later, the boys had showered and changed, Gil and Jay were waiting for Coach Jenkins while Carlos was with Ben across the field-Ben helping him get ready for their first game of tourney on Sunday.
Jay tore his eyes away from Carlos as Coach sat between him and Gil, two blue and yellow jerseys over his shoulder as he handed a rulebook to them. “here you go, you know-I could really use some tough guys like you. Teams a buncha’ princes, if you know what I mean?” Coach said, grinning as Jay laughed and snapped the rule book shut-Gil still reading. “Tell me about it, it's all-oh after you, old chum. Oh pardon me, did I bump into you~ where we come from-its prepare to die sucker.” Jay ended with a hiss, holding up his fist as Gil snorted, very much agreeing with Jay.
Coach looked a bit concerned, as if only just realizing how dangerous the isle was and realizing why they were so instinctively good at the positions he had slotted them into for tryouts. “yeah, isle’s a tough place to be, tourney’s a breeze compared to the gang fights,” Gil commented, flipping through the book, making coach frown as Jay casually nodded. “got that right Gil,” Jay huffed, pausing as he did. Never thought he’d say that.
“well-“ Coach said, laughing a bit to ease the tension off his shoulders. “you won’t have to worry about gang fights here, or on the field. You’ve got your team, and together you’ll win against the opposing team and win our trophy back.” Jay sneered at the idea of a team while Gil beamed-happily imagining getting that golden trophy that had been missing from its case the last few years.
“I can get that trophy on my own, just watch me-as my father says; it’s all for one, and leave the rest behind.“ Jay said smugly, imagining himself getting through the opposing team by himself and winning single-handedly. Coach shook his head, taking Jay’s shoulder and calming him down. He turned to Gil, tilting his head as Gil continued to read the rule book, noting every little detail he saw. “and what about you?”
Gil beamed-happy to walk about his position on the isle, he glanced down at his golden shell bracelet; remembering Uma. “I’m a part of Uma’s crew, the muscle. I make sure everyone is safe and keep the gross dudes who like to leer at her or any of the girls away. We work together to survive, were a team.” Coach beamed; he wouldn’t have to convince Gil to work together with the team them-Gil already had that down pact.
Jay on the other hand, scoffed. “well, im not a sucker like you” he threw down the rule book, patting his chest harshly. “I’m the only one I need, I’m-“ Coach stopped him, pursing his lips as he tried to figure out how to word everything to Jay. “Jay, let me explain a team to you. A team, is like a family;" Jay huffed, rolling his eyes as he interrupted the coach.
“You do not wanna be at my house at dinner time.” Gil nodded in agreement, and Coach was very concerned again, but pushed on-figuring out another way to word his explanation. “okay-well, a team is like a body, right? The arms, legs, ears! they all need each other to work properly, to be strong. That’s what a team is, different players who play different parts to win. Make sense?” Jay slowly nodded, catching a glimpse of Carlos across the field, doing some running exercises with Ben; then a feral grin came to his face-holding up his fist.
“Can I be the fist?” Jay asked, and Coach laughed, taking Jay’s fist and shaking it about, nodding as Gil asked if he could be the other fist. He handed both a jersey, each having their name on the back.
‘Jay-8’ ‘Gil-3’
They both took them proudly, Gil standing to put on his jersey and admiring it. He was a part of a team again, the protector. He admired the striking blue of the fabric and laughed as Gil put his on, holding up his hand for a high-five. Jay hesitated for a moment then grinned, smacking Gil's hand.
“Okay, Carlos, we’re gonna do some sprints. You ready?” Ben asked, nodding back as Carlos gave him a thumbs up and checked his laces, then getting into a crouch and waiting to go at the click of Ben’s watch.
Carlos shot up as he heard the pitter-patter of four feet hitting the grass-turning for a moment to see a small scruffy dog-foaming at the mouth and eyes wild with bloodlust in Carlos mind-bolting towards him. he screamed, taking off like a shot with his survival instincts kicking in-zooming past Ben and into the forest.
Ben was  confused for a moment, then he saw the dog and yelled out to Carlos-running after him after dropping his watch and clipboard. “Carlos!” Ben yelled, sprinting through the forest path and doing his best to follow the sound of Carlos’ screaming and the dogs barking.
He eventually found Carlos in a tree-almost crying from panic with the mutt whining up at him. He had just wanted to play! Ben quickly pushed the mutt back, frowning up at Carlos as he panic-babbled about the dog being a ferocious beast who was going to rip out his throat.
“Who told you that?:” Ben asked, wondering who told Carlos such horror stories about dogs. Carlos took several deep breaths, watching the mutt like a hawk as Ben picked him up with no problem. “my mother,” Carlos said, and Ben furrowed his brows. “Cruella?” Ben asked, and Carlos nodded. “She’s a dog expert-a dog yellerer-why are you holding him he’s going to attack you!” Carlos screeched-realizing Ben had picked the mutt up.
Ben frowned, glancing between the mutt and Carlos. “Carlos, you’ve never actually met a dog before. Have you?” Ben watched as Carlos shook his head, “No-of course not, there’s no dogs on the isle,” Carlos muttered, doing his best to get further up and around the tree-away from the mutt.
The mutt whined-he didn’t mean to scare Carlos, he just wanted to play-he thought they were playing chase! It was one of his favorites. The mutt started to loudly whine, bark, and rumble-something Ben ignored but it caught Carlos’ attention.
He glanced back at the mutt, looking into its deep warm brown eyes as Ben introduced the mutt to Carlos. Dude, the mutt was called. Dude whined, staying perfectly still as Carlos slowly came down from the tree-nervously reaching out to pet Dude.
Dude reached his head into Carlos’ palm, closing his eyes and panting as Carlos slowly started to scratch behind his ears. “Certainly doesn’t look like a vicious, rabid pack animal,” Carlos said, his voice soft and still nervous as Ben smiled, moving Dude into Carlos’ arms. Carlos panicked for a moment, then relaxed as Dude snuggled into him, resting his chin on Carlos’ shoulder and sighing.
“hi,” Carlos said, flinching as Dude gently licked his cheek. “oh-thank-thank you.” Ben smiled sadly, he had never known nor imagined how bad it was for the vks back on the isle. He had seen more of it as the day went on-Harry, Carlos, and Evie all flinched at loud noises, Gil froze at the sound of yelling, Jay was constantly shifting on his feet-his eyes scanning every exit. Mal did the same, her hands usually clenched into fists or curled tight around a leather-bound book.
The path to a happy future in Auradon was going to be a long road for them, but Ben was ready to be there for every step. He smiled, patting Carlos’ shoulder. “I’ll let you two get to know each other-and I’ll see you later, okay?” Carlos nodded, rubbing Dude’s back as Ben turned and left the forest-grinning behind his shoulder as he saw Carlos sit down with Dude in his lap-the mutt happily laying down and cuddling in.
Around the same time-you had been wandering around with Doug after tryouts finished-Harry said something about getting his homework done while you went to meet up with Doug to talk about the upcoming group project in English class. You paused as Doug suddenly swerved and jogged off towards the bleachers, sighing as you realized he was heading directly for Evie-who was with Chad.
“time to save the princess from ‘prince charming” you muttered to yourself-jogging after Doug who climbed the bleachers and listened into their conversation. Evie in the middle of asking about the wand and you sighed-honestly how did nobody realize they wanted the wand? They walked about it so much-Mal the most-she mentioned it in practically every other conversation.
Oh, gods, Evie was trying to kiss him-ew ew ew-girl you don’t know where he’s been!!! You gagged quietly, something Doug laughed silently over as you reached over and smacked him, glaring down at Chad as he manipulated Evie into doing his homework in exchange for a date-which really would be Evie only doing his homework and then getting ghosted.
He did that with all the girls. Promise, get his end of the deal, and dip. So much for ‘charming’, you easily bet if his parents know about his behavior-Chad would be grounded for the rest of his life.
Chad walked off, Evie sighing dreamily after him. and Doug took that chance to hop down the bleachers to accidently scare Evie. “I couldn’t help but overhear-“ Doug started, Evie jumping and glaring at him. “are you stalking me!” Evie accused and you jumped down next to Doug-flicking his head-and Evie relaxed. Doug didn’t seem like the dude to do anything, but still. “yes, he is. And stop it-its creepy. Anyway~” you slid between the bleacher seats and landed in front of Evie, wiping your hands on your pants. “Chad’s a creep and a cheater-in more ways than one. You’d be way better off going for any other prince here than his dumbass, he talks to ten girls at a time and ghosts each and every single one of them-the only one he hasn’t ghosted Is Audrey, and she has no interest in him.”
Evie pouted a bit, glancing to the side as she clenched her mirror tightly. But she had to get a prince, and Chad was a prince. If Evie didn’t get a prince with that mother-in-law wing….Evie didn’t even want to think about what her mother would do. You held your hand out-gesturing for Chad’s bag.
Evie furrowed her brows, glancing between the bag and your hand when Doug spoke up, wanting to ease the tension but failing the realize he was ruining the moment. “I too-am interested in fairy godmothers wand,” and with that-Evie’s attention was on Doug and you had lost her. You sighed, letting your arm drop and leaning against one of the support beams, watching as Doug continued to talk.
“Which is another reason I look forward to the coronation,” Evie’s eyes snapped up, and a grin grew on her face. “perhaps we could sit next to each other and discuss its attributes?” Evie licked her lips, stepping close to Doug and resting her hand on his chest. “Are you saying they use it in the coronation?” Evie purred, batting her eyelashes in a way that made Doug lose his breath. He nodded and you held in a laugh, covering your face as Doug asked Evie out and she just smiled, waving you goodbye and skipping off back to the dorms.
“She’s waaaay outta your league Doug,” You chuckled, tossing your arm around his shoulders and leading him away from the bleachers and towards the dorms. He sighed, nodding a bit., “I know, but she’s so pretty!” his face turned pink, remembering the feeling of Evie’s hand on his chest. You laughed, shaking your head. “uh-huh, she is. And you’re stalking her and making her uncomfortable~ so-chill out, attempt just being her friend first and see if anything comes from it~ nice guys may finish last, but creepy fucks get gutted.”
Doug choked on his spit-pausing to hit his chest to free his airway. “Hercules, (y/n), you’re intense.” You just grinned, one that made Doug think of Harry, and waved Doug’s comment off. “Point being,” you continued, nodding towards Evie as she stepped into the dorm building. “Stop being creepy, stop stalking her, and if she asks why you like her-do not say her looks, kapeesh?” Doug nodded, straightening his back and saluting, laughing as you rolled your eyes and flicked his forehead. “Dork-c’mon, snack bar should be open by now.”
Harry sighed, running his hand through his already messy hair as he messed with a pencil in his other hand; attempting to get some math homework done. But he-fuck-he could hardly get past the first question; ‘write down the values of a, b, and c in each case then solve the equation using the quadratic formula. Leave the answers to 2 decimal spaces’
What was even the quadratic formula?!?! Why were there letters in the equation-why was this so difficult for him?!
“I’m so fuckin’ stupid,” Harry muttered to himself, dropping his pencil and burying his face in his hands-a burning sensation at his jaw and mind. Why couldn’t he get this? Just why did he struggle this much!? Even Gil could understand this bullcrap and he was as daft as a piece of hay!
So why was Harry having so much trouble?
He had to’ve been stupid, there was no other way-harry sighed, looking back down at his paper-spotting the magic map across from it. It was open and active, showing Harry in his dorm room, alone. Across from him-was your dorm, and you were inside it, sitting at the window.
Harry bit his lip-remembering earlier that day when you helped him out in chemistry-somehow understanding how his brain worked and helping him understand what he needed to do-helped him learn. Harry stood, grabbing his math book and homework and closing the map-whispering the magic words to lock it.
He walked out of his dorm, swallowing down a pit in his throat as he knocked on your door. “Who is it?” you called, the sound of you turning in your rolling chair echoing in the room. “me, Harry.” Harry said, opening the door when you told him to come in.
He paused-jaw dropping at the sight of your room. it was a pirates paradise. On one wall-was a mural of the ocean, at sunset with a ship looming on the horizon and stars above it, two sticking out as the stars of Neverland. On the other wall-were tons of maps of the world and its oceans, treasure maps, blueprints of legendary hips like the black pear and flying dutchman-a pinboard with pictures of the ocean, ships, and treasure.
Harry admired it all, spinning on his heel to get a good look-smiling sheepishly as you giggled, watching him amused. “I guess you like my room?” you teased, standing and making your way over to him, crossing your arms as he nodded, a blush on his cheeks.
“Aye, why can’t my room look like this?” Harry asked, gesturing to the wall of maps-his eyes locking onto a map of the isles of the Caribbean.  You shrugged, you really didn’t have an answer, Auradon prep certainly had the money to customize the rooms, but you customized yours personally after transferring to a boys dorm-the girl's one was just….too bright in your optioning and Ben was all too happy to help you get into the boys dorm wing.(which there was no rule against)
“Yeah, it just-hurt my wallet so much~” you cried, dramatically holding your hand to your chest as Harry laughed. “all of this is my work, or well, came from my money-Ben helped some but- you could ask him or FG to help you customize your dorm room, I’m sure Ben wouldn’t mind.” You said, waving him over to the round desk in your room as you noticed the book and paper in his hand. “So what’s up?”
“I…” Harry hesitated, licking his lips as he handed you his homework. “I need help, I-I can’t do math.” You hummed, looking down at his homework, algebra. It was the bane of existence to anyone who struggled with math, once it clicked it clicked, but for someone like Harry or anyone like him-it never clicked and was a constant frustrating force.
“Yeah, it sucks” you muttered casually, which surprised Harry as you took his pencil and a calculator. “Never clicks for me, so it’s like learning a brand-new thing every day-its why I take Ms. Honey’s focused class, she helps make it a bit easier to learn-you could probably join if you need to- Dyscalculia n all that.” Harry’s mind was whirling-short circuiting as you spoke so casually, as if he wasn’t stupid-as if being bad at math wasn’t him being stupid. Wait-dyscal- “Dys-dyscalculia?” Harry asked, fumbling over the word for a moment.
You nodded, turning to him. “Yeah, it’s a learning disability for numbers, lots of kids have it, it's why Ms. Honey is a teacher specialized in that disability-she helps kids who have trouble understanding numbers and focuses on their learning style so it clicks for them.” Harry just stared, nearly about to cry. There-there was a name for it? He-he wasn’t stupid? He just had a learning disability?
Was that really all it was?
“And-ye think I have it?” Harry asked, pointing at himself, clearing his throat to rid himself of the slight croak to it. You didn’t comment on it, nodding. “Yeah-Ms. Honey noticed you having trouble with math and brought it up to FG, who brought it up with me-since I’m kinda in charge of you and Gil,” That was news to Harry, but he let you continue “So, when you were having trouble in chemistry-it just kinda, solidified that idea, you aren’t stupid, not at all-your brain just goes fuck you to numbers and it’s hard to understand them.”
You turned to him with a smile, one that sent butterflies through his gut. “There’s nothing wrong with you, you just need a different style of teaching to help you understand.” Harry sniffed, nodding slightly as you went back to his homework, sliding it in front of him and showing him your notes from your math studies “Here, you can use my notes-they might make sense to you, I basically just make little cheat codes to help me remember how to plug in the formula’s n all that.”
Harry nodded again, not trusting his voice as he took his pencil back and started to work. As he did-the frustration he felt earlier cleared up-and things started to…well, click. His pencil got faster, a grin slowly appearing on his face as you guided him through his homework-a matching smile on your lips.
“And there you go, you did your math homework~!” you cheered, clapping your hands. Harry let out a short laugh, staring down at the completed worksheet. he did it-he actually did math. “Holy fuck,” he breathed, setting down his pencil and leaning back in his chair-staring at you. “You actually taught me math, how in the hells did ye do tha?” you shrugged, closing his math book and setting the worksheet on top of that. “Dunno, I just taught you the same way I get taught, and it worked. So-yay?”
“Aye, yay,” Harry breathed, still staring at you. You stared back, flushing a bit under his gaze. You were saved by the bell-well, Ben- as he threw open your door, narrowing his eyes at you. “Where is it?” Ben asked, crossing his arms. You furrowed your brows, wondering what he meant. “Where’s what?” you asked, leaning back in your chair and crossing your legs. “The compass? I just got a report that It’s missing, and I know you took it. So where’s the compass?” Ben demanded, an amused look in his eyes.
“I didn’t put it back?” you muttered, and then you jumped to your feet-remembering yes, in fact; “I didn’t put it back!” Harry was utterly confused as you ran over to your dresser and dug through the top drawer, pulling out a black octagon compass. Harry’s jaw dropped-he knew that compass-that was-holy shit!
“Is that fuckin Jack Sparrows compass?!” Harry yelped as you ran over to Ben and gave him the compass, grinning sheepishly. “Yep, and this is the seventh time she’s stolen it, and the second time she’s forgotten to put it back.” Ben chastised, poking your forehead and chuckling as you batted his hand away. “You really have to stop stealing it (y/n),”
You just grinned, moving to sit back down next to Harry. “Upgrade your damn security and I might,” Ben just rolled his eyes fondly, pocketing the compass and about to walk out when he seemed to remember something; turning to you with furrowed brows.
“Oh, did you try and steal the wand last night? The report also said the alarm went off.” Harry’s blood went cold, freezing on the spot only to relax as you nodded, leaning on your palm. “yeah, was bored-threw a rock at the barrier, felt like getting that guard on his feet.” You giggled; your grin almost devilish as Harry stared at you.
You definitely weren’t at the museum last night-that was them-the vks-they tried to steal the wand. And yet you covered for them like it was nothing, and you wouldn’t get in trouble for it. Ben just sighed and rolled his eyes. “yeah yeah, upgrade security, see ya (y/n), Harry.” And Ben walked out, closing the door.
Harry just kept staring, letting out a soft huff of air as you winked at him and grabbed his remedial goodness homework. “Let’s get this done too, looks like a bigger headache than math.” Harry laughed, nodding and scooting closer to you, his shoulder brushing against yours.
Gil grinned as he walked back to his dorm-grunting as someone ran into him. He gasped as he looked down, seeing Jane on the floor, her books and papers surrounding her. “Jane!” Gil yelped, crouching and gently pulling her up, brushing her long hair out of her face to make sure he didn’t hurt her. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry-“
Jane let out a soft squeak, her face turning red as Gil helped her to her feet. “I’m-I’m fine-really!” Jane squeaked out, clutching her hands into her skirt as Gil leaned down to pick up her books and papers, carefully stacking them and putting them in her arms. “Just a bump-you didn’t hurt me,” Gil nodded, a worried look still on his face, Jane stared up at him-then realized his jersey, gasping excitedly as Gil noticed her hair, grinning as he pointed at it.
“You grew your hair out!” “You joined the tourney team!”
They stared at each other for a moment for their overlapping words then laughed, Gil rubbing the back of his head as he admired Jane’s long locks. “it’s really pretty, your hair,” Gil said, smiling shyly as Jane curled a lock between her fingers. “Thank you,” she whispered, feeling giddy. “congrats on joining the team!”
“Thanks!” Gil beamed, the two staring at each other for a moment before they slowly started to move around. “so uh-I’ll see you later?” Jane nodded, waving Gil goodbye as he went off to his dorm to show Harry his jersey. “Bye Gil,” “Bye Jane~!”
Jane stared after him until he disappeared, spinning around with a squeal and running off-she couldn’t wait to tell you about this!
Gil threw open the door to his dorm room, narrowing his eyes as he noticed Harry’s absence. He turned, going over to your room and opening it, grinning as he saw Harry at your desk with you, finishing up the last of Harry’s homework. You looked up, wolf-whistling with a grin as Gil showed off his jersey. “lookin’ good~!” you cheered, Harry turning and grinning when he saw Gil. “Aye, lookin’ like a bore-adon jock~” Harry teased, cackling as Gil scrunched his hands at him-mimicking squishing Harry’s face. “shut up, not like you won't be one tomorrow after Roar tryouts,” Gil teased back, laughing as Harry gasped dramatically, leaving you to clean up the desk and grab a soda from your mini-fridge.
“how dare ye! I will never be a jock-i am a pirate through and through!”
“I cannot wait to see you squirm in bright ass yellow and blue”
“like ye didn’t at tryouts earlier!”
You watched them amused, sipping at your soda as they bantered, getting a text from an unknown number and opening the new chat.
‘hi, I just got this and the box said it was from Ben, and im not really sure how it works’ ‘but’ ‘Mal said you were interested in me giving Jane a makeover? I can totally do that, for a price of course-material isn’t cheap after all’
Ah-Evie, you quickly entered her number into your phone and texted her back. ‘sweetness, and of course! Does $400 sound good?’
Evie took several moments to respond, and you know she was just staring at her phone-deciding whether to scream or faint.
‘yes-yes that sounds perfect’ ‘im thinking soft pinks and blues-denim maybe? Maybe showing a bit of her tummy?’
You grinned, that sounded perfect.
‘sounds awesome, ill stop by in a bit with Jane to get her measurements and to pay you, sound good?’
‘perfect, see you soon!’
You stood, pocketing your phone and going out to look for Jane, you turned back to Harry and Gil as they stared at you; wondering where you were going. “I’m going out, you guys can stay in here if you want, just don’t break anything-I got games too-“ you pointed at the console below your tv and Gil bolted over to it- while Harry stared at your mini-fridge, knowing you had root beer in there. “Help yourself, see ya!”
Harry stared at your open door for a minute then ran over to your mini-fridge, taking two bottles of root beer and handing one to Gil, standing as he watched Gil turn on your console and picked out a game.
“Infamous second son,” Harry muttered, smirking at the cover art, oh he was going to like this game.
-end of p5-
Whooooo boi, longest one yet I think XD 800+ words too hoped ya like~
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
POYW R!V2 taglist!
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue
51 notes · View notes
here have a sneak peek cuz i already love this so much-again im only revising D1 rewrite cuz D2 and D3 im still very happy with.
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Music plays as the camera pans on a purple book with a bright red apple pictured on the cover, swirling gold vines and a gold capital D are placed on and around the apple.
The book opens to reveal a tablet, and a purple painted finger swipes up on the tablet to ‘flip the page’-revealing the title of the ‘book’; Descendants.
‘once upon a time-long long ago~’
Naaaah well get to that in a moment, right now! We have some backstory to get into! Meet (y/n)! 16 years old, a disney fan since she was a baby(sleeping beauty was the shit when she was old enough to remember movies), and now-a huge descendants fan. It’s July 25th, 2017, it’s been four days since Descendants 2 released-and now (y/n) is hunkering down on her couch to watch the first movie again, and then watch D2 again-just for funsies~.
Harry Hook had quickly and easily stolen her heart as soon as he appeared on screen, and she couldn’t wait to start up D2 again. But as the opening credits began to play on her screen-it started to…glitch out, Mal’s voice overpowered by a ‘new’ one, deeper, male-and Scottish.
Before (y/n) could react to it properly-her TV turned to blinding white, the light overwhelming her eyes and living room; something grabbing at her feet and tugging her into the screen, the teen was just barely able to grab her phone and bag before she was dragged in screaming to the Descendants world.
What adventures await her there? Only time will tell, for now~ let’s get back to those opening credits-shall we?
Mal; “once upon a time, long long ago-okay more like twenty.” Mal gets shoved over, a crashing noise indicating she hit something hard as someone scrambles to sit on the chair Mal was sitting on, a soft snicker coming from the intruder. Mal; ”Harry?! I was in the middle-“
Harry Hook; “oh shut it pixie-it’s my turn ta narrate! Now go be a bitch somewhere else-anyways~!” Mal storms off in a huff-most likely to complain about Harry to Evie or anyone that would listen. “Twenty years ago, king beasty and his Belle married front’ of all six-thousand of their mates-that’s a big cake hells bells. Anyway! Beasty united all tha’ kingdoms and declared hi’mself king of tha’ united states of boreadon~
He rounded up all tha’ villains, sidekicks, petty thieves, drug dealers, anyone he could think of that was even slightly bad-and booted em’ off ta’ the isle of the lost; with a magic barrier ta’ keep ‘em there.
This is where I live. No magic, no wifi, no fresh food, and no.way.out….or so we thought~ hol’ up hol’ up, yer about ta’ see me pretty face~ but first-this happened, and aint she pretty~ no not belle-the one sitting in the chair behind prince beasty.
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....Rewrite poyw....has
63 fucking parts to it....HOW IN THE HELL DID I WRITE THAT MUCH?!
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