#mostly otacon tbh
pocketkiss · 1 year
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the timing’s poor i know it’s never right
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caracello · 2 years
ttthinking soo hard abt the f/o house au. i Need to put chief boone camilla pearl snake and otacon in group therapy stat
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melto · 1 year
i wish i had like a better/easier way to express how like mgs has interacted with my transgender swag and my own sense of self but i literally cannot get it from my brain & heart out. i dont know if i ever successfully ever will either
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sporkberries · 6 months
Hi! I wanna preface this message by saying that I’m autistic so this might come across as a bit silly but I’ll try to write this as precise as possible!
I LOVE the idea of an idol crossover! It’s something I’ve thought about so so much! I’m a super duper big idol fan. (Mostly of Idolmaster, but I have a couple other 推し,you know how it is lol)
Now, a Side M crossover would seem kinda... obvious cus that’s the Male branch of the idolmaster series, but the only issue is that I couldn’t find too many look alikes for the cast.
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This is Ryo Akizuki, cousin of a female idol from 765! (I have to bring her up because she’s my fave) Ryo kinda looks like Otacon, and their personalities are pretty similar too! In the manga, Ryo is brought up in the idol industry and is not very confident, but finds his place as a male idol within Side M!
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This is Michiru Enjoji, and, cmon... bandana? Lol this one is kinda obvious.
Sadly I don’t know much about his character, he doesn’t have any relation to the girl’s side but hey, it’d be close, huh?
Apologies for how long this is, and the audacity I have to ask if you wanna see my girl side headcanons too... it’s more in depth, but it’s long, I gotta warn you!
(prefacing this by saying im really drunk so excuse typos and any nonsense) i really like the sound of a girl idol crossover tbh... i think about those sweetie snake figures and ough theyre so cute- cutesy anime shit and metal gear is such a good combo
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dontmindme2600 · 4 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
It’s no problem, I love answering questions like these!!! But also that’s a RRREAALLLYYYY hard question for me bc it changes depending on what I’m currently obsessed with lollll and it’s even harder for me to rank from least favorite to favorite so,,, if you don’t mind I’m just gonna keep it to anime/games and list like off the top of my head in no particular order!! If that’s ok:
-Yusuke from YYH (I’m a sucker for the “punk guy with a heart of gold” trope and also the first episode/chapter where he shows up to his own funeral and gets shocked at how much everyone misses him is like,,, the only anime/manga scene that actually makes me cry lmfao. It added a lot more depth to his character as well and I thought it was cool that Togashi managed all that in literally the first volume)
-Illumi from HxH (his design is iconic and I just think he’s cool. It’s honestly mostly the design… I wanted to only do one character per series for this post but Chrollo and Kite are also up there)
-Jolyne from JJBA (funny, badass and kinda relatable in a way??? Like I’m not very confrontational at all but somehow I just. Get her. I also love the way she speaks lmao)
-Spike from Cowboy Bebop (Looking at my blog theme I bet you could never guess! there’s a lot of reasons I like him but to keep it brief I just think he’s very fun to analyze bc his character is so complex if that makes sense?? Also he’s hot which is a bonus)
-Ginko from Mushi-shi (just seems like a cool dude!! Helpful and knowledgeable)
-Vash from Trigun 1998 (How can you NOT like him,,, I immediately liked him since his intro in episode one lmao. Forever mourning the loss of his accent in the 2023 version)
-N from Pokémon (This one’s the hardest to explain for some reason but tbh I just think that he’s cool! His backstory and mannerisms are really interesting and as a Pokémon fan it’s nice to see when they get really creative with the human characters! Also keeping true to my one character per series rule here but Guzma and Team Skull as a whole are also hilarious and I love them)
-Majima from Yakuza (specifically the version from 0, but I like all of them. He just makes me laugh lmao which is super fun!! But he also shows that he’s actually a very respectable guy on a lot of occasions, which bumped him up for me. Oh also his intro in 0 IS SO GOOD)
-Klavier from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (I’m ngl I just think he’s hot but also he made me laugh a lot… and it was always just generally really fun/interesting whenever you got to talk to him in game)
-Otacon from MGS (Like a lot of other characters on this list it just started with him being really funny. I mean come on you really can’t beat a character introduction where you hype the dude up to be this super serious science hacker guy, and then when you finally meet him he pisses his pants and rants to you about anime… Aside from that his codec calls are really fun, Otasune is a good ship, and his character development as he ages is also interesting)
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jadenvargen · 7 years
what are your headcanons as to when snake and otacon started uhhh. falling for each other? getting together. and all that. like, how their relationship evolved over the timeline of the games?
CRACKS KNUCKLES.. a bit!! a bit!!! i have diff opinions on how it went depending on the mood im in tbh but mostly(its p standard general stuff): 
meryl, snake and otacon escape together in mgs1, and snake and meryl live together for two weeks. during the first week they realise they’re strictly gay and then fret about how to tell the other. they part as pals. during these weeks otacon’s been in and out the house, meeting the dogs and whatnot. meryl still visits sometimes, but she leaves the country for thourough training and snake basically just hangs with otacon for the rest of his day.
they really hit it off from the start and snake develops a crush he’s sure will go away(LOL) as they basically just. realise how fucking lonely they are. talking to each other for long stretches of time, staying up late just to talk, they realise how much they relate to each other, and how good it feels to open up to someone. so much they both feel kinda bad when they’re apart. eventually otacon has to leave someday and snake just... ‘hey, you could stay.’ and he does, and he never leaves. they start philantrophy, and just get closer. they’re kinda codependent by the start of mgs2.
by this time both are head over heels for the other, ofc they’d both rather die then act on it so poor raiden has to suffer thru extreme tensions during the whole mgs2 mission...
then i have like, two main theories and it’s either they got together during mgs2. which is what i believe mostly. and then raised sunny together like that. OR the torturous “they spent 9 years pining, never said a word until old snake almost dies and then they get married”. BUT i never feel like that one almost so... i just... usually standard stuff. that’s! what i think... 
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nokikissa · 7 years
I'll give you a free one: borderlands. However, as a follow up, Metal Gear.
The first character I first fell in love with: Vaughn probablyThe character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Timothy and AureliaThe character everyone else loves that I don’t: Hmm... Ehhhh maybe Moxxi? Like I don’t dislike but I’m mostly sorta neutral towards her?The character I love that everyone else hates: Judging from all the “Ughhh she’s such a bitch I’m happy you got to kill her!” posts I keep finding when trying to find content of her, Yvette.The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Well I still like him, but being in the Fandom has made me like Handsome Jack a little bit less.The character I would totally smooch: Vaughn I guessThe character I’d want to be like: Hmmm Maya’s pretty cool so maybe that I suppose.The character I’d slap: Jack. And then he’d kill me.A pairing that I love: Rhys/VaughnA pairing that I despise: ahahahhahah is it even worth mentioning it’s only like the most popular thing in the fandom and im so tired........
Metal Gear
The first character I first fell in love with: Solid Snake probablyThe character I never expected to love as much as I do now: The BossThe character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don’t care about Big Boss that much tbh, like he’s okay but ehhh I like the Solid Snake side of series moreThe character I love that everyone else hates: I like Raiden. And also I don’t hate Rosemary.The character I used to love but don’t any longer: IdkThe character I would totally smooch: Blade Wolf is a good robot doggo who has earned a smoochThe character I’d want to be like: Uhhhh I dunnoThe character I’d slap: DunnnoooA pairing that I love: Snake/OtaconA pairing that I despise: Hmmm... Well not despise I suppose but I didn’t care for the whole Otacon/Naomi thing in mgs4
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