meesefr · 2 years
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Valoria is gonna be hosting a postcard delivery service for VaLight! Be sure to check it out!
A little callback to my favourite dom battle hehe (and the first VaLight I did graphics for!)
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ack-cough · 2 years
I just think she's kinda,,,
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Cirrus’ Welcome Party pt. 2
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*Cirrus sheepishly waves goodbye to Mortem as he leaves backstage and into the crowd, and she goes back to getting ready for the stage.*
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*Meanwhile, Irise is staring down Plaguebringer, and though she doesn’t move, she continually mouths “Do. Not. Touch. The. Decor. Please.” at her, knowing full well Plaguebringer is just doing this to bother her at this point. By the irritated look on her face, this has been going on for at least a good minute or so.*
*Windsinger, seeing that a majority of the dragons were seated (considering how the Palace was mostly filled with his Exalts, that’s the most he’s going to get out of them), starts shouting out to the audience.* ATTENTION, EVERYONE! ATTENTION! YOU TOO, GERALD! DON’T THINK I DON’T SEE YOU OVER THERE!
*he clears his throat once everyone has hushed down, which takes a moment* Alright, now that I have everyone’s attention, I know you are all excited to meet the new apprentice, but first, we have a lovely performance from the one and only, Daybreak! Please give her a hand! *the audience applauds as Windsinger leaves the stage and Cirrus walks on.*
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*The way she carries herself suddenly shifts the moment she steps on the stage. She seems to be beaming with confidence, like she could easily take on the world if she so chose to. After a brief but poignant introduction, she pulled out her harp and begun her song. She starts off with a traditional song from the Plateau, which she plays beautifully with seeming ease. It’s not long before she hits the chorus of the song, and she takes into the air with intricate dances throughout the hall.*
*She swoops down and passes Mortem for a moment in her flight, her tail fluff briefly brushes under his face before she arcs back up. Her usual scent is overtaken by a smell of citrus and pine. …It’s hard to tell, (for Mortem, at the very least) whether or not she did that intentionally.*
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gamerdot · 1 year
There's a poll going around for the top most diseased blorbo Of All Time and Plaguebringer's on there! The poll still has a day left as of this post, and she's only behind by less that 0.3% 👀 if we pool together I know she can pull through.
Go check out @topdisease and cast your vote!
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Thinking of personal headcanons for the Eleven in my lore instead of sleeping, long post below:
Everyone knows that he is deep in grief over the seperation from his siblings. He keeps hidden a primal rage building up inside - he is enraged at his siblings and the divided world they've created, but he knows how devastating his wrath is - he blocked out the sun for centuries and plunged the world into darkness in a battle with Flamecaller. He lives in fear and shame of this anger- of himself - and regretfully chooses to withdraw from modern life to keep it from having the chance to emerge.
Despite his withdrawal from modern life, he needs constant attention. Travelling Dusthides made pilgrimage to visit him in ancient times with stories of heartwarming tales and the greatest feats from across the realm. In modern years, many dedicated Earth dragons across the realm have made it a Rockbreaker's tradition to visit The Pillar and stand by the destroyed relic as they tell it their own stories of love and hope, or leave written stories on biodegradable materials around the base. Earth dragons who cannot travel to visit the Pillar write their stories and bury it in the ground by a quiet dirt road - all roads lead home to Dragonhome.
He is growing amnesiac. He remembers his siblings by their elements through their children that inhabit Dragonhome, but their names are eroding away, their forms and faces a dark blur in his mind.
Her heart is breaking and it's slowly killing her. It shattered first when the Icewarden and his Gaolers almost brought the Banescales to extinction in an ancient war between the two deities. Now those ancient scars have opened for the civil war which is tearing apart her domain. She knows she could contact Earthshaker to confess this mutual feeling - but he nearly killed her, and for that she will never forgive.
She is extremely maternal, being protective of hatchlings and dragon eggs especially. It is believed having a Porphyry Flamecaller Statue watching over your nests (regardless of element) will ensure her eyes are watching over the nests and will keep them safe from all harm, and the hatchlings will grow up with a burning desire to live life to the fullest.
She is terrifying in battle. She descends onto the battlefield screaming like a banshee, her lava and flames enveloping the battlefield like the enclosing wings of a phoenix, much to her enemy's awe and horror. She is not one for sending pawns to die in her stead; she fights like a mother snapped into action upon seeing her child in danger.
He frequently wonders what it's like to live as other beings. To lurk in muddy wetlands as a marsh stalker, or to gallop across the open plains as a centaur? He is endlessly fascinated with the thought of experiencing life through different perspectives.
For his hyperactive personality he is an incredible mediator. He can quickly establish a sense of authority that can silence even Stormcatcher and his shouty mouth. He is responsible for spearheading most of the Plaguebringer and Gladekeeper's truces.
He is possibly the only deity that the Shadowbinder has an inkling of respect for. No one's sure why, but it's speculated he may have saved her from becoming overwhelmed by the Shade. Or maybe it's just that they both have a mutual fondness of pranking their own children and fellow deities.
He had actually been missing for quite some time before it was noticed that he was gone. His seers were used to him going quiet for several weeks to gather his strength, but it was the change in water temperature of the Shoredeep Presage that was the official sign that something was terribly wrong.
Building on the above point, the prophecies and visions experienced by the Tidelord can overwhelm him, mentally and physically. His body is very weak. It's possible he could have been driven to madness millenias ago had he not had his children to bear the burden with him.
In ancient times he commanded a flock of Omens - non-draconic shapeshifters often taking the form of seabirds. They are not storm seekers, for as well as heralding warnings of dangerous weather, Omens often brought to light informaton and revelations that could drive ship captains insane if their will wasn't strong enough. Most Omens have faded away as the Tidelord's children took on his burden of prophecy, though few still linger into the modern day. No one knows what they truly are and just how Tidelord came to command them. Killing an Omen is a sin with deadly consequences.
He is one of two deities who actively participates in modern day-to-day life alongside his descendants, the other being the Plaguebringer. He travels to projects across his domain to get first-hand reports on their progress and to observe his workers with his own eyes - he is wary and distrustful of information being kept from him.
He likes destruction. Especially when he's personally overseeing failed projects being torn down; the sounds of crashing bricks, metal scraping against the ground, and the rumbling and beeping of heavy machinery is ASMR to his ears.
For his constant pursuit of modern technology, Stormcatcher is a fanboy for airships. He collects certified parts of famous ships, build-it-yourself figurines of model airships, photographs and videos of airship launches, there's even rumours he keeps giant hangars of retired airships that he's personally restored and preserved. Don't tell anyone, especially Windsinger!
I love this pathetic dragon man.
His cold demeanor is a mask that hides a deep feeling deity underneath. He is blunt because he cares. He will hurt you with the truth because he wants to watch you grow into a stronger version of yourself from moving past it, rather than becoming soft and stagnant in a bittersweet lie. Sometimes he gets carried away with this emotionless state and it hurts his children, which hurts him once he snaps out of it.
He is an incredible hunter. Gaoler Seekers and game hunters alike pray for his keen eye and endless patience to guide them in their own hunts.
He has personally observed horrors beyond mortal comprehension. As a result, he is the only deity who completely understands the Arcanist's withdrawal from the world.
He hates the Flamecaller especially - because he sees himself in her, and what could become of him if he dares open up his emotions to the world. That, and a bitter war between them almost resulting in the extinction of the entire Icefield and Banescale race probably didn't help either of them.
She cares for the Arcanist. A lot. She just wants to invite him over to the Beacon to show him the sunrise over the endless horizon, or even visit the Observatory herself to skim through his libraries with him. She wants to be his friend given their shared hobbies. He keeps declining her offers though, to her dismay.
She dedicates herself and her Flight to preserving as much of history as possible so that one day dragonkind's descendants can learn from their ancestors mistakes. Yes, this includes the creation of Imperials and the ensuing Emperors, again to her dismay. She has to fight the urge in her mind "erase them from history... no one must know..."
She is a rather dismayed deity. She fights to keep up a bubbly and outgoing façade though, lest her biggest threat Shadowbinder discover these unpleasant feelings and exploit them.
She taps her claws on surfaces a lot out of habit. She also enjoys manicuring her claws and painting them with glitter.
Shadowbinder doesn't hate anyone. In fact, she just can't feel anything or develop bonds with anyone. Everything is just a tool she can manipulate to an end - dragons, fellow deities, worshipping beasts. To what end is something she keeps to herself.
She is a fantastic liar, and revered by fools and monarchs alike as the Queen of Liars. She can spin tales so tall it could make the Arcanist climb the Pillar again, believing that it was whole once more.
While the Lightweaver is her preferred target as her "natural opposite", she will pursue any of the other deities just as relentlessly. Windsinger is probably last on the list cause out of all of them, he could most easily out-sabotage her.
She is the most terrified of the Shade out of the Eleven. Any creature - dragons included - in her sight that shows even a small sign of being Shade-infected is killed instantly.
She cackles like a fairytale witch as she stirs the Wyrmwound and you can't convince me otherwise.
She can be as maternal as Flamecaller, but only to her "children" who have proven to thrive in the Wasteland she's created. Anyone who can continuously survive in the Wasteland she considers her own and treats with a great deal of respect - no matter their element, origin, breed, age, beastkind etc. She personally interacts with these "super mutants", coming up with ways through contagion to make them even more powerful.
Out of the Two Sisters, she's the one who adheres to the natural order of life and death the most. She's appalled at Gladekeeper's vision for the world. Only stagnation awaits a world of never-ending life.
She speaks in a very sophisticated manner, and is generally very polite even to her "sister" Plaguebringer. She won't admit it but she does like hearing the sound of her own voice.
Her ultimate goal is to conquer death itself. An immortal world of never ending life in the form of her green blooms on every patch of ground, reaching towards the heavens and rooting deep into the soil below. Her fellow deities can join her or perish - deep down she sees them all as nothing but destructive warmongers anyway.
Beneath the sophisticated layers of leaves lies a feral deity who isn't afraid of fighting tooth and bloody claw for her beliefs. A battle between her and Flamecaller would be long lasting and terrifying to say the least.
She sprays herself with so much floral perfume - on top of the potent floral blooms covering her hide - that some Nature dragons have a saying "breathe in Gladekeeper's blooms every time [someone] does [thing].
The Arcanist:
He is the least socialised out of the Eleven. Mostly considering he grew up alone and had barely spoken a word to anyone until the Aethers were created. He has a noticeable speech impairment. Witness him with a pen, or on a typewriter or one of Lightning's fancy touchscreen interfaces, though, and he's a speedy techno-magician. Would definitely text/email over answering phone calls anyday.
He often forgets to nourish and clean himself and his quarters. He has trusted scholars who are tasked to remind him; he knows he can't avoid social interactions forever, and that it's in his best interest. A malnourished body would hinder his research after all. Several trusted Fae progenitors are dedicated to maintaining his records whilst keeping out of his way and spin web lairs in the nooks and crannies of his giant shelves. Scribbles - Tomo's scribe - has an ancestor from one of these clans. Awww.
The truth is, when he stood atop the Pillar and connected with the Shade, the two opposing forces experienced totality. He experienced possibilities - on a grander galactic scale than the prophecies seen by Tidelord. He briefly became one with eldritch creatures beyond the fabric of reality. He held ultimate power beyond comprehension, a force beyond creation and uncreation. He wants to understand what this force was, and what it's done to the Shade...and to him.
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pumpkin-bread · 1 year
You are Plagueborn. From an ancient clan, fiercely devout to the Pestilent Mother.
Your upbringing was harsh, and you grew harsher to withstand it. Your siblings, who you first sparred with for play, you then fought tooth and nail for scraps of food. You fought your rivals, you fought your parents.
You clawed your way to the head of the clan, and chose a strong mate. You raised children just as strong and callous as you, accepting no other.
You fought off challenger after challenger, and against the odds, lived to be an elder, respected by your devoted clan and held in high honor.
Until, one day, you finally stumbled.
Your strength was bound to wane eventually. You were getting old, as far as leaders go. It was only a matter of time until something got you.
Illness finally taking hold in your system, a challenger's stamina overcoming your decades of experience in battle, or your own child betraying you in your sleep, knowing they couldn't win a fair fight.
It doesn't matter. You've been bested, and as you abandoned the weak, so does your clan abandon you.
You are left for dead there on the moist, reeking soil, and your family and followers are no more. The clan moves on without a second look, strengthened by your absence.
You accept your fate, for there is nothing else to do.
You lived a proud life as the Plaguebringer's most devout, and now you will die and become one with the damp earth, nourishing her and future generations.
You shut your eyes, and try to find peace with that thought.
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battlelisk · 2 months
Marrowmark Ramblings!!!!
cuz a new plague venue sparked the hype to finally start working on Iyarri and Vidalia’s home region!
- a family blood line leadership hierarchy based clan, where the current monarch can at any time be dethroned by a battle to the death by anyone. viking style. any family to the defeated ruler is promptly exiled. it’s not explicitly stated that the challenger must be a plague dragon, but so far no one non plague-born has ever won the crown.
- their kingdom emblem is a Hemofae- usually referred to as a “Blooderfly”, a carnivorous insect. it starts off as a capillarypillar :’)
- current matriarch (currently non existent on site lol) fought her way into power by slaughtering the former patriarch in combat, and has stood unchallenged for almost a century. I’m thinking a Fae???
- Matrim is the first born and by extension the Crown Prince. Unless his mother is challenged and perishes, he will inherit the throne in the event of her natural demise.
- Iyarri is the second born son, and since he has no claim to the throne except in the event of his brothers death, he acts as a kingdom ambassador. he is also The Alliance’s acting plague rep, as they almost exclusively trade with Marrowmark when it comes to plague relations.
- Circe is the firstborn daughter, and youngest of the royal siblings. Her primal sight is seen as a blessing from the Plaguebringer, and has gifted her with prophetic visions.
- their biggest exports consist of mercenary services, as their culture HEAVILY focuses on combat and physical prowess. additionally, they pride themselves in their bonecraft (including armor, jewelry, tools, and trinkets) and some of their.. ‘unusual’ agricultural products. onion farmer incoming LOL
- [insert bloodthirsty queen here] seized power by defeating the previous ruler, who she deemed to have become too comfortable and lazy with age. she is ruthless and violently determined to continue the expansion of her kingdom and power.
I’ll edit and add onto this in a little while I’m hungry and I gotta cook lol
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Katie S. Katt
The hotheaded warrior from Ernestop Town!
When she was young, she didn't have much family to rely on. Her father was absent from near the time she was born, and she certainly couldn't rely on her mother, with how... unpleasant she was.
Given she couldn't go to her parents, she instead confided in her older sister, Kate, for help. She considered Kate the only REAL family she had for the longest time.
Kate would stick up for here little sister, protecting her from those that bullied her, and making sure her only family was safe.
However, one day, Kate fell ill, leaving Katie to fend for herself, and to step up and take care of her sister this time.
Oh, how the turns have tabled.
So, Katie started caring for her sister like her sister did for her.
A few days go by, and it's shaping out to be that Kate's recovering quite nicely!
One day, as she returns from a grocery run, she opens the door to find strange masked people surrounding Kate.
Poking her curiously with needles and strange medical supplies.
Katie, knowing her sister always protected her, knows what she has to do. She charges forward, trying to fend off these people, but they push her away, her head hitting a nearby desk and knocking her out, cold.
When she comes to, Kate has passed.
She knows it was the doing of the masked figures, so she vows to train and get stronger, to avenge her sister and bring her justice.
The next week, a strange rock falls out of the sky and hits her. She finds that she has strange new pyrokinetic abilities that she did not have before.
And so, she trains harder for the next decade...
One day, during her training session, some weird nerd twinkboy shows up looking for her. He's looking for the Parallax Plaguebringers, which are strange masked men spreading disease across the world.
Katie knows this is her chance to avenge her sister, and joins Charles in his journey to stop these miscreants and save the world...
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songofthewindsinger · 6 months
East to west or west to east...
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...there's an exciting journey to be had!
Hello! I used to run a Windsinger RP blog a few years ago, but life kind of kicked me in the butt and I fell out of it. Here I am to give it another try!
You can probably expect to see my own art and writing for Windsinger and his story, as well as posts and updates about Flight Rising. All of it is non-canon, but loosely based off of canon.
@mother-plaguebringer @the-true-earthshaker @the-stormcatcher-clone @the-gladekeeper-stirs @thewinglesswindsinger @flame-momma @at-the-fortress-of-ends @lady-shadowbinder @tidelord @sunbeamradiance @chaosrune
I'm back! Mwahaha! I hope y'all have been well. The blog's gonna be a wip for a bit.
The Windsinger is the deity of wind, art, and music. Though he's introspective, he has a hard time sitting still and can be a little impulsive. He cares deeply for all the other deities, though gets stressed easily about the Shade and blames Arcanist for it. Usually jovial, he takes most things in good faith... though he blames himself for the Tidelord's disappearance, a heavy guilt he struggles to shoulder.
I used to have a story arc where Windsinger had been bitten by the Shade and struggled with it, I might pick that back up.
Exalt List |
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guardsbian · 2 years
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Iezekiel, a Plague druid and hunter of the Shade. Further lore for her can be found beneath the cut!
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The Stygian Coalition, despite their reputation as "Shade hunters," never aims to fell the monstrous or corrupted until all other options have been exhausted. Their Plague druids' acute command of the flesh has been used to methodically rend Shade from body, while their Light clerics' extensive knowledge of the soul has been used to wholly cleanse Shade from mind. But no method is proven completely effective, and every new case may present a condition too advanced or situation too strange to salvage what was once warped, now long departed.
Iezekiel is among the Coalition's number of genuine hunters, though her speciality in viruses and microorganisms has always defined her role far more than any status as "willing executioner" could. Ask her how such a mild-mannered and studious Tundra came to wield a blade, shotgun, and enchanted gauntlet with such controlled effeciency, and she'd assure you that any member of the Plague clergy must be as well-versed in combat as they are prayer. Ask her why she's no longer a member of that clergy, and she's suddenly far less open to discussion.
Her outward sentimentality, then, is reserved largely for those inevitable ends. After all, she can be trusted to act alone; her judgment is sound, her blows are measured, and her opponents fight honorably and viciously in the hollow halls of whatever bit of ruinous construction they take shelter from the harsh Wasteland sun in.
The miserable, lumbering forms Iezekiel smites in the Plaguebringer's name are the life which proliferates in death, not so far from those revered, diminuitive forms she devotes her studies and magic to. There is a serene stillness in death; a stillness which the Rot-Mother's children riot and raze so vibrantly to combat. The squirming and pestilent things which invade death's stillness are exalted, beautiful, thrilling.
And yet, in the sprawling, hallowed carcasses of forsaken structures, long devoid of such fiercely devout and intoxicating life, Iezekiel must contend with a stillness of her own making.
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furybeastcentral · 2 months
when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) <3 <3
Not sure why you're sending this in my general direction but okay! No idea who I'll send this to-
But ill answer the 5!
I like how my singing is complimented.
I like my sassy attitude.
I like how tall and slim I am (mostly)
I like how good I am with animals.
I like how I am able to resist the urge to *stabby stabby* myself.
@ell-dordo @the-true-earthshaker @tidelord @mother-plaguebringer @pinktrashgoblin @deltaqi @raiza-draws @soulofzurvan @rainbowfriendsfanatic @diamondart
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Cirrus, dressed as her stage persona, Daybreak, had flown overhead Quarantine Zone #128, where, as she recalled Mortem usually spent his time working. She had to be cautious as she landed by the edge of the zone's boundaries, not only because of the multitude of guards but because one misstep could very well mean she could get fatally ill.
Carefully avoiding the guards, she manages to make her way to the door of Mortem's lab. She hesitates slightly, but she manages to get the courage to knock on the door.
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gamerdot · 1 year
Round 2 of @topdisease 's Most Diseased Blorbo of All Time is currently live! Plaguebringer's up against Beetlejuice and lagging behind, but I know we can give her a fighting chance. Head on over and cast your votes!
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wrathful-reptile · 1 year
Flight Rising Lair lore Focus: Lair member Viral
Warnings: Extreme Violence/Abuse/torture, Hatred of other flights, Plague flight scenery
Context: Viral gets her name, her freedom, her markings, and an encounter few have and even fewer survive.
A visit to the Wyrmwound. A green skydancer stood mere feet from the boiling pustule of rot, looking at the bubbling surface and swirling liquid. The Juvenile skydancer held her cloak close. The leafy cloak had been a gift from her dear friend in nature but her own parents cursed her name for bringing it home. How dare she bring nature into their lair after all.
She was a plague dragon! She needed to act like it. Well. She'll prove to them she's a plague dragon. Just a little dip into the wyrmwound should prove it. Just a quick… little… swim. She couldn't bring herself to go into the wound and started her trek home.
"Where have you been, Kaluk? You have been gone for days!"Her mother growled.
"I was… I flew to the Wyrmwound."
"And yet you come back with nothing to show! First to nature, now you travel to the wound and come back with no trophies! You sightsee like a wind dragon! What next? Are you still wanting to be an entertainer? A clown? Because you act like a fool."
"Mother, I-"
"Don't call me your mother until you prove yourself a true plague dragon."The older skydancer snapped.
"How when you're never happy with me?! Maybe I want to travel and entertain! Does that really make me less of a plague dragon?"
"You are a wind dragon with plague eyes."A male voice hissed. Another older skydancer.
"If you want to behave like a wind dragon, then we'll make sure you look like one."
"Kaluk. Follow me."
Run. Run. To the Wound. Or they will catch you. They will kill you.
The green skydancer flew as fast as her young wings could carry her, panic rattling her bones as blood dripped from wounds carved into her skin. Swirls that wouldn't grow back, swirls that might. She didn't know. Half her face was stained white, patches on her shoulder, wings, and tail already done. That was before she had her chance to run. One mistake from them and she'd taken it, flying out the door.
She'd dealt with the initial scarring for days. Their claws and blades and asking of her to be a plague dragon. To prove she was and to act it. She refused to give up her cloak. She refused to destroy the items that spoke of travel. She refused to give up who she was despite the pain. To her plague was survival, not cruelty. But to those who hatched her, they saw plague as cruel and unforgiving and wanted her to learn. She'd refused and they would have killed her if she'd continued.
It had never been this bad. The occasional attack from either but this? She knew she'd crossed a line and there was no going back. Especially with them on her tail for the past… she didn't know. She'd been flying so long and every time she stopped to rest, they'd appear. They said they could never let a disgrace on their name live.
And then it came into view. She was tired, but they were behind her. She could hear them. They'd been behind her since her last stop. Her only option was to dive in and hope. And pray.
The splash, the silence. The pain of the wyrmwound getting into her own injuries and of her leafy cloak becoming part of her. And then it didn't hurt. Red Eyes from the depths stared up at her. A dragon so large that she wasn't even the size of one tooth. The top half of the snout looked skeletal and she knew who she was looking at. Plaguebringer.
Your name shall be Viral, child. Spread your name, your presence, across all of Sornieth like a plague against those who wrong you.
Viral. She stared into the red eyes. Was this a blessing? No. She didn't feel blessed. But she felt like she finally had someone supporting her.
"Thank you mother."Viral's words were bubbles in the liquid that suspended them both, but the eyes and massive snout disappeared. Viral heaved herself from the wyrmwound, changed but not monstrous. Extra fur, extra spines and scales, a few extra claws on her wings. But not monstrous. Her wounds had healed red on the white. It looked like paint… Fur. They were no longer wounds. Swirls of green covered her body where the ooze had left its own mark.
She looked like a wind dragon, but from the mother of plague, she was truly deemed a dragon of the scarred wasteland.
Viral couldn't sense the presence of her parents any longer. She figured they'd left when she'd dove in. They probably figured her dead. Fine by her. She had her freedom. She was a child of plague and they'd never accept that.
Fine by her.
She could travel and entertain as she wished. She could spread her name like a plague across the lands. All could know it.
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Abyss was in the middle of dealing with a veritable menagerie of unwanted intruders. To a degree, he despised all this… yet there was an opportunity, and thus a requirement to deal with the whole mess that would come from this. Such was the way of a creature like Abyss.
At least, this time, he had something good prepared.
A jab directly into the neck of the goddess of disease. And, ironically enough, a cure. A way to get the Shade free from a host was something Abyss had been working on for a while… and now, finally, it would come into play.
( @mother-plaguebringer @thewinglesswindsinger @chaosrune )
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jessekestrel · 1 year
Plaguebringer Headcanons
Content Warning: These headcanons mention darker themes such as mental health struggles. Intended for mature audiences; reader discretion is advised.
-Is brutally honest, has no tact at all. She often says offensive and hurtful things because she can. She likes the attention she receives from controversial opinions and the kick she gets out of upsetting and offending the other deities. She speaks openly about taboo topics such as sex, death, drugs, violence, etc. Jhortanas has no filter, and whatever is on her mind, she will speak it.
-She struggles to maintain any kind of relationship with the other deities due to her rude, blunt temperament and oddly childlike, immature nature.
-Often behaves like a petulant child when things don't go her way. Throws a tantrum and tosses pus and goop everywhere when her sister, the Gladekeeper, manages to obtain an inch of territory back from her. She lacks any kind of emotional regulation skills. Perpetually frustrated and jealous of something or another.
-Chronically lonely. She will not admit it to herself though, of course.
-Does not experience the feelings of regret, guilt, or shame.
-Pessimistic view on the meaning of life in general. 'You are born to breed, and then you die a miserable death.' Existentialist.
-Not the smartest of the deities. Tends to make impulsive decisions that come back to bite her arse in the long run.
-Cares for her children in a selfish and fucked up way. She creates diseases to strengthen her children - a very odd way of showing she adores them like a Mother would.
-Abandonment and rejection issues. No dragon except Sigil has ever genuinely loved her like their child, partner, or family member.
-Engages in extreme risk taking behaviours.
-The sort of dragon you can despise yet feel sorry for at the same time.
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