jonquildove · 3 months
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“You know, you don’t need to distrust everyone.” Though she knew what the girl had been through, it still didn’t mean there needed to be distrust. She says this, as her foot dances in step, a phantom motion of dancing with her husband and other suitors at balls. “Not all mean ill will.”
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"I know…” Sansa replied, already wondering whether she should trust this girl, with what she was about to say. The girl’s words and demeanour did not seem to bear any evil intent, though. Her heart had felt a lot in pain and distance. “It is getting difficult to trust anyone lately; after what happened with Joffrey, I treat my heart with more caution.”
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devoutpriest · 6 months
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A soft laughed fell from her lips at response to his words.“ Whatever he so chooses.” He also wore an eyepatch, as he was blind in one eye. And whatever was to her liking.
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Frigg’s words contrasted to his initial view of Odin, but then again, he hadn’t completely grasped the Norse religion in its entire. “That is certainly a new thing I have discovered today.”
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~Closed RP~
       Blue-green eyes with the appearance of a rabbit caught in a foxes den peered hungrily into the dining room. The boy, small for his age, pale and thin from malnourishment, shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he leaned further to see if anyone was in the room. If anyone would see him run in and take a piece of bread or a sip of water before rushing back to the room that his new ‘family’ had given to him. 
     When he could see no one, he pushed a stray strand of jet-black hair out of his eyes, quietly tiptoed into the dining room and reached for a tall glass of what looked like milk sitting on the table. Taking a sip, small enough for no one to notice a single drop missing from the glass, he wondered where his new ‘mother’ was.
      When he’d first met his adoptive parents, she had been the one he’d taken notice of the most. He’d thought she was beautiful, like the queens in picture books the adults had read to him once his father hadn’t come home.She was nothing like his father, a mean old man that he had learned to avoid and be silent around. She was kind, warm, and welcoming. He couldn’t remember smiling until she had come along and everyone else had said that Laufey was dead. 
     Dead. Everyone said that he’d died, but Loki still hadn’t grasped the idea of it just yet. All he'd known was that Laufey was gone and wasn't coming back. And that was just fine with him. 
    Some of the adults claimed it was shock that had kept him from understanding enough to cry, but he had known better. He'd never liked his father. Loki had silently hoped that Laufey would go away and leave him alone forever, and now that he had what he wanted, everything was different. Strange. New.  From his family to the underwear he'd slipped on inside out that morning, every part of his life seemed to be changing too quickly for him to adjust easily. But at least Laufey was gone. 
     Placing the glass down, he wiped his mouth and reached across the table to grab a slice of golden brown toast. His arm was too short to reach without sitting up on the chair, but he’d wanted to be able to run before anyone could catch him and scold him for eating early or even eating at all. Straining, he stretched as far as he could, biting his lip to hold back the sounds of his small grunts. just as his fingers grazed across the side of the plate stacked with toast, his elbow knocked into the glass, causing it to fall onto the ground with a loud clatter as milk splashed and poured onto the ground and onto his clothes. 
     Wide-eyed, he looked around, hoping no one had heard the glass fall, and quickly pulled off his shirt to dab at the liquid. The faster he cleaned it up, the sooner he could run and avoid punishment. @qceenmother
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ofodinn · 8 years
@motherofasgard liked for a Starter 
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Ragnar was still getting used to things, the afterlife he supposed it was called, Valhalla. But, he wasn’t unhappy. He didn’t often see Odin, and he knew that Odin’s wife resided in Fensalir. But on this particular day, he noticed her and figured she was looking for Odin.
Speaking out of nowhere, he looked at her. “Would you have ever let Odin have more than one wife if he wished or made him choose?” He often thought about his life and not being allowed to have more than wife was always one of his biggest grievances. He’d never wanted to give up the woman he loved, and he longed for the day she would join him here. 
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motherofasgard // starter call
        “You come up with a name for the puppy yet?”
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qceenbambi-a-blog · 8 years
@motherofasgard // sinny s.c.
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        “C’mere.” Margo’s request is soft, lips curled into           smile that speaks plainly of her intentions. “I want           closer.”
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maskedambition-blog · 8 years
@motherofasgard // sc. 
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          the party is in full swing, the other barons seem to have settled into the fort, false smiles giving way to genuine enjoyment as they partake in alcohol and opium. she indulges in neither, of course, careful eyes constantly scanning the room. her grip of both ryder and her new position are tenuous and hard won, a combination that makes her uneasy. jade bristles when she comes to stand in front of frigga for a moment -- neither has expressed any particular interest in the other -- before offering a brilliant smile.   ‘ i’m so glad you could join us!  your father is well, i assume? i have not seen him in so long. ’
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ofalderaan · 8 years
@motherofasgard | random starter
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“ Oh, Frigga, he’s beautiful, ” Breha cooed,    looking at the infant cradled in her friend’s    arms. “ He’s absolutely perfect. ”
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geneticmisfit · 8 years
@motherofasgard liked for a starter
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‘’ So, uh, I saved this couple from a mugger and they gave me this in return and-- ‘’ He holds out the heart shaped box of chocolates, ‘’--Happy belated Valentine’s Day ? ‘’ A pause, ‘’--Do you guys even celebrate that ? ‘’
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jonquildove · 3 months
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”I have had a great deal of practice—" She says, as she remembers screaming at her handmaiden, as she clambers out of bed. She spoke irritating advice, and she was tired and heartbroken with grief. "Nor did I marry my husband for the power of his kingdom. For power can corrupt even the kindest of hearts.”
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"I see, Your Grace. Too true, I have witnessed such corruption before. And I do not doubt that you love your husband. & I would aspire to be Queen someday, and I can only pray such corruption doesn’t slowly rot my heart over time," She was not sure her answer would make sense to the Queen, and felt like hugging her as she experiences the prejudice of her life; her son Thor being mean to her. "–even with the presence of Joffrey, and I'd stay as true to goodness as you.”
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devoutpriest · 6 months
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A smile touched the queen’s lips. “He does on occasion–”
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“On occasion? What does he usually wear, then?”
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magnificofiore · 8 years
                 “We're really glad to have you here, Frigga.”                   Maria’s voice was kind, truly sincere about                   her statement. She took the time to talk to Frigga                   with Clarice out of the room. “You know, our mother's                   been much happier recently. She's always put                   on an act of happiness even when she’s not, but I                   can tell there are more times now that she’s                   not acting. I know she just said you’re her                   friend, but you’re obviously more special than that.”
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ofdaggers · 8 years
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                     a MOTHER is she who can take the place of all others                                   but whose PLACE no one else can take
                                      written by katie | written by andi
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aelsell · 8 years
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“I can’t quite understand the concept of this, Professor.” Deep lines appeared on her forehead as Tilda tried to clean her mind and follow the instructions of her teacher.  “I cannot open myself up to any visions. I cannot stop thinking.”
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wxard · 8 years
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❝ Have you ever thought about what would happen if you made different choices? I mean, if I chose not to do something, I doubt I would be like I am now, but still... I doubt that it would make too much of a real  difference, right?❞
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jonquildove · 3 months
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”I know he is king—and I know he is cruel, but I did not hear such upon Asgard." She had heard of what he did to Sansa's father, and being a terrifying ruler in King's Landing, as she stands in the balcony, the sun rising on her face. The light from Sol warmed her face, as she stood on the earth of Ymir; an angel taking flight. She feels Freyja's presence, her eyes warming fire to the earth. "And fear is not something I aquatint myself with.”
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"I do not wish to speak ill of Joffrey, but he is not present in this room, as of this moment. …I confess that you seem a far better ruler, Queen Frigga.”
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