aelsell · 1 year
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The gates of Tir Asleen stood before her and for a moment Tilda could simply not believe that she had come this far. Months on the road, hunger and cold, she had endured it all. For this. She had reached her destiny only to find the doors locked, the guards patrolling, the all too familiar sound of a city preparing for war rang in her ears as she stepped closer. Raising her eyes to the guard tower she called out: "Forgive me, but is there any chance a weary traveller can find shelter here?"
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aelsell · 1 year
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aelsell · 1 year
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"Welcoming you back to Dale is truly an honor, Lady Udyati" her smile does not waver, hands hiding behind her back. The princess ambassador has a hundred things upon her mind, and most of them are not very pleasant. Yet she tries her best to find some warmth in these trying times. "My son has told me much about you and your adventures, surely you can stay for a few days and rest on our fires? The spring festivities are nearly upon us."
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aelsell · 1 year
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Child of promise, Empress of Tir Asleen …                                                               Brunhilde, Dove,                                                                                       Elora Danan.
low activity, private, selective & headcanon based. bewitched by lilah
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aelsell · 2 years
I will return to write some time soon but right now I am in this super cute bnb, listening to Tswift, eating cookies and drinkin’ wine, working on my novel only to stop every now and then to read a feelsy part out loud. and then I can watch Flora hate me for it in real time. what a joy. totally recommend writing with @fenixburned on- and offline. 
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aelsell · 2 years
life is hectic but I am still breathing, coming online for a second to let you all know that I watched the new ROP episode and... here it comes... I still love it. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. the tag is a dumpster fire and the fandom is slowly but surely spiraling into something I do no longer want to be a part of but... I love Amazon’s The Rings of Power, I love what Ismael Cruz Córdova is doing with the character, I adore young Elrond, and Disa is a true queen. take that. 
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aelsell · 2 years
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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
Bain. Look at me. You look at me.
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aelsell · 2 years
Open Starter 
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               "And will you tell me again? I would love to hear about the dragon."
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aelsell · 2 years
Open Starter 
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                        "I am not sure you are supposed to go that way", she stepped out of the shadows, eyebrows raised, "You know, sometimes one can never know what dangers might lurk behind the next corner."
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aelsell · 2 years
Not me frantically trying to remember who was Head of the Dalish guards in all the headcanons me and @aelernil made over the years, cause I wanna do a name drop in a thread... Can someone go through seven years worth of headcanons and let me know? 
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aelsell · 2 years
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                     “My mother especially never believed in fate, but I believe just like my father that she was wrong about such a thing,” allowing herself to be welcomed, Mellie smiled warmly to her fateful companion,”Three is the magic number and so something or someone insists that we keep meeting.” Traveling into a new day wasn’t strange to the humble woman that wore most of what she owned on her back. “I’m still on mine, have been for a good week or better. Well, I’m looking for a trader and I heard word he was here.”
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                        "I am not sure I believe in fate completely", her nose wrinkled as she found herself speaking honestly and from the heart. "But I have seen too much of the world, survived too much, to not believe in something being out there." Tilda had never met her own mother and maybe one day she would ask Mellie about hers. But today was not that day and the topic of parents could easily turn into dangerous grounds, she did not intend to slip up so early in their conversation. "Dale welcomes many a trader, that is for sure", leading the way into the city proper Tilda felt her heart grow lighter with every step she took on the soil of her city. Maybe it was true and in the end travelling truly was about coming back as much as it was about leaving. "The market place is always quite crowded. It can be hard finding someone specific there. But if you come with me to the palace I am sure we can ask one of the magisters or the city watch to help?" Lancelot’s soldiers knew exactly who stepped in and out of the gates - and had surely informed him of her return already.
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aelsell · 2 years
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“Just Tilda it is, then. You can call me Udyati. No need to stand on formalities for only one person.” She shivered. “Yes, you did throw it with quite some force, which is admirable. Still, apology accepted. There is no need for me to get angry about any of this. Though I will take you up on lighting the fireplace.” Another shiver, and another question: “Where did you study?” Questions like these keep the mind off of the cold. A small trick, to be sure, but one that did the trick, regardless.
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She nodded, a smile finally gracing her lips. No formalities sounded just perfect, one less thing to make her stumble. "Well, let's just say I had to let out some bottled up anger here for a second.", Tilda turned around to look at the  bucket behind her and the rest of the ballon, "You can try it if you want? Before we go inside? It really is helpful." The other's question took her off guard for her minute, as she really was not used of people caring about that part of her past. Usually it was more off a When did you find out you were a princess? Is this not a dream come true? "I am pretty sure you haven't heard of it. It's called Marburg. The Brother's Grimm studied there, too. Relatively small town, but a great castle. You?"
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aelsell · 2 years
yes, hi hello. My mental health really went down the drain in the last few weeks and work and real life are as busy as always. But I will try to combat all that with some writing so I am at least attempting to do some drafts here.  that being said I liked the Rings of Power (though it definitely has its very weak spots) so if that is a problem for you... goodbye. Please tag your salt on the dash, have fun, drink some water 
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aelsell · 2 years
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It’s a miracle in and of itself that Udyati didn’t shriek loud enough to wake up the entirety of Dale. “It’s okay,” Udyati muttered through chattering teeth. Gods, this would mean blue lips and, quite possibly, also blue finger tips. This would mean feeling the cold seep right into the marrow of her bones for the rest of the night, no matter how warm it might be. “Miss Rao will do. As would a towel, Lady Tilda, was it?”
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                          “Are you sure though? I mean I did throw it with quite some force...”, Princess Matilda of Dale - as people called her now - was not the most sporty person but in nights like this, when she channeled all her anger into it things looked different. “I am so sorry, let me apologise once again. We will call for someone to light the fireplace in your rooms and maybe... I don’t know...” Her face distorted even more as she winced at the other’s address of her. “Please, just Tilda would be perfect”, she knew admitting such a thing out loud, especially to a stranger, was a terrible idea. But the girl in front of her was her own age so maybe... Maybe she could understand the longing to be normal. “I still cannot see myself as a lady or princess, or anything truly. Months ago I was just a normal student and if tonight is any indication it truly should have stayed that way.” Tilda laughed awkwardly. 
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aelsell · 2 years
@orcristwielder​ [sc]
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                        “We thank you for inviting us into your grand halls, your majesty“, she bows her head a little, hands neatly folded infront of her. Tilda has prepared for this, practiced with her older sister, yet she is not quite sure she is doing this right. After all she is just a little girl and mere months ago none of this would have made any sense. Now her people live in ruins, her home nothing but burned ash in the lake's watery depths, and they call her father king. So she has to learn, has to adapt. It is her curiosity that drives a smile onto her face in that very moment, as she looks at the King of dwarves, the one she remembers from that fateful night. “And I myself am so excited to see your kingdom, my lord. I have heard so much of this place. Is it true that it goes deep into the mountain? All the way into the dark?“
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aelsell · 2 years
@rangers-are-cool​   [sc] 
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                     “Is there someone?”, her words were merely a whisper, out of breath as she was, her mind too preoccupied with the fear of running into more orcs. She simply did not dare to truly call out. Tilda knew that she should be on the way back by now, looking for the guards she had been seperated from, praying that they had all survived... But the guilt gnawed at her heart - after all she had been the one in charge of their travel plans, the one deciding to take this northern road in search of the ancient outpost. And now her comrades were likely dead. And she was all alone, far away from the safe walls of her home, with an ankle she could barely step on and a heart beating so fast it threatened to break open her chest. “Hello?”, another whisper as she leaned back against the tree trunk, fishing for the short sword at her side, “Can you hear me?”
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aelsell · 2 years
*falls onto the dash whispering* BEOwulffff
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