occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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It’s a common misconception that Volcarona don’t get along well with rock-types because of the advantage they tend to have over us in battle.
Personally I am very fond of smallish, vaguely egg-shaped rock-types like @sometimesnosepass because it doesn’t hurt them to be kept warm and toasty and they can be carried around like eggs.
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pokemonphdalison · 7 years
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It’s been a while since I did a picture of Mr. Motley! I made this when trying out Hexels. Hexels is a fun program that lets you do pixel-art-like work with hexagons, triangles, and rectangles.
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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Even though Larvesta can’t learn any Dance moves as attacks until it evolves, good role models should still strive to teach the art of butt wiggling to youngsters. Just lift your abdomen and wiggle and you’re that much closer to using Quiver Dance and Fiery Dance.
I’m determined to teach @occasional-larvesta a thing or two.
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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We sleep on our bellies with our wings folded together and back. It minimizes a fire hazard to the environment and grants us the most rest. Because our eyes are faceted, we do not have eyelids that close. You might notice they look darker at night though.
We can sleep while flying, but it isn’t ideal. It usually means we’ve been forced into it by a pokemon we’re battling, or we dozed off while our trainer was running around.
Bug-Type Pokemon are not like animals that are commonly called bugs, because insects and arachnids do not sleep, while Bug-Type Pokemon do. The only exceptions are Spinarak and Ariados with the Insomnia ability. Animal bugs go into a state called torpor instead.
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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Volcarona don’t have much in the way of legs, but we love all kinds of dancing! Many of us spend ages working from mastering Quiver Dance to mastering Fiery Dance.
I love to watch dances as much as perform them. Tonight I’m going to go to a contest to watch Ellie (@askivarandellie) perform! I brought her flowers to give her after the show and I hope she likes them!
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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I’m not scared of it, but I don’t swim. I go to the water often enough. I have also hatched many water pokemon, like Oleada the Magikarp in summer 2015.
My favorite pokemon to use Giga Drain on are Water-Types.
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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Yes, absolutely. The best way is to preheat your oven to 425F and then put the potato in the oven for 45 or so minutes until it looks crispy.
I like to watch the potato the entire time.
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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It’s a workout! But I love keeping eggs warm.
Did you ever notice that Volcarona sometimes fly with our abdomens curled upwards, belly kinda aimed at the sky? If you pet us in Pokemon Amie or Refresh you’ll often see us rock backwards and fly with our backs to the ground. I say that we fly in this position so that we can carry eggs! When hatching many babies, I use a Choice Scarf as a sling to hold them while I follow my trainer. It helps me move speedily and keep up while holding five eggs at once.
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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If you are what you eat, I’m Nacho Cheese! The chips look just like my wings. I like the party size bags.
I’ll leave the yellow Cool Ranch Doritos to the Cool Ranch-winged shiny Volcarona out there.
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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@mana-pudding asked if I preferred Pokepuffs or pokebeans but my clumsy feet deleted the ask! I like both, but I like beans better. The beans are a lot like gushers, they have a gooey inner part and if you heat it up hot enough, it will melt out and you can drink the slime. It is one of the most delicious kinds of goo I have tasted. (The best goo is honey, and the worst goo was a time when I used Giga Drain on a Muk holding Black Sludge that the opponent trainer someone switched in)
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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Yes! Popcorn is one of my favorites! I will teach you how to make it.
You open the box and put the bag inside. If you leave it inside for a few minutes, the bag will be big and full of popcorn!
When you finish eating it, I’ll lick out the bag. I like the salt and butter slime.
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pokemonphdalison · 8 years
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Mr. Motley's IVs are finally as perfect as the rest of him.
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occasionalvolcarona · 7 years
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I lack hair, let alone a specific kind of hair, so I cannot have an afro, BUT here is what I would look like if my antennae had big protrusions like bugs with pectinate antennae or plumose antennae!
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occasionalvolcarona · 6 years
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Young Motley tucking his trainer in to bed (and perhaps nibbling on the blanket, as moth larvae are wont to do)
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occasionalvolcarona · 6 years
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For an upcoming thing I’m working on piece by piece... a cute egg and a cute hatchling with curly horns, now a grown up!
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