#motor in tobago
mezzopieno-news · 9 months
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Secondo il nuovo rapporto dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità 2023 sulla sicurezza stradale, dal 2010 le morti per incidenti stradali sono diminuite del 5%, un dato che parametrizzato per l’aumento della popolazione globale nello stesso periodo equivale ad un calo complessivo del 16%.
L’incidentalità è in continuo calo e 108 Paesi nel mondo hanno segnalato una diminuzione dei decessi legati al traffico stradale nell’ultimo decennio. Dieci Paesi sono riusciti a ridurre le morti sulla strada di oltre il 50%: Bielorussia, Brunei, Danimarca, Giappone, Lituania, Norvegia, Federazione Russa, Trinidad e Tobago, Emirati Arabi Uniti e Venezuela. Altre trentacinque nazioni hanno compiuto notevoli progressi riducendo i decessi tra il 30% e il 50%.
Nove decessi su 10 si verificano nei Paesi a basso e medio reddito, un dato significativamente più alto se confrontato con il numero di veicoli e di strade che questi hanno. Il rischio di morte è 3 volte superiore nei paesi a basso reddito rispetto a quelli ad alto reddito ma i Paesi a basso reddito hanno solo l’1% dei veicoli a motore del mondo. Questo dato riflette l’adozione da parte delle nazioni maggiormente avanzate, di leggi e standard di sicurezza che soddisfano le migliori pratiche per prevenire i fattori di rischio. Il 53% di tutte le vittime della strada sono utenti della strada vulnerabili, tra cui: pedoni (23%); conducenti di veicoli a due e tre ruote a motore come i motocicli (21%); ciclisti (6%); e utenti di dispositivi di micromobilità come gli scooter elettrici (3%).
Fonte: Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità; foto di Dominika Kwiatkowska
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kazifatagar · 29 days
Proton expands to Caribbean partnering Ansa in Trinidad and Tobago
Proton Holdings Bhd has entered the Caribbean market through a partnership with Ansa Motors Ltd in Trinidad and Tobago, a company with a century of automotive experience. Since March, Proton has shipped 261 units in 2024, exceeding its target and bringing the total to 366 vehicles since 2023. Read More Business News Dell Technologies Appoints New Country Manager for Malaysia Caribbean…
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 5.30 (before 1930)
70 – Siege of Jerusalem: Titus and his Roman legions breach the Second Wall of Jerusalem. Jewish defenders retreat to the First Wall. The Romans build a circumvallation, cutting down all trees within fifteen kilometres (9.3 mi). 1381 – Beginning of the Peasants' Revolt in England. 1416 – The Council of Constance, called by Emperor Sigismund, a supporter of Antipope John XXIII, burns Jerome of Prague following a trial for heresy. 1431 – Hundred Years' War: In Rouen, France, the 19-year-old Joan of Arc is burned at the stake by an English-dominated tribunal. 1434 – Hussite Wars: Battle of Lipany: Effectively ending the war, Utraquist forces led by Diviš Bořek of Miletínek defeat and almost annihilate Taborite forces led by Prokop the Great. 1510 – During the reign of the Zhengde Emperor, Ming dynasty rebel leader Zhu Zhifan is defeated by commander Qiu Yue, ending the Prince of Anhua rebellion. 1536 – King Henry VIII of England marries Jane Seymour, a lady-in-waiting to his first two wives. 1539 – In Florida, Hernando de Soto lands at Tampa Bay with 600 soldiers with the goal of finding gold. 1574 – Henry III becomes King of France. 1588 – The last ship of the Spanish Armada sets sail from Lisbon heading for the English Channel. 1631 – Publication of Gazette de France, the first French newspaper. 1635 – Thirty Years' War: The Peace of Prague is signed. 1642 – From this date all honors granted by Charles I of England are retroactively annulled by Parliament. 1723 – Johann Sebastian Bach assumed the office of Thomaskantor in Leipzig, presenting his first new cantata, Die Elenden sollen essen, BWV 75, in the St. Nicholas Church on the first Sunday after Trinity. 1806 – Future U.S. President Andrew Jackson kills Charles Dickinson in a duel. 1814 – The First Treaty of Paris is signed, returning the French frontiers to their 1792 extent, and restoring the House of Bourbon to power. 1815 – The East Indiaman Arniston is wrecked during a storm at Waenhuiskrans, near Cape Agulhas, in present-day South Africa, with the loss of 372 lives. 1834 – Minister of Justice Joaquim António de Aguiar issues a law seizing "all convents, monasteries, colleges, hospices and any other houses" from the Catholic religious orders in Portugal, earning him the nickname of "The Friar-Killer". 1842 – John Francis attempts to murder Queen Victoria as she drives down Constitution Hill in London with Prince Albert. 1845 – The Fatel Razack coming from India, lands in the Gulf of Paria in Trinidad and Tobago carrying the first Indians to the country. 1854 – The Kansas–Nebraska Act becomes law establishing the U.S. territories of Kansas and Nebraska. 1866 – Bedrich Smetana's comic opera The Bartered Bride premiered in Prague. 1868 – Decoration Day (the predecessor of the modern "Memorial Day") is observed in the United States for the first time after a proclamation by John A. Logan, head of the Grand Army of the Republic (a veterans group). 1876 – Ottoman sultan Abdülaziz is deposed and succeeded by his nephew Murad V. 1876 – The secret decree of Ems Ukaz, issued by Russian Tsar Alexander II in the German city of Bad Ems, was aimed at stopping the printing and distribution of Ukrainian-language publications in the Russian Empire. 1883 – In New York City, a stampede on the recently opened Brooklyn Bridge killed twelve people. 1899 – Pearl Hart, a female outlaw of the Old West, robs a stage coach 30 miles southeast of Globe, Arizona. 1911 – At the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the first Indianapolis 500 ends with Ray Harroun in his Marmon Wasp becoming the first winner of the 500-mile auto race. 1913 – The Treaty of London is signed, ending the First Balkan War; Albania becomes an independent nation. 1914 – The new, and then the largest, Cunard ocean liner RMS Aquitania, 45,647 tons, sets sails on her maiden voyage from Liverpool, England, to New York City. 1922 – The Lincoln Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C.. 1925 – May Thirtieth Movement: Shanghai Municipal Police Force shoot and kill 13 protesting workers.
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izatrini · 4 months
BYD launches T&T showroom at Lafast Motors | Loop Trinidad & Tobago - Loop News Trinidad & Tobago
BYD launches T&T showroom at Lafast Motors | Loop Trinidad & Tobago  Loop News Trinidad & Tobago http://dlvr.it/T6tbSG
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ensinargeografia · 8 months
Mapa da folia: A geografia do Carnaval
O Carnaval, é uma das festas mais coloridas e vibrantes do mundo, transcende fronteiras e culturas, revelando a diversidade geográfica de suas celebrações. Historicamente, essa festa tem suas raízes na Antiguidade, mas foi transformada ao longo dos séculos, adotando características únicas em cada localidade. 
Neste artigo vamos destacar como essa festividade se caracteriza em várias partes do mundo e como ela se fundiu com outras culturas, tornando um evento quase que global.
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Raizes Históricas do Carnaval
O Carnaval, com suas origens entrelaçadas na diversidade cultural europeia, remonta às celebrações pagãs da Antiguidade, como as festas romanas de Saturnália e Bacanália. 
Esses festivais, caracterizados pela inversão temporária da ordem social e indulgência em prazeres terrenos, moldaram as primeiras manifestações do Carnaval. 
Com a chegada da Idade Média, o Carnaval evoluiu para incorporar elementos do cristianismo, marcando o período antes da Quaresma com festividades que permitiam uma liberação temporária das normas sociais e religiosas.
A globalização do evento foi amplamente impulsionada pelos movimentos culturais e a expansão colonial europeia, que disseminaram essas tradições pelo mundo. Cada região adaptou o festa à sua cultura única, criando variações distintas. 
No Brasil, por exemplo, a festa é sinônimo de desfiles espetaculares e samba, enquanto em Veneza, é marcada por elegantes bailes de máscaras. 
Essa diversificação global do Carnaval reflete não apenas a partilha de tradições festivas, mas também o intercâmbio cultural que ocorre quando diferentes povos se encontram e se fundem, criando um mosaico de celebrações que ressoam com a identidade e história de cada lugar.
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Carnaval do Brasil: Uma fusão de culturas
No Brasil, o espetáculo é uma explosão de cores, ritmos e tradições, refletindo a rica diversidade cultural do país. 
Sua evolução é marcada pela fusão de influências africanas, europeias e indígenas, criando uma festa única que varia em forma e expressão por todo o território nacional.
Na Bahia, por exemplo, a influência africana é pronunciada, com o afoxé e os trios elétricos ecoando os sons dos tambores ancestrais. 
O Carnaval baiano é uma demonstração vibrante das raízes africanas do Brasil, combinando música, dança e vestimentas coloridas que remetem ao legado dos povos escravizados trazidos ao Brasil.
No Rio de Janeiro, o samba reina supremo, com desfiles de escolas de samba que são verdadeiras obras de arte em movimento. 
As escolas de samba, uma inovação do século XX, misturam temas contemporâneos com heranças culturais, apresentando uma narrativa visual e musical que atravessa as ruas da cidade.
Em Pernambuco, o frevo e o maracatu dominam as ruas com sua energia contagiante. 
O frevo, com seus passos acrobáticos e sombras de ritmos militares europeus, contrasta com o maracatu, que tem suas raízes nas coroações dos reis africanos.
Uma notícia recente destaca o impacto econômico do Carnaval de 2024, que está projetado para gerar um faturamento extra de R$ 9 bilhões para o turismo brasileiro, segundo estimativas da Confederação Nacional do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo (CNC)​.
Esse crescimento reflete a importância do evento não apenas como uma celebração cultural, mas também como um motor vital para a economia local.
Portanto, o Carnaval no Brasil é mais do que uma festa; é uma expressão vívida da diversidade e riqueza cultural do país, celebrando sua história e identidade coletiva.
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Carnaval no Caribe: Trinidad e Tobago, e Além
No Caribe, especialmente em Trinidad e Tobago, é uma celebração vibrante que reflete a rica diversidade cultural da região. Com raízes que remontam ao século XIX, o Carnaval caribenho é um espetáculo de música, dança e tradições.
Em Trinidad e Tobago, a festa é uma das comemorações mais importantes do país. 
O evento é famoso por sua música distintiva, especialmente o Calypso e o Soca. 
O Calypso é um estilo musical afro-caribenho que se originou em Trinidad e Tobago. 
Ele combina influências africanas e europeias, caracterizado por letras satíricas e sociais que são cantadas ao ritmo de tambores e outros instrumentos.
O Soca, por outro lado, é um derivado moderno do Calypso. Desenvolvido na década de 1970, o Soca é mais ritmado e energético, projetado para fazer as pessoas dançarem. 
Ele funde o Calypso com elementos da música indiana, refletindo a diversidade étnica do Caribe.
Durante o Carnaval, as ruas de Trinidad e Tobago ganham vida com paradas coloridas, fantasias elaboradas e uma atmosfera de festa contínua. A música Soca domina o cenário, com artistas e bandas locais competindo em vários concursos musicais.
Além de Trinidad e Tobago, o evento é celebrado em outras ilhas caribenhas, cada uma com suas próprias tradições únicas. Por exemplo, em Barbados, o Crop Over Festival marca o fim da temporada de colheita de cana-de-açúcar, enquanto em Cuba, as festividades do Carnaval misturam influências africanas e espanholas.
Recentemente, as celebrações do Carnaval no Caribe têm ganhado atenção global, atraindo turistas de todo o mundo para vivenciar essa rica tradição cultural que é uma celebração da história, da arte e do espírito comunitário da região.
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Impacto Cultural e Econômico 
Conhecido mundialmente por sua energia vibrante e exuberância, tem um impacto significativo na economia e na cultura dos países onde é celebrado. 
Este evento não é apenas uma explosão de cor e festividades; ele também é uma poderosa força econômica e cultural.
O evento atrai milhões de visitantes, tanto nacionais quanto internacionais, impulsionando as receitas em diversas áreas, desde hotéis e restaurantes até o transporte e o comércio local.
A festa também desempenha um papel importante na preservação e promoção da cultura local. Em países como o Brasil, ele é uma plataforma para expressar e celebrar a diversidade cultural, com suas raízes africanas, europeias e indígenas. 
Além de ser uma celebração cultural, o Carnaval oferece oportunidades de emprego e renda para muitas comunidades. Desde os artesãos que confeccionam fantasias e adereços até os músicos e dançarinos, muitas pessoas dependem do Carnaval para seu sustento.
Portanto, o carnaval não é apenas uma festa; é um fenômeno cultural que reforça a identidade nacional, promove a economia e celebra a diversidade cultural. 
Com sua capacidade de unir pessoas de todos os contextos, o Carnaval continua sendo uma força vital para muitas sociedades ao redor do mundo.
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Convidamos você a compartilhar este artigo e deixar seu comentário. Como o Carnaval reflete a cultura da sua região ou país? 
Qual é a sua experiência com esta festividade colorida? 
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a-bonb · 9 months
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Estados de excepción no son una fórmula infalible para controlar los homicidios causados por el crimen organizado en Latinoamérica
Ausnahmestaaten sind kein unfehlbares Rezept zur Bekämpfung der durch die organisierte Kriminalität verursachten Tötungsdelikte in Lateinamerika
El crimen organizado es el responsable de por lo menos la mitad de los homicidios en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, y la región ostenta la tasa de homicidios regional más alta del mundo, según un reciente estudio.
La Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Droga y el Delito (ONUDD) publicó hace poco su IV estudio mundial sobre homicidios, con una sección donde analiza cómo el crimen organizado es un motor de la violencia en Latinoamérica y el Caribe.
La ONUDD concluyó que la región tenía la mayor proporción de homicidios relacionados con el crimen organizado en el mundo. También halló que ocho de cada 10 países con las tasas de homicidios más altas del mundo se encontraban en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Las tasas promedio de los homicidios, según estadísticas de 2021, fueron de 9,3 por cada 100.000 habitantes para Suramérica, de 16,9 para Centroamérica, y de 12,7 para El Caribe.
El ente transnacional contra el delito halló que mucha de la violencia es causada por los enfrentamientos entre grupos criminales con fácil acceso a armas de fuego. También concluyó que las medidas extremas de los gobiernos arrojan resultados contradictorios en lo que respecta al freno a las muertes violentas.
Laut einer aktuellen Studie ist die organisierte Kriminalität für mindestens die Hälfte der Morde in Lateinamerika und der Karibik verantwortlich, und die Region weist die höchste regionale Mordrate der Welt auf.
Das Büro der Vereinten Nationen für Drogen- und Verbrechensbekämpfung (UNODC) hat kürzlich seine globale IV-Studie zu Tötungsdelikten veröffentlicht. In einem Abschnitt wird analysiert, wie die organisierte Kriminalität ein Treiber der Gewalt in Lateinamerika und der Karibik ist.
Das UNODC kam zu dem Schluss, dass die Region weltweit den höchsten Anteil an Tötungsdelikten im Zusammenhang mit der organisierten Kriminalität aufweist. Es wurde außerdem festgestellt, dass acht von zehn Ländern mit den weltweit höchsten Mordraten in Lateinamerika und der Karibik liegen. Die durchschnittliche Mordrate lag laut Statistik von 2021 in Südamerika bei 9,3 pro 100.000 Einwohnern, in Mittelamerika bei 16,9 und in der Karibik bei 12,7.
Die transnationale Antikriminalitätsbehörde stellte fest, dass ein Großteil der Gewalt durch Zusammenstöße zwischen kriminellen Gruppen verursacht wird, die einfachen Zugang zu Schusswaffen haben. Es kam außerdem zu dem Schluss, dass extreme staatliche Maßnahmen zu widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen führen, wenn es darum geht, gewaltsame Todesfälle zu verhindern.
La competencia criminal agudiza la violencia
El estudio destacó la correlación entre la presencia de múltiples grupos criminales y los rápidos brotes de violencia homicida. Las complejas redes de organizaciones narcotraficantes, pandillas callejeras y milicias que operan en todo el continente crean una situación de volatilidad en la que la violencia puede escalar con rapidez cuando entran en competencia grupos rivales.
Esto es especialmente evidente en zonas con un ecosistema criminal fragmentado. En Haití y Trinidad y Tobago, un gran número de agrupaciones criminales se disputan desde tiempo atrás el control de diversas economías ilícitas, lo que explica la persistencia de las altas tasas de homicidios.
Otro factor relevante citado por el informe es la expansión del tráfico internacional de sustancias ilícitas, los cambios en la geografía criminal y la competencia que eso genera.
Kriminelle Konkurrenz verschärft die Gewalt
Die Studie verdeutlichte den Zusammenhang zwischen der Präsenz mehrerer krimineller Gruppen und schnellen Ausbrüchen mörderischer Gewalt. Die komplexen Netzwerke von Drogenhandelsorganisationen, Straßenbanden und Milizen, die auf dem gesamten Kontinent operieren, schaffen eine volatile Situation, in der die Gewalt schnell eskalieren kann, wenn rivalisierende Gruppen in den Wettbewerb treten.
Dies zeigt sich besonders deutlich in Gebieten mit einem fragmentierten kriminellen Ökosystem. In Haiti, Trinidad und Tobago streiten zahlreiche kriminelle Gruppen seit langem um die Kontrolle verschiedener illegaler Wirtschaftsräume, was die anhaltend hohen Mordraten erklärt.
Als weiterer relevanter Faktor nennt der Bericht die Ausweitung des internationalen Handels mit illegalen Substanzen, die Veränderungen in der Kriminalitätsgeographie und den dadurch entstehenden Wettbewerb.
Los niveles récord de producción de cocaína en Perú, Bolivia y Colombia han acrecentado la violencia entre grupos criminales locales e internacionales en Ecuador, donde los homicidios presentaron un aumento de 94,7% entre 2021 y 2022, según la ONUDD. (El balance de homicidios de para 2022 registró un incremento de 86,3% año a año).
Costa Rica también vive un incremento de los homicidios que arrojó una tasa de 12,8 por 100.000 en 2022, según la ONUDD (El balance de homicidios de para 2022 registró una tasa de homicidios de 12,2 por 100.000 habitantes). El grueso de la violencia se deriva de disputas entre bandas dedicadas al narcotráfico, en particular por el control del puerto de Moín, en la provincia de Limón, centro clave para el transporte de cocaína hacia Europa.
Por el contrario, se ha asociado una reducción de la violencia con la consolidación de las actividades criminales en manos de unas pocas o una única organización criminal. Ejemplos similares se han observado en algunos estados de México en el pasado.
Die Rekordproduktion von Kokain in Peru, Bolivien und Kolumbien hat die Gewalt zwischen lokalen und internationalen kriminellen Gruppen in Ecuador erhöht, wo laut UNODC die Zahl der Tötungsdelikte zwischen 2021 und 2022 um 94,7 % zunahm. (Die Mordbilanz für 2022 verzeichnete einen Anstieg von 86,3 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr).
Laut UNODC verzeichnet Costa Rica auch einen Anstieg der Morde, die im Jahr 2022 eine Rate von 12,8 pro 100.000 Einwohnern aufwiesen (die Mordbilanz für 2022 verzeichnete eine Mordrate von 12,2 pro 100.000 Einwohner). Der Großteil der Gewalt geht auf Streitigkeiten zwischen Drogenbanden zurück, insbesondere um die Kontrolle des Hafens von Moín in der Provinz Limón, einem wichtigen Zentrum für den Kokaintransport nach Europa.
Im Gegenteil, ein Rückgang der Gewalt geht mit der Konsolidierung krimineller Aktivitäten in den Händen einiger weniger oder einer einzelnen kriminellen Organisation einher. Ähnliche Beispiele wurden in der Vergangenheit in einigen mexikanischen Bundesstaaten beobachtet.
Los flujos de armas ilegales dejan un rastro de sangre
El informe identificó la proliferación de armas de fuego como un factor clave en los altos niveles de violencia letal en América Latina y el Caribe.
Los países de la región registraron la mayor proporción de homicidios con armas de fuego, los cuales fluctuaron entre 65% en Centroamérica, 67% en el Caribe, y 70% en Suramérica para 2021, en comparación con 62% en Norteamérica, 12% en Europa y 15% en Asia.
Es común la importación legal o ilegal de ese tipo de armas desde Estados Unidos y Europa, y la falta de controles en la oferta y los mercados de destino facilitan la llegada a manos de las organizaciones criminales.
La laxitud de las leyes sobre el control de armas en Estados Unidos facilita el flujo de armas en Haití, donde la violencia de pandillas se ha salido de control. La tasa de homicidios en ese país pasó a ser de 18 por 100.000 habitantes en 2022, un incremento superior al 35% sobre el año anterior, según la ONUDD.
Illegale Waffenströme hinterlassen eine Blutspur
Der Bericht identifizierte die Verbreitung von Schusswaffen als einen Schlüsselfaktor für das hohe Maß an tödlicher Gewalt in Lateinamerika und der Karibik.
Die Länder in der Region verzeichneten den höchsten Anteil an Tötungsdelikten mit Schusswaffen, der bis 2021 zwischen 65 % in Mittelamerika, 67 % in der Karibik und 70 % in Südamerika schwankte, verglichen mit 62 % in Nordamerika, 12 % in Europa und 15 % in Asien.
Der legale oder illegale Import dieser Art von Waffen aus den Vereinigten Staaten und Europa ist weit verbreitet, und das Fehlen von Kontrollen auf den Liefer- und Zielmärkten begünstigt, dass sie in die Hände krimineller Organisationen gelangen.
Laxe Waffenkontrollgesetze in den Vereinigten Staaten erleichtern den Waffenfluss nach Haiti, wo die Bandengewalt außer Kontrolle geraten ist. Laut UNODC lag die Mordrate in diesem Land im Jahr 2022 bei 18 pro 100.000 Einwohner, was einem Anstieg von mehr als 35 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr entspricht.
Varias naciones caribeñas, como San Vicente y las Granadinas, las islas Turcas y Caicos, Santa Lucía y las Bahamas, experimentaron niveles récord de homicidios en 2022, en especial por la competencia por las rutas de narcotráfico y la oferta de armas importadas de contrabando desde Estados Unidos.
Mehrere karibische Länder, darunter St. Vincent und die Grenadinen, die Turks- und Caicosinseln, St. Lucia und die Bahamas, verzeichneten im Jahr 2022 eine Rekordzahl an Morden, insbesondere aufgrund der Konkurrenz um Routen für den Drogenhandel und der Lieferung von aus den USA geschmuggelten Waffen.
Los estados de excepción no son una fórmula infalible
Los estados de excepción en varios países de Latinoamérica han arrojado diversos resultados, con reducciones tanto como incrementos de la violencia letal, según el estudio.
El brutal, prolongado y polémico estado de excepción en El Salvador logró bajar la tasa de homicidios, de 17,2 por 100.00 en 2021 a 7,8 por 100.000 en 2022, según la ONUDD. (La tasa de homicidios registrada en el balance de homicidios de para 2021 fue de 17,6 por 100.000).
Pero en la vecina Honduras, las mismas medidas de seguridad de la presidenta Xiomara Castro no han reducido la violencia o la extorsión.
De igual forma, en Jamaica, los repetidos estados de excepción se han asociado a acusaciones de brutalidad policial sin reducciones sostenidas de la violencia, como se observa en el aumento de la tasa de homicidios, de 53,3 por 100.000 en 2022, sobre 47,3 en 2020, según la ONUDD. (Los balances de homicidios de para 2022 y 2020 registraron tasas de homicidios de 52,9 por 100.000 y de 46,5 por 100.000, respectivamente).
Ausnahmezustände sind keine unfehlbare Formel
Der Studie zufolge haben Ausnahmezustände in mehreren lateinamerikanischen Ländern zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen geführt, mit einem Rückgang aber auch einem Anstieg tödlicher Gewalt.
Laut UNODC konnte der brutale, anhaltende und umstrittene Ausnahmezustand in El Salvador die Mordrate von 17,2 pro 100.000 im Jahr 2021 auf 7,8 pro 100.000 im Jahr 2022 senken. (Die in der Mordbilanz für 2021 erfasste Mordrate betrug 17,6 pro 100.000).
Aber im benachbarten Honduras haben die gleichen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen von Präsident Xiomara Castro Gewalt und Erpressung nicht verringert.
In ähnlicher Weise wurden in Jamaika wiederholte Ausnahmezustände mit Vorwürfen der Polizeibrutalität in Verbindung gebracht, ohne dass es zu einem nachhaltigen Rückgang der Gewalt kam, was sich am Anstieg der Mordrate von 53,3 pro 100.000 im Jahr 2022 gegenüber 47,3 im Jahr 2020 zeigt das UNODC. (Die Mordbilanzen für 2022 und 2020 verzeichneten Mordraten von 52,9 pro 100.000 bzw. 46,5 pro 100.000).
También en Ecuador, las medidas implementadas en el marco de un estado de excepción en 2022, como los traslados de líderes de pandillas a otros centros, han dado pie a masacres en varios centros penitenciarios por enfrentamientos entre bandas rivales.
Auch in Ecuador haben im Rahmen des Ausnahmezustands im Jahr 2022 umgesetzte Maßnahmen, wie etwa die Verlegung von Bandenführern in andere Haftanstalten, aufgrund von Auseinandersetzungen zwischen rivalisierenden Banden zu Massakern in mehreren Strafvollzugsanstalten geführt.
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The New Trench Town Rock and Jamaica Jamaica even though I legalized weed over here in the America's I never forget where I came from this is about rebuilding towns like trench town , Jamaica and Haiti restructuring the ghetto slums and putting buildings in those slums and ghettos like that can be the new architect plans when putting up in a new building in our community in those Islands why not put up an institution that train and employ in those communities and neighborhoods for the people of a place like Trench Town Jamaica and Haiti , Saint Lucia , Saint Croix , Saint Thomas , I hope this speech reach the right people this is a new agenda for the politicians of those countries to help the people of their country and all the not so developed communities all over the world .
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I just had to update these ideas because I see my politics are helping to build a better society
I like my neighborhood because my roots are here and I just hope this helps .
You ever ask yourself ?
Why can't there be executive orders that rebuild our communities with more institutions of training and employment opportunities .
Here are some proposals for institutions of training and employment opportunities in countries like
Haiti , Jamaica , Brazil , Mexico , Saint Lucia , Trinidad - Tobago , Saint Croix and  Saint Thomas and all other economically depressed environments in the Caribbean and West Indies .
This is
for the West Indies and Caribbean
instead of only building sites to attract more tourists and leaving the inner cities in shambles thus creating ghettoes and slums . Create new opportunities and interest for the people of that country.
Imagine a new Trench Town in Jamaica
With Institutions for training opportunities
I never forget where I came from this is about rebuilding towns like trench town , Jamaica and Haiti restructuring the ghetto slums and putting buildings in those slums and ghettos like that can be the new architect plans when putting up in a new building in our community in those Islands why not put up an institution that train and employ people in those communities and neighborhoods for the people of a place like Trench Town Jamaica and Haiti , Saint Lucia , Saint Croix , Saint Thomas , I hope this speech reach the right people this is a new agenda for the politicians of those countries so that they can help the people of that country and all the not so developed communities all over the world .
With Institutions for training opportunities and employment
For :
Machine Operators
Prep Cooks
Crossing Guards
[ Architect Plan's ]
B.D.M. - Building Durable Motors - Mechanic Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 16 / Hour
Major Electrical - Electrician Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 17 / Hour
B.B.C. - Building Better Cities - Carpenter Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 19 / Hour
Office Team - Paralegal Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 15 / hour
Iron West Indies - Welders Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 19 / Hour
M.O.T.I - Machine Operator Training Institute
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 21 / Hour
K.I.C. - Keep It Clean - Custodial Maintenance Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 16 / Hour
A.G.M. - A Good Meal - Cooks and Prep Cook Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 15 / hour
Street Safety School - Crossing Guard Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 16 / Hour
New School Curriculums
Education is a great thing but some how the American public school systems and even the private schools in inner cities aren't properly training students to take over when the other generation step down from positions of power . Why doesn't the school system teach Political science and how to create policies
Social science
The functions of Congress and the Senate
Urban studies
Education policies
Social Theory
Because they will be training generations of world leaders and we can't have that .
In Conclusion
I would like to add that they are people of this world that are forgotten about and purposely socialized to become criminals , addicts , idle persons and then they are those that are given all the resources and tools to become successful in life while the majority is in poverty , need and want . Purposely engineered and perpetuated to keep things that way the few on top controlling the resources and laughing at those fighting to get a seat at the table of the few , well this newsletter is to shed light on this situation and present a shift in thinking that can help build a better society or societies for all citizens of their country . It is just a dream but maybe we can make it a reality .
I learned in college that it is the Sociology student that has the job of studying society and it's problems then come up with solutions to that problems to help end the social patterns that create the injustices faced in a feminem perspective or from a race centered perspective I want to shine a light on society's real heroes I want to thank the people at 25 Elm place in Brooklyn New York I think of the Case Managers , Social workers and Counselors at social services programs like FEDCAP Back To Work Program
With all that is going on in America right now i feel as though the most important issues are being overlooked this month I want to bring up the issue of economic inequality and the income gap between the peoples of America
honestly welfare reform is working but it makes you wonder can more be done like for instance you have to congratulate the programs and training programs that put people that is on welfare back to work or in some cases that train them how to work but the problem at most times these jobs are only seasonal temporary jobs , so that means after the assignment the person is back to square one no what is needed is permanent employment to help curb the curse of poverty , recidivism to prison , idleness , alcohol and substance abuse , gaps in employment on resumes , now don't get me wrong these are good programs that help clean up cities like Baltimore , Washington , Chicago , and New York the workers are given not just a job but a sense of purpose and get to commit to doing environmental and community repairs and maintenance to their neighborhoods like for instance cleaning up city shelters and the parks in our inner cities giving workers a chance to not only indulge in building their communities instead of destroying them at the same time it is providing safe and enjoyable places to eat , play and live , these jobs provide the workers with a stable income so that a person starting at ground zero can provide themselves and their families with higher standards of living , better access to housing , education , healthcare , and better chances of gaining employment in the field that they are trained for , the problem is then that most of the time they are no jobs for these workers when they are finished with their assignments what is needed is permanent job training programs or training programs with automatic job placements in permanent jobs .
And these are some of the programs that the American government can invest in the government can take job depleted areas and create businesses that put it's citizens back to work permanently , we need environments with access to more resources like jobs with good incomes that can provide good standards of living economic situations that enriches the social and cultural net worth of the people thus creating richer and better healthy habits , attitudes , values , self images and behaviors , goals , dreams , and reality for the people .
These programs can be the paid training before the full and fair employment , thanks to past Presidents we have the job corp program this should be an expansion on that , including people's ages 24 to age 65 it would be good to walk into a Brooklyn or Bronx workforce and see these programs , also free grants for educational programs that not only train a person to work but give them a place where they could learn to work and think for themselves as liberals .
Full labor union membership at job signing which means job security at the signing of the job , too many single mothers are afraid of losing their job which is her only stable income and she loses her job she is left to fend for herself without any financial support . I say that companies should want this to law pass into legislation because they get to keep them employees for a long time thus eliminating a high turnover rate and let's think about the young man trying to stay out of trouble he is young ambitious just does not have the opportunity of long term employment he needs to know that he has a job that he can safely call his own as long as he knows how to do that job with efficiency and is effective in carry out his responsibility and duties , he should not fear losing employment as soon as he get the job he needs a job so that he can start his life and have a family and be able to support his family and love his wife and children and be able to provide a good healthy future for them .
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Financial counseling and full financial advisor services promised at the time of job signing .
Counseling services on 401 K plans retirement and investment retirement accounts income stocks , mutual funds and portfolio diversification .
Full medical coverage insurance and other type of insurances offered through employment .
Insurance coverage : Health insurance Automobile insurance to help with payments on car insurance Education insurance to help with payments on active schools Life insurance to help with payments on regular life insurance Home insurance to help with mortgage rent assistance and insurance on a home owners home
Retirement plan package for payments deducted from the employees weekly check with an employer grant of 10 % interest on that money annually this plan increases by every 4 years 7.3567 % every 4 years with government incentives that offer employers tax deductions and tax shelters increasing the chances of a secure future for that employee at that company or companies has and employer and employee relationships and contracts of employment owners home Automatic union protection and membership guarding employees benefits at the signing and hiring for employment . owners homeprotect the interest of newly hired and for that employment .
I'm proposing Unions do their job and be a people that fight for employees rights in wage increase every 2 years at 2 to 3 dollar increase and training full training monthly  helping employees become better trained and working professionals .
and full insurance coverage
Insurance coverage package : training insurance Automobile insurance to help with payments on car insurance Education insurance to help with payments on active schools Life insurance to help with payments on regular life insurance Home insurance to help with mortgage rent assistance and insurance on a home 
Financial counseling and financial advisors that advise on 401K plans retirement was accounts income stocks , portfolios , and mutual funds .
May this circle the globe and hit all places of the earth .
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The cure for aids in Mama Africa 🌍
The story is that 50 Cent kind of dropped a hint to me on wanting to help cure the Aids epidemic in Africa and I heard it and I proposed it to send the cure for aids in Africa to the people in Africa infected with HIV Aids and this is the news headlines in March 2023 of it going through another accomplishment on my list of accomplishment thank you so much and they should be continuing sending it to Africa daily every day week month and years for generations and generations from now on a continuous basis that would be the right thing to do true humanity .
Check the news on CNN The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death sentence in Africa . The us is me and 50 Cent the rapper from his hit show power .
We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .
Again alert major alert some news 📰 for your ears
The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa
Check the news on CNN on ending HIV Aids in Africa with the cure and new medicine Cabenuva HIV medicine that cures HIV Aids like the common cold and any other kind of communicable diseases
We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .
The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa .
Cabenuva the new HIV Medicine is the cure for HIV Aids it knocks out HIV Aids like the common cold please send it to Africa to help heal the people .
On a serious note 50 Cent was speaking on HIV Aids in his book Hustle harder Hustle smarter I bought the book and read it I love it . He said that everyday millions upon millions of Africans die each day each single day even right now as we speak their is an African infant a baby dying of HIV Aids lying on the ground a mother dying of Aids a young adult male dying of aids with the baby ribs sinking in from starvation poisoning from uncleansed water to clean their selves and clothing and their food is full of worms and other insects , I propose we find a cure to this madness to end this generational struggle against both HIV Aids and starvation in Africa in the regions in Africa if you know the specific countries infected with Aids call them out I have a map there of Africa so that we can pinpoint exactly what countries in Africa that 50 Cent is talking about so that we as other humans can help them and be a savior to them and their people not just me I'm speaking we all can be that savior each human pull his part and help cure that dire situation in Africa the regions and countries in Africa that is specifically infected with the disease of starvation and HIV Aids ( I propose the let's cure HIV Aids in Africa and law proposal health and human reform act ) Cabanuva a new drug is the cure for HIV Aids while watching television the commercial says that Cabanuva will help a person infected with HIV Aids become undetected for HIV Aids after months of them taking the drug and medicine the cure Cabanuva comes in one form to heal a person but in this plan I propose that they send the original cure and format of administering the drug through Africa through the World foode program and united nations make it like JFK and his peace corps his troops of peace corps send U . S . Troops from our military in the united states with medical training or med students from their graduate schools for their internship abroad to Africa to help heal young babies dying of Aids in Africa make it like an offer hey who want to go to Africa and work for 1 year 2 years curing hunger and Aids in Africa and I know millions of saviors and people will sign up to go to Africa for that cause people of all races and ethinicity is welcome to go it is going to be like the peace corps under John F Kennedy administration you should research him and his time in office as the United States of America President I love him a very great president I miss him one of my all time favorite Presidents honest truth a good human all the way through and through a good man but here is the program I put together in conjunction with how Cabanuva already administers the drug to help cure the infection of HIV Aids
Prescription pill form Cabanuva drug to Africa to cure aids in Africa
In regular form and kids vitamin size pills for children born with HIV Aids , and also regular size pills for all adults and parents of kids in Africa to eliminate the virus and passing on of the virus on to their children . Also eliminating the virus in children born with HIV Aids through kids vitamin size pills with the warning label on the pill holder : If you don't take all the doses of your medicine you might get sick again with a funny cartoon character on the bottle to make laugh smile and happy that a cure has arrived to help them . 🌞☀⭐😎👩‍🔬👩‍🎓👩‍🏫👷🙋🙏
But the alternative will do just fine go Cabanuva for Africa and the lets cure Aids in Africa law proposal and health human reformation act )
Feds and federal programs taking over rebuilding in Africa and other poor countries to produce clean water for drinking bathing and washing clothes cooking electricity farming producing good soil for vegetation and growing of fruits . Teaching English as a second language liberal arts education and vocational schooling in skills like carpentry fishing farming tilling and planting and growing and that process of watching the vegetation come to life and that will be their labor force their jobs with a salary to rebuild the countries soil grass atmosphere air that they breathe in take the things they do for free and turn it into employment something as easy herding animals can be turn into an occupation animals can be used to transport health products and medicine food books for education to town to town Federal programs for Running the economy , federal boards and commissions to oversee food production railroad operations and labor relations .
This is actually my last post at this point in my life all I have is critics trying to hate on me so I distance myself from them and the stupidness they play shout out to my pastors Joel Osteen and Victoria Osteen and Joyce Meyer and pray that the people sabotaging me and my music stops and fake friendship ends they know who they are they been hating on me since my mom's brought to New York city September 13th , 1988 from Saint croix and I'm still from my country no disrespect to the USA my list of accomplishment and my work here has been great and now I'm off this computer shout out and mighty roar for Jay Z the King of the Rastafarians and me included they got me as his son we got a statue of us now in New York City you could travel to New York City to see it yeah that's me SIR yes sir I'm black royalty in the bloodline of Jay Z and Beyonce shout out to Houston Texas and goodbye see you on the other side of these bad circumstances and wish the best for all people goodbye , I'm gone . Shout out to the Nation of Gods and Earths I got them their sign the street sign on 126th street in Harlem New York City for their school I hope our love didn't die at the window I'm saying sorry about what happened I see they cleaned the school window I will always be a member but have since moved on because my family is mixed I have a white brother and sister in my family they will always be my family even though they hate in New York City and try to set me up for the minorities that did that to their own school window to get in my way in life they got police and judges on their side but I answer to none of them and I moved on from these streets and those type of people I joined my church Lakewood in Houston Texas With my pastor Joel Osteen and Victoria Osteen and Joyce Meyer church and have moved on from these streets and institutions in these ghettoes of New York City and the people that work there work with police and the media so no thank you and people using me against myself they did that to your school window with the paint through me with the voodoo and they control me a billion percent no lie . African Americans did that they hate me they haters but I'm good let's just respect boundaries give each other our room from each other and respect each other they sabotage my music sabotage me put voodoo on me hate on me and do their best to get in my way in life I said no thank and yes you are welcome for my help I'm this community scroll this page and enjoy my politics and shout out to all human beings I have been on this computer now for ten years straight and yes my good outweigh my bad and I can truly say from black people Allen Henry Free World you did a great job , thank you I'm honored to have served my community . It is official now I'm retired from posting my political and social commentaries the media announced it for me the Governor resign two years ago I was meaning to follow suit when he did it but I felt my community needed me and the help this social media page provides I will leave it there for politicians to use for this City and other places that need my help while I go love and live my life as a regular civilian not as a superhero anymore thank you Governor Andrew Cuomo son of Mario Cuomo , former Mayor Bill De Blasio and current mayor and governor of New York City and the New York Yankees baseball team it has been fun , I retire from public service and go enjoy my life now and music working , goodbye .
I apologize to women right now for disrespecting them or ever being in drama with them especially my mom's too I'm sorry yes that is what I said I'm saying sorry to women and whoever I may have hurt in my past . Thank you for letting me help my community and people in the world that need the help it balances everything out for me .
Yeah before I go I would love to apologize to my community for any threatening behavior I promise I would never harm nobody or their family I got my own hospital and my own library so I'm definitely about helping people and curing them of all illness whether of the body and mind , thank you for being patient with me while these puppet masters take their time getting out of my life I said no to any mind control and voodoo on me and people attaching themselves to me .
Thank you to 50 Cent the rapper for sponsoring my page that is from me I gave myself his permission to name my page after a hero of mines 50 Cent thank you big bro and that is how we leave it between me as friends and Nas and Meek Millz thanks for all the help I backed off everybody to get myself together I got thrown in a pit at a young age very young and now I got fight my way out of it and I don't want to be a burden on anybody so I'm backing off other people and their careers I wish you best in luck I believe in you and maybe I make Roc Nation Jay Z record label like he offered me either way I take his and his wife sponsoring me and what this page is about for me I said thank you they paid for my life at an auction just to help thank you I'm very honored I got a great movement so it would be exciting but for now I gotta get out of here these so called professionals and communities that I feed is still working with City Workers MTA workers police and the media against me the racist media and media channels on TV like ESPN and athletes well Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer told me to change the channel and don't argue with them and no to the games these security guards , the hood and YouTube tv shows and hood rappers playing with me while working with police , I said no and get off of me the industry I will get there when I get there and religious people should practice restraint every religion teach it is okay to fight your enemies back but know when enough is enough because torture is worst than slaughter that is what happens when women and childish immature men don't take the time to develop their spirituality it's nature and nurture you continue and develop your goodness and what that means is love , mercy , compassion and helping those in need not killing and murdering and torturing people because maybe you shouldn't and practice love , forgiveness , helping , healing cursing their mind of all illnesses by educating them and correcting their behavior with warmth and love and hopefully this page has done that and the buildings and monuments in my name in New York is doing that for you , thank you .
The Prince of peace Isaiah 9 : 6
Don't let your emotions throw away wise judgement like reasoning , understanding meaning I understand you and why you are the way you are that is true understanding and use empathetic logic and never indulge in anger , wrath , vengefulness , wicked heartedness thinking and plotting of murdering some one because of an unconscious fault of their own just because you can and the way of the world so you should your thing is to make them conscious of their faults in a respectful manner and God does that and you should try to be like him ( God ) these neighborhoods oh it so hard in the hood my stomach growling through hunger so I rob , steal , lie , murder and kill or better yet you learn all this knowledge of what they suppose to do and go to the welfare office and they tell you they got no money for you to feed you and your kids until next month or 45 days and yes they should make expedient services for single mothers with kids to help her feed her children from now on or you learn all you could about job interviews and teach yourself new job skills for career changes and still get shot down for any job interview but you should be content with being broke as well as rich I know my self worth but I'm content with what I got because I see how good I got it I could get what I want with the opportunity I have been given to build my foundation on things that truly truly matter in life and take care myself exercise go outside enjoy the park and love myself don't kill a weak man or poor man with no common sense born weak because of your hunger and anger of what this world owe you and what it owe you I mean self defense is self defense but to kill without mercy when you can show mercy is wrong especially if you claim to be a person of religion and to kill people for a mistake they made when they didn't know then that is not being like Christ ( God ) whatever religion you practice the oppressed oppress the oppressed because they are oppressed the strong of the oppressed picking on the weak of the oppressed instead of building the kingdom of God on earth and that is wrong it's an attitude and behaviors you have to fight of vengefulness if you can let a fight go let it go if you can walk away from anger walk away from it , if you could read before you think and apply your knowledge to every situation then do that but don't act out of emotions especially in our neighborhoods I can't knock you for hustling I mean it is legal now and I legalized it just watch the unnecessary violence and be a cool person and a role model for the older generation as well as the younger generation know what I'm saying , thank you for letting me help my community and the world and the people that need that help outside of myself , I'm honored .
I'm gone enjoy this page it has been great and I do love helping but I gotta go live my life now , thank you so much .
I meant no harm about the comment about African Americans I just was saying if I don't say it like that the hood would never take the voodoo off of me I'm trying to get my full freedom from the mind control and people talking through and being somebody puppet and the good side African Americans gave me Daily Bread 🥪🍞 books today on the 22nd meaning I'm safe with them I love them after our school window was painted on the window they cleaned it off my bad the window they cleaned it thank God thank you so much that I'm okay with you with tears in my eyes thank you so much I love you and all I do with my politics is for you and your people for so long people have treated them as second class citizens and they was promised a helper like me and I did my job with my pride and happiness to be helping them my friends my people thank you so much I love you and they gave me a place to clean myself up and organize myself and thank you to New Yorkers for my book collection and my library I'm on 5th Avenue in New York City thank you they gave me a library to educate myself and hopefully get employed from there I got my own Library all is welcome there bring your family and enjoy thank you so much I love you to the library staff I love you so much I'm still suffering from the voodoo their is a voice that talk to me 24 / 7 tearing me down with verbal abuse and destroying my mood and passion for life and trying to discourage me it is like everybody else is controlling me other than me and I'm tired of being people victim I just want them to stop and will carry on the good fight in a peaceful manner to get this mind control and voodoo off of me my understanding it has been on me my whole life I'm a powerful person now and own things in my city like it's the city of David and I'm blessed truly come to New York City and you will see monuments and buildings in my name , thank you I'm honored .
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notihatillo · 1 year
El Hatillo, 8 de Abril del 2023
Hoy Sábado de Gloria nuestro resumen de noticias llega a ustedes gracias a @NotiHatillo /Alcaldía de @ElHatillo /Redes Sociales
- @eliasayegh Durante esta #SemanaSanta hemos estado recibiendo en todo el municipio a cientos de feligreses en las distintas manifestaciones de fe, quienes han estado resguardados por nuestro equipos de @PoliciaHatillo , @PC_ElHatillo y los distintos cuerpos de serguridad del Estado. #ElHatilloPuebloDeFe
- @eliasayegh La Santa Misa del #MiércolesSanto de la Iglesia Santa Rosalia de Palermo fue celebrada desde el altozano, al aire libre, lo que permitió que la gran afluencia de personas que llegaron al casco histórico pudieran vivir la misa de la voz del Padre Ángel.
- @ElHatillo . Cuadrilla de Hidrocapital ejecutó reparación de averia en la calle principal de Oripoto.
- Chávez abandonó la defensa del Esequibo para priorizar sus acuerdos con Guyana
- Plataforma Unitaria propone crear un grupo de expertos en defensa del Esequibo
- Lawrence Castro: Quedará para la historia que la FAN fue responsable de la pérdida del Esequibo
- Ley Antibloqueo chavista abrió una grieta a Pdvsa para recibir criptomonedas en ventas de petróleo
- No han salido los nombres de los militares en el escándalo de PDVSA.
- ¿Dónde está Tareck El Aissami? Se cumple un mes desde su última aparición.
- Acusación contra Maikel Moreno en Miami revela nuevos detalles de presuntos sobornos.
- En 2020 el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos informó que Moreno había autorizado la incautación y la venta de una planta automotriz de General Motors con un valor estimado de 100 millones de dólares. Esta acción sería a cambio de un porcentaje de esa cantidad para su uso particular.
- En la acusación actual se señala que: «En 2014, antes de su nombramiento como presidente de la Corte Suprema, recibió 1 millón de dólares mediante transferencias electrónicas a su cuenta bancaria personal en Miami de un contratista venezolano. Este dinero fue para acordar resolver futuros casos penales venezolanos a favor de este contratista».
- En documentos oficiales anteriores se detalla que Moreno habría recibido de regalo una residencia ubicada en Alto Hatillo, municipio El Hatillo, por parte del contratista.
- La acusación actual también señala que Maikel Moreno usó dichos sobornos para la compra de propiedades lujosas como un edificio de Las Mercedes, hecho con un trato con un contratista para la liberación de otro contratista, por 1.300.000 dólares.
- Moreno también adquirió una villa de lujo en La Romana, República Dominicana, por 1.5 millones de dólares. También un apartamento en Miami por 1.3 millones de dólares.
- Moreno habría pagado cerca de 1 millón de dólares en un avión privado y un piloto privado.
- Igualmente habría cancelado «más de US $600.000 en compras con tarjeta de crédito o débito en tiendas principalmente en el sur de Florida. (incluyendo decenas de miles de dólares en tiendas de lujo en Bal Harbour, como Prada y Salvatore Ferragamo)».
- Hermana de una de las muñecas del petróleo rompe el silencio y se pregunta "porque no está detenida Debora Menicucci, cuyo nombre está vinculado a la mansión en la Toscana y gastos millonarios en aviones privados.... será que la única pendeja es mi hermana"
- Omar González afirma que si Maduro tuviera dignidad "renuncia a Miraflores"
- Afectados por Apagones: 6.043 fallas eléctricas se registraron en marzo en el país
- Fuertes lluvias provocaron el colapso de la carretera Panamericana de Mérida
- Llegan a isla de Margarita 110 turistas de Trinidad y Tobago
- Fallas del servicio eléctrico aumentaron casi 50% en marzo respecto al mes previo
- Detienen a dos funcionarios y un civil que extorsionaban a personas solicitadas para limpiar su registro en Venezuela
- Iba a ser quemado en Lara: PNB decomisó un muñeco de Judas de "Súper Bigote"
- "Aquí no hay pasajeros, esto está crítico": Terminal del Zulia reporta disminución del 50 % de temporadistas en Semana Santa
- Creyentes abarrotaron los siete Templos en Caracas este Viernes Santo
- Playas guaireñas registraron ocupación cercana al 100%
- Coronavirus en Venezuela 3 nuevos casos
- Exportaciones de petróleo de Venezuela promediaron 604 mil b/d en marzo
- Dólar: 24,49 Bs/$
- Paralelo: 24,77 Bs/$
- Bitcoin: 27.888,90
- Consulado de España en Barquisimeto presentará "Flamenco, Un Arte Sin Fronteras"
- Táchira. Alcalde reporta 85 casas anegadas y vías colapsadas por lluvias en Panamericana.
- Detuvieron a funcionarios del Cicpc y de la PNB por extorsión en Caracas.
- Migrantes de centro en México murieron porque «no pagaron $200 en sobornos» a guardias para ser liberados
- Gobierno de Brasil anunció su regreso a la Unasur
- Colombia: Volcán Nevado del Ruiz muestra sismicidad cambiante y sigue en alerta naranja
- China elabora un proyecto intercontinental de Internet submarino para competir con EEUU
- Salud Hernández-Mora: ¿A qué va tanto Petro a Venezuela?
- Stormy Daniels sobre Donald Trump: “No creo que sus crímenes contra mí sean dignos de encarcelamiento”
- Tribunal de EEUU anula la orden de arresto contra el expresidente peruano Alejandro Toledo
- China envía barcos y aeronaves militares a los alrededores de Taiwán por segundo día consecutivo
- OMS advierte de un déficit de especialistas médicos a nivel mundial
- Senado de Texas aprueba ley que veta modificación de género infantil y espectáculos drag para niños
- EEUU: un hombre fue condenado a 30 años de prisión en Florida por recibir material de pornografía infantil
- Ataque terrorista en Tel Aviv: al menos un muerto y cuatro heridos
- Rusia acusa de espionaje al corresponsal de “The Wall Street Journal” Evan Gershkovich
- El último disparate de Lavrov: condiciona la paz en Ucrania a la creación de un “nuevo orden mundial”
- Zelenski: El orden volverá solo cuando la bandera ucraniana regrese a Crimea
- Bielorrusia condena a 17 años de cárcel a dirigente opositor en el exilio
- Policía de EE.UU. frustra un tiroteo escolar al encontrar el manifiesto de la adolescente trans que lo planeaba
- Londres alojará a los inmigrantes sin papeles en un barco gigante.
- Quince países de la UE se unen a la demanda ante la justicia europea a Hungría por su ley anti-LGTBI.
- Marine Le Pen, 'ganadora' de la crisis de las pensiones. La líder de ultra derecha, silenciosa durante todo el debate y ausente en las manifestaciones, ha canalizado la ira popular y ganaría las elecciones si fueran hoy.
- Nueva York se unirá a demanda contra Kia y Hyundai por no contar con tecnología antirrobo, lo que ha llevado a un alza en los robos de estos vehiculos.
- El desplome del litio paraliza la actividad minera. El precio de la tonelada de litio ha pasado de 86.000 dólares a menos de 37.000 en cinco meses.
- El dólar avanza tras informe de empleo en EEUU que respalda una subida de tasas.
- El pájaro azul vuelve a Twitter y provoca la caída del valor del dogecóin
- Google agregará un chat de IA a su buscador
- El Principito cumple 80 años de su primera publicación
- Medio catalán expone a Clara Chía y publica su supuesto romance con Pep Guardiola
- La Vinotinto Femenina ganó la Copa Amistad tras derrotar en penales a Argentina
- Vinotinto Sub-17 logró su pase al hexagonal sudamericano
- Ancelotti: “Después de 1.272 partidos, no tengo que demostrar nada a nadie”.
Tal día como hoy
217 - Macrino ―prefecto del Pretorio e inspirador del asesinato de su predecesor, el emperador Caracalla― se convierte en emperador romano (hasta junio del 218).
1139 - en Roma, el papa Inocencio II excomulga al rey Rogelio II de Sicilia en el Concilio de Letrán II.
1141 - Matilde de Inglaterra, emperatriz consorte del Sacro Imperio, es reconocida como «dama de Inglaterra y de Normandía».
1255 - en Praga (Bohemia), un tornado azota el Castillo de Praga.
1271 - en Siria, el sultán Baybars conquista el castillo de los Hermanos Hospitalarios de San Juan, hoy conocido como Krak de los Caballeros.
1378 - la elección de dos papas provoca el Cisma de Occidente que durará 39 años.
1455 - se elige como papa al cardenal Alfonso de Borja, que llevará el nombre de Calixto III.
1513 - en Florida (actual Estados Unidos), el español Juan Ponce de León toma posesión en nombre de España.
1546 - el Concilio de Trento adopta la Vulgata como versión oficial de la Biblia.
1691 - en los Países Bajos, Luis XIV y el general francés Vauban toman la plaza de Mons, a pesar de la resistencia opuesta por los defensores.
1701 - las Cortes Españolas reconocen como rey a Felipe V.
1730 - en Nueva York se inaugura la primera sinagoga de esta ciudad, la Shearith Israel.
1742 - en Dublín (Irlanda) se representa por primera vez el oratorio El Mesías de Georg Friedrich Händel.
1767 - el reino de Ayutthaya cae frente a los invasores birmanos.
1783 - la zarina Catalina II se anexa Crimea a Rusia.
1802 - se promulga el concordato firmado entre Napoleón Bonaparte y el papa Pío VII.
1814 - en Chile se libra el Combate de Quechereguas. El ejército nacional derrota al ejército español.
1827 - en el combate de Monte Santiago, la flota del almirante irlandoargentino Guillermo Brown rechaza a las naves brasileñas.
1832 - Guerra de Halcón Negro (Black Hawk War): alrededor de 300 soldados del 6.º escuadrón de infantería de Estados Unidos abandonan las cuarteles de Jefferson, St. Louis para luchar contra los indios sauk.
1838 - en los suburbios del este de Calcuta (India) un tornado dejó una huella de 26 km (en 2,5 h); su lentitud lo hizo más destructivo, deja 215 víctimas fatales. En la cercana localidad de Dum-Dum cayó granizo de 1,59 kg de peso.
1864 - en Mansfield (Luisiana), en el marco de la Guerra Civil en los Estados Unidos, el general Nathaniel Banks de la Unión ve frustrada su campaña de Red River por las fuerzas del general confederado Richard Taylor en la batalla de Mansfield.
1876 - en Milán se estrena la ópera La Gioconda.
1879 - en el noreste de Argentina, cerca de la frontera con Paraguay, el teniente coronel Luis Jorge Fontana funda el pueblo de Formosa.
1898 - en España, la Escuadra del Atlántico, al mando del almirante Pascual Cervera y Topete sale de Cádiz rumbo a Cuba para sofocar los brotes independentistas de la colonia.
1899 - Martha M. Place se convierte en la primera mujer en ser ajusticiada en la silla eléctrica.
1904 - Gran Bretaña y Francia forman la Entente cordiale.
1904 - en Manhattan (Nueva York), Longacre Square se renombra como Times Square en honor al periódico The New York Times.
1907 - las últimas tropas japonesas abandonan Manchuria.
1910 - cerca de Playa del Rey (California) se inaugura Los Ángeles Motordome.
1913 - en Estados Unidos se ratifica la séptima enmienda de la constitución. A partir de ahora los senadores deben ser elegidos por votación directa.
1916 - en Corona (California), el piloto de coches Bob Burman se estrella contra una barrera, muriendo él, su mecánico, un policía e hiriendo gravemente a cinco espectadores.
1918 - en las calles del distrito financiero de Nueva York, los actores Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. y Charlie Chaplin venden bonos de guerra.
1928 - se juega el primer Clásico del fútbol peruano entre los equipos de Alianza Lima y Universitario de Deportes.
1929 - en Delhi, los activistas favorables a la independencia de la India, Bhagat Singh y Batukeshwar Dutt, reparten octavillas y bombas en los pasillos de la Asamblea Central sin causar heridos.
1942 - en la II Guerra Mundial, las fuerzas de la Unión Soviética abren la línea férrea con Leningrado, aliviando el terrible asedio.
1950 - India y Pakistán firman el Pacto de Delhi.
1951 - en el atolón Enewetak ―en el marco de la operación Greenhouse―, Estados Unidos detona la bomba atómica Dog (de 70 kilotones), la decimocuarta de la Historia humana.
1952 - en un discurso radiado a la nación desde la Casa Blanca, el presidente estadounidense Harry S. Truman llama a la toma de las acerías en Estados Unidos para evitar una huelga nacional.
1953 - Jomo Kenyatta, jefe de la rebelión Mau Mau, es condenado por el gobierno colonial británico de Kenia.
1954 - cerca de Nápoles cae un avión de pasajeros Havilland DH 106 Comet, produciéndose 21 víctimas mortales. Es el segundo en cuatro meses.
1957 - en Egipto se reabre el canal de Suez.
1965 - firma del Tratado de Bruselas que instituía un aparato institucional único para la Unión Europea.
1966 - el comité central del partido comunista de la Unión Soviética elige de forma unánime a Leonid Brézhnev como secretario general.
1971 - en Londres empieza el Primer Congreso Mundial del Pueblo Rom, que adopta el término rom (en rechazo a la designación «gitano»), el himno y la bandera del pueblo rom.
1972 - el sueco Kjell Isaksson bate con 5,51 m el récord del mundo de salto de altura masculino.
1973 - en Turín la excesiva presión del gas causa explosiones, provocando heridos e ingentes daños materiales.
1973 - en la isla de Chipre se suceden 32 atentados durante la noche. Se ignora si son obra de los guerrilleros de George Grivas o de los secuaces del arzobispo Makarios.
1974 - el beisbolista Hank Aaron consigue su 715.º home run, superando así la marca de Babe Ruth.
1975 - después de pasar una semana en Vietnam del Sur, el jefe del estado mayor, Frederick Weyand, entrega un informe al congeso estadounidense indicando que Vietnam del Sur caerá sin ayuda militar adicional.
1978 - Henry Rono, Kenia, bate el récord de los 5000 m masculinos y lo deja en 13:08,4 min.
1981 - en Buenos Aires, la actriz Mónica Jouvet ―que había salido de interpretar la obra Hay que salvar a los delfines (que realizaba junto con Analía Gadé)― es atropellada mientras ocupaba un taxi en la esquina de avenida Córdoba y Junín por un colectivo de la línea 109. Fallecerá el 19 de abril, tras 11 días en coma.
1985 - India denuncia a Union Carbide por el desastre de Bhopal, en el que se estima que murieron 2000 personas y otras 200 000 resultaron heridas.
1986 - Clint Eastwood es elegido alcalde de Carmel-by-the-Sea (California) con el 72 % de los votos.
1987 - el directivo de los Los Angeles Dodgers, Al Campanis, dimite debido a un escándalo por unas declaraciones racistas que realizó en el programa de televisión estadounidense Nightline.
1988 - en San Antonio (Chile) se crea el diario El Líder Provincial, el diario antecesor de El Líder de San Antonio.
1990 - se estrena la película Twin Peaks.
1992 - la estrella del tenis retirada Arthur Ashe anuncia que ha contraído el sida a través de una transfusión de sangre durante una de sus dos operaciones de corazón.
1993 - la República de Macedonia se convierte en miembro de la ONU.
1994 - se descubre el cuerpo de Kurt Cobain en su casa de Seattle.
1994 - Juan Pablo II inaugura la Capilla Sixtina, cuyos trabajos de restauración se han prolongado durante trece años.
1995 - en San Antonio (Chile) se crea el diario El Líder de San Antonio que es el diario actual de esa ciudad.
2000 - en Marana (Arizona), un V-22 Osprey de la marina estadounidense se estrella durante el aterrizaje. Mueren 19 personas.
2003 - en Bagdad, José Couso, camarógrafo español y Taras Prostyuk camarógrafo de Reuters, mueren como consecuencia del ataque de un tanque de Estados Unidos al Hotel Palestina de Bagdad.
2003 - en la Invasión estadounidense a Irak, las tropas británicas ocupan Basora.
2003 - en Italia, las cuentas de la compañía de correos son positivas por primera vez en 50 años.
2004 - en las elecciones de Argelia, la lucha entre el presidente saliente Abdelaziz Bouteflika y el ex primer ministro Ali Benflis, que ha dividido al Frente Nacional Argelino, se resuelve a favor del primero, bajo fuertes sospechas de fraude electoral.
2004 - Condoleezza Rice encargada de la seguridad interna de Estados Unidos, declara ante los jueces que investigan las responsabilidades del gobierno por los ataques del 11 de septiembre.
2005 - entierro multitudinario del papa Juan Pablo II. Han asistido más de 200 dirigentes mundiales, incluyendo jefes de estado y de gobierno de todo el mundo y líderes de las principales religiones, además de unos 4 millones de peregrinos, la mayoría de los cuales no ha podido acercarse a la plaza de San Pedro. Es el entierro de un papa más multitudinario de la historia.
2005 - en Nepal la policía causa 50 heridos y 350 detenidos en las manifestaciones convocadas para celebrar 15 años de democracia.
2006 - en el norte de Bagdad (Irak) sucede un triple atentando suicida contra una mezquita chií. Deja un saldo de 70 muertos.
2006 - en el sur de Argelia mueren 13 policías de aduanas en un atentado.
2006 - Ecuador levanta el estado de excepción en varias provincias, tras haberlo impuesto a causa de las protestas indígenas por el Tratado de Libre Comercio.
2006 - en China actúan por primera vez los Rolling Stones, aunque se censuran cinco canciones.
2011 - Sasha Grey anuncia a través de su cuenta de Facebook su retiro del cine para adultos.
2013 - Steve Jocz anuncia a través de sus redes sociales que abandona Sum 41, banda de la que formó parte por casi 17 años.
2013 - Windows Live Messenger es sustituido por Skype.
La Cita de hoy
Trata a un ser humano tal como es, y seguirá siendo lo que es; trátalo como puede y debe ser, y se convertirá en lo que puede y debe ser.
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whitemagictravel · 2 years
Visa-free entry from the UK
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Chicago has all the offerings you'd expect from a major city: world-class museums, vibrant shopping districts and ample nightlife venues, just to name a few. Plan to spend a fair amount of time in  Grant Park. Take flights to Chicago from London with only an ESTA travel authorization.
Take flights to Detroit from UK. Detroit is a lively city with a fascinating history, rapidly becoming a must-visit destination in the USA. Nicknamed 'Motor City',  Detroit  is much more than just cars, thanks to a thriving art, music, sports, and nightlife scene.
It’s definitely worth taking flights to Cairns from London, even with a visa because this city has everything from scuba diving and bungee jumping, to helicopter rides and the famous Skyrail Rainforest Cableway. It’s a popular jumping point to the Great Barrier Reef and much more.
Reliable travel agencies such as White Magic Travels provides you with all the travel-related assistance and informations for an enjoyable vacation.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/user/whitemagictravel/comments/yfxx2u/visafree_entry_from_the_uk/
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sporadicthingnight · 3 years
Pak Trading Co. Ltd -   Foreign used cars dealer of all makes of Roll on Roll off vehicles. We are registered dealer roll on roll off vehicles,  in Marabella
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galleryyuhself · 3 years
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~Galleryyuhself~Early advertising from Tobago as seen in The Island of Tobago West Indies by Commander C.E.R Alford.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 5.30
70 – Siege of Jerusalem: Titus and his Roman legions breach the Second Wall of Jerusalem. Jewish defenders retreat to the First Wall. The Romans build a circumvallation, cutting down all trees within fifteen kilometres (9.3 mi). 1381 – Beginning of the Peasants' Revolt in England. 1416 – The Council of Constance, called by Emperor Sigismund, a supporter of Antipope John XXIII, burns Jerome of Prague following a trial for heresy. 1431 – Hundred Years' War: In Rouen, France, the 19-year-old Joan of Arc is burned at the stake by an English-dominated tribunal. 1434 – Hussite Wars: Battle of Lipany: Effectively ending the war, Utraquist forces led by Diviš Bořek of Miletínek defeat and almost annihilate Taborite forces led by Prokop the Great. 1510 – During the reign of the Zhengde Emperor, Ming dynasty rebel leader Zhu Zhifan is defeated by commander Qiu Yue, ending the Prince of Anhua rebellion. 1536 – King Henry VIII of England marries Jane Seymour, a lady-in-waiting to his first two wives. 1539 – In Florida, Hernando de Soto lands at Tampa Bay with 600 soldiers with the goal of finding gold. 1574 – Henry III becomes King of France. 1588 – The last ship of the Spanish Armada sets sail from Lisbon heading for the English Channel. 1631 – Publication of Gazette de France, the first French newspaper. 1635 – Thirty Years' War: The Peace of Prague is signed. 1642 – From this date all honors granted by Charles I of England are retroactively annulled by Parliament. 1723 – Johann Sebastian Bach assumed the office of Thomaskantor in Leipzig, presenting his first new cantata, Die Elenden sollen essen, BWV 75, in the St. Nicholas Church on the first Sunday after Trinity. 1806 – Future U.S. President Andrew Jackson kills Charles Dickinson in a duel. 1814 – The First Treaty of Paris is signed, returning the French frontiers to their 1792 extent, and restoring the House of Bourbon to power. 1815 – The East Indiaman Arniston is wrecked during a storm at Waenhuiskrans, near Cape Agulhas, in present-day South Africa, with the loss of 372 lives. 1834 – Minister of Justice Joaquim António de Aguiar issues a law seizing "all convents, monasteries, colleges, hospices and any other houses" from the Catholic religious orders in Portugal, earning him the nickname of "The Friar-Killer". 1842 – John Francis attempts to murder Queen Victoria as she drives down Constitution Hill in London with Prince Albert. 1845 – The Fatel Razack coming from India, lands in the Gulf of Paria in Trinidad and Tobago carrying the first Indians to the country. 1854 – The Kansas–Nebraska Act becomes law establishing the U.S. territories of Kansas and Nebraska. 1866 – Bedrich Smetana's comic opera The Bartered Bride premiered in Prague. 1868 – Decoration Day (the predecessor of the modern "Memorial Day") is observed in the United States for the first time after a proclamation by John A. Logan, head of the Grand Army of the Republic (a veterans group). 1876 – Ottoman sultan Abdülaziz is deposed and succeeded by his nephew Murad V. 1883 – In New York City, a stampede on the recently opened Brooklyn Bridge killed twelve people. 1899 – Pearl Hart, a female outlaw of the Old West, robs a stage coach 30 miles southeast of Globe, Arizona. 1911 – At the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the first Indianapolis 500 ends with Ray Harroun in his Marmon Wasp becoming the first winner of the 500-mile auto race. 1913 – The Treaty of London is signed, ending the First Balkan War; Albania becomes an independent nation. 1914 – The new, and then the largest, Cunard ocean liner RMS Aquitania, 45,647 tons, sets sails on her maiden voyage from Liverpool, England, to New York City. 1922 – The Lincoln Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C.. 1925 – May Thirtieth Movement: Shanghai Municipal Police Force shoot and kill 13 protesting workers. 1937 – Memorial Day massacre: Chicago police shoot and kill ten labor demonstrators. 1941 – World War II: Manolis Glezos and Apostolos Santas climb the Athenian Acropolis and tear down the German flag. 1942 – World War II: One thousand British bombers launch a 90-minute attack on Cologne, Germany. 1943 – The Holocaust: Josef Mengele becomes chief medical officer of the Zigeunerfamilienlager (Romani family camp) at Auschwitz concentration camp. 1948 – A dike along the flooding Columbia River breaks, obliterating Vanport, Oregon within minutes. Fifteen people die and tens of thousands are left homeless. 1958 – Memorial Day: The remains of two unidentified American servicemen, killed in action during World War II and the Korean War respectively, are buried at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. 1959 – The Auckland Harbour Bridge, crossing the Waitemata Harbour in Auckland, New Zealand, is officially opened by Governor-General Charles Lyttelton, 10th Viscount Cobham. 1961 – The long-time Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo is assassinated in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 1961 – Viasa Flight 897 crashes after takeoff from Lisbon Airport, killing 61. 1963 – A protest against pro-Catholic discrimination during the Buddhist crisis is held outside South Vietnam's National Assembly, the first open demonstration during the eight-year rule of Ngo Dinh Diem. 1966 – Former Congolese Prime Minister, Évariste Kimba, and several other politicians are publicly executed in Kinshasa on the orders of President Joseph Mobutu. 1967 – The Nigerian Eastern Region declares independence as the Republic of Biafra, sparking a civil war. 1968 – Charles de Gaulle reappears publicly after his flight to Baden-Baden, Germany, and dissolves the French National Assembly by a radio appeal. Immediately after, less than one million of his supporters march on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. This is the turning point of May 1968 events in France. 1971 – Mariner program: Mariner 9 is launched to map 70% of the surface, and to study temporal changes in the atmosphere and surface, of Mars. 1972 – The Angry Brigade goes on trial over a series of 25 bombings throughout the United Kingdom. 1972 – In Ben Gurion Airport (at the time: Lod Airport), Israel, members of the Japanese Red Army carry out the Lod Airport massacre, killing 24 people and injuring 78 others. 1974 – The Airbus A300 passenger aircraft first enters service. 1975 – European Space Agency is established. 1979 – Downeast Flight 46 crashes on approach to Knox County Regional Airport in Rockland, Maine, killing 17. 1982 – Cold War: Spain joins NATO. 1989 – Tiananmen Square protests of 1989: The 10-metre high "Goddess of Democracy" statue is unveiled in Tiananmen Square by student demonstrators. 1990 – Croatian Parliament is constituted after the first free, multi-party elections, today celebrated as the National Day of Croatia. 1998 – The 6.5 Mw  Afghanistan earthquake shook the Takhar Province of northern Afghanistan with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VII (Very strong), killing around 4,000–4,500. 1998 – Nuclear Testing: Pakistan conducts an underground test in the Kharan Desert. It is reported to be a plutonium device with yield of 20kt TNT equivalent. 2003 – Depayin massacre: At least 70 people associated with the National League for Democracy are killed by government-sponsored mob in Burma. Aung San Suu Kyi flees the scene, but is arrested soon afterwards. 2008 – Convention on Cluster Munitions is adopted. 2008 – TACA Flight 390 overshoots the runway at Toncontín International Airport in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and crashes, killing five people. 2012 – Former Liberian president Charles Taylor is sentenced to 50 years in prison for his role in atrocities committed during the Sierra Leone Civil War. 2013 – Nigeria passes a law banning same-sex marriage. 2020 – The Crew Dragon Demo-2 launches from the Kennedy Space Center, becoming the first crewed orbital spacecraft to launch from the United States since 2011 and the first commercial flight to the International Space Station.
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shytriumphbanana · 3 years
Pronóstico del mercado mundial y de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío para 2030 | Prepárate para el futuro
2022- Edición COVID-19
El mercado de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío está entrando en un período de cambios intensos. La disrupción global, los avances tecnológicos y los comportamientos cambiantes de los consumidores están alterando la industria en muchos niveles a la vez. Las empresas deben lograr el equilibrio adecuado entre continuar con un negocio estable y rentable y, al mismo tiempo, liderar el camino en la disrupción de sus propios modelos comerciales. Para ayudarlos, Market.biz está rastreando cambios clave en la industria Turbocompresores marinos y de envío durante muchos años y sus hallazgos y datos clave se publican en Turbocompresores marinos y de envío Informe del Mercado-2022.
El informe de mercado global Turbocompresores marinos y de envío recopila, analiza e interpreta información sobre el mercado y sobre clientes pasados, presentes y potenciales. También estudia las características, los hábitos de gasto, la ubicación y las necesidades de la industria, la industria Turbocompresores marinos y de envío en su conjunto y los competidores particulares a los que se enfrenta. Proporciona datos relevantes para ayudar a resolver los desafíos de marketing que probablemente enfrentará una empresa. De hecho, lo ayuda a desarrollar estrategias como la segmentación del mercado y la creación de una identidad para una Turbocompresores marinos y de envío que lo diferencie de su competencia. También te dice cuáles son las tendencias en la industria de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío, cambios en la industria, tendencias legislativas.
Turbocompresores marinos y de envío Principales empresas del mercadoABB,MHI,MAN Diesel & Turbo
Tamaño de mercado disponible para años - 2021 - 2030
Año base considerado - 2020-2021
Datos históricos 2015 - 2020
Período de previsión 2021 - 2030
[ Nota:Debe utilizar una dirección de correo electrónico corporativa o detalles comerciales.]
OBTENGA UN PDF DE MUESTRA DE ESTE INFORME: https://market.biz/report/global-marine-and-shipping-turbochargers-market-gm/#requestforsample
Turbocompresores marinos y de envío Mercado por tipo:
Para motores de baja velocidad Para motores de velocidad media Para motores de alta velocidad
Turbocompresores marinos y de envío Mercado por aplicaciones:
Buques navales Buques de carga Buques de pasajeros
Para el segmento geográfico, la oferta regional, la aplicación y los principales actores en el mercado de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío, la demanda, el precio se presenta de 2022 a 2030, que cubre:
América del Norte (Panamá, México, Barbados, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Puerto Rico, Trinidad y Tobago, etc.).
América del Sur y Central (Brasil, Chile, Argentina, Belice, Costa Rica, Panamá, Guatemala, El Salvador).
Europa (España, Bélgica, Francia, Holanda, Alemania, Suecia, Suiza, San Marino, Irlanda, Noruega, Luxemburgo, etc).
Asia-Pacífico (Qatar, China, India, Hong Kong, Corea, Israel, Australia, Singapur, Japón, Kuwait, Brunei, etc.).
Oriente Medio y África (Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Egipto, Argelia, Nigeria, Sudáfrica, Angola, Arabia Saudita, Baréin, Omán, Turquía, Líbano, etc.).
¿No ves lo que estás buscando? Consulte a continuación @: https://market.biz/report/global-marine-and-shipping-turbochargers-market-gm/#inquiry
Factores clave importantes del mercado de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío:
1. En este informe se tratan los detalles fundamentales relacionados con la industria de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío, como la definición del producto, el costo, la variedad de aplicaciones, la demanda y las estadísticas de oferta.
2. El estudio competitivo de los principales actores de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío ayudará a todos los actores del mercado a analizar las últimas tendencias y estrategias comerciales.
3. El estudio de investigación profunda del mercado de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío basado en las oportunidades de desarrollo, los factores limitantes del crecimiento y la viabilidad de la inversión pronosticará el crecimiento del mercado.
4. El estudio de los segmentos de mercado de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío emergentes y los segmentos de mercado existentes ayudará a los lectores a planificar las estrategias comerciales.
5. Por último, el informe Global Turbocompresores marinos y de envío Market 2021 describe el plan de juego de expansión de la industria Turbocompresores marinos y de envío, la fuente de datos de la industria Turbocompresores marinos y de envío, el apéndice, los resultados de la investigación y la conclusión.
Al final, el informe Global Turbocompresores marinos y de envío Market 2021 se centra en la viabilidad de nuevos proyectos de inversión, se evalúa y se ofrecen las conclusiones generales de la investigación en el escenario de mercado de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío.
Segmento superior del mercado que describe los informes Importante:
Descripción general del mercado: descripción general del producto, alcance, comparación de participación de mercado por tipo (categoría de producto), división de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío por categoría de producto (ventas y tamaño del mercado), mercado de Turbocompresores marinos y de envío por aplicación / usuarios finales (ventas Volumen) y comparación de participación de mercado por declaración, mercado por región, tamaño de mercado (valor) Ilustración por región, situación y perspectivas (2021-2030).
Turbocompresores marinos y de envío Competencia en el mercado por fabricantes / jugadores, región, tipo y aplicación: Competencia por fabricantes / jugadores, región, tipos y Aplicaciones (participación de mercado, ventas, ingresos y valor y volumen de participación)
Turbocompresores marinos y de envío Perfiles de distribuidores / jugadores y datos de ventas: negocio principal / descripción general del negocio, descripción de la empresa, detalles de contacto, soporte de fabricación y emuladores, sector de productos, información básica de la empresa, propósito y designación con ingresos, precio, ventas y margen bruto .
Turbocompresores marinos y de envío Informe de costos de mercado por producción: análisis del proceso de fabricación, editor clave de equipos crudos, tendencia de precios de las materias primas clave, análisis de las materias primas clave, proporción de la estructura de costos de fabricación (costo de mano de obra y materias primas), tasa de concentración del mercado de Materias Primas.
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sailing-elitsha · 3 years
Carrebeean, Here we are!!!
As I said before: 5783 nautical miles we sailed towards this little paradise where we are still on quarantine anchorage. Waiting on the PCR result is always making me a bit nervous, especially this time. If we are tested negative, we have the chance here in Grenada to get the AstraZeneca vaccines and we will travel much freer than we do now.
But no boredom: a little leak in the hand wash basin, try to clean the mud off ELITSHA, friends and family to speak to, small other repairs, taking the lead in UBUNTU again since we have full and unlimited internet on board, planning and booking Zora’s and Su’s tickets towards us, baking bread again and of course swimming and snorkelling.
 But let me talk first a little bit about Suriname and our short sail to Grenada. Suriname was for a long time a Dutch colony. Since 1975, this country is the smallest independent state in South America. The previous president unfortunately abused his power and all the resources the beautiful country has, for example gold, aluminium, oil, bananas got exported unwisely and the profit went into the presidents and his friend’s pockets. That is what Surinamers were telling us. In the meantime, there is a new president, but there is Corona as well. The ECO tourism, Suriname was good and well known for, stands still and the country is in a bad state and shape. At the banks of the Suriname river, entering Suriname, you see big and then I mean really big villas. According to the locals they belong to friends of the former president and to drug lords. A very familiar story to us South Africans. The Netherlands is still involved and helps where they can, but a few days after we left Suriname they closed the country: total lockdown. Just above 500 000 people live in Suriname and most of them in and close to Paramaribo. People are currently getting infected and dying in huge numbers from Corona: not enough hospital beds, not enough vaccinations, not enough oxygen……… not enough doctors and nurses. Their rainy season is terrible this year due to the ELNino effect and its really tuff for the poor population. After a good week in the Marina and a road trip through the rural part of the country to a big dam where people are searching for gold, visiting banana plantations, visiting Paramaribo with a lot of rain we said goodbye to the populated part of Suriname together with Elitsha and we sailed into the Commewijne river. This was so romantic and special. The jaguars, caiman and anacondas were too scared of us, hahahahha. We did not see them, but we heard and enjoyed the voices of the jungle, saw and heard millions of birds, parrots and all kind of other noises. It was magical.  Three days we were totally one with nature, did not see any human being, together with Elitsha.
Coming back from Commewijne river was coming back to happy reggae life. Looking for a spot ashore to get our dingy on board for the trip to Grenada, a fisher of New Amsterdam waved us to come next to his fisher boat. Loud reggae music and a very friendly crew invited us for coffee, tea and biscuits……….and dagga and rum………..Unfortunately, we had to say thank you no (dagga and rum out of question, of course). The threat of getting infected just before we go back to sea again for a couple of days made us kindly refusing the offer. Even though we chatted a while with them and they helped us to get the dingy motor on board. And that’s how Surinamers are, chatty, always happy to assist and help, curious and interested about who you are. As I mentioned before people told us in advanced, that coming to South or Central America or the Caribbean with a South African flag would ask for problems. That was one of the reasons why we registered Elitsha in Germany. But we always say that we are from Cape Town, we don’t hide that and up to now we had no bad experiences. People are impressed that we come from that far to visit their small country and want to know if we like it. They loved the fact that we speak Dutch, because Dutch is still the first language in Suriname. Anyway, after chatting to the fishermen, we tied everything nicely, slept a short night and left New Amsterdam and Suriname at 6 am on the 25th of May.
Aware of the thread of Venezuelan pirates (Surinamers and NOON site (cruiser website) informed us about it), we sailed at a safe distance from the coast. Even though we choose to pass trough the Galleon’s passage between Trinidad and Tobago, but we choose to pass it close to the Tobago side,  away of the Venezuelan coast. On our way we saw a fair number of oil platforms, huge ones, with huge flames, we could see from far. This was also a bit spooky. We had 35 to 40 knots of wind and a good speed to leave the oil area and the Galleon’s passage behind us. I think, pirates do not like rain. We had tons of rain and no pirates though……..although: Dick told me later, that 40 miles out of both coasts, the Grenadian and the Tobagonian, a fast open boat with 3 men in it sped past us. We think they were checking us out, how rich we are. The stretch between Tobago and Grenada apparently is also declared as an unsafe area. That is what we heard later when we arrived in Grenada. Our neigor, Steve, always has a gun with him. Happily, with enough wind and a strong currant we passed Tobago at 4:30 in the morning and arrived safely in Grenada at 17:00 on the 28th of May.
Close to the harbour at the quarantine anchorage we spoke to our South African friends of the Aventura, a young couple with 2 dogs and his parents on their way to emigrate to Panama. We saw them in every harbour we visited up to now. They left Suriname a few days earlier then we did. They craved for blue water and thought jaguar, caiman and anaconda would perhaps love their dogs too much. In any way, nice to see them again. They explained the Grenadian procedures to us and on Saturday we went ashore to register with the health department. We inhaled the positive and relaxed Grenadian vibe immediately: steel drum music from the taverns, people on the streets, Corona is almost dealt with.
And in the meantime, 1 week in St George, we are declared negative and are allowed to explore the island. Paul, a registered tour guide grabbed his chance. Slandering around the harbour he almost forced us to have a tour with him.  The cruise ships are missed by restaurants, tour guides…not by us. Paul told us, that they on “good” days had 6000 tourists from cruise ships ashore. Dick and I were quite happy to escape these “good“ days. Pity for Paul, that’s why we went with him on a long trip through St. George at noon and let him earn some ECDs.  Hot and up and down, I was exhausted at the end. We didn’t walk much for the last 2 months at least..
Grenada is the spice island: nutmeg, gloves, cinnamon, and other spices grow here. They have a golden waterfall and many more attractions. We will explore them all and share with you. For now, we experienced the spicy side of the island by drinking shandies with nutmeg, eating ice cream with nutmeg and gloves and some other weird things you would think its really ugg, but in reality it’s absolutely amazing.
We are registered for Astra Zeneca vaccination and yes, we are in a marina with a nice club house and WIFI and not on anchorage or at a mooring buoy. For the first time in almost 3 months, I am able to go and stay where I want on my own. For somebody like me, who likes her independence, its heaven. Opposite of our little paradise, there is another marina, posh and expensive and not really our style. Elitsha, would feel a bit lonely between all the posh-million dollar-yachts. I don’t know, if I mentioned before, that a lot of other cruisers, have fancy and well-equipped boats with freezers, bread baking automates, washing machine, water cooker……. you name it. Our only luxury is a fridge, a BBQ and a good stove with oven, cosy and exactly what we need no more and no less. Anyway, Elitsha got a good clean-up. Sticky, a local guy, Dick and I made her looking pretty again. The water of the Suriname river was dirty through mud and chemicals, they use for the gold extraction industry, we learned. And this was very difficult to get off the hull-0987654Qasdfuiop[.
My home office is in the marina’s clubhouse, with more than brilliant views!          Unfortunately, UBUNTU for Africa’s operations manager, who took over financials and admin of the NGO from me, resigned a few days ago. That’s why I am back on the job and working every day for an hour or 3. Alene Edson Smith, local social worker, who was already involved in the family program and took over my job at Kronendal Primary, is doing the hands-on jobs, where you have to be involved personally onsite, like team meetings, meetings with principals etc. For now, we won’t have stretches which will take more than 3 days and we have internet and WIFI. No problem to work though. I love my work as much as I love cruising. To combine both is absolutely great.
For the rest the NGO is in good hands, with our after-care team, Barbara Heye, who is mentor to a single mother with 3 kids. And as I mentioned before Alene Edson Smith, well known in the valley through her involvement through her own NGO, Serenity, took over the reins at Kronendal Primary from me and is mentor to 5 families in our NGO. We share the lead of UBUNTU for Africa. What I can do, I will do, where personal presence is needed, Alene will be hands on. She will lead the sound and music studio, which will release their first CD soon. Lelo managed to get 2 new volunteers into this project, for marimba and music production. Ricardo will remain taking the lead on Silikamva side and Alene will have a firm look and hand on the project.
After care is just running. Andiswa and her team also get support from Alene. But this team of 5 is just doing what they can do best: love our children and supervise, support, teach them and make sure that they are safe.  
 Questions for the kids:
1.       How many kilometres did we sail from Cape Town to Grenada?
2.       Which language do the people speak in Suriname?
3.       What kind of currency do we used in Suriname and which one in         Grenada?
4.       Please explain, what the modern pirates of the Caribbean are up to.
5.       What is the name of the small entrance to the Caribbean between Trinidad and Tobago?
 Sponsor sail:
For the ones who want to take part in our sponsor sail: We have sailed 1812 nautical miles. You can donate a cent, a Rand, a Euro or whatever per nautical mile. We are sailing for these amazing schools: every nautical mile and each Rand counts. To UBUNTU for Africa,German  NGO.                                                                                                                                                                   
The money will go to the UBUNTU for Africa projects: after care at Hout Bay Primary School and the music project at Silikamva High School. This organisation I started 12 years ago (www.ubuntuforafrica.com) Of course, you will receive a tax certificate. 
Ubuntu for Africa-Kinder-, Jugend und Familienhilfe in Südafrika                         
Volksbank Boenen e G                                                                                           
IBAN: DE91 4106 2215 0054 5799 01                                                                  
For South Africans and others, who want to donate directly to South Africa (also with tax certificate): please donate to Kronendal Primary School (www.kronendalprimary.com). I worked for 10 years at Kronendal Primary as a school counsellor. This school struggles financially due to the consequences of the Covid Pandemic and deserves our support.                                                   
KRONENDAL PRIMARY SCHOOL trading as CUIM (“the account holder”) holds the following account with                                                                                       
First National Bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited (“FNB”): Account Type BUSINESS ACCOUNT
Account Number 53452884035                                           
Branch Code 204009                                                                                         
Branch Name HOUT BAY 345                                                                               
Swift Code FIRNZAJJ                                                                            
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One good thing about music you feel no pain
I just had to update these ideas because I see my politics are helping to build a e society
I like my neighborhood because my roots are here and I just hope this helps .
You ever ask yourself ?
why can't there be executive orders that rebuild our communities with more institutions of training and employment opportunities .
Here are some proposals for institutions of training and employment opportunities in countries like
Haiti , Jamaica , Brazil , Mexico , Saint Lucia , Trinidad - Tobago , Saint Croix and Saint Thomas and all other economically depressed environments in the Caribbean and West Indies .
This is
for the West Indies and Caribbean
instead of building sites to attract more tourists and leaving the inner cities in shambles thus creating ghettoes and slums . Create new opportunities and interest for the people of that country.
Imagine a new Trench Town in Jamaica
Institutions for training opportunities
For :
Machine Operators
Prep Cooks
Crossing Guards
[ Architect Plan's ]
B.D.M. - Building Durable Motors - Mechanic Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 16 / Hour
Major Electrical - Electrician Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 17 / Hour
B.B.C. - Building Better Cities - Carpenter Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 19 / Hour
Office Team - Paralegal Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 15 / hour
Iron West Indies - Welders Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 19 / Hour
M.O.T.I - Machine Operator Training Institute
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 21 / Hour
K.I.C. - Keep It Clean - Custodial Maintenance Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 16 / Hour
A.G.M. - A Good Meal - Cooks and Prep Cook Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 15 / hour
Street Safety School - Crossing Guard Training
Automatic Union membership
Automatic pre employment apprenticeship at $ 16 / Hour
New School Curriculums
Education is a great thing but some how the American public school systems and even the private schools in inner cities aren't properly training students to take over when the other generation step down from positions of power . Why doesn't the school system teach Political science and how to create policies
Social science
The functions of Congress and the Senate
Urban studies
Education policies
Social Theory
Because they will be training generations of world leaders and we can't have that .
In Conclusion
I would like to add that they are people of this world that are forgotten about and purposely socialized to become criminals , addicts , idle persons and then they are those that are given all the resources and tools to become successful in life while the majority is in poverty , need and want . Purposely engineered and perpetuated to keep things that way the few on top controlling the resources and laughing at those fighting to get a seat at the table of the few , well this newsletter is to shed light on this situation and present a shift in thinking that can help build a better society or societies for all citizens of their country . It is just a dream but maybe we can make it a reality .
I learned in college that it is the Sociology student that has the job of studying society and it's problems then come up with solutions to that problems to help end the social patterns that create the injustices faced in a feminem perspective or from a race centered perspective I want to shine a light on society's real heroes I want to thank the people at 25 Elm place in Brooklyn New York I think of the Case Managers , Social workers and Counselors at social services programs like FEDCAP Back To Work Program
With all that is going on in America right now i feel as though the most important issues are being overlooked this month I want to bring up the issue of economic inequality and the income gap between the peoples of America
honestly welfare reform is working but it makes you wonder can more be done like for instance you have to congratulate the programs and training programs that put people that is on welfare back to work or in some cases that train them how to work but the problem at most times these jobs are only seasonal temporary jobs , so that means after the assignment the person is back to square one no what is needed is permanent employment to help curb the curse of poverty , recidivism to prison , idleness , alcohol and substance abuse , gaps in employment on resumes , now don't get me wrong these are good programs that help clean up cities like Baltimore , Washington , Chicago , and New York the workers are given not just a job but a sense of purpose and get to commit to doing environmental and community repairs and maintenance to their neighborhoods like for instance cleaning up city shelters and the parks in our inner cities giving workers a chance to not only indulge in building their communities instead of destroying them at the same time it is providing safe and enjoyable places to eat , play and live , these jobs provide the workers with a stable income so that a person starting at ground zero can provide themselves and their families with higher standards of living , better access to housing , education , healthcare , and better chances of gaining employment in the field that they are trained for , the problem is then that most of the time they are no jobs for these workers when they are finished with their assignments what is needed is permanent job training programs or training programs with automatic job placements in permanent jobs .
And these are some of the programs that the American government can invest in the government can take job depleted areas and create businesses that put it's citizens back to work permanently , we need environments with access to more resources like jobs with good incomes that can provide good standards of living economic situations that enriches the social and cultural net worth of the people thus creating richer and better healthy habits , attitudes , values , self images and behaviors , goals , dreams , and reality for the people .
These programs can be the paid training before the full and fair employment , thanks to past Presidents we have the job corp program this should be an expansion on that , including people's ages 24 to age 65 it would be good to walk into a Brooklyn or Bronx workforce and see these programs , also free grants for educational programs that not only train a person to work but give them a place where they could learn to work and think for themselves as liberals .
Full labor union membership at job signing which means job security at the signing of the job , too many single mothers are afraid of losing their job which is only stable income and she loses her job she is left to fend for herself without any financial support . I say that companies should want this to law pass into legislation because they get to keep them employees for a long time thus eliminating a high turnover rate and let's think about the young man trying to stay out of trouble he is young ambitious just does not have the opportunity of long term employment he needs to know that he has a job that he can safely call his own as long as he knows how to do that job with efficiency and is effective in carry out his responsibility and duties , he should not fear losing employment as soon as he get the job he needs a job so that he can start his life and have a family and be able to support his family and love his wife and children and be able to provide a good healthy future for them .
Financial counseling and full financial advisor services promised at the time of job signing .
Counseling services on 401 K plans retirement and investment retirement accounts income stocks , mutual funds and portfolio diversification .
Full medical coverage insurance and other type of insurances offered through employment .
Insurance coverage : Health insurance Automobile insurance to help with payments on car insurance Education insurance to help with payments on active schools Life insurance to help with payments on regular life insurance Home insurance to help with mortgage rent assistance and insurance on a home owners home
Retirement plan package for payments deducted from the employees weekly check with an employer grant of 10 % interest on that money annually this plan increases by every 4 years 7.3567 % every 4 years with government incentives that offer employers tax deductions and tax shelters increasing the chances of a secure future for that employee at that company or companies has and employer and employee relationships and contracts of employment owners home Automatic union protection and membership guarding employees benefits at the signing and hiring for employment . owners homeprotect the interest of newly hired and for that employment .
I'm proposing Unions do their job and be a people that fight for employees rights in wage increase every 2 years at 2 to 3 dollar increase and training full training monthly helping employees become better trained and working professionals .
and full insurance coverage
Insurance coverage package : training insurance Automobile insurance to help with payments on car insurance Education insurance to help with payments on active schools Life insurance to help with payments on regular life insurance Home insurance to help with mortgage rent assistance and insurance on a home
Financial counseling and financial advisors that advise on 401K plans retirement was accounts income stocks , portfolios , and mutual funds .
The story is that 50 Cent kind of dropped a hint to me on wanting to help cure the Aids epidemic in Africa and I heard it and I proposed it to send the cure for aids in Africa to the people in Africa infected with HIV Aids and this is the news headlines in March 2023 of it going through another accomplishment on my list of accomplishment thank you so much and they should be continuing sending it to Africa daily every day week month and years for generations and generations from now on a continuous basis that would be the right thing to do true humanity .
Check the news on CNN The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death sentence in Africa . The us is me and 50 Cent the rapper from his hit show power .
We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .
The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa
Check the news on CNN on ending HIV Aids in Africa with the cure and new medicine Cabenuva HIV medicine that cures HIV Aids like the common cold and any other kind of communicable diseases
We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .
The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa .
Cabenuva the new HIV Medicine is the cure for HIV Aids it knocks out HIV Aids like the common cold please send it to Africa to help heal the people .
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