corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
out of character information
NAME/ AGE / TIMEZONE: Alex, 19, GMT KINKS:  Bondage, Public Sex, Teasing/Orgasm Denial Vore, Gore, Scat, Watersports, Extreme bloodplay, non-con SHIPS: /chemistry /no chemistry LEVEL OF ACTIVITY: 8/10 school and stuff <3 ANYTHING ELSE?:  EMMA IS KEWL
in character information
NAME: Ariella Sarah Berry D.O.B: March 7th BIRTH ORDER: Youngest PLACE OF BIRTH: Lima, Ohio SENIOR/FRESHMEN: Freshman RANK: Slave FACECLAIM: Lea Michele FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: 
Warm Hearted
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: (If you need any help, click here.)
Ariella was the last born of the Berry triplets but that didn’t change anything in her fathers’ eyes for the first few years. When she was older, the youngest turned into quite the book worm and found that she preferred to simply sit in a quiet place and read her book where some of her siblings may have preferred to be out doing bigger and - in some cases - better things. It never really bothered her if her fathers’ went out to see a siblings show or support them at some other event, she was quite happy to use this time to read.
Just because she was a book worm didn’t mean that she was a ‘boring’ child. When she wasn’t reading or writing she was out trying to make friends. She had always tried to be as pleasant as she could and tried to make as many friends to surround her self with and in some cases it worked. Though some of the more adventurous people tended to turn her away because of the fact that she wasn’t as exciting as they tended to be. Ariella never let this knock her down, however. She accepted the fact and then tried somewhere else, never stopping until she succeeded. 
Even at a young age, it was no surprise that her parents had chosen her for the slave role and as she grew more and more, it seemed like it was particularly fitting for her. She liked to make people happy and she always made sure to be polite whenever she was talking to anyone, she even tried to be polite to her siblings, no matter how much they irritated her or dragged her away from her books. 
When she arrived at Corcoran Academy, she didn’t know what to expect. She knew that the slave was the lowest of the low and she didn’t really know what it was she was supposed to expect. Anything could happen in her time at the school, that much was obvious, she just didn’t want it to be something that would spring trouble upon her with no warning. It was a completely different way of living at the school. She was used to being able to simply shut herself away whenever she wanted but now? Ariella was told that she had to do whatever a Mistress wanted. She had to listen to orders. She had to do things that she may not always want to do.
This, however, would not bring her down. She wouldn’t allow something that was always going to happen be something that ruined her time at the finishing school. Hopefully, she would be able to find a Mistress before she left, at least that way she would know her better than some of the others that she might be paired off with. It was always better to be optimistic than pessimistic and maybe if she tried to keep in the good books she’d be lucky. 
One of the problems that the slave had was the fact that she was extremely possessive. She knew that this would cause her problems in the long run as she knew that if she got close to someone then sometimes she may react irrationally because she was worried about losing them which would inevitably get her into trouble. For instance, if she got close to a Mistress and she became attached to her because she felt as though there was something between them Ariella would act in stupid ways when she saw “her” Mistress talking to another slave. It was a trait that she was trying to kick but she never seemed to be able to. Hopefully she would be able to in her next two years at Corcoran Academy.
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
To make things a little bit easier for us all, an events blog has been set up where your characters can go to suggest trips out for the girls later in the year. The FC for the staff that runs the blog is Taylor Momsen but she will not interact with the characters outside of the messages they send to the Events blog.
Take this as an announcement from the academy: It is time to decide on a Christmas trip for the students. The trip will last three days and will be in Winter Cabins where various activities and events will occur, what the school wants from the students are suggestions for where they would like to go. If you could send your suggestions to the blog then one will be decided on later in the week and an official announcement will be posted.
Thank you!
- Co Admin A
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
This punishment killed the smut! Booooooooooooo!
I'm sorry it's killed the smut, though it won't take very long for it to come back. After all, what's a BDSM without smut?
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
This "punishment" interrupted some promising storyline beginnings. If you're trying to promote activity, this is not the way to do it. This kind of thing should be done only as a last resort or when there is nothing at all happening.
This academy - like any other school - has rules. If those rules are broken then punishments are going to be something that happens. All of this had been put into motion when the dash had been dead for two to three days and now that it’s been announced the dash is active.
While yes, some story lines have been interrupted by this side plot, this is just something to integrate into the plot. Also, nothing bad necessarily has to happen, the people that visit the girls could quite easily feel sorry for them and therefore not want to hurt them in anyway because they feel it is too wrong for even that person to do. Not every punishment necessarily needs to end, or begin, with angst. That is down to our players as it is their character. We are not here to tell them that bad things are going to happen to their character, this is just something that can be used as a way for there to be plots brought forwards which will ultimately end with a boost in activity.
If you are one of our players and you have a problem then we would prefer for you to come off of anon so we can work this out easily and see if there’s anyway to make all of this better.
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
School-Wide Punishment
After alcohol has been found on the premises of the school, all of the girls will be taken away and drugged before being taken to a brothel. Once arriving all girls will be stripped down and made to wear lingerie. After this, the Mistresses will be taken to different rooms and then tied to beds, while the slaves and Switches are taken to a side, soundproof room where they will be in full bondage and unable to move. In these rooms they will be forced to watch everything that happens. After 6 hours pass, they will then be taken to rooms and taken. Each of the girls would receive the drug every few hours so that the punishment isn't as bad for those that didn't cause it. Those that did have the banned contraband will receive half of the initial does and nothing more. After the twelve ours are up, the students will be released and returned to school just in time for classes.
Please note that the students would not be aware of this beforehand and therefore can't make posts about it. Also, please send all major plot lines to the main to make sure they're good to go and please make sure that any and all triggers are tagged appropriately.
If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you ~
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
Activity Warnings
The following characters have 24 hours to interact on the dash, if not then you shall be put on the unfollow list:
Naomi Anderson
Abigail Berry
Ryan Puckerman
The following roles have been reopened:
Angel Clarington
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
Do you have an inactivity policy? I like the players you have. I just wish some of them would stay active.
We do. If you go for five days without posting then an activity warning will go up and you have 24 hours to post something. It’s a good thing to mention at this point that posting a photo doesn’t count as activity. This is still a RP and it’s not really going to work if people disappear for days on end and don’t interact with others. 
After the activity warning has gone up then you have 24 hours to start interacting on the dash. If nothing happens in those 24 hours then the character goes on the unfollow list and the role is reopened. We also work on a three strikes and you’re out basis. A roleplay needs active players to survive, having someone that only appears once a week doesn’t really help in that task. We know that we haven’t been consistent with the activity checks as of late but many of the admins have had busy real life things to deal with though I’m back now so I’ll be keeping a closer eye on things. Today we’re going to note down those who have been inactive and post something up giving them the 24 hour warning, then if they haven’t been active by tomorrow their characters are going to be reopened. If they need to go on hiatus then all they have to do is message the main and we can sort that out, but thus far nothing has been sent.
We love all of our players and we love watching the characters develop as their stories continue to grow with the interactions they have with other characters but we’ll be the first to admit that the activity here is a problem. We want to continue RP-ing with them all and we want to keep this RP alive but we can’t do it without them.
- Co-admin A
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
Room Inspections
This week, the academy is carrying out room inspections to check for any illegal substances or banned contraband. Please can all student members send a message to the main to let us know what would be found in their room - if anything at all. If we do not receive a message then we are going to assume that everything is fine. Be aware that there is no warning prior to these inspections so the students can't hide any of the items they have that have been banned.
Please send in your messages, ASAP. Thank you!
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
Trick Or Treat!
Tonight is Halloween at the academy. Make sure to go to the all doors on campus and either get your trick or your treat. -------- OOC: Just send a message to the other characters and see what you get. Have fun.
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
FC suggests for the Smythe family?
Willa Holland
Kristen Stewart 
Leighton Meester
Emma Roberts 
These were suggested by Emma and also recommended by a RPH. Feel free to come back for more information, I hope this helps.
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- Co-admin A
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
Sorry for the late acceptance, guys! I've been really busy and with Emma's conputer failing, we haven't been able to discuss much. I'll be doing some ads today and an activity check. I hope everyone's still having fun and get ready, there'll be some fun things coming up in the next few weeks.
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- co-admin D.
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
Welcome to the Academy, Carleigh!
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Please check our New Member Checklist to help get you started. You have 24 hours to get your profile in.
Name: Carleigh Age: 22 Timezone: EST Kinks:
Spanking; Submission (sexual and non sexual); Oral; Forced orgasms/orgasm control/denied orgasms; threesomes; public sex
Washroom play; excessive pain
Angel/no chemistry
Level of Activity: You know me, I’ll never be on! :3 But reallyon average, around a seven :) Anything Else: I’m good! Except you’ll let me know if there’s something that needs to be fixed, Em? :3
Name: Angel July Clarington D.O.B.: June 14 Birth Order: Youngest Clariginton Place of Birth: Odessa, Texas Senior/Freshman: First year - Senior Rank: Slave Faceclaim: Lucy Hale Five Positive Taits:
+++++: Optimistic; Creative; Helpful; Honest; Loyal
Five Negative Traits:
- - - - - : Talkative; Insecure; Sensitive; Stubborn; Nervous
Character Past:
Angel grew up the baby of the family, there was no doubt about that. She was her Daddy’s girl, and her siblings protected her from the bullying at school - compliments of her undiagnosed ADHD that prevented her from getting good grades or sitting still for too long. She was ten when she was finally diagnosed for it, and begged her father not to tell her siblings and she promised she’d do better. Their mother passed when they were nine, and Angel connected to her through cooking and music, which is possibly the only things she can focus on for longer than an hour at best. But by the time it came to label them, Angel was already naive from her genuinely happy personality to the way she had four people always looking out for the ungraceful Clarington since she was little. And she took to it instantly, taking no issue with her label, as she didn’t want to be a Mistress at all - she wanted to have a Mistress.
Character Present:
Angel is nervous about beginning her year at the Corcoran Academy, not really knowing what to expect. She wants to be a good girl fr someone, but is also afraid that her ADHD is going to get in the way of that, even if she’s developed a pretty good system for dealing with it, sometimes it gets away from her. The youngest Clarington is also very talkative and tends to ramble about anything that pops into her mind. Along with being nervous, the sweet slave is also insecure about herself and unaware of the culture shock that moving into the academy will have. She’s still a virgin, never having even kissed someone before, always having been more interested in running and climbing trees, music, or photography than boys or girls. But now she wishes she had experience so she could impress the ones at the school. But sh’s still Angel and will get through it with her bubbly, energetic, and positive attitude - all while trying to learn how to please a Mistress, get over her insecurities, cap a lid on her tongue, and pretend she’s not as sensitive as she really is.
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
So while our Emma has a few technical troubles with her computer, I'm stepping up to take part as a co-admin. My name's Alex and I'll be here most of the time really.
If any of our players have any questions or anything then feel free to message me here or here and I'll get back to you asap, or simply message the main. 
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
Alsanna Hudson, Mistress sadly Gamer girl trying to head into the games development industry....
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corcoranacademy ¡ 10 years
Thank you for the application, Alex! You've got 24 hours to get your profile in.
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Please check our New Member Checklist to help get you started.
out of character information
NAME/ AGE / TIMEZONE: Alex, 19, GMT KINKS:  Bondage, Public Sex, Teasing/Orgasm Denial Vore, Gore, Scat, Watersports, Extreme bloodplay, non-con SHIPS: /chemistry, /no chemistry LEVEL OF ACTIVITY: 7-8 depending upon what I’m doing at college and whether I have exams ANYTHING ELSE?:  (Anything you want to add. There is no hidden password, sincerely any concerns.)
in character information
NAME: Alsanna Liara Hudson D.O.B:  June 15th BIRTH ORDER: Oldest PLACE OF BIRTH: San Francisco SENIOR/FRESHMEN: Senior RANK: Mistress FACECLAIM: Emmy Rossum FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: Creative, Intelligent, Determined, Decisive, Easygoing FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: Inconsistent, lazy, self-indulgent, untidy, sometimes defiant CHARACTER PAST:
Naming Alsanna as the Mistress of the family was something that she constantly believed her parents did wrong. She was definitely not Mistress material. She wasn’t strict, she couldn’t care less whether someone wanted to please her or not or whether they wanted to prove they were “good” or anything else that she had heard. The girl was far too laid back and uninterested in so many different concepts of the system, choosing to instead play video games and work on her computer skills. Her parents always told her, and her siblings, that working on computers and games was a waste of time and that there was always something better that they could be doing. This only spurred her on to defy them, not caring to think about what they would say or how this would affect her in the future in the academy and with her parents.
The mentions of doing something different with her life were a constant thing, she was used to people telling her that she was wasting her time but - for the most part - she managed to ignore them, though there were some moments where she snapped at them, telling them that it was her life and she would live that life however she wanted to. There was no “her way or the hard way” it was always the Alsanna way. She did what she wanted to do and refused to allow people to make decisions about her life when it had nothing to do with them.
As she grew, her ideologies continued throughout her life. While she was being pushed towards her Mistress side of life, she found herself going out of her way to act as something completely different with anyone that would let her, though it was mainly boys or men or… whatever it was that you wanted to call them.
When she had arrived at the Academy, she never really settled into her position. Sometimes she went out of her way to defy the headmistress, making it so she didn’t answer her questions, didn’t do well in her class work and never tried to do scenes with anyone that wanted to be close to her. There were some people that wanted to be close to her but for a long time she pushed them away.
Now it’s her senior year and while she has no plans to change herself, she knows that it would be better to allow people to get closer, to try and make friends with some of the people that have now moved into the academy. There may be some faces that she likes, someone that peaks her interests. She would never know if she didn’t try but there was a part of her that didn’t want to. It felt too much like change and she didn’t like that. Change was always something that either worked or it didn’t and most of the time it didn’t. What was the point in changing when you were completely happy with how things already were and you knew it worked for you? This was the year for experimenting. Seeing whether there was that sort of slave for her or whether she was going to carry on how she was before she came to the academy, sleeping with random people, using them for their warm bodies in the night then letting them disappear into the hectic nature of the world.
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