hapalopus · 9 months
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I was compelled to create a new OC today!
His name is Moussa (he/they). They're a shapeshifter who can be any combination of horse/human, from either/or, to centaur or theriocephal, to silenoi or tikbalang. He can also have anywhere from 4 to 8 limbs and he can generally decide where those limbs go, leading to some pretty freaky experimentation. Also they're a mage, unrelated to their shapeshifting.
Maybe I'll draw his human for some day, who knows. I'm done drawing for now xD
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divisiblecloud · 4 months
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So I bought Moussa some gifts
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anokha-swad · 3 months
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sinfonia-relativa · 2 years
-No tienes idea de lo que dices... si te preguntara acerca del amor probablemente citarias un soneto. Pero nunca miraste a una mujer que está totalmente vulnerable.
Nunca conociste a alguien que pudiera comprenderte con los ojos, sintiendo que Dios puso un ángel en la tierra solo para ti que podría rescatarte de las profundidades del infierno.
No sabrías como es ser su ángel y sentir ese amor por ella siempre... a través de cualquier cosa.
Película: En busca del destino
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artsietango · 2 years
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Now I’m not 100% certain on her character - but I believe this is the Moussa Yeloli doll, which is a doll line based off of a Chinese show about fairies and other mythical creatures (again, going off of very little internet knowledge).
Even with what little I know about her - holy crap is she beautiful. She has such interesting proportions for a ball pointed doll, but also since I believe she’s a fairy character, it makes sense. Her details are spectacular. I’m especially excited to try and make dresses for her.
Thank you again to @maleficentmrsofallevil​ for the dolls! I will sincerely cherish these forever. <3
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miroimirage · 2 years
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My oc Moussa!!! I love them I want to draw them more this year, they've lived in just my head for long enough and I'm not afraid to draw them anymore (I get very obsessed and upset if I can't draw my characters how they look in my head as if I'm doing them a disservice but if I don't draw them, I will never get better at drawing them!! So here they are :) )
I still have to keep working on their story but hey are the co-protagonist of Frederick's story! My main two ocs
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PRIMA PAGINA Il Giorno di Oggi lunedì, 09 settembre 2024
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onyx-liberty · 5 months
“Don’t sleep.”
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geekpopnews · 7 months
Crítica - Eu, Capitão
“Eu, Capitão”: Uma jornada cinematográfica de cores e emoções. Garrone nos leva do deserto ao oceano, entre esperança e realidade. #Cinema #Emoções #SonhoEuropeu 🌍✨
O cinema é entretenimento, mas também é ferramenta social, pois consegue levar para a tela histórias que de outra forma nunca conheceríamos. Esse é o caso da história de “Eu, Capitão”, do diretor Matteo Garrone. Nesta história, nós, como espectadores, podemos nos sentir cumplices do horror que acontece em partes do mundo que nem conhecemos. É impossível não se envolver na história de Seydou e…
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bsidibe · 2 years
[Photos] L'Ordre des Architectes du Mali (OAM) s'engage dans la défense du patrimoine architectural malien aux côtés du mouvement social du refus de la vente des locaux de l'Institut National des Arts (INA)
[Photos] L’Ordre des Architectes du Mali (OAM) s’engage dans la défense du patrimoine architectural malien aux côtés du mouvement social du refus de la vente des locaux de l’Institut National des Arts (INA)
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pogolotus · 2 years
No olvidar, 16 de marzo
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hapalopus · 2 months
Excerpts from the journal of Quinn Langston Whitmore (aka "1700s scientist gets isekaied into tf kink anime world and meets this guy:
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5th of November, 1792 (Year 436 Post-Tower)
608th day in this world
I have encountered a most peculiar young man. At a glance, he is not dissimilar from the other races of this world; he could pass for a strange human, if not for his saucer-sized gem-color eyes and his leaf-shaped ears. He is of short stature and slight build, with chestnut hair and a similarly warm and deep skintone. I do not know how to describe the color of his eyes, for they seem to glow in every shade of azure, turquoise, and emerald at once. His face is rather long and narrow and, fittingly, "horse-like."
His name is Moussa and he speaks this land's common tongue, albeit thickly accented. He told me (in much different terms) that he is, in his society, of a rank akin to a prince or lord-apparent. He travels with a tall and rather mannish human woman named Zélie. His companion does not speak the common tongue, and they converse with each other in a shrill and vowel-heavy language that I have never heard before.
But what peculiarity could this man have that has captivated me so?
Moussa's anthropoid appearance is only one half of his "true self." In our first encounter, he had, from the waist down, the body of a horse, not unlike the centaurs of our ancient Greece and Rome. In a moment, his equine body disappeared before my eyes, replaced with two perfectly unassuming (and fully clad, might I add) human legs.
Astounded, I inquired about the nature of his transformation, and he explained that it is an ability all individuals of his race are born with. He referred to his race with a shrill and guttural sound that may best be transcribed as "hrihriwa" - the name puts one in mind of a horse's whinnying.
Tomorrow I shall ask him to model for me in his preferred centaurine form.
6th of November, 1792 (Year 436 Post-Tower)
609th day in this world
Moussa graciously posed for me long enough to sketch his portrait. When I inquired about his braids, he explained that they are a devotional in nature; that his society forbids haircuts and employ protective braids to minimize damage to the hair. I felt it impolite to ask about his cropped forelock.
Moussa and Zélie appear pious. At sunset and sunrise I could not help but observe them engaged in an hour-long ritual, though I averted my gaze to grant them privacy as best I could.
Both travelers are friendly, but incurious. So far, they have only asked me my name, where I come from, and my destination. I explained to the best of my ability, but their expressions told me that they take me for a lunatic, like every other person in this world. I know I am not mad. Everyone's ignorance of the mechanism of my arrival to this world will not convince me that I am mad, nor will I give up my quest to return to England.
Seated by the evening fire, I could not stay my curiosity any longer and requested that Moussa demonstrate his transformational skills. He seemed amused by my curiosity, but transformed his hand into a strange mixture of horse and man, which I gratefully sketched. Having never met another shapeshifter like him, and his apparent opinion that bodily transformation is mundane, I must assume that his people's rarity is caused by isolation, rather than simple scarcity. He confirmed that this is his first time away from his homeland in his 25 years of life, though, when pressed, he staunchly refused to explain the location of said homeland.
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9th of November, 1792 (Year 436 Post-Tower)
612th day in this world
Today's travel was particularly strenuous as we were forced to cross over a rocky ridge. Moussa seemingly prefers to be fully equine for exercises of this nature, and I was delighted to see that his mane is identical in style and color to his human hair - perhaps this is a clue to his people's religiosity.
Halfway up the ridge, we held a quick rest. Moussa asked Zélie for a waterskin (for of course he can talk in his equine shape) and, rather than change to a more anthropoid form, he simply willed two arms to extend from his neck. I had to sketch it from memory, as my journal was tucked away at the time. Take note of the shirt sleeve seemingly growing out of his horsehide. I admit that scientific curiosity gave way to revulsion for a brief moment. I should very much like to vivisect him, but alas, I enjoy his company too much.
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But oh, I am a fool! Let this be a lesson not to sketch life from memory: Moussa's braids were tied by their fibulae rings at the time of the transformation. However, as of sketching this, they are untied - something he does every evening.
Another evening habit of his is to exchange his human legs for horse legs and meticulously clean the hooves. Whether this is a part of his ritual, or simple practicality, I do not know.
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10th of November, 1792 (Year 436 Post-Tower)
613th day in this world
I asked Moussa to show me the queerest form he could muster, and he produced the following shape, which I must admit I was too taken aback to sketch in the moment. It was nauseating. Curiously, when one head spoke, the other joined in, and they produced two voices in perfect unison. This appeared to be an involuntary effect.
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Perhaps with time I will get used to these unnatural therianthropic permutations and gain the fortitude to create live sketches.
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divisiblecloud · 6 months
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anokha-swad · 3 months
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Concert review, ★★★★, Alina Nikitina, Johannes Zeinler, Kalena Bovell, Musikkollegium Winterthur @ Tonhalle am See, Zurich, 2022-10-20 (Orpheum Foundation) — Samy Moussa (*1984): "A Globe Itself Infolding" for Organ and Orchestra (2014); Poulenc: Concerto for Organ, Strings and Timpani in G minor, FP93; Saint-Saëns: Symphony No.3 in C minor, op.78, "Organ Symphony"
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miroimirage · 2 years
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I drew my ocs and made a fake Polaroid! I scanned a Polaroid I accidentally messed up and used it as a base for this image - if you want it, it's at the bottom of this post! You can have it for all your fake polaroid needs :) I love them so much ;-; I was initially going to paint this traditionally (hence the pencil sketch) but I was afraid I'd mess it up, so I ended up colouring it digitally - I'll try to paint the irl pencil sketch too but better safe than sorry!
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(Here you have a free polaroid image/template! I even included all the dirt that got stuck to the image for that real gritty feel - and if you'd also like to make your own fake polaroids, I reccomend this tutorial!)
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