#movie sonadow fanon
springevergreen · 1 year
Sonic would help Shadow find Maria's killer. Why wouldn't he?
Part 5, Chapter 1 of my Movie Sonadow series is here!
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true-blue-sonic · 16 days
Good evening dear Blue :D
For the ask game
❤️ 🧡 💖 💀
(with the sonic media ofc)
Good evening!🍀
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom? (I think it is this one but on my laptop the heart is blacked out, but when I copy-paste it it becomes the red heart... confusing🤔😂)
I think as a whole it'd be Shadow, though for me, Silver is far more personally relevant, haha. But Shadow seems to be a difficult character to get down, because he's got so much going on with him in canon. In fanon materials, I'd say that he often either becomes a raging jerk or he becomes very soft, cuddly, gentle and suave with Sonic for tons of Sonadow fics, and though the first description fits him somewhat better, he's... well, neither, I'd say. And Silver of course gets uwu blorbified to hell and back, rip. But since Shadow is far more popular than Silver, I'd say he suffers the worst of it.
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
This is gonna be a very unpopular take, but the "Sonic has ADHD" theory doesn't sit well with me if the follow-up is "and that means he can never sit still, is infantile, doesn't listen to others, doesn't value his friends, can never take anything seriously, and is an insensitive unemphatic jerk". If I look at the Sonic in Adventure 1, Rush, or Black Knight, I see someone who is incredibly well-attuned to others' feelings and who knows what to say and do to radically change people's worldviews for the better. Plus, Sonic knows when to focus on adventures and when he has to get serious: I cannot recall a canon instance where he is bouncing around absolutely out of control with no regard for others, for example. And if something goes wrong through his actions (e.g. Lost World), he's trying his absolute hardest to make it right again. So I'm not really sure where the idea that Sonic needs to learn the power of friendship or is super hyperactive and never listens comes from.
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
Oof. I guess that I really don't like the direction things are going in, maybe? That is to say, I haven't felt particularly inclined to engage with new materials so much because they don't grab my attention in the slightest: I'll get SxSG when it releases, but I'm going in basically completely blind because I'm not interested in theorising about what could happen. Plus, I haven't watched a single TailsTube episode, nor have I played Superstars. And I also couldn't care less about the third movie, to be quite honest😅 I don't know; I'm happy to do my own thing in my own corner with Espio and Silver, but I do feel sad that the new materials we're getting don't resonate with me so much. I wonder how that's going to change in the future.
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
...Knuckles XD XD Between the main quartet plus Eggman, I simply care about him least, haha. Though, does Metal Sonic count as a major character? I've got plenty of characters I don't care about (Big, Cream, the Babylon Rogues), but I don't feel like they're present enough to be major characters. Metal is cool, but I have even less opinions on and feelings about him than I do Knux, so... XD
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ironic-the-hedgehog · 3 years
I posted 2,344 times in 2021
365 posts created (16%)
1979 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.4 posts.
I added 1,264 tags in 2021
#ironic.txt - 257 posts
#sonadow - 257 posts
#sonic - 233 posts
#shadow - 230 posts
#shitpost - 57 posts
#friends - 51 posts
#rouge - 49 posts
#tail - 47 posts
#ironic writes - 44 posts
#sonic movie 2 - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#for context! we are a system and have several sonic introjects who do not align with popular fanon which makes them extremely uncomfortable
My Top Posts in 2021
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I know Deadlock isn't gonna be everyone's cup of tea so please enjoy this little scene of Sonic thinking about his boyfriend
88 notes • Posted 2021-10-12 02:48:21 GMT
126 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 00:17:15 GMT
a few self indulgent Sonic headcanons
he has to ask people to repeat themselves a lot because his auditory processing is garbage
he chews his fingernails if he's not wearing gloves
constantly fidgeting
imitates sounds
imitates people's accents without realizing it
barks sometimes when he's excited (Tails also does this)
127 notes • Posted 2021-12-18 21:26:30 GMT
sonic brings home a kitten. he decides to name it Pants. shadow asks why and sonic says "bc now he is the only pants i actually like"
138 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 03:52:14 GMT
it's really telling to me that people who are all about purity are some of the nastiest people and the ones who are in the "adult" corner are like. the nicest most respectful people
170 notes • Posted 2021-12-12 19:25:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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theplanetprince · 3 years
Fanfiction Review
I can already tell this is gonna be super confusing bc I've been writing fic since I was 12 but have since gone through so many identity changes. But let's play anyway!
Thanks for the tag @redead-red
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
My current library is 8. I don't actually write fanfic too often unless a specific idea intrigues me-- or something in the fanon just doesn't line up with me. I do have at least 4ish more stories planned and maybe a revised version of an ancient story from when I was young. 2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
166,451! Pretty neato!
3. How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Uh, in no specific order,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (lost to purging)
Doctor Who (you ain't gonna find these)
NiGHTs into Dreams
Dead by Daylight (<3)
Danny Phantom (my beloathed) Supernatural (my other beloathed)
and uhhhh, I think a bunch of various other video games I can't remember. For the sake of brevity I'm gonna put the rest under the cut.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is actually pretty funny bc I have so few fics released. I only get emails for certain ones all the time, so I wrote this part out by guessing, but I ended up not needing to change it. (also, don't read most of these; they're old and bad)
1. Schrodinger's Adolescent, 337 Kudos (Danny Phantom)
2. Teen Years and How to Survive Them, 97 Kudos (Secret Trio)
3. Two Fake Feds Come up the Laneway the other dayyyyyy, 56 Kudos (Letterkenny/Supernatural)
4. Brother's Keeper, 40 Kudos (Halloween, DBD)
5. Beginner's Guide to Destroying the Moon, 37 Kudos (Sonic)
5. Which of your fic do you want more attention for?
I'll be real here, I still enjoy most of the work I did for both Beach House Bummer, and Beginner's Guide to Destroying the Moon. I just wish I got more love for the latter bc I might be inspired to finish it lmao.
6. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I really try to! I love the long rambly comments I get on Schrodinger's because I can feel those people are giving me the same passion I put into my work-- Though most of the time I get the generic "post more" or "update plz" which I dunno I'm grateful for the interaction. Still, I don't really want to repeat like "I'm trying my best, dude." about 12 times a day.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I'll be real I only have two completed fics rn-- but I can tell you I had this one fic that I wrote when I was fourteen where the ninja turtles had to burn down a lab full of half-born mutant embryos, and like I remember writing that and then going to middle school the next day like "They don't know I'm a literary genius."
8. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Probably the Letterkenny/Supernatural crossover-- I feel very strongly about SPN and how people take it way too seriously, so when I found out it was filmed in Canada. It used famous Canadian actors from the show Letterkenny, it felt way too good to pass up. I do hope to write in that space again when I'm feeling less depresso-espresso.
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah. It's probably a big reason why you'll never see the tmnt fics for a while. I also used to write a lot of OC stories, and this was back in 2014 so like those were def hit the hardest. I'm glad to say it's like... subsided for the most part. I don't get hate as much as I just get really confusing and creepy comments, which don't hurt my rejection-sensitive-ass as much.
10. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hahahaha, no.
I am kind of bad at writing it, and I don't really like writing it. Which yeah that makes sense. My friends sometimes when they find out I write fanfic as a joke they'll send me some of the worst examples smut they can find and to test my talent I'll try to rewrite it to make it some kind of titillating-- but alas it just isn't my forte. The cons of being an asexual I guess.
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11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Uh, yes and no? I think I had one of my older fics stolen, retranslated, and then retranslated again to English? That was so long ago tho.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'd love to give it a shot sometime.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly, it's sonadow. I know it's cringe but I'm free, dammit. Outside of that I guess my favorite dynamic is jock/nerd, which you've probably gleaned from my resume here fhsdkjf.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I've been working on Teen Years and How to Survive them since I was 16, I only started making headway on it when I was 19-- so I feel like that speaks for itself hskjhg.
15. What are your writing strengths?
It's been told to me that I'm very funny and I write convincing dialog that captures a character's voice. Which is extremely flattering despite the fact that I feel like I'm tricking you all.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably scenery and landscape, if I'm honest. I also accidentally keep creating scenes just for the dialog instead of action or environment.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think as long as I can guess what they're saying from context clues, and the writer is courteous enough to include body language and the like, then it's mostly harmless. I love including a bunch of references in fic whether it's cultural, historical, or just like a quote from a movie or something so I have a bunch of tabs open regardless it wouldn't be too inconvenient for me to fire up google translate or something.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Schrodinger's Adolescent, it really opened up a lot of doors for me in the DP fandom and I got to meet a lot of cool people because of it. It really cheered me up from a dark place. And despite me writing it initially out of anger and spite its grown into this soft thing that really means a lot to me.
20. What fic are you most proud of?
Honestly, I can't pick. I'm both embarrassed by them all and yet glad they bring people some form of comfort.
Uhhhh who to tag-- I don't really know
@ten0rreaper is the only one I can think of-- whoever else I guess can have at it. I'm not very good at these things lmao.
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