#mpp talks fandom
jfleamont · 1 year
the James being the sun thing is definitely new! it really annoys me too. I'm not a fan of the sunshine/chaotic vs the grump/level headed trope anyway it lacks nuance
I mean, I read somewhere why they associate him with the sun and it makes sense: apparently since Remus is the moon and Sirius is the stars, James has to be something related to the sky as well. Also, he's popular (people are attracted to him as if he's the sun) and probably the 'leader' of the group, and his upbringing is not as sad or tragic as Remus' or Sirius'.
While I get it, I think it has led to a misconception about his personality: I've seen him portrayed as this naive, bubbly person, the human embodiment of a golden retriever, a jock who's kind of a himbo whose sole purpose in life is to pine after Lily... It's reductive at best and personally, that's not my James at all.
I talked about him at length here but I'll just say that my James is charismatic, popular and has a big heart, but he can also be mean, unpredictable, moody, arrogant (especially when he was younger); he's intelligent, determined and can be mature and serious (no pun intended!) if the situation calls for it.
I also don't see how Lily would fit into this, because the sun-moon-stars analogy is an exclusively MPP dynamic. Which yes, it makes sense if it's a friendship dynamic but more often than not James is the sun in Wolfstar fics. And it's nice to include James, but Lily gets kinda left out, doesn’t she?
I think it also depends on what fic you read when you first get into the fandom: for me it was The Life And Times, but I remember watching a TikTok of a girl who said she didn't like TLAT James at all because she was used to James in All The Young Dudes.
So yeah, it either started with ATYD or with the whole Jeg*lus thing, but honestly it doesn't bother me too much, because all the fic writers I love don't write him that way and neither do I, so I just ignore it.
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magicpenpal · 5 months
Hi Im MagicPenPal or MPP or really whatever you want to call me (he/him, in my 20s) o/
I am doing art and Im trying to get better at it! This Blog was kind of spawned out of a) my current absolut obsession with Undertale yellow and cosequently my descend back into the UTDR fandom, and b) an attempt, after a long time, to finally get serious about drawing and finally creating a real routine for myself again.
Im doing mostly fandom related things but you can absolutely expect some of my own silly, little ideas to pop up in here aswell from time to time.
Some fandoms Im in are: Undertale, Undertale Yellow, Deltarune (obviously) but also Pokemon and especially Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Drawn to life etc.
DMs and Asks are always open! Feel free to ask me about anything, I am usually not very talkative but I really do appreciate it! Especially if its relating to my characters, AUs, Headcanons or about this blog. I will not answer overly personal questions tho. :/
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greenguygeno · 8 years
Full-body commissions have been extended to the end of March! Come get them while you can!
Read below for rules, or click the link above to view the DA journal. Pretty much the same thing:
Rules: 1) No NSFW, fetish, porn, etc. 2) No gore or excessive blood. 3) No ideologically insensitive material such as racism or hate. 4) No overly-complicated designs that require too much detail to fit. 5) No fanart of existing medias, with the exception of fan-characters. 6) Please use professional language and grammar when commissioning. 7) Please respect the artist's schedule and time when commissioning and waiting for commissions. 8) Once payement is complete, there is no backing out unless there is legitamently something wrong that requires a refund. 9) Commissions completed, though now yours, are not subject for monetization by a third-party organization by both sides of the transaction. 10) Commission e-mails go to [email protected], while payment goes to [email protected] via Paypal. 11) Due to a recent discovery of Paypal's fees (2.9%+$0.30), you have the option of paying a little bit more as show below to get past the fees if you want to pay me the intended amount (See Below for more information)        www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/pay…        www.paypal.com/selfhelp/articl…        thefeecalculator.com/
How to Send Commissions: Send an e-mail to [email protected] with the title as follows: Commission_[Client]_[CommissionType] Within the e-mail, attach a reference(s), whether or not you want it to be streamed, and a small explanation of what is needed and more if applicable. I will get to you as soon as possible. Before we can proceed, we must discuss any further information if applicable so that we are both on the same page. How to Pay: All commissions must be half-paid in advance. Meaning, before I can start the commission, you must pay half of the total price. The other half must be paid in full after the commission is done before I can send you the final product. All payment goes to [email protected], and it is Paypal Only. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Q) Where to I send the money to? A) All money goes to [email protected] via Paypal. Half of the money must be paid in advance in order to proceed, and the other half once both parties are satisfied with the final product. Q) What if I want to see progress on the commission? A) You can request the commission to be streamed via Picarto.TV so that you can see the process in real time and be able to talk to me for slight adjustments to the picture as well as talk to other viewers. I will send you an e-mail of upcoming streams, and you can always watch my DA page for any notifications for a stream. Other option is that I can send you work-in-progress pictures via e-mail if you are unable to view livestreams. Q) Who owns the rights to the commission? A) The commissioner now owns the rights to the commission once it is complete. You can do whatever you wish to do with it from that point on; frame it, hang it, use it as a coaster, whatever. However, though you now claim ownership, it is not recommended to sell or monetize the commission for personal gain in any way WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. In fact, this is highly shamed upon the commission industry depending on the artist, and would likely result in you getting blacklisted from future commissions. As the creator of the picture, I get to use the commission as an example for future commissions, and I'm not allowed to monetize the product in any way without your permission. Q) What if I don't like where the commission is going and want to request a refund? A) Sorry, buddy, but that was what the discussion before proceeding was for. If you don't like how it turned out, then there was either a miscommunication or a lack of clarification involved. A refund won't be made, but I can redo it for an additonal fee of $1. Q) My character is owned by someone else, is it ok? A) Of course, as long as you have consent by the original owner if it needs confirmation. Q) The character I have in mind belongs to a fandom I'm in. Will it count? A) Sorry, it won't count if the character is an actual character in the media. If it is a fan character, then it WILL count. Canonical characters do not count. Q) My character might be too complicated to be drawn. A) That is up to me to decide, so don't be shy to send a reference of the character. If it is deemed too difficult to draw by my standards, then I would have to ask you to come back with something else. However, this is a rare scenario, so no need to worry. I could find a way to work around it. Q) What if I don't want to pay the additional fee just to give you the intended amount? A) That is fine, you don't have to. Because this is a recent discovery, I am not going to force you on paying PayPal's 9%. However, in the future, I will take to consideration the policy and implement it in a future commission session. Q) I want you to draw my OC with rainbows for hair and she had her parents murdered and she drives a mech and she's bada- A) no :^)
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