#mr subtitles too ❤️
oneway-closet · 2 years
sometimes i can’t believe the st crew is the st crew. like the people who wrote “it’s boobies!!” also wrote “you make her feel like she’s not a mistake. like she’s better for being different. and that gives her the courage to go on” the duality of man
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Hello 👋
can I request a conversation between the listener and Wally about Barnaby?
Barnaby is my absolute favorite character and I love him so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💗💗💗💗
Aww of course!! How could we forget about Mr. Barnaby? Haha! Here you are!! I hope this is good for you! <3
‼️please go support wally's ACTUAL voice actor, @DaFrankiestein!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art & characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can!
Subtitles, wally speaking: Thank you for letting me take you around the neighborhood! I can't wait to show you absolutely everything! What's that?? You have a question, of course! That's why I'm here! What is your question?? [Neighbor points over at Barnaby, asking who he is] Who's that over there? Oh that's just Barnaby! He and I are best friends, have you met him yet?? Oh right, of course! If you had met him you'd probably not be asking me! Haha! Silly silly, anyways.. Yes! We're best friends! It's always been me and Barnaby. His full name is Barnaby b beagle! Isn't that a funny name? Haha! Oh don't worry I mean that in the best way! What's he like?? Oh he's your typical sweetheart! Big jokester too! Oh no, he's no trouble maker! He's very very very kind! He does have a bit of an issue gauging when people are.. A bit tired of his jokes! But don't worry! Really, he's deeply caring! Would you like to meet him? [pause] oh wonderful! Barnaby! come over here, there's someone I want you to meet!
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Good crying xd
I LOVE them your honor 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰!!!! My babeys <333. Their scenes were SO good 🥰. Also don't even talk to me about Elle and Nick's conversation <3.
Oh also the shirtless moment xD my poor guy lol
The hickey situation was unfortunately only funny for a short amount of time :') xD
Also Harry was a jerk again and then he was better again?? Hello xDD?? Even Nick and Charlie noticed it lol! But hey I mean some people grow out of being jerks lol
Also is that the tea on Darcy D:? Honey what's up are you okay :(?
Them teachers once again 😌😌😌 LOVING THEM. Lol idiots <333
Also YES (we) stan Isaac going off on Harry 😌
And oof lol poor James xd bro is DOWN for Isaac lol. Like that's not the poor James thing but a) the Charlie situation lol, and b) "Isaac doesn't think that does he 🥺" listen your honor I love him 😭 xD
Charlie my baby :(( y'all I cannot express how S T R E S S E D I was getting but I gotta admit I love the drama and angst of somebody passing out xD still though 😭
His and Nick's conversation though 🥺😭❤️❤️❤️ I love them so much your honor <333
Still do live in absolute fear though :'))
Oh and Mr. Farouk (again I think that's you spell it? I need have subtitles on for the teachers' names at some point lol) was so sweet with Charlie :')) help I love them <33 (not that I'm obsessed with those two in particular lol but it was sweet, also I love them all kinda that too)
Also AYYY NICK'S DAD (that was "dead" for a second lol) :DD!! I hope that goes well :) 😬
Oh and of course: B E N MIND YOUR B U S I N E S S GO A W A Y
That's for Ben lol
Also why did y'all run in the direction of the security guard person XDD
ANYWAY love them all sooo much 🥰🥰🥰❤️ NEXT TO EPISODE SIX!!!
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gateau-chocolat · 5 years
some final crash landing on you thoughts
(spoilers through the end of the series!)
-This is totally another one of those shows where I don’t really have anything substantial to say because I just really enjoyed it!  Good all around!
-I would say my biggest impression of the show is that it felt like it was written by someone who knew exactly what the viewers wanted to see and just gave it to them?  Lots of romantic and funny moments, relatively little time spent on really drawn out cliffhangers or other tiresome things. 
-Like....was it a sensitive and insightful portrayal of the lives of North Korean citizens? No!  Was it fairly ridiculous at times?  Yes!  But I enjoyed it and it made me feel some feelings. 😭
-I think I’ve only seen Son Ye-jin in Something in the Rain, and I somehow haven’t seen Hyun Bin in anything, but I thought they were both really good in this show both individually and together. 
- The last episode went out in true Crash Landing on You style: with a startlingly large amount of people getting shot to death 
-But seriously: Everything about the parting scene at the border??? The concept??? The acting???? The way it was all filmed and edited??????? 😭💓😭💓😭💓
-The scene with the messages and cutting back and forth between SK and NK was a really lovely connection to the opening credits. ❤️
-Also the final scene (the first final scene? before the kind of epilogue parts) was just *kisses fingers*
-The one false note of the finale imho was Seung-jun dying(?)?  This is kind of bad, but I almost feel like that character and his relationship with Dan like....weren’t built up enough to warrant a big tragic ending? (If that makes sense lol??) Also, in a show where basically every other plotline worked out RIDICULOUSLY well, it felt kind of weird that that one character would just...die? Especially since there wasn’t really anything about it that made it feel like karma or much-needed redemption or anything like that? 🤷‍♀️ Idk, it’s very imho and it didn’t really bother me much one way or another in the end, but I spent the entire last episode waiting for the reveal that he was alive and then was kinda confused when it never came. 
-Who in this show is the worst at their job: The “so I guess u have like 7 different serious mental health problems, try sightseeing or something idk 🤷‍♀️” therapist from the early flashback scene, or the ambulance guy in ep 16 who was sitting there just chilling as his critically wounded patient pulled off his oxygen mask, spoke for several seconds, and then passed out lol.
-This happened with Mr. Sunshine too but idk why Netflix doesn’t subtitle English dialogue!  Especially since the English dialogue often has the worst sound quality! :(
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