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the-tell-tale-poet · 6 years
Don't you just love when you talk with your friends and they give you an idea for a new muse
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So thank you to my girl Tammy @luvroffictionalcharacters for jump starting my creativity with this
Oh and mister manning would like to see you now 😉 @just-a-simple-innocent-man
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hcrzlos-aa · 6 years
bloodflew replied to your post “Medibot, the minute gray died: see ya bitch Medibot: grabs mecha and...”
Mecha vc: is mr.mann sleeping ?
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medibot: oh dont be silly baby, hes DEAD. and we didnt even have to get our hands dirty =]
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jameswrites · 5 years
A Drabble on Dog
[A challenge to myself to write exactly 100 words to get across a scene, an idea, a feeling. This one is about Dog.]
Taken from this poll.
In the elevator, the woman who smells like cats stares at Dog.
He’s busy wagging his tail, ready for the walk.
“He’s a rescue, you know. I know he was loud this last weekend, but he’s been through a lot.”
The woman relaxes. “Well, be sure to keep him quiet. My darlings were so scared, they tore up my clothes. They're designer, Mr.Mann!"
His new friend pulls delicious leather out of his pocket and gives her something. "I'll make sure to reimburse you properly."
She nods. She pets. “He is a good boy, isn’t he though?”
His friend smiles. "Very."
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apeman-fan · 7 years
3, 4, 11, 21, 27, 79
3. “’Mr.Mann was a close acquaintance of the victim,” said Lamont.” Truth or Die - James Patterson (i’m housesitting and don’t have my own books with me lol)
4. uhhh probably dogs or kpop tbh
11. idk if it’s a phobia per se but i’ve always had this fear that when i’m climbing up my ladder to bed a hand is gonna grab my ankle
21. who do you think every member of exo, bts, day6, and hotshot
27. i hate the sound of seatbelt scratching (does that make sense?). i love the sound of cicadas
79. honestly impulse deciding to go to lfc, because i got to meet some extremely lovely people whom i love beyond anything in this world
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jlynchart · 7 years
If you get a chance you should read, or get the audible book, Mr.Mann by John Byron. It's a really fun, interesting take on the after life and heaven/hell struggle that delves into new territory with its cast. After you thoroughly fall in love with it follow this link and help John fund his next book. He's independent author who writes with passion and convinction. He has a unique voice that isn't afraid to touch uncomfortable subjects or circumstances. He takes all the old conventions and tosses them in a blender with a quarter cup of pop culture, two tablespoons of wit, and a dash of sarcasm. All this to say he writes well and genuinely cares about the art form and craft. He's worthy of the read, and your consideration in helping fund his next adventure.
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Obedience (part one)
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Avery sighed standing in his bedroom looking in the mirror he could catch a glimse of you asleep in his bed with a peaceful look of pure bliss on your sleeping face, a small smile spread across his face as he remembered last night and how your face lit up when you saw he was home since he hasnt had much time to spend with you lately. Avery looked down and grabbed his cufflinks giving another sigh not wanting to leave you like this knowing that you wouldnt mind but still he wanted to stay and spend the day with you and only you, avery fixed his tie reminiscing on the day you two met he smiled remembering how the suns rays seemed to shine so brightly just for you and how on your first date the moonlight against your skin stunned him. Everything about you enchanted him and bewitched him cursing his mind and stealing his heart never failing to leave him breathless in shock and awe but work was work and it had to be done, he tensed up looking at you hearing you stir in your sleep but seeing you still fast asleep made him relax a little and continue to get ready for work so he wouldnt be late. When avery was finished he turned around leaning against the vanity just watching as you slept peacefully admiring your bare body that was only covered by a blanket and your wild hair that was a clear indication of the events last night, he walked towards the bed gently stroking your cheek brushing your hair out of your face before he softly kissed your cheek and silently left the room.
Once outside avery was met with a familiar face, walker stood tall and proud holding two coffees one for him and one for avery "good morning walker" avery said as he took one of the cups; this wasn't out of the ordinary after all walker was a sort of night owl but when avery thought about it he had never seen or heard of walker sleeping ever. And as walker opened the car door for him he got in then took a sip of his coffee "another long day sir" walker asked once he was in the drivers seat which made avery smile, he and walker had been friends for years and had been work partners for way longer which is how walker knew that something was bugging avery though he didnt think it was his place to comment on such things.
Averys work day was like any other work day full of papers, numbers, finances, marketing, and all that boring business but really all avery could think of was you; his mind was clouded with thoughts of you and all your loveliness he bit his lip smirking thinking of your smile, your kind eyes, and your soft skin against his which made him groan. The thought of your hands on his body pulling him closer made his heart race with anticipation and groan upset that he couldnt get you off his mind "mister manning, im sure that one work day will not make a difference, as you have previously stated the company can run itself," said walker, the bodyguard offered some wisdom to the tortured CEO "and if it cannot ill be here to make sure it does, now go to her im sure she would love your company at home today sir" avery scoffed and smirked over walkers words. he looked at his friend then at his stack of papers with an array of different text seeming to be in a foreign language and a smile spread across his face as he sprang up from his desk chair and grabbed his coat and keys, the CEO turned with a smirk looking at walker "good luck old friend, as for me i dont need luck for my lover is waiting for me" walker smiled at him and with that avery quickly ran from his office to the elevator with one thing on his mind and that was you.
The frantic man sped home hoping you were still there and that you hadn't left to shop or wonder around as you usually do over the weekends, avery had a goofy happy smile on his face as his dodge challenger speeding through traffic ignoring the speed limit, running red lights, and swerving around corners whatever it took to get to you as fast as possible.
Once home he put his car in park got out and threw the keys into the hands of his Gardener "make sure she gets in the garage" he yelled back as he ran to the front door, as he got to the door he stopped and composed himself; giving a sigh he slicked back his hair fixed his sleeves and straightened his tie. He turned pressing the doorbell gently listening to it ring with a proud smile looking at his reflection in the window noticing his hands looked empty so he picked a rose from the small bouquet near the door and waited, but when you didnt answer his smile faded and he looked confused wondering where you had gone "scusami, dov'è la padrona di casa?" He asked the lawn worker in Italian where she went "Non so che non l'abbia detto, signore" he Replied that he didn't know which concerned avery. You always Told the workers where you were going even if it was just for an hour and knowing that averys once happy expression turned to a scowl, his grip on the rose stem tightened causing the thorns to pierce his skin making him bleed and the lawn worker backed away "prenditi il ​​giorno libero e dì lo stesso agli altri lavoratori, desidero stare da solo" he answered saying to send the workers home and take the day off through gritted teeth walking into the house after opening the door. Once inside avery called walker knowing he would be busy but work was nothing compare to his worry for her "walker shes gone i need you to find where she went to and do it now" he loosened his tie and paced the floor "yes sir right away" replied walker before they both hung up, he only had one rule for her and he has been strict with that one rule since the beginning of their relationship; always tell someone where your going or let someone know where you are cause if she went missing or worse got caught and taken by his father all hell would break loose for him. but avery tried to not worry and stay positive about it for your sake because he hated being mad or too strict with you for little things but this was a big scary real thing for avery especially since his father knew about you and could easily find you, it wouldn't surprise him if one day you came home crying saying that demons or harpy's attacked you nor would it shock him if his father attempted to use you as leverage to get him to do his bidding but even then he couldn't say yes so all he could do was protect to as best as he could. Although you weren't making it very easy with your attitude and your sass when he would try to establish rules and regulate your whereabouts for your safety even if he knew you could protect yourself he still wanted to know you were safe, Avery couldn't bare the thought of loosing you to his sick twisted father just the simple thought of his clawed hands on you made his blood boil with rage but when he heard the front door he relaxed a bit "Avery, I'm home!" Your voice called out to him.
He quietly listened as you searched around the house for him finally seeming to react once you found him In your bedroom sitting by the window with the lights off only able to see his silhouette as you reach for the switch he spoke "Don't" his stern voice made you stop and jump back immediately, he didn't scream or yell at you he never did and never would but something in his voice sounded different as he spoke to you "come" he commanded you and at first you were reluctant to obey but his low guttural growl made you force yourself to walk into the dark room towards him. As you got closer you could see his face a little clearer and he didn't look happy or even emotionless as he usually did all you could see on his face now was anger and disappointment "Avery I know you-" before you could finish explaining he interrupted "kneel" he said demanding your obedience, you sighed once again complying with his demands only to feel his clawed hands gently stoke your cheek before grabbing your face roughly as his red golden orbs glowed in the darkness both locked dead set on yours causing you to tremble and pout afraid of what he was going to do with you. His grip loosened as he saw the fear in your eyes "this will be the last time you disobey me" he spoke through gritted teeth as his hand traveled down your neck he grabbed it not squeezing just holding it in his hand the devil seeming to marvel at your softness before he took the cloth of your shirt between his fingers "off, all of it", you stood to your feet slowly once on your feet you started to strip off your clothes "not those" he stated as you reached to take off your lace panties and with that you stood awaiting your next command "what are you going to do to me?" You asked him your voice quiet and meek "let's just say," he gave you a fanged smirk "you have a hell of a night ahead of you".
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Avery vibes ;3
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Avery and his lady :D he always finds a way to make her smile
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Averys favorite way to hold you
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If avery ever had a daughter he would spoil her rotten giving her everything and anything she wants because he doesnt want to be a bad father
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Averys valentines surprise for his lover ❤
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If you see avery like this it means one of two things; either A) you've done something wrong or B) you've done something very right only the look in his eyes will tell you which it is
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