mrkida-art · 2 years
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Grór, child of the deceased King Dáin I and the sibling of King Thrór. 
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mrkida-art · 2 years
You guys liked when I shared my headcanons last time so here are some BIOLOGY related ones!  Pregnancy: Many say that they have never seen a pregnant dwarf but this is very much false, however dwarven pregnancy does not look as it might in humans which makes it hard for a non dwarf to tell. Dwarven babies are born very small compared to a human babies due to the fact that dwarves have narrower hips (how small? idk haha).  This means that their baby bumps are much smaller and less noticeable. This also allows pregnant dwarves to more around with ease. 
Adaptation to high altitudes  and low oxygen environments: Compared to the race of Men, dwarves are adapted to both low oxygen environments and high altitudes. For example, dwarves have larger lungs compared to their body size and more oxygenation blood. This allows dwarves to both to settle in high altitudes inaccessible by many other species and help them survive longer when entering caves with poor oxygen. They can also hold their breath for much longer than the average human. 
Certain eastern clans especially favor building their halls in very high altitudes as a defensive measure. It’s easier to kill an enemy if they suffer from altitude sickness after all, sometimes they don’t even have to  act as the alitude itself takes care of their invaders.
Bone density and muscle mass: Dwarves are incredibly strong for their height, high in muscle mass with much denser and thicker bones to make up for it. This also means that they are generally quite heavy despite their height. They also have thicker skulls compared to humans. 
Dwarven senses: Dwarves have big ears. It’s not just for show either, as dwarves has a much better sense of hearing compared to humans. When delving into deep dark caves, eyesight do not matter as much as hearing and sensitivity to vibrations. Dwarves also have a strong sense of smell, which is useful when encountering caves with toxic fumes. When they smell it, they simply know which areas to avoid. 
Dwarven fingers are also very sensitive, as they can feel the slightest difference in the surface they touch. Dwarves  use a form of braille which is used as a decoration but also as a tool for navigation, this sensitivity helps them to for example find such carvings even in uneven rock walls.  
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