vihola · 4 years
you dont have to answer this ofc but: how did merkara percieve/treat other slaves when she became a full sith? mine got a superiority complex and went insane🥴
What you should know to understand Merkara’s perspective is that she gets to be above other slaves before she becomes a Sith. She suffers her way up to the position of her Master’s favorite and gets special treatment. She can order other slaves around, she is healed while they are left to suffer and die, and sometimes her Master wants her to kill them just because he says so. It doesn’t make Merkara feel safe because she knows that her Master may change his mind and dispose of her whenever he wants. It doesn’t give her a taste of power either because even though she can order other slaves around, she can’t do anything to make things easier for them. True power, she decides, is being able to choose between doing harm and doing good. 
Then she becomes a Sith and gets her freedom. She says, “Hey, what if we abolish slavery and stop treating people like shit when they have done nothing to deserve it?” She’s laughed at. Once again, she’s in a position of relative privilege, but it doesn’t mean much. She winces when she sees slaves because it’s too easy to remember how she used to wear a slave collar. It’s like slavers are hurting her all over again when they are mistreating someone else. And Merkara is disgusted by the thought of being anything like them. She doesn’t own slaves, she wouldn’t trust anyone who does, and once in a while she cheerfully hunts slavers for sports. Every liberated slave is welcome to work for her in exchange for a decent salary and social package.
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krokonoko · 4 years
just wanted to thank you for being active in 2020 because i just joined the fandom!☺️ also the links in your bio dont work for me for some reason
thank you and welcome to the fandom!
yeah I still haven’t figured out how to make the bio links work on all platforms orz they work on the desktop version of tumblr, but even then only sometimes, and if I edit them they stop working, and it’s just. Tumblr is hell, unfortunately.
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Omg you look so soft??! And cute??!!!? I am truly sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but it had to be said🌼
Thank you thank you thank you :3
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holyblackspear · 5 years
About me Meme
I was tagged by @for-lovely-things to do this little thing, I apologize for being late :’D Rules: Tag 10 followers you want to know better (We’ll see about that, huh) Nickname: I had different ones in the past, but people online generally call me Holy. My best friend @vanziieks has an endless list of names she uses to refer to me, but I’m “bruh” to her Gender: Non-Binary Astrological sign: Capricorn! Horned bossy bitch! Height: 165cm Sexuality: Demipan to death. We like interesting mixes, do we not? ;) Hogwarts House: Not really a knowledgeable fan, but Pottermore (and my friends and soul) say I’m a Slytherin! Favourite animals: Cats and snakes (I own both), Horses, Foxes, Ferrets Number of Blankets: In Italy you need 0 in summer and about 5 in winter, so... Where I’m from: See above! Dream Trip: Definitely Japan and visiting the Netherlands once more. These are the most prominent ones. When I created this account: I think back in 2013 actually? Crazy times Why I created this account: To reblog nice inspirational things. Now I turned into a place for sharing that AND my art and writing. Tagging (If you want to do this!): @vanziieks @avaquetv2 @elvenbeard @zeldabard @ohmygodlenny @nsmama @welcome-to-gaydas @mrtva-lutka @karasu8 @hobophoenix69
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vihola · 4 years
hey! what does ashara zavros think of your Inquisitor and the other way around? my ds!inquisitor probably threw her out the airlock at some point💀
Ashara doesn’t quite know what to make of Merkara, this Sith is a creature of chaos. Merkara is weird, eccentric, contradictory. But Ashara appreciates that she doesn’t push her toward the dark side and doesn’t seem to care what Ashara is doing as long as she pretends to be a good and obedient apprentice in public. Merkara has a reputation to uphold, but she’s not dedicated to the Sith and Imperial ideals. If anything, she’s an outcast in the very system that’s supposed to favor her, a heretic. Ashara soon learns not to have any expectations regarding her new Master because these expectations are too often subverted. The only thing she knows for sure is that Merkara can be reasoned with ― and that’s a relief.
For Merkara, Ashara is the first Jedi who doesn’t immediately activate a lightsaber while saying something boring about the corrupting power of the dark side. And it’s so interesting! Merkara doesn’t know much about the Jedi and their ways, and she wants to learn for the sake of learning. She pesters Ashara with constant questions and then answers Ashara’s careful inquiries about the Sith and the Empire in turn. That’s how they get close over time. That’s why when Ashara starts talking about cooperating with Jedi to end the war, Merkara considers it as a perfectly valid option. Merkara comes to value her apprentice’s judgment so much that Ashara becomes one of the few trusted individuals who keep her from going batshit crazy after her ascension to the Dark Council. When you are so drunk on power that you’re ready to set the galaxy on fire and laugh about it, it’s nice to have someone who’s not afraid to slap you on the wrist. 
Their relationship starts with blatant manipulation on Merkara’s part, but then the obvious power imbalance gradually disappears. They are both lost and questioning and searching. They both strive to understand things that are much greater than they are. And so they stick together.
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vihola · 4 years
"she's one of those people that go out with a blaze" nooo don't hurt me like that💔
I’m sorry! But very few of my OCs get to live long, most of them die before their time because they don’t have safe lives. They can’t always walk away from mortal dangers, one of these days their luck is going to run out. The only thing I can do is try to give them meaningful deaths. And Xala is getting a meaningful death too, no matter which path she chooses.
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vihola · 4 years
he- he has a crush on vitiate?? i don't want to judge but wow. the bar is on the floor
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It’s all in the past now. He doesn’t want to talk about it, not after Vitiate cheated on the Empire with Zakuul. Not after Vitiate just randomly picked another vessel, even though Ra’enar had spent years preparing for this role. He was supposed to be the chosen one, but no, now Vitiate lives in the body of a former slave and calls himself Valkorion. Outrageous.
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vihola · 4 years
22, 23 and 36 for ra'enar? i know it's a lot so don't feel pressured if it's too much. have a lovely day/night!
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Who are their friends? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
Oh boy, his relationships are, to say the least, messed up. He sees people as tools and possessions. He understands relationships as “You serve my needs, so you may stay in my life for now. You will be replaced if you stop being useful.” Can he really have friends with this approach? And his supposedly ideal partner is someone who fits in his goals and can be trusted to work with him on equal terms, but also someone who belongs to him completely. Ra'enar doesn't share.
What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
His partner has to be as powerful as he is or more powerful (And that’s why he has a crush on Vitiate of all people). It’s not just his preference, it’s the prerequisite for the partner’s long-term survival. Ra’enar disposes of people easily, he can break your neck with a wave of his hand and forget all about it in an hour or so. You have to be able to beat the hell out of him to deserve his respect and stay alive.
Sex is the last thing on his mind. It’s a primitive physical need that doesn’t necessarily have to be satisfied if it arises. Ra’enar is too disciplined to be self-indulgent. Sex has to be useful too.
Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
He doesn’t care about the suffering of others, not even when it comes to his enemies. He doesn’t like torture because it’s messy and takes time, so he would rather avoid it and go for a kill. Torture is inefficient. He doesn’t need to cause pain in order to scare the hell out of people and make them do what he wants.
He is a masochist, though he doesn’t realize it. It’s deeply rooted in his upbringing. His mother was like “I put you through so much pain because I care about you, I want you to succeed” (She lied, of course. The only emotion she ever felt for her children was resentment). And then he had a routine of fighting his sisters until one of them was too badly broken to stay conscious. So pain feels like the closest thing to love. If he is hurting, he’s growing stronger. If he embraces his pain, he will be more powerful because of it. This is why he welcomes every injury and cherishes every scar.
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vihola · 4 years
okay so i'm curious about your other smugglers. 🍵 Are there any rumours about your OC hanging around? Nasty ones or just good humoured? Got any gossip to share about them? for a smuggler of your choice💕
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There’s a rumor that Darryn Wyn doesn’t exist as a person ― it’s just a bunch of mercs using the same name to maintain anonymity. This rumor is not entirely wrong because that’s not even his real name and he often sends other people to pose as him. He avoids showing his face if he can help it. He’s always paranoid that his past is going to find him and drag him back to face the consequences of his actions. So as soon as he hears that there are people who don’t even believe in his existence, he laughs it off and occasionally does something to support this rumor.
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vihola · 4 years
📓 Write a typical diary/journal page by your OC! (or if you’d rather not, describe their journal. Do they keep one, why?) for liran? i really love your characters💕
Awww, thank you, it makes me happy when people as much as pay attention to my characters 💜
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Liran keeps his journal on his super encrypted datapad, writes often but not much. Just a few sentences per entry, notes to self. Here is one day’s worth of notes from 13 ATC:
Imperial Intelligence is no more, so why do I feel like they are watching my every move? Maybe I’m paranoid again, but I’m always one step away from being accused of treason and this constant pressure is taking its toll on my nerves. I’m tired of checking for hidden surveillance everywhere I go, I’m tired of encrypting every message I send, I’m tired of suspecting everyone I meet. And there’s no getting out for me. Will I be able to avoid an execution a second time if it comes to that?
To do: 
Run a background check on my new neighbors ✓
Buy more caf ✓
1 hour 43 minutes later
Merkara is insufferable. I’m telling her to get closer to Darth Vowrawn, but she says that she is not interested in playing nice with slavers. She should know better than anyone that the entire Empire is built on slavery, everyone is complicit. Darth Marr, whom she respects and admires so much, is no less of a slaver than Vowrawn. She may be my patron and a Dark Lord of the Sith, but she still has a lot to learn. 
To do:
Remind Merkara about a scheduled Dark Council meeting ✓
2 hours 12 minutes later
Did I unwittingly sign up to work in a kindergarten? Ashara has as much childish stubbornness as her Master, but she is also dangerously naive. She wants to recruit more Jedi in our network of Republic allies, refusing to understand that it’s too much of a risk. Jedi are too uncompromising, too inflexible. Yes, they talk a lot about peace and have enough influence to be useful, but they make poor allies for our cause. They are fanatics, and fanatics can’t be trusted. Ashara doesn’t understand, I think that she is driven by nostalgia rather than reason. 
To do: 
Monitor Ashara’s communications  ✓
Run a background check on those Jedi she is talking about, just in case ✓
Order a dinner ✓
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vihola · 4 years
hey, I just wanted to ask: how do you pronounce Ateitis? and also what does spindrall think of the evil sith witch? since they both live in sith tombs ya know. take care💕
It’s pronounced ah-tay-tis.
She has never actually met Spindrall in person because she lives deeper underground, and she’s not interested in people unless she is going to bleed them. But these two sure sense each other. Spindrall is a bit curious about what it is exactly that Ateitis is doing in the tombs and why her presence is such a concentrated source of darkside energy. He sends some failed acolytes her way to find out something, anything, but no one returns. And Spindrall can’t help but notice that other acolytes go missing when they stumble into her territory. He doesn’t give it much thought because it looks like yet another way to weed out the weak. 
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vihola · 4 years
💚 Are you writing anything with this OC or planning on writing anything for them? Do you rp with them or are they just for fun to mess around with? for ateitis?
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I have two snippets with her so far ― one set during her life on Korriban and the second during Zakuul’s invasion. I’d like to write more about her because I’ve got at least four other characters she should meet. And I have ideas, so many little ideas that I can’t focus. It would be cool to explore her life before she ended up in the tombs, the years she spent in isolation, how she returned to civilization and had to adapt to society again ― and that’s only the start. Hopefully, she’ll get more opportunities to mess with people and I will get to write something from her point of view! As to RP stuff, I haven’t done that for a while now, but I might do it again for all of my OCs, including Ateitis.
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vihola · 4 years
so my new Inquisitor is light side and had to kill an animal.. i wonder if mind persuasion works for animals
It does! It just doesn’t work the same way as with sentient species because it relies on a mental link rather than verbal communication. There is a Force ability that allows to connect with an animal and control it, available to lightside and darkside users alike. The difference is that darkside users would seek to bend animals to their will, while lightside users are supposed to be more about creating a bond. You get this ability in the gameplay of Chapter 12 in KOTET, taming random wild beasts to follow you as companions. You can also do it in class stories as a choice, such as when Sith Warrior may choose to tame the Sand Demon instead of killing it.
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vihola · 5 years
3-5 facts about: Liran and clothes? 🥺👉👈 (love your blog btw)
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One of the things Liran learned from working with Imperial Intelligence is that no one in the Empire is going to take an alien seriously unless this alien is wearing a uniform. When he barely gets out of the Intelligence with his life, he comes up with a uniform of his own because it helps him feel secure and confident. Even his everyday outfits have a formal flair about them because old habits die hard, he wouldn’t be comfortable going out in something casual at this point. 
No unnecessarily exposed skin, no unbuttoned jackets, no stains or wrinkles or tears on the fabric. Even if Liran hasn’t slept in days or if he is currently in the middle of a war zone, his outfit is going to correspond to all Imperial regulations. And it doesn’t matter that he’s not with the Empire anymore. And no one can fathom how the hell he manages to look his best at all times, it’s a mystery. 
Prepare to be surprised if you ever get to see Liran in his comfort zone. If he doesn’t plan to be seen, he is going to wear something very simple and basic. T-Shirts with puns and oversized hoodies are his favorite when he doesn’t have to leave his quarters. If you manage to snap a picture of him looking this way to have some proof, all your personal devices are going to be hacked in no time, so don’t try it. Liran has a reputation to uphold, you know.
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vihola · 4 years
could i get 👀 for liran and ra'enar? i hope you stay safe! 💕
Describe your OC through the eyes of another person
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A random person on Odessen:
“I’m sorry, who? You mean that zabrak who never takes his uniform off and always looks very sleep-deprived? Oh, I don’t know much about him, I barely ever notice him around the base. I have only seen him talk to important people, the ones who are making big decisions in the Alliance, so I guess it makes him important too. He doesn’t speak often, but everyone listens to him when he does. Maybe I’d listen to him as well, he strikes me as someone who knows what he’s doing at all times. I have never seen him surprised, it’s like he anticipates everything that might happen and has a detailed plan for every turn of events. I have no idea who he is, though. His accent makes it obvious that he’s from the Empire, but apart from that? The guy is a mystery.”
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His older sister, Ishalea:
“He is my brother and I care about him a lot, but it’s pretty obvious that none of his admirable characteristics is his achievement. His good looks come from several generations of selective breeding. He is so skilled in combat because of all the training that our second stepfather put him through. His high position in the Empire is Vitiate’s whim, nothing more. You may look at him and see an intimidating force to be reckoned with, but he is just an overpowered scarecrow. Always a puppet in someone else’s hands, never the master of his own fate.”
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krokonoko · 4 years
mermaid!nacho reminds me of that one audio "that would be beautiful if i wasn't such a motherfucking thief:) whatever i got i stole it. whatever i get imma steal it~"
Never heard if that! What's it from? Like a song, or a movie? :o
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