#ms office 2010
ratroach357 · 8 months
im like a werewolf, but instead of turning into a hot dog during a full moon, i get an irresistable urge to use Microsoft Word 2010
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coochiequeens · 10 months
The truly sad thing is that TRAs are not going to take a moment for self reflection and look at the perverts that have overun the TQ+ movement. Instead they are going to lash out at "TERFs".
Judges have ruled that the UK government acted lawfully in blocking Scotland's gender self-ID reforms.
Legislation making it easier for people to change their legally-recognised sex was passed by the Scottish Parliament last year.
The UK government blocked it from becoming law over fears it would impact on equality laws across Great Britain.
The Court of Session in Edinburgh has now rejected a Scottish government legal challenge to the veto.
The Scottish government has 21 days to decide whether it wants to appeal against the ruling, and the case could ultimately end up in the Supreme Court in London.
The legislation received cross-party support in Holyrood, passing by 86 votes to 39 after a highly-charged debate.
Campaigners against the reforms warned the legislation could risk the safety of women and girls in same-sex spaces such as hospital wards and refuges.
Supporters argued it would make the process of obtaining a gender recognition certificate (GRC) easier and less traumatic for trans people.
The legislation would remove the need for trans people to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a doctor before they are allowed to change their legally-recognised sex in Scotland, and would lower the age that someone can apply for a GRC from 18 to 16.
The period in which applicants would need to have lived in their acquired gender would be cut from two years to three months.
The UK government stepped in to block the bill from receiving royal assent after it was passed by MSPs, using powers contained in section 35 of the Scotland Act for the first time.
Scottish Secretary Alister Jack raised concerns that the reforms could adversely impact on the 2010 Equality Act, which applies in Scotland, England and Wales and sets out protections for groups including women and transgender people.
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The Scottish government challenged the move at the Court of Session - Scotland's highest civil court - with its top law officer, Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain, arguing that Mr Jack did not have "reasonable grounds" to block the bill.
Ms Bain also claimed that if the UK government was successful, Westminster "could veto practically any act of the Scottish Parliament having an impact on reserved matters because he disagreed with it on policy grounds".
But in her written ruling, judge Lady Haldane dismissed the Scottish government's appeal and said the block on the legislation was lawful.
She said Mr Jack followed correct legal procedures when he made his decision to invoke section 35 and that the Scottish government had failed to show that he had made legal errors.
The judge wrote: "I cannot conclude that he (Mr Jack) failed in his duty to take such steps as were reasonable in all the circumstances to acquaint himself with material sufficient to permit him to reach the decision that he did."
Lady Haldane also said that "Section 35 does not, in and of itself, impact on the separation of powers or other fundamental constitutional principle. Rather it is itself part of the constitutional framework."
Welcoming the judgement, Mr Jack said it "upholds my decision to prevent the Scottish government's gender recognition legislation from becoming law".
He added: "I was clear that this legislation would have had adverse effects on the operation of the law as it applies to reserved matters, including on important Great Britain-wide equality protections.
"Following this latest court defeat for the Scottish government, their ministers need to stop wasting taxpayers' money pursuing needless legal action and focus on the real issues which matter to people in Scotland - such as growing the economy and cutting waiting lists."
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Alister Jack blocked the legislation because of its potential impact on equalities law that applies across Scotland, England and Wales
Humza Yousaf decided to proceed with the legal challenge shortly after succeeding Nicola Sturgeon - a passionate supporter of trans rights - as first minister earlier this year.
Writing on X, formerly Twitter, he described the ruling as a "dark day for devolution".
Mr Yousaf said: "Today's judgment confirms beyond doubt that devolution is fundamentally flawed. The court has confirmed that legislation passed by a majority in Holyrood can be struck down by Westminster.
"The only way to guarantee we get true self-government is through independence. Sovereignty should lie with the people of Scotland, not a Westminster government we didn't vote for with the ability to overrule our laws."
He was the only one of the three candidates in the SNP leadership contest who backed taking legal action and the issue has been deeply divisive within the party.
Colin Macfarlane, director of nations at LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall, said the ruling would "mean more uncertainty for trans people in Scotland who will be waiting once again to see whether they will be able to have their gender legally recognised through a process that is in line with leading nations like Ireland, Canada and New Zealand."
Labour's shadow Scottish secretary Ian Murray said it was "disappointing this legalisation ended in the courts but this ruling should be respected".
Shortly after the reforms were passed, double rapist Isla Bryson - who changed gender after being arrested for attacking two women - was remanded to a women's jail.
Bryson was subsequently moved to a male prison after the case sparked widespread anger. The Scottish government said the new legislation had no impact on the decision about where Bryson was held.
As befitting an unprecedented case, this is in Lady Haldane's words a "novel and complex" ruling.
She actually concluded in part that this is a situation where many decisions could have been taken, and that "there is possibly no single right answer" - but that the courts should only intervene in the case of a clear error in law.
The judge concluded that Alister Jack was entitled to make a decision on this, and that he had taken the proper steps to come to a view, without going into the even knottier territory of whether it was the right one.
All of that complexity means there could be room for appeal.
The Scottish government will be combing through the ruling to see if there are grounds to go back to court.
Mr Jack has urged them not to, telling them not to waste public funds on further legal action.
But ministers will perhaps put more weight on the position of the Scottish Greens, their partners in government, who are absolutely furious about the "horrible, heartbreaking and unjust" outcome.
Challenging UK ministers on this has been a red line for the Greens in the past. It may be that Scottish ministers have little choice but to fight on if they are to keep their partnership government together.
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ukrfeminism · 8 months
A key crime measure routinely quoted by ministers excludes many crimes that affect women more often than men, the BBC can reveal.
The headline figure from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows "total" crime has halved since 2010 - but excludes sexual assault, even rape.
The ONS says it is more challenging to collect accurate data on these kinds of crimes.
But critics say the omission hides the extent of violence against women.
Hard to measure
Not all incidents are reported to the police, so the ONS surveys 30,000 randomly selected people in England and Wales each year to work out how many crimes actually take place.
The results of the latest survey will be published on Thursday.
It says it has to treat some crimes differently.
The ONS's Helen Ross said: "In face-to-face interviews, victims - most commonly women - can be unwilling to respond if their abuser is in the room or if their family is unaware of previous abuse."
And it is hard to say what counts as a single crime of, say, stalking or harassment.
Because of these factors, separate analyses are published on sexual assault, domestic abuse, stalking and harassment.
However, these crimes, all of which happen more often to women than to men, are left out of the headline measure: the number of crimes that take place.
It only includes violent crimes, theft, robbery and criminal damage.
But this is the figure that has been used by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and former Home Secretary Suella Braverman, as well as in Conservative Party posts on X, formerly Twitter.
Violent crime statistics do not give a picture of trends in sexual assault because these crimes are classified as sexual offences and counted separately.
Scottish official statistics follow a similar approach for categorising crimes but often refer to their "violent crimes" as "non-sexual violent crimes".
The ONS has told the BBC it will add notes to charts in its reports on crime to highlight which offences are counted and which are left out.
Ms Ross also warned that any "broad assessments" on long-term crime trends based on a single metric "should be made with caution".
Sexual assaults are actually increasing, affecting just over 4% of women aged 16 to 59 in the year to March 2023, a figure that has nearly doubled since 2014.
The rise is mainly driven by an increase in unwanted sexual touching but rape, and attempted rape, are increasing too.
Stalking has also been on the rise since 2015, reported by just under 6% of women.
However, domestic abuse now affects 6.5% of women, as opposed to just over 11% in 2005.
Harriet Wistrich, of the Centre for Women's Justice, said relying on a definition of "crime" or "violence" that excludes what many women experience and worry about "gives a distorted picture of how much safer 'the general public' are".
"Women are 'the general public'. But their experience of violence is different from men's".
Labour's Dame Diana Johnson, who chairs the Home Affairs Select Committee, said not being clear whether data about falling crime includes or excludes "key forms of violence against women undermines efforts to combat it".
She added: "The government must make the scale of violence against women visible when they talk about crime in the UK."
The Home Office was asked about its use of the crime survey headline measure.
In response, it highlighted its plans to tackle domestic abuse and violence against women and girls, and efforts the government is making to speed cases through the courts.
Labour says it would get experts to agree on a single measure summarising violence against women and girls and then commit to halving those crimes.
Additional reporting by Megan Riddell, Sana Dionysiou and Rob England
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handkinkbis · 1 year
Show review: Destined with You.
So.... I might be in the minority, but as much as I enjoy Rowoon on screen I didn't start watching the show for him.
I was hoping for a witch/shaman Hongjo kdrama to finish near the eve of Halloween as the show seemed to be promising (very logically it seemed to be heading that way!). And she did cast some spells to my pleasure, but to my massive displeasure her witch arc was entirely forgotten about in favor of... not even sure what that kidnapping sequence was all about. Somehow most of Hongjo's agency as a character vanished into the ether as well during the past few episodes. Her character growth consisted of building the confidence to stand up to Nayeon, but her stubborn self reliance fueled by a lifetime of loneliness and trauma (her mother! Her father!!!!) stayed and was left unaddressed. And not to be dramatic, but I might die mad about it.
So past lifes were real, the curses and spells were real, Aengcho was really a shaman and the Gardener for whatever reason (also unexplored) wanted to marry Hongjo in the next life. But Hongjo in current day went from a strong, feisty character who was ready to spell cast her way in and out of trouble into... someone to intentionally get herself kidnapped??
It's like this show was written in the 2000s to early 2010s AND it hated women. I had high hopes for Ms. Ma, Shinyu's mother and Eunwol, but they were done DIRTY by this show. Hongjo's storyline was forgotten. Aengcho got relatively less attention compared to Mujin/Rowoon. It's like the main character changed somewhere and it became Shinyu/Mujin. Shinyu and Jaekyung had their cool lawyer moments (good stuff) and Hongjo got... Nayeon arrested? Nayeon, who was another villain without a proper depth or motivation other than being a 2010s kdrama era Mean Girl. Again, Hongjo and Aengcho were done so dirty. Even Shinyu's poor abused mother went back to her abusive husband AND she got pregnant. That was just tragic!
And kindly don't try to tell me that my reasons to dislike this show are wrong - I've every right to review and hate how badly this show butchered the stories of the female characters in this show even if Rowoon was hot in a bunch of scenes like that's going to compensate for it. I am not a Rowoon stan. 🤷‍♀️ I like him just fine, but it's been frustrating to watch as a non-stan since some stans seem to take any critique of the show as a slight towards Rowoon himself. But he has nothing to do with the writing, so put down your pitchforks, ok.
They should've stuck with the office romcom or made the show into a sageuk and dropped the false advertising of the show as a magic/fantasy drama. The sageuk era episodes SLAPPED. They were tense, beautifully shot and interesting, Aengcho had her moment! I LOVED her in her faceoff with the King, she was powerful and terrifying in that. And as soon as I fell in love with her, Mujin killed Aengcho (in a very meta symbolic way) and that was that. The show itself killed Aengcho and Hongjo.
This show was written to give Rowoon his cool and sexy moments. This was the Rowoon fan service show. Which is fine, but LEAD with that info then. I did enjoy Hongjo and Shinyu together and there were a couple of fun or emotionally compelling episodes, but I didn't finish with positive feelings about the show unfortunately because of the finale.
The writing of the show was exceptionally uneven and erratic. It seemed like from a different decade, but not this one. The relationship between Hongjo and Shinyu was mostly wholesome, but not always the healthiest for several reasons. Shinyu didn't always treat Hongjo well (and vice versa) and he made some decisions for Hongjo in true 2010s kdrama patriarch style.
Hongjo&Shinyu get 7/10 for being adorable and lovable. Loved their relationship development very much. I'm glad they didn't rush to have kids or to marry. The proposal at the beach while addressing Hongjo's dad was endearing.
Plot gets a 3/10 rating. There was potential... and it slipped through the writer's fingers. Loose threads were left untied. Side plots were abandoned or seemingly forgotten about.
Would I rewatch again? Maybe once I stop fuming about how Hongjo was treated by the show, but just for the Shinhong scenes. But it'll take some wound licking and fixit fic writing.
Please universe, give Boah better scripts. She's a wonderful actress and she deserves a role that's cool and that lets her showcase her talent. Many viewers seemed to lose their patience with her, even though the writing of the show was the true issue.
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themirokai · 4 months
The Bell Bird - Chapter 4
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
In this chapter, plans are put in motion.
Chapter is 2,545 words.
Extra thanks to @once-in-a-blue-moon-rising for normal Brit-pick and beta support PLUS incredible help with details of the logistics for this chapter.
Read it below or on AO3.
Gregory had the decency to wait a week before asking. Mycroft was not surprised. Gregory was, after all, a fundamentally decent man.
The intervening week had been busy, but no more taxing than Mycroft was used to.
The DNA test had, of course, shown that the Bell Bird was David’s daughter, and they had quickly begun to implement the plan he had sketched out for her that first night in his office. Arranging for Jenny to sing a concert at the Nevill Holt Theatre two weeks later took very little effort, and Ahmad had barely concealed her eagerness to travel with Jenny to Leicestershire and remain there as primary bodyguard under the guise of Ms. Lindish’s personal assistant.
Romer had come back to work the following day with his tail between his legs, and had apologised for his behaviour. To demonstrate that there were no hard feelings, Mycroft had moved Yang to another assignment and put Romer on his personal security detail. Though Wilkinson was older than Romer, Romer had been in Mycroft’s unit for longer, meaning he was technically the senior agent on the detail. He had taken the responsibility with enthusiasm and extra gravitas, and Mycroft was grateful to Wilkinson for his bemused acceptance of Romer’s bluster.
The day to day of Mycroft’s work had all gone relatively smoothly that week, with the dozen or so operations his agents were conducting both domestically and abroad tracking with no major hiccups.
Which all left Mycroft free to lounge in bed with Gregory on Saturday morning at – for him – the late hour of eight AM. Gregory was half-sitting up against the pillows and Mycroft was laying with his cheek on Gregory’s stomach. Gregory was ostensibly reading something on his mobile but Mycroft could tell he hadn’t scrolled in some time and likely had something on his mind. Finally Gregory put the mobile down and stroked his hand down Mycroft’s back.
“Can I ask? About Jenny’s father?”
“Were you and my father lovers?” Jenny had asked that night, when Ahmad had stepped out and they were alone in his office. Her bravado was gone, and she suddenly looked very young. When Mycroft didn’t respond she continued. “It’s just… the way he talked about you… and you have a partner…”
“‘Lovers’ is too strong a word for what we were,” he had said quietly. “And I want to be clear that your father was devoted to your mother. As far as I know he was never unfaithful to her. But—” Mycroft sighed "—I suppose I don’t mind telling you that a long time ago… I loved him.”
“I think he loved you too.”
“We were very close, for a time,” Mycroft told Gregory. “There were a few times, before he met Jenny’s mother, when the adrenaline of a mission got the better of us and we… well… But that was a different time.
“It wasn’t safe for us to be together, both because of our work and even moreso because we were both men. I was closeted in my professional life until shortly before I met you. And David met and fell in love with Jenny’s mother in the nineties. If the circumstances had been different, if we had been brought together in the 2010s instead of the late seventies… if I had met him instead of you… I don’t know.” Mycroft sighed. “I owe him my life. I hope by protecting his daughter I’m doing what I can to repay him and honour his memory.”
Gregory hugged him closer and kissed the top of his head. “I think you are, darling.”
Mycroft was honest enough with himself to acknowledge that in the days leading up to Jenny’s concert, he became irrationally nervous. He deployed extra agents around Leicestershire and had nearly every resource at his disposal scanning for any sign of the Black Tornado. He repeatedly questioned whether using Jenny as bait was the best way to keep her safe, but just as often resolved that, yes, taking out the Black Tornado was the only way to protect her, and they had no other way of making him surface.
The information Mycroft had on the Black Tornado indicated that he would spend as little time in the UK as possible. Unlike the Bell Bird, he had operated there in the past, but those had been extremely rapid strikes that had him out of the country within hours. By having Jenny’s concert be at Nevill Holt it would force the Black Tornado to travel a great distance by car, regardless of how he arrived in England, which would give Mycroft’s team ample opportunity to apprehend him. It also meant that it narrowed the window of when he was likely to strike at her, since the night of the concert would be the only time he would know exactly where she was.
Gregory and Mycroft would be attending the concert and spending the night at a nearby inn. It would give Mycroft the opportunity to direct operations more or less on-site, and the idea of intentionally putting Jenny in harm’s way while he stayed in London was unthinkable. And while he considered it, he did not bother suggesting that Gregory stay behind.
He and Gregory were packing for the night away when Mycroft’s mobile buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and saw it was one of his agents working in the operations centre. He answered. “Go ahead, Parnell.”
“Sir, we believe the Black Tornado has boarded a plane in Istanbul headed for Heathrow.”
“Good. Keep scanning in case you’re wrong, but send a team to intercept him as soon as the flight lands.”
“Yes, sir.”
Mycroft disconnected the call to see Gregory watching him.
“Got him?” Gregory asked.
“Not yet,” Mycroft told him. “But he should be landing in about four hours, and my people will be there.”
Gregory smiled. “Maybe we’ll be able to relax and enjoy the concert after all.”
Mycroft certainly was not superstitious enough to believe in the concept of a jinx, but Gregory’s words still felt like a lead weight in his stomach.
In the car on the way to Leicestershire, Mycroft was not on comms. He knew the Black Tornado’s plane would be landing while they were en route, but he also knew that there was nothing he could meaningfully add to the operation at that point, so he forcefully resisted the urge to micromanage. He had found that his agents felt more free to communicate openly when he was not listening in, which improved group cohesion on the ground. While it was more difficult when he was so personally invested in the operation, it helped that Simmons was monitoring comms while she drove – a role she happily fulfilled when required. Simmons had known Mycroft long enough to know what updates he would find useful, and the agents trusted her to keep their non-essential chatter to herself.
In theory, Mycroft was reading a report from an operation in Abu Dhabi, but he couldn’t help frequent glances at Simmons. At one point when he looked up, their eyes met in the rearview mirror, and she gave a short nod. The plane must have landed. Mycroft glanced at Gregory, who was engrossed in a book, but decided not to say anything. He gave up all pretence of reading the Abu Dhabi report, and just waited.
He saw when Simmons’ shoulders tensed, and when she gripped the steering wheel more tightly, and so he was not entirely unprepared for her to swear.
Gregory startled out of his book. “Lucy? You okay?”
Simmons looked at Mycroft in the rearview again. “They lost him, sir.”
Mycroft felt the breath squeeze out of him in a hiss. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Pull over, Simmons.”
Simmons tapped her ear to change the channel on her comm. “Wilk, we’re pulling over.”
Ahead on the road a nondescript grey van pulled off to the side as Simmons manoeuvred their vehicle over. Mycroft got out of the car just as a motorbike pulled up beside them and Romer took off his helmet. His face showed that he had been monitoring comms too. Simmons joined them beside the car.
“Tell me,” Mycroft said.
“Massive crowds at Heathrow,” Simmons reported, “and there was some mix-up with the gate, so two planes-worth of people thought they were supposed to be boarding their flight through that gate just as Black Tornado’s flight was disembarking. The team lost him in the crowd.”
Mycroft felt a cold fury rise in his stomach but he kept his tone even. “Completely unacceptable! That entire team is being reassigned for additional crowd training.” Well, maybe not entirely even.
“He must’ve had someone mess with the gates, sir,” Romer put in.
“And he’s an extremely skilled operative, not a random mark,” Simmons said.
“Both observations are irrelevant. This unit is supposed to be the best in the world. I do not care how skilled the mark is or how big the crowd, a five person team should not lose one individual in a crowd. And you can tell them I said so.”
Mycroft wheeled around and got back in the car, shutting the door with perhaps a bit more force than was necessary.
Gregory, apparently, had also gotten out and had been listening. He returned to his seat and tentatively reached out to touch Mycroft’s hand.
“Maybe a bit of an overreaction, darling?”
Mycroft snorted. “Nothing of the sort. My agents should be better than that.”
“Sure,” Gregory said gently, “but are you perhaps taking it a little hard because you’re worried about Jenny?”
“If I were being hard on them,” Mycroft informed him, “I would have called them myself. Having Simmons and Romer deliver the message that I am displeased and sparing them my full thoughts on the matter is taking it easy on them.”
Gregory raised an eyebrow at him, then squeezed his hand.
After Mycroft and Gregory had deposited their bags in their very nice room at the inn, they went for a walk to stretch their legs. Though Romer was moving nearly silently, Mycroft did spot him tracking them through the woods at several points. At the pre-arranged time, they encountered Jenny and Ahmad on an abandoned lane.
Before the women caught sight of Mycroft and Gregory, Ahmad said something they couldn’t hear to Jenny and Jenny threw her head back in a melodious laugh and rested her hand on Ahmad’s arm. Ahmad grinned at Jenny, then quickly looked down at her feet. While they were a little too far to see, Mycroft strongly suspected that she was blushing.
Ahmad caught sight of them then, and her entire expression changed. Her grin faded, and she stood straighter: the picture of a calm, professional agent. Jenny, on the other hand, lit up when she saw them.
“Hello!” she called. “Welcome to the picturesque Nevill Holt estate.”
Mycroft felt a surge of fondness. Her accent was exactly the same as David’s: one of the regional American ones; midwestern, if he recalled correctly.
“Beautiful day for a stroll,” Gregory said.
“Ms. Lindish,” Mycroft said. “Are you well?”
She leaned closer to him. “You know you can call me Jenny,” she mock-whispered conspiratorially.
“Mr. Holmes only does first names under duress,” Ahmad told her.
Mycroft glanced at her with a small smile. “Thank you, Ahmad.”
“I’m very well, Mr. Holmes, thank you for asking,” Jenny said with a smile. “Agent Ahmad has been taking very good care of me.”
Mycroft looked between them quickly but answered without hesitation. “I’m glad to hear it.” He turned to Ahmad. “Have you been on comms today, Ahmad? Or in touch with anyone from the unit?”
Ahmad’s face grew even more serious. “No, sir.”
Mycroft grimaced. He had been fairly sure that was the case, but it didn’t make his next task any easier. “I have some unfortunate news, then. I had a team go to intercept the Black Tornado at Heathrow, but they lost him. We have to assume that he’s on his way, or potentially already here.”
Ahmad grew angry. Jenny’s face detoured quickly from frightened to resolved.
“I understand,” Jenny said quietly.
“I don’t,” Ahmad said. “How big was the team, sir?”
“Big enough that they should not have lost him,” Mycroft told her. “There will be consequences, but you will let me worry about that. You have a much more immediate concern.”
Ahmad took a deep breath, and Mycroft watched her consciously unclench her jaw. “Yes, sir.”
“Your team is ready?” he asked her.
“Yes, sir.”
As Ahmad briefed him on how she had deployed the agents assigned to help her protect Jenny and the plan for the concert that night, Mycroft watched out of the corner of his eye as Jenny took a few steps closer to Gregory and the two of them had a quiet conversation.
“Very good, Ahmad,” Mycroft said when she finished. “That’s all well-thought out.”
Ahmad gave a very small smile.
Jenny and Gregory cut off their conversation and Jenny turned to him with a smile.
“He’s most likely to attack tonight, when he thinks you’re asleep,” Mycroft addressed both Jenny and Ahmad. “I’ll be monitoring comms following the concert.” He reached out his hand towards Jenny, and she took it. “You don’t need to be frightened. Ahmad is skillfully deploying an excellent team.”
Jenny looked at Ahmad through her lashes. “I have every confidence in Agent Ahmad, Mr. Holmes.”
“Good,” Mycroft said. “My dear, we will keep you safe. I give you my word.”
Jenny smiled warmly and squeezed his hand. “Thank you.”
“Now,” Mycroft said, “we should all get back to where we’re supposed to be.”
Romer faded out of the woods and onto the road once Mycroft and Gregory were headed back to the inn, walking hand in hand.
“Ahmad’s soft on the Bell Bird, sir.”
“I’m well aware, Mr. Romer.”
“I think Bell Bird likes Ahmad, too.”
“Yes,” Mycroft said, “you are correct.”
“Is that a problem, sir?”
“Ahmad and Ms. Lindish are more emotionally invested in protecting each other. I see that as an asset to the operation, Mr. Romer.”
Romer walked beside him for a few steps, considering. “Guess I’ll have to find a hot assassin with a sob story,” he said.
On Mycroft’s other side, Gregory chuckled. “You do know there are other ways to meet people, right Peter?”
Romer looked briefly thoughtful. “I guess I could be introduced to a handsome copper by my troubled brother, but I don’t have any siblings.”
Gregory shook his head. “We’ve got to get you some other role models, kid.”
Romer flashed a smile at Mycroft before heading back into the woods. “Nah. I’m good.”
“What were you and Jenny talking about?” Mycroft asked Gregory when Romer was far enough away to not be able to hear their conversation.
“You, mostly.” Gregory chuckled. “She was asking how we met and how we got together. Whether you usually brought me along on operations. She’s a sweet girl.”
Mycroft raised an eyebrow at him. “She is a deadly assassin.”
Gregory shrugged. “And a sweet girl. We should have her to dinner when this is all wrapped up.”
Mycroft stopped walking, pulled Gregory to him, and kissed him.
Thank you for reading!
Final chapter is now posted.
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a fluffy dramione story told through newspaper articles
Part 1, Part 2
this is Part 3/ 10
Beatrice Weasley gave birth to second child.
The wife of golden-boy Ron Weasley welcomed a Baby girl named Rose
London (2008). Little Rose joins her older brother 2-year-old Hugo and makes her father, Ron Weasley, officially a father of two. In Addition, Rose is the 12th grandchild of Arthur and Molly Weasley. Just in May, Beatrice debuted her baby bump at a ministry party during the end of the second wizarding war's 10th jubilee weekend. Beatrice and Ron attended alongside close friends, Harry Potter, his wife and Ron’s sister Ginevra and Hermione Granger. This newspaper has learned that Ron Weasley will take a two-month long parental leave from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, where he normally works alongside his older brother George.
Evening Prophet
Hermione Granger appointed head healer of Bug’s ward at St. Mungo’s
London (2010). This witch is full of surprises. Hermione Granger, 30, once considered minister Shacklebolt's right hand while assisting him during massive reform at the ministry from 1998 to 2002, was appointed Head of the Magical Bug's Ward at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, yesterday. None other than her close friend Harry Potter, head of the british auror office, confirmed this to the Evening Prophet. “She will be as brilliant in this position at St. Mungo’s as she was at the ministry. It is what she has wants and I am happy for her”. Granger started the 6-year training program to become a healer in 2002, after her surprising exit from the political arena at the ministry. Some saw in her the next minister but sources close to Ms. Granger told the Daily Prophet at that time that she couldn't see herself staying in politics all her life and that she had developed a passion for healing instead.
September, 2017
BREAKING: Scorpius Malfoy sorted into Gryffindor
As this newspaper has learned from various sources just mere minutes ago, Scorpius Malfoy, youngest member of the Malfoy family, has been sorted into the house of Gryffindor. This marks the first time somebody with that last name wasn’t sent to Slytherin. Developing Story…
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dgtn · 1 year
As y'all know, BTS is celebrating their 10 year anniversary this year! Crazy that they've been together for 10 years...even longer if you consider the time before their offical debut. Sometimes it seems like 10 years is not that long of a time cause we just love them SO much. So it got me thinking about other similar groups/bands and how long they were together in comparison to BTS.
The Beatles: I included the Beatles because I have seen BTS compared to them in terms of their influence on the music industry and their popularity. They initially formed in 1958 and slowly built their fanbase by playing gigs in England from 1960-1963. By 1964 we saw "Beatlemania" in full force. For 10 years they dominated the music scene until they broke up in 1970. At this point and began to pursue solo careers. Over the years they have had many partial reunions.
New Kids on The Block: They formed in 1984 and were active until 1994. Then came back in 2008. They were the first modern era "boy band" to achieve such a high level of success.
Back Street Boys: They formed in 1993 and released a greatest hits album in 2001 before taking a 2 year hiatus. After that time they came back together for reunions multiple times. Some of them enoyed moderate success as solo artists over the years but never the level of success they had as a group. In 2023 they celebrated their 30 year anniversary.
N'Sync: They formed in 1995 and last released new material in 2002 before going on hiatus. I'm sure we all know who the break out solo artist of the band was... a one Mr. Justin Timberlake. He stills continues to have massive success to this day, even moving into acting.
One Direction: they formed in 2010 and were together until 2016. Many of the band members have had successful solo careers. Hands down the most successful member is none other than Mr. Harry Styles. Much like Justin Timberlake, his star continues to rise!
So BTS has been around the same time or longer than some of these other groups. I think one of the big differences is that they really have given us unprecedented access into their lives. SM has made all of that possible. I think that's why so many of us have come to love them even more... we just know so much more about them. And the crazy thing is, for as much as we do know; there is still so much we don't know. I think over time, especially after MS, they will open up a bit more to us. I am looking forward to those days!!!!!
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
every single time I think hey maybe Microsoft has learned how to make software that isn't terrible and won't make me hate them they reveal that they have developed an all new trick designed to make me angry.
I'm in Windows for reasons and I notice that my performance is weird so I check the task manager and some process called "Microsoft Office Click To Run" is eating a full core worth of performance. What is Click To Run, you ask? Great question! it is:
Click-to-Run products use streaming. Think of this in the same way that you think about streaming video. You can watch the first part of the video before the whole file is downloaded. Similarly, with Click-to-Run, you can start using Office before the whole suite or product has been downloaded. While you are using your application, the rest of Office is being downloaded quietly in the background. Another aspect of Office Click-to-Run is the unique way that Office is stored after it is downloaded onto your computer. Click-to-Run uses Microsoft virtualization technology to contain Office 2010 inside a virtualized application space. This virtual "bubble" separates Office from the regular file system and applications on your hard disk. This lets Office 2010 Click-to-Run coexist side-by-side with any existing version of Office that is already installed on your computer. There are also other benefits to Office Click-to-Run.
God. Why is this running all the time. Just download an installer binary, use an update manager like a normal adult. It's streaming in as needed, there's no reason for this to be a service!
How much can this possibly improve over how we distributed Microsoft Office literally a decade ago. The Steam Hardware Survey pre-filters for moderate power users with high-end systems and according to it, about 38% of PC users have four or fewer cores in their computers. You should not be eating a quarter or more of the performance of a third of your users without even blipping up a notification.
I don't mind the concept of an auto-updater, but this is enabled on every single computer with Microsoft Office all the time, and the switch to turn it off is disabling the service in the Windows System Management Console. This is not something even a relatively capable Windows user knows how to do! This is an enterprise solution, why is it set up in the least convenient mode by default on every computer with MS Office.
If you ignore Excel, there have been no significant feature changes to Microsoft Office that matter to your median user in fifteen years. If you told me that the only version of Microsoft Office I could ever use again was 2007 I would literally not care because until last year that WAS the only version of Office I ever used. It introduced the XML document format and the Ribbon UI model which were the last innovations MS Office ever had. Hell, Ribbon UI was stolen from Vista.
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ummick · 10 months
Mick Schumacher Is Embracing His Reserve Role With Mercedes [pt. 1/2]
The 24-year-old has faced new challenges as the third driver behind Lewis Hamilton and George Russell, but is learning what he can as he seeks a return to the grid.
With a surname like Schumacher in motorsport, you might think there’s a lot of pressure. But for Mick Schumacher, there’s nothing but pride. Son of the seven-time Formula One champion Michael Schumacher, the 24-year-old is currently a reserve driver for the Mercedes team, which is headed up by Lewis Hamilton and George Russell. After making his F1 debut for the 2021 season, Mick raced in the pinnacle of motorsport for two years before making the switch to this new role with Mercedes in ’23. Keeping himself incredibly busy with countless hours on the team’s simulator to make the car the best it can be, the German is still learning and keeping himself ready for a comeback. Speaking to Sports Illustrated, Schumacher discusses his new responsibilities, the lifestyle of an F1 driver and his unique friendship with Michelle Yeoh.
Sports Illustrated: How are you finding life at the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 team, Mick? Mick Schumacher: It’s obviously a very different role from being a full-time driver to a reserve driver, but they’ve treated me so well and brought me into the sport so well in a different role. It’s all about learning, so that’s what I really appreciate. SI: What are the key responsibilities that you’re doing? MS: In the European races, it’s really about the simulator so I’ll be doing the sim overnight support. So that’s been a key point for me, where I feel like I could contribute the most. Then obviously, on these races here, it’s just about being present, being in the meetings, trying to have input on things like when we do the Pirelli Hot Laps for guests—for example, I noticed it was very bumpy. So that’s something that I can directly share with the drivers and with the team, and hopefully help them for the practice time they have to prepare the car. SI: Are there any new challenges you’ve faced when taking on this role? MS: You get that you get presented with a big piece of cake, and then you aren’t actually allowed to eat it! It’s obviously a bit of an unfortunate position to be in because I’d much rather be racing. But on the other hand, I’m grateful for the opportunity to be part of this team to be able to learn from them and hopefully become a better racing driver mentally. SI: This is a team that has a lot of connection to the Schumacher name, with your father racing here from 2010 until his retirement in ‘12. How special is it to be a part of this team? MS: It’s great. You know, you can see what my dad has put into a team. It’s so visible, and you still feel them today. I mean, 80% of the team in the engineering office seems like they are still the same. What was it, more than 10 years? Yeah, it’s great to see all of them and be working with them now. SI: Although you’re not driving full-time with this role, have you had a chance for more down time? And if so, what have you been getting up to when not at the Grand Prix? MS: I wouldn’t say I have more free time. I’m probably busier than before traveling around and especially with the simulator support. You travel so much more because normally you arrive on a Wednesday night and you have a Thursday, and now you’re suddenly in a position where you have to travel back and forwards so it’s obviously a bit different. It’s quite a tough position to be in. SI: What does a dream day off look like for Mick Schumacher? MS: Not having to travel! Something where you can move around a bit and be in nature and do stuff that you enjoy.
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because-she-goes · 1 year
NME’s Writer Profile: 6/12/23
Ms. Rooney Atkinson
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Born Rooney Bleu Atkinson
February 18, 1990 (Aquarius)
resides in the Lake District, UK
Hobbies include film photography, fashion, gardening, record shopping, cooking and acoustic guitar
Prefers tea over coffee, specifically peppermint
Winner of the “Messiest Desk In The Office” 3 years running
constantly reading, favorite authors include Emerson, Thompson, Burroughs and Didion
Favorite albums include: Parachutes by Coldplay, Brand New Eyes by Paramore, Conditions by The Temper Trap, Transformer by Lou Reed and Grace by Jeff Buckley
Has worked at NME since 2018, her first album review was for “El Mal Querer” by Rosalía
Noted by her colleagues to always be the first one in the office and the last one out
Favorite smell is of fresh earth after a rainstorm and also baked bread
Favorite season is autumn - “because it is the coziest”
Favorite movies include Atonement (2007), Little Women (2018), The Holiday (2006) and Leap Year (2010)
Upcoming piece: A profile on the frontman of the 1975, Matty Healy, entitled “Being Funny, Sincerely”, available to read in this year’s October edition
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ladyinbooks · 9 months
Hello! First of all I love all your works and am currently in the process of rereading Icarus Burning because it lives rent free in my mind and has become a comfort story. Secondly, I was wondering if you have a specific program you like to use to write with and would recommend?
Oh my gosh thank you! ❤️ I honoured it's become a comfort story - I definitely have a few of those, so the fact that IB is one of yours means a great deal to me.
In terms of recommending software to write with, I am... sadly very, very old school. 😂 We're talking 'Wait, this is MS Word 2010' kind of old school (largely because I refuse to upgrade to Office365 and have grimly clung on to my one-off bought Office suite that doesn't force me to sign in anywhere). For me, Word works (albeit I cheerfully ignore the grammar hints most of the time), because I'm comfortable with it. I tend to use either Calibri or Times New Roman (I know, I know) for fonts.
So I suppose the only advice I can really give is: find software that works for you. Make sure it's something you're comfortable with, and suits your purposes (e.g. do you want things like autocorrect/grammar/spelling/suggestions etc., or do you want something more basic?). I think it's also got to look right, if that makes sense? It has to be something you're comfortable staring at for a while. (I speak from the experience of glaring at pages of RP today. 🤣)
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heavenboy09 · 10 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Original Scream 😱 Queen Academy Award Winning Actress Of The Greatest Horror Movie Franchise Of All Times & Many Other Genre's
She was born in Santa Monica, California, on November 22, 1958, the daughter of actors Janet Leigh (born Jeanette Helen Morrison; 1927–2004) and Tony Curtis (born Bernard Schwartz; 1925–2010). 
She is an American actress, producer, and children's author. Known for her performances in the horror and slasher genres, she is regarded as a scream queen, in addition to roles in comedies. Curtis has received multiple accolades, including an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, and two Golden Globes, as well as nominations for a Primetime Emmy and a Grammy.
The youngest daughter of actors Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis, she made her television debut in a 1977 episode of the NBC drama series Quincy, M.E.. Curtis made her film debut and rose to prominence with her portrayal of Laurie Strode in John Carpenter's slasher film Halloween (1978). A critical and commercial success, the film established Curtis as a scream queen and led to starring roles in the horror films The Fog, Prom Night, Terror Train (all 1980), and Roadgames (1981). She reprised the role of Strode in six of the Halloween sequels, concluding with Halloween Ends in 2022.
Curtis's film work spans many genres outside of horror, including the comedies Trading Places (1983), for which she won the BAFTA for Best Supporting Actress, and A Fish Called Wanda (1988), for which she received a nomination for the BAFTA for Best Actress. Her role as a workout instructor in the film Perfect (1985) earned her a reputation as a sex symbol. She won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress for her portrayal of Helen Tasker in James Cameron's True Lies (1994). Her other notable film credits include Freaky Friday (2003), Knives Out (2019), and Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022). Her performance in the latter earned Curtis multiple accolades, including the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. As of 2023, her films have grossed over $2.5 billion at the box office.
Curtis has written numerous children's books, including Today I Feel Silly, and Other Moods That Make My Day (1998), which made The New York Times's best-seller list. 
Please Wish This Legendary & Bas@$$ Scream Queen Actress Of The SCARIEST😱 SEASONED 🎃HORROR MOVIE OF ALL TIMES 🎥  A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
HAPPY 65TH BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
TO YOU MS. CURTIS & HERE'S TO MANY YEARS TO COME  #JamieLeeCurtis #Halloween #LaurieStrode
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advancetotraining · 1 year
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The Very Useful Watermark Feature
Whenever I bring up subject matter that involves procedures whereby the location of the feature has moved from one version of the software to another, you should know where it is situated from Version to Version of the software.
The Watermark is a very important feature that should be used to protect against wholesale copying.
Let's take a quick look at the Watermark.
If we choose to implement a watermark in MS Word, we make a decision whether we use a generic watermark such as "Confidential" "Client Copy" etc. or we can use a picture or logo type picture and finally we can use a "Custom Watermark" whereby we type in our own text such as our company name, website etc.
Note: Your Watermark will not print if you do not have the selection “Print Drawings Created In MS Word” checked. You can find this setting under File, Options, Display, Printing Options.
If we print out the file, the watermark will be visible on your hard copy. If we send the file in MS Word to someone and the file is not password protected, then someone can simply remove it. Finally, if we save the file as a PDF, then the watermark will be present in the PDF on its own layer. Again, it can be accessed and removed if you don't password protect the PDF file from editing. In Adobe Professional, this can be done under Tools, Advanced Editing Functions and choose -Touch-Up Object Tool. And one should remember the many programs that break the passwords set on both MS Word and Adobe PDF.
Keep in mind that the watermark can be implemented from the Adobe file since Adobe Professional and Nuance allow one to create a watermark in the newly created PDF.
In MS Word 2010, we find the watermark under the Page Layout Tab.
In MS Word 2013 and above, here is how to get to the watermark feature:
Click the Design tab.
In the Page Background group, click the Watermark button. A menu plops down with a host of predefined watermarks that you can safely place behind the text on your document's pages.
Choose a watermark from the long, long list or customize your own.
Note: To "flatten" the watermark so that it can not be removed! Using Adobe Professional or Nuance, In Nuance, look for the Advanced Processing Tab and select "Flatten".
In Adobe Pro, Click the Layers button, and select "Flatten Layers" from the options menu.
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jwood718 · 1 year
From the “I didn’t know that was a thing” files: the U.K.’s Post Office scandal.  Another warning that tech can be a wonderful tool, but blind faith that it will always be better is a problem. 
“...Guy Vinall, who ran a post office in Funtington...was threatened with prosecution when the Horizon system showed a £28,000 shortfall.  He ran the branch between 2004 and 2009 after taking over from his father...both took out loans to pay back the shortfall, thus avoiding prosecution. Vinall was sacked in January 2010.”
Over 700 Post Office employees, including some for whom it was akin to a generational job, were singled out as being responsible for millions of pounds of theft at their branches.  Except it wasn’t theft, if was a faulty IT system.
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Karen Wilson holding a photo of her late husband, Julian (Kirsty O’Connor/PA).  Mrs. Wilson says that her husband’s conviction directly contributed to his death as his mental health suffered so greatly. {4}
The Horizon IT system, created and maintained by Fujitsu, was, by many accounts, known to be “faulty” when originally installed.  Between 2000 and 2014, more than 700 post office operators were prosecuted based on information from the Horizon IT system, which was installed in all Post Office branches.  What did it get wrong? It “...falsely suggested there were cash shortfalls, leading to 736 unsafe convictions for theft, fraud and false accounting...”{1}
Whistleblowers finally brought the problem to light, and a judge ruled that Fujitsu’s IT was basically full of bugs which presented a “’material risk’ that shortfalls in Post Office branch accounts were caused by the system.” {1}
By this time, though, among those 700+ people who faced prosecution, “at least four took their own lives. Many were imprisoned, including a teenager.” {2}  Lives were ruined: “Susan Hazzleton, 68, said her children were taunted in the school playground...Her children were told their mother was a liar and a thief and that she was ‘the reason the village did not have a Post Office or shop any more’...William Graham, 53, who managed the Riverhead sub-post office near Sevenoaks, was convicted for the concealment of supposed losses of £65,521 in January 2011...Graham [said] his conviction had left him feeling worthless. ‘I visited the area with my wife and we were basically told: “We shouldn’t be speaking to you, we shouldn’t talk to you, we shouldn’t be seen to be talking to you,”’ he said.” {2}  Many report suffering from PTSD because of the ordeal, even though they couldn’t have imagined having that disorder since they didn’t serve in the military.
Legal aid to the defendants amounted to less than 1,000 pounds, while the “...Post Office has spent £100m on City lawyers.”{3}  Several former postal workers died before formal inquiry into the mishegoss concluded, but “not a single person has been held to legal account, from Vennells to the managerial class of the Post Office to Fujitsu to the civil servants responsible for oversight. Instead, [Post Office chief executive Paula]   Vennells got a CBE, and the rest of the anonymous boss class doubtless joined her in failing upwards on the gravy train.” {3}
And now there are compensation packages amounting to 30 million pounds in the offing for those affected.
Coverage by The Guardian
{1}  Joanna Partridge “Post Office IT scandal whistleblowers to share £20m compensation pot”
{2}  Tom Ambrose “‘They ripped the life out of me’: ex-Post Office staff tell inquiry of stress of IT scandal”
{3}  Marina Hyde “Hundreds of lives ruined. Not a single person held to account. And still: silence on the Post Office scandal”
Ms. Hyde wonders, in her opinion piece, if the scandal hasn’t received its due coverage because it’s “...not sexy enough for much of a chatterati who prefer their scandals to unfold over a feverish day on Elon Musk’s platform...not in unloved inquiry rooms [with] anguished testimonies...”
{4}  Lucy Campbell and Tom Ambrose “Wrongful conviction contributed to Post Office worker’s death, says widow”
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maniculum · 2 years
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In 1422, the Brewers' Guild of London bribed the mayor to protect their interests by giving him a bear.
Citation: Horobin, Simon. “The Scribe of Bodleian Library, MS Digby 102 and the Circulation of the C Text of Piers Plowman.” The Yearbook of Langland Studies, no. 24, 2010, p. 105.
I think we should bring this back as a way to influence politicians. Except the bear shouldn't be tame or restrained in any way. Just set loose in their office with a note saying who did it and what they want.
Actually, that might be cruel to the bear.
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Debra Jo Rupp
February 24, 1951
American actress
Kitty [That 90s Show: 2023]
Janice [The Ranch: 2017-2020]
Linda [This is us: 2017-2018]
Vicky [Better with you: 2010-2011]
Kitty [That 70s Show: 1998-2006]
Beth [The Office: 1995]
Ms. Higgins [Davis Rules: 1991]
Helen [Spenser: 1987]
blue eyes
playable: adult
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