gcn-news · 4 years
1857کی انگریزوں کیخلاف جنگ آزادی ناکام کیوں ہوئی،جن خاندانوں نے مجاہدین کو گرفتار کروایا گوروں نے ان پر کیا کیا نوازشات کیں؟
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قائد اعظم یونیورسٹی اسلام آباد میں ایک پروفیسر ڈاکٹر تراب الحسن صاحب نے ایک تھیسس لکھ کر پی ایچ ڈی کی ڈگری حاصل کی ھے۔ جس کا عنوان ہے “Punjab and the War of Indpendence 1857” اس تھیسس میں انہوں نے جنگ آزادی کے حالات پر روشنی ڈالی ہے، جس کے مطابق اس جنگ میں جن خاندانوں نے جنگ آزادی کے مجاہدین کے خلاف انگریز کی مدد کی، مجاھمہدین کو گرفتار کروایا اور قتل کیا اور کروایا، ان کو انگریز نے بڑی بڑی جاگیریں، مال و دولت اور خطابات سے نوازا، اور ان کے لئے انگریز سرکار نے وظائف بھی جاری کیے۔ تھیسس کے مطابق تمام خاندان وہ ہیں جو انگریز کے وفادار تھے اور اس وفاداری کے بدلے انگریز کی نوازشات سے فیضیاب ہوئے، یہ خاندان آج بھی جاگیردار ہیں اور آج بھی اپنے انگریز آقا کے جانے کے بعد ہر حکومت میں شامل ہوتے ہیں۔ “Griffin punjab chifs Lahore 1909” سے حاصل کردہ ریکارڈ کے مطابق سید یوسف رضا گیلانی کے بزرگ سید نور شاہ گیلانی کو انگریز سرکار نے ان کی خدمات کے عوض 300 روپے خلعت اور سند عطا کی تھی۔ “Proceeding of the Punjab Political department no 47 june 1858” کے مطابق دربار حضرت بہاؤالدین زکریا کے سجادہ نشین اور تحریک انصاف کے رہنما شاہ محمود قریشی کے اجداد نے مجاہدین آزادی کے خلاف انگریز کا ساتھ دیا، انہیں ایک رسالہ کے لئے 20 آدمی اور گھوڑے فراہم کئے، اس کے علاوہ 25 آدمی لیکرخود بھی جنگ میں شامل ہوئے، وہ انگریزوں کے سامان کی حفاظت پر مامور رہے، ان کی خدمات کے عوض انہیں تین ہزار روپے کا تحفہ دیا گیا، دربار کیلیئے 1750 روپے کی ایک قیمتی جاگیر اور ایک باغ دیا گیا جس کی اس وقت سالانہ آمدن 150 روپے تھی ـ جو حوالہ وزیر اعظم گیلانی کا ہے وہی اپوزیشن لیڈر چوہدری نثار علی خان کے اجداد چوہدری شیر خان کا ہے، ان کی مخبری پر کئی مجاہدین کو گرفتار کر کے قتل کیا گیا، انعام کے طور پر چوہدری شیر خان کو ریونیو اکھٹا کرنے کا اختیار دیا گیا اور جب سب لوگوں سے اسلحہ واپس لیا گیا تو انہیں پندرہ بندوقیں رکھنے کی اجازت اور 500 روپے خلعت دی گئی۔ “Gujranwala Guzts 1935-36 Govt of Punjab” کے مطابق حامد ناصر چٹھہ کے بزرگوں میں سے خدا بخش چٹھہ نے جنگ آزادی میں انگریزوں کا ساتھ دیا وہ اس وقت جنرل نکلسن کی فوج میں تھے۔ قصور کے خیرالدین خان جو خورشید قصوری کے خاندان سے تھے، نے انگریزوں کے لیئے 100 آدمیوں کا دستہ تیار کیا اور خود بھتیجوں کے ساتھ جنگ میں شامل ہوا، انگریزوں نے اسے 2500 روپے سالانہ کی جاگیر اور ہزار روپے سالانہ پنشن دی۔ احمد خاں کھرل کی مقبولیت بڑھی تو انگریزوں کو ڈر پیدا ہوا کہ ان کے مقامی سپاہی جلد یا بدیر احمد یا کھرل سے جا ملیں گے، اس لئے 10جون1857ء کو ملتان چھاؤنی میں پلاٹون نمبر 69 کو بغاوت کے شبہ میں نہتا کیا گیا اور پلاٹون کمانڈر کو مع دس سپاہیوں کے توپ کے آگے رکھ کر اڑادیا گیا، آخر جون میں بقیہ نہتے پلاٹون کو شبہ ہوا کہ انہیں چھوٹی چھوٹی ٹولیوں میں فارغ کیا جائے گا اورتہ تیغ کردیا جائے گا، سپاہیوں نے بغاوت کی اور تقریباً بارہ سو سپاہیوں نے عَلم بغاوت بلند کیا۔ انگریزوں کے خلاف بغاوت کرنے والے مجاہدین کو شہر اور چھاؤنی کے درمیان پل شوالہ پر دربار بہاء الدین زکریا کے سجادہ نشین مخدوم شاہ محمود قریشی نے انگریزی فوج کی قیادت میں اپنے مریدوں کے ہمراہ گھیرے میں لے لیا اور تین سو کے قریب نہتے مجاہدین کو شہید کردیا۔ یہ شاہ محمود قریشی ہمارے موجودہ وزیر خارجہ مخدوم شاہ محمود قریشی کے لکڑ دادا تھے، ان کا نام ان ہی کے نام پر رکھا گیا، کچھ باغی دریائے چناب کے کنارے شہر سے باہر نکل رہے تھے کہ انہوں نے دربار شیر شاہ کے سجادہ نشین مخدوم شاہ علی محمد نے اپنے مریدوں کے ہمراہ گھیرے میں لے لیا اور ان کا قتل عام کیا ۔ مجاہدین نے اس قتل عام سے بچنے کے لئے دریا میں چھلانگ لگادی، کچھ ڈوب کر جاں بحق ہوئے اور کچھ بچ نکلنے میں کامیاب ہوگئے، پار پہنچ جانے والوں کو سید سلطان قتال بخاری کے سجادہ نشین دیوان آف جلال پور پیروالہ نے اپنے مریدوں کی مدد سے شہید کردیا۔ جلال پور پیروالہ کے موجودہ ایم این اے دیوان عاشق علی بخاری انہی کی آل میں سے ہیں۔ مجاہدین کی ایک ٹولی شمال میں حویلی کورنگا کی طرف نکل گئی جسے پیر مہر چاہ آف حویلی کورنگا نے اپنے مریدوں اورلنگریال، ہراج، سرگانہ ترگڑ سرداروں کے ہمراہ گھیرلیا اور چن چن کر شہید کردیا۔ مہر شاہ آف حویلی کورنگا سید فخر امام کے پڑدادا کا سگا بھائی تھا، اسے اس قتل عام میں فی مجاہد شہید قتل کرنے پر بیس روپے نقد اورایک مربع اراضی عطا کی گئی، مخدوم شاہ محمود قریشی کو1857ء کی جنگ آزادی کچلنے میں انگریزوں کی مدد کے عوض مبلغ تین ہزار روپے نقد جاگیرسالانہ معاوضہ مبلغ ایک ہزار سات سو اسی روپے آٹھ چاہات جن کی سالانہ آمدنی ساڑھے پانچ سوروپے تھی، بطور معافی دوام عطاء ہوئی، مزید یہ کہ 1860 ء میں وائسرائے ہند نے بیگی والا باغ عطا کیا، مخدوم شاہ علی محمد کو دریائے چناب کے کنارے مجاہدین کو شہید کرنے کے معاوضہ کے طور پر وسیع جاگیر عطا کی گئی ـ یہ ہیں برصغیر کے بڑے بڑے گدی نشین، نام نہاد سادات اور ان کے اعلیٰ ترین کردار، آج بھی پاکستان کے بڑے جاگیرداروں میں سادات فیملیز صف اول میں ہیں، جو کہ سب کہ سب ان کے آقا انگریز کی عنایات ہیں! اس تھیسس کے پڑھنے سے پہلے میں اکثر حیران و پریشان ہی رہا، کہ پتہ نہیں اکثر سید فیملیز ہی زمینوں اور جائیدادوں کی مالک کیوں ہیں؟ ان سادات سے پوچھ لو تو یہی کہیں گے، یہ تمام زمین ہمارے دادا کی تھی، پھر ان سے ہمارے باپ کو ملی اور اب ہمیں، اور تاریخ دیکھ کر کہیں گے ہم مظلومیت کے عالم میں عرب سے جبری نکالے گئے اور یہاں پناہ لی اور حقیقت یہ ہے کہ بس نام کے آگے سید لکھوایا، برصغیر کے توہم پرست لوگوں کو گمراہ کیا، پھر تعویذ دھاگے کا بزنس شروع کیا، اور پھر انگریز کی غلامی اختیار کرلی، اور انگریز سرکار عنایات سے الحمدللہ اب یہ حال ہے کہ کم سے کم بھی ملکیت میں مربع زمین تو ہے ہی ـ اصل سادات فیملیز کل بھی مظلوم تھیں اور ہجرت کرکے یہاں برصغیر آنے کے بعد آج بھی مظلوم ہی ہیں ـ Read the full article
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websutera · 5 years
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Pra-tempah DI SEBALIK HIJAB masih perlukan perhatian. Sudikan untuk hubungi saya bagi tempahan/pertanyaan melalui FB atau nombor telefon tertera. Mohon bersabar kepada yang sudah buat tempahan. . RM25 (postage percuma). 330 muka surat. Saiz piawai novel. Selamat memerdekakan nurani dan minda, agar belenggu kesalahfahaman terlerai. Selamat Maal Hijrah 1441. Jiwa merdeka jiwa membaca. #DiSebalikHijab #ThrillerSejarah #IbrahSejarah #Patriot #Mujahiden #Mujahidin #SevenSleepers #PemudaGua #PemudaAlKahfi #AlKahfi #ProxyWar #PenulisMelayu #AshabulKahfi https://www.instagram.com/p/B12rNe-DqWz/?igshid=1xjqj072eizsj
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creepingsharia · 5 years
60 Muslim Refugee-Jihadis Caught in the U.S. Profiled in New Book
“The 60 refujihadis include a Muslim translator for the U.S. Army, cab drivers, gangsters, money transfer agents, janitors, and college students.”
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Here are three facts that the most hysterical voices attacking the Trump administration’s proposal to radically reduce or freeze refugee admissions don’t want you to know:
1) They make billions of dollars off the federal refugee resettlement racket;
2) They are protected by the Open Borders Inc. media, which routinely whitewashes the gobsmacking financial self-interest of the “Let Them All In” leeches; and
3) They are never held accountable when untold numbers of the world’s most wretchedly violent and aggrieved refugees come here to sabotage the American Dream.
While left-wing religious groups, tax-exempt non-profits tied or allied to George Soros, and the amnesty-shilling Catholic Church scream “No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here!” at the top of their lungs, American neighborhoods are being overrun by dangerous foreign criminals and jihad plotters. David Miliband, president and CEO of International Rescue Committee, attacked the White House plan to slash refugee numbers from an Obama-era high of 100,000 to less than the current historic low of 30,000 as “inhumane.” Is it because cutting the numbers would cut in to Miliband’s first-class travel and business lunch tabs? Malkin Truth-O-Meter: mostly likely true!
What Miliband neglects to mention in his diatribe against President Trump that his organization is one of 9 behemoth government contractors that works with the hostile United Nations and encrusted State Department social justice warriors to import thousands of new refugees every year with little input from the communities in which they are dumped. Miliband earns nearly a million-dollar salary and by one estimate, IRC has raked in nearly $900 million in refugee resettlement profits over the last decade. When you cut through the Statue of Liberty smokescreen of the open borders “charities,” the math is clear:
Reduced refugees means reduced cash flow.
Zero refugees means zero cash flow.
Why should taxpayers continue to see their hard-earned money siphoned away to feed the Trump Resistance Machine and Democrat Party’s Permanent Ruling Majority Project?
There are even more compelling reasons to throttle the refugee flow. According to the logic-twisting, ICE-doxxing cheerleaders at the New York Times, refugee reductions are the real threat to our nation because if we don’t keep importing hordes of Muslim translators from Iraq or Afghanistan, it would “undermine” our national security.
This is just plain ass-backwards.
The Trump-bashers and border-phobes equate any and all criticism of the refugee program as racist, xenophobic hatred. But it’s not all sweetness and light. They’re not all “yearning to breathe free.” Some of them just want free stuff. Some of them want to kill us. Many of them have absolutely no interest in assimilating themselves into our customs, measures, and laws. And many of them have outright contempt for Western civilization. They’re not here to strengthen our nation with their “diversity.” They’re here to destroy it. That’s fact, not “hate.”
In Open Borders Inc, I have profiled 60 of the planet’s most maleficent refujihadis nabbed over the past dozen years. Here are their names (you can learn their full stories in Appendix G of the book) . And remember: these are only the ones we’ve caught.
Nuradin Abdi
Dritan Duka
Shain Duka
Eljvir Duka
Mohanad Shareef Hammad
Waad Ramadan Alwan
Abdow Munye Abdow
Farah Mohamed Beledi
Cabdulaahi Ahmed Faarax
Shirwa Ahmed
Mahamud Said Omar
Abdiweli Yassin Isse
Kamal Hassan
Salah Osman Ahmed
Adarus Abdulle Ali
Ahmed Ali Omar
Khalid Mohamud Abshir
Zakaria Maruf
Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan
Mustafa Ali Salat
Tamerlan Tsarnaev
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Issa Doreh
Basaaly Saeed Moalin
Mohamed Mohamed Mohamud
Ahmed Nasiri Taalil Mohamud
Ramiz Hodzic
Sedina Hodzic
Mediha Medy Salkicevic
Armin Harcevic
Jasminka Ramic
Nihad Rosic
Abdullah Ramo Pazara
Fazliddin Kurbanov
Liban Haji Mohamed
Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan
Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim
Mohamud Ali Yusuf
Nima Yusuf
Zacharia Yusuf Abdurahman
Adnan Farah
Hanad Mustafe Musse
Guled Ali Omar
Abdirahman Yasin Daud
Mohamed Abdihamid Farah
Abdirizak Warsame
Hamza Ahmed
Abdullahi Yusuf
Ahmed Ali Omar
Amina Farah Ali
Hawo Mohamed Hassan
Abdul Razak Ali Artan
Dahir Ahmed Adan
Omar Abdulsattar Ameen
Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan
Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab
Abdullatif Ali Aldosary
Bilal Abood
Jamshid Muhtorov
Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham
More than half of these foreign menaces came from Somalia.
The 60 refujihadis include a Muslim translator for the U.S. Army, cab drivers, gangsters, money transfer agents, janitors, and college students. They include convicted weapons felons, confessed aiders and abettors of terrorism, stabbing spree vigilantes, and bombers all sworn to wage war against infidels in the name of Allah – and fraudulently posing undercover as victims of political and religious persecution. Here’s just a small taste of what our blind “welcoming” culture has wrought:
Abdul Razak Ali Artan was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007 for Pakistan and landed in Dallas before resettling in Ohio. In 2014, he became a legal permanent resident. At Ohio State University, where he was a student, Artan raged against America and invoked radical Muslim cleric and spiritual adviser to jihadists Anwar al-Awlaki. In 2016, he plowed his car into a group of students and then broke out a knife and stabbed innocent bystanders. Eleven were injured before police shot Artan dead.
Somali refugee Dahir Ahmed Adan went on a stabbing spree at a St. Cloud, Minnesota, mall in 2016, injuring ten people before an off-duty police officer shot him dead. Police told local media Adan quizzed at least one person on whether the individual was Muslim and made references to Allah while carrying out the stabbings. A local chapter leader of the unindicted terror co-conspirators of CAIR-Hamas disseminated an obligatory condemnation of Adan’s jihad before wailing about “the potential backlash to this community.”
Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two people at the Mall of America in Minnesota in January 2018. Initially, the crime was reported as an “interrupted theft” in which two men had spotted Adbiraham attempting to steal merchandise at a Macy’s. But Adbiraham made his intent clear in the courtroom when he entered his plea. His attack was a “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State,” he wrote in a statement. “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.” Motive: known. Adbiraham entered the U.S. with “derivative status,” meaning he came here with a relative legally (most likely a refugee or green card recipient).
Mohanad Shareef Hammadi was an Iraqi refugee who landed in Las Vegas before resettling in Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 2009. He was not being hunted or oppressed by anyone. He was, in fact, a bomb-maker insurgent for Al Qaeda in Iraq who had targeted American soldiers on the battlefield and sought to amass high-powered weapons and ship them from his adopted home back to the front lines to assist his terrorist brethren. In 2013, he was sentenced to life in prison for providing material support to terrorists and “conspiring to transfer, possess, and export Stinger missiles,” not to mention making a false statement in an immigration application.
In 2015, a ring of Bosnian Muslim refugees and naturalized Bosnian-American citizens were indicted on criminal charges for sending money and supplies to terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Ramiz and Sedina Hodzic, refugees who had resettled in St. Louis, were charged in a criminal conspiracy involving fellow Bosnian immigrants Mediha Medy Salkicevic, Armin Harcevic, Jasminka Ramic, and Nihad Rosic. They raised money and purchased U.S. military uniforms, combat boots, tactical gear, and rifle scopes, which they sent to Abdullah Ramo Pazara–a Bosnian Muslim refugee who had lived in St. Louis and became a U.S. citizen just days before traveling to Syria in 2013 to fight for Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Pazara rose up the ranks of ISIS; he was reportedly killed on the Turkey-Syria border. Ramiz Hodzic, Harcevic, Salkicevic, and Ramic pleaded guilty to their charges in 2019. In May 2019, Sedina Hodzic pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorism and is awaiting sentencing.
Open Borders Inc. propagandists and profiteers will do what they always do when confronted with criminal nightmares that don’t fit the Emma Lazarus fantasy narrative: Whitewash them. The vast majority of refugees are law-abiding, they’ll sputter. Only xenophobes dwell on the negative impacts, they’ll seethe. But an untold number of refugees are not just committing ordinary civilian crimes. They are Islamic oppressors masquerading as the oppressed. Never forget: Ramzi Yousef faked an asylum claim to plot the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Never forget: Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, a Palestinian bomb-builder who entered the U.S. illegally through Canada, claimed political asylum based on phony persecution by Israelis. Never forget: Palestinian jihadist Mir Aimal Kansi, convicted in 1997 of capital murder for the January 1993 shooting spree outside CIA headquarters in McLean, Va., claimed bogus political asylum based on his ethnic minority status in Pakistan. The 9/11 jihad attacks, which every feckless politician will commemorate during next week’s 18th anniversary events with “Never Again” platitudes, should have taught us that all it takes is a teeny-tiny minority of foreign menaces to wreak massive havoc on our safety and civil order.
How many more horrifying reasons do we need to shut off the refujihadi spigot, stop underwriting the U.N.’s sovereignty-eroding agenda, and get our house in order?
Michelle Malkin is the author of Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?, out September 10 from Regnery. Visit OpenBordersInc.com for more information.
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Exclusive — Michelle Malkin: 60 Terrifying Reasons Trump Is Right to Reduce Refugees
Here are three facts that the most hysterical voices attacking the Trump administration’s proposal to radically reduce or freeze refugee admissions don’t want you to know:
1) They make billions of dollars off the federal refugee resettlement racket;
2) They are protected by the Open Borders Inc. media, which routinely whitewashes the gobsmacking financial self-interest of the “Let Them All In” leeches; and3) They are never held accountable when untold numbers of the world’s most wretchedly violent and aggrieved refugees come here to sabotage the American Dream.
While left-wing religious groups, tax-exempt non-profits tied or allied to George Soros, and the amnesty-shilling Catholic Church scream “No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here!” at the top of their lungs, American neighborhoods are being overrun by dangerous foreign criminals and jihad plotters. David Miliband, president and CEO of International Rescue Committee, attacked the White House plan to slash refugee numbers from an Obama-era high of 100,000 to less than the current historic low of 30,000 as “inhumane.” Is it because cutting the numbers would cut in to Miliband’s first-class travel and business lunch tabs? Malkin Truth-O-Meter: mostly likely true!
What Miliband neglects to mention in his diatribe against President Trump that his organization is one of 9 behemoth government contractors that works with the hostile United Nations and encrusted State Department social justice warriors to import thousands of new refugees every year with little input from the communities in which they are dumped. 
Miliband earns nearly a million-dollar salary and by one estimate, IRC has raked in nearly $900 million in refugee resettlement profits over the last decade. When you cut through the Statue of Liberty smokescreen of the open borders “charities,” the math is clear:Reduced refugees means reduced cash flow.
Zero refugees means zero cash flow.Why should taxpayers continue to see their hard-earned money siphoned away to feed the Trump Resistance Machine and Democrat Party’s Permanent Ruling Majority Project?There are even more compelling reasons to throttle the refugee flow. 
According to the logic-twisting, ICE-doxxing cheerleaders at the New York Times, refugee reductions are the real threat to our nation because if we don’t keep importing hordes of Muslim translators from Iraq or Afghanistan, it would “undermine” our national security.
This is just plain ass-backwards.The Trump-bashers and border-phobes equate any and all criticism of the refugee program as racist, xenophobic hatred. But it’s not all sweetness and light. They’re not all “yearning to breathe free.” Some of them just want free stuff. Some of them want to kill us. Many of them have absolutely no interest in assimilating themselves into our customs, measures, and laws. And many of them have outright contempt for Western civilization. 
They’re not here to strengthen our nation with their “diversity.” They’re here to destroy it. That’s fact, not “hate.”In Open Borders Inc, I have profiled 60 of the planet’s most maleficent refujihadis nabbed over the past dozen years. Here are their names (you can learn their full stories in Appendix G of the book) . 
And remember: these are only the ones we’ve caught.
The 60 refujihadis include a Muslim translator for the U.S. Army, cab drivers, gangsters, money transfer agents, janitors, and college students. They include convicted weapons felons, confessed aiders and abettors of terrorism, stabbing spree vigilantes, and bombers all sworn to wage war against infidels in the name of Allah – and fraudulently posing undercover as victims of political and religious persecution. Here’s just a small taste of what our blind “welcoming” culture has wrought:Abdul Razak Ali Artan was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007 for Pakistan and landed in Dallas before resettling in Ohio. In 2014, he became a legal permanent resident. 
At Ohio State University, where he was a student, Artan raged against America and invoked radical Muslim cleric and spiritual adviser to jihadists Anwar al-Awlaki. 
In 2016, he plowed his car into a group of students and then broke out a knife and stabbed innocent bystanders. Eleven were injured before police shot Artan dead.Somali refugee Dahir Ahmed Adan went on a stabbing spree at a St. Cloud, Minnesota, mall in 2016, injuring ten people before an off-duty police officer shot him dead. Police told local media Adan quizzed at least one person on whether the individual was Muslim and made references to Allah while carrying out the stabbings. 
A local chapter leader of the unindicted terror co-conspirators of CAIR-Hamas disseminated an obligatory condemnation of Adan’s jihad before wailing about “the potential backlash to this community.”Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two people at the Mall of America in Minnesota in January 2018. Initially, the crime was reported as an “interrupted theft” in which two men had spotted Adbiraham attempting to steal merchandise at a Macy’s. 
But Adbiraham made his intent clear in the courtroom when he entered his plea. His attack was a “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State,” he wrote in a statement. “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.” Motive: known. 
Adbiraham entered the U.S. with “derivative status,” meaning he came here with a relative legally (most likely a refugee or green card recipient).
Mohanad Shareef Hammadi was an Iraqi refugee who landed in Las Vegas before resettling in Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 2009. 
He was not being hunted or oppressed by anyone. He was, in fact, a bomb-maker insurgent for Al Qaeda in Iraq who had targeted American soldiers on the battlefield and sought to amass high-powered weapons and ship them from his adopted home back to the front lines to assist his terrorist brethren. 
In 2013, he was sentenced to life in prison for providing material support to terrorists and “conspiring to transfer, possess, and export Stinger missiles,” not to mention making a false statement in an immigration application.
In 2015, a ring of Bosnian Muslim refugees and naturalized Bosnian-American citizens were indicted on criminal charges for sending money and supplies to terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Ramiz and Sedina Hodzic, refugees who had resettled in St. Louis, were charged in a criminal conspiracy involving fellow Bosnian immigrants Mediha Medy Salkicevic, Armin Harcevic, Jasminka Ramic, and Nihad Rosic. 
They raised money and purchased U.S. military uniforms, combat boots, tactical gear, and rifle scopes, which they sent to Abdullah Ramo Pazara–a Bosnian Muslim refugee who had lived in St. Louis and became a U.S. citizen just days before traveling to Syria in 2013 to fight for Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Pazara rose up the ranks of ISIS; he was reportedly killed on the Turkey-Syria border. 
Ramiz Hodzic, Harcevic, Salkicevic, and Ramic pleaded guilty to their charges in 2019. 
In May 2019, Sedina Hodzic pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorism and is awaiting sentencing.Open Borders Inc. propagandists and profiteers will do what they always do when confronted with criminal nightmares that don’t fit the Emma Lazarus fantasy narrative: Whitewash them. The vast majority of refugees are law-abiding, they’ll sputter. Only xenophobes dwell on the negative impacts, they’ll seethe. But an untold number of refugees are not just committing ordinary civilian crimes. 
They are Islamic oppressors masquerading as the oppressed. Never forget: Ramzi Yousef faked an asylum claim to plot the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. 
Never forget: 
Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, a Palestinian bomb-builder who entered the U.S. illegally through Canada, claimed political asylum based on phony persecution by Israelis.
 Never forget: Palestinian jihadist Mir Aimal Kansi, convicted in 1997 of capital murder for the January 1993 shooting spree outside CIA headquarters in McLean, Va., claimed bogus political asylum based on his ethnic minority status in Pakistan. 
The 9/11 jihad attacks, which every feckless politician will commemorate during next week’s 18th anniversary events with “Never Again” platitudes, should have taught us that all it takes is a teeny-tiny minority of foreign menaces to wreak massive havoc on our safety and civil order.
How many more horrifying reasons do we need to shut off the refujihadi spigot, stop underwriting the U.N.’s sovereignty-eroding agenda, and get our house in order?
Michelle Malkin is the author of Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?, out September 10 from Regnery. Visit OpenBordersInc.com for more information.
Immigration Politics jihadists Michelle Malkin refugees
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u4u-voice · 5 years
FBI arrests Pakistani-American at airport for links to JeM, ISIS
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WASHINGTON:  A 35-year-old Pakistani-American national has been arrested by the FBI on his arrival from Pakistan for being in contact with two UN-proscribed terror groups the Islamic State and the JeM. Waqar Ul-Hassan, a naturalised US citizen who moved to America at the age of 15, was arrested at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina on Tuesday. Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Masood Azhar was designated as a global terrorist by the UN on May 1. Hassan was arrested on two counts of making false statements in 2015 about his contacts with terrorist groups. If convicted, he faces up to eight years of imprisonment. According to court documents, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2014 received information that he was in contact with terrorist organisations. During an interview with the FBI, he denied having any contacts with the terrorist groups or helping them. Later in November 2015, Hassan during another interview with the FBI admitted that he had lied and was in contact with two terrorist groups — the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) and JeM. He acknowledged being untruthful in previous FBI interviews regarding his knowledge of persons associated with foreign terrorist organisations. The FBI said Hassan admitted to extensive contacts with a JeM recruiter, who he identified by name. He also admitted to exchanging phone numbers with the recruiter and having several conversations about extremism with him. Hassan further admitted he traveled to – and stayed with – JeM extremists for two or three days in 2014, traveled in Pakistan in 2013 and 2014 to collect money and food for JeM extremists, and passed out recruiting newspapers for JeM in Pakistan in 2014, the FBI said. Hassan admitted that he had not been truthful because he knew JeM was a terrorist group. “Between 2013 and 2014 I traveled… around the city of Gujrat (in Pakistan) and surrounding area collecting money and food for Jaish Mujahiden two or three times. In 2014, while staying with Jaish Mujahideen they told me about an attack on Indian soldier they conducted the previous year. They showed me a news video of the attack,” Hassan said in a written statement to the FBI, according to court documents. “I also past out a newspaper that Jaish Mujahiden uses to recruit people and collect money. I lied because I was scared of getting in trouble because I participated in collecting money, food and passing out the newspaper for Jaish Mujahadin which is a terrorist group but they also help the poor in Pakistan,” he said. Hassan was born on February 10, 1984 in Uttam Gujrat, Pakistan. He moved with his family to Brooklyn, New York in 1999 at the age of fifteen. He became a naturalised United States citizen in 2002, but retained citizenship in Pakistan. Hassan told investigators that he was in contact with ISIS as well. The complaint said because he was angry about what was happening to Muslims around the world, he was serious about sending USD 175 to Jihadists in Syria. Hassan said that he did not send the money because he did not have a way to get the money there. (agencies)   Read the full article
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kerahlekung · 5 years
Adun,Exco dan LTTE...
Adun,Exco dan LTTE....
Hari diberitakan 2 pemimpin DAP yang juga adun dan Exco ditahan PDRM dalam kaitan dengan LTTE.. keduanya dari Melaka.. pelik lah juga, nama yang yang dipetik sebagai penyokong LTTE di Pulau Pinang, tapi yang ditangkap di Melaka.. Biarlah pihak polis membuat siasatan.. 2- Walaupun aku bersetuju mereka yang masih cuba mempromosikan atau membawa perjuangan LTTE di Malaysiaia ditahan, bagi aku takda keperluan untuk menahan pemimpin Kerajaan dibawah SOSMA, PDRM boleh saja memanggil mereka untuk soal siasat.. 3- SOSMA ni macam ISA lah.. Penahanan mereka ole pihak berkuasa bertujuan mengambil langkah awal bagi menjaga keselamatan Negara.. samalah dulu Mokhtar Senik pernah ditahan ISA sebab dikaitkan dengan gerakan Al-Maunah, anak almarhum Tok Guru Nik Aziz dengan Kumpulan Mujahidin(KMM), Dan ramai dikalangan pemimpin PAS hari ini termasuk kepimpinan Ulama PAS Perak yang balik dari Pakistan.. Ramai dari kalangan senior aku yg belajar di Pakistan ada diantara mereka yang menyertai Mujahiden di Afganistan dengan mengangkat senjata.. 4- Aku tetap berpendirian, LTTE bukan lah pertubuhan pengganas, mereka adalah pemimpin haluan kiri ataupun gerakan pemisah, bukan pemimpin DAP saja berpandangan LTTE bukan pergerakan pengganas, malah pemimpin MIC pun mempunyai pandangan yg sama sebagaimana disuarakan ketua pemuda MIC di Parlimen..
5- Jika ummat Islam tak kira PAS dan UMNO suatu ketika dulu ada kecenderungan menyokong puak pemisah, gerakan/harakah Al muqawamah, atau gerakan Islam seperti PLO,Hamas, Hizbullah, PULO di Selatan Thailand dan MNLF di Filipina, dan kita bersedia menjadi orang tengah kepada perdamaian dan Konflik mereka, begitu jugalah bagi kaum Tamil, Masyarakat India ada kecenderungan menyokong etnik Tamil yang ditindas di Sri Lanka.. Gerakan Islam ini juga diisytiharkan sebagai pertubuhan pengganas oleh banyak Negara termasuk Saudi, walaupun ada yang kita tak setuju.. Sebagaimana kita mengkritik penindasan dan ada kecenderungan menyokong hak etnik minoriti Islam, sebagaimana China Etnik Uighur di Xinjiang China, Kahsmir di India dan Pakistan, begitu juga etnik Rohingya di Myanmar.. 6- Jika ada serpihan kumpulan LTTE yang bertindak ganas, ada ada kaitan dengan keganasan, ia juga wujud dalam mana mana pertubuhan dan fahaman.. Hatta Kerajaan Bangladesh pernah kaitkan pengaruh pengikut Zakir Naik dengan serangan keganasan di sebuah Cafe di Bangladesh, dan Kerajaan bertindak mengharamkan semua kaitan Zakir Naik disana termasuk Peace TV.. Begitu juga Kerajaan mesir yang cuba menuduh Ikhwanul Muslimin disebelik serangan berani mati keatas gereja koptik di Kaherah Mesir, dan beberapa bulan lepas serangan kelompok Salafi di Gaza..
Velupillai Prabhakaran pemimpin LTTE
7- Walaupun ramai dari sahabat tak bersetuju dengan aku dalam isu LTTE..aku tetap berpandangan yg sama, Mereka adalah puak pemisah, masyarakat India ada hak menyokong gerakan al Muqawamah dikalangan Bani Tamil, sebagaimana kita ada kecenderungan kepada gerakan Islam.. Jika kita pernah menyanjung Revolusi Iran, Ayatullah Khomeini, Pemimpin seperti Hassan nasrallah, dan Sheikh Ahmad Yasin yang mati di bom Israel, begitulah masyarakat Tamil dengan pejuang bangsa depa ikon mereka Prabakaran.. 8- Kecenderungan setengah pemimpin DAP terutama masyarakat tamil dengan LTTE , tiada kaitan dengan DAP.. Samalah kaitan peristiwa pemberontakan di memali, Almaunah, walaupun ramai dari kalangan mereka ahli dan epmimpin PAS, Hatta Pemimpin Dewan Ulama Kedah, Mohd Lotfi yang mati di Syria kerana mengangkat senjata menyertai Pemberontak di Syria... 9- Cuma aku tak setuju, kerajaan perlu bertindak sebarang ketaksuban kepada apa apa gerakan, bukan hanya pemisah Tamil, hatta fahaman Komunis, Syiah, Wahabi atau apa apa bentuk perjuangan dan fahaman yg tidak sesuai dengan konteks Malaysia..- Ipohmali
Kawaq Bani Melayu UMNOPAS 
terpancut sebelum klimax...
Depa dok ingat dengan Kongress Maruah Melayu tu.. PH akan berpecah.. maka depa pun aturklan program dengan juak juak anti Ds Anwar dalam pentadbiran PH.. Semua kerusi dah diatur dikalangan pemimpin Bani Melayu.. Walaupun Ds Anwar kata dia mendapat jemputan saat Akhir.. Tapi bagi aku tindakan Ds Anwar tidak hadir dalam kongress Maruah Melayu itu tepat.. Semua dijemput kecuali Ds Anwar..Jadi Mereka jemput Tun Mahathir untuk dijadikan pahlawan Ashabiyah Melayu.. malangnya ramai bani Melayu hari itu rasa dipermainkan Tun Mahathir bila Mahathir lebih banyak kritik Bani Melayu berbanding kaum dan Agama lain.. Bayangkan Mufti belah utara yang datang sebagai wakil Ulama Ashabiyah pun tak berpuas hati dengan ucapan tun yang dikata tak berperisa.. Itulah Kebijaksanaan Tun Mahathir sebagai pahlawan sebenar Melayu.. walaupun dikepung dengan pemimpin pemimpin bani Ashabiyah Melayu.. Tun mampu bersilat keluar dari kepungan mereka.. Tun tetap berucap gaya Tun Mahathir..sedikit pun tak terpengaruh dengan suasana dan semangat Ashabiyah kongress Melayu..sampai ada yang marah marah tinggalkan dewan marah kepada Tun Mahathir... Akhirnya yang terperangkap adalah orang yg cuba memerangkap Tun Mahathir dan pemimpin PH.. Seakan dirancang baik, UMNO pun selepas kongress tersebut menawarkan kepada Tun Mahathir menubuhkan Kerajaan perpaduan atas nama Melayu...Lagi teruk bila pelawaan Timbalan Presiden UMNO Mat Hassan ditolak secara terang terangan oleh Tun Mahathir..
Dr.M terperangkap dgn kepura2an maruah Melayu
Itu sebabnya kita dapat tengok begitu marah pemimpin bani Melayu semalam..orang PAS pun mengamuk sakan dalam Parlimen.. mana tak nya.. Kalau diibaratkan Kongress Melayu tu sebagai Majlis pertunangan, dah buat Majlis, dah buat Kenduri.. lepas tu pengantin lelaki nak hantar tanda, cincin..Tiba tiba pengantin tolak... mau tak mengamuk.. Lagi menambah perisa dan rempah kemarahan bani Ashabiyah Melayu, Pada petangnya depa tengok aksi mesra Tun Mahathir dan Ds Anwar dalam sidang media majlis Presiden Pemimpin Pakatan Harapan.. bila depa tengok aksi itu bayangkan perasaan depa... hancur luluh.. Kenduri dah buat.. dah duduk sekali dalam Majlis..orang ramai dah dipanggil datang kenduri....Tok Imam dan Tok Bilal dah dijemput bagi tazkirah untuk yakinkan orang yang dipinang calon lelaki ni..lekaki yang baik.. akhirnya Pinangan ditolak.. Hari ini bila dah takda modal sangat.. Depa mainkan video senda gurau Ds Anwar dan tun Mahathir dalam Majlis semalam.. punya lah marah, sampai ungkapan Maruah depa dengar Barua.. masih nak cuba lagi lagakan PH.. malangnya tak berhasil..  Yang betulnya Tok Guru Nik Aziz pernah sebut perkataan Barua pada UMNO.. dan Boneka UMNO pada pemimpin PAS yang nakkan perpaduan dengan UMNO.. itulah hakikatnya, Mereka lah Barua dan Boneka UMNO..bak pepatah Haji Hadi..ibarat Kambing buta berkepala Beruk.. - Ipohmali
Kongres maruah Melayu 
kucar-kacirkan UMNO...
Kongres Maruah Melayu (KMM) jelas tidak membawa hasil yang diharapkan. Tujuan pihak penganjur dengan memperalatkan empat buah IPTA untuk melihat Melayu bergabung, Melayu Bersatu, Melayu Umno dan Melayu Pam dengan sokongan seorang dua individu atau agamawan bertaraf Mufti tidak menjadi. Dr Mahathir yang diundang memberi ucaptama di kongres itu juga turut sama dikecam. Jadi kalau Dr Mahathir dikecam maka individu lain yang hadir di kongres itu walaupun diajak disaat-saat akhir ikut sama terkena tempias. Katanya, teks ucapan disediakan oleh pihak penganjur tidak dibaca oleh Dr Mahathir. Dr Mahathir membaca atau bercakap secara bebas. Penolakan Mahathir itulah kegagalan pertama. Dr Mahathir bukan mudah untuk diperangkap walaupun dia sedia dijadikan umpan dalam kongres itu.  Mahathir pandai dan bijak membaca haluan angin dan juga gerakan awan di langit. Semua kena belajar daripadanya, jangan tahu berselfie sahaja. Apabila beliau sudah dapat mengagak kongres itu "dormant" maka beliau buatlah hala tujunya sendiri. Wal hasil balik asal kongres itu tidak membawa untung sebaliknya mengundang rugi. Ada beberapa kesan atau bahana daripada kongres itu. Pertamanya di pihak Umno sendiri tidak dapat laba apa-apa. Kalau pun laba Annuar Musa dapat memegang tangan Dr Mahathir. Itu pun tidak sempat cium. Kempunan si Annuar.
Zahid Hamidi dan Mohamad Hassan pula berlaga angin sesama sendiri. Mat Hassan terus bodek Mahathir agar tubuh kerajaan Melayu, bersama Umno daripada kabilahnya, Pam, Bersatu dan PKR yang bernakidkan kepada Azmin Ali. Zahid tidak senang dengan cadangan Mat Hassan itu dengan menangkis ianya pandangan peribadi bukan pandangan parti. Begitu juga dengan PAS. PAS juga turut menerima bahanan dan kecewa dengan kongres itu. Ramai pemimpin PAS dikerah, dan mereka hadir kerana Kadhi besar mereka hadir. Kalau tidak hadir nanti dikatakan tidak wala' pula. "Walakisme" adalah aliran baru dalam PAS. Sungguh Dr Mahathir kecewa, tetapi beliau tidaklah menampakkan kekecewaannya. Tetapi hakikatnya itulah yang cuba disembunyikan. Cuba kalau kongres itu jadi "wau" dan meledak mungkin suasana selepas kongres itu berbeza. Tidaklah pula kelihatan Mahathir bergurau mesra dengan Anwar setelah beberapa jam kongres itu berakhir jika kongres itu mencapai matlamatnya. Kegagalan kongres itu menunjukkan kegagalan dan kekecewaan penganjur golongan yang cuba membina lebuhraya untuk laluannya di tengah-tengah bukit bukau dan hutan rimba. Seeloknya golongan akademik jangan cuba bermain politik kerana politik tidak mudah berjalan mengikut sifir yang dihafalkan. Bukan bermakna kamu mengundang kambing buta dan berok tepok untuk berhadapan dengan harimau, ia mencapai tujuan. Kena ingat kayu tas yang boleh menakutkan haiwan itu ada ditangan rakyat. - mso
The Death Of Oldest Malay Newspapers...It’s 6-Million UMNO-PAS Fanatics’ Fault For Not Saving Utusan’s Dignity...
We wrote more than a year ago that “Utusan Malaysia”, the oldest Malay newspaper may close shop. Founded as “Utusan Melayu” in 1939, almost 2 decades before the country’s independence in 1957, the generosity of the newly crowned government of Pakatan Harapan has allowed the highly controversial and racist newspaper to operate without interference. On Wednesday (Oct 9, 2019), after working for decades, truckloads of the employees were in tears as they took their last photographs in the newspaper’s office and carried boxes of their belongings out – Utusan officially closed down for business. Effectively, 862 people became jobless. But there was no point crying over spilt milk. It may sound cruel, but they deserve it. In the circular, the company’s management said that the plunging sales as well as failure to hit RM4 million advertising revenue to stay afloat had led to the shutting down of the company. But the problems were well known to the top management for decades. They knew the reasons why the toxic newspaper failed to attract advertisers and readers, but they had chosen to ignore them. Utusan Malaysia’s circulation peaked at 350,000 copies a day in the 1990s and it was one of the largest selling newspapers in Malaysia. However, its circulation started to decline to about 250,000 copies in 2004 and further down to 144,438 copies in the first half of 2016. According to ABC’s Audit Report, the number plunged to 112,050 copies during the period of July – Dec 2017.
In reality, Utusan – mocked as not worthy even as toilet papers – was UMNO’s mouthpiece in the form of a propaganda newspaper. The political party had a 49.77% controlling stake (as of annual report ended 31 Dec, 2017) in the company. It was game-over after the stunning loss of UMNO, the backbone of the defeated Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition government, in the May 2018 general election. As the gravy train stops on the night of May 9, 2018, Utusan was as good as dead. Without any cash injection from UMNO, Utusan defaulted on a RM2.9 million loans owed to Affin Islamic Bank in August 2018. Its stock price dropped like a rock and had never recovered. Dumbfounded by its political master’s unexpected loss, the company didn’t know what to do.
Utusan Malaysia
The company had been registering losses for years with zero gross dividend and negative EPS (earnings per share). Its reserves of RM169 million in 2013 were totally wiped out by 2016. Since 2016, late salary payment was the daily breakfast for its employees. For the financial year 2017, Utusan had negative RM65 million reserves – obviously deep in debts! Still, the management, while in denial and dismissed the company was in financial trouble, had urged – even begged – the Malay community to give its full support to what it said was the last remaining newspaper company that represents the so-called Malay struggle. As far as the management and employees were concerned, their survival depended on charity from UMNO. Utusan played an important role as the biggest influence in shaping the racism and extremism among the 68.8% of Malays and Bumiputeras in the country. Just a day after the 2013 General Election, of which the ruling BN coalition suffered its worst-ever results, Utusan published a highly racist feature article with the headline “Apa lagi Cina mahu?” (“What else do the Chinese want?”). That’s fine. Other newspapers belonging to political parties aligned to Barisan did the same propaganda drama too. But unlike Utusan which refused to change, other newspapers made instant changes to survive. For example, English newspaper “The Star”, owned by MCA (second biggest component party of BN), has immediately adopted a more neutral stance to stay relevant. After its demise yesterday, National Union Journalist (NUJ) Utusan representative Mohd Taufek Razak immediately slammed the owners of Utusan, calling them cowards for failing to meet their employees and explain the situation following the decision to liquidate the company. He said – “They have all run away. They are all cowards – with no guts to tell us whether they will pay us compensation or our due salaries.” Apparently, the employees, once the darlings of UMNO for jobs well done in spewing hatred against minority ethnics Chinese and Indians, did not receive any termination letter, let alone compensation. Heck, the company also owed them at least 2 months of salary. Mr. Taufek said – “Despite them not paying us for months, we still worked. We love this company.”
Well, that’s what you get for working blindly for the racist and corrupt political party. The simple fact that the employees loved the company despite it consistently produced false, fake and extreme news speaks volumes about their problems. They still couldn’t see what was wrong with the company not being able to survive – even after they were left in a lurch. They didn’t blame the management for being too radical and extreme, which had caused the newspaper to continuously losing readership – even among the Malay community – and hence advertising revenue. Sure, worldwide, the mainstream newspaper industry is facing the toughest period as they compete with social media and free content providers. But instead of closing down, others adopt, embrace and reinvent a new business model. After 122 years, Malay Mail, the oldest newspaper in Malaysia, has since gone online in December 2018. Staffs affected by Malay Mail’s new business direction were given opportunity to decide whether they want to leave or stay on and retrain for new roles in the revamped organisation. In comparison, while all publications under the Utusan Group are expected to resume publication on Nov 1 under a new management (Aurora Mulia Sdn Bhd, a company linked to billionaire Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary), a large number of its 862 employees reportedly will not be re-hired. Clearly, the new owner believes the old employees are not “unemployable” for obvious reason.
Therefore, it’s laughable for UMNO president Zahid Hamidi to blame the government for the Utusan’s closure. He argued that UMNO was unable to help the cash-strapped Utusan because its accounts had been frozen by Mahathir administration due to its involvement in the 1MDB scandal. The disgraceful Zahid should instead explain why UMNO supporters didn’t help Utusan instead.
Yes, despite the “Buy Muslim-made First (BMF)” campaign triggered by UMNO’s racism and extremism initiative to put Malays and non-Malays at loggerheads, it was a surprise that the political party’s 4-million supporters had refused to support the Malay last remaining newspaper. And if the 2-million fans of the PAS Islamist party had joined the party as well, Utusan could definitely be saved. In August, executive chairman Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir said the price of Utusan Malaysia would be increased from RM1.50 to RM2, while the price of Kosmo would be raised from RM1 to RM1.50. By increasing the price of the papers, the company had hoped to generate about RM2.3 million a month, and in the process reduce its monthly deficit from RM3 million to RM750,000. So the question is: why Utusan could not even sell 200,000 copies a day when UMNO has a mind-boggling 4-million diehard fans? Former Prime Minister Najib Razak had boastfully claimed that the party has 3-million members. Assuming all the members were real humans being and not donkeys, it’s a humiliation that less than 10% purchased a RM2 newspaper called Utusan. To make matters worse, PAS Islamist party, despite having been UMNO’s new ally since more than a year ago, hadn’t mobilised its 2-million fanatic fans to support Utusan newspaper. With a combined forces of 6-million Malay-Muslim supporters, how hard could it be to purchase at least 200,000 copies, or even 350,000 copies (its peak circulation in the 1990s) a day for that matter? It’s absolutely an insult to the community that the UMNO-Malays and PAS-Muslims, two biggest Malay parties in the country, were powerless at rescuing the dignity of Utusan. It doesn’t matter when or who was responsible for the erosion of public confidence which led to the demise of Utusan. A mixture of incompetency, racism and extremism was the recipe of Utusan’s embarrassing death. - FT
Mesti pandai pembohong, 
mesti pandai temberang..
Tetapi jgn sampai, 
hai pecah tembelang...
Jika Utusan dah mampos...
Boleh membaca di HaramKah...
Kalau..dua2 dah kojol...
Ana buka Uuuutukah...😁
- Zus Din
World Cup - Vietnam vs Malaysia 1-0 Goals Vietnam 2019
Sumber asal: Adun,Exco dan LTTE... Baca selebihnya di Adun,Exco dan LTTE...
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websutera · 5 years
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Aku menyedari posisi batalion kami mudah dilihat oleh musuh dan tiada tempat berlindung yang sebaiknya. Dalam menunggu itu, aku sungguh-sungguh memohon keampunan dan berharap redha Allah. . Tidak semena-mena, dari jarak yang boleh dilihat, tentera Rusia panik. Mereka ketakutan sesuatu dengan lepaskan tembakan rambang. Aku dan ramai lagi anggota mujahiden melihat mereka menembak ke atas, sambil terjerit-jerit. Kesan peluru keluar bertalu-talu ditandakan dengan kilasan cahaya dari muncung senjata mereka. . Kemudian ... hiruk-pikuk suara jeritan dan tembakan membabi-buta yang bertalu-talu senyap. Tenang dan hening. Komander Khattab memberi arahan agar berdiam diri. Kami menunggu setengah jam di bawah bukit tinggi itu. . #DiSebalikHijab, sebuah thriller sejarah. Akan terbit secara swaterbit tidak lama lagi insya-Allah. . ** Web Sutera, novelis yang degil! . #WebSutera #ThrillerSejarah #Konspirasi #Mujahiden #Mujahidin https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzg65qtjY2w/?igshid=1lj4g2ut1l26n
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gcn-news · 4 years
1857کی انگریزوں کیخلاف جنگ آزادی ناکام کیوں ہوئی،جن خاندانوں نے مجاہدین کو گرفتار کروایا گوروں نے ان پر کیا کیا نوازشات کیں؟
قائد اعظم یونیورسٹی اسلام آباد میں ایک پروفیسر ڈاکٹر تراب الحسن صاحب نے ایک تھیسس لکھ کر پی ایچ ڈی کی ڈگری حاصل کی ھے۔ جس کا عنوان ہے “Punjab and the War of Indpendence 1857” اس تھیسس میں انہوں نے جنگ آزادی کے حالات پر روشنی ڈالی ہے، جس کے مطابق اس جنگ میں جن خاندانوں نے جنگ آزادی کے مجاہدین کے خلاف انگریز کی مدد کی، مجاھمہدین کو گرفتار کروایا اور قتل کیا اور کروایا، ان کو انگریز نے بڑی بڑی جاگیریں، مال و دولت اور خطابات سے نوازا، اور ان کے لئے انگریز سرکار نے وظائف بھی جاری کیے۔ تھیسس کے مطابق تمام خاندان وہ ہیں جو انگریز کے وفادار تھے اور اس وفاداری کے بدلے انگریز کی نوازشات سے فیضیاب ہوئے، یہ خاندان آج بھی جاگیردار ہیں اور آج بھی اپنے انگریز آقا کے جانے کے بعد ہر حکومت میں شامل ہوتے ہیں۔ “Griffin punjab chifs Lahore 1909” سے حاصل کردہ ریکارڈ کے مطابق سید یوسف رضا گیلانی کے بزرگ سید نور شاہ گیلانی کو انگریز سرکار نے ان کی خدمات کے عوض 300 روپے خلعت اور سند عطا کی تھی۔ “Proceeding of the Punjab Political department no 47 june 1858” کے مطابق دربار حضرت بہاؤالدین زکریا کے سجادہ نشین اور تحریک انصاف کے رہنما شاہ محمود قریشی کے اجداد نے مجاہدین آزادی کے خلاف انگریز کا ساتھ دیا، انہیں ایک رسالہ کے لئے 20 آدمی اور گھوڑے فراہم کئے، اس کے علاوہ 25 آدمی لیکرخود بھی جنگ میں شامل ہوئے، وہ انگریزوں کے سامان کی حفاظت پر مامور رہے، ان کی خدمات کے عوض انہیں تین ہزار روپے کا تحفہ دیا گیا، دربار کیلیئے 1750 روپے کی ایک قیمتی جاگیر اور ایک باغ دیا گیا جس کی اس وقت سالانہ آمدن 150 روپے تھی ـ جو حوالہ وزیر اعظم گیلانی کا ہے وہی اپوزیشن لیڈر چوہدری نثار علی خان کے اجداد چوہدری شیر خان کا ہے، ان کی مخبری پر کئی مجاہدین کو گرفتار کر کے قتل کیا گیا، انعام کے طور پر چوہدری شیر خان کو ریونیو اکھٹا کرنے کا اختیار دیا گیا اور جب سب لوگوں سے اسلحہ واپس لیا گیا تو انہیں پندرہ بندوقیں رکھنے کی اجازت اور 500 روپے خلعت دی گئی۔ “Gujranwala Guzts 1935-36 Govt of Punjab” کے مطابق حامد ناصر چٹھہ کے بزرگوں میں سے خدا بخش چٹھہ نے جنگ آزادی میں انگریزوں کا ساتھ دیا وہ اس وقت جنرل نکلسن کی فوج میں تھے۔ قصور کے خیرالدین خان جو خورشید قصوری کے خاندان سے تھے، نے انگریزوں کے لیئے 100 آدمیوں کا دستہ تیار کیا اور خود بھتیجوں کے ساتھ جنگ میں شامل ہوا، انگریزوں نے اسے 2500 روپے سالانہ کی جاگیر اور ہزار روپے سالانہ پنشن دی۔ احمد خاں کھرل کی مقبولیت بڑھی تو انگریزوں کو ڈر پیدا ہوا کہ ان کے مقامی سپاہی جلد یا بدیر احمد یا کھرل سے جا ملیں گے، اس لئے 10جون1857ء کو ملتان چھاؤنی میں پلاٹون نمبر 69 کو بغاوت کے شبہ میں نہتا کیا گیا اور پلاٹون کمانڈر کو مع دس سپاہیوں کے توپ کے آگے رکھ کر اڑادیا گیا، آخر جون میں بقیہ نہتے پلاٹون کو شبہ ہوا کہ انہیں چھوٹی چھوٹی ٹولیوں میں فارغ کیا جائے گا اورتہ تیغ کردیا جائے گا، سپاہیوں نے بغاوت کی اور تقریباً بارہ سو سپاہیوں نے عَلم بغاوت بلند کیا۔ انگریزوں کے خلاف بغاوت کرنے والے مجاہدین کو شہر اور چھاؤنی کے درمیان پل شوالہ پر دربار بہاء الدین زکریا کے سجادہ نشین مخدوم شاہ محمود قریشی نے انگریزی فوج کی قیادت میں اپنے مریدوں کے ہمراہ گھیرے میں لے لیا اور تین سو کے قریب نہتے مجاہدین کو شہید کردیا۔ یہ شاہ محمود قریشی ہمارے موجودہ وزیر خارجہ مخدوم شاہ محمود قریشی کے لکڑ دادا تھے، ان کا نام ان ہی کے نام پر رکھا گیا، کچھ باغی دریائے چناب کے کنارے شہر سے باہر نکل رہے تھے کہ انہوں نے دربار شیر شاہ کے سجادہ نشین مخدوم شاہ علی محمد نے اپنے مریدوں کے ہمراہ گھیرے میں لے لیا اور ان کا قتل عام کیا ۔ مجاہدین نے اس قتل عام سے بچنے کے لئے دریا میں چھلانگ لگادی، کچھ ڈوب کر جاں بحق ہوئے اور کچھ بچ نکلنے میں کامیاب ہوگئے، پار پہنچ جانے والوں کو سید سلطان قتال بخاری کے سجادہ نشین دیوان آف جلال پور پیروالہ نے اپنے مریدوں کی مدد سے شہید کردیا۔ جلال پور پیروالہ کے موجودہ ایم این اے دیوان عاشق علی بخاری انہی کی آل میں سے ہیں۔ مجاہدین کی ایک ٹولی شمال میں حویلی کورنگا کی طرف نکل گئی جسے پیر مہر چاہ آف حویلی کورنگا نے اپنے مریدوں اورلنگریال، ہراج، سرگانہ ترگڑ سرداروں کے ہمراہ گھیرلیا اور چن چن کر شہید کردیا۔ مہر شاہ آف حویلی کورنگا سید فخر امام کے پڑدادا کا سگا بھائی تھا، اسے اس قتل عام میں فی مجاہد شہید قتل کرنے پر بیس روپے نقد اورایک مربع اراضی عطا کی گئی، مخدوم شاہ محمود قریشی کو1857ء کی جنگ آزادی کچلنے میں انگریزوں کی مدد کے عوض مبلغ تین ہزار روپے نقد جاگیرسالانہ معاوضہ مبلغ ایک ہزار سات سو اسی روپے آٹھ چاہات جن کی سالانہ آمدنی ساڑھے پانچ سوروپے تھی، بطور معافی دوام عطاء ہوئی، مزید یہ کہ 1860 ء میں وائسرائے ہند نے بیگی والا باغ عطا کیا، مخدوم شاہ علی محمد کو دریائے چناب کے کنارے مجاہدین کو شہید کرنے کے معاوضہ کے طور پر وسیع جاگیر عطا کی گئی ـ یہ ہیں برصغیر کے بڑے بڑے گدی نشین، نام نہاد سادات اور ان کے اعلیٰ ترین کردار، آج بھی پاکستان کے بڑے جاگیرداروں میں سادات فیملیز صف اول میں ہیں، جو کہ سب کہ سب ان کے آقا انگریز کی عنایات ہیں! اس تھیسس کے پڑھنے سے پہلے میں اکثر حیران و پریشان ہی رہا، کہ پتہ نہیں اکثر سید فیملیز ہی زمینوں اور جائیدادوں کی مالک کیوں ہیں؟ ان سادات سے پوچھ لو تو یہی کہیں گے، یہ تمام زمین ہمارے دادا کی تھی، پھر ان سے ہمارے باپ کو ملی اور اب ہمیں، اور تاریخ دیکھ کر کہیں گے ہم مظلومیت کے عالم میں عرب سے جبری نکالے گئے اور یہاں پناہ لی اور حقیقت یہ ہے کہ بس نام کے آگے سید لکھوایا، برصغیر کے توہم پرست لوگوں کو گمراہ کیا، پھر تعویذ دھاگے کا بزنس شروع کیا، اور پھر انگریز کی غلامی اختیار کرلی، اور انگریز سرکار عنایات سے الحمدللہ اب یہ حال ہے کہ کم سے کم بھی ملکیت میں مربع زمین تو ہے ہی ـ اصل سادات فیملیز کل بھی مظلوم تھیں اور ہجرت کرکے یہاں برصغیر آنے کے بعد آج بھی مظلوم ہی ہیں ـ Read the full article
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websutera · 7 years
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Aku terbangun kerana badan digoncang lembut oleh seseorang. Sebaik mata dibuka, wajah tersenyum komander menyapa pagiku. Antara komander yang agak tua, namun tetap gagah. Beliaulah komander pertama yang aku temui setibanya di wilayah ini. . As solahtul khairun minannaum, suara gemersik itu menjadi suara indah pertama yang masuk ke gegendang telinga aku. Suara komander, lembut. Sungguh, solat itu lebih baik, bahkan sangat lebih baik berbanding tidur. . BAB novel ini terus mengalir... https://www.wattpad.com/story/131743794-gua-cinta-kembara-mujahiden . #WebSutera #GuaCinta #KembaraMujahiden #Mujahiden #Mujahidin #AlKahfi #PemudaGua #AdaptasiSejarah #IbrahSejarah #ThrillerSejarah #Jihad #NovelisRakyat #NoToTrump #NoToIsrael #alqudsforpalestine #WattpadWebSutera
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creepingsharia · 7 years
Minnesota: Muslim Tells Court Mall Stabbing Was "act of Jihad in the way of Allah"
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A major update. Again we ask, where have all the prosecutors gone in Minnesota?  This self-admitted Muslim terrorist was only charged with assault!!
Source: Court Records: Mall of America Stabbing Suspect Pleads Guilty, Calls it Act of Jihad | KSTP.com
On Thursday, 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two men at the Mall of America.
The incident occurred on Nov. 12, where authorities say he stabbed two brothers in a dressing room at the mall’s Macy’s.
At the plea hearing Thursday, Abdiraham’s attorney read a statement — which is public record — to the courtroom, which explained why he attacked the two men.
In the statement, Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America to answer the “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State.”
The statement added, “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.”
Abdiraham also said in the statement that Americans will not be safe as long as “your country is at war with Islam.”
Omar Jamal, an activist with a Somali watchdog group, said he is aware of the statement.
“This is a widespread sentiment with Somali youth,” he said.
Jamal said the federal government’s effort to make it difficult for would-be jihadists to travel abroad and join a terrorist group has had unintended consequences locally.
“What is very concerning in this instance, is the fact that youth are exploring more ‘How can I do something here, what weapons are accessible,'” he said.
A spokesman for the FBI said the agency is aware of the statement, but could not comment.
A representative for the Bloomington Police Department said it doesn’t condone any act when people are hurt or could have been killed.
Abdiraham’s public defender declined to comment.
The two victims are out of the country, but court documents say they plan to return in time for Abdiraham’s sentencing in February.
If authorities determine the stabbing was an act of terrorism, there could be more legal consequences for Abdirahahm.
OTBR: The Somali Muslim cop who shot and killed a woman who called for help has not been charged with any crime. The cop whom he shot across has apparently been silenced into submission. The media have ignored both stories and many more in Minnesota.
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websutera · 7 years
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Cara dan peraturan Allah tetap sama pada sebarang masa. Surah Al-Fath misalnya berkenaan pembebasan Makkah. Ia benar untuk perjuangan jihad sehingga ke hari kiamat. Perkara ini juga, antara lain, yang disentuh dalam novel GUA CINTA: KEMBARA MUJAHIDEN. Boleh dibaca di wattpad.com/user/websutera. #WebSutera #WattpadWebSutera #GuaCinta #KembaraMujahiden #AlKahfi #PemudaGua #Jihad #Baitulmaqdis #NoToTrump #NoToIsrael #VivaGaza #VivaPalestine #SaveGaza #SavePalestine
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