#Creeping Sharia
senatortedcruz · 1 year
We don’t have our daily moral panic about creeping sharia law anymore. Sharia law low key fell off
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onepiece-polls · 4 months
That anon is clearly not a Muslim, does not know shit about Islam nor do they actually care about it, they're using it as a face to attack you and be islamophobic while being a creep at the same time. As an actual Muslim I can always tell when someone is trolling because they always mention Sharia for some reason even though it's based on interpretations and there's a lot of complexity and nuance around it, which varies from community to community and even scholar to scholar. It's not an excuse to send weird accusatory messages to a stranger you don't know about a stupid ship.
Thank you. It was a weird ass message that last anon send.
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All crime is organized where I live
Seriously. It’s like Chicago. There’s a troop of homeless people currently trying to crowdsource a proselytizing attempt *based on the contents of this blog* and my browsing habits. Someone I used to know would like to see that through, I’m sure. But I think he should just point a gun at my head and tell me what to do and why.
Azurus, he had said, “couldn’t love me”, her being able to being the road to his religious system, as declared by me. As a koan, his life is kind of complicated; you’re in a blackened cave system with a flashlight, it’s kinetic because of your pedigree and so doesn’t require recharging, yet it bears the limitations of a flashlight. Everything ahead is illuminated for the path ahead so far as you reasonably need to see. Pitch black darkness creeps up as you pass, and all around the arc of the beam. As far as you know, the course is clear, well demarcated, and there’s no misleading obstacle along the way. Azurus has a flashlight too. Except it’s battery powered; the battery is her face, and we all know what happens to women’s faces with age as they lose their youth. So she won’t always be beautiful, but I’ll *always* be angry.
Always well lit in front of you guys, you know. One by pedigree, another by sublime beauty. Environmentalism championed by one, religion by another. Neither experience is consequential of or derived from the source of that flashlight beam, pointing in whatever direction they happen to look, respectively. “What’s it like to be rich? What’s it like to be beautful?” Where do you get a light source that casts no shadow, huh?
Aside and Azurus directed: You represent consequences, and you’re not allowed to experience those, so long as your looks hold out. And calling that “undercover” or even “federal” work, to use that flashlight is a little suspect. Whatever Lola wants, might cut down on those astronomical by rural Ashland standards operating costs, IMHO. What is it that “lee” has, that nobody else does? Pandering. The answer must be pandering. My old friend would probably have said that a reich pedigree was the price of admission, a long time ago, were he being honest with me. As with that kind of a pedigree, recidivism is the best you can possibly expect, because nobody can grow a pedigree anymore than a nouveau riche family can suddenly become “old money”. Such is the nature of the “flashlight” system. Seriously, play catholic, carry a gun, and tell people what to do and how to live at gunpoint. That’s the entitlement of pedigree born moral superiority, catholic, not catholic, then and now. Sharia or not.
(”Thank you for smoking with us” says the red shirt with white lettering street thug’s shirt who just walked out)
Also: Cartel Latinos are looking for a hierarchal system for whiteness; regular white, and then uniform associated white, and then CIA/FBI associated white, and then full-on government white, and so on down there in the caves. 
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Virginia: Somali Muslim FBI translator charged after his own voice was intercepted on terror surveillance calls
A Somali Muslim was hired by the FBI as a translator – even though two of his adult kids were suspected of terrorist activity – one now doing a 10-year bid. While translating a recorded call as part of a terrorist surveillance, a terror suspect left a voicemail for the translator! He denied it to the FBI. The terror suspect and the Muslim FBI translator exchanged 180 calls!
And the translator – he’s a client of terror-linked CAIR! And the judge ordered him freed pending trial!!
You couldn’t make this up if you tried.
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ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A former FBI translator has been charged with doctoring transcripts in which his own name appeared on intercepts of phone calls placed by a terrorism suspect.
Abdirizak Jaji Raghe Wehelie, 66, of Burke, Virginia, was arrested Saturday at an airport after returning to the U.S. on an international fight, according to Josh Stueve, a spokesman for the US attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia.
Wehelie made an initial appearance Monday at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, where he is charged with making false statements and obstructing an investigation.
An indictment unsealed Monday states that Wehelie worked as a contractor for the FBI from 2012 to 2015. In December 2012, a man targeted by the FBI in an investigation connected to the Al-Shabab terrorist group in Somalia called and left a voicemail message for Wehelie.
The call was intercepted under court-ordered surveillance, and Wehelie was tasked the next day with translating the call. He marked himself down as “unidentified male” even though the voicemail message on Wehelie’s cellphone identified him as “Abdirizak Wehelie.”
The FBI questioned Wehelie about his actions in 2016. At the time, according to the indictment, Wehelie admitted that he should not have identified himself as an “unidentified male” on that translation. He also told FBI agents that he had never actually had a phone conversation with the person who called him and that he didn’t know the person very well. But a subsequent FBI investigation revealed that the two had nearly 180 phone contacts from 2010 to 2017.
The FBI employed Wehelie as a contractor even though his adult children had been placed on the no-fly list and denied re-entry to the U.S. for several weeks in 2010, well before Abdirizak Wehelie began his work for the FBI.
Yahya and Yusuf Wehelie were the subject of international news coverage in the summer of 2010 when they said they were unfairly placed on the no-fly list after traveling to Yemen to learn Arabic. After a delay of several weeks and pressure from Muslim civil rights groups, the brothers were allowed to return to the U.S. later that summer.
In 2017, Yusuf Wehelie was sentenced to 10 years in prison for illegally transporting high-powered weapons in a case where he spoke with an undercover witness about his desire to shoot up a military recruitment center on behalf of the Islamic State group.
An FBI spokesman declined to comment Monday.
Nina Ginsberg, Wehelie’s lawyer, said the case against Abdirizak Wehelie has nothing to do with any of the issues involving his family.
“This has nothing to do with his sons. This has nothing to do with terrorism,” Ginsberg said after the hearing.
Ginsberg said Wehelie had been teaching in Somalia since August before his arrest. The initial indictment against Wehelie was handed down in December 2017, with a superseding indictment issued in December 2018. Both indictments had been under seal until Monday. It was unclear why Wehelie was not arrested on the first indictment before he traveled to Somalia in 2018.
At Monday’s hearing, a magistrate judge ordered Wehelie to be freed on unsecured $20,000 bail while he awaits trial on the condition that he turn over his passport.
DOJ press release here: Former FBI Linguist Arrested and Indicted on Obstruction Charges.
And more here: Former FBI linguist charged with lying to authorities about contact with terrorist
Law enforcement officials said the FBI was monitoring the calls as part of an investigation into a former Virginia cab driver who left the United States to join a terror group in Somalia. Liban Haji Mohamed was briefly on the FBI’s list of most-wanted terrorists.
This isn’t the first time Wehelie’s family has been in the crosshairs of counterterrorism investigators. His son, Yusuf Wehelie, was sentenced to a decade behind bars after being caught in a sting operation moving guns for cash. Yusuf Wehelie’s elder brother, Yahya Wehelie, was held in Egypt in 2010 on a trip back from Yemen and is on a “no fly” list.
And more Former FBI translator — who joined CAIR in an attempt to shut down terror screening database — charged with obstructing terror investigation
Last year, a Somali-American man was listed as a plaintiff in a lawsuit filed by the terror-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) against the Trump administration, as part of a concerted, transparent campaign to have a federal judge declare the U.S. government’s terrorist screening database as unconstitutional.
Today, that man, Abdirizak Haji Raghe Wehelie, who served as an FBI translator from 2012-15, was charged on multiple counts related to his alleged interference with a federal terrorism investigation.
A hearing on CAIR’s lawsuit against the U.S. database was held on April 4 in Arlington, Virginia. The judge has yet to make a decision on the case.
It remains unclear why Wehelie remained on the FBI’s payroll for several years, given his family’s well-established connections to radicalism.
In 2010, both of his sons were temporarily placed on the federal no-fly list and denied entry into the United States, after the two traveled to Yemen. The Hamas-tied CAIR and other advocacy groups put relentless pressure on the Obama administration to allow both sons to return to the United States. In their efforts to bring the sons home, CAIR held news conferences in Washington, D.C., and sent letters to then-Attorney General Eric Holder to raise awareness about the issue.
In 2017, Yusuf Wehelie — one of Wehelie’s sons, who had been originally banned from entry — was sentenced to 10 years in prison for attempting to illegally transport high-powered weapons. In interviews with undercover informants, he discussed his willingness to target U.S. military recruitment centers on behalf of the Islamic State terrorist group.
Obama, Holder, Mueller et al and the Muslims they allowed to infiltrate U.S. government allowed this to happen. They hire non-qualified, high-risk Muslims over qualified, low-risk non-Muslim translators.
We told you about this in 2008: Translator scandals, infiltration, and intel recruiting insanity. And again in 2009: Another spying scandal at Gitmo.
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ultramaga · 5 years
Sweedish woman kicked out of buss for showing too much skin Feminists have lead the way to ‘diversify’ Europe, by embracing Sharia, and forcing women into chaste outfits. Meanwhile, they pretend Christians in America will create a theocracy that will... force women into chaste outfits.
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And if you object to creeping sharia, that is antifeminism, that is misogyny, that is Islamophia, that is HATECRIME. This is what Feminism stands for. The opposite of promoting women’s rights.
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New York Muslim Community Patrol - Creeping Sharia?
New York Muslim Community Patrol – Creeping Sharia?
New York City Police have been allowing civilians in culture-specific groups to patrol specific areas within the city. The groups have their own patrol cars and uniforms – one of the groups is the “Muslim Community Patrol,” according to the New York Post. Their car is identical to an NYPD vehicle, but the words on the car are different. It was spotted in the Bay Ridge area that has a “Burgeoning…
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okruee · 3 years
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pfft but when *I* wear this I’m oppressed???? oh wait theme is america ur right that checks out
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Alabama: FBI uncovers another Siraj Wahhaj Islamic training camp a few miles from Tuskegee
a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” belonging to a small group of terrorists led by Siraj Wahhaj who owned the property... Video at end
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Source: FBI uncovers homegrown terror training camp in Alabama | WBMA
WASHINGTON (SBG) – At first glance, it looks like an abandoned dump.
But this plot of land in Macon County, Alabama is described in an FBI search warrant as a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” belonging to a small group of terrorists led by Siraj Wahhaj who owned the property up a long dirt road but just a few miles from downtown Tuskegee.
“Just because you’re in a small town or a small state does not mean you might not potentially have individuals engaged in the types of activities that would call into question threats to national security,” says Tim Fuhrman, Former Special Agent with the FBI field office in Mobile, Alabama.
The property, similar to another compound in New Mexico the group is now linked to where federal prosecutors say Wahhaj and four other suspects were training children to carry out deadly terror attacks on American soil.
FBI Assistant Director for the Counterterrorism Division Michael McGarrity told lawmakers on Capitol Hill there are 850 open domestic terrorism investigations, with 40% racially motivated violent extremism.
[What does that even mean, other than 60% are non-racially motivated violent extremism?]
In the Alabama case the group may not have carried out an attack, but the remains of a child believed to belong to Wahhaj, who is being charged with kidnapping were also found on the property.
For other small town cases, Fuhrman says the engaged citizen is often the best defense
More via Terror in Alabama: Walking you through an accused terrorist’s compound
A WPMI report uncovered a terrorist compound right here in Alabama. A federal search warrant WPMI obtained says this compound was similar to the terror cell’s desert compound in New Mexico that was raided last summer. Siraj Wahhaj and four others are now facing federal terrorism, kidnapping and firearms charges.
The property in question is located 6 miles from downtown Tuskegee. Drone footage we shot shows what the federal search warrant described as a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” consisting of “five-gallon buckets with chain link fencing over the top.” The search warrant says it “resembled an obstacle course similar to what the military uses to low crawl.”
Agents from the FBI Mobile field office also conducted aerial surveillance and says in its search warrant that the structure on this sight was “designed” the same way as the one in New Mexico. Both were “surrounded with hundreds of vehicle tires, assorted trash, and both structures have wooden pallets with clear plastic tarps draped over them.”
WPMI visited the site after the FBI had searched the property. Neighbors tell us they saw agents in white forensic suits walking the property last year. And while we saw lots of tires there, they were not stacked up acting as a wall, as we saw with their compound in New Mexico. It’s unclear if the FBI had dismantled a tire wall to search the property. We also did not see any evidence of target practice, as was discovered in New Mexico. But again, we were there after the FBI conducted its search.
We did see evidence small children lived at the Alabama compound. There were lots of old toys, dolls, and a girl’s bike. There was furniture inside the makeshift structure. A dresser and dining table all piled up, outside there were mattresses stacked up against it. And we noted a minivan with Georgia tags on-site. We know from an accident report there were at least nine people, seven of them children with Wahhaj at the Alabama compound.
On another part of the two-acre property, which records show is owned by Wahhaj, there’s an old mobile home, a shed and a school bus.
The search warrant notes the FBI seized electronic devices at the Alabama compound: a laptop, approximately 110 cd’s/DVD’s, a Kindle, and several phones. We reached out for comment on this case, a spokesperson for FBI Mobile told me it “can’t confirm or deny the existence of an investigation.”
It’s not clear why this has come to light now, ten months after the children of the notorious, jihad-preaching imam Siraj Wahhaj were arrested. 
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Texas: Jordanian (Muslim) pleads guilty to smuggling Yemeni (Muslims) into the U.S.
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But don’t worry, a bi-partisan $2T infrastructure deal is about to pass.
Source: Jordanian pleads guilty to smuggling Yemen immigrants into the U.S. via the Texas border – Beaumont Enterprise
A Jordanian man who lives in Mexico has admitted he helped smuggle at least half a dozen immigrants from Yemen into the United States through Eagle Pass two years ago.
Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi, 31, pleaded guilty Monday in Del Rio to aiding and abetting the smuggling of an undocumented immigrant for financial gain, and a separate count of conspiracy to bring in an undocumented immigrant for financial gain. He faces between three years and 10 years in prison.
At a news conference in San Antonio on Tuesday, high-level officials from Washington joined local law officers in citing the case as an example of how criminal organizations exploit the porous border to bring in immigrants from countries with a large terrorist presence.
Law enforcement sources told the San Antonio Express-News some of the six Yemenis were on terror watch lists, though officials at the news conference wouldn’t confirm that.
“I’m not going to comment on any specifics of these men,” said John Bash, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas, which includes San Antonio and the border from Eagle Pass to El Paso. “But it just stands to reason, generally, that if we have an open border where people from countries with (a) large terrorist presence, that would like to inflict harm on the United States, can just walk across the border and skip all of the vetting and checks we do when someone flies in to this country, eventually someone is going to take advantage of it.”
Yemen has been involved in a civil war since at least 2011 and has a presence of terrorist groups that include al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic State, according to the State Department.
All six of the immigrants brought in by Aldairi were intercepted by Border Patrol in the second half of 2017. An investigation by Homeland Security Investigations, the Border Patrol and other agencies, including the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, revealed that Aldairi had charged each man between $2,000 to $6,000 to get them across the border, officials said.
“Fortunately, these six were detained, but we don’t know how many other people he assisted in getting into this country,” Bash said.
Aldairi’s San Antonio lawyer, Rusty Guyer, argued that the immigrants his client smuggled are not terrorists, but people who left Yemen amid the turmoil of the years-old civil war.
Guyer said he believes the attention the case is being given by the Trump administration is an example of political posturing.
“It’s just one more step toward being anti-Muslim,” Guyer said. “It’s Trump persecuting Middle Easterners, primarily Muslims.”
But Guyer wanted to make it clear that his client isn’t saying he did nothing wrong.
“I don’t want to leave the impression that my client’s a saint,” Guyer said. “He pled guilty.”
Shane Folden, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations in San Antonio, which oversees Eagle Pass and Del Rio, said his agents discovered Aldairi “planned and coordinated��� travels through several countries” including Cuba, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Hondurs, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico.
Some flew from Saudi Arabia to Ecuador directly, or to that country via Cuba or Turkey, then made their way north by other mens of transportation, Bash said.
David Rybicki, deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department’s criminal division, flew in from Washington for the news conference and said the investigation is part of a program called the Extraterritorial Criminal Travel Strike Force.
“The Trump administration, as part of its broader focus on border security, has prioritized ECT matters such as this case,” Rybicki said. “ECT’s goal is to dismantle and disrupt the international and domestic operations of criminal travel networks and seize their assets and illicit proceeds to identify systematic vulnerabilities that the criminal elements may be exploiting to evade our immigration border controls.”
Aldairi, who lives in Monterrey, Mexico, admitted that between July 2017 and December 2017, he took the six Yemeni men from Monterrey to Piedras Negras, Mexico, across from Eagle Pass, where the men waded across the Rio Grande into the United S tates.
Captured by Border Patrol agents, all six identified Aldairi as their smuggler, Bash said. One of the immigrants took a cellphone video in which Aldairi is seen explaining his smuggling methods to several members of the group, court records said.
Aldairi gave at least two of the men hard hats and reflective vests so they could blend in once in the United States, Bash said, adding that the men were headed to U.S. cities, including Chicago and New York.
Aldairi has no legal status to be in the United States himself. He is a citizen of Jordan, but has residency in Mexico, is married to a Mexican woman and they have children who are Mexican citizens, defense lawyer Guyer said.
“In his fifteenth effort to secure a visa to enter the United States, the defendant told employees at the United States Embassy in Jordan that he had a wife who was a United States citizen and he wished to travel to her,” Justice Department prosecutors wrote in a motion last year to keep Aldairi detained.
Homeland Security officials filed a criminal complaint against Aldairi on May 29, 2018, and obtained a warrant for his arrest, then kept the documents sealed for months as they investigated him. Aldairi was allowed to journey from Jordan to the United States and arrested when he flew in from London to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York in July 2018. He has been jailed ever since, court records show.
The six Yemenis were prosecuted for illegal entry, a misdemeanor and served sentences between 14 and 20 days, Bash said. Three of the six remain in the U.S., though officials declined to provide more details about them.
More: Jordanian man pleads guilty to attempting to smuggle immigrants from Yemen
Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi, 31, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to bring undocumented immigrants to the United States.
Aldairi will reportedly be sentenced by the Honorable Alia Moses at a later date.
DOJ Press Release here.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Philadelphia: Muslim American Society Mosque Kids Sing "We Will Chop Their Heads Off" (VIDEO)
Philadelphia: Muslim American Society Mosque Kids Sing “We Will Chop Their Heads Off” (VIDEO)
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Source: Philly Mosque Kids: We Will Sacrifice Ourselves For Al-Aqsa | MEMRI
On April 22, 2019, the Muslim American SocietyIslamic Center in Philadelphia (MAS Philly) uploaded a video of an “Ummah Day” celebration to its Facebook page in which young children wearing Palestinian scarves sang: “Glorious steeds call us and lead us [to] the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The blood of martyrs protects us… Take us,…
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Feds Give Up - Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is Not A Federal Crime
The sharia wins again. DOJ gives in, therefore FGM is…constitutional. Alan Dershowitz was on the sharia team.
And with two new sharia supremacists in Congress – and their dhimmi accomplices, how likely is a new, stricter law against FGM?
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Source: Feds abandon female genital mutilation fight
Federal prosecutors will not appeal a judge’s order dismissing female genital mutilation charges in the first criminal case of its kind nationwide, concluding the law is weak and needs to be rewritten.
The decision delivers a setback to international human-rights groups opposed to female genital mutilation that have closely followed a case that has raised awareness in the U.S. of a controversial procedure and prompted Michigan to enact new state laws criminalizing the procedure.
“Although the department has determined not to appeal the district court’s decision, it recognizes the severity of the charged conduct, its lifelong impact on victims, and the importance of a federal prohibition on FGM committed on minors,” Solicitor General Noel Francisco wrote in a letter to Congress on Wednesday.
The decision comes six months after U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman delivered a significant, but not fatal, blow to a novel criminal prosecution involving a team of Metro Detroit doctors accused of mutilating the genitalia of nine girls at a Livonia clinic since 2015.
Friedman concluded the law is unconstitutional and concluded Congress had no authority to enact a law criminalizing female genital mutilation.
“There is nothing commercial or economic about FGM,” Friedman wrote in a 28-page opinion. (Female genital mutilation) is not part of a larger market and it has no demonstrated effect on interstate commerce. The Commerce Clause does not permit Congress to regulate a crime of this nature.”
The Justice Department has submitted a legislative proposal to Congress that would, among other things, amend the federal law and make it a crime when a defendant or victim crosses state lines to undergo the procedure.
The case emerged in April 2017 when Dr. Jumana Nagarwala of Northville was arrested and accused of heading a conspiracy that lasted 12 years, involved seven other people and led to mutilating the genitalia of girls as part of a religious procedure practiced by some members of the Dawoodi Bohra, a Muslim sect from India that has a small community in Metro Detroit.
Prosecutors say the girls — four from Michigan, two from Minnesota and three from Illinois — underwent female genital mutilation, but defense lawyers say the procedure performed on the girls was benign and not female genital mutilation. They have accused the government of overreaching.
Prosecutors have alleged that two girls’ clitorises were completely removed, but the evidence of female genital mutilation involving all of the girls is lacking, Nagarwala lawyer Shannon Smith said.
“The defense is pleased to see the Justice Department has reached the same conclusion as Judge Friedman, however, the case will still be heading to trial on the remaining charges,” Smith wrote in a text message to The News on Friday. “At trial the defense is confident a jury will agree that there was no female genital mutilation in this case and see that the prosecution relied on an unreliable medical expert in pursuing this case.”
Women’s rights groups blasted the judge’s opinion, calling it a setback for women and girls.
“It’s a giant step backward in the protection of women’s and girls’ rights,” said Shelby Quast, the Americas director of equality for the rights organization Equality Now. “Especially when there is a global movement to eliminate this practice.”
The Justice Department’s decision not to pursue and appeal drew an outcry on social media Thursday, including reaction from Hillary Clinton.
The criminal case is is pending because Friedman left intact conspiracy and obstruction charges that could send Nagarwala and three others to federal prison for decades.
The case prompted a new law in Michigan criminalizing female genital mutilation.
In June 2017, Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation that carried up to 15 years in prison for those convicted of mutilating female genitalia or transporting girls to other states for the procedure.
Twenty-three states do not have laws criminalizing female genital mutilation.
During a hearing last fall, Nagarwala lawyer Molly Sylvia Blythe said Congress lacked authority to enact a law criminalizing female genital mutilation in 1996. Congress lacked authority under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution because the procedure has nothing to do with interstate commerce, she said.
Prosecutors say prepubescent girls were cut at a Livonia clinic owned by Dr. Fakhruddin Attar. His wife, Dr. Farida Attar, also is charged in the case.
Female genital mutilation is an internationally recognized violation of human rights.
Some members of the Dawoodi Bohra community who have spoken against the procedure say the surgery is performed to suppress female sexuality, reduce sexual pleasure and curb promiscuity, according to court records.
The procedure is most common in parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia, along with migrants from those regions, says the World Health Organization.
There are four major types of female genital mutilation, including a partial or total removal of the clitoris.
As we noted in 2017, at the end of this post, there is a network of dozens of mosques across the U.S. that promote – and in some cases pay or facilitate – what the Muslim defendant’s lawyer referred to FGM as a religious practice.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Minneapolis: Judge sharply restricts media, public access to trial of Muslim cop who killed unarmed woman
Minneapolis: Judge sharply restricts media, public access to trial of Muslim cop who killed unarmed woman
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Source: Judge restricts media, public access to fired Minneapolis officer’s murder trial | by Andy Mannix, Star Tribune:
A Hennepin County district judge has imposed tight restrictions on public and media access to the highly anticipated trial of Mohamed Noor, the former Minneapolis police officer charged with murdering Justine Ruszczyk Damond.
With Noor’s trial set to begin Monday, Judge…
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creepingsharia · 5 years
California: How did a Muslim refugee - arrested for ISIS cop killing - get into the U.S.? (VIDEO)
California: How did a Muslim refugee – arrested for ISIS cop killing – get into the U.S.? (VIDEO)
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Not only was he poorly vetted, when immigration officials knew he lied about multiple immigration issues, they still let him in! It’s beyond time to shut down the unaccountable refugee program in the U.S. that continues to put the lives of Americans in danger.
Source: Investigation into Sacramento ISIS suspect Omar Ameen continues
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Muslim immigrant who plotted 9/11 Times Square, Grand Central subway bombing to be released on time served
Muslim immigrant who plotted 9/11 Times Square, Grand Central subway bombing to be released on time served
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A Queens man caught preparing for a 9/11 anniversary suicide bomb attack on the subways under Grand Central will soon walk out of prison thanks to a sentence that amounts to his time already served, a
Source: Would-be NYC subway bomber Najibullah Zazi to be released on time served
A Queens man caught preparing for a 9/11 anniversary suicide bomb attack on the subways under Grand Central will…
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creepingsharia · 6 years
Minnesota: Christian Pastor Arrested at Mall of America Faces Hearing and Trial After Talking to Muslims
Minnesota: Christian Pastor Arrested at Mall of America Faces Hearing and Trial After Talking to Muslims
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Source: Ex-Muslim Christian Pastor Ramin Parsa, Who Was Arrested at the Mall of America for Sharing His Testimony, Faces a Hearing and a Trial in His 7-Month Legal Ordeal
Ramin Parsa, an ex-Muslim Christian pastor who was stabbed in Iran, imprisoned in Turkey, and then arrested in the Mall of America for sharing his testimony with interested Muslim women, faces a settlement conference in March…
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creepingsharia · 6 years
Philippines: 27 dead, 83 injured as Islamic terrorists claim Catholic church bombings in area that rejected Muslim self-rule
Philippines: 27 dead, 83 injured as Islamic terrorists claim Catholic church bombings in area that rejected Muslim self-rule
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Source: At least 27 dead in twin Philippines church bombings
Jan. 27 (UPI) — Twin bombs struck a Roman Catholic cathedral in the Philippines on Sunday before services, killing at least 27 people and injuring at least 83 others, authorities said. The bombings occurred in Jolo, which lies in the proposed Bangsamoro Muslim-majority autonomous region, which was overwhelmingly approved last week by…
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