okaytosave · 3 months
Playing “Where’s Waldo” in season one right now. Looking for the Real guy right now.
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I tried my hand at making a fake ancient breed inspired by volcano snails & nudibranchs! They're called Spireshell dragons (or "snooflets" if you want).
Spireshells arose from Arcane bathwater runoff that entered the outer ocean. They tend to either live alone or in small groups, rarely gathering en masse. Because of this, they were thought to be a myth until elemental turmoil forced them to move their lairs closer to the surface. They are native to the southwestern Crystalspine Reaches, but the second-largest population lives in the Crystal Pools. Increased contact with other dragons has made these shy creatures curious about the outside world.
Spireshells communicate by combining full-body sign language, pheromone signals, and telepathic images transferred by the bulbs on their flexible antennae.
Secondary genes affect the shell. (Their fan-like organs are gills!) Round shells are most common, but they can come in a vibrant array of shapes & patterns (that I have no skill or patience to draw). Spireshells can incorporate any consumed substance into their shell & body composition; for example, an iron-rich diet may give a spireshell iron plating. Many of them search for fallen meteors for their unique minerals. When threatened, a spireshell will withdraw into their tough shell and blast mana bolts at their attacker until it leaves.
These dragons celebrate special occasions by crafting elaborate multicourse meals. The foods range from "edible for anyone" (seaweed salad, crab legs, chowder) to "inedible for most dragons" (clam shells, pearls, clay) to "toxic to non-spireshells" (batteries, chalcedony, ruche slug venom).
I gave them arms because it was funny.
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evcryopeneye · 5 months
@blackfenrir asked: 27+47 Intimate, conflicted starter.
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He had never said it. She had never said it either. 
Most of the time, it never really bothered her. They didn’t really have to define who they were and what they were doing, did they? If it was fun, or practice, or for real, she had no idea right now. Maybe it was for the best, she’d take another few moments living in a little performance of a relationship. Even if she was the only one imagining it. 
Carefully she held both chopsticks in her hand, the food was good, exceptional even but she wouldn’t have expected less from the traditional tea house. It was one of the best in the city. Multicourse traditional meals with all of the sake someone could want…though, she’d underestimated how intimate some of the tables were. 
Eyes focused on the table, trying to calculate all the available outcomes of the conversation. Usually she was free with her words, but situations like this made her over think, twist her thoughts around to try and attempt to make sense of it all. She needed to in some way.
“Cloud…” His name was soft, spoke in an almost whisper, as if the following conversation was going to be a secret just for them. “You like me, right?” 
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deramin2 · 6 months
My Ace Shadowgast Fics
As a disabled gay ace writer, Shadowgast is a really compelling relationship to me, and one of the only times I've seen a demisexual character portrayed very well, especially in a relationship. I write them non-sexually for those interested in fics like that. I tend to write them somewhere between a QPR and romantic and could be interpreted either way as you please. They just are what they are together. For International Asexuality Day, I thought I'd share some of them. Most of my fics are very short.
Words: 4,228 Chapters: 1/1
After the events of Campaign 2, Caleb Widogast builds a legacy as a teacher and legal activist against the corruption within the Cerberus Assembly. His relationship with Essek remains complicated but strong. An important constant in his life, even when they're apart. Then literally the plot of PIG (2021) with Caleb instead of Nicolas Cage retooled for Critical Role: A reclusive Caleb's cat is stolen and he'll stop at nothing to get her back. To do so he must return to the underbelly of the high-profile life he burned out from. Major spoilers for PIG + an explanation of the often very subtle plot. However, knowledge of the movie isn't necessary if you don't mind spoilers. Major spoilers for Critical Role Campaign 2 epilogue.
Essek Invents Ambient Music
Words: 720 Chapters: 1/1 (Includes playlists for two ambient albums that inspired the fic at the bottom.)
Essek and Caleb develop a magical synthesizer and Essek develops ambient music as an artistic hobby.
Love Is A Multicourse Soup Dinner
Words: 901 Chapters: 1/1
Beau talks to Caleb about his relationship with Essek as they prepare a soup dinner.
Essek’s Mobility Aid
Words: 797 Chapters: 1/1
Essek reckons with chronic pain when he's unable to float to avoid detection. He and Caleb develop a new way of using magic as a mobility device that's less detectable. Together they teach both techniques to other disabled people.
Essek's Secret Closet
Words: 123 Chapters: 1/1
Caleb helps Essek keep a little slice of his old life.
Caleb's Fancy Magic
Words: 1,001 Chapters: 1/1
Essek contemplates Caleb's casting style and what it can teach him about his own path forward.
Something Is Fundamentally Wrong With Me
Words: 3,664 Chapters: 8/8 (Last chapter is a playlist to go with the fic.)
When Essek and Caleb have an accidental encounter with strange mushrooms in Aeor, they find themselves both transformed and hallucinating, and it becomes unclear what is and isn't real. As they get through it together, they become introspective and reflect on their relationship and trade poetry. A Long Essek fic. I wanted to write a Shadowgast fic that was very intellectually and emotionally intimate, but non-sexual. If you love queer poetry and song snippets, this fic is full of them, and there are references at the end of each chapter with links to the works where available.
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moth-n-glitchsmp · 2 years
Howdy! Are you monochrome_sunsets on ao3?
One of my pals saw your bookmark tags and are FASCINATED! I’m really curious, what’s the code to your tag system?
yes hi!!! i'm moth, aka monochrome_sunsets on ao3, one of the owners of this blog! i really like to organize things, and i ALSO really like things that match, and thus my rice tagging system was born.
white rice - classic fics, or otherwise just fics that are super well written that i really enjoy and reread a lot. fics marked as recommended with the white rice tag are what i consider the Best Of The Best! chosen because white rice is a classic go-to that i will always enjoy.
cinnamon rice - fics that made me laugh! chosen because laughter makes me think of fried dough & the fair, fried dough has cinnamon on it, bam! cinnamon rice
coconut rice - fluffy fics! fics that made me feel all gooey inside! coconut is fluffy :)) (also i absolutely LOVE coconut almond rice, it's so good)
almond rice - angst!!!! additionally, heavy on the almonds is a tag for heavy angst, and light on the almonds is for light angst. chosen because almonds are bitter sometimes
tear covered rice - fics that made me cry; happy tears AND sad tears are included in this, so keep an eye on the other tags here
family rice dish - found family, bio family, friendships... basically, fics that focus on non-romantic relationships!
magic rice - superhero aus, alien aus, vampire aus, werewolf aus, fae aus, bnha quirk accidents, midoriya izuku has a quirk aus.... basically, anything vaguely magical.
dragons! - i really like dragons. i like them so much i wanted a whole separate tag JUST so i could find my bookmarked fics with dragons in them.
spicy rice curry - smut. i... don't have a lot of these i think?
rice porridge - sickfics & caretaking fics. chosen because rice porridge is a good thing to eat when you're not feeling well.
rice pudding - crossovers! chosen because rice and pudding is quite the food crossover
multicourse meal - series!
mystery rice - mystery fics! i most likely bookmarked them before they were made mystery fics, then couldn't remember for the life of me what they used to be. i am clinging to them in the desperate hope that they will one day be un-mysteried.
cooking... - uncompleted fics, or fics that are currently completed but i haven't finished reading yet.
no longer cooking - discontinued fics i couldn't bear to unbookmark and part with :(
brown rice - fics that don't fit any of the above tags. chosen because brown rice isn't my first choice, but it is still rice and i will still eat it with a smile on my face.
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cardiac-agreste · 6 months
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In my Sabine & Marinette fic, A Small but Stubborn Fire, Sabine's mom SUUUUHUUUHUUUUCKS. And we know from canon that Sabine's wedding dress was Western-style (and her family was seemingly absent, plus Tom's anti-miscegenation father was absent as well).
So imagine Sabine and Tom renewing their wedding vows, and she wears a zansae with honggaitou (I don't know how this is called in Shanghainese...hungkedeu? I'm literally just swapping out character readings lol), tea ceremony with her sister, uncle, and Marinette; then another with Tom's parents later; a multicourse meal reception where a cousin speaks only in Shanghainese and Uncle translates to French for everyone (a variation on this happened at my wedding!)
The whole nine yards, and Marinette makes Sabine's zansae, honggaitou, the palanquin, does her hair, the whole nine yards.
Basically i just want to keep writing Sabine & Marinette and Sabine deserves a whole-ass wedding.
Photo by kanegen - originally posted to Flickr as Traditional Chinese wedding ceremony, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=118411163
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apoptoses · 6 months
DA I can count on you to always enable me 🤧 FOR CONTEXT:
I wanna do something that explores lesser used locations in my fics so like here's what I'm thinking:
Tokyo: they visited while Night Island was being constructed and idk if anyone has done anything with that before!! So I'm picturing high end hotel, top of a high rise but built in a mishmash of traditional ryokan style and modern fixings ala this:
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So they can sit on the floor at a low table and have a very expensive kaiseki meal (aka a traditional Japanese multi-course meal consisting of small artful plates). Maybe Daniel can be in a yukata for easy access iykwim 👀
Pros of this scenario is that I can learn more into the smut since they're both enjoying vacation, and this food would be a new experience for both of them. Also idk if their time in Tokyo has been explored much in fic? The Cons are that there's less of a domestic discipline aspect since they're not home, and they'll already be on the floor so Daniel can't really get any lower and I'll have to think of new ways to degrade him lmao Maybe he can be forced to dry hump the rough tatami floors.
Night Island: they're in their own dining room, Daniel is having a multi-course meal prepared by their own private chef and served by the mortals they've hired to work in the house.
Pros of this is that I can get Daniel on the floor while Armand remains in the chair for maximum humiliation and bring in more domestic discipline around proper table manners/etiquette in how silverware is meant to be held and bites of food are meant to be taken. Also I can have one of them (or both of them) in some slutty 80's linen suit with their shirt halfway unbuttoned. Also also the hiring of the private chefs can call back to Armand's time as Amadeo and Marius hiring private chefs.
Cons are that well, they're at home as usual except at least I'd have them at Night Island for once. And I'd have to research the food more since I actually know kaiseki better than any european multicourse food. Also it could go sideways and get angsty? But that remains to be seen. I think it would end up horny in a very different way.
What do you think DA!!! (Also any other readers pls chime in I'm so torn)
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acourtofladydeath · 7 months
Would someone like to explain how every time I go to edit a fic it gets longer instead of shorter? This was 29 pages and 15K something words when I started editing. Now it's 33 pages and almost 16.5K words.
But that's good news for you, dear readers, because TTBW chapter 4 is gonna be a multicourse meal!
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heretherebedork · 10 months
I am Officially an entire day behind and that's okay! But now it's time for part 4 for the Hanukah Choose Your Own BL Adventure!
Part 3 was choosing the First Flirt and the answer was 'offering to help cook' which is fantastic and perfect.
Because it's time for finals! Well. It's time to cook their finals and that means working in a group.
Latke and Jelly have a never been in a group before. They tend to, in fact, avoid each other outside of working with Gelt.
But this time, Jelly approaches Latke with a smile on his face and asks if he wants to be a team for their finals. They can cook a multicourse meal and something a little fanciful, right?
Latke might scowl but he's barely resisting the urge to check his chest to make sure his heart isn't racing. Fine. But not too much of that fusion stuff. This is a Thai cooking class and they're going to cook Thai food.
Jelly agrees with the same smile and slings his arm around Latke's shoulders with a laugh and a pinky offered in promise that is taken with a scowl but without even a hint of moving away.
Which brings us to the most important part of a BL...
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foodtellsastory · 5 months
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fucklestat · 2 years
i love episode 2. louis literally pours milk onto himself while screaming
KSLADJFALSJFD so true, and she gave us [long silence] "i hate sleeping angry" [coffin creaks open] and "i almost ate my nephew lestat" and the creepy erotic multicourse meal louis/armand serve daniel. i'm sorry miss after the phantoms of your former self for sleeping on you like that :(
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tojad-lisi · 1 year
zam used to cook for team awesome everyday, mostly some simple dishes but they tasted very good. after hsh ro tried cooking, but having many hands actually makes it harder (too many cooks spoils the broth applies here, yknow). so mapicc picked up cooking and he's exceptionally good at it.
and its because mapicc often barged in the kitchen when zam was cooking, pretending that he just wants to annoy him a little for fun, but actually payed a lot of attention to what zam was doing, and then tried cooking things in secret.
mapicc wanted to learn how to make some fancy dish to impress zam, but before he had an opportunity to show him, hsh happened
vitalasy cooked only once a week, but it was always multicourse meal (appetizer, soup, main course, dessert). it was their time to chill and catch up with everything they both done during the week. for the remaining 6 days subz always prepared all meals for both of them in one day, (bcuz he didnt wanted to "waste his time" everyday in the kitchen when he could do everything at once).
zam wasn't used to dynamic like that and didn't know how he could fit in. vitalasy never allowed him to help because "the meal was supposed to be a surprise" and he should just wait and relax. subz at least let him prepare vegetables and other small tasks like that, but did all the cooking by himself.
zam still wanted to be useful cook something for them, so he claimed he'd at least make breakfasts (he'd wake up first anyways, so at least he would have something to do in the morning). later he also started making like little snacks he'd add to subz' meal boxes.
3ht took turns cooking everyday. Bacon made a seperate timetable to keep track of it easier, but he was the only one that cared about it and had to often remind the other two to write down their names on it.
Bacon mainly prepared meals from IHOB menu, (VERY porkchop based).
To "balance it out", Jaron only cooked vegan food. He was a good-ish cook, but at the same time he sticked to mostly simple dishes (because anything more than that required "sooo much effort"). His meals either looked like the worst thing in existence but tasted delicious OR looked excelent but were basicly tasteless. Nothing in between.
Planet loved experimenting a lot in the kitchen, always trying new recipes or changing the old ones. It didn't always end up good but it never bothered them for too long, just another lesson learned.
He talked a lot about cooking with Zam, (sometimes it was just to change the topic during their girltalk, but that's fine) and they taught him a lot and encouraged to try out more things (that aren't just. soups. or soup-adjacent things)
After Zam joined SU, he obviously got added to the schedule, but quickly Zam's and Planet's days blended together, as they helped each other so much anyways. (It annoyed Bacon a little, because he had to adjust the timetable so it was possible to write both of their names in the same cell)
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jennamacaroni · 2 years
Sometimes, when I don't intend to, or am just walking down the road, or reading a biography of the incorrigibly licentious Lord Rochester, I think about what I seek at mealtime.  It's not the tastes I savour; it's the setting, the circumstances, the company.  I would rather, as Thoreau might have muttered, eat a hunk of bread with a friend over good conversation, in a place of beauty such as this, than suffer through a multicourse opera at El Bulli.  The food is a means to happiness, a sense of peace; and the true meaning of happiness, as Socrates told me yesterday morning, is not to have more things but to need less.
Pico Iyer, “Daily Bread”; from “A Moveable Feast: Life-Changing Food Adventures Around the World” edited by Don George
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deramin2 · 1 year
Love Is A Multicourse Soup Dinner
Beau talks to Caleb about his relationship with Essek as they prepare a soup dinner. (Includes a recipe for Chilled Cucumber Soup with Watercress.)
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series)
Relationships: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast, Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast
Characters: Beauregard Lionett, Caleb Widogast, Essek Thelyss
Additional Tags: Cooking, Soup, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Dating, Relationship Advice, Campaign 2 (Critical Role), Post-Campaign 2 (Critical Role)
Language: English
Words: 901
Chapters: 1/1
Love Is A Multicourse Soup Dinner on AO3
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sa7abnews · 12 days
I spent $62 on a multicourse Michelin-star meal. I had to wait 40 minutes to be seated, but it was more than worth it.
New Post has been published on Sa7ab News
I spent $62 on a multicourse Michelin-star meal. I had to wait 40 minutes to be seated, but it was more than worth it.
I paid $62 for a meal at Kam’s Roast Goose, a Michelin-star restaurant in Hong Kong. The delicious meal was worth it.
... read more !
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irctcmaharajas · 2 months
Experience the best luxury train trips on the Maharajas’ Express
India is a country of wonders for the curious traveller and every traveller's ideal destination with its medley of vivid colours, old customs, and breathtaking landscapes. With the best luxury train trips, the Maharajas' Express, allows you to celebrate the most amazing and cherished parts of India. 
Witness royalty on this India luxury train  
Welcome to one of India's most luxurious trains for a luxurious holiday in India: the Maharajas' Express. Well furnished and featuring an ensuite bathroom and classy cabins. Each cabin is a private haven of luxury. Large panoramic windows offer breathtaking scenery as you go, and cosy lounges are the ideal places to unwind with a book or converse with other passengers. 
Tastes from India, the Land of Diversity 
The Maharajas' Express, which is excellent for India luxury train tours and much more than just a means of transportation, is an Indian luxury trip no luxury traveller can afford to miss. Food made by skilled chefs is served in its numerous eating areas. You can choose from a variety of Indian and international dishes for your multicourse dinner, which will have an antique feel to it with the rail tracks' clickety-clack. A professional butler will also be on board to attend to all of your requirements. 
Maharajas’ Express: The best Jaipur to Udaipur luxury train
Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan. The Pink City of India, Jaipur, astonishes with its rich cultural heritage and architectural grandeur. Its hospitable people and rich history make it a timeless travel destination. The train arrives at Jaipur where you get to see the majestic Amber fort. After that, you can go for some optional activities and head for a delectable dinner at the elegant Rambagh Palace.
Udaipur: Enchanting with its stunning lakes, palaces, and regal ambience, Udaipur is known as the Venice of the East. Here the itinerary comprises a visit to Lake Pichola followed by a visit to the City Palace and the Crystal Gallery. Additionally, your trip includes a mouth-watering royal lunch at the Satkar Hall of Hotel Fateh Prakash Palace, which is a heritage hotel.
The Maharajas’ Express, one of the top India luxury trains, takes guests on the journey from Jaipur to Udaipur. Travellers are besotted by the beautiful vistas and sites that dot this journey. Both Jaipur and Udaipur have something special for every kind of traveller. Jaipur is full of architectural and cultural marvels and Udaipur is replete with scenic delights in the form of lake palaces. 
Beyond the Scenery: Unexpected Adventures Await 
The beauty of this train is unmatched, but don't undervalue the magic that greets you at every stop. Rather than hurrying you from one popular tourist spot to another, the Maharajas' Express lets you take your time exploring each location. The itineraries are meticulously designed to ensure you don't miss any of the major attractions. 
These trips are intended to be more than just sightseeing; they offer distinctive, and the best luxury train trips experiences in India that will not soon be forgotten. Experience the surge of excitement as you explore many more popular tourist attractions and catch a peek at the breathtaking surroundings. 
Are you prepared to set out on a unique adventure now? While it might not be the most economical choice, the Maharajas' Express is the best choice for individuals seeking a luxurious, cultural, and historical experience. 
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/best-luxury-train-trips-/home?authuser=1
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