#multiple people here have witness your shitty and frankly bitchy behaviour first hand
beardofkamenev · 4 years
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Imagine wildly accusing an entire group of people of being “unrepentant antisemites” and “laughing about bullying Jewish people in group chats.” And imagine your entire basis for your unsubstantiated accusations about our group chat is that one member we are loosely associated with didn’t reply to a random anon from your ‘Jewish friend’ accusing this callout post of being antisemitic, despite it referring specifically to YOUR words and actions and despite none of you people ever pointing out the ‘obvious offensiveness’ of the tweet you were mocking until after you were called out for your petty and completely unprovoked behaviour. By the way, I’ve been warned by multiple others that dealing with you lot requires receipts. I submit it to the good faith and honesty of anyone reading this post to judge for themselves whether failing to answer this anon in this context is an act of antisemitism that warrants these accusations.
Seeing as you’ve basically confirmed what we’ve all suspected all along — that you and your friends read our WOTR group chat for the purpose of using our words and discussions against us (like co-opting our discussion of 15th century catholic antisemitism to use in the anon above) — I’m surprised you didn’t pick up at some point that one of the users you just blanket accused of being an “unrepentant antisemite” is an openly ASHKENAZI JEWISH PERSON, as well as users you know for a fact to be black and brown POC, some of whom have openly criticised your petty and tone deaf behaviour in the past.
As a POC from a literal ‘third world’ country who has dealt first hand with your brand of ‘white performative wokeness’ before, I will not allow anyone — let alone some white American girl — try to guilt trip me into policing my content and interactions on this site, and I sure as fuck won’t let anyone try to make me personally accountable for the behaviour of other users here. If another user not answering an anon from your ‘Jewish friend’ who NO ONE even knew existed makes them and everyone they ever associated with an antisemitic bully, what the fuck does your behaviour now make YOU? Do you have any sense of self-awareness or irony? Or are you just going to keep trying to gaslight everyone when called out for your questionable actions? Don’t blame me for using your own logic against you; these are the standards of ‘discourse’ you have set for this never-ending Tumblr drama you insist on perpetuating. This is the hill you are choosing do die on. Perhaps you’ll finally learn from this whole experience, but somehow I doubt you will.
Feel free to ‘vague’ about me on your blog. Seeing as you’ve already blocked me (despite the fact that I have NEVER interacted with you in all my years here) when I tried to tag you so you can at least respond directly, I thought I’d give you the courtesy of showing your url.
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