#the AUDACITY of the caucasity
faggotyuri · 1 year
What is your Hogwarts house?
negro it is 2023 stop going around asking this stupid ass question. im black and queer im jkrs worst nightmare. she wakes up in a cold sweat terrified of me. harry potter isnt even good play wizard 101.
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thisismisogynoir · 2 years
What do you think about it?
"and then when you wanna occassionally sneak off with a Black dude when you get caught you claim it wasn't consensual" HOOOWWWWLING THAT'S HOW IT IS YESSS!
I'm sorry I just loved this, thank you!
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persbaderse · 2 years
i know neil gaiman already gets paid for his books and such, but i think he should also get paid for dealing with assholes on twitter. i don't know how that would work but there are some truly audacious bitches in his mentions
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lyssitalennon · 10 months
which writer is responsible for rocket romano bc they deserve the steven moffat treatment !!!
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queenoftsage · 1 month
In other news....
I was just in a head on collision. However, my brother, mom, and I survived, because WE WERE IN A PARKING LOT. The dude that rammed into us, was driving way too hard. Like fuck him.
I'm still in shock at the fact that he didn't stop at all. LIKE DUDE... Did you not see us in front of your big ass truck? .... fucking hell.
I stayed in the car the whole time my brother was talking to the dude, mainly to avoid a confrontation because it made me even more angry to see him all relaxed and take out his fucking vaping thing. Like.... Give me a fucking BREAK! your big ass truck weren't hurt, so you were so relaxed. THE FUCKING AUDACITY! Of the WHITEXICAN CAUCASITY. Dude was also lucky it was just us three. If my father would have been in the car, this would probably have gotten really bad. My dad is the type that will start shit on the spot, so I was thankful for him not being there.
Also, I stayed in the car because I was trying to calm myself down. Not because I was scared, but because I was angry. I saw the dude just like... RAM into us. He didn't stop at all! Like, what the actual FUCK. And why would you do that in a parking lot? WHY? lol.
fucking hell... And then the car we were all in, is my car, and the ONLY car we have. Now we have to worry about it breaking down again in the future if that fucking dude messed up something in it. ALSO, there was a police officer lady that popped out of nowhere, and just asked if we were ok, but since they saw that we were ok, she left.
I'm like... DA FUCK just happened right now? What is this? Why is this? Either way, we're all ok, and the car is bumped in the front. The poor thing needs so much fixing and we're lacking the money as per usual. It's annoying to go through these things. Like, bitch, why? Why did you not stop when you saw us coming? Why did you just ram your big ass truck into our car!?
That's what I wanted to ask, but I chose 'peace' as opposed to going full 'KAREN' on the dude. My dad would have probably gone full 'KAREN' on him.
... *sighs* .... This just makes me wonder... What's next, 'God of the white people? What's fucking next? What you got up your sleeve? hnnnn?'
... yeah I'm fucking angry. Not even scared. The initial feeling was shock, then anger, instead of fear.
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kaedeichinose · 1 year
the sheer. audacity. the sheer level of guts. of caucasity. of impudence. of insolence.
to announce a new season of red vs blue.
and market it as a franchise grand finale.
with the full knowledge caboose can't be in this one.
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analogwriting · 8 months
hey God, it's me again...
I just wonder how he got away with it fr. Did he fake a news clipping or sum shit???
I'm so glad that we finally saw them again and they know we're not dead now lol. Ready for the next chapter!
kese really finna catch these hands frfr. 😤😤 causing all this drama and for what?? he a lil bitch ongg
the caucasity of that man
plot twist everyone wakes up back on the island and it was all just a terrible dream. LMFAOO jk I'd never use that cop out ✋✋ everything will be revealed in due time TRUSTTTT 🙏🙏
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thatonebirbnerd · 2 years
On Fandom Caucasity
Disclaimer before I begin: I am not infallible and I am not immune to bias. If I have made an error in wording, something just doesn't read the way it should, or if you think this post is pointless or misguided, you are free to tell me without fear of a hostile response and I will act accordingly.
I became acquainted with the term used in this title recently. As a white/Ashkenazi woman, it's almost certainly not mine to use, but as someone who is quite tired of the racist micro- and macroaggressions in the Guild Wars 2 fandom, I would appreciate if I could use it to make a point. Thank you for your understanding.
Caucasity rhymes with "audacity" (for good reason) and denotes a stereotypical white person's behavior, most commonly including arrogance and entitlement. More specifically, you might say someone has the caucasity to do something racist and then throw a fit when they're called out for it.
Unfortunately, I have seen this specific scenario play out several times here, most recently with someone who I don't think intended their post to come across as badly as it did. OP in this case devised a well-intentioned headcanon, but fell into a trap of racist implications and got frustrated when they were called out for it. The fallacy they fell to here is the idea that BIPOC have to do something to earn representation in media. To be clear, since this was most likely a product of internalized bias rather than active bigotry, I give said OP the benefit of the doubt, and would merely appreciate it if they apologized to those affected and did some self-reflection. But their response as it stands currently is an example of caucasity in action.
Previous instances have involved things like Braham being drawn or replicated in-game with pale skin, which I see as a more egregious and intentional decision, and a good reason to cease interaction with the people responsible. Maybe his red hair might be tripping some internalized-racist default settings in people's brains, I don't know what their excuses are - but his skin tone is a mellow medium brown, and there is no changing that. There was also another very questionable post about the use of the makeover kit, but I can't recall the exact details right now. I just know that it's always about norn, because apparently people assume they have to be a mono-ethnoculture just because they take heavy inspiration from Norse legend.
Of course, such an assumption ignores the fact that norn culture is also heavily inspired by indigenous American beliefs; sadly, we all know ArenaNet hasn't been the most respectful of that either. I feel it is also worth some note that none of this controversy about Canthan norn previously happened with dark-skinned norn, but I will only leave that there as food for thought rather than making extrapolations.
Anyway. Here's what I have to say about the two most common reactions I see when people are called out.
"Wait, no, I meant this instead!" I understand that it hurts to have your internalized biases exposed; it should be taken for granted that since I'm from a sheltered white upper-middle-class family, I've been there plenty of times. I also understand that if you’re not straight and/or cis, you might assume you are immune to internalized biases since you had to overcome a subset of them to be yourself. (Sorry, but no, you are not immune to further bias; no one is.) I know it’s easy to get upset, especially if you’re rejection-sensitive (hi), but all you have to do is take a deep breath, apologize, learn from your mistakes, and move on.
"Why does it matter?" I hear this most often from Europeans. It's true that different parts of the world have a different idea of racial divides, and that you might see objections as being American-centric. But in doing something like erasing the features Braham got from his dad just because you can't actually look at Borje the Sun Chaser and connect the genetic dots in your head, you're ignoring, erasing, and thus offending the real people behind the screen, around the world, who see themselves represented in Braham. That is why your decisions matter.
The above is also, I would say, also a result of the concept of BIPOC having to work to deserve representation - an idea you will see more boldly visible among, let’s say, fans of The Rings of Power who get angry about seeing dark-skinned elves. And just so I’ve said this out loud: they don't have to do anything. Let them exist, and let them exist on your screen; relinquish the caucasity, the entitlement and arrogance, that makes you get in their way. If that idea threatens you, please do some thinking about it, for all our sakes.
Someone else in the GW2 community was the spark for my writing this post and provided a few crucial points, and though they requested anonymity, I'd like to thank them anyway for their contributions and insight.
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bookaddict24-7 · 11 months
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Books I’ve read so far in 2023!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
188. Evil Eye by Etaf Rum--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I have a very short list of literary authors that I know are auto-reads for me--Etaf Rum is one of them. I don't know what sorcery Rum has over words, but her stories always seem to pull me in so completely. I feel so many emotions whenever I read one of her books and my only wish is that more people I know would read her books so I can discuss these books with them.
EVIL EYE begins with a mother who is starting to feel the weight of her married life and motherhood. While she definitely doesn't regret her daughters, she is starting to feel incredibly unsettled in the life fate has carved out for her. She vowed to never follow in her mother's footsteps and even though, on the surface, her husband presented himself as wholly different from her father, she is starting to realize that maybe, just maybe she hasn't made such different choices in her life than her mother.
First off, I want to comment the irony that we, as women, are sometimes truly cursed to find men who resemble our fathers. Some are lucky and others tend to find men who personify the lesser qualities in the fathers some women are trying to escape in the first place. But going off that, Rum also explores the complexities of family and how much we yearn for their approval and love even when THEY are the ones causing us harm.
Secondly, there is such a hopeful friendship in this book that I wasn't expecting at all. Whereas there was so much loneliness in Rum's previous novel, there is the hope of companionship in this one. I expected it to go one way, but I was so happy that she didn't go that route. It made the story feel wholesome in a way that the MC didn't get to experience during her home life.
I am not a part of this culture, so I honestly can't comment on the customs and the expectations. If I were to comment on that, it would be commentary on cliches and I'm not here for that. The way the MC reacted to everyone else making assumptions about her life based on her culture's cliches is enough of a warning that it is so easy to make uneducated assumptions. Sometimes all we have to do is read the story and hope that the MC finds what is best for her, regardless of her culture and its expectations.
Finally, though I do not have the same life the MC has, I found myself empathizing so much for her. There were times where I wanted to throw the book in anger on her behalf, and other times where I audibly gasped with the audacity of the caucasity of people, or the audacity of her asshole husband. The MC, despite the gaslighting and the condescension, navigated herself and her situation to the best of her abilities. She was such a strong character and I loved her not in spite of the flaws everyone else (including herself) saw in her, but because of them. She was imperfectly perfect and so relatable. She fought to understand herself and what she wanted.
I loved this book. I got angry, I wanted to cry, I laughed, and I was rooting for the MC all the way through. Another amazing read from Rum. I absolutely can't wait for her next book!
189. My Fault by Mercedes Ron--⭐️⭐️
I won't lie, MY FAULT had me at the beginning. I love stories that have an MC move into a rich household because their parent remarried. I love stories with dual perspectives because it gives me a more rounded storyline. The beginning of this book felt very much like PAPER PRINCESS, minus the strip club and multiple brothers to be hellions towards the impoverished MC.
PAPER PRINCESS was messy, but it was a good and addicting mess. This was just...a mess.
MY FAULT was so insta-love that I got whiplash. It was the kind of over-the-top romance I would have read in my early twenties. It was toxic, a little too quick, and a little too easy when the relationship was discovered? It also reminded me of this KDrama I watched once where you never knew what ridiculous thing would happen next because they just felt so out of place.
Halfway through this book, we go from reading a bully stepbro romance to a suspense, potential stalker thriller novel. I get the infatuation with this, I do. But I do think that a resurgence of these books is a little worrying. At least it wasn't as bad as the kissing booth. LOL.
Will not be reading the sequel.
190. Field of Screams by Wendy Parris--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
FIELD OF SCREAMS was another satisfying middle grade horror novel that featured a lot of the things I love in horror: The jump scares, the spooky moments, the new friends that help you solve the horror mystery, and the depth of emotion and exploration of character that well-written horror features. Parris' novel introduces a main character who is not only experiencing a sense of loss because she doesn't get to spend her summer with her best friend, but she's also still processing her grief over the loss of her father. We see this in her hesitancy in letting her mother potentially date a new man and start a new life. As the MC grows around this topic, we also see her exploring a ghostly mystery that appeared to have also consumed her father when he was a child. I thought this was such a sweet and haunting way of dealing with one's grief. I really enjoyed that aspect of how even though the MC feels alone, she has the memory of her father and this mystery to help overcome her anger and disappointment. I normally dislike how parents condescend to their kids in books like this because it feels like the adult author is inserting themselves into the story as a parent themself. It frustrates me because its an insertion of logic and meanness that so many older parents seem to hold against their children's experiences and imaginations. I think that Parris did a good job with this topic because it all leads up to an explanation as to why the parent was so dismissive and even angry with her child, the MC. Overall, I thought this was one and nicely spooky. The setting was really well done and the characters added life to the story. This felt very much like a great summer read for the young reader who wants a spooky summer story with heart. There's the pivotal middle grade crush, the mean girl who is experiencing her own form of grief, and parents who seem to just not get it. I recommend this for readers who love horror--but especially for any young reader who is also experiencing a harder emotional time in their life.
191. Top Story by Kelly Yang--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I think this is my favourite FRONT DESK novel yet! I loved the setting and the exploration of the different topics that are always so impactful in Yang's stories.
We get to see various events happening and a surprising arc for our young MC, which just shows us how much she's grown, not just as a character but also as a person. We also see her continuous spirit that makes her such a memorable and important character for young readers to get to know. She fights against the injustices in her world and the racism she faces.
One of the main things I always love about these books is how Yang doesn't shy away from the bigotry and the racism that even children face, no matter whether this is a historical novel, or in her more contemporary novels.
I love this series and I think the books are incredibly inspiring. This is a must-read for fans of Yang and immigration stories from a kid's perspective as they navigate their ever-changing and expanding world. Also, LOVED the exploration of family and culture in this one because it was very eye-opening to learn about the customs and love found in a China Town!
192. The Revenge of Seven by Pittacus Lore--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a great and emotional follow up to the last book, which had a heartbreaking ending. I really appreciated the exploration of grief and how it can look so different from person to person. And even as this topic is explored, we still see the same kickass moments and the connections between all of these characters. We also get another piece to the puzzle of what is coming next.
I'm super excited to pick up the next book in this series!
193. Video Night by Adam Cesare--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really enjoyed this one by Cesare! It wasn't a perfect read, but it's honestly such a perfect Halloween season book. It was a lot darker than CLOWN IN A CORNFIELD and had a lot more Scary movie tropes, which is also incredibly fitting because it's set in the 80s, some of the best years of spooky films.
Keeping the fact that this is set in the 80s in mind also helps combat the misogynistic ideas that the characters had in this book. It all felt like it was genuinely taking place in that decade and it felt like I was watching a movie with all of these creepy moments. There were some serious jump scares and I remember questioning my life choices when I was reading this in the middle of the night.
If you enjoyed INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, I think you'd like this. It's bloody, creepy, full of funny moments, and teenage hormones. Highly recommend!
194. I Survived Hurricane Katrina by Lauren Tarshis--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really enjoyed this one!
Getting to know the family and the friends of the MC helped give this addition to the series a more rounded feel. Especially when we hear about the hope and belief people had regarding the magnitude of Hurricane Katrina. Overall, this was an enjoyable and truly terrifying read in the sense that it actually happened to people and so many lives were lost.
I did mention in one of my last reviews of one of these books how unrealistic some conclusions were. Trust me, I want happy endings for all of these kids, but I think this sometimes does these stories a disservice. Kids can handle the realities better than adults give them credit for.
Anyway, another fun book read in this series. I don't know if it will be my last since I'm starting to grow a little jaded with this series.
195. Look Both Ways by Linwood Barclay--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Although this was a very different Barclay story than his past works, I really enjoyed it. I liked the suspense of seeing what the cars would do next, and who the real villains in this story were--especially because with Barclay there are always a million layers and players leading up to surprise twists and reveals that we never anticipated.
I immediately thought that this book reminded me of that John Marrs book that featured rogue self-driving cars, but that's where the similarities end. These cars seemingly had their own personalities and I had to suspend my disbelief a bit. Despite all of that, I found the survival moments fun and not knowing what would happen next enough of a push to keep me reading.
I wouldn't recommend you start your Barclay adventures with this one, but it was a fun and quick read that will definitely keep a reader entertained.
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts!
Happy reading!
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aprilmr · 1 year
Every time i see people use "caucasity" as in "white people audacity" i want to chew through their insides xenomorph style
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incorrect-hgs · 1 year
Wait, you made me understand the joke HOLY- I thought "Caucasity" was another word for "Audacity"! Thank you tho, I'm not very used to the theme of ethnicities since it's not very much brought out in my country.
Oh wow! Hadn't even occurred to me that someone might not have known that.
And now we have Mandrake calling Thyme a white bitch because he can't hold on to her.
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2blogornot2blog · 22 days
What will it take?
Sitting here conversing with my daughter about the continued racism we as a people face daily in this nation, led me to write this missive!
For all of my seventy-six (76) years on this earth, I have lived under a racist system of injustice!
I have had to endure Caucasians behaving as if this nation belongs to them and only them.
The truth of the matter is it does not belong to them at all!
That they are in seats of power in this nation, is a testament to the evil intent of their hearts.
Caucasians, have no compunction about taking a person's life to gain whatever power they seek!
I cringe when I see Caucasians accost Black people questioning them about why they are where they are and what business they have there.
This includes racist cops who have determined in their heads what our station in life should be!
Those people know just who to ask those questions of.
They would get a totally different response should they have the temerity to come in my face, and question me about anything!
There is another thing Caucasians do that is so systemic of their ignorance that it is not funny!
They have the damned caucasity to tell people to go back to their countries!
Well, I wonder where they would go should the Indigenous Peoples tell them to go back to their countries?
I just did a search for another word to use instead of Black and found that everything that is used to describe Black is negative while everything used to describe white is positive and affirming!
That is not by accident, it is totally by design to make Black seem less than and evil!
We of African descent born in this land to formerly enslaved Africans, endure all manner of disrespect, injustice, hatred, racism, and all of the other isms.
Caucasians, are racist because their ancestors enslaved our ancestors and set racist systems in place.
Those Caucasian ancestors stole everything our people invented, created, and innovated.
Their descendants are still doing so.
They are the biggest thieves the world has ever seen, yet they have the damned audacity to label Black people criminals!
They are supporting a 34-count convicted felon to lead this nation because he is white!
That same felon has at least 54 more indictments pending.
I guess that explains why he is doing everything in his power, (i.e. cheat, steal, lie, kill,) to gain that title, so that his old behind does not live the rest of his days behind bars where he truly belongs! President Obama, would have been behind bars had he done half of what trump has done and continues to do with no consequences!
Everyone acts like they are afraid of him!
Everyone railed about President Biden being too old, yet nothing is being said about that old behind rapist (judges' words, not mine), suspected pedophile, convicted felon named trump!
Why is that I wonder?
Many in this nation would rather have a convicted criminal run his for-profit business again from the Oval Office, rather than have a highly qualified Black woman in the office of President!
Satan, your time is coming to an end, and the Angel armies of the Lord will show you once again that you are a defeated foe!
I am tired of living in this nation as if something is wrong with me because God blessed me with such a rich hue, endowed me with intelligence, creativity, smarts, wisdom and love!
This nation is going to have to change and embrace all of its citizens.
We all know Caucasians did nothing to build this nation or its wealth but take from the ones who did!
I am voting for forward not backwards!
I have lived in the backwards, and have no intentions of living that ever again!
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phoenix-positivity · 7 months
Dogwalk - Creep-P (epilepsy warning for video)
Heard from your bitches Heard from your bitches Heard from your bitches that you'd love to see my ass in stitches You need assistance? You need assistance? You need assistance when your booboos need some love and kisses? You were my ride or die But what I heard, I died inside Put you down, I'm terrified I couldn't help myself, I was petrified But what I thought were lies were right Lord of the Flies, put your head on a pike Bared my teeth while I let out a cry Then I heard bullshit, acting like I died I'll bring you to the pound Shut up bitch, give me my rounds Curb stomp you into the ground You're all alone, where's your backup now? My bark's worse then my bite Now you got me real tight Bitch, now we gonna fight When I see you, it's on sight Clip me by the ears I whimper to the point of tears Yelp louder than a whore in heat I'll make your ass sore Grab me by the collar Leash laws bitch I'll fuckin' maul ya I'm an old dog bitch I'll show you tricks you never seen before Don't act brand new I fucking warned you Go ahead, try that again And I'll fucking dogwalk you I'll fucking dogwalk you I'll fucking dogwalk you Go ahead, try that again And I'll fucking dogwalk you You owe me money You lived in my head rent free You acting scummy So I'll add it to your bitch fee Don't be shy, put some more You proved you're rotten to the core I'm the bitch you can't ignore You bark, I bite, you keeping score? Mother Mary, can you hear me? Because this bitch can, just barely Gotta cancel them like Sherry Jesus Christ, it's almost scary That they have the audacity Excuse me, the caucasity That they'd continue to mention me When I know where they are, and in which city Block them, move on girl Another round, next time girl Wait, what, did I hear you right? Are you sure they said that shit tonight? My bark's worse then my bite Now you got me real tight Bitch, now we gonna fight When I see you, it's on sight Clip me by the ears I whimper to the point of tears Yelp louder than a whore in heat I'll make your ass sore Grab me by the collar Leash laws bitch I'll fuckin' maul ya I'm an old dog bitch I'll show you tricks you never seen before Don't act brand new I fucking warned you Go ahead, try that again And I'll fucking dogwalk you I'll fucking dogwalk you I'll fucking dogwalk you Go ahead, try that again And I'll fucking dogwalk you Clip me by the ears I whimper to the point of tears Yelp louder than a whore in heat I'll make your ass sore Grab me by the collar Leash laws bitch I'll fuckin' maul ya I'm an old dog bitch I'll show you tricks you never seen before Don't act brand new I fucking warned you Go ahead, try that again And I'll fucking dogwalk you I'll fucking dogwalk you I'll fucking dogwalk you Go ahead, try that again And I'll fucking dogwalk you
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heartencasedingold · 7 months
When people share stories about my white colleagues sometimes I literally can only say, "the audacity of caucasity!!"
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papirouge · 10 months
Wow Candace playing Captain Save a Hoe for Tate is another reminder for black women to stop defending black men. She tried her best to defend him when you know he would never do the same back. Her crying to Tucker is hilarious as if he cares. He had some nazis on his writing team before but he has to keep his pro Israel Christian audience too. What a clown
Anyway, I was going to ask you how France has been with Ukrainian refugees. A lot of refugee hate comes from how a lot of middle eastern men are treating locals bad. But here, it’s been kinda crazy. Like in the past 6-7 months, there was 4 women who broke homes up by going after the husband/boyfriend after being taken in by a family and one was arrested for trying to solicit sex. I don’t know the details but sometimes I talk to my neighbors in my apartment building. But yeah, crazy 💀
Fair enough: Andrew Tate is not White but mixed, and tbh I think his closeness to whiteness and the fact that his victims are White women is the main reason he's both defended by the right AND loathed by feminists. If Tate was Black, conservatives would brush him as yet another black thug pimp, and feminists wouldn't care because they only care when white women are victimized¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
The way Candace destroyed her credibility for that scrote is quite insane. Maybe Tate has something on her of her husband business but there's definitely something shady going on... Candace beefing with Shapiro over the Israel/Palestine thing makes me believe that sacrificing friendships for her """morals"""" isn't a problem for her (bc if she dunk on Tate she may also other rightoids folks mad at her), so I think there's another reason for why she's still defending Tate 🤔 Time will tell.
Tucker Carlson yt channel is A MESS. I refused to believed it waz his official channel so much the content was shitty. Just shitty rage bait short videos of Black doing awful shit... Peak journalism. Tucker is pretty balanced of that Israel wk thing so I think he antagonized a bunch of his original FoxNews audience. But since he became a Musk sycophant he probably won a bunch of new viewers/fans.
For the Ukrainians immigrants I remember the new floating around with Ukrainians kids in the UK who whined about having classes with Muslim students and asking to change school lmao Black french twitter had a field day dragging Ukrainians lmao "bruh you come from a war torn zone and you still have the audacity to be racist? Nah the caucasity is something else💀" French ightoids are like "look how well those Ukrainians integrate in France unlike those filthy Africans!" ...like- they literally get handed over a job, a house, money and stuff. OF COURSE you integrate well in a country when everything is handed down to you🙄 Illegals resort to illegal shit not for the sake of it but for survival.
I always said that NO ONE deserves to leave their country bc of war but NGL I'm very wary of people coming from a country who elevate a literal Nazi as a war hero...
Welcoming a Ukrainian woman in your house while married is insane though. Those slavic ladies don't mess with hypergamy and will do anything to secure the bag. I wouldn't trust anyone near my husband - and would likely have a big discussion with him if he even dares asking me to host one. Those women get enough shit and accomodation to not shove themselves into locals house and destroy family.
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eyeofthestorm789 · 1 year
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