#multivyrz ponies
multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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"As princess, I believe I have the power to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria! That is the role I am meant to have in our world!"
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backgroundhorses · 1 year
Can I ask to see Prism Glider? I remember when they came out and I couldn't snag their mini fig. Their art is a male pegasus, but they are a recolored rainbow dash! Transgender pony power!
Thank you!
-from multivyrz-ponies
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@multivyrz-ponies cant think of a funny caption uhhhh. trans horse :)
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magithy · 2 years
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Been drawing peoples MLP ocs lately in pony town! The first of belongs to @multivyrz-ponies ! I can’t wait to draw more!
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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The best part about having OCs is to ship them with your friends OCs. I tihnk it is funny how we are standing in the sanem positions in each pic haha. Mine are on the left, Kali on the right.
Top left: Bill (mine) and Radz(Kalis) Top Right: Chip(mine) and Berry(Kalis)
Bottom Left: Monstur Engurgy(mine) and Lo Carb MOnster (Kalis) Bottom Right: Daybreak (mine) and Nightfall(Kalis)
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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Was sent a g4 pony drawing tutorial and that helped me with the style. I always get it wrong and my g4 ponies look weird in comparison.
Random pony design and Pinkie Pie!
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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Pelinore is a wizard college student, taking a 'summer adventure' to the extreme and having a full blown campaign drop into their lap. Eager to use the spells he has learned, Pelinore takes to being party leader of a small band of ponies, in search of a cool story to tell after summer vacation.
May or may not make a small series of Pelinore’s adventures.
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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Had a strawberry picnic with Alastor and Angel Dusts (there were three of us, but one left after another joined. We all had strawberries and strawberry cakes and tarts. It was cute actually. Then we refined the drawing of our AngelDust, who embraces their spider-like qualities, but still likes to wear vinyl boots and gloves.
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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Was trying to make a clown pony, but ended up going in a different direction. We really like kidcore and nostalgiacore designs, as well, so it was fun to work on this one.
unfortunately, as of right now she doesn’t have a name. the name for her skin is Professional uwu Girl on pony.town, but we haven’t gotten an idea for what to actually call her...
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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Some art of our pony, with a screencap of them hanging out in The Mines on Pony.Town. They are happy, they just look tired all the time.
the clown is our favorite toy, and the sprinkle donut our favorite food.
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multivyrz-ponies · 1 year
This is very embarrassing, and my life is truly stranger than fiction.
I was working my dishwashing side job, and i had a tray just absolutely full of ceramic dishware and mugs. I was feeling a bit tired, and by this point delirious from the overbearing heat and lack of food. So when I struggled to lift this tray into the dish washer, I blurted the following in a slurring chuckle:
"wow, this really is the heaviest tray in all of Equestria."
The dull hum in the kitchen ceased as everyone within earshot stopped in unison to stare at me, a visibly queer person, sweaty hair sticking out of my cap, and my glasses fogged over with steam from the dishwasher.
When I tell you that they all gave me the most confused yet judgemental stare, I mean that it absolutely pierced my soul and I just KNEW they would be talking about it when I quit from embarrassment.
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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a little something for @megsdoodles87 while we were chilling in Pony.Town ~! I definitely wanna draw more folks I find on there~ It is fun to randomly draw folks.
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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did a commission for someone in our friends discord server of one of their pony ocs, named Elliot! He loves reading and rehabilitating animals~
if you want a commission of your own, something like this is $30. I do payments thru cashap p, but can do pay pal if necessary~!
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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I love the trend of making pony statues, and had to make one of my own. She does not have a fun name, though, she is simply Statue Princess. Folks are unsure if she is meant to represent a certain princess, or is simply decoration. It is hard to be sure as she seems to change locations frequently.
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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Introducing one of the first OCs we made in Pony.Town, Amanita Woodsbane, the potion mistress. She is a widow, and some say she killed her late husband with witchcraft. No one knows for sure, but there seems to be an Amanita in the marestales about a witch who poisons those who harm the innocent. This can’t be the same Amanita, though....can it?
Below is the backstory we have written for her. We took it from our Toyhou.se directly, and edited some portions after the fact. Some context and syntax issues needed fixing, and some still need adjusting but we aren’t sure how. We hope the story flows easily for you.
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Amanita is a cold individual, hardened by a life full of hardship and pain, predominantly living her life in Snaffleshire, which would later become Damvers.
Married to a chemist [Lionel Wolfsbane], she wasn’t prepared for the responsibility of being a wife, and unable to have fawns of her own. This put a strain on what would be a long and miserable marriage, which would eventually lead to the place Amanita is now. Rumors of fighting, destruction of the apothecary, and ‘demonic possession’ circled the village, but no one dared interfere with the unhappy couple. The women in the village spoke of how reserved and meek Amanita seemed when she would visit on market days. That a deer such as her couldn’t possibly be a “spitting, biting, witch of a doe” as the men’s versions of the rumors called her. the village did note the growing absence of the two deer at the weekly sermon, though…
No one is sure what had happened, as Amanita had been sent to her mother’s estate in the city of Hoofminster a week before her husband had gone missing. He was last seen heading into the forest on a regular foraging trip, and had not returned for over a month. He was found during the first snow fall, collapsed at the base of a large tree, with mushrooms growing from his corpse. Partially consumed mushrooms, nuts, and berries strewn about him suggests he may have accidentally eaten poisonous fauna by mistake.
During the funerary preparations and service, those who saw her stated she never wept, and that upon hearing the news of her husband’s tragic end, she had gone into a catatonic state. Since her husband had owned the village apothecary, she had taken up duty in being the shop keep, and became the leading chemist in Snaffleshire. Rumors of her being a witch began to arise once again, and upon being harassed by children and villagers alike for the accusation, Amanita took to living in the very forest her husband perished in.
To this day, her cabin and farm are undisturbed by Damvers residents, passed off as only a folk tale. She does come to town on occasion for market days, insisting she is just a potion mistress. Most ponies believe she was just unfortunately named after the Deadly Doe of Damvers, and not the real thing. The Snaffleshire Witch Trials were over 300 years ago, deer don’t live THAT long.
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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Another pony intro, but a lot shorter this time!
Daybreak is a travel blogger who loves getting pictures anywhere she can. She travels with her girlfriend, Nightfall, and they share a tiny home together.
Daybreak loves fashion, music, dancing, and getting a good photo to save the memories. She posts to her Ponygram and Ewetube with videos, snapshots, and reviews about the locations she visits.
Her favorite location is Canterlot, the ever bustling city full of tourists and celebrities. She hopes to one day get a photo with each of the princesses, though it has proven difficult with such strict security around the castle.
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multivyrz-ponies · 2 years
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Our OC, Thowra, having a picnic by himself. We didn’t know our friend wasn’t home to play, so we snapped away some pictures of Thowra enjoying himself.
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We realize now that the tail is discolored, and will go back in to fix it later.
We play on Pony.Town almost daily, it really relaxes us to create OCs and chat with folks with shared interests. Our name is Multivyrz_system on there, but IDK if you can just add friends without seein them in game. IDK, we’ve only been playing for a few weeks.
It really fuels us to create colorful and fun designs in the character creation window, so you will see art of the ponies posted here.
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