#mun spooks/spooky answers
ൠ - random headcanon
Headcannon for Phineas-
Phineas has a force of habit of accidentally people exliers that turned people into animals (of whatever exlier he gave them) or gets the scam exliers mixed with the non-scam exliers!
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(( Hello, I hope you’re doing well! Thank you for showing interest in my blog. Unfortunately, I have to be more selective now, and I don’t think our muses are compatible. No hard feelings. ))
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((ooc: I am doing well thank you for asking I was just on Tumblr here and there if you notice understand my feelings improving myself if you saw but I'm coming back tomorrow.But that's okay I hope we can still be friends.))
((ooc: I'm also fully vaccined too.Wooooooo.But mask is still being wore.))
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theheadlessgroom · 3 years
((ooc: Who in the world is LONG FANG?!-Mun Spooks/Spooky))
“Good question!” Randall remarked. “One that I, admittedly, don’t have any answer to...is there anyone who knows?”
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horrificmemes · 7 years
Good afternoon, spooks!
I know I’m a bit of a nag today, but I’d like to address one thing I’ve seen in my inbox lately: since putting in my blog description that I’m not a RP blog and I only make memes, it seems that I’ve been getting more and more prompts sent to my inbox. I try to answer as politely as I can that I am not a RP blog and the memes are meant for folks to send to their friends and mutuals, but there’s been an influx in aggression in response, especially when I refuse to RP as a character that someone in my inbox tells me to play as. 
I just want to let you all know that I in no way intend to be rude by refusing to answer memes or carry on interactions on this blog. It’s just that there’s no muse to RP with on this blog! I intend on using this blog for posting memes, prompts, writing ideas, and occasional funny spooky stuff and mun jokes/chatter for followers to enjoy, but not for my own personal roleplaying. And as much as I appreciate recommendations for characters my followers may love to see, I cannot roleplay a character out of the blue like that without any desire to do so, or sometimes without any knowledge of the character or universe (I honestly cannot identify more than 3 anime characters by name in total, if that gives you any idea of how ignorant I am, lol!).
That’s my bit of housekeeping for the day. I’ll never react rudely to someone who sends me a prompt, and I’m absolutely willing to laugh off a situation in which it’s sent by accident. But pretty please, in the future, if you think of sending a meme to a blog you’ve never interacted with, check them out first and make sure they’re accepting prompts! 
Back to your regularly scheduled spooky butts memes.
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halfbloodrp-blog1 · 7 years
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What happens when the children of Greek Gods come together to create a Halloween extravaganza? Well, you can definitely expect the ‘haunted’ places to actually be haunted, the actors to actually wield real chainsaws and the monsters to be 100% real. When you have extraordinary kids quite literally related to Gods and Goddess of death, fear, panic, war, destruction, chaos and creative geniuses like the children of Hephaestus, Athena, and Hermes... You can expect one hell of a Halloween.
                                                            --- Ready for the SCARIEST night of your life ?
The Forest of Horrors
For weeks, talented, quick-working campers of various cabins have been creating a huge maze north of the Southern Woods and south of the geysers filled with horrors beyond your wildest dreams. How does it work? There’s a rickety, makeshift haunted house you must enter and surpass to get to the start of the maze. Three passageways will lead you to an enormous overgrowth of dark, ominous plants with minor monsters lurking in every corner and the occasional jump scares by the Zephyros Creek. If you survive that and find the exit, you’ll meet a sphinx. Answer her riddle correctly and you can continue to the foggy graveyard where real skeletons and ghosts will find you. ( Answer it wrong, and you might want to run. ) Furthermore, stepping in the wrong place, triggers traps to release illusions and realistic devices meant to frighten even the toughest of demigod heroes. 
Should you survive what the campers are calling “The Forest of Horrors,” you’ll be surprised with, a chariot ride back to The Green and presented with the ultimate prize: a small bag of galleons, a week of chore immunity and a gift made by the Gods of fear and panic Phobos and Deimos themselves... shhh... it’s a surprise.
Halloween Celebration
Then again, campers also understand that scares and spooks might not be for everyone. For those not interested in beating The Forest of Horrors and the younger demigods, the head counselors have helped the nature spirits organize the camp’s usual celebratory feast in the dining area and even a pumpkin carving section by the canoe lake! 
The Amphitheatre will be featuring camper chosen horror movies all night for those who are interested. The Green (middle of the cabin area) is being converted to a DJ dance floor with spooky music and there’s even a costume contest by the end of the night (Scariest Costume, Most Creative Costume, Favorite Costume of the Night and Best Group Costumes). The winners get bragging rights, a card for 3 free rides on the Gray Sister’s Taxi and a golden laurel wreath each. Do to popular demand, there is also a costume contest for the pets of Camp Half Blood with the same titles to win! (Whether the pet wins or not, they get yummy treats and lots of love and attention.)
Easily scared? Prefer light spooks and treats? Cozy up in The Big House for a night of fun child-friendly Halloween themed movies or stay inside the comfort of your cabins to hand out candy for the younger (and the young at heart) fellow demigods. Infirmary and helpful demigods will always be on hand for the injured or those who needs a bit of comforting after a traumatic scare. Whatever you choose to do for Halloween in Camp Half Blood, you best be ready for one hell of a night!
OOC Information:
Dates: October 29th - November 4th (ICly this is October 31st and only lasts an evening). 
*** Sign up not required! See below for more information…
Halloween is a time of scary things but we mustn't forget to tag anything that might be triggering to your fellow muns. Make sure to keep this trigger list in mind when plotting.
Remember, all rules (including starter rules) apply for the event.
Keep in mind...
We will have an event task published soon for you to post what your character will be wearing during the Halloween event. More information on that later, but keep in mind we won’t be allowing cultural appropriation. Sexy costumes will be allowed for characters 18 or older but we’ll have some regulations on that as well.
There might be a plot drop during the event... keep up with the Big House announcements when it starts...
Any questions or big plots you’re considering, please message the main via IM or ask box!
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clownlike-moved · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. Repost, don’t reblog.
Tagged by: @promiiscs​ !! thank u, sweetling. Tagging: @notmissing​, @hefloatstoo​, @freeses​, @wormkilled​, & whoever else wants to.
NICKNAME: my name’s maci but you guys can call me mace or spook or spooky. STAR SIGN: aquarius. HEIGHT: 5′9′’. CURRENT TIME: 3:02 AM. FAVE MUSIC ARTIST: i have so many oh no. uhhh... halsey, onerepublic, bishop briggs, lorde, muse. lots and lots more. LAST MOVIE WATCHED: it... 8l
LAST SHOW WATCHED:  i rewatched a couple eps of stranger things ! WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG: sept. 14th, 2017. WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST: this fucking clown and those spooky teeth that i love. OTHER BLOGS: mostly just this one but also @seventrials. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL: he a monster... and he like a clown... 
HOGWARTS HOUSE: hell if i know, yo. POKEMON TEAM: IDK. FAVOURITE COLOUR: reds & oranges ! AVG HOURS SLEEP: like three lol. LUCKY NUMBERS: idk. HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH?: one. DREAM JOB: i’d like to do character design/video game design ! FOLLOWING: 81. FOLLOWERS: 94 - so close...
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Rate me lil Spooks
send me a url for...
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Victor Zsasz was easily one of my favourite characters in Gotham. Right from the first episode, I immediately took to this portrayal. I ADORE it
How they play them: What a heckin’ fun portrayal of Victor! How you play them feels like its right out of the show tbh. A perfect balance between goofiness and murderThe Mun: Haven’t interacted with them a lot personally! But I like that they just called me lil spookys
Do I:
RP with them: A little bit!Want to RP with them:  I want to a lot more
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Super awesome A+ Victor! If you are not following, you need to be
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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campkeeper-archive · 5 years
Question about the mun! Are they skitterish with the spooks, scares, and other worldy creatures similar to David? Do they find them fasicinating, said supernatural? Is there anything that they find in particular about them interesting?
It's Munday! Go on ask questions about the Mun and the Muse will answer.
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     “So okay, I’ll get back to the first question, because she and I’ve talked about this before, and I…don’t think I got a straight answer. But if you look at her and listen to how she talks when she’s going on about the supernatural, I think you can tell she’s just absolutely FASCINATED with it all.
     “Like…okay, she doesn’t seem keen on watching a lot of horror FILMS–although she DID go out of her way to watch that Scary Stories movie the day it came out–but when it comes to telling or reading spooky stories, she basically turns into a little kid. It’s the same with folktales, but I’m not well-versed in many of those. I couldn’t say WHY she’s like this, I guess it’s just one of those interests you don’t really relate to.”
     //A/N: Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark was my starting point when I was wee–like 3rd grade fascination right there–and since then I was done for. I was reading all the spooky anthologies I could get a hold of, front to back. Spooky stories eventually lead to a fascination in folklore and long-story short, here I be!
     “So back to the first question, um…you know, I talked with her about this and she kind of had to think about it…
Transcript from a previous recording
L: …hmm…
D: …is this question too personal? 
L: Well…I think…it’s healthy to be a little bit scared of things you’re not supposed to understand. I’m not–okay listen, I’m not trying to be H.P. Lovecraft and turn everything I don’t understand into monsters that OTHER people can fear too. I’m not PARANOID like the man.
D: I…get that…but I’M a little bit paranoid.
L: Well see here’s the thing, there ARE creatures in folklore and spook stories I’ll genuinely be afraid of if ever I came across any. Heck, if I hear the heckin’ WILD HUNT riding the wind to my town, I’m shutting off my lights, locking doors and windows and let the storm pass. I may be the fool card personified, but I’m smarter than that.
D: Okay I didn’t get most of what you said. But if I’m gathering your answer correctly…you are scared of them? Is that why you paint the monsters in the way you do?
L: I don’t, though. I like to leave room for the imagination when it comes to how I write what’s in Lake Lilac, but a physical description? I dunno, I just feel like it’d ruin the illusion. But I wasn’t done earlier, either. It’s not that I’m afraid of what’s out there, I just think it’s important to respect them and…not…underestimate them? I know there are entities that are harmless, absolutely! Spirits of the departed are usually there as your roommate who doesn’t pay rent. Animal spirits, land spirits, they’re just there to hang. Heck, I live near a pretty famous spook spot, a lot of folks say a DEMON lives there because they don’t know any different, but you know what? He’s just an old god, pretty chill dude, fond of smokes and whiskey–
D: –could you…I-I’m sorry, I hate to interrupt, but your answer is kind of going off the rails for me. Could you maybe simplify your answer to me juuuust a little?
L: …sure dude, let me think…
D: …
L: …okay. I’m a tad skittish when it’s appropriate. Sometimes you have to be if it will save your hide. But more than that, I respect the spooks and otherworldly. I understand that not all of them are malevolent–heck, many of them MEAN to be nice, but because we work differently than them, it’s not always a positive outcome. In my personal opinion, I follow the Irish and acknowledge they exist, admire them from afar, but keep my distance. How’s that?
D: It…really isn’t comforting to hear you talk like they’re real…
End Recording
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abrastcne-blog · 7 years
delicately places my url in your inbox (but only if you wanna ofc!)
⌜ send me your url and i’ll tell you⌝
Character in general: well.. this spooky spook is the stuff of everyone’s nightmares && there’s no one i love more than walter in this entire universe just How they play them: i’m speechless whenever i come across their writing. king himself couldn’t portray him better The Mun: matty is.. my sweetest.. most lovely... flower ... an amazing person i look up to very much
RP with them: yes && i’ll never know why Want to RP with them:  every second of every day lmao 
Overall Opinion: without a doubt the most talented writer i’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. an insanely spooky && creepy interpretation of a scary trash can
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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Hi! “Wishlist”!
Hi there! Since it's night where I'm at and I really don't have a fan ficion of two muses I'll just you some cannons about Phineas and Hannhson!
-Hannhson is a dark spirit to mostly her behavior comes off demonic or poltergeist behavior! She's really not that friendly, but she is, once you get to know her!
-Phineas adores all of Hannhson's Lilo & Stitch merch along with her Duffy Bear merch but when he sees it's overboard like becoming too much in their room he puts it her room where she naps in her cat form!
-Mostly all the spirits (or some ghosts) in the Gracey Manor call Hannhson by her last name instead by her first name because of how long her name is!
-Phineas really doesn't mind if he wears a bowtie or just a regular tie!
-Hannhson really HATES when she gets brush by Phineas or her claws get clip too if this happens she doesn't speak to him for a couple of hours which Phineas chuckles at her for dramatic over it!
I have more headcannons for them but this all I'm gonna give you because it's 1:43 at night!
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Can't DM you only have it for blogs you follow. Oh no no no I would never go "witch hunting" of course not she has a life but I just wish she's ok
I ment to say just send me a question! My bad! 😅 But anyways.... She should be okay I just randomly came across her when I first got into HM coumminty I just came in late because I didn't know if it's existings! Lol but I had to delete the post repost because I didn't want the rebloggs clogging up the dashboard to the point one of my mind friends dms and tells me to the delete them. Hope you understand. ^^
But wherever she's at she's okay! :) In 2023!
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The plump teddy boi! 👀
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Thank you so much for reblogging my Mansion one-shot story! ♡ 🖤💜💚💜💚🖤 As caretaker of @thehauntedmanor I love to see the love for it and my stories in interactions! ❤️
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Can we consider the Hitchhiking Ghosts as a threesome bromance ?
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Hey can you link the picrew you used with the body horror?
((ooc: Sure.))
((ooc: Has to be my only fav.))
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You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
How easily does this character trust their feelings with others? Has anyone ever betrayed them? How has their past affected their ability to trust?
((ooc: -Hannhson really trust her feelings with Zeke with open arms and trust her feelings with others of how kind a vampire she really is.
-Nope!Well her and her demon friend the One Eyed Black Cat betrayed each other and they know that!
-Hannhson's ability to shapeshift into her Chupacabra form (which is curse form that most of her kind call it) are not bug by it all they enjoy animals that suck on blood!Including the Gracey Manor she's always welcome with opened arms as a vampire including her bat form.))
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