#mun's thoughts
hells-greatestdad · 6 months
Thoughts on a Neurodivergent Lucifer
I had already had a post about Luci being on the autism spectrum at one point, but I loooost it D:
Here are my thoughts! Once again! They will not be in-depth by any means! ANDDDD this is headcanon, with some canon influence/speculation!!!
Please note that mun themself is autistic!!
Autism is a SPECTRUM. You have people like me, who are super awkward/socially weird/whatever as children, and when we grow up, we learn to compensate for most of it!! Which means that the older we get and the further into adulthood, the better we get at faking being "normal"! I myself work in the field of customer service and have for five whole years, which has taught me to blend in a lot better than before I had this job!! On the other hand, I have other autistic friends who CANNOT COMPENSATE or hide their differences even if they really want to!! The traits on the spectrum vary by A LOT, both in specific traits, and in intensity of the trait!!! As for Lucifer - he'd be a "level 1", which is the "mildest" form of autism! (Please note that autism and intellectual disability are not one in the same.)
Observations I've noticed in the show itself - Lucifer seems uncomfortable and very socially awkward around people he doesn't know, or when having to interact with lots of people. The whole of episode 5 is pretty much him being a socially awkward bb~ He is extremely awkward around the hotel when he first arrives, and he is visibly uncomfortable when Mimsy talks to him. Which kinda very much resonates with my lived experience tbh
Hyperfixations are actually a major part of the autism diagnostic criteria! Lucifer's rubber duck obsession, anyone?? (That said, it can also be a sign of just how bad his depression got.)
Heading more into straight-up headcanon territory - this one ties in with hyperfixation! I write Lucifer in my threads as being very very very prone to getting so very absorbed in his tasks that hours and hour can pass and when he eventually comes out of it, he suddenly realizes he's starving, he's exhausted, he's stiff all over from not moving, etc.
Lucifer doesn't know what autism even is, really, or that that is something he is or could be
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vaesha-draecon · 2 months
Do you ever...
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When a slow burn stops being a slow burn and envelopes into a whole damn fire?!
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mikanlardyclinic · 6 months
Holy fuck holy jesus i adore this song so much
I'm not adding aba as a muse because i don't feel i can do her justice but probably gonna do a lil dabble with her and paracelsus.. Lardy butt emcompassing the key.. Cute
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flameandindifference · 7 months
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Continuing my thoughts on how Heaven would view Lucius:
I do think he would be perceived as a threat just by his existence. An AntiChrist is meant to basically sow chaos and destruction upon the Earth, eventually leading it spiraling into the Apocalypse which would likely also spark an all out war between all three realms.
Heaven in the Hellaverse is hypocritical and strives to basically be in control at all times, even if that requires the cost of death and murder to accomplish. They wouldn't even blink at the idea of slaughtering a child if it meant protecting their end goal.
But the deal they struck with Lucifer would come into play here. The boy is Hellborn, technically, he is not totally human nor is he a sinner so he's not on the chopping block.
But you can't convince me that they wouldn't basically tell Lucifer, in no uncertain terms, that if he doesn't keep his son under control and he starts down the path he was born to fulfill... then the protections that deal affords Lucius will become null and void.
Can you imagine the fury and fear on Lucifer's end because of this? The complications this places on how Lucius lives? This idea absolutely fascinates me.
@luminouswings, @lucifertxt, @ducktastic-dad, @hclluvahctel
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swcrdstellaris · 8 months
Mostly moved my Elden Ring things over to discord. There's this small but tightly knit server that could use more characters... and my DM is always open(#frankthetank0427).
A revamped Katarn, Lansseax and Rykard are there and still open ')
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thelightningmastermind · 11 months
// So you're telling me you actually knocked out someone with your phone?
"It was unintentional to be exact" - The green pilot replied back to the mun
// Plas- How does that happen exactly?-
Looking at the mun for a moment, the pilot gently requested - "May I borrow your phone?"
// Uhhhh sure? - handing him the phone -
He took the phone, then he held it horizontally with both hands on both sides of the mun's phone
"So... I was playing a game that was recommended to me. I believe it's Rotaeno?"
He added in as he made a few taps with his covered green thumbs
// Oh the rhythm game that makes you rotate your phone right?
// And? How does that relate to knocking somebody o-
Just before the mun was about to finish his words, Spike Plasma made an ultra fast rotation with his hands which ended up throwing the mun's phone through the window's glass.
Then sounds of glass shattering, then car crashing, with people screaming and finally explosions heard from the outside.
"My hands slipped" - The pilot replied back
// Ahhh... I see...
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lightning-will-bovino · 9 months
I am online, just over at @lightning-will-signora trying to do draft before coming back here.
I'm still trying to learn how to balance two accounts. A very sloooow process.
Hope to rp with you soon! ☺️
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mantleoflight · 2 years
//My sister's bf is into Destiny and sent me a thing and it REALLY has me thinking about LightFall and, man, oh man, how I hope we get some Light & Traveler Lore. Bc Boy howdy, we have had A TON of reveals and info and lore on the Darkness, who's in it, and how it works. But we have NOTHING like that with the Light.
//I mean we have A LITTLE bit of lore for the Light, but c'mon, the Traveler can't be the source of Light any more than the Worms were sources of Darkness. They were simply conduits—connections to that darkness just as the Traveler and our Ghosts are connections to the Light.
//I want to know so much more about the Light than we have. I want to be able to climb inside the Traveler and explore it—but also learn how to be able to generate Light inside ourselves and the area around us. How do we make a Tree of Light like on Io? How do we make an area taken by Darkness clean and pure for Light again?
//Sure, Darkness can be used for good (stasis/the relics) but what are we doing to expand the boundaries of the Light? Or even push the boundaries of the Light? See what we can do, what we can make of it, what new and interesting designs and patterns we can create!
//The power of Potential in our hands and we have no idea how to use or make something of it.
//I think the one person who managed to make something of the Light was Savathun and that was her infusing Light into her Throneworld. How have we Guardians expanded the borders of the Light? Expanded the power and influence of the Light itself?
//Socially, we do it like Eido, keep hold of it, follow it, and try to share/convince others to join us in the Light. But paracausally? I don't know. I don't know if we've done jack diddly. And it's really frustrating! It's really frustrating to see that even dead beings like Nezarec and the Worms and Hive still emanate darkness, while beings of Light don't do that.
//The essence of Light doesn't linger. It fades and dissipates. And it's so frustrating bc the Dark does linger. It doesn't dissipate unless we dissipate it and it makes me wonder "Why can't Light do that? Why can't we draw Light from within us like we can with Darkness? Why is Darkness self-sustaining but Light isn't? Or at least it hasn't shown itself to be."
//If we could learn to infuse Light into things other than weapons, how much more would we be able to accomplish in both dispelling the Darkness in our system and pushing it back to its own?
//Idk guys, I have a lot of thoughts and it's only 7am ><;;
//But I really do hope that Lightfall answers some of these questions and brings us a little more clarity and understanding of the Traveler's side of things.
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in all honesty, f.antine would have probably gone beyond al.cohol to ease the impact of pov.erty. opi.um was fairly accessible and desirable.
especially in the verse (that i have yet to type up) in which she lives by a thread, but v.aljean has already left to evade j.avert and get c.osette. so she's left believing c.osette died and with the memory of v.aljean being nothing but a criminal.
she isn't going to want to stay in m.ontreuil-sur-m.er with people's stares and whispers, nor with the memory of losing everything there; so she departs to p.aris where it's easier to become anonymous. and with paris, comes easier access to a o.pium.
she's just a young woman trying to deal with tr.auma, and who better to introduce her to o.pium than a customer?
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thedetectiveofinaba · 2 years
I'm going to be on Hiatus until Feb 19th (aka next week's Sunday) due to Thesis Hell crunch and getting more energy to deal with my Drafts and overall writing.
The posts will keep on rolling in the same pace as per usual aka 1 post per day. Sorry ya'll on being dead like Naoto's parents but I want to get the stupid Thesis text out of the way since it's literally only caused issues to my mental wellbeing.
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// I don't have queues, nor asks of any kind in my inbox about characters, characters' contruction nor to mun's opinions, I rarely receive any, so yeah, if anybody would like to send asks, doubts, commentaries, interactions or anything really, in anon or not, in any of my three blogs, it will be hugely appreciated.🌼
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hells-greatestdad · 6 months
ooc post/ramble (related to headcanon post but not headcanon, just info dumping)
Sooo, as a companion to my post on Luci being autistic!
Here is a brief rundown of how autism is currently defined and diagnosed, based off the DSM 5!!!
You have Criteria A! Which covers social differences and difficulties!! There are 3 main categories!!
-Social-emotional reciprocity (which refers to an individual's ability to engage in social interactions between two or more people)
-difficulties understanding or reading others' body language and other behaviors related to this!
-difficulties in social relationships! this can range from problems keeping, maintaining, and understanding relationships with others, inability to or difficulty with adjusting behaviors between social contexts, etc
Onto Criteria B!! Restrictive and repetitive behaviors!!
There are 4 categories!! You need 2 out 4 to qualify for diagnosis!
-the tendency to "stim", which is like fidgeting, but more excessive and tends to involve behaviors that are considered unusual! (to pull an example from my own life, I often walk around at work and everywhere else doing things like snapping my hands like crab claws for no reason other than it feels right to do so, saying random words for zero reason with zero context, etc)
-insistence on doing things the same way every time, needing a routine to feel safe and being very upset if that is upheaved, having rigid thought patterns, etc!
-hyperfixations!!!! this means, that if you have an interest, you are extreme with that interest. Everything you think about relates back to that interest, even if in a small way! Maybe even everything you do!!! (I've had hyperfixations my entire life. Lucifer, Hazbin Hotel, and this RP blog are my current ones!!!!)
-sensory issues! You can be hyposensitive, and sensory seeking! You can alsooo be hypersensitive to stuff, and therefore sensory avoidant!! I'm sensory avoidant, for me this means that I sometimes need earplugs or stuff over my ears so that I don't get miserable when I go to the store where it's super noisy! (as one example)
There are also other criterias, but these mainly cover bases like traits must be present from a young age and not better explained by another condition, etc!!
Not all autistic traits are necessarily limited to autism!!! You can have traits of autism and not be autistic!! You have to have enough traits and they have to cause problems for you, to qualify!!!
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// ace- spec Charlie X Vaggie thoughts
I like to imagine that when they did try the sex (to see what the fuss was about mainly), both of their reactions were along the lines of "Well, that's certainly a thing that exists .... maybe we'll just cuddle from now on"
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gemscales-and-tea · 8 months
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I know people assume that Drak's name is just taken from Dracula but given that his name ends with a K and not a C, I don't think that's it.
I think it's more plausible that it might have been taken from the word Drakos. Sure, it's Greek in origin and not Romanian but that makes more sense than him being named after his Uncle, just shorter and with a different letter.
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Fear and the RPC
I’ve noticed a trend for a while now, as have many other people.
And it seems there’s this issue where people are afraid to allow their muses to feel... well, fear. 
Ask any horror rper on here and you’ll likely get a swath of stories where they put something out, an open or starter or something of similar nature, where their own muse is being terrifying as is their nature. Typically these muses are beings of intense power or otherworldly existence, something most human beings and other creatures would naturally be terrified of because that’s just a basic response to something so beyond understanding. 
But 9 times out of 10 the response to these kinds of posts are of other muses...
Being smartass bold types that yawn in the face of this terror. 
And look, that’s fine to an extent. Some muses are pretty fearless in their canon, usually due to having constantly encountered creatures of similar nature or close enough so it makes sense they wouldn’t be as terrified. But for the average Joe Shmoe? Most would probably wet themselves.
But that’s not what horror muns get. 
We get sarcasm and ‘what you gonna do? Bite me?’ and then an angry mun if our own creation actually follows through and hurts the muse mouthing off at them. 
There doesn’t seem to be a winning method to this conundrum other than just walking away. 
It makes writing tiring and boring to get the same reaction every single time. It’s okay to allow your muses to feel fear. Fear is just part of being, even if we don’t really like it. It’s okay for your muse to be vulnerable, to be afraid, to be scared. All you’re doing is driving every thread with this premise toward a stalled out ending or a drop. 
Let your muses feel fear. Smartasses aren’t fun if EVERYONE is a smartass. 
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How is the Bomberman r 2 discord? It’s not like, ya know, 🗑 is it? Last Bomberman discords I was in were either abandoned or became 💩 very fast.
// It's okay to me
Not really active but it's a good place to find people to have some games or events online, or to meet some Bomberman artist in there as well
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